Diabolical. Demented. Disgusting. Predator. Pure evil. Thief. Grifter. Liar. Narcissist of epic proportions. -These are just some of the many words used to describe Geoffrey Scott Grider, according to his many victims who are now finally speaking out against him, exposing the years and years of corruption, perversion, harassment, and torment this pastor has inflicted upon them.

Grider at his studio office.

Geoffrey S. Grider (62) is the founder and lead writer for one of the largest Christian news and prophecy websites, Now The End Begins (NTEB), launching in 2009, with many thousands tuning in daily to read his articles and listen to his podcasts; which really hit it in stride in early-Autumn of 2015, when famous conservative radio host and pundit Rush Limbaugh gave NTEB his endorsement, helping the site reach new heights.

That day was a turning point for little Now The End Begins, and today we are not so little but one of the most-visited bible prophecy sites in the world. After Rush was kind enough to mention us on his show, there was an immediate uptick in readers with fresh traffic to our site, and we have been growing ever since.

Grider wrote in a post on the day of Limbaugh’s death in 2021

Since then Grider has only expanded his ministry, providing weekly podcasts covering world events and Bible studies; along with operating a Christian bookstore since mid-2021, located on 701 Market Street Saint Augustine, Florida, 32095; simply known as the “NTEB Bible Believers Bookstore,” touted as the “only Christian bookstore” in St. Augustine.

More recently Mr. Grider has also been engaged in his “Bible Behind Bars” program, that gifts large numbers of Bibles to prisons and jailhouses upon request; on top of an ever-growing billboard messaging campaign throughout St. Johns County, Florida, that directs passerby’ers to the NTEB website and/or bookstore.

But, unfortunately, not all is as squeaky clean and up to par as Grider may make it seem. In fact, NTEB seems to be a front for his pastoral persona and perceived charitable nature, as a cloak for his double-life he has led and continues to lead – one that Grider would much desire to have completely erased from all of cyberspace and of the minds of those affected by his shenanigans.

After many years and persistently working to cover his tracks, Grider’s life of lasciviousness and habitual adultery is now coming back to haunt him.

In recent months a sizeable sum of women have reached out to The WinePress, providing their testimonies and documentation that expose Grider’s devious and lewd acts, police reports among others, too; not to mention evidence of tax evasion and Grider’s greedy business tactics.

In what Grider has carefully and craftily spent much and time effort in covering up, has found its way into the public light and in the dark no more.

Due to the nature of this topic there will be some mature themes discussed, so discretion is advised.

From Hollywood To The Ministry

Before Grider ever made a profession of faith and NTEB was conceived, the New Jersey native tried making his way in Hollywood.

According to an article published on December, 2018, marking the 30th anniversary when Grider professes he was born again, Grider recounted that “In 1988, I was living the dream in Hollywood, California, and had broken into the acting business while working as a waiter,” he wrote. “I was getting larger and larger parts as I progressed in the business, and I was sensing that my ‘big break’ was right around the corner,” he added.

Grider’s IMDB profile picture

Grider played minor roles and background extras in a sampling of movies, sitcoms, and commercials, according to his article and incomplete IMDB page that lists the movies he was in. Interesting enough, Grider also made a random spoof on Trevor Noah’s The Daily Show in 2016, listed as “self” and simply as a “political commentator” according to the show. A short clip of this episode still exists online:

To make a long story short, Grider, who had a struggle with drinking and alcoholism, and was on a “spiritual quest” at the time after the sudden passing of his brother who died of AIDS, was invited to an Alcoholics Anonymous meeting; and from there led him to further search the truth, in which he says he soon got saved not long after he began to read through an old Gideon’s King James Bible that was gifted to him. When he tracked down John 3:16, Grider read it aloud and claims,

[…] And like a bolt out of the blue, it nearly knocked me over. At long last, here it was…here He was. God! Yes, this was it. I was so overwhelmed I could hardly speak, tears flowed from my eyes, but this time tears of joy! I felt like someone had literally taken a key and unlocked me from the chains that had weighed me down all this time.

Grider wrote, adding that he then got on his knees and prayed to the Lord for salvation, and that he would later go on to experience “true spiritual ecstasy.”

In a follow-up post several months later in 2019, one day before his birthday, Grider provided more details to his testimony story. He disclosed that he still had struggles with booze. Grider wrote: “The struggle has flared up from time to time. But God is faithful, and will always give us the victory if we want it bad enough. I still attend weekly AA meetings, and they are such a blessing,” attributing his start down this path due to it being heavily encouraged in his family at a very young age.

Furthermore, he wrote (emphasis his):

The Bible tells us to come as we are for salvation, that’s absolutely true, but God is [sic] His mercy will never leave you as He found you. Part of the evidence of your salvation is a changed life, different desires, because God gives us a new heart. And the struggle we feel is also proof of our salvation. God will never stop working to conform the believer to becoming more like Him, even if the process takes a lifetime. Salvation happens in an instant, but our sanctification is worked out for the rest of our lives.

Grider never really discloses when and how he officially decided to ditch Hollywood, but Grider did mention in an article in 2016 on the death of one his mentors, Dr. Peter S. Ruckman, that it was sometime “back in the mid-90’s, when I was introduced to a brother by the name of Scott Lyman,” he wrote. “Scott attended a small Baptist church near where I lived, and he was excited to hand me a Bible teaching cassette tape from someone by the name of Peter Ruckman of Pensacola, Florida. That was my introduction to the ‘good doctor’ of scripture.” Grider would play piano at his church while Ruckman was still living and infrequently prior to his death.

The Problems Begin To Emerge

Unfortunately, this is where things begin to get sour. While Grider claims that “God in His mercy will never leave you as He found you,” it would seem that not a whole of his fleshly and sensual issues dissipated, if at all.

While Grider launched NTEB in 2009, Grider also hosted a radio talk show with Dr. John P. McTernan, “an End Times author and bible teacher,” and author of best-selling book “As America Has Done To Israel.”

This radio show, along with other guests, was a live call-in show hosted on Blog Talk Radio. The two discussed world events and other news headlines and tried to relate it to the scriptures, doing this for several years – until its abrupt ending in 2012.

On September 16th, 2012, McTernan published a message on Facebook and Twitter announcing the immediate end of their partnership.

In his Facebook post, McTernan said,

Some issues have surfaced, which I discussed with Geoff and at this time I think it is best for me to withdraw.

This show was in his name, so it is up to him to continue if he wants.

I hope for the best for Geoff, as it was very difficult to separate.

A lot has been done to conceal the specifics concerning the abrupt ending, but this we do know: as it has been explained to me by witnesses of this, someone called in live during one of their shows, and basically gave Grider the riot act, rattling off in detail the instances of when Grider has sexually misbehaved, as a professing Christian man; evidence that cannot be ignored, and was later confirmed by McTernan.

Moreover, it was discovered Grider was tabulating and keeping a list of different female callers he felt attracted to, based on their voices he heard and then what he could gather about them personally thereafter.

Listeners familiar with Grider’s antics tried warning McTernan about this in advance, but it appears he was dismissive for the longest time; as indicated by a commentor who knew and worked with McTernan, but broke off their ministerial work because this person alleges McTernan refused to listen to what he told him, also calling Grider a “thief.”

I know John McTernan, in fact I was the first person to host a show with him, that I ended because he refused to listen to me when I told him that the founder of Now The End Begins is a thief.

Sadly, it took someone calling into the show Grider and McTernan did to out Grider as the thief he is and finally McTernan listened. He may know what is going on, but he has little respect for people when they confront him with the truth.

This user wrote

This was also confirmed to me directly by another source. In a statement to The WinePress, this individual, who has asked to keep their identity concealed, told me that she also hosted a radio show of their own on Blog Talk Radio, and would eventually come to know Grider and McTernan through their podcast. This person told me that she eventually wanted to branch out and launch a website of her own. For this, she contracted Grider to build the website.

Along with running NTEB, Mr. Grider owns and operates a secular media marketing company called MudFlower Creative, also based in St. Augustine; which builds websites and produces physical displays and other marketing products, along with voice-overs for ads and commercials. This podcaster said she became acquainted with Grider in 2010 and then contracted him 2011.

A screenshot of the homepage of MudFlower

But as for this fellow radiohost, she disclosed to me that Grider did not deliver the product she requested. She told me in a statement that she was stiffed $300 and was never provided a finished website, and then was completely ghosted by Grider thereafter, simply calling him a “thief,” she said to me. This individual added that she alerted Mr. McTernan about this grift, only for McTernan to purportedly ignore the allegation. This theft occurred roughly over a year before McTernan broke it off with Grider (as referenced in the above comment).

I also attempted to contact Mr. McTernan directly about his previous relations with Grider, how the duo got to know each other and become ministry partners, and detailing the reasons why he had to end their public relations.

Unfortunately, contact was more than unsuccessful. Upon my first attempt at contact in June, McTernan did not respond to my inquiry directly, but did kindly forward my request to another contact who would be able to provide some additional insights concerning Grider’s antics. Howbeit McTernan would not respond to me. I patiently waited for roughly a month and sent three kind and formal requests to set up a date to perhaps to discuss my questions. No response.

Then in mid-July I decided to call McTernan directly via prayer line provided on his website. McTernan still actively hosts his own podcasts on Facebook and Rumble, still allowing call-ins. I called midday and was greeted with an automated message that told me this call would be recorded for security reasons, I suppose. After no one picking up for about 6 minutes I hung up and called again. This time sometime someone answered much more quickly. However, I was very rudely greeted and scolded by an older women on the other end (she would not disclose who she was even after I told her who I was, and my purpose). Though I attempted to maintain professionalism and be kind during the conversation, this woman was incredibly rude to me. Keep in mind this is a prayer request line for people who are calling to ask a pastor for prayer. Be that as it may, after having a go-around with this person, she kept telling me to email him, to which I tried explaining that I already have several times and have waited a month for a response. She again snapped at me and told me how busy he is, and how she was currently involved in an “intervention.” I then asked if she could take a message and pass it on to him. She begrudgedly humored me and I proceeded to tell her that I was requesting information from McTernan about Geoffrey Grider. I did not say any other specifics about Grider. Then she really got mad – she exclaimed a bunch of stuff, and in that boldly said, “we don’t know anything!” She continued to scold me for no reason that I could gather, and I eventually raised my tone of voice of too; to which she then tried to turn it on me asked why I am shouting at her. Not long after I abruptly hung up on her left feeling really confused, digesting that odd conversation.

I do not know what to make of that, but, I am left to only wonder why there has been uneasiness and radio silence in trying to clear up any confusion. It’s not like he had to officially be “on the record.” I’ve been told also that getting answers out of McTernan before has been an issue before. Whatever the reason may be, I am left thinking that there must be some serious stuff that McTernan and others do not want to be uncovered.

I did reach out to Dave and Willie Hauser, two other pastors listed in McTernan’s Facebook post (see above), to see if they could help answer some of my lingering questions. Dave responded fairly quickly and simply said that he did not have any information to me, wishing me “Shalom.”

On the same day that McTernan announced his public partnership with Grider would be ending (September 16th, 2012), Grider continued to host his radio show on the same day. This can be found on his Sermon Audio page. He did acknowledge that he would be going solo for the foreseeable future and would be the new formatting for the time being, but still maintained an identical framework.

He did, however, have this to say:

John McTernan and Don Schwartz will no longer be with this show, and they have gone on to new ventures. We wish them well in whatever it is that they are going to be doing. [They] are no longer associated with NTEB. Willie and Dave Hauser might be, I’m not sure.

Uhh, but you know what? The Lord brings to this show the people who want to be in this show. The Lord sets up things, the Lord takes down things – people come and go, I mean that’s just the nature of life. We wish John and Don well [and] we hope that the Lord gives them what they need.

But you know we’re moving forward and we’re going ahead, and for those of you who listened to the previous show […] – hearts were opened, broken hearts, starting the healing process, real things were talked about, and decisions were made, truth was told, and we’re going forward, we’re going forward.

I have spent so many hours in prayer with the Lord since Friday, since all this controversy and trouble started, and I have gone before the Lord and done what I need to do, and God told me clear as day today: he said, ‘You don’t quit, you don’t quit, you don’t quit, you don’t quit.’

Maybe we’ll have a smaller show than we’re used to, but you know what? We’ve never, ever, ever, ever done this show because we want a lot of people to listen to it, that’s not why we’ve done this show. We’ve done this show to lift up the Lord Jesus Christ. We’ve done this show to proclaim his soon return, that’s why we do this show.

[…] I took this weekend and I got right before the Lord. I took what had been a barrier between me and the Lord, and was weeping with tears and on my knees, and in hours of prayer and repentance. […] And as you cast the finder of judgment on someone, you stand filthy, you stand filthy before the Lord.

Grider said

Grider then went on to heavily insinuate that “the rapture” was going to occur within the next or month or so at the time. “Let me tell you something: it’s a highly likelihood that it will happen before the next presidential election on November 4th,” Grider said attempting to persuade his audience.

The recording can listened to and downloaded below:

Is Sexual Purity Possible In A Hyper-Sexualized World??

Geoffrey Grider. Uploaded on December 8th, 2010

This is the question Grider once posed to his many readers several years after his fallout with McTernan and crew. Grider may have said he sought of the Lord forgiveness in much tears and heaviness, but it unfortunately was not the end of his antics and addictions.

First published on June 11th, 2015, almost three years after Grider’s acts were publicly exposed, Grider floated out an article titled “Is Sexual Purity Possible In A Hyper-Sexualized World??” The post has since been deleted from NTEB. However, an archived copy has survived the sands of time for us to examine, and what Grider says is fascinating.

Grider does not waste too much time in revealing that he still has some major problems in his life; indicating that “there are two areas in my life where I do not do well,” and how “everyone has besetting sins.”

My two main sin hotspots are sexual temptation and alcohol. I have done better with conquering alcohol than I have with resisting sexual temptation, but not by much. I will go for years at a time with never even one sip of alcohol, but invariably, a moment will arise even after years where I again find myself with a beer in my hand. Conviction sets in and the process of cleaning up starts again.

Before I was saved I never had the desire to quit drinking, and since I have been saved it’s been a struggle. I may not get the permanent victory here in the life, but I know I will in the life to come in Heaven with the Lord. How I long for that Day!

Grider wrote

Grider goes on to assert that “sexually, I have been a mess since I was about 10 years old.” Grider attributes this to the very early introduction of “girlie magazines, pornography,” and being molested by his piano instructor. Because of these things Grider claims “as my life progressed, sexual impurity was a constant companion.”

He goes on to write that in 1990 he says he was born again – which seems to conflict with his testimony reports that he still currently has published now, as Grider was still actively working in Hollywood and that it was his brother’s death that got him to start seeking the Lord; but this is only a minor discrepancy.

He notes that since high school he was able to stay sober and stave off fornicating, but nevertheless laments that “the hooks that were put in at such a young age would not be removed so easily, and the struggle began.” Grider, quoting Romans 7:15, 18, wrote that certain sins are easily removed while others take some time to remove, saying God “will allow us to struggle with something because He knows it’s for our good and for His glory.”

But then Grider explicitly admits that he has committed fornication and was sending lewd messages to women. He did not specify if this had just occurred, or if he was reflecting on previous events, neither did he clarify how many times these trespasses happened.

Today in 2015, I have come face to face with the reality that I have failed when it comes to the biblical command of sexual purity. And it grieves me to the point where the Lord has laid upon my heart to write this article.

I have fornicated when the Bible has told me not to. I have sent and received sexually impure text and picture messages when the Bible has told me not, and you know what? I am sick and tired of not getting the victory promised me as a Blood-washed Christian. I refuse to live like this one day longer.

Like Jacob, I am wrestling with the Lord and will not quit until He gives me the blessing I am asking Him for. The trash is going to the curb.

He wrote at the time

Grider goes on to write how today’s modern culture is “saturated” with perversion and lewdness, he wrote, from scantily-clad cheerleaders at football games to constant proliferation of sex in TV and movies; “and yet we watch them anyway,” Grider noted.

I think one reason why there is so much struggle and so little victory is because we surround ourselves with temptation. If I right now deleted every account profile of my Facebook friends of women who have “boob shots” and bikini pics, my friend count would drop about 10-15% immediately. I have about 5,000 friends, you do the math.

He also wrote

He then switches gears and turns it on his readers, challenging them to do a bit of soul-searching and clean out the garbage and sin that still festers in their lives. “Open up your phone, and delete everything that Jesus would not approve of,” Grider directed. “Go through your social media accounts and remove profiles that only serve to tempt and lead you astray.”

If we are honest, the command to restore a fallen brother or sister is equally as hard to do as living sexually pure and sober lives.

I have recently been on my face before God, confessing my sins and asking for forgiveness for the thoughts that are in my head, and for some of the junk that comes out of my mouth.

I am not a sexually pure person, not since the age of 10, but that’s going to change. I am counting on the same God that forgave King David to do the same for me, and to give me the same victory.

And I just did something that I have never done before in my life. With tears in my eyes, I prayed and forgave my piano teacher, hoping that he was saved before he died. And hard as it was to do, really hard, I truly meant it.

Grider expressed

After quoting John 8:4-5, 7 – the famous “he that is without sin, let him cast a stone” passage, taken out of context by those in order to absolve and whitewash judgment of themselves and each other – Grider emphasizes fellow believers to forgive each other and lift each other up, to “learn how to be humble and to understand that we are no better than anyone else,” he said, adding, “don’t hate a brother or sister who sins different than you. All sin is equal, it’s pride that tells you otherwise.” Grider said he believes the church is no longer a “spiritual powerhouse” these days because Christians forget and refuse to forgive others. He ends his post with his trademark catchphrase he often uses in his posts: “The war is real, the battle is hot and the time is short. To the fight!”

The full article can downloaded/viewed below:

Fifty Shades Of Grider

Grider as a guest on The Daily Show in 2016

As sincere as Grider may have tried to impress upon his readers, in a post that was eventually scrubbed from his site, years after the fact, it would seem that “the trash” Grider spoke of was never tossed to the curb, and his “struggles” persisted; even though he swore and promised the world that “I refuse to live like this one day longer,” and that he was “wrestling with the Lord and will not quit until He gives me the blessing I am asking Him for.” “Victory,” as Grider says he wanted, was never achieved.

In 2018, several years after he wrote that aforementioned post, Mr. Grider then had a run-in with the police, for failing to learn his lesson and get straightened out.

On August 13th, 2018, an affidavit was filed to the St. John’s County Police Department, reporting Grider to the authorities for a sex act performed on her and for harassment. The affidavit, signed by Geoffrey Grider, and subsequent police report that details the crime, can be downloaded/viewed below.

On that same August day, Grider was charged with a “non-forcible sex offenses” count, and a “first degree misdemeanor” for “sexual cyberharassment.”

The name of the woman affected in this case was blotted out. For the sake of this report, we will refer to her as “Anna.”

According to the affidavit and the testimonies of the officers involved with this particular case, Anna explains that Grider sent her a message on Facebook for her help and to “come rescue me,” one of the messages read. Grider was drunk and requested Anna’s help to give him a ride back to his place. Grider had requested the same thing the previous week. But when Anna refused to help him, Grider sent her “a video of her performing oral sex on him” that was filmed without her knowledge and consent.

After deleting the message and blocking his number, Anna went to Grider’s location on that August 3rd day and asked that he give her his keys and delete the video. Grider “did neither of these things,” the report states. Though she was unable to strip him of his keys because he was under the influence, she was able to nab his phone and provide that as evidence to the police.

Furthermore, Grider drunkenly then began to threaten “her life and told her that he has ties to the Mafia,” the officers documented in their filing. Grider eventually drove him and Anna followed close behind him to make sure he did not crash, and then immediately drove to the St. John’s County Police Department to file the affidavit and provide the phone as evidence.

As noted in the file, while she was discussing the claims with Officer Michaux, Grider then proceeded to post “the video four times on her Facebook [page] and stated that he put it online and made it viral.” A separate officer reviewed the footage and confirmed that it was Grider, and that Anna appeared to be completely unaware she was being filmed.

It was then discovered while she and the police were meeting, Grider had already returned back to town at a restaurant. The officer drove to Grider’s location and confronted him. “Grider spontaneously uttered “All I want is my phone back,”” the officer noted in his report. He tried to explain Grider his Miranda rights but he spoke over the officer and repeated, “I’m sorry about her but I want my phone back.” Grider in his affidavit response said that all he wanted was his phone back.

Officer Richard Michaux additionally made a point of noting:

It should be noted that I did not discuss [Anna’s] direct accusations against him. I advised G. Grider that he was being investigated for possible charges of Sexual Cyberharassment and Video Voyeurism. I further told G. Grider not to contact [Anna] in any way or he could possibly be charged with witness tampering. G. Grider acknowledged these statements.

Deputy Andrew Stoinoff, who also handled the case initially and reviewed the footage, noted in his supplemental testimony that Grider “threatened her with bodily harm,” and that he was “holding a camera at his head level” while he filmed the sex act without the woman’s consent.

On August 6th, the case was handed over to Officer Edward Scoggins. On the 7th, Anna met with him to further discuss the evidence again. The officer then facilitated a controlled phone call through Facebook Messenger, to which Grider accepted. The phone call was taped and collected as evidence, with a summation provided in the report.

Grider apologized for the threats and making her feel victimized. When Anna asked why he filmed the video in the first place. Grider stated it was “such a beautiful thing.” He claimed that he regretted the decision and it was not necessary. “I’m 100% wrong for taking it, I had no right to take it,” he added. Grider denied have any other videos taken and claimed that he never uploaded the video in question. He said that he deleted the copy on his computer. Anna also inquired if Grider had any other videos and images of other women on there of a similar nature, and Grider explained “there might be one,” the report says. “Geoffrey told [Anna] that he wanted her to forgive him,” the officer stated.

On the 8th, the next day, Grider called the officer and Scoggins called back on the 9th. Grider wanted to retrieve his phone. Scoggins requested that Grider come and speak with him, but Grider said that he would need to check his schedule and call back for when a good time would work. The deputy did not receive a call back.

Scoggins closed out the rest of the report with this:

On 8/10/2018 […] I attempted to call Geoffrey back but received no answer. I left a voice message telling Geoffrey to call me back to set a time we could meet. The following week, I received a call from Geoffrey’s attorney in relation to this case. I was advised that he would speak with Geoffrey about providing an official statement.

On 8/28/2018 […] I did not receive a call back from Geoffrey’s attorney. I researched Florida Statute with assistance from the State Attorney’s Office in reference to this case. I found no Florida Statutes that fit the actions taken by Geoffrey in reference to filming [Anna] without her knowledge.

There was also not enough evidence in this case to proceed with a search warrant on Geoffrey’s cell phone. I spoke with [Anna] on the phone and explained the concerns about the Florida Statutes. At this time, this case will be closed unfounded.

Interestingly enough, on the 9th, when the officer returned Grider’s call, Grider, in a since-deleted post, published on August 9th, 2018, published an “urgent personal message” to his readers asking for donations on a newly set-up GoFundMe page. The post was of course later deleted.

Here is what he wrote (emphasis his):

I am in immediate need of raising funds for a personal situation that I am not at liberty to discuss fully at this time. But I need to raise this money immediately.

First, I ask you who are reading this to PLEASE PRAY and ask the LORD if you should donate to this fundraiser. I hope with all my heart you do. And if He leads you to assist me, then please do and please be generous. If He does not, then please pray for me and keep me in your prayers. I wish I could say more but I cannot.

“But the LORD is my defence; and my God is the rock of my refuge.” Psalm 94:22 (KJV)

My heart is breaking tonight, and the Lord God we serve is dealing with me. We all have our own personal pains and struggles that only the Lord can touch and fix. The Lord has decided that now is the time to fix what’s broken in my life. So I am reaching out to you, my dear readers, and asking for your help tonight.


This has nothing to do with NTEB, but it is an urgent personal need. I thank you for taking the time to read this, and, above all, for keeping me in your prayers. Any of these funds which I do not use will be returned if my situation changes and I no longer need it.

This will be my last article until further notice.

Grider, to my knowledge, never once did explain what happened or where the money went. However, it would appear this most likely went towards the legal fees of dealing with the police and hiring an attorney. Grider did not post for at least a couple of weeks before making his return, as indicated by the comments made in separate article before he begged for cash.

From that plea for quick cash, Grider was able to net a little over $6,000 in donations. “Thank you SO MUCH to everyone who donated to this fundraiser, it meant more to me than words could ever express,” read the description on his GoFundMe page.

Since that article was written Grider did not return to regular posting until August 30th – two days after the police case was closed – never addressing why he was on hiatus and what the money went to.

It is also worth noting that on August 6th, the day the police report was forwarded to another, Grider was asking his followers to once again donate in a post titled, “We Need Your Help In Meeting Our Monthly Financial Obligations This August!” Grider wrote, “I have given this ministry everything I have, all my time, all my money, and all my effort to do what the Lord called me to do. But at the level we are at now, it is not possible to continue without your prayers, your support, and your generous giving to this fundraiser.”

Moreover, it is also worth pointing out that Grider published part 1 of his testimony of salvation in December of that year, as mentioned earlier – a testimony that centered exclusively around his struggles with alcoholism, but no mention of his sexual misconduct.

But what is even more troubling are the coverups. According to several witnesses and victims of Grider’s lascivious nature that have reached out to me (as alluded to in Grider’s 2015 deleted post – along with other personal testimonies graciously shared with me), some of the churches in the Florida area where Grider resides attempted to sweep his indecency under the rug.

However, it cannot be said of all the churches Grider had hopped in and out of that they tried looking the other way. One Florida pastor, who asked to remain anonymous, confirmed to me that he and other deacons of his church kicked out Grider when his habitual acts were brought to their attention. Two women at least were also targeted at this church, for which was eventually brought to the pastor’s attention, and more of Grider’s deviant deeds were revealed, prompting his dismissal from the congregation. This happened approximately in 2017 or 2018, according to this preacher’s best memory.

Furthermore, based on what I was told, both by him and other victims involved, highlighted that there maybe more reports filed against Grider with the intent of at least having something on file if a situation ever arose.

Hungry Like The Wolf

Grider posing in his bookstore.

If you thought a dance with the police and him risking losing his self-proclaimed ‘saint’ status online, and in Christian circles, would be enough for him to finally see the error of his ways and repent, you’d be wrong.

Unfortunately, Girder chose to continue to go headlong and do even more of what he’s been caught and confessed to doing. Again, even though Grider swore before God and man that he “refuse[s] to live like this one day longer” back in 2015, he never obliged his own promises.

As indicated in the previous section, Grider has made plenty of advances towards other women after that 2015 article was written, after his involvement with the police, and even within the last several years. I know this for a fact because a multitude of women who have reached out to me shared their testimonies with me, and confirmed that Grider is a womanizer and has tried many times over, it seems, to find a new woman to fool with and satiate his unquenchable lust and adultery.

These women, and there are plenty of them, have all asked me to keep them anonymous for obvious reasons, including fear of blackmail, harassment, and even physical harm, as demonstrated in the police report. But what I can say is that, after having plenty of correspondence with them via email and phone calls, I can confirm their testimonies are all running very similarly, to that of what Grider wrote of by his own volition in 2015 and what was documented in the police report.

As noted previously, Grider has caused a ruckus at some of the churches he’s attended in the Florida area, excommunicated and kicked-out from some of them. According to one pastor who spoke with me, there were at least two confirmed cases of two women expressing their concerns that Grider was trying to come onto them in a very sexual manner.

Moreover, according to another witness who spoke with me, expressed that she knows of around 5 to 6 different instances where Grider targeted women at these churches as far back as 2016. This may or may not include the two other aforementioned women at that particular church.

It is also worth noting that some of these women Grider has targeted are married, and he knew that they were married, whether it was in person at these churches or in private messages. One of these women in particular who reached out to me is married and has a large family, who also lives in or near the St. Augustine area, told me in a statement that she tried to expose Grider to the leadership at one of these churches (not the one I spoke of earlier, whose pastor spoke directly with me), but was rejected initially and attempted to cover it up. Naturally this pastor in particular was eventually outed and forced to leave in disgrace because sexual allegations were levied against him also, forcing him to resign as pastor and move to a new state. Go figure.

At any rate, this married woman in particular told me that Grider tried to entice her into submitting to him, claiming it would be a “spiritual marriage” honored by God; and that defines who your husband is, so they could have a sexual relationship and it was perfectly fine, Grider told this woman.

Other women, through much anguish and tears, disclosed to me some of the lewd messages that Grider would send them, some of them since 2020. Again, many of these women are married and Grider knew this. But ignoring the risks and basic ethics, Grider continued to try create (so it appears from what I have been able to gather) a pool of potential candidates that he thought he might be able to fornicate and/or settle down with; similarly to what he was doing during his days on Blog Talk Radio with McTernan and crew.

One woman described how what started out as what she thought was a mutual friendship, instead quickly turned into beguilement, professing his love for her and indications that he wanted to shack-up. Via private messages and phone calls, Grider would breathe deeply and make sexual grunts and groans over the phone to incite arousal, saying how he wished they could “cuddle up” together, going so far as to ask this woman to rub her [privates] and send a video of it to Grider. She eventually grew sick of this and cut off all communications with him.

Another married woman told me that Grider began to target her because he liked how she looked and has fantasized of her as his dream girl as he pictured it since he was a little boy. She perceived that he was most likely drunk, but nevertheless talked about how would dream of what her breasts would like. He would also use pet names for her at times. She too eventually blocked him.

In addition yet another woman reached out to me, and like the other examples, things started out casual and then quickly cascaded, with the story of sexualized text messages and phone calls. Like all the others it eventually came to an end, though ironically Grider actually cut this one off after it appears he found a more suitable companion.

God only knows the number of women Grider has gone after; and of the many who reached out to me, some not wanting me to publish any real details at all as to conceal their identities, but what I can say is that I noticed many of them seem to know others as well who were affected but simply just wanted to move on – a ‘this person knows that person who knows this person’ type of situation. For example, in a video critiquing Grider’s ministry, one commentor wrote, “That bastard hit on my daughter he’s a wolf don’t trust him.”

Needless to say, instead of taking “the trash” out “to the curb,” he appears he decided to go dumpster diving instead.

Adultery, Again

This brings us to the most recent events in this story, and that is the sudden and unexpected announcement that he was going to get remarried earlier this year.

On May 22nd, 2023, Grider casually announced in a podcast that he was going to be getting married to a woman that had moved down to Florida roughly a year previously at that point – a woman that been living with him for this whole time, though almost no one who followed him knew, save only for those in his inner circle. Naturally this caused some concern with some of his followers.

On June 10th Grider officially married Ms. Lori Ann Carrier, as mentioned in his podcasts and on his Facebook page.

Mrs. Grider currently is the manager of the NTEB Bookstore, according to her bio page on the Mudflower website.

Lori has been with NTEB for a number of years now, and in the early part of 2022 she moved here from Maine with her kids to take over the day-to-day managing of the NTEB Bookstore. She maintains our inventory, chooses new titles, and provides full-service customer support. Lori is also a chat room moderator during our live broadcast, and maintains our global prayer list.

Her bio reads

To provide some context: on May 16th, 2022, Grider created yet another GoFundMe campaign to, as he said, “to give support and assistance to our sister Lori as [she and her two children] prepare to leave Maine and come to Florida. Monies raised here will go to travel expenses, and securing a place to live,” the description read. Grider openly donated $1,000 to the cause, writing, “I am excited to support Lori as she follows the Lord in full-time ministry to Florida, and hope many others will also!”

During Grider’s May 22nd announcement, he said that “most of you know that when she moved here last year from Maine, she stayed in my house.” He explained, “we divided the condo in half: they had their own bathroom and bedrooms, they had full use of the kitchen […].” Grider notes that Lori lived in his condo for “about seven months” before she was able to purchase a home of her own and move out. After helping her get settled Grider says it took roughly 6-7 weeks for him to realize that he wanted to be more than “friends.”

We kinda did things backwards. We were friends and best friends first, and then when the Lord put that on my heart back in the end of February. […] I only ever though we were just going to be friends, but after she moved out God had other plans.

He said

Howbeit there is problem with this story: Grider never once disclosed that Lori Ann and her children would be living together. As I alluded to earlier, with exception to only a few in Grider’s very inner circle, no one knew they were living together. People took to the comments to call him out for that.

In response to the criticism Grider wrote to one individual: “She was my friend, and friends only, when she stayed there with her two kids, it was the height of the pandemic and they had no other place to go. I was glad I did it and would do it again.” He later accused another, saying, “You are quite paranoid” – for questioning the validity of the claims and the two dwelling together. Someone else called out Grider for this deceit as well.

You shared Lori’s GoFundMe on May 18, 2022. She moved to St. Augustine not too long after the GoFundMe was shared. May/June 2022 was not the height of COVID. But just for your argument, let’s say it was the height of COVID. Why would anyone move during the height of a pandemic multiple states away with 2 small children, with no place to live?🚩

This user wrote

Many others expressed that they would stop listening because they did not trust him no more:

Even other pastors associated with Grider were clueless to this until he announced it. Just several days before Grider revealed his betrothal, Grider hosted his annual “camp meeting” on May 19th to the 21st, 2023, of which included a barbeque and meet & greet, along with preaching, a live show with s studio audience, and more. Of those guests were Dr. William P. Grady, an acclaimed Baptist author and preacher, who also spoke at the event. He too did not know and expressed this in a Facebook post, though he claims Grider assured him that they were was no fornication.

Furthermore, throughout the time Grider was secretly concealing that Lori was living with her, Grider throughout his many radio shows never once disclosed this, according to a handful of transcripts that were provided to The WinePress:

Needless to say, Grider has not been truthful in this and quite disingenuous in providing details; and, taking for granted what he says about them not “shacking-up,” optics alone it is a poor look and testimony for the world to see.

Also, while I am limited in what I can convey, I can simply state that Lori Ann Grider knew about the many things that I have detailed thus far, as it has been explained to me by some, before accepting Grider’s hand in marriage.

But just like earlier, when people associated with Grider are questioned they suddenly get lockjaw and wish not to answer. Pastor Joel Tillis of Suncoast Baptist Church, Palmetto, Florida, who is a friend of Grider’s and was also a guest at the camp meeting; was asked about the oddity of Lori living with Grider for all this time, and if he knew about this. The pastor responded to one user on Facebook by posting a picture of the “loser’ handsignal, and then blocked the individual.

Notwithstanding, bearing all of this in mind, when faced with criticism, Grider’s next radio show was covering marriage, divorce, and remarriage; discussing how the bible defines the terms and grounds for each. Grider has another indentical sermon he preached in 2014. Though the two shows are separated by nearly a decade the consistency is fairly on point – but that does not mean they are doctrinally sound, for which they are not. For more details into what he preached, you can watch me dissect his sermons on Rumble, where I provide some additional thoughts not expressed directly in this report. In short, Grider quite literally absolves himself of any wrongdoing and all other past transgressions; going so far as to claim that passages like Matthew 19, where Jesus discusses the issue of marriage and one of the grounds for divorce (the cause of fornication), does not apply to him.

You cannot commit adultery with someone who’s been divorced in the age of grace, but you can commit fornication with them if you are not married to them before you have the sexual act.

Matthew 19:9 does not apply doctrinally to the Christian in the age of grace. So, again, I think we are splitting hairs.

Grider says in one of the clips – that’s just one of the highlights

But learning this and more, it perhaps lends a clue as to how he thinks and how he can continue to do what he’s done unabated for years, without conviction and chastisement. Those two clips can be downloaded/listened to below:



Grifter Grider

Switching gears, not only does Grider live a promiscuous life, the popular podcaster and preacher, like so many in Christianity today, is an bona fide extortioner and hireling; who has demonstrated many times over he is negligent in paying his taxes, and as I have already covered, regularly asks his followers to support, to the tune of multiple millions of dollars.

To start things off, in 2017 the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) issued Grider a federal tax lien for failing to pay his taxes. Investopedia details what a tax lien issued by the IRS entails and how it works:

A tax lien is a legal claim against the assets of an individual or business that fails to pay taxes owed to the government. In general, a lien serves to guarantee payment of a debt such as a loan, or in this case, taxes. If the obligation is not satisfied, the creditor may proceed to seize the assets.

The lien does not mean that the property will be sold. Rather, it ensures that the tax authority gets the first claim over any other creditors vying for the creditor’s assets.

This lien attaches to all of a taxpayer’s assets, including securities, property, and vehicles. Any assets the taxpayer acquires while the lien is in effect also apply. It also attaches to any business property and the accounts receivable for the business.

The only way to release a federal tax lien is to fully pay the tax owed or reach a settlement with the IRS.

Tax liens are publicly recorded. After a tax debtor pays off the debt, the county records will be updated to reflect the fact that the lien has been released.

Officially filed and recorded on February 27th, 2017, the IRS issued a tax lien to Grider, demanding that he pay a whopping $256,893.54 in unpaid taxes that have accumulated over the course of seven years at the time the document was filed. All of the flagged tax reports were a 1040, the first one being filed in 2007 and eventually assessed in 2009. The final filing made in 2015 was assessed in 2016, giving Grider until December of 2026 to finally payoff the taxes due.

You can download/view the document below. I blotted out the address of Grider’s living arrangement at the time.

But it would seem Grider has had a history of not paying the taxman his dues. Further evidence was provided to The WinePress as proof. One was filed against Grider in his home state of New Jersey, to the tune of $21,000.00, and the other filed against him in his second living-state Colorado, for the amount of $11,725.00. Again, I have blotted out the living addresses.

Bearing this in mind, it provides a new perspective and viewpoint when Grider asks and receives the number of donations that he has and does.

Studio Stupidity

Going back to 2017, the same year Grider was issued a federal tax lien for a hefty sum of money, was the same year Grider announced plans to build a new recording studio, and he asked his followers to help pay for it. Exactly 11 days after Grider was served by the IRS, on March 9th, 2017, Grider then announced that he wanted to create a new professional studio for NTEB, elevating above the low production grade he had when Grider broadcasted on Blog Talk Radio.

In his initial announcement he explains that his current office in St. Augustine was home to his secular business, Mudflower, which operates NTEB. In other words, in a roundabout way of saying it (as we’ll be further noted later), the money donated was actually going to Mudflower, a for-profit company, to which then Grider uses that money to invest in Mudflower, and Mudflower technically manages NTEB, even though his many followers donate(d) assuming it goes specifically NTEB. Furthermore, it is worth noting that his bookstore opened in 2021 is also connected to Mudlfower. A screenshot of someone’s private bank account was provided to The WP that shows that after the person purchased an item at the NTEB Bookstore, it was registered as Mudflower in the books.

Grider initially asked for $25,000 on GoFundMe in order to remodel and obtain the necessary equipment.

In September 2016, we took a step forward in faith, and moved NTEB out from a home office based ministry, into a 1,400 square foot facility where we are planning weekly Bible studies and local outreach. But what the Lord has really put on my heart is to create an audio and video studio where we can produce top-quality videos […] We also want to create our own Internet radio station from which to continue broadcasting weekly Bible study programs which have previously been done on BlogTalk Radio.

Right before Hurricane Matthew hit us here in Florida, we opened a 1,400 square foot studio to house both Mudflower Media, our web design company that created, hosts and maintains NOW THE END BEGINS, and the “coming soon” NTEB Recording Studios. Claiming Jeremiah 33:3 (KJV) we did this by faith after much prayer.

We need $25,000 to create the type of audio and video studio needed to make top-quality video and audio programs. We promise to take whatever is received and create as much as we can with what you send in. We already have acquired the building by faith, and are ready to begin.

Grider wrote at the time
A screenshot of the initial donation campaign, provided by Grider. Courtesy: NTEB

Grider also attached a photo of the building with a Mudlfower sign on it, along with a photoshopped NTEB next to it, which caused some readers to question if the sign was real or not. Grider confirmed that he doctored the photo, which can be seen in other subsequent photos he’d post.

From there Grider would occasionally update his followers on the progress made and write new creative ways to encourage donation.

The next update came on May 5th, where he assured his audience that “we don’t do telethons and other schemes to get money from people” and that they had already raised around $4,000 at the time, which he claims was enough to afford new “microphones, seating, and some of the software needed to produce high-quality audio and video recordings. But we still need to get better cameras, mixing equipment, and various other items a modern-day recording studio needs,” he wrote.

On August 4th Grider said that “phase one” of the fundraiser was nearing completed, which meant “the launch and return of our NTEB ‘Rightly Dividing’ Sunday night Bible study radio program,” he wrote, “And instead of broadcasting through my cell phone through the never quite stable Blog Talk Radio, we will be using top-quality digital mics coming through our own website on our own servers.” Grider raised $7,575.00 at the time, adding that “things will really happen once we hit the $10,000 level.”

A couple of weeks later Mudlfower was featured on the local ABC First Coast News, discussing businesses on a marina in St. Augustine, and Grider was lucky enough to be featured on TV; saying the “NTEB Recording Studio [was] featured in TV interview,” using the opportunity to again encourage donations, claiming “We are nearing 50% of our target goal of $25,000, and I feel quite confident we are going to raise it all.”

On September 9th Grider again said that he was still close to reaching the halfway mark, adding that “The Lord even sent us a college intern, Haley, who is very knowledgeable in video production, to work with us on this new project. The Lord is good like that, He always supplies what we need, who we need and where we need it,” he said. At the same time Hurricane Irma was barreling his direction putting the building in jeopardy. On the 22nd, Grider said that “Hurricane Irma crashed our bathroom ceiling, left some mini-pools of water throughout the studio.” But he still pushed his followers to donate, still stuck at the 50% mark he claimed.

But in order to do that it takes money, and lots of it. 

People are often quite shocked when they discover how much money it takes to produce the stories NTEB sends out around the world 3-5 times per day, free of charge to all our readers. For example, the physical hardware (servers) and the corresponding software for performance and security runs us about $1,000.00 per month. That’s $12,000.00 per year. Then there is the hourly rate of $40.00 we pay to our techs to maintain the site’s back end on demand. For those of you in IT, you know that’s cheap compared to the market rate of $75-100 per hour most techs and developers charge. Of course, there is the physical time it take to create all the content we publish. That costs money too. When you add it all up, it’s right around $20,000.00 per year to run NTEB. Shocked? (Lol, and you thought it was all free, right?)

Grider said, explaining how much he purportedly spends on the ministry (at that time)

After being stuck at the halfway point for months it seems, Grider announced on October 6th he reached 50% of the goal, though “Hurricane Irma pushed us back by many weeks, which is frustrating because before the storm we were so close to have Phase I of it up and running,” Grider lamented. Notwithstanding, for whatever reason, Grider expressed, “We need to raise $5,000.00 this week, and would like you to pray about being a part of that. NTEB has always been a family of like-minded believers.” On the 20th, Grider relaunched one of his Bible radio programs. He said, “Our goal is $25K, to date we have raised $13,942, and that is both gratifying and motivating.”

Continuing, on November 10th Grider floated out a headline, “We Need The Saints Of God To Help Us Cross The Finish Line For Our NTEB Recording Studio Fundraiser.” However, Grider seems to have expanded the reasoning for donations beyond the studio that he originally started the fundraiser for. He stated:

When you contribute to this fundraising effort, you are helping us to do what the Lord called us to do. The money you send in goes primarily to the building of the recording studio, but it also goes to the overall daily operations of this site. When people ask for Bibles, we send them out at no charge. When people write in and say how much they would like gospel tracts but cannot afford them, we send them a box at no cost to them for either the tracts or the shipping, no matter where they are in the world. Even all the way to South Africa. We even restarted our weekly radio Bible study on Sunday nights again, thanks to your generous donations.

Personally, I hate having to hold a fundraiser, I truly do. If I had them money I would give it all personally and never ask anyone for a penny. In fact, I have given everything I have to this ministry. But the Lord knows better than I do, and I believe with all my heart that He is asking all of you to invest in this ministry as well.

We still have another $10, 000 to raise to finish the studio, but I truly feel that that goal is firmly in sight now. How wonderful it would be to reach it before the end of this year, but everything in God’s timing.

To start 2018 off, on January 2nd of that year, Grider again implored his readers to meet the goal. He noted:

We are just about $3,000.00 away from completion. As I have told you all many times, much of the expansion to get NTEB where it is was paid for from my own pocket. I hate fundraisers, and I don’t like asking anyone for money. When we meet our goal, these fundraiser letters from me will stop. But let me tell you what this fundraiser has done for me personally.

He reiterated something similarly on the 15th, still prodding for that last $3,000, and how “Running NTEB is an expensive proposition.”

The next update came on April 27th, 2018, he wrote: “your generous giving that we were able to purchase most of the equipment for the recording studio, upgrade our server hardware, and take care of other important administrational duties. When NTEB was just a little baby site, it only cost around $85 per month to run the equipment. In 2018, it costs over $1,000 per month just for hardware and security alone.” However, Grider made no mention if he had achieved his goal to finally earn that $25,000 he wanted over a little year ago at that time.

But then something happened. The incessant groveling for money stopped, from what I can find, save only one more on August 6th, while the aforementioned police report was being filed against him. This reference made zero mention of the studio.

In 2019 there was no mention of the studio and its completion; but the evidence shows that Grider more than met his goal and yet failed to unveil the studio or provided any inclination about it. On Marth 8th, 2019, YouTuber Bruce Peters showed that Grider had not only received $56,945 in donations – more than double what he was initially asking for – but also upped the goal to $75,000, three times the original asking price. So not only did Grider take in more then he asked for, and even upped the ante, he did not deliver his promise to his donors on something he tirressly asserted that God wanted him to have. Grider responded to the video by commenting “You’re a coward, a stinking coward. Come visit me anytime in St. Augustine so we can discuss in person.”

Courtesy: Bruce Peters

According to the multitude of captures on the Wayback Machine, Grider basically achieved his goal on January 26th, 2018, only short $4 of the initial goal. Remember: as noted a moment ago, Grider was still asking for donations to fund the studio months after the fact.

Grider basically achieving his goal per a captured date on January 26th.

Grider then began to incrementally up the goal. Per a capture on February 21st, 2018, Grider upped the goal an additional $10K for a new goal of $35,000; with no announcement stating that he needs more money. Nevertheless, Grider nearly achieved this goal in a fairly short amount of time, earning a dollar short of $32,300; but reupped the goal again to $50,000, by March 24th, 2018, still telling his audience that the donations are still “primarily” funding the studio renovations. The goal was of course upped to $75,000 by March 8th, as noted by Peters. The last capture was made on December 17th, 2018, surpassing the new goal of $50K with $50,227.

Then, after over a year of radio silence (no pun intended), Grider finally announces that the studio is basically complete and only a few more touches remain. On July 17th, 2020, Grider reported:

After years of talking about my plans for a state-of-the-art podcasting and content creation studio on our radio show, and after nearly two months of work, I am happy to announce that today was the day that that dream came to life, and we opened our doors! This long-awaited and much-anticipated day far exceeded my expectations in every way, to say I am thrilled would be an understatement.

Grider also provided a short video touring the unfinished studio, in which he said right up front that “the new Mudflower Design and Now The End Begins podcasting studios” was in the homestretch – thus confirming that the building being funded was actually a Mudflower establishment and not exclusively a NTEB one. Then on August 28th Grider declared that the studio was officially complete, after over three years of waiting. Moreover, Grider declared for the third time on the 1st of 2021 that the studio was finished, finally ready to produce videos, he announced.

On November 5th, Grider then claims after locking up the studio for the night, reflecting on his full commitment to the ministry after 11 years, he said, Grider claims God spoke to him and told him that his listeners are his “congregation” and he is their “pastor.”

After our Wednesday night bible study wrapped up last night, I was shutting things down in the studio and praising God for everything He has been doing in my life and in the ministry He’s given me, when He quietly spoke to me something that truly amazed me. I was thanking Him for the great bible study, the hymns and praise music, all the prayer requests we lifted up to Him, and for the great truths He showed us from His word, when He said to me “these people are your congregation, and you’re their pastor.”

Making It Rain

Grider would continue to increase the goal on his GoFundMe page from the original $25,000 Grider asked for, all the way up to $250,000 – roughly the amount Grider needed to pay off the tax lien – one day before Grider’s GoFundMe campaign was canceled for no apparent reason.

Grider would eventually make the move to a smaller platform called Waygiver, a donations website dedicated to Christians. Like before, Grider continues to retroactively update his goal once it nears completion. The current goal Grider is asking for is $1,725,000.

Grider’s prodding for money has continued to grow and grow, seeing as many people are willing to give it.

For example, as noted in the beginning of this report, Grider runs a program that gifts Bibles to prisons at request. But according to Grider running such a program, along with the rest of his ministry, requires upwards of $5-6 million annually. Grider explicitly said as much in a broadcast to close out 2022. Grider was adamant about providing at least 1,000,000 Bibles in 2023, after giving out over 100,000 in 2022 – instead of just giving out what was asked of him – but regardless is the supposed reason he needs such a hefty sum.

I believe that the Lord is calling us to send out 1 million King James Bibles, New Testaments, and scripture portions, around the world.

[…] In order to reach that number, we’re going to have to pray like we’ve ever prayed before. We’re going to have to invest in this program like we have – well, I have to say, to go from 2021 to 2022 to increase by ten times, that is a serious investment. […] And we are go to believe God that we are going to be able to accomplish that.

Now, in order to reach that goal, we are going to have raise a serious amount of money. I’m talking about millions of dollars. Over the past two years we’ve raised roughly about a million dollars, and that’s what it takes to do what we are doing to get out 115,563 Bibles [for 2022], and all the other things that go together with the ministry.

It’s taken about a million dollars to get to that point. It’s going to take many millions of dollars to get to a million Bibles. It’s gonna be somewhere around 5 or 6 million dollars. Now, does that type of money exist? It absolutely does. Are there people listening to broadcast who are capable of getting us towards that goal? There absolutely is, there is no question about it.

I think of people like George Mueller [who] was a fantastic man of faith that he believed to such a degree, that he was able to take care of thousands and thousands of orphans, and he raised up these orphanages, and he never asked anybody for any money. God just sent that money in.

I talk a lot about D.L. Moody, […] he had schoolkids donating in nickels, he had people donating dimes and quarters; and you absolutely need every level of that. But he also had people who donated millions of dollars.

[…] We are going to believe God and pray that he’ll give us the resources to create our own Bible warehouse, and that we will begin to control the means o shipping. […] We’ll be able to send out more that with the money we have. […] And already I have gotten numerous donations, and we are going to start the year very strong.

Grider extolled and earnestly stated

But based on the current amount of donations he has now he is way off from that goal. Some people have questioned how much it costs Grider to operate his ministry. In response to a comment from 5 years ago, Grider claimed that it was costing him approximately a couple of tens of thousands annually, give or take, before he acquired the bookstore and ran his Bible program.

But needless to say, even though Grider has a track record of not paying his taxes, he has has no problem routinely asking his followers for money, that continue to grow in expense and velocity for a myriad of projects Grider wants to fund. Before too long Grider will perhaps eventually ask his followers to donate tens of millons to purchase the NTEB airliner jet to preach the gospel, like the Word of Faith preachers on TV do.

Now, The End Begins

To wrap things up, I could have easily included a whole lot more but what I have reported is more than enough, for now.

Grider clearly has worked very hard to achieve and maintain this picturesque image of himself, that he is such a dear preacher and man of God that only wants to serve the Almighty; but it is beyond evident that Grider does not live and act like he would have you to believe.

His inability to change and genuinely repent of his deeds is truly saddening, and his willingness to cover it all up rather than just ‘fess up and forsake it says all that needs to be said, as both for a so-called “man of God” and just a man; never caring once about the people’s he’s hurt, the lives and marriages he’s ruined, the churches he’s divided, the people’s he’s lied to, the listeners he’s cheated their hard-earned money out of to fund his gross lifestyle and debts; all while smiling and proclaiming that he has these deep and profound conversations and relationship with the Lord, absolving himself of any wrong doing and taking any personal accountability. Instead of stopping and staying true to his word he chose to go headlong and pretend to be someone he’s not.

As I have said, Grider has clearly dedicated plenty of time and effort into whitewashing his persona and sponging the web of his deviant nature. But continued acts of mischief will only snowball until it cascades into an avalanche that you just can’t outrun. Grider has run well for some time, put you can only run before you get buried alive in the snow heap with no one there to dig you out.

As Proverbs 11:27 says, “He that diligently seeketh good procureth favour: but he that seeketh mischief, it shall come unto him;” and again in Proverbs 28:14, “Happy is the man that feareth alway: but he that hardeneth his heart shall fall into mischief.”

Understand and know of assuredity that this story is not over, and there indeed will be more people coming forward sharing what they know and have seen. I perceived as much after holding many interviews with these victims and witnesses, on top of what is out there right now. This is definitely not over.

While this maybe the start, perhaps only now the end begins.

[11] As a dog returneth to his vomit, so a fool returneth to his folly. [24] He that hateth dissembleth with his lips, and layeth up deceit within him; [25] When he speaketh fair, believe him not: for there are seven abominations in his heart. [26] Whose hatred is covered by deceit, his wickedness shall be shewed before the whole congregation. [27] Whoso diggeth a pit shall fall therein: and he that rolleth a stone, it will return upon him.

Proverbs 26:11, 24-27

[7] Who goeth a warfare any time at his own charges? who planteth a vineyard, and eateth not of the fruit thereof? or who feedeth a flock, and eateth not of the milk of the flock? [8] Say I these things as a man? or saith not the law the same also? [9] For it is written in the law of Moses, Thou shalt not muzzle the mouth of the ox that treadeth out the corn. Doth God take care for oxen? [10] Or saith he it altogether for our sakes? For our sakes, no doubt, this is written: that he that ploweth should plow in hope; and that he that thresheth in hope should be partaker of his hope. (1 Corinthians 9:7-10).

The WinePress needs your support! If God has laid it on your heart to want to contribute, please prayerfully consider donating to this ministry. If you cannot gift a monetary donation, then please donate your fervent prayers to keep this ministry going! Thank you and may God bless you.



  • There is an old saying, “don’t kill the messenger.” I see many people who are so tough on those who are righteously indignant when they see people doing wrong and claiming the name of Christian, such as Geoff Grider. I think many people feel vindicated for having been spiritually discerning enough early on. They may have been hurt as the original messengers and for them, this is a time of healing. I think we should understand that and comfort them. Also, to say we should not have to answer to you or anyone, that is not biblical. In fact, we are to confess our sins one to the other. We should be humble. So, here I go: I saw things that I felt were ungodly but I was being entertained and I enjoyed that therefore I made excuses for listening which I knew I shouldn’t have. I am sorry because I want to be all I can be for the Lord. As far as owning up to playing footsie with evil, that helps us stay on the straight and narrow path. It is good for us. As far as guilt, when I have a guilt pang it is not because I am not forgiven by the Lord, but usually because I am doing something wrong and have yet to ask God’s forgiveness and change my ways. If this creates a firestorm than something is wrong.

  • Brother Jacob,
    I posted this comment last week on the video by Brother Bryan, “Ministry Disqualifications”. I think it is important to post it here as well:

    “To fellow brethren out there, anyone who follows Spencer Smith’s channel, I would likely mark and avoid him now. I haven’t been watching his channel because there were quite a few red flags with him. But, out of curiosity, I went to his channel a few days back and I was troubled at one of his videos. In his video, “Alien” Metals Found in Ocean”, he was promoting an article from Geoffrey Grider’s website ‘Now The End Begins’. Spencer said the following when referencing the article, “…this is from our friends over there at Now The End Begins. Brother Geoffrey Grider. I love that guy. He has been a blessing to me.” I actually commented on that video asking Spencer why he is promoting Geoffrey Grider since his misdeeds have been exposed and is disqualified from being in ministry. I have not received a response to that comment, so it makes me wonder if he is very ignorant of the matter about Geoffrey, or he is softly promoting his channel because he is a “friend”. I was hesitant to comment on this, but really felt the nudge from the LORD to do so.”

    • Thank you for letting me know about that. That honestly does not surprise me. I suspect Grider did Spencer’s graphics. They look similar to his buddy Joel Tillis’ (Soul Trap) animations. Spencer to me is really worldly and is into the same sensualist nonsense that Grider and Tillis are into. Spencer managed to land himself with an in-studio interview with Blaylock at The Blaze – which is owned by Glenn Beck, who is a Jesuit. I find that concerning, on top of some of the other stuff he says. I think he’s just worldly, and like Grider, “their mouth speaketh great swelling words, having men’s persons in admiration because of advantage (Jude 16).” Perhaps I will message Smith directly and see what he says.

      • Brother Jacob,
        Glad to know you’re aware of Spencer Smith and the highly questionable people he associates with. Thank you for sharing other information I wasn’t aware of. I’m concerned that those who follow your ministry and Brother Bryan’s could get deceived by Spencer. I’ve seen people that follow Bryan commenting on Spencer’s channel as well. So, that is why I felt compelled to share what I found. The deception is so great right now. Many are getting tripped up by the deceivers. It’s amazing how many people are blessed by the work the LORD called you to do in exposing Geoff. All praises to God! Stay strong, Jacob!

        • Thanks for letting me know. I know Bryan did a video about Robert Breaker where he was a guest on Smith’s show and was lying to him live. Anyone who associates themselves Faker Breaker is a massive red flag for me.

          • GG only allows comment to stand that claim we who stand against him and his frauds, he is such a liar…. he has to hide the truth he is like a wicked person who is afraid of their wicked works being made known
            LmEngr Shannon K
            17 hours ago
            Hey Shannon, quick question…

            Do you know what happened to some of the names that used to post in here regularly such as Ron, Tag1611, The Emperor’s Guardsman, etc.? Lately these forums seem very quiet without their contributions.

            Shannon K LmEngr
            16 hours ago
            They left. They decided it was more profitable to believe a lie and tear apart a ministry that GOD BUILT UP. Blessings Brother.
            I wished I had her knowledge of God’s Mind, her accusation is truly slandering the Righteous and justifying the wicked.
            RCC’s donate lots of money, food, and good works, but that doesn’t make them headed for heaven, they be headed for hell.

            • He’s a clown. I saw his latest prodding for money by, apparently, publishing a part of an email from this corrections facility in Ohio, bragging on himself. Call me crazy, but I doubt the validity of some of these institutions asking him for Bibles. But regardless of such, “pastor” Grider seems to have “forgotten” something else about bragging about donations and charitable giving:
              Matthew 6:1 Take heed that ye do not your alms before men, to be seen of them: otherwise ye have no reward of your Father which is in heaven. [2] Therefore when thou doest thine alms, do not sound a trumpet before thee, as the hypocrites do in the synagogues and in the streets, that they may have glory of men. Verily I say unto you, They have their reward. [3] But when thou doest alms, let not thy left hand know what thy right hand doeth: [4] That thine alms may be in secret: and thy Father which seeth in secret himself shall reward thee openly.

              • Hi Jacob.
                He is a lying, fraud, Narcissistic, conceited con artist he uses the first 3 of the 10 signs effectively…. ugent…. pressing need, Poot Little Me ( GG ), I cannot pay my__________
                Fill in the blank check for him!
                You have him nailed well… he is like Gotti ( the Teflon Don ) he is the Teflon Con…
                But eventually They Nailed Gotti and so will GG be nailed and his Teflon will wear off.
                God Bless You Jacob!

              • On that Note… he has all the rewards he will get,
                and that is the praise of men, and the cash he puts in his pocket like Judas did.
                sold out to the evil one.

              • I too had my doubts when he started writing articles that high schools are asking for bibles also Really? Well okay, but I kinda felt like he’s over reaching here and trying to tug at the heart strings of Christian parents of teens. I hope he gets found out one of these days and is revealed for what he is. A charlatan.

    • Hi Tar.
      Birds of a feather?
      You did the right thing in questioning him, the prophets were not popular and were alone among people. But like NTEB, he ( GG ) would not be questioned and most likely you will not get a response as well.
      God Bless You Sister Tar!

  • Check out this quote on his website,
    “The Lord has given us an open door with a tremendous ‘course’ for us to fulfill that will create an excellent experience at the Judgement Seat of Christ.”
    That sounds like a salesman guaranteeing an excellent’ ‘fill in the blank.’ Nobody can guarantee an “excellent experience” at the Judgment Seat! It’s like “if you give money, you’ll be ASSURED an EXCELLENT experience before God. Guaranteed! Sign on the dotted line!

    • Yes, I said before that Geoff has mastered the psychology of what to say to get people to respond. This is like the snake oil salesmen who tell you what you want to hear so you will buy a bottle. It’s on the same level as the phony TV preachers.

      • Dont forget Geoff was a actor in Hollywood! He worked for a big corporation citi bank ! Hes very good
        Of deceiving many!

    • Martha,
      That sounds like the selling of indulgences. One of the things that kicked off the Protestant Reformation was the Catholic Church selling guarantees to get into heaven. Wow,

      • Good call Bee! I’ve said for a while that his thinking is very catholic. The RCC teaches “do good works, get more rewards.” God said “If you love me, keep my commandments” We do God’s will because we LOVE him, not because we’re trying rack up brownie points at the Judgment. After reading his articles for years now I’m so sick of hearing about “earning rewards at the Judgment Seat of Christ”. If you really love God then you’ll really serve God and that’ll get all the rewards you can handle. To be honest, I think about the JSOC, but not with anticipation, but with dread of how much I have done that is gonna be burned up because I didn’t have the right motive. But that’s just me.

    • Hi Martha, I noticed that comment about the Judgment Seat of Christ recently too. I’m not sure how long it’s been there – to be honest, when I used to read his articles, I would just read the content relating to the topic of the article and skipped the donation part. I read it after all this information about Geoffrey was revealed. And when I did see it, it bothered me spiritually as well. The same way it bothered me when I saw him mention he is considering getting NTEB branded Bibles, which I believe someone else also mentioned here in the comments earlier. Why is that even necessary? Personally speaking, I don’t even like when Bibles have commentaries in them. I just want the Word. I don’t need a man’s words alongside His Word. It just doesn’t feel right to me – that’s just how I feel about it. If I want supplemental commentary and to do a study, I can seek out a sermon by a pastor I trust.

      But an NTEB branded Bible seems off to me, as if it’s using the Bible as an advertisement. If you genuinely just want to get Bibles to people, it doesn’t need to advertise your website.

      And yes I agree Martha, it does sound a lot like a salesman’s wording. I also noticed he said in one of his recent articles, “Christian, there is no other program that I know of, anywhere, that is set up to quickly send exclusively King James Bibles, New Testaments and scripture portions to any jail, prison or detention center that needs them, or to any missionary called to labour locally or on foreign fields who needs them.” A statement like this is totally unnecessary and doesn’t make sense in my opinion. Again, reminds me of the salesman talk. It’s utterly absurd to basically put the idea out there that there aren’t any other ministries that supply KJV Bibles to prisons/missionaries or that they’re very rare, simply because he might not personally know about any. He softens the claim by including “that I know of” but it’s clear that the intent of the statement is to get people to consider what he’s doing to be rare and hard to find. Logically speaking, I’m sure there are a number of ministries around the country that send out KJV Bibles. In my opinion, it comes off as wording to draw people in and it acts on people’s emotions, not logic.

      • Ginger,
        Forgotten Man Ministries and Prison Fellowship Ministries give bibles to prisoners, though I don’t know if they are KJV.
        I do agree that the important thing is to get the Word to the prisoners and that advertising NTEB on bibles is off.
        It’s all about self-promotion with this guy, sadly.

  • To the poster who said there is very little in way of the Gospel being posted on NTEB that is true. Most of his articles and pages are anywhere from 3-6 paragraphs of what the article is talking about followed by the same repeating paragraph after paragraph of begging for money which usually ends up being more text paragraphs than his articles. The ridiculous amount of selling of merchandise is clearly overboard. Geoff has lost his focus and we all know what Jesus thought of the money changers at the Temple. I’m sure Jesus feels the same about those who try to make money at the Church. We all need to return to our first love. We have all gone astray. This is all just sad to watch, but it happens all the time. We need to pray for Geoff. God can still use him here while there is time. Pray that he repents and changes his ways.

    • He’s lost. God is not going to use him for anything. His years of coverup and deceit, and topped off with his impenitent response to me and his audience proves as much. He’s only it for the money and the glory.
      1 Corinthians 16:22 If any man love not the Lord Jesus Christ, let him be Anathema Maran-atha.
      Proverbs 29:1 He, that being often reproved hardeneth his neck, shall suddenly be destroyed, and that without remedy.

    • Hi Belt of Truth.
      Well said!
      I see this ( GG and NTEB )
      Daniel 4:29 At the end of twelve months he walked in the palace of the kingdom of Babylon.
      Daniel 4:30 The king spake, and said, Is not this great Babylon, that I have built for the house of the kingdom by the might of my power, and for the honour of my majesty?
      God Bless You Belt of Truth!

    • He is almost at $1.3 million and still begging for money. Amazing !
      Maybe he wants a Mercedes or something of that nature.
      Such a scammer this guy is.

    • Ron,
      Grider said it is a one contact situation but it’s still two because he doesn’t manufacture the Bible’s. He’s still going to have to have them shipped to the warehouse first. So that’s two shippings already then a third to go somewhere else. I wonder if he’s moving Mudflower to the warehouse to save even more rent. He rented space for bookstore, Mudflower/studio separately. Different buildings.

      • Hi Martha.
        That could like be.
        This is his stand out comment on his latest post:
        “NTEB Mod” Jkitty
        14 hours ago
        Yes, we will absolutely still be able to minister to CUSTOMERS, and on an even larger scale.
        Minister to their wallets, if it gets so big that “THE TEAM” GEOFFREY GRIDER will no longer be the one man show that he thinks he is
        Then Kitty said:
        Jkitty NTEB
        15 minutes ago
        Lori needs that pink cowboy hat! and you need a white one, with western shirts, you’d be lookin’ good!
        Not with our doantions. That warehouse is HUGE, notice how it not shown for it’s actual size. this place could hold a million Bibles or more as 100,000 Bibles would only occupy a space of 8,000 cubic feet.
        which would be 20′ X 40′ X 10′
        W.C. Fields: “There is a sucker born every minute”
        Geoffrey Grider is a wicked unrepentant man.

        God Bless You Sister Martha.

        • Ron,

          He’ll end up moving everything out of St Aug – the bookstore (which honestly has very little traffic for the store itself-most of the traffic comes from the fact that they do shipping like a UPS store), the studio (which also doubles as his private business Mudflower’s headquarters) and I wouldn’t be surprised if he starts a church in there, too. There’s way more than what he is saying, but that has been par for the course. How is this supposed to save money? You can’t get cheaper than calling in an order and having it shipped directly from the print shop to the facility. He’s adding a step – print shop – warehouse – facility. I’m thinking he wants to have a mass order of NTEB-branded Bibles. And at 1.3 million, he should have more than enough money to move and build shelves. Not anyone else’s fault that he decided to rent a studio and commercial space in a very expensive area of St. Aug. Shouldn’t the bookstore be able to pay for itself? It his private business where it counts – at the bank.

          • He has to afford his lifestyle, he has to fund his pretend middle class lifestyle. Remember: this is a man who has been documented to have shown that he gets himself into deep debt. Nothing he says is the whole truth. If I had to guess, he has to pretend like NTEB is growing, but in reality he’s always being chased by debt and other “expenses” he would not care to divulge (some that I know about not mention in my article), so he has to keep upselling to feed his covetousness, sell the deception that the God is “blessing” NTEB, and to pay off his creditors and lenders.

          • Hi Eve.
            This is his latest:
            The ‘Beating Heart’ Of The NTEB Bookstore Is Our Free Bible Program
            Church? He is disqualified from being a pastor in every possible way, first off he is not blameless, and all the requirements to be such he is disqualified. The Lord sure did not call him to be one, as only man goes against God’s Words, God does not contradict Himself.
            He uses the first 3 highly effectively, and he suppresses all posts on NTEB that call his integrity into question.
            How To Spot a Scammer: 10 Warning Signs
            1.Use authority to build trust — Online scammers use organizations and names you trust to lower your guard. Beware of anyone who messages you out of the blue and claims to be from the IRS, government, or a major company.
            2.Prey on your emotions — Online dating scams are especially notorious for preying on your emotions. A scammer will quickly tell you they’re “falling in love” and get you to say it back. The same goes for charity scams (like veterans charity scams) where fraudsters claim to be victims in need.
            3.Create a sense of urgency — Online scammers know they need you to act quickly before you realize what they’re up to. They’ll often create a sense of urgency to stop you from first checking their claims.
            4.Be threatening and aggressive — Along with love and urgency, threats are another way online scammers convince you to do what they say. Often, a scammer will pretend to be from the police or FBI and claim that a warrant will be put out for your arrest if you don’t comply.
            5.Contact you unexpectedly — One of the easiest ways to spot a scammer is if they contact you first. If you receive any message, phone call, or email from someone you don’t know, verify they are who they say by contacting their agency or business directly.
            6.Ask for sensitive information — Scammers will pretend to be from your bank and ask for your PIN or online passwords to “secure” your account. But legitimate financial institutions will never do this.
            7.Overpay for goods or services — A common aspect of online shopping scams is if someone offers more than you’re asking for a product. In these cases, they’ll send a fake PayPal receipt and ask for you to wire back the overpayment along with their product.
            8.Overpromise on what they can deliver — Scammers use our desire to find a good deal against us. If something or someone seems “too good to be true”, there’s a good chance they’re trying to scam you.
            9.Try to be personal but something is off — Online scammers will pretend to be a friend or family member to quickly gain your trust. But they aren’t. Don’t trust a message just because it comes from an account you recognize.
            10.Force you to use unusual payment options — Most online payment options protect against scammers. If someone pushes you to pay them through an untraceable or non-reversible option, it could be a scam. This includes wire transfers, gift cards, and cryptocurrency.
            10 Signs You are In A Cult

            1. The leader is the ultimate authority
            2. The group suppresses skepticism
            3. The group delegitimizes former members
            4. The group is paranoid about the outside world
            5. The group relies on shame cycles
            6. The leader is above the law and above God’s Words
            7. The group uses “thought reform” methods
            8. The group is elitist
            9. There is no financial transparency
            10. The group performs secret rites
            I Just called our Post Office 500 feet from me. to send a package that weighs 2 pounds 13 Ounces would cost $49.00 to ship to Manilla in the Philippines by the USPO.
            Another marked up scaled up cost claim to the determent of the Donator’s, the other $50 is his cost to get it to the local Post Office ( pocket change )
            All donations are Free Gifts to him as indicated on his front page of his Articles.
            Here is the catch all on NTEB…..
            When you contribute to this fundraising effort, you are helping us to do what the Lord called us to do. The money you send in
            goes primarily to the overall daily operations of this site.
            God Bless You Eve!

  • Agree Jacob. And the comments on his posts are dwindling. Good works in themselves (like sending out Bibles) do not necessarily please God. It’s the HEART and the motive behind what you do that is more important than anything. It’s always been the heart and that is what those who still follow him don’t get. Our works at the Judgment seat are based on what sort (motive) not how much.

    In all of his rebuttals and those of his followers, NO ONE dares to mention the word “taxes”. I guess we can just take a magic marker and strike out that passage where Jesus tells Peter to go pay taxes for the both them, you know that part about rendering that to Caesar which is Caesar’s? Yeah, that one.

    But hey, TO THE FIGHT …..ugh!

    • Seems they forgot these passages:
      2 Timothy 2:5 And if a man also strive for masteries, yet is he not crowned, except he strive lawfully. [6] The husbandman that laboureth must be first partaker of the fruits. [7] Consider what I say; and the Lord give thee understanding in all things.
      Philippians 2:16 Holding forth the word of life; that I may rejoice in the day of Christ, that I have not run in vain, neither laboured in vain.
      I might do an article about this malarkey, just to further demonstrate his impenitence further and once again show him to be the fraud that he is.

      • How can a man that claims to study and seems to know so much about the Bible do the things he has done? It is truly mind boggling to me. Who knows what is in that mind of his? I think Philippians 2:16 may come back to haunt him when he stands before the Lord, if he is even saved at all.

        • Because he is not saved, that’s why. He just learned all the right things to say. He’s just a reprobate.
          Titus 1:15 Unto the pure all things are pure: but unto them that are defiled and unbelieving is nothing pure; but even their mind and conscience is defiled. [16] They profess that they know God; but in works they deny him, being abominable, and disobedient, and unto every good work reprobate.
          [3:10] A man that is an heretick after the first and second admonition reject; [11] Knowing that he that is such is subverted, and sinneth, being condemned of himself.

          • Hi Jacob.
            “pretenders spend their time learning how to pretend and many are excellent pretenders”
            Judas is the perfect example of that one.
            Judas talked the walk, he did not walk it.
            GG’s latest:
            The ‘Beating Heart’ Of The NTEB Bookstore Is Our Free Bible Program
            God Bless You Jacob!

  • I got an email the other day from Irad Birsh in Uganda. It looked just like Geoff’s emails, even down to him calling himself “editor in chief” of Good Child Ministries. It was just an appeal for money. Somehow I got put on his mailing list without my permission. I’m annoyed at that, but it did give me an opportunity to see what’s going on. Apparently the NTEB monster has grown a second head… and now this opens up the possibility of international money laundering between the two of them.

      • Never noticed that before. That dead-up looks and sounds like something Grider would do. I think you might be on to something here. Grider might just be setting up dummy organizations to trick people into doling out cash that goes straight into his pocket, and many of these facilities are just made-up. This may warrant a further look…

        • Jacob, there’s a number on the website to contact. I tried calling it and it’s a Uganda number, but my call wouldn’t go through. Maybe someone who has international abilities on their phone plan would have more success. I wonder if a real person would even answer?

      • Wow this looks like GG wrote all of that on Irad’s site.
        Seems almost an exact copy of NTEB looks. In the past Irad’s English didn’t sound like this at all. Amazing how he sounds exactly like Geoff. So now Geoff is obviously in control of his website.

      • “The Lord has given us an open door with a tremendous ‘course’ for us to fulfill that will create an excellent experience at the Judgement Seat of Christ.”

        This entire language absolutely disgusts me. You do not “create” any sort of experience for yourself at the JSOC. This sounds so much like the prosperity preachers who promise health and wealth for you NOW if you give to their ministries, except YOUR promises for giving to NTEB are promised in the future when you supposedly stand at the JSOC. His teaching on the JSOC is so appealing to the flesh, and forces you to focus on YOU. Well, YOU can do NOTHING to alter your supposed “experience” there. Everything today is of, for, about, and done BY Christ IN YOU. You are not to focus on your flesh… your affections are to be set on things above where Christ sitteth at the right hand of God. Additionally, the whole JSOC talk from him sounds very Catholic… no wonder he has so many former Catholics that like this stuff and follow him. Hard to break the Catholic hold on oneself. I believe the JSOC isn’t even what most people believe, when you rightly divide the issue according to God’s Word. Meanwhile, GG seems to use it for both guilt trips and a motivator for people to cough up the cash in hopes of a good time at the Judgement Seat. What a load of hogwash. The Bible teaches no such thing.

        • Agreed. And sounds exactly how Geoff would talk. I believed Geoff is writing Irad’s stuff for him or he’s in control of that website.

          • Especially the comments saying, “”But whatever you do, don’t do nothing. ” and “to the fight!”
            Those are GG’s comments on his site verbatim.

            Hey, so many of you have left NTEB so you may not know this: they are talking behind Ron’s back on a current article. And yes, I realize the hypocrisy
            of talking about them talking about Ron, so I’ll let you read the comments yourselves if you wish. Link is below.

            It’s fine to ask why some regulars haven’t posted there lately, but to treat Ron like a conspiracy theorist and one woman even
            let everyone know that she wants to be off his email list, isn’t right.

            BTW, the last few years we are finding out that the conspiracy theorists were right. LOL


          • From goodchildmissions.com:

            But whatever you do, don’t do nothing. Time is short and we need your help right now. The Lord has given us an open door with a tremendous ‘course’ for us to fulfill that will create an excellent experience at the Judgement Seat of Christ. Please pray for our efforts, and if the Lord put on your heart to donate, be as generous as possible. The war is REAL, the harvest is PLENTY, the battle HOT and the time is SHORT…TO THE FIGHT!!!

            “Looking for that blessed hope, and the glorious appearing of the great God and our Saviour Jesus Christ;” Titus 2:13 (KJB)

            “Thank you very much!” – Irad, editor-in-chief, GCM

            From NTEB:
            But whatever you do, don’t do nothing. Time is short and we need your help right now. The Lord has given us an open door with a tremendous ‘course’ for us to fulfill that will create an excellent experience at the Judgement Seat of Christ. Please pray for our efforts, and if the Lord leads you to donate, be as generous as possible. The war is REAL, the battle HOT and the time is SHORT…TO THE FIGHT!!!

            “Looking for that blessed hope, and the glorious appearing of the great God and our Saviour Jesus Christ;” Titus 2:13 (KJB)

            “Thank you very much!” – Geoffrey, editor-in-chief, NTEB

        • Hi Belle.
          Martha summed it up best:
          September 11, 2023 at 8:49 pm
          Check out this quote on his website,
          “The Lord has given us an open door with a tremendous ‘course’ for us to fulfill that will create an excellent experience at the Judgement Seat of Christ.”
          That sounds like a salesman guaranteeing an excellent’ ‘fill in the blank.’ Nobody can guarantee an “excellent experience” at the Judgment Seat!
          It’s like “if you give money, you’ll be ASSURED an EXCELLENT experience before God. Guaranteed! Sign on the dotted line!………………………………………………………………………………….
          What he shows himself to be:
          10 Signs You are In A Cult
          1. The leader is the ultimate authority
          2. The group suppresses skepticism
          3. The group delegitimizes former members
          4. The group is paranoid about the outside world
          5. The group relies on shame cycles
          6. The leader is above the law and above God’s Words
          7. The group uses “thought reform” methods
          8. The group is elitist
          9. There is no financial transparency
          10. The group performs secret rites
          He uses these first 3 con artist means effectively:
          How To Spot a Scammer: 10 Warning Signs
          1.Use authority to build trust — Online scammers use organizations and names you trust to lower your guard. Beware of anyone who messages you out of the blue and claims to be from the IRS, government, or a major company.
          2.Prey on your emotions — Online dating scams are especially notorious for preying on your emotions. A scammer will quickly tell you they’re “falling in love” and get you to say it back. The same goes for charity scams (like veterans charity scams) where fraudsters claim to be victims in need.
          3.Create a sense of urgency — Online scammers know they need you to act quickly before you realize what they’re up to. They’ll often create a sense of urgency to stop you from first checking their claims.
          4.Be threatening and aggressive — Along with love and urgency, threats are another way online scammers convince you to do what they say. Often, a scammer will pretend to be from the police or FBI and claim that a warrant will be put out for your arrest if you don’t comply.
          5.Contact you unexpectedly — One of the easiest ways to spot a scammer is if they contact you first. If you receive any message, phone call, or email from someone you don’t know, verify they are who they say by contacting their agency or business directly.
          6.Ask for sensitive information — Scammers will pretend to be from your bank and ask for your PIN or online passwords to “secure” your account. But legitimate financial institutions will never do this.
          7.Overpay for goods or services — A common aspect of online shopping scams is if someone offers more than you’re asking for a product. In these cases, they’ll send a fake PayPal receipt and ask for you to wire back the overpayment along with their product.
          8.Overpromise on what they can deliver — Scammers use our desire to find a good deal against us. If something or someone seems “too good to be true”, there’s a good chance they’re trying to scam you.
          9.Try to be personal but something is off — Online scammers will pretend to be a friend or family member to quickly gain your trust. But they aren’t. Don’t trust a message just because it comes from an account you recognize.
          10.Force you to use unusual payment options — Most online payment options protect against scammers. If someone pushes you to pay them through an untraceable or non-reversible option, it could be a scam. This includes wire transfers, gift cards, and cryptocurrency.
          DeniseC did a search on NTEB and found:
          Look how many article for each year have him asking for money:

          2023 (287)
          2022 (470)
          2021 (586)
          2020 (769)
          2019 (716)
          GG’s latest:
          The ‘Beating Heart’ Of The NTEB Bookstore Is Our Free Bible Program
          I Just called our Post Office 500 feet from me. to send a package that weighs 2 pounds 13 Ounces would cost $49.00 to ship to Manilla in the Philippines by the USPO.
          Another marked up scaled up cost claim to the determent of the Donator’s, the other $50 is his cost to get it to the local Post Office ( pocket change )
          God Bless You Belle!

      • When you click on the website for the Uganda children, there is a Facebook icon… Click on that then scroll down to who the moderators are and you will see GG pics along with a few others that have control over the site.

      • Hi Adam & Katey.
        It seems GG has taken over Irad’s Website Ask Colonial Man ( Paul ) he said GG is playing Irad and intercepting his e-mails.
        God Bless You and Katey Adam!

        • Hi Ron!
          What a surprise!
          Discernment is a precious thing we all need more of. The Lord keeps revealing more and more about this situation; we’re praying more folks continue to remove their support for these sham “ministries”.
          God bless you brother Ron!

    • Hey Bruce, I received the same e-mail! It really annoyed me, and I wondered how Irad was able to get my e-mail, because I never received one from his ministry before. I immediately noticed how it looked exactly like Grider’s style of writing. I sent an e-mail back to Irad and asked him to take me off his e-mail list because I did not want to be affiliated with anyone connected to NTEB. He responded, and he was not happy! I am going to share with everyone here what Irad wrote to me, because I want everything to be transparent. Here it is: “Okay Please Loreta, Thank you for your feedback. My ministry is not a business I can live with or without money, I do this for the purpose of having something done for the Lord Jesus Christ. The funding page is open for well wishers. You may Ignore me here on earth but my prayer is that all of us meet in heaven, If you would find me in in heaven would you switch and go to hell? Anyway I am sorry I will Remove your email from my list. I Came in Peace. To The Fight!! “. I found Irad’s response very disturbing and troubling, and I did send Irad a message back on the new chat platform that I meant no animosity, I am just very hurt with all that has been revealed about Geoff Grider and NTEB, and I do not plan on supporting any ministry that is connected with NTEB. Your comments are very interesting, Bruce, and at this point, who knows what is actually going on? I do not trust anyone now.

      • Loretta,
        I’m so sorry you got this response! It looks to me like Grider wrote it but I guess you’ll find out if you’re able to speak to Irad. I’m suspicious that Irad on the other platform could really be Grider but I don’t know. I am in shock actually. This is EVIL!!!!!

      • Loretta and Bruce, this is typical narcissistic behavior for sure. What has happened it seems is called the “hoovering” stage (trying to suck you back into their web like a Hoover vacuum) where he’s trying to pull you back in to supporting him by using “Irad Birsh” and the Ugandan children’s ministry as a cover and ploy to continue getting support/supply. Textbook narcissistic tactic after they have been exposed, it’s really very desperate and lame. See the link I posted where one can easily find stock photos online of Ugandan charities and churches — well over 10 years old. I doubt the legitimacy and existence of any of GG’s “programs”.

        • Adam & Katey, I think that sounds very plausible and is a very good observation made by you. I did think the same thing too because the way the email is worded, it sounds like he wants to put a guilt trip on me to make me feel bad.

      • Wow! Its all so hearbreaking, to think they play on hearts for God for the children,
        I gave money in honor of my son Bryan that I lost in the corrupt war, to feed the
        Children, and my Bryan would have liked to help, I really felt lead of God to do so, this really shows us how feelings can lead to being deceived! I also received a email asking if I felt lead to give money for a car for Irad !I can’t remember if I answered, I sure will answer the next one if they have the nerve after all this! I pray God will just take them all down! Gods will be done

        • Shirley,

          Just curious. Had you personally provided your contact information to Irad beforehand, or did his solicitation come out of the blue?

          The way things are looking to me is that Grider has taken control of Irad’s ministry, etc. and may have been contacting people based on NTEB mailing lists.

          Regardless, asking people to pony up for a car is beyond the pale.

          • Hi born again
            I didn’t give it to him but perhaps when I donated to a specific fund for him and I used my credit card it went to him that way ,im not sure, I will go back and check ,now I’m curious.

            • Thank you for replying Shirley.

              You would know if you gave directly to Irad.

              This basically confirms my suspicion that GG has co-opted Irad’s ministry – which went by a completely different name of – Smile of A Child Charity Organization SCCO.

              Geoff Grider has e-mails of many who had signed up to receive news articles.

              It’s looking to me that Geoff used those e-mails to contact and solicit funds as though it was coming from Irad. I find it interesting that the fundraiser for Irad never had more than eleven percent of his goal, but somehow, one day on the board Irad (or someone pretending to be him) claimed the car was fully funded.

              Is the current Irad the same Irad of years ago? Or is the current Irad an imposter? The current Irad’s english has vastly improved too. Illegitimately so, in my opinion.

              We know Geoff is dishonest on multiple levels. We know Irad’s (?) current mission is of a wholly different name, yet mirrors NTEB to a ‘T’. And WHY would the car have NTEB advertising on it in Uganda???

              Is there NOTHING Grider won’t do for a buck? Is there NO ONE he won’t use and abuse for a buck?

        • Shirley, I am so very, very sorry that you lost your son, and then to be taken advantage of!
          We were all deceived. I have tried to let go of the feelings of betrayal and let God handle
          things, but I’m not doing a very good job of it. I don’t care about the money that I gave
          that I really couldn’t afford, but I am upset if it didn’t go to actually help people and
          ended up funding GG’s “operational expenses.” He has no conscience. Even the latest
          bible drive has only HIM in the pictures with the pastor who needs bibles. It is always
          about HIM. You can take the man out of Hollywood, but you can’t take Hollywood
          out of the man. To think that I helped feed his ego all those years makes me sick and
          angry at myself for being such a rube.
          God bless you, Shirley, and may we ALL be reunited with those who have gone on
          before us very soon.

    • GG knows how to Photoshop, we know this for sure. Got to doing a little bit of digging, and found there are literally thousands upon thousands of free stock photos available. Here’s the link to just one artist who has over 9,000 photos taken in Uganda in 2012. Creating a fake persona using stock photos would not be difficult at all for someone without a full-time regular job and all the free time and money in the world…


    • Hi Bruce, Im Shirl I always loved it in the chat room when we shared truths of the lord , this
      Whole situation makes me sick, but I’m glad the truth is exposed thankful God has it,wow so
      Sad to think Irad knows the truth and is still with Geoffrey! I gave money for that program to feed
      The children ,I never trust man or so I thought ! They really had me fooled! God bless you and your family,
      Glad I found you and other Bro. And sisters here. Soon we can all meet in heaven

  • Sister Char to GG.
    I know you will delete this GG, but we ALL backed you up in everything you wrote till we found out you were having sex with women in 2022 even and misappropriating the funds that we donated to pay your quarter million dollar tax bill. Sorry if us folks that read the whole TRUE winepress article didn’t stick with you. You are no better than Copeland, Osteen, Hinn, Meyer or any of the other greedy ones, in fact, they don’t have sex acts that they’re guilty of like you do. Okay delete now. You will be held accountable for all those sins, plus lying. God knows your heart and you will find that out when you are face to face with Him. Be a man and leave this comment here. What a joke. We have to be approved of what we say, but you can say whatever you want about us cause we don’t agree with your sinful, corrupt life. Lord have mercy on you, a sinner.

      • Southernbelle2,
        It was the website. He has now removed the entire conversation about Ron, and the comments dropped from 37 or so to 14.
        He closed the article to further comments, but I saved my comments in a document. I went out of my way to be polite, yet someone named Jenna said I was “crass,”
        and felt “slighted (bitter?) which is not true. I can’t respond because her comment and mine are gone.

      • I posted it on his website late in the evening, but it went into moderation and then it was gone. He does NOT allow us to defend ourselves so he can continue to lie
        to the gullible few that are left on his website. It’s very sad, and unfair, but he doesn’t play fair. God is watching and knows everyone’s heart.

    • I copied and pasted (above) a paragraph from BOTH goodchild missions and NTEB, and they are the exact same wording.
      I will not be able to ask Geoff about this because he has now removed my comments, after just this morning saying we could post anything as long as it wasn’t
      attacking anyone. I was able to post two comments that went through w/o moderation, which were fine and to which he had replied. Now they say, “Removed.”

      I gave him an opportunity to explain himself and encouraged him to try to understand why Ron, whom they were all talking about, and others are questioning him.
      His loyal subjects keep saying things to the effect of “we’re all sinners; we forgive him; you all need to let it go” kind of bunk, and they refuse to get it through
      their heads that it’s not about forgiveness. I said there were valid questions about his fitness as a church leader, because of what the bible says,
      and I said the questions about finances were also reasonable. He insisted that Ron and those with whom he emails are being influenced by the devil,
      and he DOUBLED and TRIPLED down on that, though now his comments are removed. I confronted him as politely as could be, and pointed out that
      THEY were the ones who were judging. I said, “We’re talking about Ron here, people!” They all say they love him and I reminded them of all the years where
      he was there daily, supporting them and praying for them, and suddenly they are WILLING to believe Geoff’s saying he’s influenced by the devil?
      I even asked Geoff if he NOW (after the infamous article) sees Ron as influenced by the devil, why didn’t he see it over all the years that Ron has been there?
      He actually let that post before removing it, so I hope those who subscribed to that article got to see it and think about his motives. He has now CLOSED the
      article to comments. I had only kept my subscription to see if he would ever explain the finances and didn’t comment until they ganged up on Ron. I am
      now unsubscribed, and it is my prayer that something will sink in with those still there because they are willfully deceived. Instead of clearing things up,
      once and for all, as I had encouraged him, he shut me down. Like arguing with a leftist: they can’t defend themselves so they attack and shut you down. They
      attacked Ron instead of wondering why such a good guy would “turn” on Geoff after all these years. I was there for 7.5 years.

      • Yes ma’am. That’s how he works and I’m sorry that everyone here is going through this and having much heartache and betrayal… There’s nothing worse for a family member to shame the family. That man may be saved, I don’t know his heart, but God sure does, and knows that everything will be given to account for his actions. I believe that when you are a pastor, you are supposed to be called to a higher calling, and to set the highest example of doing right. This man has never set that example, even when he came to my church long time ago. I am very thankful for Jacob’s boldness to calling this man out for who he really is.

        • Before the downfall of any false preacher, there are always people who won’t leave their idol. Even after they’ve been found out, there are still those who
          keep following them and giving them money. I wanted GG to repent and come clean—and if he were authentic, he would. Instead he blocks or deletes
          any who would question him. That’s the definition of a cult leader. He projects his own poor behavior onto others. Another sign. Now I’m seeing this
          goodchildrenmissions.com site with the exact same language as and kudos to NTEB, and I am thinking that’s very suspicious.
          Everyone who questioned him was polite. We only asked for accountability of finances, which he promised. Now he’s accused one of the nicest men
          in the world of following the devil. God will not be mocked.

          • When he was in in our church, you could tell he didn’t like it when he was a nobody and would complain all the time that he wasn’t part of the elite group and when he finally got a bit of recognition, he changed and became this wannabe leader. I remember one lady that came up to me and asked if she should be getting marriage advice from him…at that time her and her husband was getting a divorce. I told her she should be getting counseling from pastor and leave her private life to themselves. Then I would see him looking women up and down behind their backs. I would be so disgusted! That all he ever wanted, power and when he got caught and was told to repent, he left instead and said nothing was his fault and that all the women were consenting and wanted him…… he’s a manipulator and a liar! Smother operator……he had this old white suv and complain all the time that his ex was getting all his money in child support and couldn’t have anything and she was driving around with this Hummer on his money and he started to boast about how he had a company before and made millions and in the divorce he lost it all. Complained, complained! Glad I got away when I did!

    • Char, I am so proud of you for at least trying to post what you wrote! GG actually has a search option on his site and one of them has to do with the false
      preachers you listed. How ironic and hypocritical. Yesterday I searched his website for Hunter’s laptop and several articles came up. I know that Hunter
      had pictures of underage girls, which is more serious, but GG while right in the middle of his “ministry,” as Purple Rain said posted what we’d call
      Revenge Porn online and he filmed it without the woman’s consent. I don’t blame her for not coming forward as those types of trials can get ugly and humiliating
      for the victim (whether willing to perform this act or not, she didn’t consent to posting it.) What is the most infuriating is that his little fans apparently
      don’t have a problem with what he did. Of course most of them aren’t willing to read the whole article. They just believe GG who said it’s all lies and that’s that.
      Who is actually being led by the devil?

      • Hi Denise. The reply square was right under your comment, but who knows if this will end up under your comment. lol Yes, I am beginning to see that the old saying'”
        “birds of a feather, flock together’ is a pretty true statement these days. How can one condemn another when they are guilty too. Very sad and unfair, but God knows.

  • Denise, it’s so obvious Geoff does not care about anyone but himself and his god: money. He doesn’t really believe God’s word and will not stand for being reproved by any one of us, let alone God’s word which he knows very well. Geoff does not believe 2 Timothy 3:7 KJV applies to him: “Ever learning, and never able to come to the knowledge of the truth”. This is tragic beyond words that Geoff could betray those who stuck by him and NTEB all these years. I wonder if he has a conscience or has it been seared beyond repair? I hope there is someone in Geoff’s life who can wake him up so he can truly see the error of his ways and repent.

    • Well said, Loretta. At least we tried. We can’t force people to see it. If they can’t see that something is wrong with turning on Ron, then there’s no help for them.
      God bless you, Loretta.

      • Denise, I saw the whole conversation you had with Geoffrey today before he deleted it all. You were very nice and said nothing wrong.
        The entire incident of filming a sexual act being performed on him in 2018, right in the middle of his “ministry”, I might add, is the most
        disturbing story out of all of them. No one asked him to clarify if this incident was true. He never addressed it at all. That’s just too much
        to overlook. His deleting of the entire conversation, even Carollyn’s question about Ron’s absence, says it all. Not someone to “follow”.

        • Purple Rain, he thinks he’s making it better for himself by getting rid of anything negative about him and he’s actually making it worse for himself, but God knows the intent of his heart
          and WE know his intent is greed, popularity, GG worship and all kinds of corrupt and sinful ways (and thoughts). It’s just sad that there are still people on NTEB that still follow him like
          he’s a cult leader. Some day will be the worst day of his life, when he is face to face with the Lord. I hope he reads our comments on winepress.

        • Thank you, Purple Rain. If he had nothing to hide, why delete everything?
          I agree that the sexual act filmed and posted online is the most disturbing, and the timing of it makes him unfit to be a minister. His supporters don’t
          want to hear about it, but I tried to say that those who left had a right to question his fitness to lead because of what the bible says about leaders.
          So they are choosing him over the bible and disparaging those who saw the light. Someone named Jenna posted but it was removed right away.
          She said how much she loves Ron, yet she supports GG who said Ron and the rest are being led by the devil? I don’t know her at all, but she said
          I felt slighted and bitter and said that my comments were “crass.” That’s when I emailed Char and Ron and said that if anything’s crass it’s filming a
          sexual act and posting it online. Because GG deleted everything, there is no way for me to respond to Jenna, so I appreciate that you shared that
          you saw what I wrote and knew I didn’t say anything wrong. How is it crass to say that those people still there act like they are better Christians?
          That really hit a nerve with her, but all I was trying to say is that they see themselves as more forgiving because they stayed, when right there
          in my post I said we already forgave, but it wasn’t about that but accountability. I guess people hear what they want to hear, and they are not
          hearing the Holy Spirit, or they’d know that it is wrong to follow a false teacher. It has nothing to do with forgiveness. I had to laugh when GG
          told me that very few people left. The Holy Spirit led MANY out of that false ministry, but he continues to deceive the ones who stayed. We
          warned them, so now it’s on them, though I do pray that they will wake up. Thanks again for your support.

          • DeniceC, your comments to Geoffrey were not rude in any way; you were just getting your points across, and good ones at that. Geoffrey is wrong and he knows it, or else he wouldn’t delete the comments he dislikes. In addition, him continually monitoring like a hawk.
            I cannot see the extreme right side of these comments, so if I have typed something crazy, please forgive me.

        • Amen Purple Rain!
          Why delete all of those comments and then prevent future comments on it?
          When one has to hide any questioning of their wrongdoings, then something is amiss in their behaviors.
          I have never ever seen GG say God Bless You to anyone, why is that? It may be because one who is not of God, cannot extend a blessing of God.
          The whole thing reeks of having to hide that he is behaving wrongly.
          The Lord showed me not to post anything to him, lest it give him the opportunity to make me look bad while he lifts up himself in more of his pride, arrogance, unforgiveness, and narcissistic self and his
          way over inflated ego. A sex act on film, a pastor must be blameless, and he is a disqualified one on every requirement to be one, that isn’t saying much for those who ordained him either.
          God Bless You Purple Rain!

          • Amen Ron. I have always wondered too why he never said “God bless you”, to anyone , anywhere very strange indeed , this whole thing is very sickening.

            God bless you and your family Brother Ron.

          • The one who ordained him is Joel Tillis. He’s mentioned in the article here, along with his response to me for asking him if he condones Geoff’s behaviors. His response was extremely unprofessional and juvenile, and he’s unqualified for ministry also…

    • Amen Loretta.
      These verses depict the path he is currently headed on, if he is saved and without any remorse:
      Isa 56:10 His watchmen are blind: they are all ignorant, they are all dumb dogs, they cannot bark; sleeping, lying down, loving to slumber.
      Isa 56:11 Yea, they are greedy dogs which can never have enough, and they are shepherds that cannot understand: they all look to their own way, every one for his gain, from his quarter.

      2 Peter 2:20 For if after they have escaped the pollutions of the world through the knowledge of the Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ, they are again entangled therein, and overcome, the latter end is worse with them than the beginning.
      2 Peter 2:21 For it had been better for them not to have known the way of righteousness, than, after they have known it, to turn from the holy commandment delivered unto them.
      2 Peter 2:22 But it is happened unto them according to the true proverb, The dog is turned to his own vomit again; and the sow that was washed to her wallowing in the mire.
      God Bless You Loretta!

  • Southernbelle2,
    What type of position was GG in to be able to counsel anyone, much less a woman getting a divorce in that church?? This gets weirder by the day. Did the church leaders know he was counseling this lady?

    • Shana,
      He wasn’t in any kind of position to be anything, but he thought he was a somebody. That is how he worked. The dear lady was struggling and like any vulnerable person in her situation she wanted a confidant and was about to choose poorly. Thankfully she had enough wherewithal to ask if he was “ok” to talk with. He’s a smooth talker and knows how to get info….. I was naive with him when I first got to know him but soon wised up to his antics.
      I do know that there were many complaints to the leaders of that church and he was finally brought to heel. I’m guessing they were building a case against him and confronted him about it.

      • What is sad, is that man will never repent of any wrong doing. He blames women or say that they were consenting adults. I’m sure half those women were probably manipulated at some point and he tried to brain wash them to do his bidding. The Bible says it’s better for a man to marry than to burn, apparently he wanted to burn as much as he could before he got married.
        It is always going to be the same old story with him. He has been called out and he will never repent of anything. He has been given over to a reprobate mind.
        This will be my last post on this subject and I’m moving on to bigger and brighter things. Many Blessings from the Lord Jesus Christ!

      • Ok, I’ll be the 1000th comment! What do I win? LOL

        Geri U concurs with what you said, SouthernBelle2, and I doubt she’d risk her reputation or a lawsuit for “gossip.”
        God bless you, SB.

  • One of my last posts way above this comment , accidentally got posted 2 times. I apologize for that. It’s a long post to Shannon.

    • Gary, I saw that. I did the same thing the other day and it posted in 2 different places. Oh well, such is life. Poor Shannon is being stiff-necked and just doesn’t see what
      the majority of us see in GG. Does she really think we just want to stir up trouble and uproot ourselves from NTEB when we loved being there and fellowshipping
      with one another? She can’t seem to put 2 and 2 together. Hopefully she will someday.

      • I believe she will see the truth someday. For some people it’s hard to let go.
        For me it was very easy to see the truth. God has been gradually showing me questionable things about G for the past few years. Well Hod finally pulled the plus and opened all of our eyes

        • Amen, Gary. I hope Shannon doesn’t wait too long. Cephas is operating under a low profile these days. I guess he knows what we are saying about him and Shannon is true, but can’t pull himself
          away from her on NTEB. Oh well, that’s his choice (and hers too).

          • Hey Char, are you still participating and posting in the NTEB live podcasts, or is that someone else using your name posting under Char? Just curious, because I can’t understand why you would be here and posting over there as well?

  • Hi Loretta. I just now saw this. Absolutely not posting over there. I attempted to about a week ago just to tell GG what I thought of him and his deceit, but it went into moderation and disappeared. Hmmm, imagine that. He will only allow warm and fuzzy comments in agreement with him or they don’t get seen over there. Very sad it turned out this way just before the Lord’s return. GG better get crackin’ on repairing the damage he has done to himself and others. SEe yu soon, sis.

    • Loretta, which podcast title is it? I went into his last podcast from this morning and there’s only 4 posts and I’m not one of them, so I’d like to know where it is. I might have to downvote them. lol

      • I am talking about the live Prophesy News podcast from today. I looking to see who was still sticking around and I saw the name Char as one of the participants, as well as seeing Char on the previous Prophesy News podcast. Just wondering if that is you.

        • I think you should just let it go and get as far away as you can from NTEB (and to all who read this). Those wounds will not heal if you won’t let them. As for the rest who wish to remain willfully ignorant, then “Let them alone: they be blind leaders of the blind. And if the blind lead the blind, both shall fall into the ditch” (Matthew 15:14).
          1 Corinthians 14:38 But if any man be ignorant, let him be ignorant.
          1 Corinthians 16:22 If any man love not the Lord Jesus Christ, let him be Anathema Maran-atha.

          • Hi Jacob.
            You are right about the advice to stay far away and to allow the wounds of this whole thing to heal. It has surprised me how much this seems like some sort of bad breakup though LOL. The type of emotions this has brought up have not been pleasant. Hurt, disappointment, righteous indignation and loss of fellowship. Another analogy that pertains to your advice goes back to my childhood. Anyone remember a mom saying, “don’t touch that scab or or it will never heal. Just let it be and it will heal.” Thanks for all the help you have given to push this little flock in the right direction. I am gonna try starting this weekend. Bee

            • Oh I understand it, I’ve had to break fellowship with a number of people I’ve trusted before as well, and then they tried drag me through the mud. At some point here he is really going to say and do something incredibly stupid, that’ll truly bring him down.

        • Loretta,, I am 99.9% sure that is a different Char who comments in the “live chatroom”during the podcasts. I do not go there anymore to even check who is commenting because I don’t want to become ill, lol..

            • Are you speaking of the one that’s named charlotte hudson on NTEB? If so, it’s not me and even if it’s another char, it’s still not me cause I don’t post there anymore. I could if I wanted to schmooze GG cause that’s the only kind of comments he allows now is if you say how great he is.

              • Yeah, it might be her! Not sure though! Whoever it is, appears on the NTEB live podcast chatroom! But is all in lowercase letters! I did also see Irad Birsh over on there! His website was all of a sudden down earlier today, when I went to check on it! Very suspicious the timing of things! Hmmm…

          • Yeah, I think it obviously not sister Char! Not hard to get someone on there to pretend to play or be some else! And I wouldn’t put it past Grider, to pay someone to do that, for damage control! He’s lying about how many have left NTEB, making it out like it’s only a small group, or hand full of people! I suspect there are definitely some bots on there, fake accounts! Grider and probably his henchwomen JKitty are behind, I believe both have more then one account, maybe several ones! Pretty easy to come up with names, especially for the NTEB live podcast chatroom!

          • Amen brother. I never went into the live chat during any of the podcasts. I didn’t listen to very many of them cause he repeated too many times and it got on my nerves. lol

  • It is the first day of autumn. I can’t believe how fast that it rolled around. This weekend, I am making my first apple crisp and chicken with stuffing as I head into the fall cuisine. Wishing the blessings of God’s strength and peace throughout the season on all believers at winepress. Thanksgiving in the Lord for all he has done for us.

  • Anybody need a laugh this morning. Okay, at the heart of it, it’s not funny, but you just let people go long enough and they’ll hang themselves.

    • Irads site is back up. 100% formatted and written by G^2. I feel bad for Irad getting suckered in, but he’s a grown man and he made the choice. First line in the article made me laugh so hard.


      “Since 2019 when I became a constant listener, follower and member of NTEB, This great man of God Pastor Geoffrey Scott Grider talked many times about having something done and said that would lead a lost soul to Jesus Christ in these last days as we get ready to be raptured to heaven by the the Son of God, Jesus Christ.”

      Geoff wrote 100% of this. Irad doesn’t have this vocabulary at all. Nor can he spell. I cant’ stop laughing at G^2.

      The group who loves to sing “We will not bow to the Gods of man” sure have made a man a god.

      Pro 6: 16 These six things doth the Lord hate: yea, seven are an abomination unto him: 17 a proud look, a lying tongue, and hands that shed innocent blood,

  • Irads site is back up. 100% formatted and written by G^2. I feel bad for Irad getting suckered in, but he’s a grown man and he made the choice. First line in the article made me laugh so hard.


    “Since 2019 when I became a constant listener, follower and member of NTEB, This great man of God Pastor Geoffrey Scott Grider talked many times about having something done and said that would lead a lost soul to Jesus Christ in these last days as we get ready to be raptured to heaven by the the Son of God, Jesus Christ.”

    Geoff wrote 100% of this. Irad doesn’t have this vocabulary at all. Nor can he spell. I cant’ stop laughing at G^2.

    The group who loves to sing “We will not bow to the Gods of man” sure have made a man a god.

    Pro 6: 16 These six things doth the Lord hate: yea, seven are an abomination unto him: 17 a proud look, a lying tongue, and hands that shed innocent blood,

    • I’m still not convinced that Irad is anyone other than G2. All of those photos of Ugandan children can easily be obtained by stock photo websites. It’s very easy to deceive people with the internet and Photoshop capabilities nowadays. Big Media does it all the time. And how “odd” that the good child missions site goes down and then gets reformatted right after this starts being discussed here on winepress. Because GG is trolling the comments on all the articles about him.

      • If Irad is actually a real person, it definitely appears G2 is using his identity to exploit people to give him more $$. Also, notice how some of the words on the good child missions website look intentionally misspelled to make it seem like authentic, even though the verbiage and sentence structure are identical to G2’s manner of speaking/writing. Just to try to make it seem more convincing.

        • Note the only comment on an article at Good Child Ministries website is by JKitty and the response is definitely GG, who ALWAYS says, “To the fight” back to people. The entire site
          looks like a clone of NTEB.

          “CHILDREN’S CHRISTMAS DINNER: God Answered Our Prayer Of Hosting And Feeding Over 4000 hungry Children, Thanks to those Who Prayed And Supported Us.”
          Jkitty says:
          December 26, 2022 at 9:53 pm
          I am so glad to be a part of this ministry for the Lord Jesus Christ, feeding hungry tummies and hungry souls! May God continue to bless this ministry and all who work within it.

          Good child Missions says:
          December 27, 2022 at 9:36 am
          To the fight sister….We are so proud to minister with you.
          I found an AARP article that talks about charity scams and recommends researching charities at Charity Navigator, Charity Watch, and the BBB’s Wise Giving Alliance. NONE of the
          3 have any info on this charity.

          • I looked over those charity watch websites too. It’s a shame there are probably many charity scams that slip through the cracks and fly under their radar. GCM is something we definitely need to monitor and possibly report to these sites if warranted. There’s a bit too many “coincidences” between it and NTEB.

          • GG’s latest:

            The ‘Beating Heart’ Of The NTEB Bookstore Is Our Free Bible Program
            I Just called our Post Office 500 feet from me. to send a package that weighs 2 pounds 13 Ounces would cost $49.00 to ship to Manilla in the Philippines by the USPO.
            Another marked up scaled up cost claim to the determent of the Donator’s, the other $50 is his cost to get it to the local Post Office ( pocket change )
            How To Spot a Scammer: 10 Warning Signs
            1.Use authority to build trust — Online scammers use organizations and names you trust to lower your guard. Beware of anyone who messages you out of the blue and claims to be from the IRS, government, or a major company.
            2.Prey on your emotions — Online dating scams are especially notorious for preying on your emotions. A scammer will quickly tell you they’re “falling in love” and get you to say it back. The same goes for charity scams (like veterans charity scams) where fraudsters claim to be victims in need.
            3.Create a sense of urgency — Online scammers know they need you to act quickly before you realize what they’re up to. They’ll often create a sense of urgency to stop you from first checking their claims.
            He uses those 3 highly effective.
            God Bless You Denise!

            • Ron, the following verses immediately come to mind. Both of which, are lost on Mr. Grifter.
              Proverbs 16:11
              “A just weight and balance are the LORD’S: all the weights of the bag are his work.”

              King James Version (KJV)


              Proverbs 11:1
              “A false balance is abomination to the LORD: but a just weight is his delight.”

              King James Version (KJV)

              God Bless You, Ron!

        • I looked over the NTEB articles re: GCM. Ron asked why his donation went to Mudflower on one article. Why doesn’t it go directly to Good Child Ministries?

          Also, on another article I clicked on Irad’s avatar and several comments came up where he does
          not appear to have any problem with English, so I agree it sounds like GG’s manner
          of speaking. Not to mention that he continues to use GG’s catch-phrases. I also copied several pictures fro the GCM site and tried reverse images in Google and TinEye, and there are no records of them, so they may not be stock photos, but why aren’t they identified as belonging to this charity?

          IRAD BIRSH
          a year ago
          Am so happy for what the Lord has done to us in Uganda. I am at a loss of words because of what the Lord did!! Thank you NTEB Family, Thank you Thank you . Children in Africa are raised in difficult ways to explain, like witch craft, poverty, traumatic situations, Early marriages, name it. God gave me this idea of starting my ministry from these little ones because by loving the little ones, parents will follow and this will open a big chance of preaching the Gospel of the grace of GOD to all of them. Loving Children means that Parents will give an ear to listen. We even have Child sponsorship program and we have over 800 children by now waiting for someone to be a parent and lift their hands.

          The battle is real, the harvest is plenty and the Time is short.

          To the fight!

      • Hi A & K. Yes, when first we practice to deceive. He’s like a worker bee, always busy, but if you bother him he will sting you. Poor fella. The Lord will not bless his deceitful ways, no matter how hard he works at trying to deceive us.

        • Amen, Char!
          We’re praying for all former and current NTEB’s, that the Lord would grant us all discernment, discretion and wisdom in all things. These are dark days indeed.

          • Hi Adam & Katey.
            GG’s latest:
            The ‘Beating Heart’ Of The NTEB Bookstore Is Our Free Bible Program
            I Just called our Post Office 500 feet from me. to send a package that weighs 2 pounds 13 Ounces would cost $49.00 to ship to Manilla in the Philippines by the USPO.
            Another marked up scaled up cost claim to the determent of the Donator’s, the other $50 is his cost to get it to the local Post Office ( pocket change )
            God Bless You Adam & Katey!

            • Hi Ron,
              That video is utterly abominable! For a professional liar, he isn’t believable at all, just dead eyes reading off a prompter. It’s easy to see why he didn’t make it as an actor.
              Not surprising at all that he inflated the numbers regarding the shipping costs. The video is an obvious attempt for him to try to save face and everything about the cinematography has the focus on him.

              • When I saw the video, it looked so focused on him. If he was really genuine, he could have his wife talk and share in what she was doing and made it more real. Buuuut, he can’t do that cause it ALL ABOUT HIM.

                • Just checked out Waygiver and in the last 8 days he’s made $3,307 each day to a total of $24,303 in those 8 days. What a GREAT job he has with such wonderful salary. All you have to do is have the gift of gab, be a good salesman and learn how to lie to gullible people. It’s a saleman’s dream come true.

                  • Char, AND you have to preach the “soon rapture” to the gullible people who are looking to escape their dreary lives. That’s a very compelling story, and the cool part is…none of these Watchliars has to ever be right! Just like Grider has been wrong over and over about his predictions (like his 2018 prediction when he SWORE that May 2018 would be the most “prophetical time he had ever seen” and literally NOTHING HAPPENED.

                    But the followers don’t care, they just want to hear someone tell them every day “don’t worry….your troubles will soon be over and you will be transported to paradise. God told me.”

                    Shameless of them to take His name in vain. And liars? They are liars, whether they lie about money, women, sin, or a rapture. It all goes together, and their sin will be found out.

                    • Bruce, I really don’t care if you believe in the Rapture or not because it’s not a salvation issue, but you will NEVER convince there is no Rapture because I totally and whole heartedly believe in a PRE-TRIBULATION RAPTURE from what the scriptures say Please don’t keep telling me I’m wrong. You can have your opinions and beliefs and I will have mine. It doesn’t bother me one bit that you are wrong. It’s just not important to me.

                    • Char it has nothing to do with whether a rapture is true or not. It’s the appeal of a soon rapture to heaven out of trouble that appeals to people and Grider, like many watchliars on social media, plays this up.

                      He is unfazed because he will just build up a new base of loyal rapture enthusiasts who want to escape their lives.

                      It’s a vicious cycle that needs to stop before we see many many more grifters like him.

  • Hey sister Eve!

    Thanks for letting us know! So Obvious That Geoffrey Grider Formatted And Wrote All That Drivel Plugging Himself! What An Arrogant Narcissist, And Grifter That Man Is! Outrageous! Someone also correctly pointed out that Mr Grider is an expert at Photoshopping! All One Needs to Know, is About His Secular Company Mudflower! In fact he also pushes AI, and advantages of it us! Know wonder in some of his articles he was using Fake AI generated photos, and even said so!

    • Hi J7.
      He is the “Teflon Con”
      his 3 favorite techniquies Scammers use and they are the top 3:
      #1. Use authority to build trust — Online scammers use organizations and names you trust to lower your guard. Beware of anyone who messages you out of the blue and claims to be from the IRS, government, or a major company.
      #2 .Prey on your emotions — Online dating scams are especially notorious for preying on your emotions. A scammer will quickly tell you they’re “falling in love” and get you to say it back. The same goes for charity scams (like veterans charity scams) where fraudsters claim to be victims in need.
      # 3.Create a sense of urgency — Online scammers know they need you to act quickly before you realize what they’re up to. They’ll often create a sense of urgency to stop you from first checking their claims.
      GG’s latest:
      The ‘Beating Heart’ Of The NTEB Bookstore Is Our Free Bible Program
      I Just called our Post Office 500 feet from me. to send a package that weighs 2 pounds 13 Ounces would cost $49.00 to ship to Manilla in the Philippines by the USPO.
      Another marked up scaled up cost claim to the determent of the Donator’s, the other $50 is his cost to get it to the local Post Office ( pocket change )

      • LOL. Yeah, I Saw That Propaganda Video Put Out By Grider On His So-called NTEB Bookstore, and His So-called Free Bible Program! Definitely Desperate and Trying To Save Face, By Putting This Video Out! So Fake, Most Should Be Able To See Right Through This Guys Con/Scam! Free Isn’t Free, But It’s Not His Money, From Donators, So He Don’t Care, Costs Him Only Pocket Change With Mailing USPS! So He Purposely Inflates Prices, And is Obviously Making A Profit By Scamming! Outrageous!

  • I’m not surprised that they use Geoff’s first, middle, and last name in that blurb on the other site.

    That’s the way narcissists often like it. It makes it perfectly clear who you are talking about so they get all the glory.

    Even though I’ve been reading about this stuff since Jacob wrote the article, I still just kind of numb about all of it.

    • Hi Belt of Truth.
      I am very numbed by it and he uses the top 3 Scammer techniques highly effectively:
      #1 Use authority to build trust — Online scammers use organizations and names you trust to lower your guard. Beware of anyone who messages you out of the blue and claims to be from the IRS, government, or a major company.
      #2 Prey on your emotions — Online dating scams are especially notorious for preying on your emotions. A scammer will quickly tell you they’re “falling in love” and get you to say it back. The same goes for charity scams (like veterans charity scams) where fraudsters claim to be victims in need.
      #3 Create a sense of urgency — Online scammers know they need you to act quickly before you realize what they’re up to. They’ll often create a sense of urgency to stop you from first checking their claims.
      God Bless You Belt of Truth!

    • Amen Belt of Truth!
      Notice the SAINT tee shirt in that one NTEB article.
      A true christian doesn’t need that, nor an honest person,
      God Bless You Belt of Truth!

  • How to spot a scam – the warning signs
    1) Unusual payment requests. Being asked to pay upfront, to change bank details, or to pay via a money transfer service, can all be big warning signs.
    2) Authority. …
    3) Urgency. …
    4) “Don’t tell anyone” …
    5) Playing on your emotions. …
    6) Too good to be true?

    How To Spot a Scammer: 10 Warning Signs
    Use authority to build trust — Online scammers use organizations and names you trust to lower your guard. Beware of anyone who messages you out of the blue and claims to be from the IRS, government, or a major company.
    Prey on your emotions — Online dating scams are especially notorious for preying on your emotions. A scammer will quickly tell you they’re “falling in love” and get you to say it back. The same goes for charity scams (like veterans charity scams) where fraudsters claim to be victims in need.
    Create a sense of urgency — Online scammers know they need you to act quickly before you realize what they’re up to. They’ll often create a sense of urgency to stop you from first checking their claims.
    Be threatening and aggressive — Along with love and urgency, threats are another way online scammers convince you to do what they say. Often, a scammer will pretend to be from the police or FBI and claim that a warrant will be put out for your arrest if you don’t comply.
    Contact you unexpectedly — One of the easiest ways to spot a scammer is if they contact you first. If you receive any message, phone call, or email from someone you don’t know, verify they are who they say by contacting their agency or business directly.
    Ask for sensitive information — Scammers will pretend to be from your bank and ask for your PIN or online passwords to “secure” your account. But legitimate financial institutions will never do this.
    Overpay for goods or services — A common aspect of online shopping scams is if someone offers more than you’re asking for a product. In these cases, they’ll send a fake PayPal receipt and ask for you to wire back the overpayment along with their product.
    Overpromise on what they can deliver — Scammers use our desire to find a good deal against us. If something or someone seems “too good to be true”, there’s a good chance they’re trying to scam you.
    Try to be personal but something is off — Online scammers will pretend to be a friend or family member to quickly gain your trust. But they aren’t. Don’t trust a message just because it comes from an account you recognize.
    Force you to use unusual payment options — Most online payment options protect against scammers. If someone pushes you to pay them through an untraceable or non-reversible option, it could be a scam. This includes wire transfers, gift cards, and cryptocurrency.

  • Ask Grider for free Bibles lots of them, as it says so on his website, he is bound by his own words at least this way you can give them away to others who need one and give you the opportunity to share the Gospel.

  • GG’s latest:
    The ‘Beating Heart’ Of The NTEB Bookstore Is Our Free Bible Program
    I Just called our Post Office 500 feet from me. to send a package that weighs 2 pounds 13 Ounces would cost $49.00 to ship to Manilla in the Philippines by the USPO.
    Another marked up scaled up cost claim to the determent of the Donator’s, the other $50 is his cost to get it to the local Post Office ( pocket change )
    He claimed they cost $100 a piece to ship there ( inflate the need, funny how all those packages are headed to there at the very same time )

    • I laughed pretty hard on this one. I have a Pastor friend, that when they support a missionary, he would do a surprise visit to them and see what they are doing and making sure that they are doing what they say in their letters that they send out. I know that seems to be extreme but he is wanting to make sure that his flock at home is not supporting a sham and that it’s going to the Lord’s work.
      GG doesn’t answer to anyone, so he will continue to do what he does best…..pocket the money. He sure did spend some money making that video. I bet that all those “boxes and bags of Bibles’ were just props!!! besides, it’s cheaper to ship through UPS!! lol

      • I guess he doesn’t realize he’s accountable to God, even if he THINKS he’s fooling us, but he DID fool many of us for many years,(until Jacob showed us the proof of his actions), but there’s a day of reckoning coming soon and then, no matter how great an actor he THINKS he is, God will judge his greedy heart.

    • Ok, I did a little investigation here. The Bible used in the video looks to be this one that you see at 1:12 in the video:


      The Bible is $7.00 each on the website. The Ruckman store doesn’t say how much the Bible (Large Print New Testament with Psalms & Proverbs) weighs, so since it is hard to know that without calling them, we can just use the $49.00 shipping price that Ron came up with. UPS and other companies may be cheaper than the USPS.

      For the Jack Chick tract it could be a popular one that we have all seen here:


      The tract can be ordered for $0.19 each if you order 25. He looks like he buys in bulk to have them all over the store.

      The Gospel tracts are like the ones that I have ordered from Vistaprint and got 4,000 for $175.00.

      That comes out to about a pack of 40 which is close to the small pack he has a rubber band around in the video. Those 40 tracts (not sure how many is actually in his pack) cost around $1.75 for those 40 Gospel tracts. If you buy in much larger quantities you can reduce the price a lot.

      The Bible Behind Bars thing, I’m not sure if that is one card or what. Anyway, we’ll add another $1.75 for that. It might only be a $0.07 card for all I know.

      So, what does this cost? Let’s do the math:

      $7.00 + $1.75 + $1.75 + $0.19 = $10.69 Grand Total

      So, lets add $10.69 plus $49.00 shipping which gives us $59.69 to ship to the Philippines.

      Now, let’s recap all of this. He says it costs $100 to send each package out. I think your estimation of a 50/50 split in the cost/profit of the $100 donation is pretty accurate from what I have detailed above. It’s far less in shipping costs if where it is going is still in the USA.

      I think everyone here can draw their own conclusions now. What do you think?

      • I’m okay with people making a little profit as to pay bills and put bread on the table (1 Corinthians 9; 1 Timothy 5:17-18), but this is plainly being greedy of filthy lucre, no question. He has so many expenses he has to pay that he does not want to express to people publicly so he has to charge ridiculous rates for “free” bibles – bibles that he has to stamp his name on so he can take all the glory.
        Proverbs 25:27 It is not good to eat much honey: so for men to search their own glory is not glory.

          • Oh I see now! GG has TWO swanky places that he needs to pay for…. Geez. It all makes sense now why he needs so much on Waygiver!

            I’m a little slow sometimes! Lol

            • Hi SB2.
              Those are some very high end properties.
              We all need to donate to GG’s retirement fund NOT!
              What a scammer.
              God Bless You SB2!

          • I was wondering that, too. I knew he said before his bookstore was across the block from his “studio.” I honestly don’t know. It could be a new angle we never saw before or that area got developed since then, or he just flat-out moved with disclosing that. I dunno. I have not paid that much attention to it.

          • Links go into arbitration automatically – too many scammers and spammers. For some reason the internal system flags comments for no reason that I cannot explain. I have it set to allow people to say virtually anything, so I have no clue why you and others are get flagged. Sorry, it’s not my direct doing.

      • I think we know why he’s pushing the bibles behind bars on a daily basis. He’s making at least $45 just on that one transaction, plus all the other transactions and he’s sitting pretty in his eyes, but not in Gods.

        • I have just realized this earlier this morning that he has to pay for TWO places. His Mudflower shop is a few doors down. No wonder in the video he’s walking down the sidewalk to the store. I was always under the impression it was all under one roof.

          • If you look up mudflower creative on Google maps, it will show it as across the street from the bookstore (he mentions going across the street in the beginning of the video).
            Google maps has his bookstore with some pretty high ratings. I suppose if one felt so inclined, one could leave a poor review and the reasons why. Might help the rating go down a bit.

            • I suppose that’s why he’s pushing to move everything under one roof so the poor fella won’t have to walk down the street to his other establishment, plus I believe he will be moving the wife and kids under that same warehouse roof and putting up some walls to have it revamped as an apartment area also. Hmmm, I hate to say it, but i hope his well planned scheme doesn’t work out that way for him so he won’t be able to fleece the flock anymore.

          • //SouthernBelle2
            September 28, 2023 at 10:02 am
            I have just realized this earlier this morning that he has to pay for TWO places. His Mudflower shop is a few doors down. No wonder in the video he’s walking down the sidewalk to the store. I was always under the impression it was all under one roof.//

            In response to SB-2,

            Correct, he is also a master of deception.

        • Amen Loretta!
          Myself included, I quit listening to his doctrines long ago, however I did donate to the Jail and Feed a child ( which he has taken over Irad’s Website, Just ask Colonial Man ( Paul )
          My last and final was sept 3rd I think.
          NO MORE!
          God Bless You Loretta!

      • Hi Belt of Truth.
        That is the scam, the skim of our donations via his “handling fee”
        That is my outlook as well, charge EXORBITANT HANDLING FEES.
        Never mind the other sources of Mammon:
        “And don’t forget that he gets more money than we’re aware of through PayPal (Mudflower), PayPal (GCM), and checks” and that is hidden from our sight.
        Nothing to hide? except the true amount of funds and where they go ( to him for designer $125 sunglasses and then some )
        I have nicknamed him the “Teflon Con” nothing sticks to him in this life.
        You spoke it well.
        God Bless You Belt of Truth!

      • Hi Belt of Truth.
        I agree I noticed the prices too, handling is his money making skim scam.
        God Bless You Belt of Truth!

  • I’m confused over the video. He said whenever he sends out free Bibles that they’re Ruckman Ref Bibles but I thought most Bibles he sends out are manufactured by Bible Literary Foundation Mission? Why didn’t he mention that he gets Bibles from them and only pays a handling fee and shipping for those. What is a miracle about taping a box shut so you can take it to UPS?

  • The “soon rapture” is so compelling, Grider will just bide his time and rebuild his audience. There are plenty of people who are wrapped up in this escapist fantasy of being transported “soon” to heaven, out of their troubles. All Grider has to do, is what the other watchliars do – keep tickling their ears with promises. Whether they come to pass or not, nobody cares.

    • Hi Bruce.
      The Rapture is not Escapism, are you saved?
      It is victory in Jesus.
      What part do you not get about being “caught up”
      to the clouds and then going to the Mansions Christ has prepared for us.
      Or is the Bible just foolishness to you?
      Think about it Bruce:
      2Pe 3:3¶ Knowing this first, that there shall come in the last days scoffers, walking after their own lusts,
      2Pe 3:4 And saying, Where is the promise of his coming? for since the fathers fell asleep, all things continue as they were from the beginning of the creation.
      2Pe 3:5 For this they willingly are ignorant of, that by the word of God the heavens were of old, and the earth standing out of the water and in the water:
      2Pe 3:6 Whereby the world that then was, being overflowed with water, perished:
      2Pe 3:7 But the heavens and the earth, which are now, by the same word are kept in store, reserved unto fire against the day of judgment and perdition of ungodly men.
      Do you mock God’s Words? I am just asking, because you sure seem like you do such.
      Ac 5:38 And now I say unto you,
      Refrain from these men,
      and let them alone:
      for if this counsel or this work be of men,
      it will come to nought:
      Ac 5:39
      But if it be of God,
      ye cannot overthrow it;
      lest haply ye be found even to fight against God.
      God Bless You Bruce!

      • Hi Ron, yes, the soon rapture promises that the Watchliar Community makes – is 100% escapism, absolutely, no question. And it’s escapism from THIS LIFE, from the troubles people have right now. Not escapism from some 7 year tribulation.

        All you have to do is spend a few hours listening to what they all say – then read the comments on the videos. Clearly people want to go to heaven and get out of their lives for various reasons.

        Top reasons they want to fly soon:

        – Tired of the evil around them (today’s evil, not the 7 year tribulation)
        – Just plain tired of life (life right now, not 7 year tribulation life)
        – Fear of the immediate future
        – Depressed, sick, in pain (right now, not in a 7 year tribulation)
        – Excited about partying in heaven while the world burns
        – Excited to “see Jesus” and be with Him

        It’s plainly obvious that the rapture community exists for one reason: to keep telling people what they want to hear.

        That’s why they can constantly drone on with the mantra “rapture soon, rapture soon, rapture soon”….we fly soon….and it never happens, but nobody holds them accountable for that, they just keep watching.

        Pathetic and sad, really…and unbiblical.

  • Have y’all heard the latest news? GG is sending out a thousand Bibles and it’s going to cost $5,750! What is the world!?! There is no way it’ll cost that much.

    • Of course we know it’s nowhere near that, but he claims on his latest YT clip that it costs $100 to send one bible and one of his tracts. Ron looked into it and it costs $49 to send one bible to where he’s sending them, so he’s making $51 on every bible he sends out. The plot thickens and it gets more sickening all the time.

    • C’mon, SouthernBelle2, the Lord TOLD him to send these bibles. Dontcha know that GG is a prophet? Oops, spelled that wrong: PROFIT.

      “The Lord told me to give him 1,000 whole Bibles and 1,000 gospel tracts. We are sending them by faith, and will go out in the mail on Monday.

      Love you, Sis.

      • GG said he saw them yesterday in his shop. Why are the Bibles going out in the mail Monday when he could have given them to the Pastor yesterday when they were in town? That sure could have saved on the shipping costs. That seems strange to me.

        • Belt of Truth,
          Why does he have to do this (middleman) at all? The company that makes the bibles has their own program; he could simply refer people to them. Their bibles are $2.50 each. From their website:

          “The Bible & Literature Missionary Foundation prints and sends Bibles across the globe because we believe it is the Church’s responsibility to produce God’s Word. For that reason, we have started to offer a Legacy Program that allows people to dedicate Bibles as a thoughtful gift for loved ones. For only $2.50 per Bible, you can provide the Word of God for those in need. Give as a Church, family, or individual. We offer a variety of legacy options that are sure to make your Bible dedications special”
          BTW, I put the name of the place from which he gets the bibles in the 3 reputable charities I listed here: Charity Navigator, Charity Watch, and the BBB’s Wise Giving Alliance, and just like with Irad’s charity, this one doesn’t come up in any of the three.

          • Amen Denise!
            He acts as if he is the only place one can get a free Bible.
            I am going to compile a list of places who donate/ give away free Bibles.
            They are free after his self incurred HANDLING fee.
            God Bless You Denise!

        • Hi Belt of Truth>
          Nothing strange there, watch this video and I did a check on what was said within it:
          GG’s latest:
          The ‘Beating Heart’ Of The NTEB Bookstore Is Our Free Bible Program
          I Just called our Post Office 500 feet from me. to send a package that weighs 2 pounds 13 Ounces would cost $49.00 to ship to Manilla in the Philippines by the USPO.
          Another marked up scaled up cost claim to the determent of the Donator’s, the other $50 is his cost to get it to the local Post Office ( pocket change )
          In the video he claimed each cost $100 to ship…. I always wondered what was meant by shipping and handling well that netted him a cool $250 from that pile of Bibles for their handling costs.
          God Bless You Belt of Truth!

      • @Denise “The Lord told me to give him 1,000 whole Bibles and 1,000 gospel tracts. We are sending them by faith, and will go out in the mail on Monday.”

        Don’t forget, he’s insuring a good time for you at the Judgement Seat of Christ.

        Dig if you will the picture.

        • Purple Rain,
          That’s like those prosperity preachers telling you that all you have to do is plant your seed.
          As Daffy Duck would say, “Thissspickable!”

      • Lol. So if the donated Bible cost 2.50 then if my math is right, then the Bible’s would cost $2500. And if it’s the $7 bibles, it’s $7000. Then you have the issues of the shipment cost….would it be by weight? Or By “if it fits, it ships” cost? Just questions all the way around….. so the old saying is, “if there is a question involved, it’s to do with money”.

  • Why this time did he say “whole” Bibles? Whenever he says he’s sending Bibles I’ve always just assumed they’re whole Bibles. I’ve never seen this. I wonder how many Bibles he says he sends out are really scripture portions?

    • @Martha,

      He was dreamin when he wrote this, forgive him if it goes astray.
      When he woke up this morning, he could’ve sworn it was judgement day.

    • Hi Martha.
      Good question, but the con will never answer that ( not honestly )
      In the words of Judge Judy: I would not believe Geoffrey Scott Grider even is his
      Tongue came NOTARIZED.
      God Bless You Martha!

  • Hey fellow Brothers and Sisters,

    I just found out about all the allegations surrounding Geoff, and I am sickened by what I have seen here. I am just disgusted, disturbed, and disappointed. I found fellowship with many of you as former followers and supporters of NTEB. And someone was gracious enough to have e-mailed me all this content. I couldn’t even sleep last night because it was this bad. I don’t know how I was found and spared, but whoever it was, I want to say thank you.

    For those of you who started digging and found all this out, it had to be a God thing because it’s just ugly and messy, and the truth begins to surface. And I feel really bad for those who trusted money to him or who are currently being taken advantage of, or who are believing in what they are giving too, to only be scammed.

    I can’t even believe I waisted so much time listening to this man and even looked forward to what he had to say. Let alone the private conversations that we had through fb messenger. It just makes me ill to say the least.


      • Hey SouthernBelle2,
        You were one of my favorites that I learned so much from in the chat room with your questions and answers. You, Char, and Ron! I had actually wondered where you all were… I loved your quit wit and ability to think for yourself. There was one podcast where you were relentless, I can’t remember which one but Geoff was trying hard to ignore you because he didn’t have the answer. I hope it jars your memory, because he just would not answer you in the chat.

        • I don’t know who you are, but glad to hear you found us on this website with all the info from Jacob. It’s still hard to believe of GG, but in these end times, there is a lot of deceit and thank the Lord, GG was found out by a few that let us know. Blessings.

        • I think you mean southernbelle1. Lol. I never went to the chat rooms on NTEB…I went to his FB pages back in 2012. Talked to a few peeps and when GG started doing all his crap with me , I left.

            • Char, that happens. I originally posted as DC and someone else (Daughter of Christ), who rarely posted, also used DC, though I didn’t know it. So I put my first name.

              • I know but this person deliberately put the same name in here, knowing that someone else already has that name on here. Seems odd to do that, but whatever.

            • Been nicked named that all my life. Lol. Saw someone else with it and thought I’ll be 2nd! Sorry for any confusion.

    • I assume the private conversations were taking place before his involvement with Lori was revealed? That conduct of his is absolutely deplorable.

    • Lavitabella62

      According to dangerous deceiver Geoffrey Grider, numerous NTEB followers and supporters received this anonymous e-mail. His fearful response to those “trashing NTEB” was shared with his listening audience during the NTEB podcast, A Brief History Of The Roman Catholic Church Being ‘Drunk With The Blood…, October 1, 2023, 44:56 – 49:44 minute mark.

      May the Lord Jesus Christ grant us the Grace to see and hear what the Word of God teaches us.

      • OH my! I just listened to it and what a mess! Praying for us because we are Cowards!?! Praying God would pass judgement?! That isn’t how you pray for your enemy….smh

    • Hi Lavitabella62.
      I sent out an e-mail to many about this, and they may have sent it out to others ( you included )
      I think we are all disgusted by this, go to his his latest video and leave a comment for the posters:
      GG’s latest:
      The ‘Beating Heart’ Of The NTEB Bookstore Is Our Free Bible Program
      I Just called our Post Office 500 feet from me. to send a package that weighs 2 pounds 13 Ounces would cost $49.00 to ship to Manilla in the Philippines by the USPO.
      Another marked up scaled up cost claim to the determent of the Donator’s, the other $50 is his cost to get it to the local Post Office ( pocket change )

      DeniseC did a search on his site for “fundraising.” Look how many article for each year have him asking for money:

      2023 (287)
      2022 (470)
      2021 (586)
      2020 (769)
      2019 (716)
      God Bless You LavitaBelle62!

  • I’ve listened to Grider for a number of years. I must have spent a couple months in the podcasts not saying too much. His demeanor is terrible. He is condescending and comes across as a know it all. I believed he has some good handles on news and I felt informed. The urgency in raptures, to the fights, donate to his billboards and so on wore me down. I admit I gave to the go-have-fun-me and I gave $1000 to him. I did this to show that just because you don’t like his behavior he did share some news and Bible points I felt inspired me. Now all this mud and no flowers has been revealed and I am saddened and sickened. Now what will Geoffrey be saying at his judgment seat of Christ? Thank you everyone for sharing and I have been spending hours combing through all this stuff so I never shed another penny after my fools errand. Thank you for the wisdom!! God Bless You All!!

    • More like, what will he be saying that the Great White Throne Judgment, cause he ain’t reaching the judgment seat for believers. There is even more to the story that has not been published. He is totally lost, and his testimony is fake and made-up.

      • Hi Jacob. Whoever is asking you not to reveal the rest of the story does not realize everyone should hear it as a warning and to stop him from continuing in his so called ministry. He hardly has anyone posting comments anymore, but he actually has more donations coming in than comments and that’s just terrible that they either are VERY gullible or they just don’t care or they don’t know or believe it. So sad, all the way around. I hope you see fit to reveal it soon.

        • It’s not really my choice. All I can do is hope this person with the information decides to go public with it. Coming from me it would be considered “slander,” but if this person came forward and revealed some stuff it would – you would think – be the final nail in the coffin.

          • Jacob, that is definitely something we can all pray about! Lord willing, that person will find the courage to come forward!

          • It most likely involves a woman, so we can only guess what the rest of the story is. And if it’s a woman, she’s probably embarrassed about the circumstances and I wouldn’t blame a woman for that.

          • Hi Jacob.
            If you know who they are you could ask them to do the right thing, a Christian afraid of retaliation is a coward, as God tells us not to fear and especially not to fear man.
            We are to be bold as lions, meek as a lamb, gentle as a dove, and wise as a serpent.
            After all if one does not expose the truth, then they are defending a lie, it is just that simple. Have they read your articles??????
            God Bless You Jacob!

            • Hello Brother Ron! The Lord is so awesome!! He has used what you said here to comfort and confirm to me something going on in my personal life regarding someone. These two things you said: A Christian afraid of retaliation is a coward, and if one does not expose the TRUTH then they are defending a lie! Amen on both of those! God teaches these concepts in scripture but it is amazing how many do not grasp these principles and put them into play, to their own detriment! I know someone guilty of both of these and it has not been pleasant for me and the Lord has shown me this before and now again here to comfort me. I’m so grateful God does not change His mind with justice, righteousness and lying. God bless you ! MARANATHA!!!!!!!!

    • LOL, von whitsett! You have a way with words. We feel the same way, as most of us have given at one time or another on his, as you call it, go-fun-me page. I’ve been watching his Waygiver account and the givers are way over what they should be giving to him, but he was averaging about $1000 a day and might still be. Now he’s wanting to put everything into one large warehouse (probably his living quarters too so we can pay his rent on both dwellings). I hoe that never comes about and people wake up to his fleecing the flock very soon and he might have to go and actually work for a living. Blessings!

      • Char, I gave too GG early on, but stopped because I felt like my giving should be totally to my local church which gives to different ministries. However, we give from the heart and God knows, so if GG or anyone misuses funds then that’s on them, and I can live with that. They will pay at some point and time.
        I went to NTEB this morning and noticed that there are very few commenting now. Even Cephas and Shannon have stopped posting cat pictures, etc. which in my opinion got out of hand, and should have been addressed by GG. Looking back, it appears that money is what he really cared about as he seldom interacted in the comments until he was exposed.
        God Bless and take care, Char.

        • Hey Tracy. Cephas and his sweet Shannaroo are alive and well on the NTEB Telegram groups. Janette (aka head of the Gestapo) has been given full control of all the Telegram groups. They have booted a number of people and just keep on with their foolishness. You’re right on point though, even without the Cephas and Shannon sideshow, the comments on the posts are down.

          • Or… it could just be the devil blessing his ministry to keep the $$ flowing. They are all screaming about “They want to shut down the Bible program”. No. They want to shut down a con man who is pocketing a whole lot of money. He’s NEVER addressed the 250K+ unpaid tax bill. There’s no transparency . What a Godly man (sarcasm).

            The Bible program is great, but God doesn’t need our help. He allows people to do things for him and that is a gift to us We’re not giving him anything He couldn’t do for himself. Where does anyone get off thinking “God needs me” or “God needs this program”. God doesn’t need you or me. God let’s us do things for him, but it has to be done his way. He said that if we loved him to keep his commandments. Well, Geoff old boy, Jesus himself paid taxes, so I don’t think he’s one bit impressed, not do I think you’re gaining any rewards at the JSOC for your Bible program when you won’t even pay your bills.

          • If you look on his Waygiver page he has donated to himself, as “Geoffrey Grider,” well over three dozen times. I can’t help but wonder if he is doing what you suggested, or something like that. Myself and others have suspected that his donations are artificial. Plus, his recent commercial he shot makes this thing look worse.

            • Hi Jacob.
              Those Handling costs are his skim scam, because he can keep it, and he has no conscience.
              Here is what I found out from that video:
              GG’s latest:
              The ‘Beating Heart’ Of The NTEB Bookstore Is Our Free Bible Program


              I Just called our Post Office 500 feet from me. to send a package that weighs 2 pounds 13 Ounces would cost $49.00 to ship to Manilla in the Philippines by the USPO.
              Another marked up scaled up cost claim to the determent of the Donator’s, the other $50 is his cost to get it to the local Post Office ( pocket change )

              Bible Barn????????
              For what???????????
              Why not ship them straight from the supplier????????
              Because then he could not have the skim available by his (mis)handling charge.
              God Bless You Jacob!

          • Anonymous, well that’s so nice of them to continue on in their flirting and using cats to do it. The comments are way down, but GG is still receiving plenty of donations. He makes more than $1000 a day on the Waygiver, but of course he will say it all goes to the bibles and expenses, but who knows because he won’t supply a financial report, so that makes him look a bit shady for sure.

          • Anonymous, well good, maybe those folks who still read GG’s articles and the comments are liking it better. I just thought those two could have emailed each other instead of cluttering up the comment section of a “so called” Christian website. I got tired of having to scroll through all that before getting to actual comments.
            God Bless and take care!

        • Agreed about the cat pictures were way out of control. And I have noticed too that comments are way down from before. Shannon used to post 30-40 times per day, now only maybe 3-4

          • Amen Gary!
            Those cat photos were too much and anyone using an I-phone had to scroll and scroll and scroll to see more comments.
            God Bless You Gary!

          • Well we’ve been told that they are continuing their little love fest now on Telegram, so where there’s a will, there’s a way. I wonder what her bf thinks of that.

          • Gary, I noticed that too. I often wondered, since she posted sooooo much, if she was being paid, trying to impress or just plain lonely. Anyway, it looks as if the comment section is back to normal.

            • In my opinion she wants to have the most comments on Disqus. She is over 30 thousand now with mostly news articles and of course cat pics. 20 cat pics equals 20 more comments.

        • Hi Tracy. You are correct on his behavior. I don’t think any of us will ever get over being fleeced the way we have, plus it’s heartbreaking to know this man that preaches to us needs to practice what he preaches, as I’ve said before. I hope he’s been reading all these comments about how shady he is, but of course he disagrees with us. He thinks he deserves to split half the donations or more and put into his personal bank account. Ugh. He needs a God slap and very soon. Blessings to you and your family. Hope to be out of here soon and with the Lord where we are citizens.

          • Char, I bet GG and others are reading this comment section, but the way I see it, and I’m sure many of you, if what is posted here is true then we shouldn’t worry about it. I’m still sad that all of this ended the way it did, because I enjoyed the NTEB articles and the fellowship with many of you……not all though. I begin reading and commenting in 2012; and know that you and Ron were there for sometime as well. On another note, I could never listen to his podcast, or didn’t participate in any of that.
            Yes Char, looking forward to the rapture.
            God Bless and take care!

    • Hi Von.
      I have done as you have too, I rarely read his articles after many doctrinal flaws came out and he would not be reproved, corrected, or anything else. He is proud, arrogant, and is doing all he can now to hide the truth about himself especially deleting any posts that call him out on the issues at hand.
      His articles are just repeats of what can, and is ALREADY found on the web, his sermons are not worth listening to.
      GG counts on many to never look into his doctrines, those WHO HAVE corrected him have been ignored.
      Some interesting points made about GG and NTEB
      September 11, 2023 at 8:49 pm
      Check out this quote on his website,
      “The Lord has given us an open door with a tremendous ‘course’ for us to fulfill that will create an excellent experience at the Judgement Seat of Christ.”
      That sounds like a salesman guaranteeing an excellent’ ‘fill in the blank.’ Nobody can guarantee an “excellent experience” at the Judgment Seat!
      It’s like “if you give money, you’ll be ASSURED an EXCELLENT experience before God. Guaranteed! Sign on the dotted line!……………………………………………………………………………………………
      GG removed my comment:
      NTEB Mod Guest
      a month ago
      I only took it down as to not promote that cheap-looking and poorly-made ‘NTEB clone’ site that wrote that garbage. That article also contains more than a few slanderously false statements that just might constitute an actual crime on the part of the author of that garbage. So we shall see. I am happy to keep your comment up.
      He removed my comment and deleted it on the page.
      Ron a month ago “Removed” ( He removed my comment because it might expose his improprieties.)
      (As long as it does expose GG he means, how convenient )
      NTEB Mod DeniseC
      4 hours ago
      NTEB does not censor comments, you are free to say what you like as long as it does not attack someone else,
      or support someone who is an attacker.
      ( If I am taken captive by the devil, then what does that make Geoffrey Scott Grider? )
      NTEB Mod Jenna
      18 hours ago edited
      Anyone who would believe the lies that were said shouldn’t be here
      anyway. Sometimes this is how God cleans house.
      As for Ron, he showed what was actually in his heart,
      I pray he is able to recover himself.
      “And that they may recover themselves out of the snare of the devil,
      who are taken captive by him at his will.” 2 Timothy 2:26 (KJB)

      “And don’t forget that he gets more money than we’re aware of through PayPal (Mudflower), PayPal (GCM), and checks” and that is hidden from our sight.
      Nothing to hide? except the true amount of funds and where they go ( to him for designer $125 sunglasses and then some )
      I have nicknamed him the “Teflon Con” nothing sticks to him in this life.
      How To Spot a Scammer: 10 Warning Signs
      1.Use authority to build trust — Online scammers use organizations and names you trust to lower your guard. Beware of anyone who messages you out of the blue and claims to be from the IRS, government, or a major company.
      2.Prey on your emotions — Online dating scams are especially notorious for preying on your emotions. A scammer will quickly tell you they’re “falling in love” and get you to say it back. The same goes for charity scams (like veterans charity scams) where fraudsters claim to be victims in need.
      3.Create a sense of urgency — Online scammers know they need you to act quickly before you realize what they’re up to. They’ll often create a sense of urgency to stop you from first checking their claims.
      4.Be threatening and aggressive — Along with love and urgency, threats are another way online scammers convince you to do what they say. Often, a scammer will pretend to be from the police or FBI and claim that a warrant will be put out for your arrest if you don’t comply.
      5.Contact you unexpectedly — One of the easiest ways to spot a scammer is if they contact you first. If you receive any message, phone call, or email from someone you don’t know, verify they are who they say by contacting their agency or business directly.
      6.Ask for sensitive information — Scammers will pretend to be from your bank and ask for your PIN or online passwords to “secure” your account. But legitimate financial institutions will never do this.
      7.Overpay for goods or services — A common aspect of online shopping scams is if someone offers more than you’re asking for a product. In these cases, they’ll send a fake PayPal receipt and ask for you to wire back the overpayment along with their product.
      8.Overpromise on what they can deliver — Scammers use our desire to find a good deal against us. If something or someone seems “too good to be true”, there’s a good chance they’re trying to scam you.
      9.Try to be personal but something is off — Online scammers will pretend to be a friend or family member to quickly gain your trust. But they aren’t. Don’t trust a message just because it comes from an account you recognize.
      10.Force you to use unusual payment options — Most online payment options protect against scammers. If someone pushes you to pay them through an untraceable or non-reversible option, it could be a scam. This includes wire transfers, gift cards, and cryptocurrency.
      He uses those first 3 Highly effectively.
      He is also using Irad’s Ugandan website to lavish his wallet, Colonial Man caught him pretending to
      be Irad in an e-mail ( Colonial Man knows Irad and his English and how he speaks )
      DeniseC did a search on his site for “fundraising.” Look how many article for each year have him asking for money:

      2023 (287)
      2022 (470)
      2021 (586)
      2020 (769)
      2019 (716)
      GG’s latest go view it and comment to the posters about what you know:
      The ‘Beating Heart’ Of The NTEB Bookstore Is Our Free Bible Program
      I Just called our Post Office 500 feet from me. to send a package that weighs 2 pounds 13 Ounces would cost $49.00 to ship to Manilla in the Philippines by the USPO.
      Another marked up scaled up cost claim to the determent of the Donator’s, the other $50 is his cost to get it to the local Post Office ( pocket change )




      CON MEN DO.
      He also likened me to Alexander the coppersmith…. Well I am no copper smith and this was spoken by PAUL……. AND GEOFFREY GRIDER IS FAR FROM BEING A “PAUL” EXCEPT IN HIS PROUD NARCISSISTIC, SEARED, DELUSIONAL MIND imvho.
      God Bless You Von!

      • Hi Ron,
        Thank you for the kind words. I will state the obvious and he will not get another US currency crypto or otherwise from me. I agree that God Blesses your heart and intent, but I wish I could have changed who benefits from my intent here on earth. I already bought a book over a year ago and noted NTEB uses the most expensive method for shipment and I complained and heard nothing. I really don’t mind a little markup as a way to recoup some losses. He claims that he is buying therse huge paper rolls to print Bibles and then he wants to ship Bibles and all these good things which God has directed him to do, but God won’t tell him to clean up his act. I guess God cherry picks and directs him to worry about his planks in each eye later in the meantime we have to hear “and strike and strike and strike and strike…” while he points at everyone else’s bad behavior. Would be nice if he created his own content instead of “borrowing” from others all the time.
        I enjoy a one stop place to catch up on news and know we are one day closer to the rapture. I do think that even copying other peoples works he is staying on top of events. I wrestled with his behavior the first moment I discovered him. I kept Praying that I am judging too harshly and the best I could do was listen for the latest changing news on his podcasts and usually I skip through the repeat portions. Even the music at times is over played and I’m not a fan of country so much. I let that slide as it’s the lyrics that are more important and that’s just my tastes.
        A true person of God would admit his mistakes clean up his act and move forward. Not decry everyone else as a hater and a Geoffrey hunter! I’m just going to paste this link into his youtube post area and risk being banned. I will add “To the Fight or Flight” and see what happens.
        I don’t hate Geoffrey nor any of his staff. I am very disappointed that it has all lasted as long as it has. At some point it’s going to be shut down.
        I would like to know if there is anyone else doing these kind of podcasts to listen in place of Geoffrey or NTEB? I know I can go to youtube, but many of these posters are not doing it regularly.
        I’ll subscribe to winepressnews – this site is new to me and I hadn’t planned on posting here. Glad to meet you Ron, Char and this is more welcome than received at NTEB. Geoffrey needs to let someone else take over or quit until he completely cleans up his act.
        As a suggestion: you can put in search words at Internet Archive and see websites that have been removed.

      • Hi Ron – I had a lengthy post and looks like it was removed. Are we not allowed to post links? Why not just remove some of the message instead of all of it? This was a reply to yours from around 4:30pm

    • Ok I have to post in the podcast when i get an opportunity. I see none of his youtube posts are current or appropriate. I just looked and thought there was a recent video :p

  • I wasn’t but it posted anyway, LOL What I was saying was that the $$ seems to be flowing just a much as it did before, which is strange because of number of us who gave faithfully are no longer giving. There are a lot of valid donors on there, but what if GG is funneling some of his own ministry $$ back through Waygiver anonymously to keep it looking like there is a lot of $$ flowing so people will keep giving. The herd mentality is a strong thing. I mean “if all these people are giving it must be okay”. I wouldn’t put it past him. Truly, don’t think I’ve ever met someone so absolutely deceitful with no shame at all about the people that he has hurt bad – so many people who listened to him, sincerely prayed for him and loved him and the minute they said one thing he didn’t like, he’s done. Epic narcissist is correct.

    • Hi RFJ.
      Alot of them are anonymous, could be GG and gang to make it look like people are still giving.
      Yes a lot have left the site as indicated by the comments.
      I only read the first part of what you said, and now I see we both think alike on that matter.
      Never mind all the hiding of all the money, which he claimed to DeniseC he would correct.
      He cannot live in champagne and caviar if he were to do that.
      My church posts it’s funding, and the pastor has no problem if anyone wants to look at his financial ledger. What is passing thru his hands ( or should I say INTO HIS HANDS? ) is not chicken scratch!
      Martha ( Posted on here )
      September 11, 2023 at 8:49 pm
      Check out this quote on his website,
      “The Lord has given us an open door with a tremendous ‘course’ for us to fulfill that will create an excellent experience at the Judgement Seat of Christ.”
      That sounds like a salesman guaranteeing an excellent’ ‘fill in the blank.’ Nobody can guarantee an “excellent experience” at the Judgment Seat!
      It’s like “if you give money, you’ll be ASSURED an EXCELLENT experience before God. Guaranteed! Sign on the dotted line!……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………
      We forget the other funds:
      “And don’t forget that he gets more money than we’re aware of through PayPal (Mudflower), PayPal (GCM), and checks” and that is hidden from our sight.”
      Nothing to hide? except the true amount of funds and where they go ( to him for designer $125 sunglasses and then some )
      I have nicknamed him the “Teflon Con” nothing sticks to him in this life.
      Also see his latest:
      How To Spot a Scammer: 10 Warning Signs
      1.Use authority to build trust — Online scammers use organizations and names you trust to lower your guard. Beware of anyone who messages you out of the blue and claims to be from the IRS, government, or a major company.
      2.Prey on your emotions — Online dating scams are especially notorious for preying on your emotions. A scammer will quickly tell you they’re “falling in love” and get you to say it back. The same goes for charity scams (like veterans charity scams) where fraudsters claim to be victims in need.
      3.Create a sense of urgency — Online scammers know they need you to act quickly before you realize what they’re up to. They’ll often create a sense of urgency to stop you from first checking their claims.
      4.Be threatening and aggressive — Along with love and urgency, threats are another way online scammers convince you to do what they say. Often, a scammer will pretend to be from the police or FBI and claim that a warrant will be put out for your arrest if you don’t comply.
      5.Contact you unexpectedly — One of the easiest ways to spot a scammer is if they contact you first. If you receive any message, phone call, or email from someone you don’t know, verify they are who they say by contacting their agency or business directly.
      6.Ask for sensitive information — Scammers will pretend to be from your bank and ask for your PIN or online passwords to “secure” your account. But legitimate financial institutions will never do this.
      7.Overpay for goods or services — A common aspect of online shopping scams is if someone offers more than you’re asking for a product. In these cases, they’ll send a fake PayPal receipt and ask for you to wire back the overpayment along with their product.
      8.Overpromise on what they can deliver — Scammers use our desire to find a good deal against us. If something or someone seems “too good to be true”, there’s a good chance they’re trying to scam you.
      9.Try to be personal but something is off — Online scammers will pretend to be a friend or family member to quickly gain your trust. But they aren’t. Don’t trust a message just because it comes from an account you recognize.
      10.Force you to use unusual payment options — Most online payment options protect against scammers. If someone pushes you to pay them through an untraceable or non-reversible option, it could be a scam. This includes wire transfers, gift cards, and cryptocurrency.

      I did a search on his site for “fundraising.” Look how many article for each year have him asking for money:

      2023 (287)
      2022 (470)
      2021 (586)
      2020 (769)
      2019 (716)
      GG’s latest:
      The ‘Beating Heart’ Of The NTEB Bookstore Is Our Free Bible Program


      I Just called our Post Office 500 feet from me. to send a package that weighs 2 pounds 13 Ounces would cost $49.00 to ship to Manilla in the Philippines by the USPO.
      Another marked up scaled up cost claim to the determent of the Donator’s, the other $50 is his cost to get it to the local Post Office ( pocket change )




      CON MEN DO. ( and they hide the facts when it comes to mammon )

      Him with that SANIT shirt on is the most disgusting picture of all, if he was a saint he would not need to announce it.
      God Bless You RFJ!

  • I remember long time ago, maybe around 2013,2014? that GG’s brother posted on FB on the old NTEB FB how mush he was a fraud. It was a pretty long post and I couldn’t believe it! At first I thought that he was attacking him for the work that he was doing but in reality, he was trying to warn everyone. I went back a couple hours later to reread it and it was gone. Vanished. Deleted. I wonder if Jacob could reach out to him and confirm that and maybe glean some more insight?

    • Southernbelle,

      That’s very interesting. A few years back when we still had FB, GG had posted about FB taking down the NTEB page for sharing “false information”. Perhaps he took in down and created a new page instead, for damage control after his brother exposed him.

    • Mr. G now has no friends to show on his fb account? And Lori either? That is really odd, I know it didn’t use to be that way. I think someone should try and reach his brothers, I went to his friends list to see if I could locate them and there is no friends to show.

      And I am curios about something else… remember when for some reason Geoff had to get off of Go Fund Me… it had to do with something he said or believed? Go Fund me would not allow him to use it anymore so he said.

      Well, I wonder if that wasn’t a lie too and he had to switch because maybe he had something to hide? I am just questioning a lot about what he is actually doing?

  • KV,
    I just listened to the part in that podcast drunk with the saints at 44.56 mark and that man is messed up bad. He’s got to be sick in the head. If those people would just read the article. They are not lies. Just ask him! Did Lori live with you for 7 months? Did you film the woman? Did you threaten to kill her? Did you sign the affidavit? Have you addressed the money issues? Did you have an IRS lien? (I looked it up myself). Did you lie by saying the article was “all lies”? This dude is a sicko, perverted, lying coward. COWARD.

    • Hi Disguste.
      I too am very disgusted with him and all of his scams that skim money from donors
      Reply to his You Tube video where he is looking for more suckers ( I mean donors )
      A donation to NTEB is a gift to Grider the Grfiter The “Teflon Con”
      I did a search on his site for “fundraising.” Look how many article for each year have him asking for money:

      2023 (287)
      2022 (470)
      2021 (586)
      2020 (769)
      2019 (716)
      GG’s latest:
      The ‘Beating Heart’ Of The NTEB Bookstore Is Our Free Bible Program


      I Just called our Post Office 500 feet from me. to send a package that weighs 2 pounds 13 Ounces would cost $49.00 to ship to Manilla in the Philippines by the USPO.
      Another marked up scaled up cost claim to the determent of the Donator’s, the other $50 is his cost to get it to the local Post Office ( pocket change )
      By being the middle man he can charge handling thus he gets to keep large sums under that guise, and in that video we see how much work is required to HANDLE those Bibles as evidenced by the video and they are USPO which means the USPO picks them up for him.

  • SouthernBelle2,
    Now THAT is interesting! That says VOLUMES! I wish more of his family would come forward.

    • I wish his brothers would come forward too. I always wondered why none of his brothers will have anything to do with him as GG has said on past podcasts.

      • Loretta, I think he has said there were 4, right? One died of AIDS that was gay and so there should be two that we’d like to hear from.

      • Hi Loretta.
        Poor GG, his brothers know him and his schemes and behaviours.
        They probably cannot post as he has likely blocked them too.
        Even if we saw a post claiming to be his brother, I would not trust it.
        I would not trust anything GG said even if his tongue came notarized.
        He would be a great democrat, suppressing the speech of those who stand against him.
        God Bless You Loretta!

        • Hi Ron, you are probably right, GG has probably blocked his own brothers; would not surprise me a bit. Those numbers you posted on the amount of times per year GG asked for money says a lot! This guy is one heck of a scam artist!

          • His brothers are probably still Catholic since their brother Geoffrey does NOT represent Christianity in a good way to them, so he is not a good witness for them or cyberman or any RC since he doesn’t represent his faith very well.

  • Regardless of what GG has done, I pray for him. Until death or the rapture, we should never give up on anyone.

    • I don’t recall reading about that, but I don’t know of anyone that even considered going, but of course I don’t know everyone that posts on NTEB, but nothing was ever said about it, so I’ think it didn’t happen. Maybe he didn’t get enough unsuspecting people to donate to it.

      • SB2, Oh, I’m sure they are still reading comments, but aside from the original rants they haven’t commented….because they can’t defend this can of worms that has been opened. GG had a chance to put it all on the table and explain the financial part of it—he even said he would–
        and…crickets. So now, imo, because he hasn’t humbled himself, MORE and MORE is coming
        out, from Irad and “his” charity to overcharging on books and shipping. By not coming clean
        about where the money goes for “operational expenses,” he looks guilty. Grifter is going
        to grift, I guess.

  • Sorry for confusion all. I made a post and then it vanished and now it seems to be all there. I’m guessing there is a validation in place when you post.

    • If you post links they automatically go into arbitration, and sometimes the flags random posts for now reason, though long ones usually trigger it, and sometimes comments with key words and symbols that I have put in place to block some of the spam that comes in.

  • @Char:

    Regarding your comment about what Shannaroo’s bf thinks about all the flirting she and cephas do, do you mean the bf she lives with? Makes sense why she would have no issue with G living with his gf.

    Baby, I’m a star…
    With my cat memes on telegram.

    • Yes, I heard that too, but I didn’t know others knew it other than the few I heard it from. Well it’s her choice in her personal life, but of course we know God frowns on it.

      • @Char:

        Oh you bet it’s known. Be sure our sins will find us out. I’m not troubled over how she chooses to live her life; but hypocrisy makes doves cry.

        • Were you one of the posters on NTEB? I don’t recognize the name Purple Rain? Yes, my Mom used to always tell us kids be sure our sins will find us out cause she knew we were up to no good. lol It really is a surprising thing to find out that there’s people in this world that don’t practice what they preach. Oh well, we will all be accountable for our own actions when we are face to face with Jesus. Blessings.

    • Von, you can click on the three dots in the upper right hand side of your computer, click find, and put in the date you want to search for comments. That is one way to make navigating through the comments much easier.

      • Thank you, Loretta.

        I also subscribed and this is the only one.

        NTEB does have the current news going for it. That is what I listen for and then mostly skip the repeats.

  • Well perhaps we are on our way out of here now that Israel is at war with Hamas. I feel bad for the jews since many have died in the surprise attack, but it puts us closer to the Rapture. Hope to see you all soon.

    • Hi Char, it’s terrible for the people in Israel and for the innocent people in Hamas who don’t want war. All we can do is pray for the peace of Israel, and we know that true peace will only come when Jesus comes back to rule and reign. Come quickly Lord Jesus! Amen!

      • Amen Char and Loretta, we are praying for a 2024 Rapture. Definitely seems like there’s something brewing for next year.

        • Hey 2023 isn’t over yet, so let’s hope it’s this year. I’m ot looking forward to another pagan holiday season, but if we are still here till the New Year, then so be it. Then it means it’s not God’s time yet. See you soon, A & K.

      • Hi Loretta. Actually Hamas stands for Harakat al-Muqawama al-Islamiya (Islamic Resistance Movement). It’s not a country it’s a terrorist group. I don’t think any of the citizens of those countries want war, although they are brought up to hate Israel, it’s those groups that are so hateful against Israel that start the trouble. Sort of like our corrupt, rotten government. See you soon, sis.

        • Char, thanks for the correction! I should have said the Palestinians. And yes, they are certainly raised up to hate Israel. It’s a sad world we live in.

  • The peace accord was never signed or agreed to? I thought this was to happen afterward not before? This is very confusing how can you get a 2 state solution out of this?

      • Thank you for the link, Von, I will be watching and praying for the peace of Israel, for Jerusalem, and for those who are held hostage to be released unharmed. Praying for all those who have lost loved ones, those who have been injured, and for the innocent people caught up in this awful war.

  • Thank you for the link, Von, I will be watching and praying for the peace of Israel, for Jerusalem, and for those who are held hostage to be released unharmed. Praying for all those who have lost loved ones, those who have been injured, and for the innocent people caught up in this awful war.

  • Ulterior Motives?

    In the year 2022, Geoffrey Scott Grider decided he wanted to give away 100,000 free bibles. He ended up giving away slightly over 100,000. For the ease of conversation, let’s use 100,000. What was unknown at the time, was that GG was merely making a phone call while someone else absorbed the costs of the bibles and the shipping. According to the source, that foundation stated they only asked for $2.50 per bible to offset their expenses. OK, let’s go with that.

    2.50 x 100,000 = $250,000

    GG raised that much many times over. What does he do? He announces it was such a smashing success (uh, huh) he decides 2023 is the year for donating one million free bibles!

    While I don’t know where that currently stands, 2022 stashed him so much money with relative ease, he multiplied the goal by ten.

    Geoff refuses to open his books. There’s a reason for that. Geoff is not going to voluntarily expose his nefarious bookkeeping.

    ~~~ ~~~ ~~~

    Another note of interest is . . . WayGiver. Prior to the WinePress expose’, very few givers were Anonymous. Since then, most are. Is it possible GG is switching pockets? By that I mean taking from his left pocket and placing it in his right? He needs to keep up appearance to keep shaking the tree (so to speak) so others will give.

    Disqus. Article comments are way down. Now GG may get just under 10, and several of those are by him. Most of the articles get less than four. To me, it stands to reason that if comments have dropped by hundreds, most likely he’s lost hundreds of givers not only through WayGiver, but through all mediums.

    I surmise that it is Geoff himself contacting jails and prisons throughout the country offering bibles so that he can send out another article pleading for money. Now, he’s adding schools.

    ~~~ ~~~ ~~~

    Folks, it is not necessary to go through NTEB (Geoffrey Scott Grider) to do anything for The Lord. Do unto The Lord, yourself. Buy and give away Bibles on your own. There are free sources for you to utilize. Remember the serpent in Genesis 3:4, as he is still whispering in your ear via others, today.

    Go re-read in the book of John, chapter 2 where Jesus Christ rebuked those making His Father’s house, a house of merchandise. Also, re-acquaint yourselves with the following verses:

    Job 31:6 “Let me be weighed in an even balance, that God may know mine integrity.”

    Proverbs 11:1 “A false balance is abomination to the LORD: but a just weight is his delight.”

    Proverbs 16:11 “A just weight and balance are the LORD’S: all the weights of the bag are his work.”

    Proverbs 20:10 “Divers weights, and divers measures, both of them are alike abomination to the LORD.”

    Proverbs 20:23 “Divers weights are an abomination unto the LORD; and a false balance is not good.”

    Micah 6:11 “Shall I count them pure with the wicked balances, and with the bag of deceitful weights?”

    No one is desirous to stop bibles from being given to those in want and need. Just be careful of whom you place your trust.

    Brother Ron did a search on the NTEB site for “fundraising.” Look how many article for each year have Geoffrey Scott Grider asking for money:

    2023 (287)
    2022 (470)
    2021 (586)
    2020 (769)
    2019 (716)
    GG’s latest:
    The ‘Beating Heart’ Of The NTEB Bookstore Is Our Free Bible Programs
    Brother Ron called his local Post Office 500 feet away. A package that weighs 2 pounds 13 Ounces would cost $49.00 to ship to Manilla in the Philippines by the USPO, not the cost Geoffrey stated in the video. Another marked up scaled up cost claim to the determent of the Donator’s, the other $50 is his cost to get it to the local Post Office ( pocket change )

    Don’t forget, Geoff himself states on the NTEB site where your money actually goes. Primarily, day-to-day operations. Secondary, bible / tract programs. Third, billboard programs. Geoff then goes on to state those three things cost over $40,000 per month. If you’ve ever given electronically, made a purchase of any kind, your receipt came from Mudflower, his secular business. That means, the ministry is under the umbrella of his secular business pursuits. That also means, you are funding salaries for secular business expenses and payroll. Is that really what you want to do?

    • Yeah, I don’t think these people are calling for Bibles. I bet he is calling around to try to promote himself and if he could use a tragedy, he would do it. He stamps his Bible with his logo on it and makes sure that business cards, I mean gospel tracks, are attached to them.

    • I gave over $1,000 using way giver September, 2022. The fund raising was a bit different then and I can only hope that it was used righteously. This was through Waygiver and the receipt is the same.
      This is the link: https://waygiver.com/campaigns/1486.

      The money you give helps to support our podcast and content creation studio that produces cutting-edge bible teaching and prophetical content. NTEB supports dozens of foreign missionaries by sending them full King James Bibles tracts and scripture portions for their work on the mission field.
      Every week, we broadcast two 90-minute Prophecy News Podcasts, two 2-hour King James Bible studies, and a House Church Sunday Morning worship service. These broadcasts reach tens of thousand of people every week, making a substantial impact for the body of Christ.

      Your donations help make all of these outreaches possible, and not only that, when you donate to NTEB you are supporting things like our Free King James Bible and Gospel Tract Program that puts bibles and tracts into the hands of believers who need them but cannot afford them. How exciting is that? We send them out completely free of charge, including shipping, because people like you donate.

      The more you give, the more we can do! Thank you all so very much.

      The war is real, the battle hot and the time is short…to the FIGHT!!!

      Born Again – Thanks for the update and after I have ordered a book and saw the markup on shipping as well as numerous accounts of his reckless spending and accounting practices, legal issues and self indulgence it is beyond shameful that he keeps this self righteous facade. There are people all over the world who give with expectations and these are betrayed.
      It is obvious now that most of the work is done he can just do podcasts and updates and the money flows in. Now lets see God do His work and Geoffrey will through his own actions be found out and this whole thing will crumble. God knows his heart and works and all he does.

    • It really is sickening that he gets by with his flim flam business tactics, but one thing for sure, he does ***NOT*** get by with it with GOD. He knows exactly what’s going on and Geoffrey Grifter will be held accountable for his underhanded actions when he is face to face with GOD. For some reason, he thinks GOD is looking the other way. I guess he thinks he and GOD are bosom buddies. lol Not so much.

      • Char, you can rest assured about that……maybe, he will repent. He’s got to be living a miserable life right now. At least, that’s what I think about all this.
        Take care!!

  • Just a quick look at the last several articles on nteb and I can see that Shannon and Cephas are not commenting anymore. I pray for them both. I notice that David Brooks is still in full swing over there. I pray for him too.

    • John, Shannon and probably Cephas too went over to another website, plus they probably go to FB and Telegram, I’m guessing because they didn’t like being called out for what they are. David B still comments and butters up GG because he gets to post his sermonette clips on NTEB. That’s an ulterior motive, but yes, we all need prayer.

      • Char, you nailed that one! I had S & C figured out for a very long time. DB, too. Hope you’re doing well!

        —SouthernBelle (the one who used to post at NTEB)

        • Well several of us had S & C figured out, but what could we do about it? We didn’t want to start any trouble. I told my little group that DB seemed to be full of himself a long time ago when he’d post and print his pictures of himself, but then I thought I was being too picky and I prayed about it, then those thoughts eased up and then I find out, I was using my discernment and didn’t know it. So now I know my thoughts were correct about him in the first place. You have good discernment too. I have to admit I was fooled by GG though, along with many others as well that were also fooled, but you knew way back from experience with him. I’m surprised he allowed you to stay on NTEB since he knew you also from the past. P.S. I hope that other SB2 finds another name on here. That was an odd thing for her to do.

          • Hey Char, hope all is well with you too.
            I know you like Pastor Charles Lawson; have you listened to his teaching from this past Wednesday night. “A plausible Scenario” (Israel current events). As he said, it’s his theory of what’s going on and what this might lead to. He could be right as time will tell. With all that is happening now, it definitely looks as if time as we know is definitely winding down. In the meantime, we can keep praying for the lost…..my most fervent prayer.
            Take care, Char!

          • Yes, when I first saw SB2, I thought someone was trying to impersonate me to start trouble. But it looks as if she’s legit. Does seem like she would’ve picked something not taken.
            I did always wonder why people didn’t tell C to cool it. He was so nasty to me, and I think he thought everyone liked how he spoke to me. I wasn’t surprised GG let me stay since I always followed the board rules and feel as though I never mistreated anyone there (even when I dished a little back to him). What surprised me was that C was allowed to stay. He broke the rules constantly, and he was so vile to me and anyone who he disliked. He was so immature. It led me to think GG must’ve approved of his words to me. And the barrage of cat pics were beyond annoying. Made no sense that GG allowed that to go on. Not to mention, the non-stop flirting between him and his cohort. I really thought I was the only one who took notice of that. It was so tiresome.

            • SouthernBelle, I did enjoy reading your posts, and I did not like how you were treated by those two. I did used to wonder why that was allowed to go on, especially with C, but now, knowing GG’s true colors, it is no surprise at all. I also enjoyed G2G’s posts too. I saw that you still email with her, and I’m glad to hear she is doing well!

              • Hi Loretta.
                Who is C?
                I am banned from NTEB even though I never posted since the news broke, GG is paranoid, funny how he will monitor posts, but not those who e-mail him about problem people on NTEB.
                He is just like Judas a pretender instead of obeying God’s Words….
                He gives a pass to bad behaviors and ignores the ones who behave good.
                Proverbs 17:15 He that justifieth the wicked, and he that condemneth the just, even they both are abomination to the LORD.
                God Bless You Loretta!

                • I think C is Cephas?

                  GG doesn’t like folks who know, follow, and believe the Bible in its entirety. GG doesn’t like those who can accurately assess him for who and what he is. GG is also is desperate to keep the lid on this rapidly boiling pot, ready to spill over. Board moderators will at some point feel like a fool for supporting and backing him – if they have any sense at all.

                  GG couldn’t make it in Hollywood, but it’s not for lack of trying. GG is still acting though – but now in Florida.

            • Hi SB , I had mentioned to crybaby C once he is not following the comment policy and his comments towards you and some other people were not appropriate. Obviously he didn’t listen. I even emailed G back then and never heard back from him.(not surprised), At that point I started flagging all of C’s rude comments , to no avail. I checked back each day and the comments were all still there.(I would flag most of them 3 or 4 times too), That told me Grifter G was condoning all of it.
              I’m am glad I left that place now. Too much favoritism towards certain people.
              Plus the flirting was rather embarrassing between those 2.

              • Gary, I emailed him, too, about the comment section being cluttered with too much nonsense, but I never heard anything either. Now we know that he didn’t care.
                Take care, Gary!

            • SB, maybe it comes down to who donates the most. I’ve said that to Ron before too. Maybe David B and C donate, so he let them stay. I also mentioned that C had an uncontrollable temper, which is not what God would agree with. We all have a flaw or two, but we try to work on it, unlike C thinking he was right all the time. I see that Shannaroo is back on NTEB on the latest article, so maybe she’s over her hissy fit. I hope we are out of here soon. This world is getting so corrupt and now the Israeli war that will spread around the world, so I’m ready, willing and able to fly on out of here.

                • Born Again, GG is probably just buttering up the few that he has remaining that are gullible or just don’t care what he’s done and is doing and just want to keep posting on his website. He still doesn’t have anywhere near what he used to have in the comment section, but when you check in on Waygivers he’s still getting plenty of donations, so he’s still living in the lap of luxury that these donors are keeping him in.

          • Oh my word! So here is where you have been for so long. I have wondered where so many are, and some of you are still here. When the new forum started up by Paul, I thought this was the end of Wine Press. I decided to just jump on here and see. I miss you so much Char! You have been my buddy for over 10 years I believe. Tracy too. I wasn’t sure why so many are missing on the new forum ‘until shiloh come.’
            I am a bit suprised. I didn’t know. Tracy, I miss her as well. Loretta is here and the forum as well. And Ron. I wondered why I don’t see much of him on the forum. I wasn’t aware of this at all. But there is no article to read, nothing to discuss except NTEB. I have tried desperately to put NTEB site out of mind. I do check to see how many comments there is there. The thing that upsets me the most is that there are so many that are still there and have no idea what went on. There is really nothing there to make me feel that I am missing anything.
            To be honest and truthful, I was hoping that he would have no one left. I don’t think that is right in God’s eyes, but I can’t help it, and pray for the Lord to forgive me for ugly thoughts I have about Geoff. He will face God and I should rest in that. I just don’t like him much for ruining the good thing of bringing those together that enjoyed each others company. I do like the platform he has, but of course do not like discus one little bit. I just miss being able to upvote and make a simple little remark to those I choose to. On the new forum, no one speaks together much except in a little two sentence shout box. It is nothing much, except for good day to all, and thank you’s. To be truthful I have tried hard to post threads, share news and no one except for J7, and Paul respond. It seems to be all I have though, to share.
            One thing that is missing to me is that NTEB had folks come on to comment that were not always saved or right with God and I feel that was a special way to be a witness. No one probably could ever get on the forum that isn’t right with God. so using that site to witness something to someone that needs truth, is non-existant. Well, I am glad you that I have missed are all doing well, and are at least having somewhere ot go to share your thoughts. Will it last forever about NTEB’s though? I wanted to get completely away from that site and quit talking about mr. Geoff. I want to pull my hair out every time I have to think about him.
            I wish that somewhere there was a printed bible study or article that could be shared.
            At any rate, I am glad that I thought about checking out what was going on here, and wow!
            I found a bunch of you old timers. I miss you all very much. Talk about family! I think God’s family of believers are many times more important that your real earth family.
            Just wanted to shout out to all of you. I sure miss you guys. One day we will all be together. I am very thankful for that. Love to all of you. It is 2:30 in the morning and I have to get ot bed.

            • Hi Jann (again). I left you a message, but I don’t remember what date it was. It’s in October. ha Yes, it’s a shame we can’t have what we had with NTEB, but we can’t support him anymore. I miss ALL the people, Nancy Drew, you, Tracy, the guys, and many others I can’t remember names right now. It’s sad that Shannon does not show discernment (or David B) when it comes to GG, but some of us think they have ulterior motives (reasons) for sticking to him like glue. Whatever the case, we all have to be accountable for our actions. As I said on my other post to you, I can’t get into the new forum (Shiloh). It was too hard for this old brain to navigate on it. I haven’t been on here for at least 3 weeks, so it just popped into my head (Holy Spirit) yesterday that I should check in and see if “our group” was still posting and sure enough, I see a few still. Blessings to you, Roger and all the NTEB escapees. ha

        • Hi SB, hope all is well with you. Just wondering if you hear from G2G. Haven’t seen anything from her since all this with NTEB was exposed. I do miss some of those folks.
          Take care!

          • Hi Tracy! So good to see you! I am very well, thank you. I miss talking to you, too. You definitely caught on to some of those people whose number I had… lol! I do hear from G2G. We continue to keep up and discuss alot of Bible over email. We both backed off from NTEB when all the mess went down. You take care, as well, sis!

            • Hey Ron, you are absolutely right; he doesn’t even qualify to preach. I had a feeling that he wasn’t a true preacher; the reason I never listened to his podcast or call him Bro. Geoff. However, I did enjoy reading his articles, due to the current events, prophecy connection.
              God Bless and take care, Ron!

            • SB, that’s good to hear.
              Yes, I had her number, and tried to, discreetly, warn a few; however, it appeared no one was noticing. Even made one dislike me, but that’s okay.
              One thing about you is that you don’t sugar-coat things, and that’s good.
              Stay in touch and take care, SB.

      • Gary, I wonder what that banned child did in order for GG to ban him? He must see what a cheat and liar his papa is and confronted him cause GG does NOT like to be confronted, as we all know. It’s my way or the highway, spoken by a true narcissist that he is.

          • Hi Born Again.
            That disqualifies him and then some from ever being a preacher.
            And God DID NOT call him to be one as God WILL NEVER GO AGAINST HIS OWN WORDS.
            God Bless You Born Again!

            • Ron, I don’t have enough fingers and toes to count all the ways he’s disqualified! GG practices ‘cafeteria christianity’ – better yet, ‘churchianity’!

            • Hey Ron, you are absolutely right; he doesn’t even qualify to preach. I had a feeling that he wasn’t a true preacher; the reason I never listened to his podcast or call him Bro. Geoff. However, I did enjoy reading his articles, due to the current events, prophecy connection.
              God Bless and take care, Ron!

                • Hey Jann, it’s great to hear from you, and I, too, miss communicating with you and others.
                  I wasn’t blocked by GG, but I made a comment a couple of days after he was exposed, and he deleted it. It wasn’t mean or anything, but I just didn’t side with him. I left after being there several years.
                  God Bless and take care, Jann!

      • Hi Gary! You are one of the music lovers. I miss you too, but see you sometimes on the forum.
        Would you agree that no one seems to care much about the music except for J7.
        It is really only Paul, J7 and I that try to get to all the new news. It is kind of sad to me. The site would be nothing if it weren’t for Paul (Colonial man). God bless his heart. He tries to do so much to make everything good. He is a busy man too. I don’t know how he does it. Just wanted to let you know I’m glad I caught you here. God Bless you, my brother.

    • SB, it’s turned into a pile of garbage. Someone asked him a question on one of the articles and all he did was upvote them. Another one talked about the Jews being in distress and his comment below the guy’s was “pray for the podcast” Yeah, it’s all about him all the time.

  • 3.Well Grider the Grifter must be getting paranoid as I am “now blocked” from the website, never mind the fact I haven’t posted anything there since this news broke, he even deleted my comment right where it all started but left his comment in place about a look alike NTEB.
    I had one named crow ask where I was was, and I was just going to give him my e-mail….
    and it says banned.
    Ironically he will NOT be reproved, questioned, nor answer anything that puts him in a negative light as that hurts his Cash Cow.
    He shall be broken without remedy by The Lord.
    The same preachers who bilk their congregations is where he learned from, and puts them down. So as to make himself look good.
    Every Mason that made themselves known to me in churches in SC were sexual perverts.
    A Mason himself perhaps????
    Hi Tracts are 50% advertising.

    • Ron,

      The preachers you mentioned he rails on, are who he models himself after. He’s projecting and his sycophants aren’t intelligent enough to realize it.

      His tracts have Masonic imagery. They serve more as a business card than anything else. Wholly inadequate to lead someone to salvation. Just like the billboards.

      Hey! The podcasts are merely an amalgamation of prior articles that he pieces together like a quilt for something new. That, plus he plagiarizes Ruckman sermons. There is nothing of his own study and material. Just like actors that memorize scripts. Oh, yeah – actors gonna act!

      • Born Again, you nailed it.
        Several years ago, I bought a box of his “tracts” and after receiving them, I didn’t even give them out, because as you said, they were advertising for NTEB. I should have know then that he was just out to make money. But, as I’ve said before, I enjoyed reading his NTEB articles.
        Take care, BA!

        • Tracy, it is now two months later, and he still hasn’t given the financial info he
          promised me. I haven’t tried to post, but like Ron, I’m probably banned. Ron, that’s a
          badge of honor if I ever saw one.

          I miss everyone, but I try to read these comments. I am currently helping my elderly mom who fell and broke her arm. She’s been in the hospital for rehab, as she had two falls in a week and is unsteady on her feet. I would appreciate prayers for her.
          She will be discharged in a week, and we are trying to figure out the best placement for her. She is scared, depressed about probably having to leave her home, and in a lot of pain. Thanks and blessings to everyone.

    • Ron, yes, I was referring to Cephas. It is very hurtful that you have been blocked on NTEB. What a terrible way to treat a person who was faithful and supportive all these years. I don’t know what Geoff thinks he will accomplish by blocking and banning people that don’t agree with him, because those actions make him look very bad and speak volumes about his character. If Geoff would have just come clean about all this, stepped aside and got right with the Lord and done the right thing, he could have avoided the pit he is digging for himself that he will fall into if he does not change his ways.

      • Hi Loretta, I believe GG thinks in his narcissistic head that we are picking on him and lying, so he wants to avoid “our” bad behavior toward him. I’m not blocked, but he has deleted 2 of my posts already, so it’s the same as being blocked. Oh well, I read the titles of the articles and sometimes I read the articles (not the ones where he wants our money for bibles) but I usually go to the few comments he gets to see what they’re saying and how many are still gullible enough to follow him and donate to him too. How sad.

        • Hi Char, there definitely is strong evidence that GG has a narcissistic personality disorder, and the best we can do is to avoid him, learn from the situation, and live in peace. I do hope Geoff will come to repentance and realize the hurt he has caused others and will sincerely work on making changes in his life, yielding himself to God’s authority and not his own authority. It really is sad, and I pray others that are still following NTEB will be wise and understand the kind of person they are dealing with and will separate themselves from GG and NTEB.

    • Hi Ron,
      He will not be reproved, or questioned because he has an internet audience. It is easy to escape responsibility when you are not in a traditional format such as an in-person church. For instance when the Bible says, if your brother sins go tell him and if he doesn’t listen you eventually bring in the church. Going to tell him if you are me in Pennsylvania would mean by email, text or telephoning him. That is not the same as seeing him face to face even if we had a zoom call, it is not the same.

      What church is in authority over him? I think many of us here tried to contact groups he was connected with for support and no one saw fit to hold him accountable. Where are the elders who could serve to rein him in if he goes astray?

      As regards his tracts, everyone is right about them. I have never seen tracts like his before.

      • In light of the fact GG was prowling for married women in the church in Jacksonville, God was protecting that little church in St. Augustine he was attempting to obtain. It would have been no different. Jack Hyles 2.0

        • Hi Born Again.
          No doubt, I would bet he would be completely out of control if he did pastor a church.
          I don’t think God would put with it for too long, and he is already totally and completely disqualified from being a pastor, as God’s Words require. To say God called him to be one is a lie, because God does not say one thing then go contrary to His Own Words ever.
          God Bless You Sister!

    • RON! Woudn’t it be nice to just go to NTEB just to downvote what we don’t like? I thought about that, and did down vote a couple of people. You can still downvote, because mine went through. If you are discus, I don’t think Geoff can block that. Your name shows up too.
      I would do it, but I can’t ask the Lord to keep me from dis-liking him so much when I go to the site to downvote. My Jann is getting in the way of trying to please the Lord. After all, God will judge GG. so I don’t have to try to get even. That seems wrong to me. I will have to start seeking out your post on the new forum, as I can’t seen to find you easily. As always, God Bless you, Nancy and baby Caleb. : )

        • Thank you Born Again, I am on the other forum, and I can find Ron, but he doesn’t post as much as he did on NTEB. For some reason, there is no flow to the entire thing. On NTEB (I hate to even name that old website). I feel like it is shameful that so many good people, and the big guy ruined everything. I never went to NTEB because I needed to read the articles or hear ‘him’ boast. I liked that good people that were on that site. I was on that site for at least 10 years, and active most every day. On the new site, you just can’t find anyone, or everyone is on a different topic. Big guy ruined a good thing for alot of people. Paul does a good job and is such a good guy. It is the way the forum is laid out. I wonder what it takes to get a discus accout to run your own forum. Thank you for helping me Born Again. Did you have the same name on NTEB? I hate to even type out nteb. Makes me feel like I’m doing something wrong. TX’s again.

          • I tried to post a thanks for your reply Born Again, but it states that my comment was already written, for which it was not.

          • Hi Jann, it’s me, Char. I gave up on trying to post on the new forum. I just couldn’t navigate it so I never signed in properly. As you said, it was so easy on NTEB, but I guess we can’t get another website going like that. It’s probably costly. Hope you are doing well and all the other brothers and sisters on here. I don’t believe GG will ever change cause he first has to realize he’s doing wrong.

            • Hi Char, just wanted to say “hi”! Good to see your posts here, and I used to enjoy seeing your posts on NTEB. I wish everyone here a blessed Thanksgiving! I am thankful for much, and one of the things I am always thankful for and tell God so, is that we now know the truth about NTEB, and now I don’t waste my time or money supporting that deceiver. Jacob, I regularly ask God to bless you and those who helped you expose Geoff Grider and the truth about who is really is. I am very grateful.

              • Hi Loretta. I thought I’d check in and see who was still posting from NTEB and I see a few still are. I haven’t seen Tag1611 or Nancy Drew for a while so perhaps they found another place or have gone to Facebook, but I never got into Facebook. You have a great Thanksgiving also. I hope we are soon out of this corrupt world and with the Lord in the Rapture. Blessings to you and your family.

  • Born Again,
    It seems that the church that Grider had his eyes on wanted nothing to do with him. He played piano and cancelled months of Sunday services to kiss up to that church but I guess he finally gave up. What a hypocrite. He was using them.

    • Inspector, GG never let anyone know what the decision of the church board was, even when people on Disqus questioned him about it. He never responded to their inquiries. Another red flag.

        • J7, oh my. My best friend to post with on the new forum! I can say what I would like to say here.
          Why is it that just you, me and Paul are the only ones that do much on that site? You can tell me here, you know. I feel very sorry for Paul. He is such a good man, and is really trying to do a great job on the forum site. I honestly feel sorry for him. Without you there, what would there even be? God Bless you brother!

          • Honestly sister Jann! I really don’t know! Many don’t come on as often, as you, me, and brother Paul, and most only check in periodically, once in a while! I’m sure some a just to busy, to come on the forum that often, but that can’t be all of them that don’t come on often, I think! Many some are still having a little trouble navigating through the format, and figuring things out! Anyways, I hope all’s well with you, Rog, and your family tonight! And God Bless you all in Christ! Maranatha!

            • LOL. I luv you brother. There is more than just you, Paul and me. You’re very funny.
              I can’t really explain well what is wrong with the forum. On the old site, we could just scroll through and comment if we had something to say. That was nice. Everything is kind of ‘hidden on the forum. No one seems to want to get into any conversation. Even the hymn and music site is weird. I want to make it clear though, that I think brother Paul is the best. I very much appreciate everything he has done. He works on the site so faithfully, and is a very good man. I think I will just call you my little buddy, lol. So glad that I found out where some of you guys were. The only topic here seems to be GEOFFREY. Just wnen I think I am over him and what he has done, I come back here and find that HE is the only topic. Yuck. I’m kind of just kidding, but I would like him out of my mind. I would say more, but you know that I talk too much. I’ll tell you later what I did. I do check out ‘his’ site every now and then hoping that he has no commenters. I know that sounds evil, but I just can’t help it. luv you brother. : )

  • Luke Chapter 10:25-42 KJV (A Lawyer, A Priest, A Levite, A Samaritan, Martha, And Mary) 25 And, behold, a certain lawyer stood up, and tempted him, saying, Master, what shall I do to inherit eternal life?

    26 He said unto him, What is written in the law? how readest thou?

    27 And he answering said, Thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy strength, and with all thy mind; and thy neighbour as thyself.

    28 And he said unto him, Thou hast answered right: this do, and thou shalt live.

    29 But he, willing to justify himself, said unto Jesus, And who is my neighbour?

    30 And Jesus answering said, A certain man went down from Jerusalem to Jericho, and fell among thieves, which stripped him of his raiment, and wounded him, and departed, leaving him half dead.

    31 And by chance there came down a certain priest that way: and when he saw him, he passed by on the other side.

    32 And likewise a Levite, when he was at the place, came and looked on him, and passed by on the other side.

    33 But a certain Samaritan, as he journeyed, came where he was: and when he saw him, he had compassion on him,

    34 And went to him, and bound up his wounds, pouring in oil and wine, and set him on his own beast, and brought him to an inn, and took care of him.

    35 And on the morrow when he departed, he took out two pence, and gave them to the host, and said unto him, Take care of him; and whatsoever thou spendest more, when I come again, I will repay thee.

    36 Which now of these three, thinkest thou, was neighbour unto him that fell among the thieves?

    37 And he said, He that shewed mercy on him. Then said Jesus unto him, Go, and do thou likewise.

    38 Now it came to pass, as they went, that he entered into a certain village: and a certain woman named Martha received him into her house.

    39 And she had a sister called Mary, which also sat at Jesus’ feet, and heard his word.

    40 But Martha was cumbered about much serving, and came to him, and said, Lord, dost thou not care that my sister hath left me to serve alone? bid her therefore that she help me.

    41 And Jesus answered and said unto her, Martha, Martha, thou art careful and troubled about many things:

    42 But one thing is needful: and Mary hath chosen that good part, which shall not be taken away from her.

    A Pharisee is hard on others and easy on himself, but a spiritual man is easy on others and hard on himself.
    – AW Tozer – kcdn.christianquotes.info/wp-content/uploads/2013/06/pharisee500-300×300.jpg

    Luke 18:9-14 KJV 9 And he spake this parable unto certain which trusted in themselves that they were righteous, and despised others:

    10 Two men went up into the temple to pray; the one a Pharisee, and the other a publican.

    11 The Pharisee stood and prayed thus with himself, God, I thank thee, that I am not as other men are, extortioners, unjust, adulterers, or even as this publican.

    12 I fast twice in the week, I give tithes of all that I possess.

    13 And the publican, standing afar off, would not lift up so much as his eyes unto heaven, but smote upon his breast, saying, God be merciful to me a sinner.

    14 I tell you, this man went down to his house justified rather than the other: for every one that exalteth himself shall be abased; and he that humbleth himself shall be exalted.

    Philippians 3:3-10 KJV 3 For we are the circumcision, which worship God in the spirit, and rejoice in Christ Jesus, and have no confidence in the flesh.

    4 Though I might also have confidence in the flesh. If any other man thinketh that he hath whereof he might trust in the flesh, I more:

    5 Circumcised the eighth day, of the stock of Israel, of the tribe of Benjamin, an Hebrew of the Hebrews; as touching the law, a Pharisee;

    6 Concerning zeal, persecuting the church; touching the righteousness which is in the law, blameless.

    7 But what things were gain to me, those I counted loss for Christ.

    8 Yea doubtless, and I count all things but loss for the excellency of the knowledge of Christ Jesus my Lord: for whom I have suffered the loss of all things, and do count them but dung, that I may win Christ,

    9 And be found in him, not having mine own righteousness, which is of the law, but that which is through the faith of Christ, the righteousness which is of God by faith:

    10 That I may know him, and the power of his resurrection, and the fellowship of his sufferings, being made conformable unto his death;

    Galatians 1:11-24 KJV 11 But I certify you, brethren, that the gospel which was preached of me is not after man.

    12 For I neither received it of man, neither was I taught it, but by the revelation of Jesus Christ.

    13 For ye have heard of my conversation in time past in the Jews’ religion, how that beyond measure I persecuted the church of God, and wasted it:

    14 And profited in the Jews’ religion above many my equals in mine own nation, being more exceedingly zealous of the traditions of my fathers.

    15 But when it pleased God, who separated me from my mother’s womb, and called me by his grace,

    16 To reveal his Son in me, that I might preach him among the heathen; immediately I conferred not with flesh and blood:

    17 Neither went I up to Jerusalem to them which were apostles before me; but I went into Arabia, and returned again unto Damascus.

    18 Then after three years I went up to Jerusalem to see Peter, and abode with him fifteen days.

    19 But other of the apostles saw I none, save James the Lord’s brother.

    20 Now the things which I write unto you, behold, before God, I lie not.

    21 Afterwards I came into the regions of Syria and Cilicia;

    22 And was unknown by face unto the churches of Judaea which were in Christ:

    23 But they had heard only, That he which persecuted us in times past now preacheth the faith which once he destroyed.

    24 And they glorified God in me.

  • I just went into my Disquis account, this all started back in September with NTEB.
    He has deleted my Disquis comments all the way back to April to cover his tracks to keep anyone from contacting me. Go back to articles earlier than March 2023 to locate my comments.
    It used to be when a comment got deleted on NTEB this would be there:
    Now he deletes those who questioned what is going on
    And he has taken his Tree Branch to cover his tracks by deleting even
    So it no longer appears on those who have questioned him.
    The Teflon Con, those who have no discernment, and those with Cognitive Dissonance really need to wake up:
    2Co 11:13 For such are false apostles, deceitful workers, transforming themselves into the apostles of Christ.
    2Co 11:14 And no marvel; for Satan himself is transformed into an angel of light.
    2Co 11:15 Therefore it is no great thing if his ministers also be transformed as the ministers of righteousness; whose end shall be according to their works.

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