In order to combat rapidly declining birth rates in Japan, the capitol and largest city in the world Tokyo has announced the option of a 4-day workweek in order to supposedly prioritize women to have more children.

In January 2023, Prime Minister Fumio Kishida warned that the country “is at a critical point with regard to whether it can maintain its social functions.” He further vowed to “create a children-first economy and society” and facilitate “the most effective investment for the future.” “We will consider how society as a whole can stably support children while making various efforts,” he added.

At the same time Japan has a lot of elderly people to take care of and who are not in the workforce. In a disturbing trend, the country is increasingly killing and assisted-suicides of its elderly population labeled as “caregiver fatigue.”

Governor Yuriko Koike announced plans last week for a flexible 4-day workweek that will start beginning next Spring in 2025, part of a broader plan by the Governor called “Women in Action.”

“We’ll keep reviewing our work styles flexibly so that nobody has to give up their careers due to life events such as childbirth and child care,” Koike explained at the beginning of the fourth regular session of the Tokyo Metropolitan Assembly in 2024.

Now is the time for Tokyo to take the initiative to protect and enhance the lives, livelihoods and economy of our people during these challenging times for the nation.

She added

Western media has been quick to say that Tokyo’s implementation of a 4-day workweek is designed to address the country’s declining birth rates.

The NBC article opens with: “The Tokyo government plans to introduce a four-day workweek for its employees in an attempt to support young families and boost record-low fertility rates nationwide.”

However, Japanese media did not frame it that way, and made it sound as if it was designed to give women more flexibility in the workplace, not just for the sole purpose of childbearing.

“Empowering women, a goal that has lagged far behind the rest of the world, has been a long-standing issue in our country,” Koike said, ‘adding that overcoming this situation is key to creating a future where both men and women can thrive,’ The Japan Times reported.

‘Koike also said they will continue to advance initiatives to address shortages in nursery school vacancies and support egg freezing,’ the paper added.

The outlet noted some of the finer details of the work-life balance shift:

To help employees balance child care and work, the government plans to introduce a new “child care partial leave” system, which allows workers to reduce their working hours by up to two hours a day.

Metropolitan government employees currently use a flextime system to adjust their working hours, allowing them to add one extra day off every four weeks. This system will be revised to allow one extra day off per week, enabling them to work four days a week and take the remaining three days off.

Parliament passed revisions in May requiring companies to offer flexible work options for employees with young children, effective next April. The revised laws would allow working from home, shorter working hours, and oblige companies with over 300 employees to disclose data on paternity leave.

In October, Miyagi Prefecture announced plans to extend its four-day workweek option to all prefectural employees by fiscal 2026, becoming the first in the Tohoku region to do so. The policy, currently limited to those with child care and caregiving duties, allows employees to enjoy a three-day weekend, if their supervisor approves.

Other areas are adopting similar initiatives. Ibaraki Prefecture introduced a selective four-day workweek in April for most employees, excluding teachers and shift workers, to support child care, caregiving and re-skilling. Chiba Prefecture expanded its four-day workweek policy in June, while the city of Kuji in Iwate Prefecture began a four-day workweek trial in May, planning full adoption in 2025 to address a sharp decline in job applicants.


The way western media decidedly framed this news I find to be interesting. Western media wants to pin this move as a way to increase birthrates, and I suppose it might help a little, but Japanese media and the Governor made it sound like it was more about female empowerment and women’s rights than anything else.

It should also be noted that the World Economic Forum (WEF) is big proponents of the 4-day work week.

While it is true that the modern rat-race and slave-wage society is truly overbearing and soul-sucking, the reason the WEF and other globalist groups promote this concept is because they also are heavily in favor and are pushing the world to adopt AI and robotics to takeover the bulk of and eventually all of the workload, if they get their wish. So, having spent the last number of decades promoting this rat-race corporate drone society that only enriched corporations and a small group of people, and everyone is exhausted and broke, now the globalist cronies and puppet string manipulators want people to start accepting working significantly less; so then ‘they’ can swoop in with an even greater nanny state to control and supply their whims.

Proverbs 12:24 The hand of the diligent shall bear rule: but the slothful shall be under tribute.

Regardless, Japan is in a mess. They are hardly producing enough children and have an incredibly large elderly population, as their economy is in rapid decline, so you are going to see major problems and a population bust before too long over there, including here in the West…

[7] Who goeth a warfare any time at his own charges? who planteth a vineyard, and eateth not of the fruit thereof? or who feedeth a flock, and eateth not of the milk of the flock? [8] Say I these things as a man? or saith not the law the same also? [9] For it is written in the law of Moses, Thou shalt not muzzle the mouth of the ox that treadeth out the corn. Doth God take care for oxen? [10] Or saith he it altogether for our sakes? For our sakes, no doubt, this is written: that he that ploweth should plow in hope; and that he that thresheth in hope should be partaker of his hope. (1 Corinthians 9:7-10).

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  • Perhaps the reason for the 4 day workweek is something altogether different. Maybe the wicked WEF will require those not working a full week to perform some type of requirement for which those indentured will not be compensated.

    Furthermore, if they convince some into assisted suicide due to caregiver fatigue – they’ll indenture those individuals as well.

    WEF always has nefarious intentions behind their stated goals and it is not for your benefit.

  • Japan is a mess, as brother Bryan said in his sermon Why Losers Play Video Games, Satan has totally destroyed that nation, and he’s right.

    The entire culture is dying out because they’re not reproducing as quickly as they should to replace the generations that were born from say, 1920 – 1940. Video games is just one of the reasons why.

    1 Now the Spirit speaketh expressly, that in the latter times some shall depart from the faith, giving heed to seducing spirits, and doctrines of devils;
    2 Speaking lies in hypocrisy; having their conscience seared with a hot iron;
    3 Forbidding to marry, and commanding to abstain from meats, which God hath created to be received with thanksgiving of them which believe and know the truth.
    4 For every creature of God is good, and nothing to be refused, if it be received with thanksgiving:
    1 Timothy 4:1-4

  • That nation is wholly given to idolatry, that’s what I saw when I visited 4 years ago (year and a bit before I was saved).

    For the traditional generation there’s buddhism and shinto (Japan’s national religion) and the various spirits they like to worship. For the more modern generations there’s animated idolatry, one of the most potent and dangerous forms of idolatry there is (from my personal experience).
    Also great deal of covetousness, with multi-storey buildings full of shops and merchandise (junk). Games, technology and gadgets, you name it. You could probably spend an entire life walking up and down the Akihabara geek shopping areas…

    May the Lord protect the brethren over there, because I can’t imagine his judgement on that nation decreasing anytime soon.

  • Did I read that right, the Japanese government has to give people enticements just to do the most basic things such as get married and have children. Of course not everyone needs or wants to be a parent but, giving people time off to procreate is insane. If not enough people are motivated to do that in japan there is something deeply wrong with that society. What else are you gonna give people time off for, putting out their garbage, cooking dinner, brushing their teeth. The whole world is being infantilized.

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