For the last several years I have received a number of requests to provide some kind of an arbitrary and subjective list of supplements that I take, and why. So today in this article I figured I’d list a number of the ones that I have found to be worth the money, and why you might consider incorporating them into your lifestyle as well.

There are, however, a few brief disclaimers worth mentioning, as general fundamentals to go by and consider.

For starters, it is important to remember that the purpose of a supplement is to be just that, a supplement: it is not meant to be a primary source of nutrition. Before you start taking any supplements, or if you think you need one, I first recommend eliminating a lot of the negatives out of your life.

This includes things such as switching from conventional food and water, to organic foods, and water that has been tested and filtered, if needed. Also, things such as getting on a more structured schedule allowing for ample time to exercise and move around, while also prioritizing things such as sleep; while at the same time also getting plenty of fresh air, and plenty of sunlight when possible. Furthermore, generally reducing your stress levels, and limiting yourself to excess screentime, and limiting being around electronics and things that pump out a lot of EMFs, WiFi, Bluetooth, and of the suchlike.

I would also recommend you avoid going on these fad diets and extreme ends of the spectrum. This would include things such as veganism on one end, or keto and carnivore for too long on the other. I am not going to get into all the reasons why for now (that’s the subject of different reports), but I will just note what it says in Proverbs 20:23(b): “a false balance is not good.”

So, as for my list of supplements, I will also note that not everything I list is something you should necessarily be taking. This is just what *I* take, and this is what I found to be beneficial. If you do not see something on my list, that does not mean that I think it’s bad or ineffective, it’s just something that I personally do not take on a regular basis, does not fit my needs, or is not worth the price for the potential benefits they may or may not provide.

Furthermore, let me just also say that if you are on any pharmaceuticals – which I do not recommend – but nevertheless, if you are, be sure to check and see if taking any of these supplements, ingredients, and other remedies cause a reaction.

This list is in no particular order, save only for the first several at the top of the list. I will also not go too in depth into the full list of benefits they provide, and the specifics of their properties: do your own research if you’re curious.

Also, I do not take all of these supplements every single day. Some yes, others on occasion, and some rarely, and some in cycles at certain times based on the seasons and weather.

Lastly, I am not sponsored by any of these companies or brands that I am going to recommend. #notsponsored

With all of that out of the way, let’s get into the list.

Concentrated Mineral Drops

Of all the supplements I have taken, this is easily the one that I can verifiably and unequivocally recommend, and that is something called concentrated mineral drops.

Most people are suffering from some form of nutrient deficiency, which are oft confused as some kind of disease or dysfunction by modern medical practice and medicine. Of those depleted nutrients, in both our food and water, and therefore our bodies, is the mineral magnesium. Magnesium is probably one of the most quintessential minerals your body needs, as it is responsible for literally hundreds of functions in your body. This is where the drops come in.

Sourced naturally, these drops contain extremely high amounts of magnesium, along with other important electrolytes such as chloride, sodium, and potassium. The high amounts of chloride is also beneficial due to people being tricked into believing consuming too much salt (sodium + chloride) is bad for you – a whole ‘nother can of worms. On top of that, they also contain very small trace of amounts of a plethora of other minerals that you in most likelihood are not getting regularly.

At any rate, I put this first because this supplement is something I use everyday, and has been worth its weight in gold. As soon as I started adding these drops to my water, my sleep approved immediately. My sleep was already starting to get better as I was improving health years ago, but once I started taking these drops roughly two years ago, I sleep like a baby and virtually takes me just a matter of seconds to fall asleep. Furthermore, my overall stress levels have dropped tenfold. That’s not to say that I do not get angry, but it’s hard to put into words just how much calmer and more focused I got, and way less high strung. You know so many people are just unhinged, bitter people these days? Part of that, I suspect, has to do with a serious magnesium and electrolyte deficiency.

This easily takes the top spot for me. Health Ranger Store sells them, and a company called Trace Minerals sells them also. They appear to be sourcing from the same place. Another one called Aussie Trace Minerals is similar but has a slightly different mineral profile due to it being sourced from Australia, whereas the others I mentioned I sourced from Utah.

Apple Cider Vinegar

By now you have probably have seen and heard all of the hype behind ACV, and for good reason. It’s fairly accessible for one, but it greatly helps in digestion, lowering the PH acidity in your body, helps with reversing insulin resistance, and much more.

This is the one of the first ever “supplements” I started taking many years ago when I began to get my health under control. Just make sure it is organic. I usually take some swigs of it before I eat, sometimes in the morning and sometimes before I go to bed.

Camu Camu

This is another one that is a staple in my list of supplements. Camu camu is a Brazilin berry that has one of the most, if not the highest amounts of vitamin C by far; roughly 60 times I’ve heard some sources say. Besides the obvious immune boosting capabilities, vitamin C is needed for blood flow, skin and muscle tissue repair, energy metabolism, and more. SEE: New Study Shows That The Camu Camu Berry Can Help Fight Cancer And Obesity

I take this fairly often, and I especially like to do it before a workout as it is a good little pre-workout additive.

Most camu is expensive, but I have been buying mine from this company here for years now. It’s way cheaper than most other brands with tiny portions.

N-Acetyl Cystine (NAC)

NAC is another one that I take in heavy rotation, as the full benefits of NAC come when combined with vitamin C.

Some of you may remember an article I wrote near the beginning of 2023 titled, “Can N-Acetylcysteine Repair And Possibly Prevent Covid Vaccine Damage?

If you read the article you’ll better understand why it tops my list. It’s a controversial supplement that the government has tried to limit, right when the Covid death shots were being distributed, and when the main vaccination campaign fizzled out, then the prohibitions against it were just magically dropped.

Because we are surrounded will so many sickly, vaxxed goobers nowadays, I take this very often and in high amounts. Plus, it can provide additional benefits in muscle building and repair, so it’s something I take in combination with the camu as a pre-workout also.


I wish I started supplementing this sooner. I heard of CoQ10’s benefits (sometimes listed as “ubiquinone”) for years but just figured it was just pumped-up marketing. However, I have noticed a substantial benefit to my overall cardiovascular health since taking it for a little less than a year.

I have never been a big fan of running, and I am still not, but I still do it fairly often because I know it’s good for me. Since taking CoQ10, going for runs of 5 miles, for example, is actually enjoyable, and I still feel like I have the energy to do way more. Definitely take some of this, too. This is the one I take here.

From here, the items I am going to list are in no real order.

Diatomaceous Earth

This is a bit of an oddity you might not have heard of, and I think it’s one of the best kept secrets out there. Diatomaceous earth comes in two forms: an ingestible form and a non-edible form. The non-edible one is better suited for things such as a natural, organic pesticide and fertilizer; though I imagine the edible one will work just as fine.

The edible one is amazing at detoxification of the entire body, is at works to pull toxins, chemicals, heavy metals, etc., out of your body. Depending on how toxic your body is, taking some may actually temporarily make you feel like you are having the flu. I never encountered that but I have heard of it. It can also help with curbing bloat and upset stomach. This is good to take too if you know you’ll be sweating a lot, such as working out, yardwork, sauna, etc.

Furthermore, because of it’s high mineral content, especially that of silica, it can greatly help you repair, heal, and stimulate bone metabolism. I recent suffered a foot contusion, and after taking large amounts of it my foot was healed much sooner. On top of that, it will help grow your hair and nails out. Believe me, once you start supplementing this, you will have to shave and get haircuts a little more frequently, from my experience.

You can get a ton of it here for cheap.


Citrulline is an amino acid that helps to produce what’s known as nitric oxide in your body, increasing blood flow and circulation. It helps to reduce blood pressure, and overall is a great addition to workouts. I use this constantly when exercising. The amount of extra reps you can pump out, the longer you can run and perform, and the more intense your workouts can be, will be greatly impacted by it. So, for me, it’s a staple; but just in general its great, especially for those who are getting older and getting blood to move easier.


You might have heard of this one as well. You can get it in its whole form, a powder, or a tea. I have tried both the powder and tea. I personally prefer the powder one, just so I know I am getting the full benefits, but the tea tastes nice as well.

I mainly take it because it is amazing at boosting testosterone, and its aid in hormone production and regulation undertaken by the thyroid.

Besides that, it helps with energy metabolism and can help maintain muscle; curb anxiety, depression, and confusion; fight cancer cells, and maintain blood pressure.

Maca Root

I’m not a fan of the taste of this one, but I still choke it down because its benefits are great. Due to the high estrogenic world we have to deal with these days, maca root can help to reduce and naturally balance the ratios of it in the body, specifically if you are a male, but in women it helps to maintain proper levels as well. As for both genders it helps with fertility.

It is also high in antioxidants and can enhance mood and energy.


This is one is also fairly accessible and common, and has a long list of benefits, and is a favorite of mine. Of course, you can use it as a seasoning and ingredient, and you can eat the root raw or get it in a powder form, or a tea and other extracts. I personally gravitate towards the powdered form because it’s a little more convenient for me to take.

Ginger is great for digestion and anti-constipation. It is great for boosting the immune system and is a great antimicrobial. It helps with regulating blood pressure, among other things.

Nutritional Yeast

Nutritional yeast is an ingredient that is grown on mixtures of cane and beet molasses. After it has been harvested and dried, it is a good little ingredient that you can add to a number of things. Nutritional yeast has a bit of a cheesy taste.

Nutritional yeast is one of, if not the most foods loaded with a number of B vitamins. B vitamins are, again, woefully deficient in most people today, and many of the symptoms and ailments people suffer from are actually B vitamins depletions, as some of these deficiencies are imitators of common “viruses,” colds, and “bugs.” Such deficiencies are exacerbated by the Standard American Diet (SAD) that is laden with ultra-processed foods, grains, oils, etc.

This is where the yeast comes in. One of the big things B vitamins do (as they are all synergistic too each other), is they are necessary in breaking down carbohydrates and starches. Therefore, I absolutely love to add these flakes on my pastas and noodles, pizzas, potatoes, salads, and more; and therefore will help with digestion, and provide a whole host of other benefits because of the naturally occurring B vitamin complex.

However, when buying them, be very careful about the labeling. Of course, make sure they are organic, but also make sure what you are getting is non-fortified. The fortified ones have been altered with synthetic vitamins: the non-fortified has not.


This is a very powerful microalgae and is one of the most powerful antioxidants out there, and in many ways can be more potent than a ton of vitamin C, within reason. While there are a number of benefits for it, I mainly use it for increased energy during workouts. I used to take one, sometimes everyday, when I was in the process of rapidly detoxing and cleansing my body, and trying to make up for lost time; but now I only really do one once a week. I get this here because it appears to be one of the cleanest versions of it out there.

Ahiflower Oil

I first heard of this product from the Health Ranger Store. After using it for a time, I started to notice my eyesight actually improved overtime. It provides plant-based omega-3-6-9 fatty acids. As said, I noticed overtime it helped to sharpen my eyesight a tad, and it also aids in giving some added clarity and spatial awareness. I usually take it in the morning with my coffee or tea.

Cocoa/Cocao Powder

Who doesn’t like chocolate? Well, unless you’re weird. All jokes aside, this is another staple that I enjoy putting in my coffees and teas, and a number of other foods and deserts. Similar to coco powder, this is a more earthy, nutty taste that leans definitely on the strong and bitter side, but you’ll get used to it. Similar to citrulline, it can provide blood-thinning benefits and can produce nitric oxide, among other things, including its antioxidant properties.


Zinc is probably one of the most important “trace” minerals that people need, and are yet deficient in. However, zinc and copper are antagonistic to each other. Too much of one can create an imbalance and deficiency of the other. Therefore, I take one that has both.

This is not one for everyone, but it is one that I do take fairly regularly. It’s main claim to fame is its immune boosting properties, which, in this day and age is imperative. Zinc also effects taste and smell, and when I started taking it food and drinks started tasting way better, it was noticeable that my palatability drastically increased, and I was able to eat stupidly large amounts of spicy and hot foods with ease.

Vitamin K2 – MK4, MK7

Vitamin K2, the animal-based form of this fat soluble vitamin, is another one that is very deficient in most people. It is obtained mostly through dairy and fermented foods, and fats and eggs. Problem is since most people don’t enough ferments and fats, and most dairy is of garbage quality, and has gone through pasteurization and homogenization, it therefore strips and deactivates the crucial vitamin K2.

That being said, while I still eat sufficient ray dairy, cheeses, yogurts, eggs, and pasture-raised meats, the lack thereof from our early development is missing. Therefore, to make up for lost time I take a supplement. More specifically, I try to look for it in its MK-4 form. (You can do your own research into all the forms and what they do). I take this one (though the formulation recently changed a bit), which has both MK-4 and MK-7. MK-4 is harder to find, but increasing research is finding that it is the most important, and is crucial for bone health.

Final Thoughts

These are not the only supplements I have taken, and there are some others I take on occasion as well, but this is the main list of things I can personally recommend; and at the very least you can research these products further and determine if they are right for you. What works for me and benefits me may not have the same effects on you; or, you body might just not need something either.

Beloved, I wish above all things that thou mayest prosper and be in health, even as thy soul prospereth.

3 John 2

[7] Who goeth a warfare any time at his own charges? who planteth a vineyard, and eateth not of the fruit thereof? or who feedeth a flock, and eateth not of the milk of the flock? [8] Say I these things as a man? or saith not the law the same also? [9] For it is written in the law of Moses, Thou shalt not muzzle the mouth of the ox that treadeth out the corn. Doth God take care for oxen? [10] Or saith he it altogether for our sakes? For our sakes, no doubt, this is written: that he that ploweth should plow in hope; and that he that thresheth in hope should be partaker of his hope. (1 Corinthians 9:7-10).

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  • Thank you for posting this. I have always stayed away from supplements for the most part because I always figured if I have a deficiency I should be changing my diet but I am beginning to reconsider as supplements can be a great way to pinpoint potential issues you may have that whole foods make harder to recognize due to God packing his food with all kinds of goodies, they also can be cheaper due to the sad state of our modern “food”. For those who have the climate and land (some plants really don’t need a whole lot) to grow your own food there are a large variety of perennial plants that can act as high quality self-replicating supplements (the Lord always outdoes our own attempts to provide good things for ourselves). One that I have been considering is a rather interesting little tree known as sea buckthorn which has STUPID amounts of all kinds of highly valuable nutrients including Vitamin C and E as well as Omega 3, 6, 9, and 7 (yes there is such a thing as omega 7s) and is essentially a cold hardy (though it manages well in other climates as well) citrus tree that grows quickly and bears an abundance of berries (it is also known as sea berry). God bless you all and I pray the Lord strengthens us all for the times ahead.

    Psalm 104:24 KJV
    O Lord, how manifold are thy works! in wisdom hast thou made them all: the earth is full of thy riches.

  • Thanks for this info, we are trying to get my husband off some of his meds, so this information is a great help for us!

  • Haven’t fully read through this yet, but I just wanted to say that as far as ACV goes, avoid Bragg’s. Apparently they are using organic apples coated with Bill Gate’s “Apeel” produce coating (which they still won’t disclose the ingredients). Use a brand like Fairchild’s, which is pure, undiluted ACV.

    Also, thank you for this article brother Jacob. Really love stuff like this.

      • From what I understand, Katy Perry (who is yoked up with Gates) bought Bragg’s Live Foods, and since then they started using Gate’s Apeel apples; at least, that is what has been said (and btw, “fact checkers” jumped all over that info, so to me, that raises suspicion). The Bragg’s company website says this too:

        “Carrying on his legacy for the past 65 years, his adopted daughter, Patricia Bragg has grown our specialities and preserved the high standards of Bragg. And now, Patricia has invited longtime friend and Bragg lover Katy Perry along with a few other partners to take us into Bragg’s next chapter and deliver simple health for generations to come.”

        You can literally find this quote on their website, I copied and pasted it here. So there ya go. Patricia Bragg is having that wicked witch Katy Perry and partners take Bragg’s into the “next chapter”.

        I wouldn’t trust Bragg’s at all now.

  • This is amazing thank you brother! What would you recommend for Vitamin D deficiency? I’m always tired and fatigued. Do you have any remedies?

    • Sun, sun, sun. I’ve taken Vitamin D supps before, and even one now on occasion, but nothing can replace the sun. I did a lot of sunbathing these last couple of years, and I felt so much better when I did. If you do take one, just don’t megadose. There is a growing body of research that is showing that overdosing Vit. D supps are causing damaging effects over the longterm.

  • Great list, thanks. And thanks for the warning on Bragg’s….it can be hard to keep up with the compromising. If you can get non-pasteurized apple cider from Amish/Mennonite or such local sources, you’ll have raw apple cider vinegar in a couple months: just be sure to avoid drinking it in the brief alcoholic phase of fermentation, & give the gases it offputs an outlet or you’ll have exploding jugs, jars or bottles all over the place. Mom & Dad used to put up a barrel in the fruit cellar every year.

    I’m sure you already know this, but beware the ‘Health Ranger’s propaganda & doctrine, & cautious to sort & vet his info very carefully. He’s right up there with Alex Jones, Mike Lindell, the ‘nowtheendbegins’ guy, & such. Jesuitical and tied to Rome, arm left and 1 Timothy 6 KJB.

    • Don’t be slandering this brother (Geoffrey Grider) that runs ‘Now the end begins’. He’s as antithetical to Romanism as it gets and calls out the Whore every chance he gets.

      • Even so, Grider is certainly not my brother. He is a thieving, conniving, scumbag and false prophet. I’ve definitively proven that with hard evidence. Read my articles on him. It’s undeniable.

        • You certainly did prove it, Jacob, and not only that, but the way Grider handled the situation after everything was revealed, banning and blocking followers of NTEB that tried to question him, some of them that were there for many years, even from the very beginning, going so far as to call a person I have much respect for “of the devil”, speaks even more volumes about his character and credibility. I am extremely grateful for your hard work in getting all that evidence together and putting it out there for all who want the truth, and I know many others are grateful to you as well.

    • Oh I know. Adams already had problems to begin with, but ever since the war in Israel broke out, he’s just gone full-on spouting replacement theology and Roman Catholic garbage. I just sparingly refer to him.

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