“It’s better to keep your mouth shut and appear stupid than open it and remove all doubt. -William Shakespeare.

Indeed, for it would have been better for him to just pretend that he did not see my article, but instead, Geoffrey Grider made it very clear in no uncertain terms that he is guilty as could be and has zero remorse and repentance over what he has done.

If you are just tuning in, last week I published a detailed report listing Mr. Grider’s many years of habitual lewdness and fornication, and greedy practices in the ministry. The report was heavily documented and well cited, and was by no means a “salacious” lie, as Grider asserts that it is.

SEE: Exclusive: Geoffrey Grider Of Now The End Begins Exposed As A Sexual Criminal And Predator, And Extortioner

Several days ago he responded to my detailed article, to which Grider dug a hole and jumped in it, providing some of the worst answers he could have given that only prove what I reported is true and honest. Unlike Grider, I will actually link his silly response for you to read it, whereas he did not wish to provide the hyperlink to my article.

I’m not going to waste your time and mine psychoanalyzing every little thing he said, but I will address the overall rage letter that he wrote and a few minor points worth noting, and provide some scripture to all of this.

For starters, allow me to demonstrate and showcase the type of guy we are dealing with right now. Examine a statement he made about me:

Ironically, he used to be a regular reader of Now The End Begins, and one day he approached me and asked me, to help build me a site that, in his words, would be “just like NTEB”. I declined for obvious reasons, and that started a festering hatred that he has ever since maintained.

Grider wrote

Once again, Grider has been caught lying. In early 2021 Grider and I got into an “argument” in his comment section when he tried to act tough and said that he would not wear a facemask, even though he has published pictures of him wearing one, and even sold them for a time; and I called him out for his hypocrisy and some other stuff he’s fabricated in his articles, and I also reminded him that he ignored my request. Grider then responded and explicitly said “I am sorry I never saw your email.” Here are the screenshots to prove it:

And yet now Grider is somehow able to magically quote me verbatim? And who’s the liar here again?

A faithful witness will not lie: but a false witness will utter lies.

Proverbs 14:5

And yet Grider says he “declined for obvious reasons.” Oh, so you mean I was right when I said to him “you did not want any competition?”

You see, this is the type of guy we are dealing with. He claims that I am the one who is lying and is libelous, and yet I am able to prove repeatedly that he is a liar. Judge Judy Sheindlin says it best: “If you tell the truth, you don’t have to have a good memory. If you lie, you’re always tripping over your own tie.”

If it is not yet abundantly clear, judging by the evidence I presented, and after reading his ‘rage quit’ response, Geoffrey Grider is a lying, neurotic, sycophantic, narcissistic, FOOL! The hilarious irony of all of this is that because Grider got triggered, and his superiority complex got smashed into a thousand little pieces, his botched response only vastly INCREASED the number of people who read the actual read report, and reached the conclusion that so many of his now former followers came to: that he is a deranged, lying, sex pervert and thief. One commenter wrote: “I came expecting a hit piece – and found instead a well-documented case for being wary of Grider and his ministry. Sad.”

To be honest, I gave him too much credit. I thought he was just a wee bit too cunning to actually say what he said, and not sight down the barrel of a loaded gun, but nope, Grider has left very little doubt at this point. But praise be to God for answered prayers.

[12] The words of a wise man’s mouth are gracious; but the lips of a fool will swallow up himself. [13] The beginning of the words of his mouth is foolishness: and the end of his talk is mischievous madness. [14] A fool also is full of words: a man cannot tell what shall be; and what shall be after him, who can tell him?

Ecclesiastes 10:12-14

While I could critique every little thing he said, there’s no point. Rather, I’ll let someone else spell it out for us. User “Skywatcher 60” had a really well-written and level-headed comment he posted, and received a relatively high amount of likes, before it was deleted of course. This person wrote:

Geoffrey, I’ve been a regular follower of NTEB for almost 15 years, if memory serves me correctly. I brought this issue to your attention earlier today, and I was very disappointed and shocked when I read it. I could honestly relate to you on the molestation issue. I spent most of my day defending you to a former faithful follower of NTEB. As I told you, after reading all of the article, and viewing the evidences for myself, I had to delete my defense. Sadly, with the following confession, you’ve disqualified yourself from public ministry according to Scripture:

“Let me just conclude by saying this. Of the things I am accused of that I am actually guilty of – habitual drunkenness, occasional fornication and being sometimes a part of sinful conversations with consenting parties – are all are things that I have wept over, and put under the blood of Jesus Christ some time ago, prior to 2023, confessed to the LORD and then talked about on NTEB Bible studies, (again only referencing myself as the offending party and no one else). I have not had a single sip of alcohol since August of 2018. It took me some time, however, up to parts of 2022 to fully win the battle with the flesh, but the Lord gave me the victory there as well. In 2023, the Lord has blessed me with the perfect wife and two amazing bonus children.”

You failed to tell us how that came about…Scripture tells us how spiritual leaders are to conduct themselves I Tim. 3: 1-8; 4: 12, 16. You admitted in the above cited paragraphs that you were living in sin…recently, during the many years you were online. Need I say anymore? The very sad thing is that you’re not publicly addressing the points that Jacob raised…with undeniable proofs. I’m shaking my head. Again, no wonder the Lord gave Mt. 24: 4 as the first sign to be aware of.

Whether you know it or not, your own words condemn you. You’re telling us now, that you were dabbling in those vices / sins as recently as “2022”. For a serious / committed Christian, that’s very troubling. That’s not a godly example, as per I Tim. 4: 12.

“Of the things I am accused of that I am actually guilty of – habitual drunkenness, occasional fornication and being sometimes a part of sinful conversations with consenting parties – are all are things that I have wept over, and put under the blood of Jesus Christ some time ago, prior to 2023, confessed to the LORD and then talked about on NTEB Bible studies…”

“Some time ago” is a very vague statement / confession. The court of law would never accept that as a viable defense; do you think that the holy God will? It could be as recent as Dec. 31, 2022 that you were actively engaged in fornication and drunkenness and teaching the Word. If so, that’s not enough time to prove yourself qualified in the sight of God or to anybody else that you should be leading others. His word, not mine. So much for Romans 12: 1, 2. Remember…I was adamantly defending you earlier today.

It’s natural for one to try to hide their sins or to defend themselves; I get that; what the readers here don’t get is “the other side of the story”, so they can discern the truth in the middle. Based upon what you’ve written here, that appears to be the case now. As previously accused in the article in question, you left out a lot in today’s confession, i.e. the pastors who abandoned you and why; that Lori Ann and her children were living with you prior to getting married, which you admitted to. Scripture plainly teaches that we are to be “…wise as serpents and harmless as doves.” (Mt. 10: 16) It also commands us to “Abstain from the appearance of evil.” (I Thess. 5: 22) Why?

1. So as not to be a stumbling block to others.
2. To protect your reputation from wagging tongues.
3. To avoid situations like this, that you “be found blameless”.

Also, the current absence of a number of your long-time faithful followers is very telling. They saw the proofs for themselves.

The right thing to do would be to provide the link to Jacob’s article and allow the jury of your NTEB peers to make up their own minds, don’t you think? That would be the honest, and godly way of “doing business”. If all those allegations are true, and I cannot know for sure, but if they are, then you won’t be the first “king of the hill” to stumble and fall. Some actually come back much stronger than ever, confessing and reaping God’s even greater blessing. I hope that will be the case for you.

That about sums up Grider’s whole pity party. It’s been several days since Grider published that answer and he still is impenitent over anything he is doing, routinely denying the proof in the comment section of his site, and deleting any comment that dares to ask anything with some level of rationale. You see, he doesn’t care at all. His only interest is to maintain his faux persona online and continuously receive adulation from people he’s deceived.

“Out of thine own mouth will I judge thee, thou wicked servant,” Jesus said in Luke 19:22.

There are a myriad of other scriptures I could use to describe him, but I think these two sum up his response and who he is in a nutshell:

[15] Looking diligently lest any man fail of the grace of God; lest any root of bitterness springing up trouble you, and thereby many be defiled; [16] Lest there be any fornicator, or profane person, as Esau, who for one morsel of meat sold his birthright. [17] For ye know how that afterward, when he would have inherited the blessing, he was rejected: for he found no place of repentance, though he sought it carefully with tears.

Such is the way of an adulterous woman; she eateth, and wipeth her mouth, and saith, I have done no wickedness.

Hebrews 12:15-17; Proverbs 30:20 – though it refers to a woman, but for our purposes it fits

Like all of his other sweet, saccharine lullabies he tells himself and his followers when he gets caught, he just downplays his actions and claims that he cried all these crocodile tears in prayer, and that it’s all under the blood of Christ – and then goes right back to doing it. That’s not repentance, that’s worldly sorrow because he got caught.

[9] Now I rejoice, not that ye were made sorry, but that ye sorrowed to repentance: for ye were made sorry after a godly manner, that ye might receive damage by us in nothing. [10] For godly sorrow worketh repentance to salvation not to be repented of: but the sorrow of the world worketh death. [11] For behold this selfsame thing, that ye sorrowed after a godly sort, what carefulness it wrought in you, yea, what clearing of yourselves, yea, what indignation, yea, what fear, yea, what vehement desire, yea, what zeal, yea, what revenge! In all things ye have approved yourselves to be clear in this matter.

2 Corinthians 7:9-11

But don’t just take it from me, take it from his former Bible instructor Peter S. Ruckman, in his commentary on 1st & 2nd Corinthians – the same commentary Grider sells at his bookstore. While I have my issues and disagreements with Ruckman, what he says here in describing godly sorrow that leads to repentance versus worldly sorrow is on point.

On pages 276-277 (PDF) here is what Ruckman has to say about that passage (and recall what Grider wrote in his response):

Verse 10 is one of those great verses in 2 Corinthians that should be committed to memory. Observe that there are two kinds of sorrow that result in two kinds of repentance. There is “godly sorrow” and “the sorrow of the world.” “Godly sorrow” is sorrow over what you are (Job 42:6; Isa. 6:5). “The sorrow of the world” is sorrow for what you have done (Judas—Matt. 27:3; Pharaoh—Exod. 9:27; Balaam—Num. 22:34). It is usually regret over being caught in your sin.

These two sorrows are perfectly illustrated by the lives of Judas and Simon Peter. Both Simon Peter and Judas repented. Both of them confessed. Both of them made restitution. If you put those two fellows side by side, you would swear that both of them were saved—but they weren’t . One ends up hanging himself, and one ends up back at the feet of Jesus Christ. One ends up in the bottomless pit, and the other ends up in heaven.

They were both apostles; they both healed; they both ministered with the Lord; they both stayed with the Lord three and one-half years; they were both baptized with the baptism of John. The difference in those two was that when Judas got caught, “the sorrow of the world” worked on him. Peter repented with “godly sorrow.

Judas went to the priest and said, “I’m sorry I got caught; I made a mistake.” He was sorry because he had made a mistake in betraying innocent blood. Well, everybody makes a mistake about something, sometime; moreover, everybody is usually sorry they made the mistake. You can lie in bed at night and wet your pillow with tears all night long over the messes you’ve made in life. That does nothing; it changes nothing. I’ve made every mistake a man can make and several he couldn’t make.

But repentance is not just being sorry for what you have done; real repentance means being sorry for what you are. Our churches are filled with religious people who every now and then have a little spell of “crying in the chapel” and “God please forgive me.” But that is not repentance. That is not “godly sorrow.”

I’ll show you the difference. “The sorrow of the world” is “I’ve made a mess of things, I’ve ruined my life, my life is messed up, I’m doomed, I can’t do anything anymore, I’m a failure, I’ve never been anything, I wish I was dead”; and then you blow your brains out. That is “the sorrow of the world.” Sometimes the suicide is much slower; sometimes it is through drugs and/or alcohol. But it always ends up in death.

“Godly sorrow” is “I never have been any good; I’m no good right now; I’m never going to be any good; at my very best I’m not worth shooting or blowing myself to Hell; I shouldn’t even blow my brains out because I didn’t have any to begin with; unless you do something for me, God, and to me and with me, I’ll never be worth a dime; from now on I’m going to trust You, Lord, to do it.” That’s the difference.

When a man simply sees that his sins are wrong and bad and terrible, and he tries to straighten things out himself, that is worldly sorrow. When a man sees his sins are against God and His divine justice and holiness, then he starts waking up and flees to God alone for his help.

Now, the Corinthians “sorrowed after a godly sort” (vs. 11). They were careful to do right; they cleared themselves by showing their disapproval of sin. They became angry over sin (“what indignation”) and feared God. They showed a fierce desire to do right and carried out their desire with zeal. The “revenge” they showed was legitimate church discipline upon a man who had messed up the whole church. So the vengeance here was not wrong; it was not a personal thing.

Amen and well said; and clearly Grider is just a “man” of worldly sorrow and acts like every other stubborn, rebellious adolescent who got caught for doing wrong and throws a temper tantrum. Instead of actually repenting, or even at the very least offers another cookie cutter apology, he threatens to sue me.

[1] Dare any of you, having a matter against another, go to law before the unjust, and not before the saints? [5] I speak to your shame. Is it so, that there is not a wise man among you? no, not one that shall be able to judge between his brethren? [6] But brother goeth to law with brother, and that before the unbelievers. [7] Now therefore there is utterly a fault among you, because ye go to law one with another. Why do ye not rather take wrong? why do ye not rather suffer yourselves to be defrauded? [8] Nay, ye do wrong, and defraud, and that your brethren.

1 Corinthians 6:1, 5-8

And just to quickly address a couple of other things – he keeps whining about how “evil” I am because I showed pictures of his wife and kids. Uhh… I got those pictures from his GoFundMe and Facebook pages. If he did not want that out there then why did he allow it to be uploaded on public platforms on the internet, where people can donate money to no less?

Also, in the comment section I saw he told someone that, “I have NEVER been asked to leave a church, any church. I have never been expelled or kicked out of ANY ministerial organization,” Grider wrote. Again, this is a bold-faced lie. I spoke over the phone to this pastor I referenced and he affirmatively guaranteed me of the allegations, and that himself and the deacons kicked him out for going after some of the women there, on top of his past that was discovered. This pastor has asked to remain anonymous, but if he changes his mind I’ll reveal who it is. But ask yourself: who do you think is telling the truth right now, him or me?

Moreover, Grider is such a fool he literally incriminates himself. He wrote: “It took me some time, however, up to parts of 2022 to fully win the battle with the flesh.” Translation: ‘What Jacob exposed is accurate and the truth.’ This fits in with the proper timeline of my article.

Again, “It’s better to keep your mouth shut and appear stupid than open it and remove all doubt.”

My other favorite one is when he says, “I have never been charged or convicted of a crime on any level for fraud, extortion or of a sexual nature.” -Nevermind what I presented. Even so, that’s like if I robbed a bank and I get caught holding the bag, and I’m accused of being the bank robber, and I say, ‘Did you see me do it?’ This is some straight-up OJ Simpson stuff here. “If it doesn’t fit, you must acquit.”

To wrap it up a bit, I followed the scriptural principles to rebuke and expose him. People had already reproved, rebuked, and admonished him for years on end, and after being kicked out of churches, and having run-ins with the law and the taxman, and forced to bust-up other ministerial relationships, and he still did not change, an outpouring of people came to me to rebuke him because so many others did not want to.

[15] Moreover if thy brother shall trespass against thee, go and tell him his fault between thee and him alone: if he shall hear thee, thou hast gained thy brother. [16] But if he will not hear thee, then take with thee one or two more, that in the mouth of two or three witnesses every word may be established. [17] And if he shall neglect to hear them, tell it unto the church: but if he neglect to hear the church, let him be unto thee as an heathen man and a publican.

[19] Against an elder receive not an accusation, but before two or three witnesses. [20] Them that sin rebuke before all, that others also may fear. [21] I charge thee before God, and the Lord Jesus Christ, and the elect angels, that thou observe these things without preferring one before another, doing nothing by partiality. [22] Lay hands suddenly on no man, neither be partaker of other men’s sins: keep thyself pure. [24] Some men’s sins are open beforehand, going before to judgment; and some men they follow after.

Matthew 18:15-17; 1 Timothy 5:19-22, 24

As “Skywatcher 60” pointed out, Grider, by his own admission, is not qualified for any kind of ministry in any capacity, according to the non-negotiable standards spelled-out in 1 Timothy 3:1-16 and Titus 1:5-16. He practically breaks them all.

Furthermore, according to the plain scriptural standards, people like Grider MUST be kicked-out. Period. The end. Done. Over. Out. So if anyone is fellowshipping with him in person, they must cast him out or leave; and if you are listening online to his podcast and reading his articles, you must cut off occasion with him. If you knowingly continue to stick around then you will be accounted as being a “partaker of other men’s sins.”

[3] For I verily, as absent in body, but present in spirit, have judged already, as though I were present, concerning him that hath so done this deed, [4] In the name of our Lord Jesus Christ, when ye are gathered together, and my spirit, with the power of our Lord Jesus Christ, [5] To deliver such an one unto Satan for the destruction of the flesh, that the spirit may be saved in the day of the Lord Jesus. [6] Your glorying is not good. Know ye not that a little leaven leaveneth the whole lump? [7] Purge out therefore the old leaven, that ye may be a new lump, as ye are unleavened. For even Christ our passover is sacrificed for us: [8] Therefore let us keep the feast, not with old leaven, neither with the leaven of malice and wickedness; but with the unleavened bread of sincerity and truth. [9] I wrote unto you in an epistle not to company with fornicators: [10] Yet not altogether with the fornicators of this world, or with the covetous, or extortioners, or with idolaters; for then must ye needs go out of the world. [11] But now I have written unto you not to keep company, if any man that is called a brother be a fornicator, or covetous, or an idolater, or a railer, or a drunkard, or an extortioner; with such an one no not to eat. [12] For what have I to do to judge them also that are without? do not ye judge them that are within? [13] But them that are without God judgeth. Therefore put away from among yourselves that wicked person.

Now we command you, brethren, in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ, that ye withdraw yourselves from every brother that walketh disorderly, and not after the tradition which he received of us.

1 Corinthians 5:3-13; 2 Thessalonians 3:6

You know, I really loathe doing this type of stuff but it has to be done; and this crap with Grider cannot be allowed to continue to percolate and fester. He is a wicked, pathological egomaniac that is concerned with living out his Hollywood fantasy dream.

I’ll end it on this and you can be the judge:

[1] But there were false prophets also among the people, even as there shall be false teachers among you, who privily shall bring in damnable heresies, even denying the Lord that bought them, and bring upon themselves swift destruction. [2] And many shall follow their pernicious ways; by reason of whom the way of truth shall be evil spoken of. [3] And through covetousness shall they with feigned words make merchandise of you: whose judgment now of a long time lingereth not, and their damnation slumbereth not. [12] But these, as natural brute beasts, made to be taken and destroyed, speak evil of the things that they understand not; and shall utterly perish in their own corruption; [13] And shall receive the reward of unrighteousness, as they that count it pleasure to riot in the day time. Spots they are and blemishes, sporting themselves with their own deceivings while they feast with you; [14] Having eyes full of adultery, and that cannot cease from sin; beguiling unstable souls: an heart they have exercised with covetous practices; cursed children: [22] But it is happened unto them according to the true proverb, The dog is turned to his own vomit again; and the sow that was washed to her wallowing in the mire.

For there are certain men crept in unawares, who were before of old ordained to this condemnation, ungodly men, turning the grace of our God into lasciviousness, and denying the only Lord God, and our Lord Jesus Christ.

[6] For whom the Lord loveth he chasteneth, and scourgeth every son whom he receiveth. [7] If ye endure chastening, God dealeth with you as with sons; for what son is he whom the father chasteneth not? [8] But if ye be without chastisement, whereof all are partakers, then are ye bastards, and not sons.

2 Peter 2:1-3, 12-14, 22; Jude 4; Hebrews 12:6-8

[7] Who goeth a warfare any time at his own charges? who planteth a vineyard, and eateth not of the fruit thereof? or who feedeth a flock, and eateth not of the milk of the flock? [8] Say I these things as a man? or saith not the law the same also? [9] For it is written in the law of Moses, Thou shalt not muzzle the mouth of the ox that treadeth out the corn. Doth God take care for oxen? [10] Or saith he it altogether for our sakes? For our sakes, no doubt, this is written: that he that ploweth should plow in hope; and that he that thresheth in hope should be partaker of his hope. (1 Corinthians 9:7-10).

The WinePress needs your support! If God has laid it on your heart to want to contribute, please prayerfully consider donating to this ministry. If you cannot gift a monetary donation, then please donate your fervent prayers to keep this ministry going! Thank you and may God bless you.



  • Without reading all of the comments on his post back at you, the saying of that he has never had any record or any convection proves he’s a liar. All ya have to do is watch police body cam video’s, they all say it, its the standard response of the guilty.

    • Hi David.
      The latest of the accuser of the Brethren ( the reason her comment stands )
      LmEngr Shannon K
      17 hours ago
      Hey Shannon, quick question…

      Do you know what happened to some of the names that used to post in here regularly such as Ron, Tag1611, The Emperor’s Guardsman, etc.? Lately these forums seem very quiet without their contributions.

      Shannon K LmEngr
      16 hours ago
      They left. They decided it was more profitable to believe a lie and tear apart a ministry that GOD BUILT UP. Blessings Brother.
      I wished I had her knowledge of God’s Mind, her accusation is truly slandering the Righteous and justifying the wicked.
      RCC’s donate lots of money, food, and good works, but that doesn’t make them headed for heaven, they be headed for hell.
      Never mind when ones own sins are the same of which GG is accused of ( Fornication )
      God Bless You David!

      • Hi Ron, You that comment tells you what kind of a friend she was, and she’s the one believing the lie…. I never trusted her and seldom interacted with her.
        God Bless and take care.

        • Amen Tracy!
          She besmirches Tricia ( Tag1611 ) who lives in Florida and thought GG was her friend, and he showed what he truly was to her, Shannon lives in Washington state and what does she know? She is guilty of what GG has done,
          Also he gifted her money.
          GG is her Idol, why I guess that makes all those prosperity preachers God built ministries too, NOT!
          God Bless You Tracy!

          • Ron, every bit of this is a sad situation….hate it happened. I don’t know anything about the money deal, but she’s definitely got her eyes closed to GG’s game.
            Every so often I will go to NTEB to see if there are many still posting, and you know, I never see any cat pictures. I always thought that was for attention, and nothing more…fake, I always thought. We can see now that she wasn’t full of love for the others as she portrayed.
            Time here is sure looking short with all that’s happening in the mideast.
            God Bless and take care, Ron.

            • Hi Tracy.
              Yes more and more are getting blocked, talk about a guilty conscience and being guilty and paranoid for his OOLAH MOOLAH Mammon web site.
              Sister RiseinHim had Brother Chili write her and he got blocked on NTEB.
              I am thinking yes it was all about attention with the kitty thing, I love my 2 cats yet I am not going to post such over and over about cats. They had to spend lots of time looking for those memes.
              Time is almost UP!
              See you soon!
              God Bless You Sister Tracy!

              • Oh Ron, I had forgotten about our friend Chili; he was definitely one of the nicer ones there. I hate he got blocked, and I pray he is doing well. There are several that I wonder about who commented on NTEB. You know after so many years commenting on that site, and then suddenly it stops, it’s liking losing good friends. There are some, like you, Char, Riseinhim, DeniceC, Crow and a few more that I really miss.
                God Bless you and your family, and take care!! Yes, time is almost up!

              • I am a little late to the party here. I got blocked for inquiring if NTEB was a 501C or another. Never got an answer, just blocked. I asked at tax time for 2023. Kind of hacked me off quite frankly after giving him many thousands of dollars.

      • Hello Brother Ron,
        It seems some have little to no Spiritual discernment when it pertains to right and wrong!
        He hat justifieth the wicked, and he that condemneth the just, even they both are abomination to the Lord. Proverbs 17:15
        God bless you dear Brother! MARANATHA!!!!!!

        • Hi SF!
          Seems many need to spend more time in Proverbs which is the most important Book for our Daily Living after we are saved.
          God Bless You Sister SF!

  • He wants to sue you?

    If then ye have judgments of things pertaining to this life, set them to judge who are least esteemed in the church. I speak to your shame. Is it so, that there is not a wise man among you? no, not one that shall be able to judge between his brethren? But brother goeth to law with brother, and that before the unbelievers.
    1 Corinthians 6:4‭-‬6 KJV

    He goes before the unbelivers.. ?
    He should know when to quit.

    • I immediately thought of that verse when I read Geoffrey’s threats of suing. It baffles me how he could say that when scripture directly speaks against this behavior, and say it in the very rebuttal that is supposed to prove his innocence and convince us as Christians to believe him.

      Someone posted these verses in a comment on the rebuttal and Geoffrey’s response was, “I agree….pray for me to react in my spirit and not in my flesh. So far, so good….”

      So Geoffrey knows it’s wrong to threaten to sue, yet it was included in his rebuttal and remains in there. I understand we can all fall prey to saying things we shouldn’t when we are upset. But to me, this response doesn’t sound sorry about making legal threats. An appropriate response would be removing the legal threats from the rebuttal, and editing in a statement acknowledging that such threats are in opposition to God’s Word and apologizing for reacting in the flesh.

      • That’s the exact verse that came to my mind also, when I read Fredriks’s response. Ginger. Another is: “To him that knows to do good and does it not, to him it is sin. GG knew what he was doing each and every time. I tried to encourage him to do the right thing, but I guess we know who’s buttering his slice or eternal bread. Very sad.

        • Gary – I completely agree, a textbook narcissist. And the worst kind too, who hide behind a fake persona of being a righteous Bible teacher.

  • Well you gotta hand it to Grider, he helped you out brother Jacob! He proved what you wrote about him, he proved that he is indeed guilty. What a devil he is.

  • Great analysis of GG’s rebuttal. Truly he exposes himself. Praying for the folks he’s victimized, that eyes will be opened and that the Lord will grant wisdom and discernment to those needing it in this situation.

    Proverbs 18:6-7 ~
    A fool’s lips enter into contention, and his mouth calleth for strokes.

    A fool’s mouth is his destruction, and his lips are the snare of his soul.

  • “Just a little housecleaning/maintenance about the saying “It’s better to keep your mouth shut and appear stupid than open it and remove all doubt.” I see no indication that William Shakespeare ever came up with that quote.
    The earliest it is mentioned, and perhaps using different words, is from Maurice Switzer in 1907. Never heard of him, but that is what Duck Duck Go says. The quote has also been mistakenly attributed to Mark Twain and Abe Lincoln. I just felt it could not be Shakespeare, whoever one thinks Shakespeare really was; the Elizabethans of that time just didn’t seem to me to have that wise-guy cynicism about them. Maybe that is why those times were the best time, as Ruckman had said, for the King James Bible to appear on the scene, even though Elizabeth had recently died and James 1 was on the throne.
    The wise guys and naysayers only appeared, mainly in Europe, after the King James Bible was published.

  • Everyone needs to watch “Ministry Disqualifications” by Brother Bryan, as well. (Born Again Barbarian YouTube channel).

    Brother Jacob, God bless you for your courage to speak boldly and truthfully for the LORD!!

  • I followed NTEB for years but never commented on Geoffrey’s articles. It was his article that lead he to your site in the first place.

    After I read your article with all the evidence you had, I tried to go back to Geoffrey’s article to leave a reasonable comment. But it told me my comment was “waiting for approval”. The next day my comment was never posted to that NTEB article. I’m assuming others had the same issue because it looked like only the comments that supported Geoffrey were the ones getting posted. Not sure how that Skywatch60 comment snuck through.

    Safe to say I won’t be donating to Mudflower/NTEB anymore. I hope that money really went to jailhouse Bibles and not straight to Geoffrey’s pocket.

    • Hugo, I’ve never posted on Geoffrey’s articles so maybe someone who has can confirm this better than me. But my understanding is that the default is usually the comments post without needing approval. Perhaps initially the article allowed people to freely comment, allowing comments such as skywatcher60’s to get through, and then later he switched the settings to approving them.

      Christian Solider was another person whose comments got through but were later deleted. This person Biblically and respectfully asked Geoffrey for answers and voiced concerns, like Skywatcher60 did as well.

      If you look in the comments, Geoffrey claims Skywatcher’s comments were deleted because he sent an email with “offensive comments”. Setting aside that Geoffrey’s credibility has been damaged and I am not convinced that Skywatcher’s email was offensive simply because Geoffrey says so, it doesn’t make sense to me to delete a perfectly reasonable comment because that person may or may not have sent you an “offensive” email at a later point in time. Block a person from posting, okay that I can understand. But why would you delete a reasonable comment because that person allegedly offended you in a separate comment? From my perspective, this explanation for the deleted posts looks a lot like possible damage control to explain away censorship. And now that comments require approval to post, who knows how many comments have been deleted/blocked (censored) before they could even be posted. Geoffrey has frequently condemned censorship in his podcasts, yet these odd details many have noticed in the comments of his rebuttal raise heavy suspicion that he’s doing the very thing he condemns. The hypocrisy is outrageous and discouraging.

      • He’s deleting every comment that does not coddle up to him. He refuses to admit that he is wrong, and he has to because there is no doubt that there is even more than he’s done.

        • Before Skywatchers comment was deleted I thought it would be appropriate to post a link to your article seeing how it was asked for.
          My post was deleted immediately and I have received a lifetime ban for doing so.
          Kind of like YouTube banning opposing opinions during a recent sickness
          There’s no hiding the public records he was deeply in debt to the IRS and the timing of his fundraising efforts was very coincidental to say the least.
          Circumstantial in a court of law but I doubt WayGiver will be forgiving of having their reputation tarnished. I intend to request that they investigate his organization along with anyone else reading this who feels he should be held accountable.

          • This is Skywatcher 57/60…Did you actually get in touch with “WayGiver”? What was their reaction, if you don’t mind.

            Ever since Grider deleted my posts, he’s been very busy teaching “What a real Christian is”, and other stuff he fails to apply to himself.

            Thanking you in advance! God bless you!

        • Hi Jacob.
          How do I get signed up for e-mail notifications on winepress of new comments and those who have responded to mine?
          I need a link, as I am unsure as to where I need to go.
          Thank you.
          God Bless You Jacob!

      • Yes by default the comments would post without needing approval. ,, even not so nice ones would even post , and then we had the option to “flag” any comment we seemed not appropriate. Now every comment is moderated to Meet his narrative.

        • Hi Gary.
          When you tell the Truth, nothing ever needs covering, but when you lie, you have to fabricate more lies to cover the previous ones…. eventually a liar cannot keep up with their past lies.
          The fact tha DeniseC, Skywatcher60 and Christian Soldier were deleted says volumes about GG’s character and NOT in a good way. Their posts were not derogatory in any way they were Scriptural and Denise merely asked him questions that were VERY REASONABLE.
          God Bless You Gary

          • Hi Ron, good to see you here. You are correct. He had no reason to delete those comments. He is doing now what he always talks about FB does, censoring comments and deleting at his will. Seems like it’s turning into a cult–”let’s play, follow the leader”or you will be banned or comments deleted.

            God Bless you as well, Ron

      • He is deleting comments because it shows he is desperate to save face. If he was not guilty of what he has been accused of, he would have no need to be censoring comments. The hypocrisy is astounding, and he is despicable and disgusting.

        • I agree Loretta, his reaction to this speaks volumes. But isn’t that what narcissists do, think they can outsmart everyone, cover it up with excessive explanations, and deflect their guilt?

          • Amen Keira!




            CON MEN DO.

            God Bless You Keira!

          • Amen Keira!





            CON MEN DO.

            God Bless You Keira!

        • Hi Loretta! This all of a sudden censoring of comments is over the top! Many of us begged him for nearly a year to do something about the hyperdispensationalists who were upsetting many and causing all kinds of problems, yet Geoffrey would not censor or lift a finger to stop them! Now all of a sudden he is the warden of every comment that comes in?! Unbelievable!! I can’t believe I am witnessing all of this! MARANATHA!!!!!!!

          • Hi Standingfirm, there were so many nasty comments being put on the board over the last few months, especially by one man in particular who I won’t name, and nothing was done about it, and now Geoff, when it suits him, becomes the chat board police to try and avoid looking bad. However, this has only backfired on Geoff and made him look worse. This whole situation is something I never could have thought or imagined, but I am thankful to know the truth about this man. He definitely is not what he has appeared to be. Very sad and sickening.

          • Amen SF!
            That and many other issues, he has shown he will not be instructed, corrected, reproved, or honest.
            He shows himself to be a narcissist.
            God Bless You SF!

          • Hi Standingfirm and Loretta. I never posted on NTEB but I would read the comments on articles at times. There were times when I would think to myself that the comments section really needs a moderator because there were sometimes some really unappealing attitudes and comments made. Not only is this spiritually unhealthy for those involved in the arguing and other Christians seeing such discussions, but to those who are not Christians who might be reading it gives a really disgraceful impression that this is how Christians act and reflects badly on Jesus Christ.

            But I thought back then that maybe Geoffrey didn’t have the time or enough people to help out with that. Or I had thought back then that maybe he was trying not to censor people by stopping those discussions and allowing free discussion that in my eyes, wasn’t spiritually healthy. But seeing how carefully he is filtering and censoring comments now because it’s a situation that personally concerns him – just wow. It’s unreal. And I’m left questioning how he didn’t consider that censoring people was going to make this situation worse.

        • Hi Loretta.
          Not to save face, but keep the remaining cash cows feeding his bank account.
          Censoring comments like he did is a Big Red Flag.
          Funny when one asked him to do something about moderating in the past usually it was crickets, now he’s a vulture waiting for the prey to die.
          So very very sad.
          God Bless You Loretta!

        • Hi Loretta.
          We always have missionaries visit our Church.
          Also Brother Paul AKA Colonial Man and Sister Tag has some great ideas for establishing a new forum.
          That would allow us to post to one another in a similar manner as on NTEB, comment, get an e-mail, or some sort of alert, unless Brother Jacob decides to modify his website to allow such, as I hate having to sort thru comments.
          I pray you are well.
          God Bless You Loretta!

        • I forgot to mention we had a visiting missionary at our church who gives away free Bibles.
          You not need FB just cancel on the login and see both 8/27/2023 morning and evening services for “The Bible Missionary” ( be sure to unmute )
          His approach is really awesome. He gave them away at the Walmart at Camillus near my house for 2 hours Saturday, they travel the country for 50 weeks of the year with a truck and a 5th wheel RV home. Stationed in Illinois;
          God Bless You Loretta!

    • That’s the irony of all of this. Grider could have actually averted this had he not written that rebuttal in general. I have my opinions on where that money is going but I’ll refrain from publicly stating them.

      • I have my opinions too. The way he’s acting my guess is most of it goes to him. About a year or so ago I checked out some books on his online bookstore and boy were they marked way up. Every book I was interested in, I was able to find at chick.com and at least another place for $3-$5 less. He is gouging people imo. I haven’t checked in some time but that was an issue I had with his “ministry” (business) for quite a while.

        • Yeah, I’ve mentioned that before, too. I don’t know if he is including shipping costs into that, but if that actually is the price people are being asked to pay if they visit the physical store, then he definitely is gouging people. It’s even more ridiculous when you consider that the strong majority of stuff he is selling can be purchased at the Bible Baptist Bookstore, which is relatively not that far away from him. If you are asking my opinion, I think he’s just building on another man’s foundation (Romans 15:20).

          • GG is selling the ”common man’s reference bible” for 139.00, before shipping.
            with shipping it’s $163.52

            the kjvstore is selling it for 129.00 –free delivery
            and no shipping costs

            • Hi Gary.
              If that is the cost of that Bible with shipping then we can easily surmise if the other store’s price is $129 with shipping then $24.52 or more is the actual pocket change he keeps and that number represents almost a 27% or more over the cost of the actual Bible.
              Seeing how he is mostly funded by DONATIONS… I find it an abomination that he would PRICE GOUGE his fellow Christians, that is if he is even one himself…. his behaviors of all the evidence of his fruits of late point to him being otherwise.
              Now his latest article is about His Highway signs SEND ME MORE MONEY. Here is another over inflated claim as just watch his “Bible Bookstore Video” and you will see the shipping center in action:
              The miracle of the Bookstore is our shipping center, which allows us to be able to send out thousands of free Bibles, New Testaments, Scripture portions and gospel tracts at a greatly reduced cost.
              He has also altered his DONATION STATEMENT, but he has himself covered by his old articles. I guess he did not like my playing the devil to expose that info… now I have to read them closer… and see his Sea Lawyer coverage for Donations to NTEB.
              The Coward said I was taken captive by “the devil” to DeniseC……. If I am taken captive by “the devil” as he so falsely states….
              Then Geoffrey Grider has “a legion”
              He also stated What Paul said in reference to me:
              2 Timothy 4:14 Alexander the coppersmith did me much evil: the Lord reward him according to his works:
              All of this was deleted by him very shortly after posting it to DeniseC, to once again to cover his shenanigans
              That Scripture use by him shows how spiritually discerned he is.
              It is Paul addressing Alexander the coppersmith.
              He is not a Paul, nor even close
              nor am I a coppersmith.
              If anyone is a coppersmith, it is he with everyone’s pennies that are donated to him, may he be judged by that very Scripture and let it come back upon his own head.
              MONEY MONEY MONEY is all he is about, as the Donated monies he does as he pleases, but WILL NOT GIVE ACCOUNT OF HOW MUCH MONEY HE IS TAKING IN.
              If he did such this late in the game I WOULD NOT BELIEVE HIM IF HIS TONGUE CAME NOTARIZED.
              He would lie on that too, since he has deleted the comments of those who questioned him, and those remaining have no discernment at all.
              Lots of Money and feigned works to keep most of it IS NOT Godly Prosperity.
              Keep in mind the early church, and Today is no different, except people think they can get away with it:
              Ac 5:1 But a certain man named Ananias, with Sapphira his wife, sold a possession,
              Ac 5:2 And kept back part of the price, his wife also being privy to it, and brought a certain part, and laid it at the apostles’ feet.
              Ac 5:3 But Peter said, Ananias, why hath Satan filled thine heart to lie to the Holy Ghost, and to keep back part of the price of the land?
              Ac 5:4 Whiles it remained, was it not thine own? and after it was sold, was it not in thine own power? why hast thou conceived this thing in thine heart? thou hast not lied unto men, but unto God.
              Ac 5:5 And Ananias hearing these words fell down, and gave up the ghost: and great fear came on all them that heard these things.
              Ac 5:6 And the young men arose, wound him up, and carried him out, and buried him.
              Ac 5:7 And it was about the space of three hours after, when his wife, not knowing what was done, came in.
              Ac 5:8 And Peter answered unto her, Tell me whether ye sold the land for so much? And she said, Yea, for so much.
              Ac 5:9 Then Peter said unto her, How is it that ye have agreed together to tempt the Spirit of the Lord? behold, the feet of them which have buried thy husband are at the door, and shall carry thee out.
              Ac 5:10 Then fell she down straightway at his feet, and yielded up the ghost: and the young men came in, and found her dead, and, carrying her forth, buried her by her husband.
              Ac 5:11 And great fear came upon all the church, and upon as many as heard these things.
              God Bless You Gary!

        • Many months ago, Grider had a book by Ruckman called “Ruckman’s Apocalypse The Revelation of Jesus Christ”, and Grider had it listed at $29.99. I go over to the Bible Baptist Bookstore online, and they have it for $7.95. I thought that was very strange, and obviously I did not purchase the book from Grider’s bookstore! A few months later, he had a “sale” and the book was marked down to $7.95. Yes, I believe he absolutely price gouges!

          • Hi Loretta.
            The Lord brought this to remembrance the other day to me.
            ( I would be really lost without The Holy Spirit to assist me in such )
            Lets say the Bible is bought for $X by his bookstore from the supplier.
            But on “his books”
            he has it selling for $Y.
            So you send in your $Z, as a donation
            thus “you are purchasing” a Bible from him legally at the $Y dollar price
            So your $Z can only purchase his Bibles at his $Y dollar price
            However he “keeps the difference” of what he buys them at for $Y between his $X, turning the difference into his bank account dollars.
            I hope this makes sense, if not I can substitute numbers.
            This is like getting a “mite” in the mail and sending them a donation, and rather than have it go for where it is intended ( maybe a small fraction goes to the intended ) you have actually purchased that “mite” and they have profited from you because you have bought it by deceit.
            Something to think about.
            God Bless You Loretta!

          • Thanks Ron, I get it. I think he got a little too greedy! I had to go back and check two or three times to make sure I was seeing the difference in prices at each bookstore. I’ve never seen a mark-up that high!

          • Hi Loretta.
            Only Christians will mostly buy Christian Books, not the unsaved, although some might.
            This just shows Grider’s GREED given the fact he is HUGELY SUPPORTED BY DONATIONS
            and then PRICE GOUGES his ( supposedly ) Brothers and Sisters in Christ.
            He has his WEB PAGE BUSINESS, so why the need to GOUGE, only 1 thing GREED.
            Yes he had a sale, and any time a sale happens where the price is that low…. that means he bought that book for way less than that.
            God Bless You Loretta!

            • Ron,

              His Mudflower clearly doesn’t generate enough income to stand alone. It appears to exist primarily to give an air of credibility to his endeavors. It also appears he found it lucrative to create a ministry, knowing born again Christians are generous and trusting. There is no reason other than ‘creative accounting’ to have a ministry under the umbrella of a secular business endeavor. Divided loyalties are at play here and we both know what the Bible says about that!

        • I tried to order some books once and the shipping charge was 77 bucks for priority mail. Has he never heard of media mail? I was also concerned about the fundraiser for sending KJBs to Uganda. Overseas shipping is expensive. Surely there would have been another ministry to partner with that would have some logistics already in place?

        • Gouging them while he asks them to donate.
          Always a good sign of how much he cares about his Donees.
          He only is interested in their wallets.
          Now he speaks of Bibles by the case, rather than the actual number it makes it look so huge. A 200 bed jail has just that 200 beds. needed 200 Bibles

        • Its all a wow! God is really who used Geoffrey to expose himself! When I seen the rebuttal he put to the guys trying to ruin him that’s when I decided to investigate the topic and to my surprise all research was shown to be true that Mr. Grinder is probably a grifter and false teacher who calls himself a pastor! Had Geoff not did that article I may have never known but thankful God knew how to expose it and he again used Jacob to do ,thank you Jacob.
          I have left NTEB ,I do also pray money went where God wanted it to go.
          As far as Geoffrey goes God is and will take care of him. Wow talk about deception! Geoff had me fooled! If he’s saved he should repent and step down and if he’s not saved ,both are my prayers

        • Hi Chas.
          What good Christian who is getting donated money left and right gouges their Brothers and Sisters?
          A greedy one a very greedy one at that, he only has his Bookstore because of those who Donated to Geoffrey Scott Grider at NTEB.
          That is his way of saying: “Thanks Suckers”
          God Bless You Chas!

          • Ulterior Motives?

            In the year 2022, Geoffrey Scott Grider decided he wanted to give away 100,000 free bibles. He ended up giving away slightly over 100,000. For the ease of conversation, let’s use 100,000. What was unknown at the time, was that GG was merely making a phone call while someone else absorbed the costs of the bibles and the shipping. According to the source, that foundation stated they only asked for $2.50 per bible to offset their expenses. OK, let’s go with that.

            2.50 x 100,000 = $250,000

            GG raised that much many times over. What does he do? He announces it was such a smashing success (uh, huh) he decides 2023 is the year for donating one million free bibles!

            While I don’t know where that currently stands, 2022 stashed him so much money with relative ease, he multiplied the goal by ten.

            Geoff refuses to open his books. There’s a reason for that. Geoff is not going to voluntarily expose his nefarious bookkeeping.

            ~~~ ~~~ ~~~

            Another note of interest is . . . WayGiver. Prior to the WinePress expose’, very few givers were Anonymous. Since then, most are. Is it possible GG is switching pockets? By that I mean taking from his left pocket and placing it in his right? He needs to keep up appearance to keep shaking the tree (so to speak) so others will give.

            Disqus. Article comments are way down. Now GG may get just under 10, and several of those are by him. Most of the articles get less than four. To me, it stands to reason that if comments have dropped by hundreds, most likely he’s lost hundreds of givers not only through WayGiver, but through all mediums.

            I surmise that it is Geoff himself contacting jails and prisons throughout the country offering bibles so that he can send out another article pleading for money. Now, he’s adding schools.

            ~~~ ~~~ ~~~

            Folks, it is not necessary to go through NTEB (Geoffrey Scott Grider) to do anything for The Lord. Do unto The Lord, yourself. Buy and give away Bibles on your own. There are free sources for you to utilize. Remember the serpent in Genesis 3:4, as he is still whispering in your ear via others, today.

            Go re-read in the book of John, chapter 2 where Jesus Christ rebuked those making His Father’s house, a house of merchandise. Also, re-acquaint yourselves with the following verses:

            Job 31:6 “Let me be weighed in an even balance, that God may know mine integrity.”

            Proverbs 11:1 “A false balance is abomination to the LORD: but a just weight is his delight.”

            Proverbs 16:11 “A just weight and balance are the LORD’S: all the weights of the bag are his work.”

            Proverbs 20:10 “Divers weights, and divers measures, both of them are alike abomination to the LORD.”

            Proverbs 20:23 “Divers weights are an abomination unto the LORD; and a false balance is not good.”

            Micah 6:11 “Shall I count them pure with the wicked balances, and with the bag of deceitful weights?”

            No one is desirous to stop bibles from being given to those in want and need. Just be careful of whom you place your trust.

            Brother Ron did a search on the NTEB site for “fundraising.” Look how many article for each year have Geoffrey Scott Grider asking for money:

            2023 (287)
            2022 (470)
            2021 (586)
            2020 (769)
            2019 (716)
            GG’s latest:
            The ‘Beating Heart’ Of The NTEB Bookstore Is Our Free Bible Programs
            Brother Ron called his local Post Office 500 feet away. A package that weighs 2 pounds 13 Ounces would cost $49.00 to ship to Manilla in the Philippines by the USPO, not the cost Geoffrey stated in the video. Another marked up scaled up cost claim to the determent of the Donator’s, the other $50 is his cost to get it to the local Post Office ( pocket change )

            Don’t forget, Geoff himself states on the NTEB site where your money actually goes. Primarily, day-to-day operations. Secondary, bible / tract programs. Third, billboard programs. Geoff then goes on to state those three things cost over $40,000 per month. If you’ve ever given electronically, made a purchase of any kind, your receipt came from Mudflower, his secular business. That means, the ministry is under the umbrella of his secular business pursuits. That also means, you are funding salaries for secular business expenses and payroll. Is that really what you want to do?

        • Yes Sis Shirley, but it sure is sad that because of one mans sins that we are all shocked and grieving. His behaviour has impacted all of us and deeply saddens us,
          something we did not need at this point in time! God bless you. MARANATHA!!!!!!!!

        • Hi Shirley.
          He sure does want us to know the truth. I have a story on that one.
          It sure has found him out, King David was caught in his sins, and caused God’s Enemies to blapheme Him, by David’s sins, David felt the sting of that revelation, and repented, but it still cost him.
          God Bless You Shirley!

    • Might have been before the policing of every single comment began! But it was a comment by Skywatcher60, that Geoffrey apparently needed to hear, but unfortunately responded negatively or defensively too! We all need self examination, so do speak!

      • Hi Lion.
        It wasn’t just his it was a bunch of comments that were removed.
        He will not be reproved.
        But The Lord Will reprove those who think they are above such.
        God Bless You Lion!

        • Hi Ron, I posted this comment Saturday night after reading the WinePress article aTracy
          3 days ago
          Geoffrey, I wrote the above comment yesterday; however, after reading part of the Winepress article, I honestly don’t know what to think. I never listened to your podcast, but I always looked forward to reading your articles and the comments on this site.
          I will pray for you, and I wish you and your family the very best.

          nd it was removed before it even posted.

          • Hi Tracy.
            This is all very disheartening and sad.
            I wish it had never had happened. An honest person has nothing to hide.
            So one only need to ask themselves, especially you my Sister; what was so damaging about what you said?
            I say nothing. He deleted Skywatcher60’s, Christian Soldier, DeniseC, and a whole host of others posts because they posted Scripture, asked him questions, and spoke of financial transparency.
            When his rebuttal came out about Jacob / Winepress he hovered over every single post like a vulture…. all dissent was silenced. Rather than be contrite and humble…. he was showing how narcissistic, controlling, defiant he truly is. Now I see him like any prosperity preacher caught with his hand in his indiscretions. I have so many things that have come to light that show he is guilty as can be. Yes we need to pray for him.
            Ironically, I used to say welcome to NTEB, now he is slamming the door in the face of many, you are one who has had such done to you.
            I could write a book on all the lessons from The Bible that applies here.
            I also got more proof of more first hand info on GG, but for now I have to keep them ANONYMOUS. But they will send me an e-mail later when the time is right for them.
            I have spoken to various people they are all credible, Geri Ungerean being the biggest one, she was brushed off mentioning what she knew to RR who links NTEB to their site.
            There is lessons to be had in this, but has caused the name of The Lord to be blaphemed by his indiscretions
            God Bless You Tracy!

          • Tracy, I felt led to drop in to NTEB yesterday, to see how many commenters there were. I checked out four or five threads, and there were as few as 10-35. Most of them were dialogue between GG and each other, so in actuality, there are about 10-15 visible followers left. Surely, he must be feeling that pinch.

            I’ve also been told that since this all came to light of day, there were “2 or 3 more donations.” That’s probably a huge drop and quite noticeable to him.

            Watchwoman65 is defending him by saying “BUT WHATEVER HE’S GOT HIMSELF INTO IS BETWEEN HIM AND GOD”, as I just learned from her email a moment ago. How sad is that! A YouTube ministry that doesn’t acknowledge the seriousness of all this, calling herself “Watchwoman”. She’d rather turn a blind eye than to warn her followers as I suggested she do. I’m shaking my head! Have a blessed day!

            • Isaiah 56:10 His watchmen are blind: they are all ignorant, they are all dumb dogs, they cannot bark; sleeping, lying down, loving to slumber.
              Sounds like a noisy woman who is only interested in sensualism and entertainment, and not actually judgment.

        • Hi Ron, without a reply button underneath your name, I have no idea where this comment will show up. However, in answer to your reply to me, I agree 100% with you.
          I just let him know that I had read the other side of the story and didn’t think a thing about it looking offensive to him; however, when just moments after posting my comment it was removed, I knew then that he was trying to hide something.
          Ron, two things I want to point out, one, I just never could call him Bro. Geoff . Two, I tried to listen to some of his podcast, but I just never could “get into” them and then I would wonder why….especially after reading comments from some who had actually listened to his podcast complimenting him on how good it was.. With that said, i know now it was God helping me, because God knew. I truly believe that God shows us these things if only we would just listen to His still small voice.
          God Bless you too, Ron. I’m just going to keep praying for lost souls.

          • Hi Tracy! There was definitely nothing wrong with your comment. The tone of it was kind and loving. It seems it was removed/censored because you said you didn’t know what to think. I imagine in Geoffrey’s eyes, it was perceived as a threat because it wasn’t praising him, saying sorry that this happened to him, etc. As I have said before, it blows my mind how he didn’t consider that censoring people would only serve to worsen how people view this situation. He would have been better off just disabling all comments if he didn’t want to deal with the possibility of people challenging/questioning him publicly.

            I understand what you’re saying regarding God helping you to pick up on things that didn’t seem right. Before Jacob’s article, I had already stopped listening to NTEB. I noticed multiple spiritual red flags, one of which was the tone of speaking and writing. To me, I felt love was lacking in his words and tone at times, and either it was something that intensified over time or I just didn’t notice it immediately. Once I noticed it, I thought of what Paul said about the importance of speaking with love:

            “Though I speak with the tongues of men and of angels, but have not love, I have become sounding brass or a clanging cymbal. And though I have the gift of prophecy, and understand all mysteries and all knowledge, and though I have all faith, so that I could remove mountains, but have not love, I am nothing. And though I bestow all my goods to feed the poor, and though I give my body to be burned, but have not love, it profits me nothing.” – 1 Corinthians 13:1-3

          • Hi Tracy.
            Please pray for me, as I am feeling sluggish, and I may have a torn left rotator cuff. My pastor and I will be at the NYS Fair with a booth for witnessing tomorow at 3, i want to attend, my shoulder isn’t a problem… it is the sluggishness I so badly want to go. Getting forgetful too, I left my car running with the keys in it, and went into church. Well a Brother brought them in and said I thought you might like these. It’s a bad neighborhood, but God watches over me and them at our church. Funny we have had some questionable incidences outside.
            Keep on praying like you do.
            I felt much like you did on his podcasts.
            God Bless You Tracy!

          • Skywatcher60, I agree with what you said. You know that he’s seeing this, but not acknowledging it. Too, there are some still there that I’m surprised about, unless they’ve missed all this revelation about GG. The whole situation is a sad one.
            You take care and God Bless!

          • Amen Tracy!
            I saw the errors in his teachings but he would not be proved wrong, he is just like Judas was, an imitator, and he holds the bag of OP money as in ours.
            God Bless You Tracy!

            • Ron, I’m sure that you did. I never could listen to him on his podcast; he just couldn’t keep my interest. I wish he would repent and come clean; however, right now it appears that money is more important to him than anything else. I’ll keep paying for the lost.
              God Bless You and Yours too, Ron.

        • Hey brother Ron! It’s me J7, under a slightly different screen name! Tried replying back to ya yesterday, but not a techy person, and for some reason my comment reply got dropped to the bottom, and don’t think you got it! Added a 7 to the end of my new screen name for this platform, maybe helps a little hehe Anways glad to see ya again, over on here! Hope all is well with you and yours! God Bless you All! Maranatha!

          • Hi Ginger, you nailed it! And too, amen to 1 Corinthians 13. Wouldn’t it be wonderful if more people applied that to their lives…..
            Take care!

          • Ron, I prayed and will continue to pray for you. I pray that you’re feeling better already and will be able to attend the NYS Fair and will be able to witness to many.
            Don’t worry, all of us are forgetful at times; lots of things going on in these end of days.
            God Bless you and yours and please take care, Ron!

        • Hello Ron,
          Different screen name than my Disqus pun of FarmeronaDell yet OldNews isn’t much better.
          I had plenty of trouble posting on NTEB but occasionally one would be allowed. I believe I must have been in his doghouse for some reason. At the time I thought it was because I didn’t agree with his views on Emanuel Macron but with an ego like his it’s hard to say.
          For the record I hardly use my Dell computer anymore and I live in a small country community that depending upon the season you can see the real farmers driving different equipment down Main Street to their fields close by on the other side of town. Everyone here is referred to as a farmer by city folks whether or not we actually farm.
          Hope you are doing well Ron and God bless you.

          • Hi Old News ON.
            I would not put it past him to have done that to you, since I saw all his KGB style “no dissent” monitoring and banning.
            I would have loved to have come from a farming community such as yourself.
            Soon we will see many many farmers in the Millennium, and at initial start all will be saved, how wonderful will that be, sadly woe to the farmer crops for not coming before The Lord Jesus Christ at The Feast of Tabernacles.
            The last and 7th feast to be kept till the end of the Millennium.
            Feeling sluggish, and possibly a torn left rotator cuff, but always upbeat For our Lord and His Words.
            GOOD TIMES AHEAD!!!! We focus on our Savior The Lord Jesus Christ
            Heb 11:9 By faith he sojourned in the land of promise, as in a strange country, dwelling in tabernacles with Isaac and Jacob, the heirs with him of the same promise:
            Heb 11:10 For he looked for a city which hath foundations, whose builder and maker is God.
            Like Abraham, our sojourn here is almost UP.
            God Bless You Old News

    • “Not sure how that Skywatch60 comment snuck through.”

      Brother Hugo, I was the one who made it public on NTEB begins on that “fateful day” for Grider. After carefully reading the evidences for myself, I felt very deeply in my spirit that those on NTEB should know the truth, so I posted what I did.

      When I post this, you may see the number “57” after my name; that’s from an older file with WordPress, but it’s still me. I’m going to see if I can chance it now.

    • Its all a wow! God is really who used Geoffrey to expose himself! When I seen the rebuttal he put to the guys trying to ruin him that’s when I decided to investigate the topic and to my surprise all research was shown to be true that Mr. Grinder is probably a grifter and false teacher who calls himself a pastor! Had Geoff not did that article I may have never known but thankful God knew how to expose it and he again used Jacob to do ,thank you Jacob.
      I have left NTEB ,I do also pray money went where God wanted it to go.
      As far as Geoffrey goes God is and will take care of him. Wow talk about deception! Geoff had me fooled! If he’s saved he should repent and step down and if he’s not saved ,both are my prayers

      • It’s been weeks and he has not lived up to his previous promises, unsurprisingly. He just wants to pretend as if nothing ever happened, and as long as he has simpletons bankrolling him then he’ll keep doing what he’s doing. However, judgment will strike him hard in short order, I do believe that.

      • Hi Shirley, I agree with everything you said. I hope you’re doing well. Have you heard about the new chat forum that was set up for those who have left NTEB and want to keep fellowshipping? There are about 31 of us so far who have signed up. The link to the forum is https://untilshilohcome.freeforums.net/. It takes some time to learn how to navigate through it, but it is doable, just takes practice. I hope you will join!

  • That kind of garbage contributed hugely to the mess in the churches today: gubmint & corporate craft backed guys like Grider come in and grift, exploit women & children….and then come the lawsuits that are winnable: but no one can afford to win them because of the corruption in the legal & judicial systems. The same thing they’re doing with employment, home owning, trying to earn an honest living….. We be idolatrous humanist Romish European cult fascist/commies now, like it or not: and just one of the heads on that Beast system rising. The Lord knows & the Lord will sort accordingly, but not all judgment happens in the visible.

  • Thanks Brother Jacob for all your hard work. I love the Shakespeare quote. I like to also say that Grider is acting like a fishmonger!

  • Jacob, I pray God protects and shelters you from that devil’s attacks!
    Now the End will truly Begin for that hireling and sex pervert and all the rest.

      • Hi Jacob.
        The Lord has your back, and you have The Lord’s Ephesians 6 Full Frontal armor.
        God Bless and Protect You Jacob!

        • Hi Ron! We’ll be praying for your shoulder as well as the state fair booth! Isn’t that in Syracuse, NY? If so, we are only a few hours west of you, near Gowanda.

          • Hi Adam and Katey.
            Yes it is in Syracuse, I quit going to the NYS fair long ago for what is there.
            This is all that matters “souls” My son lives out your way,
            I just looked up Gowanda on the map, you are out near Letchworth SP, and a couple of others.
            Thank you for the prayers, I feel very sluggish today, I can live with the shoulder at the fair, but I want to upbeat, and not sluggish.
            How do we solve this nations crisis, by winning souls, one at a time, we may never get there, but we can strive for it.
            All the voting in the world will never change this nation’s outcome….
            only by changing hearts can we obtain victory.
            God Bless You Adam & Katey!

          • Hi Adam & Katey.
            Would you please give me a link to the signup for winepress you mentioned in your comment to me?
            I really appreciate it, thank you.
            God Bless You Adam & Katey!

            • Hi Ron!
              Here’s a link to create an account on WordPress. You can sign up directly with your Google account if you want.
              Once you’ve signed up and are logged in, go to the drop down tab on the top to toggle the search bar. Type in “winepress news.com” and it will show a link you can click on. There’s a “Follow” option button next to a settings bar… if you click the settings bar, you can can toggle the off/on notifications for new posts and comments, and change the frequency of notifications.
              Hopefully this helps! God bless you Ron, happy belated anniversary by the way!


  • Sadden and Speechless! Not on anyone’s side, but the truth, which appears to be in the middle! Absolutely NO Excuse for Any Omission and Censorship over there of posts, comments, ect! What happened to Skywatcher60 (who was formally an NTEB member for about 15 years) and his posts was Totally uncalled for, in my opinion! Especially when Geoffrey was allowing all kinds of errors or false doctrines like HyperDispensationalism to be strongly pushed in his comments section, with nothing done about it, despite articles against the position written by him! Continued to allow troublemakers in, and has now lost some good brethren, because of all of this! That’s all I gotta say now!

    • Thank you dear Brother or Sister! I was also one of the people who complained to him more than once about the Satanic doctrine of Hyperdispensationalism! And I can call it
      such as H.A. Ironside (Christian Scholar 1876-1951) has said and I quote him: “I have no
      hesitancy in saying it is an absolutely Satanic perversion of the truth.” Geoff did not censor the “hypers” at all or block them and their purpose full confusing comments and doctrine!! It would get me so angry that I could almost hear Brother Dave Hunt telling me firmly to leave that website. And now he is censoring every single post that comes in?! Truly unbelievable!! MARANATHA!!!!!

      • Hey sister StandingFirm! It’s actually me J7, under a slightly different new screen name, I came up with for this platform hehe Added a 7 on to the end of it, maybe that will help! Still trying to get the hang of how posts work on this site, tried replying to ya yesterday, but comment reply went to bottom, and unfortunately you didn’t get it! But anyways, I know what mean by Nteb and what Pope Geoffrey the Infallible has done over there, censor/screening all comments and posts, and deleting/removing the ones that don’t fit with his accepted narrative! Yeah I finally left Nteb the other day, after it was totally clear we were being lied to, and not being told the true! The evidence is overwhelming, and cannot be ignored! Glad to see you again over here, dear sister! Hope all is well with you and yours! God Bless you All! Maranatha!

        • Hello Jer7! Now I know who you are as seeing you at Sister Geri’s blog! I am praying for everyone involved. It is very heart breaking to say the least! And what kind of “witness” does a head line like that give to a unsaved person who may be passing by?
          They think “Oh those Christians they are no different than us, look at their pastor lying etc.” That is not good. That is why we need to be a great witness for the Lord and not to cause a reproach on His precious name! I pray the Lord’s will be done and that we always walk in His truth until we are taken home! So glad Brother that you are here!! God bless you dear Brother! P.S Thank you Jacob, dear Brother for just changing the reply type set. This is so much better!!

          • Hey sister StandingFirm! Yes it’s me J7, and that was me, as well! Had to go over there and see sister Geri, and thank her for her stand, and what she has said, as well as, brother Jacob and His exposing Mr Grider articles, and brother SW’s final Nteb post warning ⚠️ us all about the overwhelming documented evidence against Geoffrey, sad but true, to say! Yes they’re definitely a lot of brethren we all need to keep in prayer! This has been so shocking and heartbreaking to so many of our beloved brethren! God Bless you and your family, dear sister! Maranatha!

        • Hi J7.
          I pray you are well today. That is biggest thing we have to do on here, say who it is we are talking to first, otherwise we are left in a lurch as to who speaking to
          even a copy and paste of our time of their post might be appropriate.
          Yes he could not be bothered with monitoring his comments before or moderating them. We see 2 different types on Men on being reproved
          1Ki 22:16 And the king said unto him, How many times shall I adjure thee that thou tell me nothing but that which is true in the name of the LORD?
          1Ki 22:17 And he said, I saw all Israel scattered upon the hills, as sheep that have not a shepherd: and the LORD said, These have no master: let them return every man to his house in peace.
          1Ki 22:18 And the king of Israel said unto Jehoshaphat, Did I not tell thee that he would prophesy no good concerning me, but evil?
          So Ahab tossed Micaiah in prison literally shut him up and in.
          Ahab was an evil man.
          Then we see David who committed adultery and Murder who when being reproved.
          The Pophet Nathan reproved David thru describing the “ewe Lamb”
          II Samuel 12:1-4
          David got angry II Samuel 12:5-6
          And then Nathan said:
          2 Samuel 12:7 And Nathan said to David, Thou art the man. Thus saith the LORD God of Israel, I anointed thee king over Israel, and I delivered thee out of the hand of Saul;
          2 Samuel 12:13 And David said unto Nathan, I have sinned against the LORD. And Nathan said unto David, The LORD also hath put away thy sin; thou shalt not die.
          I have seen no sorrow, no repenting, nothing.
          I am a peaceable man, I have suspected something was not right for a long time, now God has brought it to light before many. When God brings what was done in the shadows to light, He will not allow it to crawl back into the shadows to hide.
          I do not know if Winepress or even here ( this all is new to me ) has any e-mail alerts. If anyone knows it does please tell us all.
          God Bless You LJ7!

          • Hi Ron, if you go to the WordPress website and log in/create account, and search for “winepress news”, you can sign up for email notifications whenever a new comment is posted. However it’s for ALL new comment on any of the articles here, it doesn’t appear to let you choose one specific article or thread to receive the notifications.
            There’s a site called ProBoards and Wix also offers free forum hosting, if anyone is inspired to create a forum there with more capabilities such as video/images and links, it would be awesome since we left NTEB before truly getting to know you all. It’d be great to stay in touch and fellowship, especially since all being affected by this experience has bonded us in a sense.

          • Thank you brother Ron, much appreciated! Thank God our eyes were opened to what was really going on over there at Nteb Mr. Grider, a real wolf in sheep’s clothing, sad to say! He was very deceptive like slick Rick with his Hollywood acting skills, and had many of us fooled for quite a while! Anyways, I hope all’s well with you and your family today brother Ron! And God Bless you all in Christ! Maranatha!

    • I appreciate the concern and comment, Lion! God bless you! Hopefully, we’ll all be out of this mess called “life”, and will not have to worry about deceit, lies, and corruption anymore. Maranatha!

      • Hey brother SW! LION aka J7 here! So glad too see you, over on this platform, as well as, many other former Nteb brethren! And I really do want to thank you, Brother SW, for that last final posted comment on Nteb, as well as thank brother Jacob, for writing ✍️ these articles, that exposed Mr Grider, and his shady history of hiding and omitting his indescressions, while posing as some type of Christian Bible Teacher or Pastor, which he’s clearly Not Biblically qualified to be, cause of living in habitual sin, and instead of coming clean about it in Biblical repentance, he engages in more lies, hypocrisy, and twisting of scripture to fit his narrative! Sad but true! And had many of us fooled, despite a few red flags , that I unfortunately initially shrugged off as minor, but didn’t have the slightest clue of what kind of person he really is behind the scenes, and what was being covered up or over with omission by Grider, and his Nteb team!‍♂️ That pervious article really level me with how much compiled information, and how long it was, and well put together by brother Jacob, overwhelming evidence! And I think I’ll just leave it at that! Hope all is well with you and yours brother SW! God Bless you All! Maranatha!

      • Amen Brother SW! I long for the day to be out of this as you say: mess called life! I have had a few happy moments but mainly much abuse, deceit, lies, theft, etc. etc.
        The only joy I have to is to help someone else or with support of what I have gone
        through, to help another in the same boat! So looking forward to that blessed hope!
        This recent thing with Geoff has been the icing on the top to where the Lord told me
        back in 2001 on a supposed “Christian” cruise that “Things are not as they seem to be”! God bless you dear Brother! See you soon! MARANATHA!!!!!!

          • Thank you dear Brother. My brethren at my old church use to tell me “you wear your heart on your sleeve”. I guess that is why anyone there that was going through a rough time would come and seek me out, to cry on my shoulder and have me pray with them. I am a very sincere person, what you see is what you get and I think my transparency & openness rubs a “put on” the wrong way! I am eagerly waiting to be with the Lord and all my Brothers and Sisters! God bless you dear Brother! by the way, thank you for going back to your old screen name as we all know you! MARANATHA!!!!!!!

  • I sent Geoff an email kindly asking him to remove my name from that article. He did not respond, or honor my request. I did advise him that his use of my name was without my consent and is a gross misrepresentation of me and my involvement in the matter.

    What else can I do to get my name off of it?

        • I think he got you and I mixed up, Bruce. The reason is that he and I already tangled a few years ago over the video I made about his fundraising stuff. Jacob mentioned me a couple of times in his article and linked to my YouTube videos.

        • Bruce, he probably wanted your blind loyalty no matter what. Narcissists despise people who do not support their bad behavior.

          • Hi Keira and Bruce Bridges!

            My understanding was that Bruce got dragged into this simply because the screenshot of him attempting to ask questions of Joel Tillis was included in the article. That’s the only place I could see Bruce’s name show up in the article.

            It doesn’t make sense to include Bruce’s name the way Geoffrey did in the rebuttal, as it gave the impression that Bruce personally made the claims concerning Geoffrey’s behavior and was involved in writing the article when he wasn’t. I agree that it misrepresented Bruce’s involvement in this matter. I think simply because you had some sort of contribution via the questioning of Tillis, it most likely upset Geoffrey and was seen by him as the same as if you had written the article. If narcissism is at play here, I know from first hand experience with narcissistic abuse that if you do anything that is perceived as even the slightest disloyalty, it can easily trigger anger and an “eye for an eye” mentality. Simply disagreeing with a narcissistic person is often perceived by them as an attack. From my experience, challenging someone with narcissistic behavior can make them switch to a very childish means of arguing and you can’t really win the argument. I’m not trying to be mean when I say this either, just sharing my experience.

  • I received a lifetime ban for posting a link to your website in reply to Skywatchers post.
    People have asked him to at least give a financial breakdown of donations versus expenses but so far he has declined and I don’t think he has any plans on doing so.
    I just checked and he’s still getting large amounts of money from WayGiver donors. Maybe they should take a closer look at his organization.

  • Definitely bears the earmarks of a narcissist who’s been exposed: denial, deflection, emotional outbursts… The wheels are flying off now. It’s a shame so many have been and are still being negatively impacted by this. May the Lord give us all more wisdom and discernment moving forward. These are dark days.

    Ecclesiastes 9:18 –
    Wisdom is better than weapons of war: but one sinner destroyeth much good.

    • My observation as well. Plus narcissists only get worse and worse over time. They just fine turn their manipulation skills. He doesn’t seem to care about the trail of destruction he has caused all these years, but that it’s been exposed.

      • Hi Southern Belle! I didn’t post on NTEB but I remember your name in the comments and mentioned during the shows. Nice to see you here just wanted to say hi 🙂

        • Hey yall! I don’t know who that is posting as Southern Belle above, but it is not me. I’m the REAL SouthernBelle. Someone alerted me to this post having been made under my nickname, and I wanted to let yall know I have not been participating in this. BUT I have been watching from the sidelines, and I’m as put off by these awful revelations as yall are. Very sad and disturbing things. What a mess. Praying that much truth will be realized, discernment will prevail, and that those who need to be saved, will be. Sadly, many will hold on to what they adore, even when they know they shouldn’t. Good to see some friends. Take care! In Christ!

        • J7, I would have thought that David B., Crow and a few others would have left NTEB by now, unless maybe they haven’t read these articles.

  • Hey sister! It’s me J7 with a little different screen name! Wasn’t originally planning on doing more then one post, and was only here first initially doing my own investigation as too what’s really happening, ect! Sadly what I’m finding out isn’t good! Let me also say that I’m no fan of Bryan Denlinger, and how he’s gone after people and lumped them together, totally wrong , and not a fan of Jacob Thompson either, but admit I really didn’t know much about him at all, and looked like to me this was just gonna be another hit piece against Geoffrey Grider and Nteb, but am finding out otherwise sad to say! I’m happy to have run into ya in the comment’s section here, dear sis, and several other dear brethren, who are doing their own investigative finding, sad to say! Hope all’s well with you and yours! God Bless you all! MARANATHA!

  • Hi bro Ron! It is J7 here, under a different screen name! Unfortunately I’ve seen that happening over there! Very sad and upsetting to see! Now comments bring censored/screened and removed! Happened to a few of my comments, as well, believe it or not? And none of them were controversial or should of been considered controversial! Just regular posts by me, two were Spurgeon quotes, one was a Moody quote, and two different sermon videos by pastor Lawson got removed/deleted a few days ago! Then saw that another brother posted a sermon video, also by pastor Lawson, and that one went right up! What? So been doing my own investigative homework, so do speak, to found out what the heck is really going on, and unfortunately the evidence I’m seeing doesn’t look good! I’ll just leave at that for now! Hope all is well with you and yours! God Bless you all! Maranatha!

    • Gary, that’s absurd he’s selling Common Man’s Bible for that much. Here’s the direct link to the editor’s website to order them. The vinyl cover ones are only $23. Even the lambskin ones are only $108! Shipping is $7, so GG is making a nice profit for himself (if anyone’s actually buying from him).

    • HI JL7.
      Ron from NTEB, who served on the Used-to-fishes, I used to… on NTEB, but not anymore.
      You were always Scriptural, kind, and never mean in your posts.
      So that puts more proof of allegations being true, as an honest man has nothing to hide.
      He is a narcissistic. Oh what a web we weave when we first practice to deceive.
      I keep getting more and more evidence of how much muck their is, as his swamp gets dried up, what is under that muck is getting more and more exposed.
      I have done as you, and many have have shared their first hand knowledge of his Behaviors. Geri Ungerean spoke with me on the phone, it was very revealing.
      God Bless You J7!

    • Hi J7.
      Good to see you.
      Yes when censoring becomes the “order of the day”
      guilt surely seems to be the reason.
      An honest man has nothing to hide.
      God Bless You Brother J7!

  • Hey Jacob! Lion here! Could you please do something about fixing your comments section brother? When I try to reply to other brethren’s comments in here, or post for that, they either end up way at the bottom, or they don’t post at all? Not sure why, am I’m definitely not a techy guy, so to speak! Fixing it could make it more user friendly for dumb dumbs like old fashioned me, who aren’t as techy, or computer savvy as some others ….lol Thanks in advance for listening to this old fogy Lion guy! Hehe

    • Hi Lion! I agree, it would be great for an updated comments section 🙂 I noticed that every message doesn’t have a reply button so I have been trying my best to reply by including the person’s name I am responding to as Ron had suggested.

      I would also love if there was some sort of message board/forum where we could all gather and fellowship, I would like to maintain contact with you kind brothers and sisters and also get to know you since I was a silent reader/listener at NTEB 🙂

      • Ginger, i agree. If comments increases here, this section will definitely need upgraded. Too, the message board sounds great.

        • Hi sister Tracy! Nice to see ya again, over on here, as well! I finally sort of figured out how to make the post go to the person I replying to, at least I think it did! Hehe anyways hope all is well with you and yours! God Bless you all! Maranatha!

          • Hi J7, it’s great to see you here too….even tho the circumstances are so sad.
            I notice most comments have a reply button underneath their name, but some do not. Maybe the owners of this site will upgrade the comment section.
            God bless you too, J7!

      • Hi sister Ginger! Nice to meet you over here! Lion same as J7 over there, just differing screen names! Same here, want if possible to keep in touch every now and then with brothers and sisters in Christ! God Bless you!

      • Ginger, there’s this site which lets you create your own forum for free. Wix.com also does free forum hosting. If anyone is inspired to set one up, let us know! It was a shame we left the NTEB site just as we were starting to get to know some of you awesome brethren.


      • Hi sister Loretta! Is very nice to see you again, over here now! And glad you recognized me with a little different screen name for this platform, but same old J7 ! But very upsetting and disappointing about what happened over at Nteb and all the censoring/screening and removal of legitimate comments, ect! God Bless you and yours! Marantha!

  • Exactly brother Gary! Total censorship/screening and deletion/removal of comments that don’t support or agree with new controlled narrative! Very sad, and suspicious at the least! Clearly something to hide, and not being completely transparent with Nteb members!

    • Reminds me of cult leader, picking and choosing comments at his leisure to delete or keep, banning people now that mention “thewinepress”, or question him on this matter.

      • Hi brother Gary! It’s kind of what he said about FB censoring and removing comments, accept now he’s doing exactly that! Brother Ron was right, and so are you, brother Gary! A very cult like thing to do! Btw, good to see ya again, over on here! Hope all is well with you and yours! And God Bless you all! Maranatha!

        • Amen , good to see you as well.
          I am surprised his followers that are still there aren’t annoyed yet about their comments having to wait until he approves them. Eventually they will get tired of it for sure.
          I expect more people there to leave very soon as God opens their eyes to the truth.
          God bless you as well

      • Hi Gary.
        Not to mention no financial transparency…..
        so much so that no one can see the finances at all.
        After all of his actions since this came out…..
        I would not believe a word he said or wrote even
        CON MEN DO.
        God Bless You Brother Gary!

      • Amen Gary!
        10 Signs You are In A Cult

        1. The leader is the ultimate authority
        2. The group suppresses skepticism
        3. The group delegitimizes former members
        4. The group is paranoid about the outside world
        5. The group relies on shame cycles
        6. The leader is above the law and above God’s Words
        7. The group uses “thought reform” methods
        8. The group is elitist
        9. There is no financial transparency
        10. The group performs secret rites

        1,2,6, and 9 stand out.
        God Bless You Brother Gary!

    • Hi J7.
      10 Signs You are In A Cult

      1. The leader is the ultimate authority
      2. The group suppresses skepticism
      3. The group delegitimizes former members
      4. The group is paranoid about the outside world
      5. The group relies on shame cycles
      6. The leader is above the law and above God’s Words
      7. The group uses “thought reform” methods
      8. The group is elitist
      9. There is no financial transparency
      10. The group performs secret rites

      1,2,6, and 9 seem very fitting.
      God Bless You Brother J7!

  • Hi Jacob, I should have done this sooner, but this has been so much to take in the last few days. I always like to show my appreciation to people the best I can, and I want to thank you for exposing the information you did regarding Geoff. If it hadn’t been for you, we may never have known all the things we do now.

    • You’re welcome. I knew some of this was happening for a little bit but there was not much I could say because I did not have sufficient, tangible evidence yet. It was hard to bite my tongue because I did not want to be labeled as a slanderer. Truth always comes out eventually.

  • So many Red Flags with this guy before any of this perv stuff came to light, I prayed on it and felt the urge to run from his site over a year ago. the arrogance, bragging about works, exaggerated headlines, schlupping coffee in the middle of a prayer, His catholic background, letting slip he was a Buddhist at one point in the comments, his Hollywood obsessions. I’m amazed more didn’t see him from miles off. I pray he come right with God.

    • Edit..I also realize people can be saved coming from other religions I include those examples solely as completing a picture of everything as a whole as to why I felt awkward on his site.

    • We were seeing a lot of the same red flags too, just about a year ago. The whole situation with Lori moving down there and him asking for money for that seemed very weird. But he obviously had ulterior motives for that.
      We used to have a neighbor who exhibited almost identical behavior to GG’s, I think the striking similarities helped us discern there was something not right. He was an actor too, oddly enough, and claimed to be Christian as well but also confessed to Buddhist and Hinduist practices as well as having an altar in his apartment dedicated to Jim Morrison that he would sit at and “meditate”…. Narcissism is definitely becoming more and more evident in these last days and the most dangerous narcissist is one who uses religion as a tool to utilize and manipulate others. So glad others are finally waking up to the NTEB deception. There’s good that will come from this experience, hopefully folks will get inspired to start sending out tracts and Bibles themselves. That way we know for sure where our $$ is going.

  • Galatians 5:16-21 KJV 16 This I say then, Walk in the Spirit, and ye shall not fulfil the lust of the flesh.

    17 For the flesh lusteth against the Spirit, and the Spirit against the flesh: and these are contrary the one to the other: so that ye cannot do the things that ye would.

    18 But if ye be led of the Spirit, ye are not under the law.

    19 Now the works of the flesh are manifest, which are these; Adultery, fornication, uncleanness, lasciviousness,

    20 Idolatry, witchcraft, hatred, variance, emulations, wrath, strife, seditions, heresies,

    21 Envyings, murders, drunkenness, revellings, and such like: of the which I tell you before, as I have also told you in time past, that they which do such things shall not inherit the kingdom of God.

    1 Corinthians 6:9-20 KJV 9 Know ye not that the unrighteous shall not inherit the kingdom of God? Be not deceived: neither fornicators, nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor effeminate, nor abusers of themselves with mankind,

    10 Nor thieves, nor covetous, nor drunkards, nor revilers, nor extortioners, shall inherit the kingdom of God.

    11 And such were some of you: but ye are washed, but ye are sanctified, but ye are justified in the name of the Lord Jesus, and by the Spirit of our God.

    12 All things are lawful unto me, but all things are not expedient: all things are lawful for me, but I will not be brought under the power of any.

    13 Meats for the belly, and the belly for meats: but God shall destroy both it and them. Now the body is not for fornication, but for the Lord; and the Lord for the body.

    14 And God hath both raised up the Lord, and will also raise up us by his own power.

    15 Know ye not that your bodies are the members of Christ? shall I then take the members of Christ, and make them the members of an harlot? God forbid.

    16 What? know ye not that he which is joined to an harlot is one body? for two, saith he, shall be one flesh.

    17 But he that is joined unto the Lord is one spirit.

    18 Flee fornication. Every sin that a man doeth is without the body; but he that committeth fornication sinneth against his own body.

    19 What? know ye not that your body is the temple of the Holy Ghost which is in you, which ye have of God, and ye are not your own?

    20 For ye are bought with a price: therefore glorify God in your body, and in your spirit, which are God’s.

  • 1 Thessalonians 5:23 KJV “And the very God of peace sanctify you wholly; and I pray God your whole spirit and soul and body be preserved blameless unto the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ.”

    Genesis 1:26-27 KJV “And God said, Let us make man in our image, after our likeness: and let them have dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the fowl of the air, and over the cattle, and over all the earth, and over every creeping thing that creepeth upon the earth.”

    “So God created man in his own image, in the image of God created he him; male and female created he them.”


  • To Skywatcher 60
    Yes I did contact them and I provided a link and requested they ask Geoffrey for financial information to continue using their services.
    No response yet but I imagine that will take time to do if they are interested in doing a unbiased review

  • I’m curious as to whether Jacob has heard anything from Jeffrey’s lawyer after the threat he made?

    Trying to figure out if it was all bark and no bite?

    • I’ve have heard nothing. He never contacted any lawyer as far as I am concerned. He’s just bluffing. He would not have a case anyways. Defamation suites are very hard to win as is, and after a judge reads what I reported and then his response, it get thrown out.

      • Hi Jacob.
        I really hope you will post my latest comment.
        It is right on the NTEB article pages and I never paid close attention to it until now.
        God Bless You Jacob!

  • (Here is the catch all on NTEB….. where it says: When you contribute to this fundraising effort: in bold letters )

    “When you contribute to this fundraising effort, you are helping us to do what the Lord called us to do. The money you send in
    goes primarily to the overall daily operations of this site.

    (GG determines where it goes and how much.)

    (Also I am completely disgusted by this:)

    as we continue taking steps to print the NTEB branded King James Bible

    (So a Bible is now an Advertising site for GG?)
    (I would never want any advertising or logo on my KJB.)

    (Another catch all:)
    When people ask for Bibles, we send them out at no charge.
    So he doesn’t send them out otherwise??????/ so it would seem in his grand Scheme.

    What is his 1 and 3/4 MILLION DOLLAR GOAL FOR?
    I could pay the mortgages on 30 houses at what I paid for mine!
    Also a goal that needs reaching in 250 days????????
    as of right now it is a little over 1 and 1/4 MILLION!!!!!!!
    Go here to see the funding:
    NTEB Gospel Outreach Ministry
    Also the front is covered with “Donate everywhere.”
    On the Waygiver page is what is called “The Team” guess what it says “Geoffrey Grider”
    No “I” in team but most of NTEB is I, I, I, I GG.
    Someone also mentioned an upside down view of the white house on the front of the gospel tracts being suspicious, then it almost seems like a covert overt, so as below, so as above.
    Those tracts are more about advertising NTEB.
    To me our donations have been more about purchasing a product and filling his wallet, it’s beyond disgusting UGH!
    God Will get him, for scamming the Brethren, hopefully no more GIVE TO HIM, as it is equiviant to
    burying their Lord’s money at this point and forgetting where they put it. IMVHO

    • Ron,
      I am shocked at all the money that is being raised here. I had no idea what a large operation this was until this unfortunate big reveal. Day to day operations is too vague a description if you want to be good stewards of the financial resources that God has given you. Where is the breakdown of expenses? I also think it disrespectful to want to send out NTEB labeled Bibles. Shouldn’t we just be lifting up the Lord instead?

      • Amen Bee!
        Yes everything on his front page Donate, Donate, Donate, Donation angels.
        It is all about him getting money and inflating his already over inflated ego.
        Yes it is about The Lord, but in his case it is about him making money.
        Sea Lawyer wording to justify theft of people’s money.
        God Bless You Sister Bee!

        • I take Sea Lawyer to mean Pirate if I decoded that property.
          Geoffrey seems to have reformatted his website since I last visited. It now looks amazingly similar to Winepresses style.
          Something that always seemed off when Geoffrey would cite how many bibles he had sent out, it always included the term “ bible portions “ What exactly is that I wondered. It wasn’t a Chick tract because he was selling those. I just looked briefly on his site but I couldn’t find his quote so I’m posting this from memory.
          I’m now thinking the vast majority of his mailings was a small piece of paper with John 3:16 on one side and a request for money on the reverse and very few actual bibles were ever mailed.
          Just guessing but I think it’s probably close to the truth,
          Hope you have a blessed day Ron

          • Hi Old News.
            LOL! I never saw it in that light before, but it sure is fitting.
            When the younger sailors did something wrong they thought they new the UCMJ better than the senior enlisteds. Nut I really love that Pirate analogy!
            You made my day Old News, with a new term, yes pirates have always existed, but now they use Sea lawyering to Commit Piracy.
            God Bless You Too and Have a Blessed Day Also Old News!

  • Check out this quote on his website,
    “The Lord has given us an open door with a tremendous ‘course’ for us to fulfill that will create an excellent experience at the Judgement Seat of Christ.”
    That sounds like a salesman guaranteeing an excellent’ ‘fill in the blank.’ Nobody can guarantee an “excellent experience” at the Judgment Seat! It’s like “if you give money, you’ll be ASSURED an EXCELLENT experience before God. Guaranteed! Sign on the dotted line!

  • Jacob, he is certainly being exceptionally bold. He knows that your article exposed him, and he lost most of his regular posters due to that exposure, so I see him as not caring what anyone thinks. I don’t know why, but I am surprised.

  • He went back and deleted my comment remarking on Cliff that started all of this going.
    Thus he is covering up at every opportunity.
    GG removed my comment:
    NTEB Mod Guest
    a month ago
    I only took it down as to not promote that cheap-looking and poorly-made ‘NTEB clone’ site that wrote that garbage. That article also contains more than a few slanderously false statements that just might constitute an actual crime on the part of the author of that garbage. So we shall see. I am happy to keep your comment up.
    He removed my comment and deleted it on the page.
    Ron a month ago Removed

    What a lame excuse, just a statement by him to look justified in his actions and then delete my comment later on leaving His Vague EXPLANATION

    • GG is for sure not letting anyone have free speech. He is always the one complaining about Fakebook monitoring – fact checking everything (with good reason), now he is even doing the same thing, only to make himself look spotless.

      • He is foolish because censoring comments only makes him look stained, imperfect, and flawed, and shows everyone what a dirty cheating imposterous swindler he really is because if one did not have anything to hide, why censor and block anyone’s comments? For those who continue to follow and support Geoff Grider and NTEB, well, they are fools too.

        • Hi Loretta, there are still some regulars there who, I believe, missed Geoffrey’s rebuttal to Jacob’s August 14th WinePress article exposing him. Too, there is no way for them to know about this, because GG won’t allow any comments about the rift, unless it’s in is favor.

      • Hi Gary.
        He is like a hovering vulture on comments now, whereas before OUR requests to moderate went unheeded, too busy living the High Life
        God Bless You Gary!

        • Ron, yes, before Jacob ‘s August 14 article exposing Geoffrey, we seldom saw him in the comment section; now, he’s monitoring very closely. He’s making sure those of us who left doesn’t sneak in a comment alerting some of the innocent folks there about the WinePress article. I feel certain there are some still there who have no clue about all of this…. Sad, isn’t it?

          • Amen Tracy!
            He reminds me of a hovering Vulture.
            DeniseC commented to him on the Bible Barn article where Sister Carollyn asked where I was. Then he answered Denise, then went and deleted those comments of Carollyn, Denise, and Jenna. and closed the article from future posting. Yes he is the biggest hypocrite of all. Yes Carollyn has no clue as to what is going on GG made sure of that. I did not respond to him as it would give him his self righteous platform, to put himself in a good light while defaming me. The Nerve to claim having e-mail exchanges outside NTEB is of the devil. Those were gotten way before this ever happened. Ironically it is okay to have exchanges with the devil’s son on his website. We all must meet his approval, all the makings of a cult leader.
            2 Corinthians 10:12 For we dare not make ourselves of the number, or compare ourselves with some that commend themselves: but they measuring themselves by themselves, and comparing themselves among themselves, are not wise.
            2 Peter 2:21 For it had been better for them not to have known the way of righteousness, than, after they have known it, to turn from the holy commandment delivered unto them.
            That fits GG.
            Then he had the nerve to claim:
            2 Timothy 4:14 Alexander the coppersmith did me much evil: the Lord reward him according to his works:
            Well GG is no Paul, an evil man reaps the evil he sows.
            God Bless You Tracy!

        • //He is like a hovering vulture on comments now, whereas before OUR requests to moderate went unheeded, //

          Ron, yes I agree, most of us remmeber all those times we pretty much begged him to deal with certain rude people, to no avail. G is scared for anymore truth to be commented on his site.

          God Bless you Ron

          • Hi Ron, I read the Bible Barn comments a few days ago, and tried on the new site to get an email to you, letting you know that Carollyn had asked about you. My email just wouldn’t send. However, I know that Carollyn and some others aren’t aware of what’s happened, but those commenting in Geoffrey’s favor do know. But, they have been warned!! Ron, don’t worry about GG are those following him, because he is definitely in the wrong; you tried to help.
            God Bless You and Yours!!

  • NTEB Mod DeniseC
    2 hours ago
    NTEB does not censor comments, you are free to say what you like as long as it does not attack someone else, or support someone who is an attacker.
    Yet he did so to me above this post(s)
    Talk about Hypocrisy. He used Jenna’s post as an excuse to make it look like he wasn’t attacking me.

    • Well Brother Ron, Now I know why months ago Geoff left a very vulgar sexually explicit article up on his board. I could not believe my eyes when I read this on a Christian website?!! I wrote him a e-mail and called this out saying it was not right and that if Jesus were sitting next to me I would have turned as red as a tomato and died of embarrassment! With his track record, now I see that those things do not bother his conscience. What a tangled web he has weaved for everyone! God bless you Brother!

      • Hi SF.
        Which article was that, got a link?
        I agree with you on such things…. he had all of these Betty Bosoms posting on there, he did not delete them immediately, likely he was checking them out and he ALLOWED a sexually explicit GIF stay on NTEB for days when many complained about it!
        So what you say comes as no surprise, sometimes I never went to all of the articles, I must have missed that one.
        What a tangled web he has weaved when he first practiced to deceive!
        God Bless You SF!

  • This is what Char wrote
    and he immediately deleted it;
    I know you will delete this GG, but we ALL backed you up in everything you wrote till we found out you were having sex with women in 2022 even and misappropriating the funds that we donated to pay your quarter million dollar tax bill. Sorry if us folks that read the whole TRUE winepress article didn’t stick with you. You are no better than Copeland, Osteen, Hinn, Meyer or any of the other greedy ones, in fact, they don’t have sex acts that they’re guilty of like you do. Okay delete now. You will be held accountable for all those sins, plus lying. God knows your heart and you will find that out when you are face to face with Him. Be a man and leave this comment here. What a joke. We have to be approved of what we say, but you can say whatever you want about us cause we don’t agree with your sinful, corrupt life. Lord have mercy on you, a sinner.

      • Amen Gary!
        Signs of a cult leader for sure, or at least the mentality of such.
        Do as I say, not as I do.
        How to spot a scam – the warning signs
        1) Unusual payment requests. Being asked to pay upfront, to change bank details, or to pay via a money transfer service, can all be big warning signs.
        2) Authority. …
        3) Urgency. …
        4) “Don’t tell anyone” …
        5) Playing on your emotions. …
        6) Too good to be true?

        How To Spot a Scammer: 10 Warning Signs
        Use authority to build trust — Online scammers use organizations and names you trust to lower your guard. Beware of anyone who messages you out of the blue and claims to be from the IRS, government, or a major company.
        Prey on your emotions — Online dating scams are especially notorious for preying on your emotions. A scammer will quickly tell you they’re “falling in love” and get you to say it back. The same goes for charity scams (like veterans charity scams) where fraudsters claim to be victims in need.
        Create a sense of urgency — Online scammers know they need you to act quickly before you realize what they’re up to. They’ll often create a sense of urgency to stop you from first checking their claims.
        Be threatening and aggressive — Along with love and urgency, threats are another way online scammers convince you to do what they say. Often, a scammer will pretend to be from the police or FBI and claim that a warrant will be put out for your arrest if you don’t comply.
        Contact you unexpectedly — One of the easiest ways to spot a scammer is if they contact you first. If you receive any message, phone call, or email from someone you don’t know, verify they are who they say by contacting their agency or business directly.
        Ask for sensitive information — Scammers will pretend to be from your bank and ask for your PIN or online passwords to “secure” your account. But legitimate financial institutions will never do this.
        Overpay for goods or services — A common aspect of online shopping scams is if someone offers more than you’re asking for a product. In these cases, they’ll send a fake PayPal receipt and ask for you to wire back the overpayment along with their product.
        Overpromise on what they can deliver — Scammers use our desire to find a good deal against us. If something or someone seems “too good to be true”, there’s a good chance they’re trying to scam you.
        Try to be personal but something is off — Online scammers will pretend to be a friend or family member to quickly gain your trust. But they aren’t. Don’t trust a message just because it comes from an account you recognize.
        Force you to use unusual payment options — Most online payment options protect against scammers. If someone pushes you to pay them through an untraceable or non-reversible option, it could be a scam. This includes wire transfers, gift cards, and cryptocurrency.

  • How to spot a scam – the warning signs
    1) Unusual payment requests. Being asked to pay upfront, to change bank details, or to pay via a money transfer service, can all be big warning signs.
    2) Authority. …
    3) Urgency. …
    4) “Don’t tell anyone” …
    5) Playing on your emotions. …
    6) Too good to be true?

    How To Spot a Scammer: 10 Warning Signs
    Use authority to build trust — Online scammers use organizations and names you trust to lower your guard. Beware of anyone who messages you out of the blue and claims to be from the IRS, government, or a major company.
    Prey on your emotions — Online dating scams are especially notorious for preying on your emotions. A scammer will quickly tell you they’re “falling in love” and get you to say it back. The same goes for charity scams (like veterans charity scams) where fraudsters claim to be victims in need.
    Create a sense of urgency — Online scammers know they need you to act quickly before you realize what they’re up to. They’ll often create a sense of urgency to stop you from first checking their claims.
    Be threatening and aggressive — Along with love and urgency, threats are another way online scammers convince you to do what they say. Often, a scammer will pretend to be from the police or FBI and claim that a warrant will be put out for your arrest if you don’t comply.
    Contact you unexpectedly — One of the easiest ways to spot a scammer is if they contact you first. If you receive any message, phone call, or email from someone you don’t know, verify they are who they say by contacting their agency or business directly.
    Ask for sensitive information — Scammers will pretend to be from your bank and ask for your PIN or online passwords to “secure” your account. But legitimate financial institutions will never do this.
    Overpay for goods or services — A common aspect of online shopping scams is if someone offers more than you’re asking for a product. In these cases, they’ll send a fake PayPal receipt and ask for you to wire back the overpayment along with their product.
    Overpromise on what they can deliver — Scammers use our desire to find a good deal against us. If something or someone seems “too good to be true”, there’s a good chance they’re trying to scam you.
    Try to be personal but something is off — Online scammers will pretend to be a friend or family member to quickly gain your trust. But they aren’t. Don’t trust a message just because it comes from an account you recognize.
    Force you to use unusual payment options — Most online payment options protect against scammers. If someone pushes you to pay them through an untraceable or non-reversible option, it could be a scam. This includes wire transfers, gift cards, and cryptocurrency.

  • GG’s latest:
    The ‘Beating Heart’ Of The NTEB Bookstore Is Our Free Bible Program
    I Just called our Post Office 500 feet from me. to send a package that weighs 2 pounds 13 Ounces would cost $49.00 to ship to Manilla in the Philippines by the USPO.
    Another marked up scaled up cost claim to the determent of the Donator’s, the other $50 is his cost to get it to the local Post Office ( pocket change )

    • Hi Ron,
      I have a friend who is from Cameroon. He is Christian man who lives in the USA and has given back to his community by: starting a christian school, hospital, and running events to evangelize and equip.

      Originally, his partner churches in the USA (who have visited and vetted the ministry) donated clothing, bibles and furniture to get the group started. The only economical ways to do so at the time was with a container vessel.

      As time passed, the only economical way was to buy things in Africa, including bibles. By encouraging Christian’s there to use their skills in furniture making, and to start a christian printing facility they became self-sufficient. With increasing shipping costs and the constant transportation interruptions that are still occurring, I don’t see how you could do it otherwise.

      • Hi Bee.
        I will support missionaries thru my church that have been vetted. Yes it is cheaper to buy locally. Having a mission to ship things from here is way to expensive, especially when they make it be more expensive than it has to be so as to take the donation as A GIFT for themselves. That is why none of his are tax deductible it is all gifted / donated to him.
        Sad but true. Yes Africa can get Bibles locally it does not need the NTEB book store to provide them, especially when the money is being skimmed as stated in his article:
        Wharehouse for bibles? Ship them from the Printers to those who need them, but
        then one could not charge a huge Handling fee to be taken to themselves.
        I watched the video, USPO picks up those packages yet he inflates those moneys to keep for himself.
        Flowery, no showing the Podcasting place, why is that?
        The ‘Beating Heart’ Of The NTEB Bookstore Is Our Free Bible Program
        Across the street from the Bookstore is all Housing which is where he starts from;
        God Bless You Bee!

        • Hi again Ron,
          This is like an onion, isn’t it? You peel it back and there is another layer. Or, here’s another one: oh, what a tangled web we weave, when first we practice to deceive. You get my line of thought then. There were men at my last church who were totally expert on shipping issues. They also were concerned with being good stewards of the money donated to a foreign mission and making sure as much as possible went to the promotion of the gospel.

          So, if right now you said that a known and vetted church in the Philippines needed more bibles I might decide to send them but, I might also investigate how I could get a local business to send them instead if possible. Geoff’s latest is sending King James Bibles to NYC. I know a lot about sending packages to and from NYC since I lived there. I will tell you sending Christmas gifts to Florida was costly, so again it is not a practical solution especially since there are many places to get KJV bibles in the NYC area.

          Geoff did do my church group a solid by sending us KJV bibles for a pro-life center. I was grateful to receive bibles but, how did he do it and what were the costs? I have no idea. However, I know ever nickel and dime and how it was spent when our church sends out bibles to missions we support. My church always had a group of elders present when money was spent on that and then reported twice a year about it to the congregation. Guess what, if I called them anytime between meetings they would be happy to tell me about shipping costs etc. Transparency! Oh Lord, I pray that you are lifted up by those who know you. I pray for believers to be focused and discerning about the true mission that you have given each of us! Bee.

          • Hi Bee.
            No accounting of the funding is what an embezzler does.
            Looks good externally, but if the internals ( total sums of money ) were revealed we would find a skimming scam, that is why there is no transparency.
            I agree with all you have said.
            God Bless You Bee!

  • First off my friend – a woman was dating Geoffrey in 2021 and she told me that they were sexting and that he was getting handsy with her. She finally stopped seeing him because she did not like it and said this is not Christian behavior. But let us all be reminded that we all fall short in the eyes of God as sinners, so let us not judge him too harshly – leave this up to God.
    As for me, I personally found many of the teachings of G G to be off and they did not resonate with me or what I knew of the bible. Especially the whole justification for marriage. I don’t know, but maybe I was duped like so many others. He always seemed to be very arrogant and not humble. The Lord wants us to be humble, not prideful. It always bothered me when he would launch into the money thing because he emphasizes that if you don’t support missions like his in these end times that you are somehow not going to make it to heaven.
    I saw him delete comments and get into arguments in the comments over and over again. This is not being humble when you have to censor and delete comments from people who do not agree with you. So many things bothered me but I kept listening and would take some and leave the rest behind using the discernment that God gave me. I watched people like Southern Belle call him out and eventually fall away and I knew it was time for me to do the same.
    Lets pray for this man and hope God helps him come out of his arrogance, denial and perhaps untruths about the money. I hope Lori Ann helps him find himself in truth and love through the power of the Holy Spirit. A woman’s presence can change a man for the better, so I pray she does and he does not corrupt her or drag her into weird sexual stuff. She is a very sweet girl.

    • Lori Ann knew what she was getting into. She was warned about Grider. I have no sympathy for Grider. He has made it very clear where he stands. He’s been a faker playing a character to make a steady income. If anything I am praying for his destruction and his lying tongue to be stopped.
      Titus 1:11 Whose mouths must be stopped, who subvert whole houses, teaching things which they ought not, for filthy lucre’s sake. [12] One of themselves, even a prophet of their own, said, The Cretians are alway liars, evil beasts, slow bellies. [16] They profess that they know God; but in works they deny him, being abominable, and disobedient, and unto every good work reprobate.
      1 Corinthians 16:22 If any man love not the Lord Jesus Christ, let him be Anathema Maran-atha.

      • Hi Jacob.
        He is just like Judas
        “pretenders spend their time learning how to pretend and many are excellent pretenders”
        Judas is the perfect example of that one.
        As is Joel Osteen and many others and they deceive people for their money.
        God Bless You Jacob!

  • This is from a Brother who calls himself lord it is a consolidation of Jacob’s Articles:
    You can contact lord at
    Hello Brothers and Sisters in Christ,
    I am writing this email to everyone about some revelations that have recently come to light about Geoffrey Grider and NTEB. On August 14, 2023, Jacob Thompson of Winepressnews.com wrote a very comprehensive article exposing Geoff Grider as a deceitful liar who has been leading a double life that includes lascivious behavior, tax evasion, and misuse of donations that were used by Geoff Grider for the dirty deeds he committed, and that is just the beginning. These are not just some random accusations that have been made up; no, there is documentation in the first article referenced below regarding Geoff’s sexual misconduct in the form of a police report, along with a signed Affidavit by Geoff Grider himself, and there is also documentation in the first article that proves Geoff has been guilty of tax evasion as recently as 2017 to the tune of approximately $256,000.00. There are four links included for your review:

    1) Exclusive: Geoffrey Grider of Now The End Begins Exposed As A Sexual Criminal And Predator, And Extortioner dated 8/14/23; https://winepressnews.com/2023/08/14/exclusive-geoffrey-grider-of-now-the-end-begins-exposed-as-a-sexual-criminal-and-predator-and-extortioner/

    2) NTEB Responds to the Salacious Allegations Made by Jaco Thompson, Brian Denlinger, and Bruce Bridges Regarding “Criminal Misconduct” dated 8/17/23; https://www.nowtheendbegins.com/nteb-responds-to-the-salacious-allegations-made-by-winepress-news-jacob-thompson/

    3) Response: Geoffrey Grider Of Now The End Begins Threatens Litigation Against The WinePress, Shows No Remorse And Is Caught Lying Again dated August 21, 2023; https://winepressnews.com/2023/08/21/response-geoffrey-grider-of-now-the-end-begins-threatens-litigation-against-the-winepress-shows-no-remorse-and-is-caught-lying-again/

    4) Geoffrey Grider Of Now The End Begins Wants More Money To Build Bigger ‘Bookstore & Warehouse,’ Refuses To Address WinePress Allegations dated September 16, 2023.


    Copy and paste the links in the search bar to see each article. If you have any trouble with the links, you can search for articles 1, 3, and 4 at Winepressnews.com and article 2 at NowTheEndBegins.com.

    In relation to the lascivious behavior, you will find in Jacob’s article a Police Report and an Affidavit filed by a woman in 2018 and signed by Geoff Grider himself that reveals Geoff was involved in video voyeurism; that is, Geoff videotaping a woman performing a sex act on him without her knowledge. You can read the details in Jacob’s article in the link included above for your review. Days later, Geoff Grider had the audacity to ask his followers to donate to a Go Fund Me account for a “personal matter” that he said he could not divulge at that time, but it has become obvious due to the timing of what had preceded his request for money that the donations were to pay for Geoff’s filthy exploits he was involved in. Were any of you part of NTEB during that time period? Perhaps you donated to these disgusting activities of his without evening knowing what your money was truly being used for.

    Many of you know that Geoff’s now wife Lori, moved down from Maine in 2022 to work at the bookstore. Many of you may or may not know, that Lori and her children were living with Geoff for 7 months before moving into her own home right before she and Geoff got married. I have included a link to Geoff’s rebuttal article to Jacob where Geoff admits that up to parts of 2022, he has been guilty of fornicating with women. Remember, Lori was living with Geoff during that time, but Geoff adamantly stated during a podcast right before being married that he was not “shacking up” with Lori. What do you think is the truth when you start to connect the dots, knowing Geoff Grider’s past where Geoff has stated he has continually struggled with sexual impurity? Is this a man you trust to guide you spiritually when the Bible states in no uncertain terms that we are not to keep company with fornicators? 1 Corinthians 5:11 KJV states, “But now I have written unto you not to keep company, if any man that is called a brother be a fornicator, or covetous, or an idolator, or a railer, or a drunkard, or an extortioner; with such an one no not to eat.” Geoff should not be teaching or preaching or running a ministry given the facts above that prove he has never been able to overcome his stronghold of sexual lasciviousness.

    Jacob’s article outlines that Geoff Grider has many times been negligent in paying his taxes and has had tax liens issued against him in 3 different states from the IRS as recently as 2017 where he was demanded to pay over $256,000.00 in taxes. Keep in mind that Geoff Grider is the only one in charge of NTEB, and he has never shown an accounting of exactly where the donations are being used. There is no accounting that anyone is able to see except for Geoff himself. Knowing what has been revealed about Geoff Grider’s tax evasions to the tune of a quarter of a million dollars, and that the Waygiver fund is up to 1.25 million dollars and counting, do you want to support this ministry financially? Do you still have trust that your hard-earned money is going strictly to Bibles Behind Bars, the free Bible program, or is much of the money going into places that benefit Geoffrey Grider and his lifestyle? Read in Jacob’s article how Mudflower, his Graphic Design company, is a for-profit company that technically manages NTEB, but most assume the donations go strictly to NTEB.

    To those of you who were not aware of all this, it is shocking, but true. Geoff Grider is a very crafty individual who, if you remember, started out as an actor in Hollywood. Geoff Grider is a wolf that the Bible warns us to stay far away from. A wolf is a false teacher whose true nature is hidden, even from the wolf himself. They are workers of lawlessness, having moral decay, they avoid accountability, they rationalize rather than repent, they twist scripture to support their behavior (for example, go back and listen to the podcast where he talks about if it is a sin for a formerly married person to remarry), they are territorial, power hungry, and a wolf’s true nature is revealed in the carnage they leave behind. A wolf never changes, but instead, it adapts to the circumstances and fights to survive. A wolf loves power but may feign humility, and they manipulate the situation and others to get what they want. The Bible says of this type of person in 2 Timothy 3:7 KJV, they are “ever learning and never able to come to the knowledge of the truth”.

    When you read Geoff’s rebuttal article to Jacob, it is very evident Geoff has no true remorse and has not repented. One of the greatest pieces of evidence of this has been Geoff censoring comments on the Disqus board in relation to Geoff’s rebuttal article. You can find proof that Geoff censored comments on his rebuttal article by reading the many comments under the articles published about Geoff Grider on the Winepress site https://winepressnews.com. There are three articles in total written by Jacob Thompson of the Winepressnews.com relating to all that has been written above, and the first article has over 1,000 comments from former NTEB followers, many of whom expressed disgust that their comments were taken down by Geoff who became the chat board police, censoring anything that was written against him. This is the very thing he preaches against when he talks about the New World Order on his podcasts, but like a wolf, Geoff has been deceitful and does not want his followers to know the truth. Finally, a wolf uses guilt and shame to pin the blame on others. Note the comment by Geoff on his rebuttal article that reflects this very thing: “I, more than most Christians, know the pain of falling repeatedly to the sin that so easily beset me, and the Lord has made NTEB a place for broken people to come to get in the word, get under the Blood and be made whole. As for anyone I might have engaged in sinful conduct with, did they not also sin?”.

    I am a former NTEB follower who gave hundreds of hours of my time and thousands of dollars in donations to this man and his ministry because I had put my trust in Geoff Grider, not thinking for an instant he could be the kind of man that was revealed in Jacob Thompson’s article and admitted to by Geoff himself regarding his fornication with women. For a 62-year-old man to continually have these issues, this is very alarming, and Geoff Grider has not been honest or up front with his lifestyle or what he actually has been doing with the donations he receives. Geoff said he would be giving more information as to where the money actually goes, but it has been a month and a half and there has been no information given whatsoever. There is no accounting for what is done with the donated money except by Geoff Grider. He is held accountable to no one but himself.

    It is my intent and desire to see to it that as many people as I can possibly reach know the truth about Geoff Grider and his shady business ministry and make no mistake, it is a business that lines the pockets of Geoff Grider. Please do not be fooled. Geoff Grider is a con-artist. If you have not done so already, please do your due diligence like I did and read ALL of the articles very carefully, and get as far away from this man and this ministry as you possibly can.

    Yours In Christ, Be Discerning, Be Blessed.

    • Hi Ron, I believe lord has GG’s number. It’s true that by now with many questioning donations, GG should have delivered, but has made no effort that I’m aware. Sad!
      God Bless you and yours, and take care, Ron! Times are getting worse by the day!!

      • Hi Tracy.
        Yes when one goes without chastisement or punishment that thinks THEY ARE OKAY before God because nothing has happened and are without fear.
        Pr 1:24 Because I have called, and ye refused; I have stretched out my hand, and no man regarded;
        Pr 1:25 But ye have set at nought all my counsel, and would none of my reproof:
        Pr 1:26 I also will laugh at your calamity; I will mock when your fear cometh;
        Pr 1:27 When your fear cometh as desolation, and your destruction cometh as a whirlwind; when distress and anguish cometh upon you.
        Pr 1:28 Then shall they call upon me, but I will not answer; they shall seek me early, but they shall not find me:
        Pr 1:29 For that they hated knowledge, and did not choose the fear of the LORD:
        Pr 1:30 They would none of my counsel: they despised all my reproof.
        Pr 1:31 Therefore shall they eat of the fruit of their own way, and be filled with their own devices.
        Pr 1:32 For the turning away of the simple shall slay them, and the prosperity of fools shall destroy them.
        It will happen.
        God Bless You Tracy!

        • Some people wonder why our communities, our nation and the world is in such turmoil. People stopped seeking after true wisdom which only starts with fear of the Lord. No one is accountable for their actions anymore. People can rob drug stores, department stores or mug a granny and get away with it. People have stopped holding politicians accountable for their missteps and have allowed great corruption to infect this nation in the halls of government, academia, and even the church. I am kinda proud of this band of ex-NTEBers. You guys truly care about God and the truth and do not have a heart for accepting wrong=doing. As Ron reminds us to do, I say God bless you brothers and sisters in Christ and may God strengthen you for this race that he asks us all to run.

      • According to GG’s NTEB FB page, he was “supposed” to deliver 100 Bibles to a church that is near him. I wonder if that ever happened.

    • I hope lord emailed his remarks to as many people from NTEB and posted on FB and anywhere else about GG!!

  • Born Again,
    I was wondering which daughter Grider said was contacted in Grider’s response article and asked around. I don’t think I should put her name out there though.

  • 2.Well Grider the Grifter must be getting paranoid as I am “now blocked” from the website, never mind the fact I haven’t posted anything there since this news broke, he even deleted my comment right where it all started but left his comment in place about a look alike NTEB.
    I had one named crow ask where I was was, and I was just going to give him my e-mail….
    and it says banned.
    Ironically he will NOT be reproved, questioned, nor answer anything that puts him in a negative light as that hurts his Cash Cow.
    He shall be broken without remedy by The Lord.
    The same preachers who bilk their congregations is where he learned from, and puts them down. So as to make himself look good.
    Every Mason that made themselves known to me in churches in SC were sexual perverts.
    A Mason himself perhaps????
    Hi Tracts are 50% advertising.

    • Ron,

      He doesn’t ban what puts him in a negative light, he bans the TRUTH which also happens to be negative!

      Being banned from NTEB is a Badge of Honor.

      GG is a piece of work! We may not see in this lifetime him get his just desserts, but he’ll get them – eventually.

      God bless you Brother!

      • Hi Born Again.
        Sorry for the late reply.
        Yes it is a badge of honor, and a big one at that, because I never posted any comments after this came to light about GG.
        But he still banned me.
        On his latest article is send more money and he also changed his donation statement about donations:
        Desperate to influence new Donors by claiming more need. That sign is not a Gospel witness at all. John 3:16, Romans 10:9-10,13, and I Corinthians 15:1-4
        Using God’s Words to promote NTEB which is “his website and his bookstore”, both of which he gets MUCHO donations.
        God Bless You Sister!

        • Ron,

          You were a threat to GG. He knows ‘some’ Bible while you know MUCH. You are truly beloved, and he is . . . not. Your friends are earnest, sincere, and constant while his are superficial and fleeting. Oh, how all that must grate on his fragile psyche!

          Plus, I learned of WinePress! Great site! Never knew of it prior to the expose’. Additionally, free speech is here, along with Bible studies by Jacob and Bryan. So thrilled to be here!

          God Bless You Abundantly, Ron! You and the rest here, and of course, Jacob and Bryan D. too!

    • Ron, you hit a nerve. You know that old saying, “truth hurts” when you know you’re in the wrong. I bet he’s miserable knowing that so many of his former readers have found him out.
      Take care, Ron!

      • Hi Tracy.
        I sure have now he is changing his Donation statement on there, however being a donation it can still go right into his pockets, and that is why he has reverted back to his expensive sign donations!
        His Latest:
        Please continue to pray for us, and for wisdom for me especially, as we continue taking steps to print the NTEB branded King James Bible for our free Bible and Bibles Behind Bars program. It is exciting and intimidating at the same time. If the Lord has prospered your financially, we ask you to donate to help us continue to send out free Bibles at this level, and even higher than we are at the moment. It takes a lot of prayer, and a lot of resources to do all this. Praise the Lord we are doing it, all of us together, labouring in the Lord’s harvest field. TO THE FIGHT!!!
        and This one which Sister Martha called out previously on having to do with The Lord and His rewards for us.
        This IS A NEW VERSION of the one Martha called out:
        But whatever you do, don’t do nothing. Time is short and we need your help right now. The Lord has given us an open door with a tremendous ‘course’
        for us to fulfill that will create an excellent experience at the Judgement Seat of Christ.
        Please pray for our efforts, and if the Lord leads you to donate, be as generous as possible. The war is REAL, the battle HOT and the time is SHORT…TO THE FIGHT!!!
        God Bless You Tracy!

  • How To Spot a Scammer: 3 best of the 10 Warning Signs used effectively and repeatedly by Grider
    1.Use authority to build trust — Online scammers use organizations and names you trust to lower your guard. Beware of anyone who messages you out of the blue and claims to be from the IRS, government, or a major company.
    2.Prey on your emotions — Online dating scams are especially notorious for preying on your emotions. A scammer will quickly tell you they’re “falling in love” and get you to say it back. The same goes for charity scams (like veterans charity scams) where fraudsters claim to be victims in need.
    3.Create a sense of urgency — Online scammers know they need you to act quickly before you realize what they’re up to. They’ll often create a sense of urgency to stop you from first checking their claims.

    It used to be the goal of $1,750,000 which was supposed to be met in 100 days after 6 February 2024.
    Now the goal has magically changed to $1,950,000
    Given by 9122 generous donors
    77% complete
    309 days left to reach our $1,950,000 goal
    The percentage matches the number change.

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