“What we can all identify is that we’re stronger together. We all need to do our patriotic duty and get the vaccine.” -Dallas County Judge Clay Jenkins.

The following report is from Christian Headlines:

One of the nation’s most prominent megachurches will host a COVID-19 vaccine clinic after a Sunday morning service this month to allow members of the church and surrounding community to get vaccinated.

The May 16 event sponsored by First Baptist Church in Dallas, Texas, will take place as polling shows 45 percent of white evangelicals say they won’t or probably won’t get the vaccine. White evangelicals are the religious demographic most skeptical of the vaccine, according to Pew. 

Robert Jeffress, the senior pastor of First Baptist in Dallas, has endorsed the vaccine and has argued it’s the quickest and easiest way for churches to meet again at full capacity.  

Dr. Jeffress, using CDC data, urges Christians who are fearful of COVID-19 to get the vaccine because it is nearly 100 percent effective and is the best way for churches to fully open.

The First Baptist website says

Ben Lovvorn, the church’s executive pastor, recently told members during a service that the church is “not pressuring anyone to get the vaccine.”

But if you’re one of those who desires to get the vaccine and you just haven’t had the opportunity to do that yet, you will have the opportunity to do that here.

We are doing that for you, and we are doing that for our community. We’re inviting other churches to participate in that as well.

Ben Lovvorn

The vaccine clinic will be held following the May 16 Sunday morning service. Jeffress and Lovvorn have been vaccinated. 

The clinic will administer the Moderna vaccine, which requires two doses. A second clinic will be hosted at the church on June 13. 

Dallas County Judge Clay Jenkins invited First Baptist to host the clinic, the church says. It is part of a city-wide effort to deliver the vaccine to communities that are hesitant to take it. 

That may change minds. We’re just trying to get to every community. … What we can all identify is that we’re stronger together. We all need to do our patriotic duty and get the vaccine.

Jenkins told the Dallas Morning News.


There is not a single thing that is patriotic about taking one of these death jabs. And forgot patriotism, what about what the Lord thinks? Oh, but that doesn’t matter to these hirelings.

[14] Be ye not unequally yoked together with unbelievers: for what fellowship hath righteousness with unrighteousness? and what communion hath light with darkness? [15] And what concord hath Christ with Belial? or what part hath he that believeth with an infidel? [16] And what agreement hath the temple of God with idols? for ye are the temple of the living God; as God hath said, I will dwell in them, and walk in them; and I will be their God, and they shall be my people. [17] Wherefore come out from among them, and be ye separate, saith the Lord, and touch not the unclean thing; and I will receive you, [18] And will be a Father unto you, and ye shall be my sons and daughters, saith the Lord Almighty.

2 Corinthians 6:14-18

Additionally, if you know anything else about these hirelings – history, beliefs, or anything in between, let us know.

But notice how the government and the churches are working in tandem to rollout the vaccines. This tells the story of the vast majority of these government owned and controlled corporations.

The WinePress has warned on several occasions to be aware of the inevitability that these “churches” would begin to not just pontificate the vaccine propaganda, but would actually administer them. Here is another one of them. More and more of them will start to administer these vaccines.

Must Read: ‘Christian Nationalism’ Is Hindering Broad Vaccination

Churches Volunteering As Vaccination Sites

Franklin Graham Says Jesus Would Take The Covid Vaccine

These actions will continue to steadily further the exodus from the churches, as many church buildings will eventually and inevitably will require vaccination passes to attend services.

The Mass Exodus From The Churches

The continued narrative will be “the vaccines aren’t ‘mandatory,’ you just can’t do x, y, z if you choose to exercise your ‘liberty’ to pass on it.”

The WinePress needs your support! If God has laid it on your heart to want to contribute, please prayerfully consider donating to this ministry. If you cannot gift a monetary donation, then please donate your fervent prayers to keep this ministry going! Thank you and may God bless you.



  • “What we can all identify is that we’re stronger together. We all need to do our patriotic duty and get the vaccine.” -Dallas County Judge Clay Jenkins. The strange new marketing of “vaccination” and “patriotism” in partnership has been established now as a pattern. Trump said it. Biden says it. War was sold the same way by those with nothing to lose and fortunes to gain…’you commoners risk all and die for our noble elite cause’, that is the messaging. The word patriotic stems from the Greek “patrios”, meaning “of one’s fathers.” Could it be these men who are pushing the venom are of a father they wish everyone to obey, just as they do, and that the patriotism has nothing to do with the nation we think we live in, but the nation they worship? “One nation under Lucifer”?

    John 8:44 – “Ye are of your father the devil, and the lusts of your father ye will do. He was a murderer from the beginning, and abode not in the truth, because there is no truth in him. When he speaketh a lie, he speaketh of his own: for he is a liar, and the father of it.”

    • I am glad you caught that too. It cracks me up when the conservative wants to blast Biden for saying masks and vaccines are patriotic, but when Trump says it we are all supposed to pretend it was a dream. Remember when they starting locking us down and Trump declared himself a “wartime president” LOL?!

      • Hey Jacob.
        Patriotism to get the pokey pokey? Patriotism shmatriotism! You’re absolutely right, what about what the Lord thinks?
        These babel buildings worship God IN VAIN, their worship is on pastor hierling give-me-mo-money so-and-so and their buildings and traditions. I know you live in Indiana and I for one have Indiana herritage and roots, going back to Goshen, Fort Wayne, and Terre Haute, however I also live in Texas; and I can speak of experience, some of the biggest heretics live in Texas. Joel Osteen, John Hagee, TD Jakes, Kenneth Copeland, and that’s just the tip of the iceberg, Jacob. There’s also Michael Rowan. Look up Michael Rowan ministries, tattooed on each arm with his hipster style, Michael Rowan was already a hierling but now he’s just coming out (and I don’t mean out of the closet) I mean coming out as the big fake that he is.

        • This is from a phalic house very close to me, Granger Community Church, one of the largest Methodist buildings in America. They’re doing a cover song of an atheistic rock band!

          • Terrible! That granger babel building has “Rick Warren Purpose Driven Life” written all over it. There’s a video called “The Table” and within the first few seconds you hear the kind of CCM that makes me wanna jump off a skyscraper!
            God really knew what He was talking about when he never commanded and never will command “go to church.”

          • Hey Jacob,
            I’ve been browsing videos of this granger cult building and I can barely tolerate it. Lukewarm, modernized, americanized christianity void of King James believers and void of the King James Bible too. Sappy CCM or worldly rock music. They worship a jesus foreign to scripture. Plus, they’re wearing their face diapers without any resistance or question. Absolutely vexing and cringeworthy! Even an athiest would be sickened by this and said athiest needs King James Bible preaching, not that Rick Warren-inspired goat-shed!
            Jacob, you need to rebuke and preach against that place!

            • I know a lot of people that go there, including my neighbors. They are so clueless about everything in the word of God, I mean, just look at what goes on there lol. I should probably put some posters advertising The WinePress in their parking lot.

  • I’ve been keeping up with this disgusting hireling for months now. He is constantly on Fox News endorsing Trump and the vaccine. He recently said that we should take the vaccine even though it has aborted baby tissue in it because “just as God used his son’s death for our benefit, so can he use the death of babies for our benefit.” I paraphrased a little there, but I kid you not that’s literally what he said. This guy used to actually teach that the Roman Catholic Church was Mystery Babylon, calling it “Satan’s ingenious religion”, but then around 2014 or 2015, when Trump was just coming into the political spotlight, he sold out to him and said on Fox News (or the today show, I can’t remember) that those things he said about the Catholic Church were “old manufactured quotes” and that he believes that “millions of Catholics are going to heaven”. This guy is an extremely wicked, disgusting deciever who likes to decieve people by brainwashing them with “patriotism”.

    • That soothsaying serpent! Twisting scripture and taking it out of context to fit his agenda! He makes Anton LaVey look like Big Bird! He’s the true satanist!

  • We are seeing many pastors compromising. Mass apostasy is a sign of falling away, because there will be those who will not endure sound doctrine. I am starting to see the vaccine being promoted more. Any who, back at NYC, Mayor Deblasio is planning to offer tourists the vaccine (the Johnson & Johnson vaccine) in hopes of speeding up economic recovery in the area, but he’s waiting for Governor Cuomo approval. Most if not all my family (those 16+, soon to be 12+ pending Pfizers FDA approval for the vaccine to be distributed to those ages 12 to 15) have either received at least one dose, fully vaccinated, or considering vaccination. As for me I am refusing the vaccine.

  • Is that before or after the “offering plate” is passed around? Someone is doing this for money, no doubt.

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