“Over time, the Trivergence will usher in a next-generation internet where nearly every animate and inanimate object on Earth generates data, a distributed ledger records and secures this data and AI analyzes the data, communicates with the objects, alerts their owners and continuously adjusts and improves the efficiency of the economy and the sustainability of its effects on the environment.”

In December of 2021 Don Tapscott, co-founder of the Blockchain Research Institute, was credited for coining the unfamiliar term “Trivergence:” a word that describes three major technologies and systems all seamlessly interconnected and working together as one.

They include:

  • AI and Robotics
  • (Permissionless Crypto Powered) Blockchains
  • Internet of Things (IoT)

Citing an article from CoinTelegraph.com, the Trends Journal explains how Tapscott says these three technologies are merging to not only create new products and services, but a ‘new paradigm that would transform society in broader ways.’

Using vehicles as an example, Tapscott said:

Autonomous vehicles are a case in point of Trivergence. The car is a thing, it’s smart and can learn and, when combined with blockchain, enables a new kind of transportation economy. The nature of blockchain makes it both easy and cost-efficient to create networks that do not require a central point of control, such as a vehicle-to-vehicle information grid.

Providing even more details, Tapscott referenced the Mobility Open Blockchain Initiative (MOBI) – a nonprofit group that seeks to use trivergence technologies to completely reinvent transportation, to make it “more effective,” cheaper, eco-friendly, safe, less compact, and so forth. The coalition is also using these blockchain-based standards to integrate ‘mobility transactions, promotion of secure protocols for vehicle-to-vehicle and vehicle-to-infrastructure communications and payments,’ the Journal added.

MOBI claims these standards will grant any smart device, including vehicles, toll bridges, traffic sensors, and other types of mobility infrastructure, to all have an identity, interactive, and independently take part in business transactions.

Over time, the Trivergence will usher in a next-generation internet where nearly every animate and inanimate object on Earth generates data, a distributed ledger records and secures this data and AI analyzes the data, communicates with the objects, alerts their owners and continuously adjusts and improves the efficiency of the economy and the sustainability of its effects on the environment.

Tapscott added

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Joe Doran for the Trends Journal gives his remarks, drawing comparisons to the World Economic Forum’s vision for life by 2030: “You’ll own nothing and be happy.”

If that sounds like technology that will empower people, in some ways it will.

But if it also smacks of a WEF Klaus Shwab “wonderland” where “you will own nothing and be happy,” ordering up a vehicle when you require one, letting it take you where you want to go, and leaving it to go on its AI-powered, blockchain and IoT enabled way, to transact with another traveler, well…  the transvergence is undoubtedly enabling that kind of future, too.

Of course, someone will still own that vehicle, and profit from it.

Maybe the transvergence has answers for that as well, that might have some attractions.

Blockchains, smart contract technology and DAOs are all fast creating tokenization of assets and fractionalizing of ownership that is innovative, without question.

So it turns out, if you want, you may be able to own a fractional amount of that car that just intelligently drove you from here to there.

But your “ownership” will be on a pure investment level, seeing tokens accrue in your crypto wallet, which contains the NFT (Non-Fungible Token) encapsulating your rights, as the car earns its way autonomously through day and night.

What Tapscott detailed with cars can be extrapolated to any good or service. Homes, creative outputs like a recorded song or digital book or video, or even one’s time and attention.

It’s already happening. Ever hear of the BAT (Basic Attention Token)? By using the Brave web browser and enabling their digital wallet, simply browsing the net can earn tokens.

Duck Duck Go Found To Be Secretly Allowing Microsoft To Track Users. Brave Steps Up To Fill The Void

Much more granular and verifiable than Nielsen Ratings and “click thrus.”

There are analytics and investment firms devoting special attention now to transvergence tech.

Of course, the Trivergence means that enormous amounts of data and information concerning every human activity—and indeed, every change-state of virtually everything, will be more and more comprehensively accounted for, and exploited for efficiency and opportunity by the smart technologies involved.

Nokia And LG Team Up To Advance 6G Technology


The WP has reported and pointed out many times, that, in these future smart cities, the masses will be packed in like sardines, and will be plugged into the grid, and literally every last thing will be tracked. This is why I have repeatedly noted that the mark of the beast is more than just a simply microchip: it is being integrated with the grid and AI systems, completely and utterly.

Saudi Arabia To Develop A New Smart City In Riyadh

When I first heard of this new term called “trivergence,” and it’s combing of all three of these major technological fields, the satanic trinity of the antichrist, the false prophet, and the dragon (Satan) (Revelation 16:13-14) came to mind; and how the 10 kingdoms are subservient to Mystery Babylon, the Vatican, that will “have one mind, and shall give their power and strength unto the beast (Rev 17:12-13)” I am NOT claiming that that passage is describing this trivergence, but it made me think of it, with all this interconnectivity and metaverse garbage; but do leave your thoughts about it in the comment section below.

How The Antichrist Metaverse Will Control People’s Senses And Brain Functions

[7] Who goeth a warfare any time at his own charges? who planteth a vineyard, and eateth not of the fruit thereof? or who feedeth a flock, and eateth not of the milk of the flock? [8] Say I these things as a man? or saith not the law the same also? [9] For it is written in the law of Moses, Thou shalt not muzzle the mouth of the ox that treadeth out the corn. Doth God take care for oxen? [10] Or saith he it altogether for our sakes? For our sakes, no doubt, this is written: that he that ploweth should plow in hope; and that he that thresheth in hope should be partaker of his hope. (1 Corinthians 9:7-10).

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  • This should send chills down your spine. The King James Bible predicts it and George Orwell tried to warn us!

    I need to repent, I’m a struggling sinner, not a defending my sin sinner like I used to be. I used to be a defending my sin sinner – kinda I was more like a “it’s a mundane thing I’m a guy” sinner.

    Like the verse says “of whom I am chief,” I forgot the verse, but that means I am the worst of the worst.

    When Bryan talks about how wicked he was, I want to give him peace and mind and say “Brother Bryan, I was even worse!” I need salvation and assurance for it and I need my members put down like never before with the King James Bible, and I want my name in the book of life!”

    Jacob, I would confess my past faults to you but I’m afraid to out of good conscience unless you say otherwise and insist.

    • Greatest way to remedy sin is indulging in Gods word, his written word keeps one from sinning. Not ones strength. Doesn’t mean not trying to abstain from all appearance of evil but it just means put your very best foot forward in an attempt to not sin together with reading God’s word (KJV) and he will give you victory over satan’s grasp.

      Just remember God will not allow us to be tempted more than we can endure which means if you fall into sin it’s because you willing gave in … a quote from brother bryans sermon. As I heard those words it hit home like a ton of bricks but wow is that verse so ever true and righteous. Put the owness right where it belongs …. on the sinner.

      But the beauty of it, is that we also come to find out satan has no power over anyone unless we cave in to sin which means one can simply choose to not sin and satan will flee and fail.

      The most powerful sword on earth is the written word of God.

      Hope this encourages you fight a little wiser and struggle less.

      • I am making $162/hour telecommuting. I never imagined that it was honest to goodness yet my closest companion is earning $21 thousand a month by working on the web, that was truly shocking for me, she prescribed me to attempt it simply ,

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