During the 2022 World Economic Forum summit meeting in Davos last week, Nokia CEO Pekka Lundmark says that smartphone technology will be hardwired into their people’s bodies by 2030, made possible by 6G.

While 5G gets most of the attention right now, tech giants and investors have already been looking into the future for 6G. The WinePress has reported on 6G in several other reports:

In 6G, mankind merges with the machine becoming a cyborg in an autonomous city and constant interconnectivity to the grid and internet, along with a slew of other things as well.

6G’s role was also noted in The WP’s report, “Agenda 2030: You’ll Own Nothing And Be Happy,” – where the World Economic Forum (WEF) wrote in an essay describing their vision for life by 2030, writing,

Once in awhile I get annoyed about the fact that I have no real privacy. No where I can go and not be registered. I know that, somewhere, everything I do, think and dream of is recorded. I just hope that nobody will use it against me.

6G will mostly certainly aid in that. Moreover it will render the current smartphones obsolete.

And that is was tech giants like Nokia CEO Pekka Lundmark are saying.

During a panel discussion, an audience member asked when the move from the current smartphone model, to “something that’s on your face, [smart] glasses, and compute when computing’s all on the edge,” is coming.

Lundmark addressed the question and succinctly explained what the future of smartphones will be:

It will definitely happen. I was talking about 6G earlier, which is around 2030. I would say that by then definitely the smartphone as we know it today will not anymore be the usual kind of the most common interface.

Many of these things will be built directly into our bodies.

Prior to Lundmark’s statement, other tech companies and investors have been working on technology to replace the smartphone. Bill Gates has invested in and promoted a company that designs smart tattoos, allowing people to store their personal and important data via the tattoo. Mark Zuckerberg of Meta has also said his company is designing gear that will one day replace the smartphone, with a pair of smart glasses and headsets. And of course, Elon Musk’s Neuralink brain chip is another example of this, along with other competitors mimicking similar functions, and that can currently link up with a smartphone.

The replacement of the smartphone and full ‘transhuman’ integration is also discussed in The WP report, “Say Hello To The “Metaverse:” The Cyber New World Order That Will Control The Masses’ Minds.”

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WinePress regulars should not find this surprising, as we already knew a long time ago it must go this direction:

[16] And he causeth all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and bond, to receive a mark in their right hand, or in their foreheads: [17] And that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name. [18] Here is wisdom. Let him that hath understanding count the number of the beast: for it is the number of a man; and his number is Six hundred threescore and six.

Revelation 13:16-18

5G is sinister enough as is but 6G is practically, if not, the mark of the beast technology. One must understand that the mark of the beast technology is not limited to a dainty microchip: it is full-blown integration into the grid system, having your mind altered and conscience seared – just as the KJB predicted as well, and there will be plenty that will submit to this, along with the annexation of marriages and fake meats (something else the WEF wants).

[1] Now the Spirit speaketh expressly, that in the latter times some shall depart from the faith, giving heed to seducing spirits, and doctrines of devils; [2] Speaking lies in hypocrisy; having their conscience seared with a hot iron; [3] Forbidding to marry, and commanding to abstain from meats, which God hath created to be received with thanksgiving of them which believe and know the truth.

1 Timothy 4:1-3

[7] Who goeth a warfare any time at his own charges? who planteth a vineyard, and eateth not of the fruit thereof? or who feedeth a flock, and eateth not of the milk of the flock? [8] Say I these things as a man? or saith not the law the same also? [9] For it is written in the law of Moses, Thou shalt not muzzle the mouth of the ox that treadeth out the corn. Doth God take care for oxen? [10] Or saith he it altogether for our sakes? For our sakes, no doubt, this is written: that he that ploweth should plow in hope; and that he that thresheth in hope should be partaker of his hope. (1 Corinthians 9:7-10).

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