This past week, the World Health Organization (WHO) quietly passed a set of new amendments to its International Health Recommendations, which expand greater and top-down controls for the WHO to dictate what nations ought to do during a declared health emergency. Separately, the voting period for their pandemic treaty has been extended into July, which would also vastly exacerbate the level of control the WHO has over international health policies.

In a press release published on June 1st, the WHO summarized some of the key points from the meeting:

In an historic development, the World Health Assembly, the annual meeting of its 194 member countries, today agreed a package of critical amendments to the International Health Regulations (2005) (IHR), and made concrete commitments to completing negotiations on a global pandemic agreement within a year, at the latest. These critical actions have been taken in order to ensure comprehensive, robust systems are in place in all countries to protect the health and safety of all people everywhere from the risk of future outbreaks and pandemics.

These decisions represent two important steps by countries, taken in tandem with one another on the final day of the Seventy-seventh World Health Assembly, to build on lessons learned from several global health emergencies, including the COVID-19 pandemic. The package of amendments to the Regulations will strengthen global preparedness, surveillance and responses to public health emergencies, including pandemics.

The historic decisions taken today demonstrate a common desire by Member States to protect their own people, and the world’s, from the shared risk of public health emergencies and future pandemics,” said Dr Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, WHO Director-General. “The amendments to the International Health Regulations will bolster countries’ ability to detect and respond to future outbreaks and pandemics by strengthening their own national capacities, and coordination between fellow States, on disease surveillance, information sharing and response. This is built on commitment to equity, an understanding that health threats do not recognize national borders, and that preparedness is a collective endeavor.”

Dr Tedros added: “The decision to conclude the Pandemic Agreement within the next year demonstrates how strongly and urgently countries want it, because the next pandemic is a matter of when, not if. Today’s strengthening of the IHR provides powerful momentum to complete the Pandemic Agreement, which, once finalized, can help to prevent a repeat of the devastation to health, societies and economies caused by COVID-19.”

The new amendments to the IHR include:

  • introducing a definition of a pandemic emergency to trigger more effective international collaboration in response to events that are at risk of becoming, or have become, a pandemic. The pandemic emergency definition represents a higher level of alarm that builds on the existing mechanisms of the IHR, including the determination of  public health emergency of international concern. According to the definition, a pandemic emergency is a communicable disease that has, or is at high risk of having, wide geographical spread to and within multiple States, exceeds or is at high risk of exceeding the capacity of health systems to respond in those States; causes, or is at high risk of causing, substantial social and/or economic disruption, including disruption to international traffic and trade; and requires rapid, equitable and enhanced coordinated international action, with whole-of-government and whole-of-society approaches;
  • a commitment to solidarity and equity on strengthening access to medical products and financing. This includes establishing a Coordinating Financial Mechanism to support identification of, and access to, financing required to “equitably address the needs and priorities of developing countries, including for developing, strengthening and maintaining core capacities,” and other pandemic emergency prevention, preparedness and response-related capacities;
  • establishment of the States Parties Committee to facilitate the effective implementation of the amended Regulations. The Committee will promote and support cooperation among States Parties for the effective implementation of the IHR; and
  • creation of National IHR Authorities to improve coordination of implementation of the Regulations within and among countries.

Countries agreed to continue negotiating the proposed Pandemic Agreement to improve international coordination, collaboration and equity to prevent, prepare for and respond to future pandemics.

WHO’s Member States decided to extend the mandate of the Intergovernmental Negotiating Body, established in December 2021, to finish its work to negotiate a Pandemic Agreement within a year, by the World Health Assembly in 2025, or earlier if possible at a special session of the Health Assembly in 2024.

“There was a clear consensus amongst all Member States on the need for a further instrument to help the world better fight a full-blown pandemic,” said Ms Precious Matsoso of South Africa, Co-Chair of both the Pandemic Accord Intergovernmental Negotiating Body (INB) and the Drafting Group on the INB and IHR agenda items at the WHA.

Fellow INB Co-Chair Roland Driece, from the Netherlands, said: “Today’s great result in approving amendments to the International Health Regulations will provide the momentum we need to finalize the Pandemic Agreement. We clearly have the will, the purpose and now the time needed to complete this generational agreement.”

The full document of accepted amendments can be read here.

The WinePress has noted in a handful of reports that Tedros has been very vocal in getting this pandemic treaty signed, with him on several occasions blasting the so-called lies, distortions, and mis- and disinformation; warning that ‘another pandemic’ looms and thus signing the treaty is most necessary.

“We The People Have Suffered A Stunning Defeat”

Former Congresswoman Michele Bachmann, who has been intently following the proceedings in getting these amendments and pandemic treaty passed, issued a statement on her newsletter shortly after the vote, republished by Leo Hohman:

The (amended) rules were adopted the last day of the meeting (yesterday, June 1), in Geneva, Switzerland.

A meeting is scheduled for July 2024 to pass the global pandemic treaty. The organization violated their internal rules, and created this monster behind closed doors. Zero transparency.

The bottom line is the WHO changes from a global advisory only body to an international enforcer of its mandates.

They’ve given themselves power over a global digital ID and the power to mandate vaccines and enforce those mandates, specifically with regard to international travel.

The global surveillance state starts now.

Nations have 10 months to object-but that’s if the rules are followed. We’re in the global state. It’s here.

Moreover, James Roguski, another journalist has been tracking the movement of the WHO’s actions in regard to the IHR and treaty, lamented that “we the People have suffered a stunning defeat.”

The recently adopted amendments will facilitate an enormous global build up of the Pharmaceutical Hospital Emergency Industrial Complex which seeks to trigger ongoing “pandemic emergencies” that will be made even worse by “relevant health products.”

Roguski wrote

The Amendments

Roguski highlighted some of the more concerning amendments passed, which are as follows:

Article 1

“National IHR Authority” means the entity designated or established by the State Party at the national level to coordinate the implementation of these Regulations within the jurisdiction of the State Party;

“pandemic emergency” means a public health emergency of international concern that is caused by a communicable disease and:

(i) has, or is at high risk of having, wide geographical spread to and within multiple States; and

(ii) is exceeding, or is at high risk of exceeding, the capacity of health systems to respond in those States; and

(iii) is causing, or is at high risk of causing, substantial social and/or economic disruption, including disruption to international traffic and trade; and

(iv) requires rapid, equitable and enhanced coordinated international action, with whole- of-government and whole-of-society approaches.

“relevant health products” means those health products needed to respond to public health emergencies of international concern, including pandemic emergencies, which may include medicines, vaccines, diagnostics, medical devices, vector control products, personal protective equipment, decontamination products, assistive products, antidotes, cell- and gene-based therapies, and other health technologies;

Article 4

1 bis. The National IHR Authority shall coordinate the implementation of these Regulations within the jurisdiction of the State Party.

Article 12

4 bis. If the Director-General determines that an event constitutes a public health emergency of international concern, the Director-General shall further determine, having considered the matters contained in paragraph 4, whether the public health emergency of international concern also constitutes a pandemic emergency.

Article 13

(c) support States Parties, upon their request, in scaling up and geographically diversifying the production of relevant health products,

(e) support States Parties, upon their request, and, as appropriate, through relevant WHO-coordinated and other networks and mechanisms, pursuant to subparagraph 8(c) of this Article, to promote research and development and strengthen local production of quality, safe and effective relevant health products,

Article 24

1. States Parties shall take all practicable measures consistent with these Regulations to ensure that conveyance operators:

(a) comply with the health measures recommended by WHO and adopted by the State Party, including for application on board as well as during embarkation and disembarkation;

(b) inform travellers of the health measures recommended by WHO and adopted by the State Party, including for application on board as well as during embarkation and disembarkation; and

Article 27

The competent authority may implement additional health measures, including isolation and quarantine of the conveyances, as necessary, to prevent the spread of disease. Such additional measures should be reported to the National IHR Focal Point.

Article 31 (existing)

The State Party may… compel the traveller to undergo…:

(a) the least invasive and intrusive medical examination that would achieve the public health objective;

  1. (b)  vaccination or other prophylaxis; or
  2. (c)  additional established health measures that prevent or control the spread of disease,

including isolation, quarantine or placing the traveller under public health observation.

Article 35

2. Health documents under these Regulations may be issued in non-digital format or digital format, subject to the obligations of any State Party regarding the format of such documents deriving from other international agreements.

3. Regardless of the format in which health documents under these Regulations have been issued, said health documents shall conform to the Annexes, referred to in Articles 36 to 39, as applicable, and their authenticity shall be ascertainable.

4. WHO, in consultation with States Parties, shall develop and update, as necessary, technical guidance, including specifications or standards related to the issuance and ascertainment of authenticity of health documents, both in digital format and non-digital format. Such specifications or standards shall be in accordance with Article 45 regarding treatment of personal data.

Article 44

2 bis. States Parties, subject to applicable law and available resources, shall maintain or increase domestic funding, as necessary, and collaborate, including through international cooperation and assistance, as appropriate, to strengthen sustainable financing to support the implementation of these Regulations.

2 ter. Pursuant to subparagraph (c) of paragraph 1, States Parties shall undertake to collaborate, to the extent possible, to:

(a) encourage governance and operating models of existing financing entities and funding mechanisms to be regionally representative and responsive to the needs and national priorities of developing countries in the implementation of these Regulations;

(b) identify and enable access to financial resources, including through the Coordinating Financial Mechanism, established pursuant to Article 44bis, necessary to equitably address the needs and priorities of developing countries, including for developing, strengthening and maintaining core capacities.

Article 44bis (not in bold text)

1. A Coordinating Financial Mechanism (the Mechanism) is hereby established to:

(a) promote the provision of timely, predictable, and sustainable financing for the implementation of these Regulations in order to develop, strengthen, and maintain core capacities as set out in Annex 1 of these Regulations, including those relevant for pandemic emergencies;

(b) seek to maximize the availability of financing for the implementation needs and priorities of States Parties, in particular of developing countries; and

(c) work to mobilize new and additional financial resources, and increase the efficient utilization of existing financing instruments, relevant to the effective implementation of these Regulations.

2. In support of the objectives set out in Paragraph 1 of this Article, the Mechanism shall, inter alia:

(a)  use or conduct relevant needs and funding gap analyses;

(b)  promote harmonization, coherence and coordination of existing financing instruments;

(c)  identify all sources of financing that are available for implementation support and make this information available to States Parties;

(d) provide advice and support, upon request, to States Parties in identifying and applying for financial resources for strengthening core capacities, including those relevant for pandemic emergencies;

(e) leverage voluntary monetary contributions for organizations and other entities supporting States Parties to develop, strengthen and maintain their core capacities, including those relevant for pandemic emergencies.

3. The Mechanism shall function, in relation to the implementation of these Regulations, under the authority and guidance of the Health Assembly and be accountable to it.

Article 54 bis

1. The States Parties Committee for the Implementation of the International Health Regulations (2005) is hereby established to facilitate the effective implementation of these Regulations, in particular of Article 44 and 44bis.

Annex 1

Each State Party shall develop, strengthen and maintain the core capacities:

(c) to coordinate with and support the Local level in preventing, preparing for and responding to public health risks and events, including in relation to:

(i)  surveillance;

(ii)  on-site investigations;

(iii)  laboratory diagnostics, including referral of samples;

(iv)  implementation of control measures;

(v)  access to health services and health products needed for the response;

(vi)  risk communication, including addressing misinformation and disinformation;

(vii)  logistical assistance (e.g. equipment, medical and other relevant supplies and transport);

Annex 4

Section A Conveyance operators
1. Conveyance operators shall prepare for, as appropriate, and facilitate:

(a)  inspections of the cargo, containers and conveyance;

(b)  medical examinations of persons on board;

(c)  application of other health measures under these Regulations, including on board as well as during embarkation and disembarkation; and

(d) provision of relevant public health information requested by the State Party.

Annex 6

Regardless of the format in which they have been issued, certificates must bear the name of the clinician supervising the administration of the vaccine or prophylaxis, or of the relevant authority responsible for issuing the certificate or overseeing the administering centre.

8. For certificates under this Annex issued in non-digital format, Aa parent or guardian shall sign the certificate when the child is unable to write. The signature of an illiterate A person who is unable to sign shall be indicated in the usual manner by the person’s mark and the indication by another that this is the mark of the person concerned, which shall be considered their signature. With respect to persons with a guardian, the guardian shall sign the certificate on their behalf.


But some are actually decrying this as a huge win for the people and we should be thankful that a number of other amendments failed, apparently.

Dr. Meryl Nass, who was also following the WHO’s actions, wrote in a Substack post said to “celebrate!”

We did it. People power beat the $ and the connections of the globalist cabal. The IHRs that passed were merely a face-saving measure.

THIS WAS A HUGE WIN. The globalists got essentially nothing that was important to them. They will keep trying. We will keep stopping them. The meeting just ended. The Pandemic Treaty is to be negotiated for another year. So we can’t let up but we won the first round.

She wrote

Some confusion has been created in the midst of this, with commentors requesting to understand why Roguski lamented of a “stunning defeat,” and conversely some of Roguski’s readers were wondering why Nass said what she said.

Roguski concluded in his report:

For those who believe that the adoption of these amendments is somehow a “victory” for health freedom or that the amendments that were adopted “aren’t that bad” or that they “could have been worse,” or that we “dodged a number of bullets,” please realize that over the past year, quite a lot of misinformation has been spread regarding these amendments.

The build-up of the Pharmaceutical Hospital Emergency Industrial Complex that these amendments seek to implement in support of the equitable distribution of “relevant medical products” is certainly NOT a “victory” that should be celebrated.

Stop allowing yourself to be deceived.


I’m honestly not sure why Nass is celebrating. I don’t see any cause to celebrate, in this context.

I do want to falsely accuse her and slander her, but I suspect she might be connected with a number of gatekeeper shills that are blatant disinformation dissemblers. If anyone has information for or against that claim please email me or post it in the comments. There are two really good videos that highlight just how interconnected and totally controlled a lot of these “alt” doctors are, how they directly work with and are associated with the Vatican, Lucius Trust, the United Nations, the U.S. government, big pharma and more:

Having said that, honestly, I think these amendments were only a formality and it really would not have mattered in the end: the elites will attempt to do whatever it is that they wish, if the population just sits back and does little to resist. One person wrote in a comment on Hohman’s post:

Our would-be slavemasters were going to continue with their agenda regardless of what happened at the WHA. This whole show was about binding us, not them. They have no intention of abiding by agreements, legal or otherwise. Heck, they didn’t even abide by their own rules; they’re certainly not going to abide by ours.

Look, as far as I am concerned, regardless of what is passed, I’m not obeying or bowing down to any of it. I didn’t chicken-out the first time and I am not going to voluntarily laydown and capitulate again this time.

Acts 22:28 And the chief captain answered, With a great sum obtained I this freedom. And Paul said, But I was free born.

I am born again: anyone who is not never was or will be free; “We ought to obey God rather than men” (Acts 5:29b). So go ahead, WHO, pass your stupid laws: I fear Jesus Christ, not you.

Exodus 1:17 But the midwives feared God, and did not as the king of Egypt commanded them, but saved the men children alive.

2 Chronicles 32:7 Be strong and courageous, be not afraid nor dismayed for the king of Assyria, nor for all the multitude that is with him: for there be more with us than with him:

[7] Who goeth a warfare any time at his own charges? who planteth a vineyard, and eateth not of the fruit thereof? or who feedeth a flock, and eateth not of the milk of the flock? [8] Say I these things as a man? or saith not the law the same also? [9] For it is written in the law of Moses, Thou shalt not muzzle the mouth of the ox that treadeth out the corn. Doth God take care for oxen? [10] Or saith he it altogether for our sakes? For our sakes, no doubt, this is written: that he that ploweth should plow in hope; and that he that thresheth in hope should be partaker of his hope. (1 Corinthians 9:7-10).

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  • They have to have compliance, & if the Lord allows this, then we have the witness of Esther (ironically, ‘star’) when the Gentile bride was set aside for the Jewish whose identity was at first cloaked. Haman really thought he’d accomplished something….but then…

    She said, ‘If I perish, I perish’. Old Testament & as the remnant of Jews in the second half of the time of Jacob’s trouble.

    We are not Jews, but of the body & bride of Christ in which there is neither Jew nor Gentile, but Christ all & in all. We ought to obey God rather than men. Witnessing both to the lost Jew & to the lost Gentile by both the testimony of our mouths& by that of our behavior, what we submit to, & knowing where the lines are beyond which we are not called to comply. Courage. Be ye steadfast, immoveable it says.

    None & nothing can touch us before the time appointed, and absent from the body, present with the Lord. Romans 8 KJB. Titus. 2 Corinthians. Ephesians, Philippians….all throughout!

    If it gets that far: who wants to be here anyways? I’ve learned how vain & futile most of my hopes& plans were by now, & repented, praise the Lord: & I will trust the Lord.

    They may do us a favor sending us home while making their own damnation just that much more sure, & if we’re faithful in our commission, then they won’t be able to say that they were not warned & had no witness. I realize that’s easier said than done, and that not all circumstances or diagnosis are the same, but with this cancer held at bay for many years, well over a decade, from serious debilitation & to where I am now, on this couch & pretty much disabled….yet with my mind intact & manageable pain: the Lord has provided.

    There have been some rough spots, but my person, modesty & dignity was not volunteered to those who play God & Savior, merchandising, robbing & defiling as they ‘heal’, and the fearmongerers & gatekeepers said three to four years. Which when I went beyond & researched was pretty much the same timescale given treated or untreated. Obviously, both were wrong, or at the least greatly exaggerated.

    I have no problem with treatment freely sought out & freely chosen, nor of healers & doctors receiving a wage for their labor…..what I resent is the grid of lies, the hierarchy, the religion of it all! Leading to many into Hell. You talk about being inoculated against truth & salvation!
    It ain’t just blind sodomite pride, though it all ends there, I suppose.

    I proceeded through several of the preliminary appointments in the beginning to make the diagnosis sure, & during which time my questions were deflected, I was patronized & outrightly lied to, and the assumption made that I ‘had no choice’ as the prescribed treatments were listed, including the lifelong medications I would need to perform the functions in my body that those systems & organs destroyed by the treatment had previously been doing.

    Interestingly, in the actual studies I was able to turn up, the two most invasive & destructive parts of the ‘mandated protocol’ showed absolutely no benefit to the treatment of the type of cancer I was diagnosed with by tissue analysis….but I was ‘not allowed’ to choose only that option! So, medical establishment, pharma and insurance collusion with the beast? You bet.

    That experience, & what I’d already learned about how the lies of evolutionary ‘science’ (religion&philosophy) were propped up, were very useful as it came down to the nitty gritty with the Bible version issue, nailing down what the Bible says about such things, & true & false hopes, the Spirit and spirit of antichrist etc, the mysteries revealed & that of the mystery of iniquity working but not yet fully revealed…..not to mention ‘trusting the science’ when covid hit.

    I’d already ruled out vaccines. Though part of the learning involved what probably caused my own cancer to begin with, in early childhood contaminated vaccines, as well as the use of birth control which even most serious Bible teachers & believers thought was legit in the beginning & as it was promoted & misrepresented. ….and a serious misstep allowing our daughter to ‘catch up her vaccination schedule, before which time I’d been choosy, in order to allow her to ‘be a witness’ as a volunteer member of a local school marching band.

    We homeschooled, & she’d been approached through friends. The whole thing turned out to be an orchestrated attempt to remove her from homeschooling to public schooling in the end, & the horrible migraines & memory loss that she suffered throughout that summer after the shots only part of the corrupting influence. We were fools: total disclosure to the hope of encouraging others to constant vigilance, & to stand firm. Beware gifts and ‘helps’ from the world in every form.

    Yet there is hope. She rejected their ultimatum when it was sprung on her & she was guilted with ‘letting down the team’ etc. She also rejected the hokey & left the healthcare field when the mandates came down, & has been a steadfast help, no utterly rejecting her ‘crazy’, ‘fanatic’ mother. We fought. Drawing breath: there’s hope.

    She, her husband & children stayed here with us for a year, before buying a rural home on a little land. A huge help when I faced the first debilitating phases of illness, & an especial blessing because home prices have since gone to ridiculous highs, & rule changes here where we live now forbid such freedom or familial help…tightening the noose.

    The Lord has provided through it all, & though my husband is surely challenged by my care: he’s not homeless as the cost of treatment by the transfer-crew would have likely meant for him (& we’ve known of such cases firsthand), & we’ve still each other. Able to relate to one another & to God.

    Sometimes I’m concerned by apparent lack of interest in the things of God, but the Lord has me here for a reason. Neither of us vegetables, & there is hope & evidence of righteousness given the care I receive at his hands, & hers, without complaint or abandonment. He was convicted to return to church, & my condition gives him excuse, & helps me to honor him insofar as I can: for I will never return there, & I’ve made it plain why. Now I pray.

    I am more concerned for extended family & those around me than for myself. Several were influenced to avoid the hokey-pokey & to leave the establishment ….yet cling to false religious hope & the positivity, abundance & victory through works & wishing apart from the word. All involved blame my pushing hard, sacrificing myself for my family & the fight ’caused’ all of this & should have been avoided by just ‘trusting the system’.

    But my social media profile & record would surely not please the establishment, & I’ve already witnessed the pattern of who survives & who does not that puts themselves in the mercy of that thing: especially since the lockdown & that act of ‘the show’ began! They really like removing hindrances, & continuing income streams from folks willing to allow chemical dependency & lobotomy, or ‘counsel’ & ‘lifecoaching’.

    Thanks, but no thanks!

    In fact, I just got a well-meaning card from one I’ve been urging to the King James Bible & the sure word & salvation… Restful ocean scene & Psalm 139:17….NIV, of course, & wrest entirely out of context, a painting coming from the ‘Joni & friends collection’, & praying I would know the joy of God’s boundless love for me.

    So much deception, & so much misunderstanding of what the joy of the Lord actually is, exchanged for Babylonian one worldism, ecumenism, kingdom building through winking sight & compromise. Totally missing the point, & so patronizing!

    But that’s just the way it is, & I have to continue sowing in hope, even weeping, yet having internal peace & joy in the Lord….that bread we have with & as the Lord Jesus Christ taught us in the word, which they sadly know nothing of!!

    And, not just that, but I am also experiencing it here in our simple, humble home, & without having to run hither & yon chasing experiences & competing with people who would hardly show the kind of love my husband is right now toward one another if, and when, push comes to shove. I can’t walk about much, or be outside as things currently stand: but I still wake up to the 4:30 am bird chorus : – )

    They talk about when the SHTF, apparently not knowing that it already has, & definitely not knowing what it means biblically & prophetically!

    They have no clue, & I wonder with all of that conditioning & so forth if they’ll even recognize it when it really, really does, & as the screws are tightened to the full explosion of whatever they’ve up their sleeves & the Lord is going to allow them to deceive themselves with: properly interpreting 1 Thessalonians 4-5 and 2 Thessalonians 2 as they’ll most likely be here to experience them.

    So, I trust that to the Lord, too. And keep on sowing. Still have a functional mind & fingers, & I can pray, too. That was often a challenge to me, with all the duty & the busyness, (and of course, in the any Bible years, that really stunts you spiritually), now it’s much more prevalent in my life.

    They point to Christian celebrities & idols like Joni E. Tada, painting with a brush in her teeth….surrounded by fawning compromisers…& compare the visible circumstances, call for more missions money connected with State & globalist Rome & all of the cults. Like the system I ‘ripped off’ by not participating in. Bad girl, flouting authority & the powers that be like that. Thinking that encourages me! ?

    And, does it really help Joni, or them? I have nothing against the woman & her resistance & resolve is admirable: but, is she saved? An enouragement to all, & not just the exceptionally gifted? Why can’t she really be honored & given dignity as a keeper at home? Why can’t she connect her taxable work with the King James Bible? (THAT part I DO know!!) So, ultimately I don’t know, though I have my suspicions, & that’s really not the point anyways: those comparing themselves with others are not wise. I’m not Joni. Maybe she is.

    But I do know that the circle around her is one worlder antichrist, & filled with witches and witches’ symbology like the triquetra, and phony Bible versions, & when what the builders are building comes apart at the seams, the Lord judging & showing them what it’s really worth, then the truth of it will all be known, and will she, or they, be found watching, waiting, hoping, ready?

    It’s not good to make idols of people, that’s how the Jack Hyle’s of this world come about, & these flattered & deceived new strong & equal Christian: progressed beyond the words & doctrine women who are being idolized& coddled are also being set up for a great fall, influenced by the spirit & reality of Jezebel & Athaliah witches which were suffered & not called out, separated from, in years gone by. I know that Peter Ruckman, in his later comments wrote that he was tempted to bitterness having to do the paint talks, performing like a monkey, just to get people to listen to what he was saying, & concerned with how many really were saved.

    I’m no Peter Ruckman, or Gail Riplinger, but I can relate to what he was saying there.

    Only the Lord could sort this mess out, & I’m thankful that he opened my eyes & didn’t leave me back there where so many chose to stay, receiving a different spirit & on the broad, & wordless, rudderless, religious way. They can have it, though my true wish for all of them is that they’d choose differently.

    Praying for the ministry, & writing this hopeful of encouraging the weary, & fanning faith, not looking for or needing pity, ‘likes’ or a fan club! That always struck me as childish & ‘off’, seeing where it’s ending & leading, now I know why. Gotta fight that mentality.

    This sort of card & encouragement from professing Christians is really a discouragement to me: but not a discouragment of my sure hope, only of their own deception & lack of one, thinking they’re ‘okay’. They’re ‘good’, & don’t worry about them. Laodicea.

    • Thanks for the prayers. Can you send me a link or reference to when Ruckman said that “he was tempted to bitterness having to do the paint talks, performing like a monkey, just to get people to listen to what he was saying, & concerned with how many really were saved”? Thanks.

  • I’ve always felt that Nass was one of the few good folks out there, but after just recently learning about the detrimental effects of ivermectin and HCQ from another Dr. I truly admire, Dr. Thomas Cowan, who has disproved the whole germ theory scam, I have doubts about her. She runs a non profit fighting the who IHR called “door to freedom” but sometimes controlled opp is so hard to distinguish. Jacob did you hear Cowan’s podcast from May 1st regarding the dangers of ivermectin? He quietly calls out all the well known people pushing it.

    • Yes, I did hear about that. It’s on my very long to-do list to report on that. I was calling the bluff on that ivermectin/Hydroxychloroquine push by the “alt” doctors when the Covid propaganda was still in full swing. They beguiled so many people into still trusting big pharma.

  • Brother, I know what you meant but for the enemies that love to slander the church I say this only not to give the cause … In you comment you typed do instead of don’t want to falsely accuse or slander …

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