“I believe that he has done an excellent job at trying to erase the past, trying to build a persona that you all accept and like and would pay money for. However, all of that is mainly built on lies,” Grider’s daughter said.

This article was first published on August 6th, 2024. New information has been added.

It’s been nearly one year since The WinePress revealed shocking evidence that reproved and exposed the devious and dishonest acts of Geoffrey S. Grider (63) of what used to be one of the larger Christian prophecy news websites and podcast Now The End Begins. Grider also runs a Christian bookstore and a prison operation that provides King James Bibles to jails and correction facilities that request them. Grider also owns and operates secular marketing and media company Mudflower Media in Florida.

Since The WP published its scathing allegations against Mr. Grider – which detailed evidence of a double-life while professing to be a strong Christian leader and pastor, that included a long, documented life of sexual promiscuity, voyeurism, adultery, along with deep indebtedness, and shady and misleading fundraising and donation campaigns, (which more or less were affirmed in his response to my piece exposing him, where he acknowledged some of the deeds committed, but had no remorse for his actions and threatened to sue me) – a lot has changed and Grider, and a company of others, have attempted to give himself a facelift and move on after he lost a lot of viewership and monetary support.

If you are not familiar with Grider or what he has done, then I encourage you to please read my report that thoroughly details this man’s actions and issues with his ministry:

You can also read my follow-up response to his post addressing the allegations. SEE: Response: Geoffrey Grider Of Now The End Begins Threatens Litigation Against The WinePress, Shows No Remorse And Is Caught Lying Again

Furthermore, you can read about Grider’s attempts to garner more donations for a new bookstore location – an office that never materialized. SEE: Geoffrey Grider Of Now The End Begins Wants More Money To Build Bigger ‘Bookstore & Warehouse,’ Refuses To Address WinePress Allegations

However, new evidence and allegations which have been exclusively shared to The WinePress cast an even darker shadow against Grider, making his situation and secretive double-life even profoundly worse than what I had initially reported. Unfortunately, deep secrets that Mr. Grider would like to have hidden cannot be ignored any longer. Grider has a daughter, his firstborn, that he refuses to ever acknowledge and has totally neglected all attempts to try and form a relationship with. She has now decided to come forward and reveal herself to the world and shine a new light on just how poorly her father acts.

While at the same time Grider is attempting to repair his image by glossing over past allegations, a number of well-known Baptist preachers and evangelists are attempting to help in this masquerade; which poses a number of questions concerning their integrity, morals and convictions, and their responsibility both as men and as pastors.

Winds Of Change

Before getting into those details I need to cover what has happened since last year when I exposed NTEB.

After the article dropped, it was seen and shared by tens of thousands online, dispersed by other ministries and pastors who also sought to warn people about Geoffrey Grider, and that he should be marked and avoided. Grider took a very noticeable hit with viewership and interaction. Grider’s response to WinePress’ allegations ultimately helped in defeating himself, as most of his audience became exposed to the issues disclosed in that report; and when his audience – many of whom were quite liberal in their donations to him – started to ask questions and demand a better answer, Grider began to delete comments and block all users who dared to query him for answers. Now Grider only has a relatively small group of regulars who comment and participate in his livestreams.

Nevertheless, Grider appears to have tried to roll with the punches as best as one could when under heavy scrutiny. Mr. Grider still continues to publish sensationalist content and false prophecies on top of it. A prime example of this came on March 4th when he hyped-up the April 8th solar eclipse as being some kind of prophetic event; to the point where Grider was so desperate to make a spectacle out of it he either is just a lying soothsayer or completely incapable of doing basic arithmetic, or perhaps both.

Ordinarily I would not pay much attention to something like this, but seeing as it’s Day 1,449 of 15 Days To Flatten The Curve, perhaps we would do well to investigate. The first thing you need to understand from a biblical perspective is that we are still in the Church Age, we are not looking for signs, we walk by faith and not by sight as Paul tells us. That said, our dispensation is rapidly closing and the one coming in will absolutely be looking for signs, miracles and wonders that the Antichrist will be happy to provide for them.

Here’s a fun fact, numerically the date of 04.08.24 add up to…you guessed it…18, and 18 is made up of 6+6+6. What does that actually mean in the overall scheme of things? Let’s open up our King James Bibles and find out!

Grider said in the introduction to one of his podcasts
A clip from his podcast

SEE: False Prophet Geoffrey Grider Of Now The End Begins Claims That God Told Him To Vote For Trump, Among Other Bizarre Conversations

Exposing Now The End Begins’ Lie That Emmanuel Macron Is The Antichrist, And So Much More

In the wake of the fallout since my article, Grider then produced a commercial called “The ‘Beating Heart’ Of The NTEB Bookstore Is Our Free Bible Program,” which explained the operations of his bookstore in St. Augustine, Florida.

However, several months ago Grider moved out of the affluent area of St. Augustine and moved into a larger building in the town of Palatka that he says is cheaper overall. The announcement came shortly after Grider hosted his annual camp, preaching gathering and barbecue.

On May 26, 2024, Grider announced that “for the better part of a year, we have searched and searched for a new location for our Bookstore,” and eventually he was able to find one. Grider says it’s roughly an hour away from the original bookstore in St. Augustine.

The new building

Grider explained why he sought to move locations: “We were faced with the twin challenges of rising costs and not enough space, and that limited the number of books we could carry in our inventory. Saint Augustine has been my home since 2012, but rising costs have made it a tough town to do business in.” He added: ‘We have doubled our square footage, while at the same time lowering our monthly rent cost by over 30%, truly an answer to prayer!”

Grider’s early promo announcing the new base of operations.

On July 1st, Grider announced the soft opening of the new bookstore, though the setup was not 100% completed yet. He stressed again (emphasis his): “The best part? It’s a lot cheaper than what we were paying, and we have 3 times the available space.” On the 6th he commemorated the first week of business and announced an official hard opening in September.

The main showroom floor

On July 26th, Grider provided an itinerary of events for this official grand opening that is set to take place from September 13th through the 15th. He described it as “our first-ever mini Camp Meeting” that will be dually “held at Bethany Baptist Church here in Saint Augustine, Florida,” and at the new bookstore in Palatka. Several notable Baptist pastors will also be there to celebrate – more on that later.

Another major change since The WP article from a year ago is Grider is now officially a pastor at an Independent Fundamental Baptist church. Grider in times past was a bit wishy-washy in referring to himself as a pastor – sometimes denying it, sometimes acknowledging the title.

Grider is now a pastor at Bethany Baptist Church at 5465 County Road 208 in St. Augustine. KJVChurches.com describes Grider as an the “interim pastor.” “Bethany Baptist Church believes the King James Bible and offers Traditional worship services,” the description of the church says.

Grider, who for the longest time sported long hair, to the chagrin of many in his circle, finally got a haircut and dresses in a formal suit and tie. Grider occasionally uploads his Sunday sermons to the NTEB YouTube page, where in some instances the pews have tended to look a bit empty.

Grider still had his long hair, March 3rd.

“…Worse Than An Infidel”

In my initial exposé on Grider a year ago, I examined his testimony of salvation on his website and how he claims to know the Lord. In a December, 2018, post, Grider recounted that “In 1988, I was living the dream in Hollywood, California, and had broken into the acting business while working as a waiter,” he wrote. “I was getting larger and larger parts as I progressed in the business, and I was sensing that my ‘big break’ was right around the corner,” he added.

To make a long story short, Grider, who had a struggle with drinking and alcoholism, and was on a “spiritual quest” at the time after the sudden passing of his brother who died of AIDS, was invited to an Alcoholics Anonymous meeting; and from there led him to further search the truth, in which he says he soon got saved not long after he began to read through an old Gideon’s King James Bible that was gifted to him. When he tracked down John 3:16, Grider read it aloud and claims,

[…] And like a bolt out of the blue, it nearly knocked me over. At long last, here it was…here He was. God! Yes, this was it. I was so overwhelmed I could hardly speak, tears flowed from my eyes, but this time tears of joy! I felt like someone had literally taken a key and unlocked me from the chains that had weighed me down all this time.

Grider wrote, adding that he then got on his knees and prayed to the Lord for salvation, and that he would later go on to experience “true spiritual ecstasy.”

This, according to his words, happened in February, 1991. However, in a follow-up article about his testimony he said he “became born again on March 14, 1991.”

Grider never really discloses when and how he officially decided to ditch Hollywood, but Grider did mention in an article in 2016 on the death of one his mentors, Dr. Peter S. Ruckman, that it was sometime “back in the mid-90’s, when I was introduced to a brother by the name of Scott Lyman,” he wrote. “Scott attended a small Baptist church near where I lived, and he was excited to hand me a Bible teaching cassette tape from someone by the name of Peter Ruckman of Pensacola, Florida. That was my introduction to the ‘good doctor’ of scripture.” Grider would play piano at his church while Ruckman was still living and infrequently prior to his death.

Grider with Peter S. Ruckman (middle)

However, and unfortunately there is critical information that Grider has failed to acknowledge in his testimony and even now. You see, as covered in the first report, Grider was married and had three children with that wife, and after he divorced her and eventually remarried with someone else last year, he inherited a couple of stepchildren as well.

But what Grider does not want to disclose is that he has another child that was born out of wedlock. To this very day, Grider has refused to acknowledge her existence publicly and has refused to treat her as his daughter.

In an exclusive statement to The WinePress, Grider’s firstborn daughter Kristie S. (34), has decided to come forward and expose her father’s neglect and blatant negligence to have a relationship with her, after years and years of attempting to do so and seeking prayer on his behalf for her troubles.

Kristie S.

As explained in the video provided to The WP (see below), during Grider’s Hollywood days his brother introduced Geoffrey to Kristie’s mother and eventually she fell pregnant with Kristie. When it was learned that Kristie’s mother was with child, Grider advocated for her to get an abortion, but she declined. Thereafter he went back to his home roots in New Jersey where, apparently, his family encouraged him to have no relations with Kristie or her mother. Eventually she would get Grider on the hook to pay child support after a DNA test proved Kristie was indeed Geoffrey’s daughter.

“I am thirty-four-years-old and I still have never met this man,” Kristie remarked in her testimony. All attempts to communicate with Grider were on her end alone and never once did Geoffrey try to meet her personally, and when she would try to visit him directly he would always shut it down.

Kristie is estranged from her mother as well, but when she was still living under her roof Grider and Kristie’s mother would discuss the legalities and payment plans – while around the same time Grider would engage in sexting her, even though Kristie’s mother was already married at this point. In short, she describes her parents as “covert narcissists,” and expresses that she is embarrassed to be born of them.

I feel like if he were really as righteous and good and godly as a man he makes everyone else believe that he would have taken the time all these years, in 34 years, to make things right with me.

Kristie said

Grider has been very adamant in not letting the world know who she is, so much so that when she was desperate for prayers due to personal struggles, Grider would only acknowledge her as Kristie his “friend” and not his daughter on his podcast. Furthermore, in 2015 Kristie unfortunately suffered a miscarriage. When she sought condolences from him and prayer requests, Grider told her the baby died because she “didn’t love Jesus enough.” Kristie provided a handful of text messages between the two that confirmed that Grider would not allow his audience to know of her existence:

On top of this, Kristie also described in her video how she got to know Grider’s second daughter Kelsey (who Geoffrey says is his first daughter). Kelsey stayed to live with Kristie and her husband for a time, but ended horribly as Kelsey tried to seduce her husband, Kristie explained.

2023 is the last time, was the last time that I will ever speak to Geoffrey. I have been trying to have a relationship with this man since I was 15. Again, I am 34 now and we still have never met despite […] him saying he wants to meet me.

I believe that he has done an excellent job at trying to erase the past, trying to build a persona that you all accept and like and would pay money for. However, all of that is mainly built on lies, [and] once this video comes out he will immediately go into damage control, and try to tell you that either this is not true, I’m exaggerating, etc., because that’s what narcissists do.

[…] You’re dealing with a man who is fully aware of how incompetent and broken he is, but not determined enough to actually change it or face the things that he’s embarrassed about, or heal the relationships with real honesty, with real truth with humility – there’s none of that there.

I firmly believe that he is just someone who is a false prophet using God to take your money; and he’ll just keep taking your money for as long as you’ll give it.

Kristie lamented

To hear more of Kristie’s thoughts on the matter, watch her full video statement below:

“A Companion Of Riotous Men”

Since The WinePress’ report a year ago exposing Grider’s actions, even though Grider lost a strong majority of his viewer and donor base, there have been a number of preachers and notable figures apart of the so-called Independent Fundamental Baptist (IFB) movement who are defending Grider – particularly among those who studied under or learned from materials by Dr. Peter S. Ruckman; who pastored Pensacola Bible Baptist Church before his death in 2016, and founded and taught at Pensacola Bible Institute (PBI), and founded the Bible Baptist Bookstore; where Grider gets a large majority of the books he resells.

It should be carefully noted that Geoffrey Grider nor those who are recommending Grider are by no means indicative of everyone who has studied Ruckman’s material and/or attended PBI. However, there appears to be a large concentration of men who are in this interconnected circle that are either directly or loosely affiliated with each other in some way or another, but nor is it necessarily an indictment on those who follow and fellowship with these people. UPDATE: I also want to express that with some of these individuals it is perhaps possible that they are unaware or informed to certain extents about Grider.

These individuals have given their open support and defense to Grider since my report was published last year.

On July 26th, Grider announced his “first-ever mini Camp Meeting to be held at Bethany Baptist Church” in St. Augustine on September 13th-15th, but the first and last nights are to be held at his bookstore in Palatka. The first list of individuals are those who are slated to participate in the festivities.

Pastor Joel Tillis

Grider said in his post: ‘Pastor Joel Tillis and his entire Soul Trap team from Suncoast Baptist Church [Palmetto, Florida], will be on hand to help us launch the grand opening of the NTEB Bible Believers Bookstore at its new home at 209N 4TH Street in Palatka. Bro. Tillis will also be on hand to sign copies of his book ‘The Little Big Church.”

Tillis, who also runs a secondary ministry called “The Soul Trap,” which is described as “a paranormal, para-political and end-times media outlet” started in 2014 – Grider and Tillis are close friends and have been guests on each other’s programs on a few occasions throughout the years.

As noted previously, when a number of Grider’s followers began to suspect there was a strong possibility that he was actively committing adultery before he married his new wife, Tillis mocked those who inquired if he knew about it. The pastor responded to one user on Facebook by posting a picture of the “loser’ handsignal, and then blocked the individual.

Grider has since appeared on The Soul Trap earlier this year.

“In The Studio With Geoffrey Grider of ‪@NowTheEndBeginsMinistries,” published on April 11th

Grider also noted that both Tillis [has] been “very supportive of the Bookstore since our “soft opening”, and you’ll very much enjoy spending time with them” (emphasis his).

Dr. Bill Grady

Lastly, in his post announcing the event in September, Grider confirmed that acclaimed author and preacher Dr. Bill Grady would also be present. He “will be at the Bookstore all day Saturday as well to join in the book signing!,” Grider wrote.

Grady was a keynote speaker at Grider’s camp meeting in 2023. He wrote in a Facebook post that he was not aware of Grider’s new marriage arrangement, but Grider assured him there was no fornication. Grady ultimately defended Grider’s actions. He wrote in his post: “Speaking tongue in cheek, while Bro. Grider’s ponytail could cause some “legalists” to question his veracity (dress standards being unfortunate weakness among Ruckmanites), I’ve had the privilege of prior interaction with his lovely fiancée, and, can vouch for her love for the Lord. (Translation: Geoffrey married up!) They will no doubt make a devoted team for the unique will of God for their lives.”

Pastor Roy Bell

Roy Bell of Old School Bible Baptist Ministries is another staunch supporter of NTEB. According to his website, “Brother Roy was the pastor of the Christian church at Nevada’s largest prison during his years of incarceration and now brings his no nonsense style of plain preaching to a wider congregation. Brother Roy’s message is simple: Jesus is real and The Bible is true, period. Brother Roy serves the Lord at Bible Baptist Church in Las Vegas, Nevada.”

One day after my article dropped rebuking Grider, Bell was a guest on Grider’s podcast to discuss his testimony and prison ministry. Bell often says in jest that he is just an “old jailbird from the slammer” in his videos and sermons.

In an interview with false prophet Robert Breaker – another graduate of PBI – Bell described his testimony and how he got into ministry. He recounted that he grew up in a Christless home and was basically an atheist, who was a “hardcore drug addict and, and a criminal,” Bell said. “And by the time I got around my 21st birthday, I was on the run from the law, had spent a bunch of time and [was in] reform school,” and got around bike gangs and Mexican drug dealers. Eventually one of those gang leaders received the Lord and preached to Bell and his crowd, which he says caused him to want salvation also. He would later attend and graduate from Hyles Anderson College (HAC) in Hammond, Indiana.

SEE: False Prophet Robert Breaker Caught Lying And Changing Facts To Keep Pushing The False “Revelation 12 Sign”

HAC has an unfortunate reputation for producing and covering up for blatant sexual misconduct, adultery and molestation, among other things, and has been thoroughly documented throughout the years by multiple eyewitness accounts, personal testimonies, and public reports documenting the coverups.

A playlist documenting the brazen coverups and terrible things that Hyles, his staff and students did, and their radical methods of preaching and evangelism.

But, in his words, “Then some things happened. I got discouraged and I got my eyes off the Lord. […] I ran from God, and I went back to Las Vegas and God had a big fish prepared for me, actually a few of them, and they’re called state penitentiaries. [I] ended up spending 30 years of my life in state penitentiaries because I ran from God, and I didn’t want to do what God wanted me to do.” Bell said throughout these years he was convicted of “twelve felony convictions, multiple armed robberies, two habitual criminal enhancements, and two felony prison breaks.”

A picture of Bell’s rap sheet listed as “HABITUAL CRIMINAL (GREATER).”

Eventually Bell would become chaplain assistant at High Desert State Prison in Las Vegas, serving out his life sentence. During his time in prison Bell was a pen-pal with Peter Ruckman. Then eventually in 2020 due to complications with Covid-19 in the state, Bell was granted lifetime parole on good behavior and is now preaching in many IFB churches.

Bell has since hasted to ingratiate himself with many in the Ruckman-IFB circles, including Grider. Bell was a keynote speaker earlier this year at Grider’s annual camp meeting that began on May 17th through the 19th, where he would be seen street preaching; which he and Grider claim that in the span of a little more than an hour they led seven people to salvation, and preached a sermon on the final day.

Unfortunately, Mr. Bell is fully aware of the issues surrounding Mr. Grider. A former follower of NTEB contacted Bell via his website and was asked if knew about the problems surrounding Geoffrey. In a screenshot provided to The WinePress, not only does Bell know about the allegations, he totally defends it.

I saw the Winepress hit piece on him. I also saw it’s hit piece on Dr. Ruckman, so you know how much credibility I give that rag. I always give the man of God the benefit of the doubt. Dr. Bill Grady addressed those things last year when he preached the camp meeting. I give Dr. Bill Grady, my personal friend, full credibility. People always slinging mud at me. Plenty to sling too! It will all get sorted out at the Judgement Seat of Christ. Thank-you for your concerns. Brother Roy. Phil. 1:6

Bell wrote in response to the question

Pastor Spencer Smith

UPDATE: In my initial report, I had written, or made it seem as if, Mr. Spencer Smith had given Grider his full support. Mr. Smith has responded to the article and provided The WinePress with this statement:

I am saddened to hear about the issues in the personal life bro Grider, and I am praying for him as he seeks to resolve these issues. I have read Now The End Begins articles many times, and even used them in my videos without any knowledge of any issues in his personal life.

Smith wrote in an email

Moreover, without getting into too many details, I spoke directly with Smith over the phone and cleared the air between ourselves. As noted in his statement, Smith says he was unaware of these issues concerning Grider, and that he did not see the email I sent to him a number of months ago earlier this year asking him if he would retract his support from Grider.

I have removed my previous remarks concerning Spencer’s perceived support for NTEB.

Now, The End Begins (Again)

Nearly one year ago I tried my very hardest to leave out personal bias and opinions against Grider and simply stick with the facts, and let people make their own judgment. This time, I will give my thoughts up front and “give my judgment, as one that hath obtained mercy of the Lord to be faithful” (1 Corinthians 7:25). However, l did note this much in my initial report:

Grider clearly has worked very hard to achieve and maintain this picturesque image of himself, that he is such a dear preacher and man of God that only wants to serve the Almighty; but it is beyond evident that Grider does not live and act like he would have you to believe.

His inability to change and genuinely repent of his deeds is truly saddening, and his willingness to cover it all up rather than just ‘fess up and forsake it says all that needs to be said, as both for a so-called “man of God” and just a man; never caring once about the people’s he’s hurt, the lives and marriages he’s ruined, the churches he’s divided, the people’s he’s lied to, the listeners he’s cheated their hard-earned money out of to fund his gross lifestyle and debts; all while smiling and proclaiming that he has these deep and profound conversations and relationship with the Lord, absolving himself of any wrong doing and taking any personal accountability. Instead of stopping and staying true to his word he chose to go headlong and pretend to be someone he’s not.

As I have said, Grider has clearly dedicated plenty of time and effort into whitewashing his persona and sponging the web of his deviant nature. But continued acts of mischief will only snowball until it cascades into an avalanche that you just can’t outrun. Grider has run well for some time, put you can only run before you get buried alive in the snow heap with no one there to dig you out.

Now, the evidence that besets us is even worse than before. Moreover, as I stated in my response to Grider’s threat of litigation against me, I plainly stated that it was very apparent that “Geoffrey Grider is a lying, neurotic, sycophantic, narcissistic, FOOL!”

1 Timothy 5:8 states: “But if any provide not for his own, and specially for those of his own house, he hath denied the faith, and is worse than an infidel (unbeliever).” Denying the existence of one’s child, especially for as long as Grider has, is simply disgusting and abhorrent, and boggles the mind how one such as a man who claims to be this righteous servant of Christ can be this cold-hearted towards his own flesh and blood. I fail to see how it is a problem for Grider to simply say on his podcast and articles, ‘Hi, this is my daughter. I committed fornication when I was lost and that lady fell pregnant, but I am thankful to God that he still brought my daughter into this world, and has mercifully allowed me to have a relationship with her,” – or something like that.

My point is, why in the world would one try to conceal this? It makes absolutely no sense. If Grider claims this was done when he was not a Christian, then what is the issue? But you see, this goes back to what I said in that Grider is indeed a lying, neurotic, sycophantic, narcissistic, fool. Grider is so desperate to maintain this fake persona, that he is this perfect godly man, and is supposed to represent what a strong juggernaut of a Christian he is the sight of man; to the point where he refuses to even acknowledge her existence, so he portrays this disingenuous figure he hides behind.

I will unequivocally state that Geoffrey Grider is not saved and never was. This new evidence completely destroys every ounce of his testimony and credibility that he thought he had. Based on the evidence we have – bearing everything in mind and how he has reacted to the allegations – I believe that Grider, all those years ago, had bills to pay and playing pastor was one of the ways out, hence why he shopped around for religion until he decided to play Christian. Grider’s Hollywood career was going nowhere fast, and making a fake profession of faith and ingratiating yourself into various Christian circles is not hard in the slightest, especially nowadays, and Grider over time made a name for himself. He could appear righteous and godly to the masses and his inner circle of preacher friends, while paying existing child support and other incurred fees, and make for himself a good, sustainable living by preaching from other men’s works and “playing the game.”

Philippians 3:1 Finally, my brethren, rejoice in the Lord. To write the same things to you, to me indeed is not grievous, but for you it is safe. [2] Beware of dogs, beware of evil workers, beware of the concision. [17] Brethren, be followers together of me, and mark them which walk so as ye have us for an ensample. [18] (For many walk, of whom I have told you often, and now tell you even weeping, that they are the enemies of the cross of Christ: [18] Whose end is destruction, whose God is their belly, and whose glory is in their shame, who mind earthly things.)

He, so it appears, in my opinion, that he had steep bills to pay, and pretending to be a loving, caring preacherman was the way he chose to do it; by getting in with the right crowd that all choose to coverup each other’s deviant and corrupt acts (just like what really happened in John 8:1-11), and learned all the right things to say and the little nuances that come with it to beguile the simpletons. But the sad part here is knowing that the likes of Grider are just a dime a dozen.

Romans 16:17 Now I beseech you, brethren, mark them which cause divisions and offences contrary to the doctrine which ye have learned; and avoid them. [18] For they that are such serve not our Lord Jesus Christ, but their own belly; and by good words and fair speeches deceive the hearts of the simple.

Titus 1:15 Unto the pure all things are pure: but unto them that are defiled and unbelieving is nothing pure; but even their mind and conscience is defiled. [16] They profess that they know God; but in works they deny him, being abominable, and disobedient, and unto every good work reprobate.

Furthermore, not only has Grider done these deeds, we now have a multitude of preachers who are openly condoning his wicked works or pretending that they don’t know about them, making the situation all the more worse; because now it is no longer an isolated issue, but one that causes people to further examine and question who knows about Grider but chooses to ignore it.

Let’s be clear: this is not a “Romans 7 issue,” with saved brethren struggling with “the law of sin which is in my members;” or the case of Galatians 6:1-10, which says, “Brethren, if a man be overtaken in a fault, ye which are spiritual, restore such an one in the spirit of meekness; considering thyself, lest thou also be tempted.” This is not that type of scenario: we are WELL beyond that. There are very clear scriptures written by the apostle Paul that state the non-negotiable criteria for a man in the office of a bishop or elder (1 Timothy 3; Titus 1); and when blatant wickedness arises, the Bible commands that those people be kicked out of the fellowship (1 Corinthians 5:1-13).

1 Corinthians 5:11 But now I have written unto you not to keep company, if any man that is called a brother be a fornicator, or covetous, or an idolater, or a railer, or a drunkard, or an extortioner; with such an one no not to eat. [12] For what have I to do to judge them also that are without? do not ye judge them that are within? [13] But them that are without God judgeth. Therefore put away from among yourselves that wicked person.

And yet we have people who say they “always give the man of God the benefit of the doubt.” Really? So even when the “man of God” is clearly in the wrong, you still defend him? Or when these individuals talk about “accountability,” what does that really mean if they are not even willing to judge one of their own? As far as I am concerned, this is just a glorified good-fellows club. Of course, I’m sure some of these people will come forth and say something now, now that I have exposed this. And this is just another added reason why I cannot give a Ruckman a ‘rubber stamp’ recommendation anymore. Many of his students and the blatant coverups are just added proof as to why. SEE: Compromise And Condoning Sin – Why I No Longer Recommend Dr. Peter S. Ruckman

Galatians 5:7 Ye did run well; who did hinder you that ye should not obey the truth?

I see three general options or a combination of them moving forward: 1) These Baptists defend him or play stupid and take the heat and brush it off. 2) They make fake public announcements, put him away privately, let the heat die down and try and ship him off elsewhere. 3) Grider actually does get the boot, and since he can’t pay the bills he’ll denounce the Ruckman and KJV-only position as a cult, and then snuggle up with the megachurches and NAR crowd, and make more money than he did before. 

As for Grider, as I said, he is a fraud. Stop listening to him, stop supporting him, and mark and avoid him.

[7] Who goeth a warfare any time at his own charges? who planteth a vineyard, and eateth not of the fruit thereof? or who feedeth a flock, and eateth not of the milk of the flock? [8] Say I these things as a man? or saith not the law the same also? [9] For it is written in the law of Moses, Thou shalt not muzzle the mouth of the ox that treadeth out the corn. Doth God take care for oxen? [10] Or saith he it altogether for our sakes? For our sakes, no doubt, this is written: that he that ploweth should plow in hope; and that he that thresheth in hope should be partaker of his hope. (1 Corinthians 9:7-10).

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  • So the grand opening for the store looks like it only had 30 peeps in there from the video that GG posted. According to him, “all of Palatka came out.” What a ploy. He practically was calling nearly every person by name. The store is small so it makes it look like it’s packed out. Kelsey was there with her family so more people to fill in space for a grander look. Anything to sell his image…..

  • SB2,
    Thank you for the info and for watching the video of the Grifter family so we don’t have to.
    Of COURSE the daughter he claims was there. His cult probably doesn’t know or believe what has been exposed here, so they put on their fake smiles and use Jesus’ Name for filthy lucre.
    Kristi is better off without her Philandering Papa and Succubus Sister, but it still has to hurt. I hope she is doing well and that Jacob will report any updates from her.

    For a man who created a website about the End Times, the Grifter sure lacks self-awareness in that he should repent before it’s too late. The late Jack Kelley (gracethrufaith.com) used to say that the Rapture is so close, “you can hear the footsteps of the Messiah.” Current events make that observation even more likely, and half the world is asleep. The “fullness of the gentiles” could happen any day. Again I think of the pastor in the Left Behind books who was….left behind. How many “pastors” will say that taught in His Name only to hear, “I never knew you.”
    God bless you, SB2

  • Oh my gosh !!
    I wondered why I would get sick to my stomach and just not feel well while and after listening to GG. He is making a living off the people he deceives !!
    I checked on nteb today, he was just as fake today as before. Saying not so nice things about Elon musk !!
    I’m so glad that you have shared this information with us.
    I pray that people will wake up to GG lies & falsehoods !!
    He is not a good Man !!
    Bless his first born daughter
    And blees you all for sharing

  • Spencer Smith said Roy Bell is a “good man”.

    After all this, Roy Bell still supports NTEB and Spencer Smith says Roy Bell is a “good man” and “funny”.

    Amos 3:3 Can two walk together, except they be agreed?

    This whole thing is foolishness. Spencer Smith is a liar and a deceiver. He’s double minded and worshipping tradition of men not Jesus Christ.

      • It was in a recent livestream and Roy Bell made a video about it titled “Get in where you fit in” where he boasts about being a part of the tradition of men crowd.

        • Thank you. So then it is clear Spencer Smith deceived me. I spoke with him over the phone after my article came out, and he clearly saw my remarks about Bell, and I told him how Bell was a heretic, and he acted like he agreed with me. I knew this was the case from the moment of, but it is clear Smith only wanted me to remove the clips of him supporting Grider to clear his name. I tried to be cordial and professional, but it’s obvious now that he is just a people pleaser. I might have to confront Smith about this. I’m trying to avoid all this drama, but I might have to come out and expose him for covering for Bell and these guys. It’s too blatant.

          • 2 Timothy 3:13 But evil men and seducers shall wax worse and worse, deceiving, and being deceived.

            Proverbs 26:28 A lying tongue hateth those that are afflicted by it; and a flattering mouth worketh ruin.

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