If you do not have a paperback copy of the King James Bible, the WinePress HIGHLY suggests getting one. We recommend Church Bible Publishers out of Cadillac, Michigan.

Until then, you can download this PDF version of the proper King James Version for your reading pleasure.

This PDF includes the translators to the King, which very few large publishers include these days; and the translators to the reader, which is absent from all well-known publishing companies. You will never find these in a Zondervan or Thomas Nelson produced KJB, for example.

This text, however, does not contain hyperlinks – which means you will have to manually find the correct page desired. If someone knows a way to add hyperlinks, or knows of an identical version with the hyperlinks, please let us know.

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  • I downloaded it just fine. Looking forward to reading the translators to the readers. Thank you!

    P.S. Great website. Hope to donate soon.

  • Church Bible Publishers is a great recommendation, I have several Bibles (Real Bibles = KJV) from them. Their work is exquisite, and they conform the the Pure Cambridge Text circa 1900. Lots of Red Letter and Black Letter options as well.

  • [Quote]The final form of the King James Bible is the Pure Cambridge Edition (circa 1900) [/Quote]

    This is totally hilarious! This cannot be the original KJV because it was produced in 1900 and not in 1611

    WHERE is your 1611 version in PDF that you claim is more inspired and accurate than the original Hebrew / Greek text … which is complete horse hockey BTW

    I see you KJV only cult members do not actually believe what you preach cause if you did, you would not be hawking a version produced in 1900 that these Cambridge folks have been tinkering with

    If you practiced what you preached, you’d be advocating for the 1611 version ONLY

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