Diabolical. Demented. Disgusting. Predator. Pure evil. Thief. Grifter. Liar. Narcissist of epic proportions. -These are just some of the many words used to describe Geoffrey Scott Grider, according to his many victims who are now finally speaking out against him, exposing the years and years of corruption, perversion, harassment, and torment this pastor has inflicted upon them.

Grider at his studio office.

Geoffrey S. Grider (62) is the founder and lead writer for one of the largest Christian news and prophecy websites, Now The End Begins (NTEB), launching in 2009, with many thousands tuning in daily to read his articles and listen to his podcasts; which really hit it in stride in early-Autumn of 2015, when famous conservative radio host and pundit Rush Limbaugh gave NTEB his endorsement, helping the site reach new heights.

That day was a turning point for little Now The End Begins, and today we are not so little but one of the most-visited bible prophecy sites in the world. After Rush was kind enough to mention us on his show, there was an immediate uptick in readers with fresh traffic to our site, and we have been growing ever since.

Grider wrote in a post on the day of Limbaugh’s death in 2021

Since then Grider has only expanded his ministry, providing weekly podcasts covering world events and Bible studies; along with operating a Christian bookstore since mid-2021, located on 701 Market Street Saint Augustine, Florida, 32095; simply known as the “NTEB Bible Believers Bookstore,” touted as the “only Christian bookstore” in St. Augustine.

More recently Mr. Grider has also been engaged in his “Bible Behind Bars” program, that gifts large numbers of Bibles to prisons and jailhouses upon request; on top of an ever-growing billboard messaging campaign throughout St. Johns County, Florida, that directs passerby’ers to the NTEB website and/or bookstore.

But, unfortunately, not all is as squeaky clean and up to par as Grider may make it seem. In fact, NTEB seems to be a front for his pastoral persona and perceived charitable nature, as a cloak for his double-life he has led and continues to lead – one that Grider would much desire to have completely erased from all of cyberspace and of the minds of those affected by his shenanigans.

After many years and persistently working to cover his tracks, Grider’s life of lasciviousness and habitual adultery is now coming back to haunt him.

In recent months a sizeable sum of women have reached out to The WinePress, providing their testimonies and documentation that expose Grider’s devious and lewd acts, police reports among others, too; not to mention evidence of tax evasion and Grider’s greedy business tactics.

In what Grider has carefully and craftily spent much and time effort in covering up, has found its way into the public light and in the dark no more.

Due to the nature of this topic there will be some mature themes discussed, so discretion is advised.

From Hollywood To The Ministry

Before Grider ever made a profession of faith and NTEB was conceived, the New Jersey native tried making his way in Hollywood.

According to an article published on December, 2018, marking the 30th anniversary when Grider professes he was born again, Grider recounted that “In 1988, I was living the dream in Hollywood, California, and had broken into the acting business while working as a waiter,” he wrote. “I was getting larger and larger parts as I progressed in the business, and I was sensing that my ‘big break’ was right around the corner,” he added.

Grider’s IMDB profile picture

Grider played minor roles and background extras in a sampling of movies, sitcoms, and commercials, according to his article and incomplete IMDB page that lists the movies he was in. Interesting enough, Grider also made a random spoof on Trevor Noah’s The Daily Show in 2016, listed as “self” and simply as a “political commentator” according to the show. A short clip of this episode still exists online:

To make a long story short, Grider, who had a struggle with drinking and alcoholism, and was on a “spiritual quest” at the time after the sudden passing of his brother who died of AIDS, was invited to an Alcoholics Anonymous meeting; and from there led him to further search the truth, in which he says he soon got saved not long after he began to read through an old Gideon’s King James Bible that was gifted to him. When he tracked down John 3:16, Grider read it aloud and claims,

[…] And like a bolt out of the blue, it nearly knocked me over. At long last, here it was…here He was. God! Yes, this was it. I was so overwhelmed I could hardly speak, tears flowed from my eyes, but this time tears of joy! I felt like someone had literally taken a key and unlocked me from the chains that had weighed me down all this time.

Grider wrote, adding that he then got on his knees and prayed to the Lord for salvation, and that he would later go on to experience “true spiritual ecstasy.”

In a follow-up post several months later in 2019, one day before his birthday, Grider provided more details to his testimony story. He disclosed that he still had struggles with booze. Grider wrote: “The struggle has flared up from time to time. But God is faithful, and will always give us the victory if we want it bad enough. I still attend weekly AA meetings, and they are such a blessing,” attributing his start down this path due to it being heavily encouraged in his family at a very young age.

Furthermore, he wrote (emphasis his):

The Bible tells us to come as we are for salvation, that’s absolutely true, but God is [sic] His mercy will never leave you as He found you. Part of the evidence of your salvation is a changed life, different desires, because God gives us a new heart. And the struggle we feel is also proof of our salvation. God will never stop working to conform the believer to becoming more like Him, even if the process takes a lifetime. Salvation happens in an instant, but our sanctification is worked out for the rest of our lives.

Grider never really discloses when and how he officially decided to ditch Hollywood, but Grider did mention in an article in 2016 on the death of one his mentors, Dr. Peter S. Ruckman, that it was sometime “back in the mid-90’s, when I was introduced to a brother by the name of Scott Lyman,” he wrote. “Scott attended a small Baptist church near where I lived, and he was excited to hand me a Bible teaching cassette tape from someone by the name of Peter Ruckman of Pensacola, Florida. That was my introduction to the ‘good doctor’ of scripture.” Grider would play piano at his church while Ruckman was still living and infrequently prior to his death.

The Problems Begin To Emerge

Unfortunately, this is where things begin to get sour. While Grider claims that “God in His mercy will never leave you as He found you,” it would seem that not a whole of his fleshly and sensual issues dissipated, if at all.

While Grider launched NTEB in 2009, Grider also hosted a radio talk show with Dr. John P. McTernan, “an End Times author and bible teacher,” and author of best-selling book “As America Has Done To Israel.”

This radio show, along with other guests, was a live call-in show hosted on Blog Talk Radio. The two discussed world events and other news headlines and tried to relate it to the scriptures, doing this for several years – until its abrupt ending in 2012.

On September 16th, 2012, McTernan published a message on Facebook and Twitter announcing the immediate end of their partnership.

In his Facebook post, McTernan said,

Some issues have surfaced, which I discussed with Geoff and at this time I think it is best for me to withdraw.

This show was in his name, so it is up to him to continue if he wants.

I hope for the best for Geoff, as it was very difficult to separate.

A lot has been done to conceal the specifics concerning the abrupt ending, but this we do know: as it has been explained to me by witnesses of this, someone called in live during one of their shows, and basically gave Grider the riot act, rattling off in detail the instances of when Grider has sexually misbehaved, as a professing Christian man; evidence that cannot be ignored, and was later confirmed by McTernan.

Moreover, it was discovered Grider was tabulating and keeping a list of different female callers he felt attracted to, based on their voices he heard and then what he could gather about them personally thereafter.

Listeners familiar with Grider’s antics tried warning McTernan about this in advance, but it appears he was dismissive for the longest time; as indicated by a commentor who knew and worked with McTernan, but broke off their ministerial work because this person alleges McTernan refused to listen to what he told him, also calling Grider a “thief.”

I know John McTernan, in fact I was the first person to host a show with him, that I ended because he refused to listen to me when I told him that the founder of Now The End Begins is a thief.

Sadly, it took someone calling into the show Grider and McTernan did to out Grider as the thief he is and finally McTernan listened. He may know what is going on, but he has little respect for people when they confront him with the truth.

This user wrote

This was also confirmed to me directly by another source. In a statement to The WinePress, this individual, who has asked to keep their identity concealed, told me that she also hosted a radio show of their own on Blog Talk Radio, and would eventually come to know Grider and McTernan through their podcast. This person told me that she eventually wanted to branch out and launch a website of her own. For this, she contracted Grider to build the website.

Along with running NTEB, Mr. Grider owns and operates a secular media marketing company called MudFlower Creative, also based in St. Augustine; which builds websites and produces physical displays and other marketing products, along with voice-overs for ads and commercials. This podcaster said she became acquainted with Grider in 2010 and then contracted him 2011.

A screenshot of the homepage of MudFlower

But as for this fellow radiohost, she disclosed to me that Grider did not deliver the product she requested. She told me in a statement that she was stiffed $300 and was never provided a finished website, and then was completely ghosted by Grider thereafter, simply calling him a “thief,” she said to me. This individual added that she alerted Mr. McTernan about this grift, only for McTernan to purportedly ignore the allegation. This theft occurred roughly over a year before McTernan broke it off with Grider (as referenced in the above comment).

I also attempted to contact Mr. McTernan directly about his previous relations with Grider, how the duo got to know each other and become ministry partners, and detailing the reasons why he had to end their public relations.

Unfortunately, contact was more than unsuccessful. Upon my first attempt at contact in June, McTernan did not respond to my inquiry directly, but did kindly forward my request to another contact who would be able to provide some additional insights concerning Grider’s antics. Howbeit McTernan would not respond to me. I patiently waited for roughly a month and sent three kind and formal requests to set up a date to perhaps to discuss my questions. No response.

Then in mid-July I decided to call McTernan directly via prayer line provided on his website. McTernan still actively hosts his own podcasts on Facebook and Rumble, still allowing call-ins. I called midday and was greeted with an automated message that told me this call would be recorded for security reasons, I suppose. After no one picking up for about 6 minutes I hung up and called again. This time sometime someone answered much more quickly. However, I was very rudely greeted and scolded by an older women on the other end (she would not disclose who she was even after I told her who I was, and my purpose). Though I attempted to maintain professionalism and be kind during the conversation, this woman was incredibly rude to me. Keep in mind this is a prayer request line for people who are calling to ask a pastor for prayer. Be that as it may, after having a go-around with this person, she kept telling me to email him, to which I tried explaining that I already have several times and have waited a month for a response. She again snapped at me and told me how busy he is, and how she was currently involved in an “intervention.” I then asked if she could take a message and pass it on to him. She begrudgedly humored me and I proceeded to tell her that I was requesting information from McTernan about Geoffrey Grider. I did not say any other specifics about Grider. Then she really got mad – she exclaimed a bunch of stuff, and in that boldly said, “we don’t know anything!” She continued to scold me for no reason that I could gather, and I eventually raised my tone of voice of too; to which she then tried to turn it on me asked why I am shouting at her. Not long after I abruptly hung up on her left feeling really confused, digesting that odd conversation.

I do not know what to make of that, but, I am left to only wonder why there has been uneasiness and radio silence in trying to clear up any confusion. It’s not like he had to officially be “on the record.” I’ve been told also that getting answers out of McTernan before has been an issue before. Whatever the reason may be, I am left thinking that there must be some serious stuff that McTernan and others do not want to be uncovered.

I did reach out to Dave and Willie Hauser, two other pastors listed in McTernan’s Facebook post (see above), to see if they could help answer some of my lingering questions. Dave responded fairly quickly and simply said that he did not have any information to me, wishing me “Shalom.”

On the same day that McTernan announced his public partnership with Grider would be ending (September 16th, 2012), Grider continued to host his radio show on the same day. This can be found on his Sermon Audio page. He did acknowledge that he would be going solo for the foreseeable future and would be the new formatting for the time being, but still maintained an identical framework.

He did, however, have this to say:

John McTernan and Don Schwartz will no longer be with this show, and they have gone on to new ventures. We wish them well in whatever it is that they are going to be doing. [They] are no longer associated with NTEB. Willie and Dave Hauser might be, I’m not sure.

Uhh, but you know what? The Lord brings to this show the people who want to be in this show. The Lord sets up things, the Lord takes down things – people come and go, I mean that’s just the nature of life. We wish John and Don well [and] we hope that the Lord gives them what they need.

But you know we’re moving forward and we’re going ahead, and for those of you who listened to the previous show […] – hearts were opened, broken hearts, starting the healing process, real things were talked about, and decisions were made, truth was told, and we’re going forward, we’re going forward.

I have spent so many hours in prayer with the Lord since Friday, since all this controversy and trouble started, and I have gone before the Lord and done what I need to do, and God told me clear as day today: he said, ‘You don’t quit, you don’t quit, you don’t quit, you don’t quit.’

Maybe we’ll have a smaller show than we’re used to, but you know what? We’ve never, ever, ever, ever done this show because we want a lot of people to listen to it, that’s not why we’ve done this show. We’ve done this show to lift up the Lord Jesus Christ. We’ve done this show to proclaim his soon return, that’s why we do this show.

[…] I took this weekend and I got right before the Lord. I took what had been a barrier between me and the Lord, and was weeping with tears and on my knees, and in hours of prayer and repentance. […] And as you cast the finder of judgment on someone, you stand filthy, you stand filthy before the Lord.

Grider said

Grider then went on to heavily insinuate that “the rapture” was going to occur within the next or month or so at the time. “Let me tell you something: it’s a highly likelihood that it will happen before the next presidential election on November 4th,” Grider said attempting to persuade his audience.

The recording can listened to and downloaded below:

Is Sexual Purity Possible In A Hyper-Sexualized World??

Geoffrey Grider. Uploaded on December 8th, 2010

This is the question Grider once posed to his many readers several years after his fallout with McTernan and crew. Grider may have said he sought of the Lord forgiveness in much tears and heaviness, but it unfortunately was not the end of his antics and addictions.

First published on June 11th, 2015, almost three years after Grider’s acts were publicly exposed, Grider floated out an article titled “Is Sexual Purity Possible In A Hyper-Sexualized World??” The post has since been deleted from NTEB. However, an archived copy has survived the sands of time for us to examine, and what Grider says is fascinating.

Grider does not waste too much time in revealing that he still has some major problems in his life; indicating that “there are two areas in my life where I do not do well,” and how “everyone has besetting sins.”

My two main sin hotspots are sexual temptation and alcohol. I have done better with conquering alcohol than I have with resisting sexual temptation, but not by much. I will go for years at a time with never even one sip of alcohol, but invariably, a moment will arise even after years where I again find myself with a beer in my hand. Conviction sets in and the process of cleaning up starts again.

Before I was saved I never had the desire to quit drinking, and since I have been saved it’s been a struggle. I may not get the permanent victory here in the life, but I know I will in the life to come in Heaven with the Lord. How I long for that Day!

Grider wrote

Grider goes on to assert that “sexually, I have been a mess since I was about 10 years old.” Grider attributes this to the very early introduction of “girlie magazines, pornography,” and being molested by his piano instructor. Because of these things Grider claims “as my life progressed, sexual impurity was a constant companion.”

He goes on to write that in 1990 he says he was born again – which seems to conflict with his testimony reports that he still currently has published now, as Grider was still actively working in Hollywood and that it was his brother’s death that got him to start seeking the Lord; but this is only a minor discrepancy.

He notes that since high school he was able to stay sober and stave off fornicating, but nevertheless laments that “the hooks that were put in at such a young age would not be removed so easily, and the struggle began.” Grider, quoting Romans 7:15, 18, wrote that certain sins are easily removed while others take some time to remove, saying God “will allow us to struggle with something because He knows it’s for our good and for His glory.”

But then Grider explicitly admits that he has committed fornication and was sending lewd messages to women. He did not specify if this had just occurred, or if he was reflecting on previous events, neither did he clarify how many times these trespasses happened.

Today in 2015, I have come face to face with the reality that I have failed when it comes to the biblical command of sexual purity. And it grieves me to the point where the Lord has laid upon my heart to write this article.

I have fornicated when the Bible has told me not to. I have sent and received sexually impure text and picture messages when the Bible has told me not, and you know what? I am sick and tired of not getting the victory promised me as a Blood-washed Christian. I refuse to live like this one day longer.

Like Jacob, I am wrestling with the Lord and will not quit until He gives me the blessing I am asking Him for. The trash is going to the curb.

He wrote at the time

Grider goes on to write how today’s modern culture is “saturated” with perversion and lewdness, he wrote, from scantily-clad cheerleaders at football games to constant proliferation of sex in TV and movies; “and yet we watch them anyway,” Grider noted.

I think one reason why there is so much struggle and so little victory is because we surround ourselves with temptation. If I right now deleted every account profile of my Facebook friends of women who have “boob shots” and bikini pics, my friend count would drop about 10-15% immediately. I have about 5,000 friends, you do the math.

He also wrote

He then switches gears and turns it on his readers, challenging them to do a bit of soul-searching and clean out the garbage and sin that still festers in their lives. “Open up your phone, and delete everything that Jesus would not approve of,” Grider directed. “Go through your social media accounts and remove profiles that only serve to tempt and lead you astray.”

If we are honest, the command to restore a fallen brother or sister is equally as hard to do as living sexually pure and sober lives.

I have recently been on my face before God, confessing my sins and asking for forgiveness for the thoughts that are in my head, and for some of the junk that comes out of my mouth.

I am not a sexually pure person, not since the age of 10, but that’s going to change. I am counting on the same God that forgave King David to do the same for me, and to give me the same victory.

And I just did something that I have never done before in my life. With tears in my eyes, I prayed and forgave my piano teacher, hoping that he was saved before he died. And hard as it was to do, really hard, I truly meant it.

Grider expressed

After quoting John 8:4-5, 7 – the famous “he that is without sin, let him cast a stone” passage, taken out of context by those in order to absolve and whitewash judgment of themselves and each other – Grider emphasizes fellow believers to forgive each other and lift each other up, to “learn how to be humble and to understand that we are no better than anyone else,” he said, adding, “don’t hate a brother or sister who sins different than you. All sin is equal, it’s pride that tells you otherwise.” Grider said he believes the church is no longer a “spiritual powerhouse” these days because Christians forget and refuse to forgive others. He ends his post with his trademark catchphrase he often uses in his posts: “The war is real, the battle is hot and the time is short. To the fight!”

The full article can downloaded/viewed below:

Fifty Shades Of Grider

Grider as a guest on The Daily Show in 2016

As sincere as Grider may have tried to impress upon his readers, in a post that was eventually scrubbed from his site, years after the fact, it would seem that “the trash” Grider spoke of was never tossed to the curb, and his “struggles” persisted; even though he swore and promised the world that “I refuse to live like this one day longer,” and that he was “wrestling with the Lord and will not quit until He gives me the blessing I am asking Him for.” “Victory,” as Grider says he wanted, was never achieved.

In 2018, several years after he wrote that aforementioned post, Mr. Grider then had a run-in with the police, for failing to learn his lesson and get straightened out.

On August 13th, 2018, an affidavit was filed to the St. John’s County Police Department, reporting Grider to the authorities for a sex act performed on her and for harassment. The affidavit, signed by Geoffrey Grider, and subsequent police report that details the crime, can be downloaded/viewed below.

On that same August day, Grider was charged with a “non-forcible sex offenses” count, and a “first degree misdemeanor” for “sexual cyberharassment.”

The name of the woman affected in this case was blotted out. For the sake of this report, we will refer to her as “Anna.”

According to the affidavit and the testimonies of the officers involved with this particular case, Anna explains that Grider sent her a message on Facebook for her help and to “come rescue me,” one of the messages read. Grider was drunk and requested Anna’s help to give him a ride back to his place. Grider had requested the same thing the previous week. But when Anna refused to help him, Grider sent her “a video of her performing oral sex on him” that was filmed without her knowledge and consent.

After deleting the message and blocking his number, Anna went to Grider’s location on that August 3rd day and asked that he give her his keys and delete the video. Grider “did neither of these things,” the report states. Though she was unable to strip him of his keys because he was under the influence, she was able to nab his phone and provide that as evidence to the police.

Furthermore, Grider drunkenly then began to threaten “her life and told her that he has ties to the Mafia,” the officers documented in their filing. Grider eventually drove him and Anna followed close behind him to make sure he did not crash, and then immediately drove to the St. John’s County Police Department to file the affidavit and provide the phone as evidence.

As noted in the file, while she was discussing the claims with Officer Michaux, Grider then proceeded to post “the video four times on her Facebook [page] and stated that he put it online and made it viral.” A separate officer reviewed the footage and confirmed that it was Grider, and that Anna appeared to be completely unaware she was being filmed.

It was then discovered while she and the police were meeting, Grider had already returned back to town at a restaurant. The officer drove to Grider’s location and confronted him. “Grider spontaneously uttered “All I want is my phone back,”” the officer noted in his report. He tried to explain Grider his Miranda rights but he spoke over the officer and repeated, “I’m sorry about her but I want my phone back.” Grider in his affidavit response said that all he wanted was his phone back.

Officer Richard Michaux additionally made a point of noting:

It should be noted that I did not discuss [Anna’s] direct accusations against him. I advised G. Grider that he was being investigated for possible charges of Sexual Cyberharassment and Video Voyeurism. I further told G. Grider not to contact [Anna] in any way or he could possibly be charged with witness tampering. G. Grider acknowledged these statements.

Deputy Andrew Stoinoff, who also handled the case initially and reviewed the footage, noted in his supplemental testimony that Grider “threatened her with bodily harm,” and that he was “holding a camera at his head level” while he filmed the sex act without the woman’s consent.

On August 6th, the case was handed over to Officer Edward Scoggins. On the 7th, Anna met with him to further discuss the evidence again. The officer then facilitated a controlled phone call through Facebook Messenger, to which Grider accepted. The phone call was taped and collected as evidence, with a summation provided in the report.

Grider apologized for the threats and making her feel victimized. When Anna asked why he filmed the video in the first place. Grider stated it was “such a beautiful thing.” He claimed that he regretted the decision and it was not necessary. “I’m 100% wrong for taking it, I had no right to take it,” he added. Grider denied have any other videos taken and claimed that he never uploaded the video in question. He said that he deleted the copy on his computer. Anna also inquired if Grider had any other videos and images of other women on there of a similar nature, and Grider explained “there might be one,” the report says. “Geoffrey told [Anna] that he wanted her to forgive him,” the officer stated.

On the 8th, the next day, Grider called the officer and Scoggins called back on the 9th. Grider wanted to retrieve his phone. Scoggins requested that Grider come and speak with him, but Grider said that he would need to check his schedule and call back for when a good time would work. The deputy did not receive a call back.

Scoggins closed out the rest of the report with this:

On 8/10/2018 […] I attempted to call Geoffrey back but received no answer. I left a voice message telling Geoffrey to call me back to set a time we could meet. The following week, I received a call from Geoffrey’s attorney in relation to this case. I was advised that he would speak with Geoffrey about providing an official statement.

On 8/28/2018 […] I did not receive a call back from Geoffrey’s attorney. I researched Florida Statute with assistance from the State Attorney’s Office in reference to this case. I found no Florida Statutes that fit the actions taken by Geoffrey in reference to filming [Anna] without her knowledge.

There was also not enough evidence in this case to proceed with a search warrant on Geoffrey’s cell phone. I spoke with [Anna] on the phone and explained the concerns about the Florida Statutes. At this time, this case will be closed unfounded.

Interestingly enough, on the 9th, when the officer returned Grider’s call, Grider, in a since-deleted post, published on August 9th, 2018, published an “urgent personal message” to his readers asking for donations on a newly set-up GoFundMe page. The post was of course later deleted.

Here is what he wrote (emphasis his):

I am in immediate need of raising funds for a personal situation that I am not at liberty to discuss fully at this time. But I need to raise this money immediately.

First, I ask you who are reading this to PLEASE PRAY and ask the LORD if you should donate to this fundraiser. I hope with all my heart you do. And if He leads you to assist me, then please do and please be generous. If He does not, then please pray for me and keep me in your prayers. I wish I could say more but I cannot.

“But the LORD is my defence; and my God is the rock of my refuge.” Psalm 94:22 (KJV)

My heart is breaking tonight, and the Lord God we serve is dealing with me. We all have our own personal pains and struggles that only the Lord can touch and fix. The Lord has decided that now is the time to fix what’s broken in my life. So I am reaching out to you, my dear readers, and asking for your help tonight.


This has nothing to do with NTEB, but it is an urgent personal need. I thank you for taking the time to read this, and, above all, for keeping me in your prayers. Any of these funds which I do not use will be returned if my situation changes and I no longer need it.

This will be my last article until further notice.

Grider, to my knowledge, never once did explain what happened or where the money went. However, it would appear this most likely went towards the legal fees of dealing with the police and hiring an attorney. Grider did not post for at least a couple of weeks before making his return, as indicated by the comments made in separate article before he begged for cash.

From that plea for quick cash, Grider was able to net a little over $6,000 in donations. “Thank you SO MUCH to everyone who donated to this fundraiser, it meant more to me than words could ever express,” read the description on his GoFundMe page.

Since that article was written Grider did not return to regular posting until August 30th – two days after the police case was closed – never addressing why he was on hiatus and what the money went to.

It is also worth noting that on August 6th, the day the police report was forwarded to another, Grider was asking his followers to once again donate in a post titled, “We Need Your Help In Meeting Our Monthly Financial Obligations This August!” Grider wrote, “I have given this ministry everything I have, all my time, all my money, and all my effort to do what the Lord called me to do. But at the level we are at now, it is not possible to continue without your prayers, your support, and your generous giving to this fundraiser.”

Moreover, it is also worth pointing out that Grider published part 1 of his testimony of salvation in December of that year, as mentioned earlier – a testimony that centered exclusively around his struggles with alcoholism, but no mention of his sexual misconduct.

But what is even more troubling are the coverups. According to several witnesses and victims of Grider’s lascivious nature that have reached out to me (as alluded to in Grider’s 2015 deleted post – along with other personal testimonies graciously shared with me), some of the churches in the Florida area where Grider resides attempted to sweep his indecency under the rug.

However, it cannot be said of all the churches Grider had hopped in and out of that they tried looking the other way. One Florida pastor, who asked to remain anonymous, confirmed to me that he and other deacons of his church kicked out Grider when his habitual acts were brought to their attention. Two women at least were also targeted at this church, for which was eventually brought to the pastor’s attention, and more of Grider’s deviant deeds were revealed, prompting his dismissal from the congregation. This happened approximately in 2017 or 2018, according to this preacher’s best memory.

Furthermore, based on what I was told, both by him and other victims involved, highlighted that there maybe more reports filed against Grider with the intent of at least having something on file if a situation ever arose.

Hungry Like The Wolf

Grider posing in his bookstore.

If you thought a dance with the police and him risking losing his self-proclaimed ‘saint’ status online, and in Christian circles, would be enough for him to finally see the error of his ways and repent, you’d be wrong.

Unfortunately, Girder chose to continue to go headlong and do even more of what he’s been caught and confessed to doing. Again, even though Grider swore before God and man that he “refuse[s] to live like this one day longer” back in 2015, he never obliged his own promises.

As indicated in the previous section, Grider has made plenty of advances towards other women after that 2015 article was written, after his involvement with the police, and even within the last several years. I know this for a fact because a multitude of women who have reached out to me shared their testimonies with me, and confirmed that Grider is a womanizer and has tried many times over, it seems, to find a new woman to fool with and satiate his unquenchable lust and adultery.

These women, and there are plenty of them, have all asked me to keep them anonymous for obvious reasons, including fear of blackmail, harassment, and even physical harm, as demonstrated in the police report. But what I can say is that, after having plenty of correspondence with them via email and phone calls, I can confirm their testimonies are all running very similarly, to that of what Grider wrote of by his own volition in 2015 and what was documented in the police report.

As noted previously, Grider has caused a ruckus at some of the churches he’s attended in the Florida area, excommunicated and kicked-out from some of them. According to one pastor who spoke with me, there were at least two confirmed cases of two women expressing their concerns that Grider was trying to come onto them in a very sexual manner.

Moreover, according to another witness who spoke with me, expressed that she knows of around 5 to 6 different instances where Grider targeted women at these churches as far back as 2016. This may or may not include the two other aforementioned women at that particular church.

It is also worth noting that some of these women Grider has targeted are married, and he knew that they were married, whether it was in person at these churches or in private messages. One of these women in particular who reached out to me is married and has a large family, who also lives in or near the St. Augustine area, told me in a statement that she tried to expose Grider to the leadership at one of these churches (not the one I spoke of earlier, whose pastor spoke directly with me), but was rejected initially and attempted to cover it up. Naturally this pastor in particular was eventually outed and forced to leave in disgrace because sexual allegations were levied against him also, forcing him to resign as pastor and move to a new state. Go figure.

At any rate, this married woman in particular told me that Grider tried to entice her into submitting to him, claiming it would be a “spiritual marriage” honored by God; and that defines who your husband is, so they could have a sexual relationship and it was perfectly fine, Grider told this woman.

Other women, through much anguish and tears, disclosed to me some of the lewd messages that Grider would send them, some of them since 2020. Again, many of these women are married and Grider knew this. But ignoring the risks and basic ethics, Grider continued to try create (so it appears from what I have been able to gather) a pool of potential candidates that he thought he might be able to fornicate and/or settle down with; similarly to what he was doing during his days on Blog Talk Radio with McTernan and crew.

One woman described how what started out as what she thought was a mutual friendship, instead quickly turned into beguilement, professing his love for her and indications that he wanted to shack-up. Via private messages and phone calls, Grider would breathe deeply and make sexual grunts and groans over the phone to incite arousal, saying how he wished they could “cuddle up” together, going so far as to ask this woman to rub her [privates] and send a video of it to Grider. She eventually grew sick of this and cut off all communications with him.

Another married woman told me that Grider began to target her because he liked how she looked and has fantasized of her as his dream girl as he pictured it since he was a little boy. She perceived that he was most likely drunk, but nevertheless talked about how would dream of what her breasts would like. He would also use pet names for her at times. She too eventually blocked him.

In addition yet another woman reached out to me, and like the other examples, things started out casual and then quickly cascaded, with the story of sexualized text messages and phone calls. Like all the others it eventually came to an end, though ironically Grider actually cut this one off after it appears he found a more suitable companion.

God only knows the number of women Grider has gone after; and of the many who reached out to me, some not wanting me to publish any real details at all as to conceal their identities, but what I can say is that I noticed many of them seem to know others as well who were affected but simply just wanted to move on – a ‘this person knows that person who knows this person’ type of situation. For example, in a video critiquing Grider’s ministry, one commentor wrote, “That bastard hit on my daughter he’s a wolf don’t trust him.”

Needless to say, instead of taking “the trash” out “to the curb,” he appears he decided to go dumpster diving instead.

Adultery, Again

This brings us to the most recent events in this story, and that is the sudden and unexpected announcement that he was going to get remarried earlier this year.

On May 22nd, 2023, Grider casually announced in a podcast that he was going to be getting married to a woman that had moved down to Florida roughly a year previously at that point – a woman that been living with him for this whole time, though almost no one who followed him knew, save only for those in his inner circle. Naturally this caused some concern with some of his followers.

On June 10th Grider officially married Ms. Lori Ann Carrier, as mentioned in his podcasts and on his Facebook page.

Mrs. Grider currently is the manager of the NTEB Bookstore, according to her bio page on the Mudflower website.

Lori has been with NTEB for a number of years now, and in the early part of 2022 she moved here from Maine with her kids to take over the day-to-day managing of the NTEB Bookstore. She maintains our inventory, chooses new titles, and provides full-service customer support. Lori is also a chat room moderator during our live broadcast, and maintains our global prayer list.

Her bio reads

To provide some context: on May 16th, 2022, Grider created yet another GoFundMe campaign to, as he said, “to give support and assistance to our sister Lori as [she and her two children] prepare to leave Maine and come to Florida. Monies raised here will go to travel expenses, and securing a place to live,” the description read. Grider openly donated $1,000 to the cause, writing, “I am excited to support Lori as she follows the Lord in full-time ministry to Florida, and hope many others will also!”

During Grider’s May 22nd announcement, he said that “most of you know that when she moved here last year from Maine, she stayed in my house.” He explained, “we divided the condo in half: they had their own bathroom and bedrooms, they had full use of the kitchen […].” Grider notes that Lori lived in his condo for “about seven months” before she was able to purchase a home of her own and move out. After helping her get settled Grider says it took roughly 6-7 weeks for him to realize that he wanted to be more than “friends.”

We kinda did things backwards. We were friends and best friends first, and then when the Lord put that on my heart back in the end of February. […] I only ever though we were just going to be friends, but after she moved out God had other plans.

He said

Howbeit there is problem with this story: Grider never once disclosed that Lori Ann and her children would be living together. As I alluded to earlier, with exception to only a few in Grider’s very inner circle, no one knew they were living together. People took to the comments to call him out for that.

In response to the criticism Grider wrote to one individual: “She was my friend, and friends only, when she stayed there with her two kids, it was the height of the pandemic and they had no other place to go. I was glad I did it and would do it again.” He later accused another, saying, “You are quite paranoid” – for questioning the validity of the claims and the two dwelling together. Someone else called out Grider for this deceit as well.

You shared Lori’s GoFundMe on May 18, 2022. She moved to St. Augustine not too long after the GoFundMe was shared. May/June 2022 was not the height of COVID. But just for your argument, let’s say it was the height of COVID. Why would anyone move during the height of a pandemic multiple states away with 2 small children, with no place to live?🚩

This user wrote

Many others expressed that they would stop listening because they did not trust him no more:

Even other pastors associated with Grider were clueless to this until he announced it. Just several days before Grider revealed his betrothal, Grider hosted his annual “camp meeting” on May 19th to the 21st, 2023, of which included a barbeque and meet & greet, along with preaching, a live show with s studio audience, and more. Of those guests were Dr. William P. Grady, an acclaimed Baptist author and preacher, who also spoke at the event. He too did not know and expressed this in a Facebook post, though he claims Grider assured him that they were was no fornication.

Furthermore, throughout the time Grider was secretly concealing that Lori was living with her, Grider throughout his many radio shows never once disclosed this, according to a handful of transcripts that were provided to The WinePress:

Needless to say, Grider has not been truthful in this and quite disingenuous in providing details; and, taking for granted what he says about them not “shacking-up,” optics alone it is a poor look and testimony for the world to see.

Also, while I am limited in what I can convey, I can simply state that Lori Ann Grider knew about the many things that I have detailed thus far, as it has been explained to me by some, before accepting Grider’s hand in marriage.

But just like earlier, when people associated with Grider are questioned they suddenly get lockjaw and wish not to answer. Pastor Joel Tillis of Suncoast Baptist Church, Palmetto, Florida, who is a friend of Grider’s and was also a guest at the camp meeting; was asked about the oddity of Lori living with Grider for all this time, and if he knew about this. The pastor responded to one user on Facebook by posting a picture of the “loser’ handsignal, and then blocked the individual.

Notwithstanding, bearing all of this in mind, when faced with criticism, Grider’s next radio show was covering marriage, divorce, and remarriage; discussing how the bible defines the terms and grounds for each. Grider has another indentical sermon he preached in 2014. Though the two shows are separated by nearly a decade the consistency is fairly on point – but that does not mean they are doctrinally sound, for which they are not. For more details into what he preached, you can watch me dissect his sermons on Rumble, where I provide some additional thoughts not expressed directly in this report. In short, Grider quite literally absolves himself of any wrongdoing and all other past transgressions; going so far as to claim that passages like Matthew 19, where Jesus discusses the issue of marriage and one of the grounds for divorce (the cause of fornication), does not apply to him.

You cannot commit adultery with someone who’s been divorced in the age of grace, but you can commit fornication with them if you are not married to them before you have the sexual act.

Matthew 19:9 does not apply doctrinally to the Christian in the age of grace. So, again, I think we are splitting hairs.

Grider says in one of the clips – that’s just one of the highlights

But learning this and more, it perhaps lends a clue as to how he thinks and how he can continue to do what he’s done unabated for years, without conviction and chastisement. Those two clips can be downloaded/listened to below:



Grifter Grider

Switching gears, not only does Grider live a promiscuous life, the popular podcaster and preacher, like so many in Christianity today, is an bona fide extortioner and hireling; who has demonstrated many times over he is negligent in paying his taxes, and as I have already covered, regularly asks his followers to support, to the tune of multiple millions of dollars.

To start things off, in 2017 the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) issued Grider a federal tax lien for failing to pay his taxes. Investopedia details what a tax lien issued by the IRS entails and how it works:

A tax lien is a legal claim against the assets of an individual or business that fails to pay taxes owed to the government. In general, a lien serves to guarantee payment of a debt such as a loan, or in this case, taxes. If the obligation is not satisfied, the creditor may proceed to seize the assets.

The lien does not mean that the property will be sold. Rather, it ensures that the tax authority gets the first claim over any other creditors vying for the creditor’s assets.

This lien attaches to all of a taxpayer’s assets, including securities, property, and vehicles. Any assets the taxpayer acquires while the lien is in effect also apply. It also attaches to any business property and the accounts receivable for the business.

The only way to release a federal tax lien is to fully pay the tax owed or reach a settlement with the IRS.

Tax liens are publicly recorded. After a tax debtor pays off the debt, the county records will be updated to reflect the fact that the lien has been released.

Officially filed and recorded on February 27th, 2017, the IRS issued a tax lien to Grider, demanding that he pay a whopping $256,893.54 in unpaid taxes that have accumulated over the course of seven years at the time the document was filed. All of the flagged tax reports were a 1040, the first one being filed in 2007 and eventually assessed in 2009. The final filing made in 2015 was assessed in 2016, giving Grider until December of 2026 to finally payoff the taxes due.

You can download/view the document below. I blotted out the address of Grider’s living arrangement at the time.

But it would seem Grider has had a history of not paying the taxman his dues. Further evidence was provided to The WinePress as proof. One was filed against Grider in his home state of New Jersey, to the tune of $21,000.00, and the other filed against him in his second living-state Colorado, for the amount of $11,725.00. Again, I have blotted out the living addresses.

Bearing this in mind, it provides a new perspective and viewpoint when Grider asks and receives the number of donations that he has and does.

Studio Stupidity

Going back to 2017, the same year Grider was issued a federal tax lien for a hefty sum of money, was the same year Grider announced plans to build a new recording studio, and he asked his followers to help pay for it. Exactly 11 days after Grider was served by the IRS, on March 9th, 2017, Grider then announced that he wanted to create a new professional studio for NTEB, elevating above the low production grade he had when Grider broadcasted on Blog Talk Radio.

In his initial announcement he explains that his current office in St. Augustine was home to his secular business, Mudflower, which operates NTEB. In other words, in a roundabout way of saying it (as we’ll be further noted later), the money donated was actually going to Mudflower, a for-profit company, to which then Grider uses that money to invest in Mudflower, and Mudflower technically manages NTEB, even though his many followers donate(d) assuming it goes specifically NTEB. Furthermore, it is worth noting that his bookstore opened in 2021 is also connected to Mudlfower. A screenshot of someone’s private bank account was provided to The WP that shows that after the person purchased an item at the NTEB Bookstore, it was registered as Mudflower in the books.

Grider initially asked for $25,000 on GoFundMe in order to remodel and obtain the necessary equipment.

In September 2016, we took a step forward in faith, and moved NTEB out from a home office based ministry, into a 1,400 square foot facility where we are planning weekly Bible studies and local outreach. But what the Lord has really put on my heart is to create an audio and video studio where we can produce top-quality videos […] We also want to create our own Internet radio station from which to continue broadcasting weekly Bible study programs which have previously been done on BlogTalk Radio.

Right before Hurricane Matthew hit us here in Florida, we opened a 1,400 square foot studio to house both Mudflower Media, our web design company that created, hosts and maintains NOW THE END BEGINS, and the “coming soon” NTEB Recording Studios. Claiming Jeremiah 33:3 (KJV) we did this by faith after much prayer.

We need $25,000 to create the type of audio and video studio needed to make top-quality video and audio programs. We promise to take whatever is received and create as much as we can with what you send in. We already have acquired the building by faith, and are ready to begin.

Grider wrote at the time
A screenshot of the initial donation campaign, provided by Grider. Courtesy: NTEB

Grider also attached a photo of the building with a Mudlfower sign on it, along with a photoshopped NTEB next to it, which caused some readers to question if the sign was real or not. Grider confirmed that he doctored the photo, which can be seen in other subsequent photos he’d post.

From there Grider would occasionally update his followers on the progress made and write new creative ways to encourage donation.

The next update came on May 5th, where he assured his audience that “we don’t do telethons and other schemes to get money from people” and that they had already raised around $4,000 at the time, which he claims was enough to afford new “microphones, seating, and some of the software needed to produce high-quality audio and video recordings. But we still need to get better cameras, mixing equipment, and various other items a modern-day recording studio needs,” he wrote.

On August 4th Grider said that “phase one” of the fundraiser was nearing completed, which meant “the launch and return of our NTEB ‘Rightly Dividing’ Sunday night Bible study radio program,” he wrote, “And instead of broadcasting through my cell phone through the never quite stable Blog Talk Radio, we will be using top-quality digital mics coming through our own website on our own servers.” Grider raised $7,575.00 at the time, adding that “things will really happen once we hit the $10,000 level.”

A couple of weeks later Mudlfower was featured on the local ABC First Coast News, discussing businesses on a marina in St. Augustine, and Grider was lucky enough to be featured on TV; saying the “NTEB Recording Studio [was] featured in TV interview,” using the opportunity to again encourage donations, claiming “We are nearing 50% of our target goal of $25,000, and I feel quite confident we are going to raise it all.”

On September 9th Grider again said that he was still close to reaching the halfway mark, adding that “The Lord even sent us a college intern, Haley, who is very knowledgeable in video production, to work with us on this new project. The Lord is good like that, He always supplies what we need, who we need and where we need it,” he said. At the same time Hurricane Irma was barreling his direction putting the building in jeopardy. On the 22nd, Grider said that “Hurricane Irma crashed our bathroom ceiling, left some mini-pools of water throughout the studio.” But he still pushed his followers to donate, still stuck at the 50% mark he claimed.

But in order to do that it takes money, and lots of it. 

People are often quite shocked when they discover how much money it takes to produce the stories NTEB sends out around the world 3-5 times per day, free of charge to all our readers. For example, the physical hardware (servers) and the corresponding software for performance and security runs us about $1,000.00 per month. That’s $12,000.00 per year. Then there is the hourly rate of $40.00 we pay to our techs to maintain the site’s back end on demand. For those of you in IT, you know that’s cheap compared to the market rate of $75-100 per hour most techs and developers charge. Of course, there is the physical time it take to create all the content we publish. That costs money too. When you add it all up, it’s right around $20,000.00 per year to run NTEB. Shocked? (Lol, and you thought it was all free, right?)

Grider said, explaining how much he purportedly spends on the ministry (at that time)

After being stuck at the halfway point for months it seems, Grider announced on October 6th he reached 50% of the goal, though “Hurricane Irma pushed us back by many weeks, which is frustrating because before the storm we were so close to have Phase I of it up and running,” Grider lamented. Notwithstanding, for whatever reason, Grider expressed, “We need to raise $5,000.00 this week, and would like you to pray about being a part of that. NTEB has always been a family of like-minded believers.” On the 20th, Grider relaunched one of his Bible radio programs. He said, “Our goal is $25K, to date we have raised $13,942, and that is both gratifying and motivating.”

Continuing, on November 10th Grider floated out a headline, “We Need The Saints Of God To Help Us Cross The Finish Line For Our NTEB Recording Studio Fundraiser.” However, Grider seems to have expanded the reasoning for donations beyond the studio that he originally started the fundraiser for. He stated:

When you contribute to this fundraising effort, you are helping us to do what the Lord called us to do. The money you send in goes primarily to the building of the recording studio, but it also goes to the overall daily operations of this site. When people ask for Bibles, we send them out at no charge. When people write in and say how much they would like gospel tracts but cannot afford them, we send them a box at no cost to them for either the tracts or the shipping, no matter where they are in the world. Even all the way to South Africa. We even restarted our weekly radio Bible study on Sunday nights again, thanks to your generous donations.

Personally, I hate having to hold a fundraiser, I truly do. If I had them money I would give it all personally and never ask anyone for a penny. In fact, I have given everything I have to this ministry. But the Lord knows better than I do, and I believe with all my heart that He is asking all of you to invest in this ministry as well.

We still have another $10, 000 to raise to finish the studio, but I truly feel that that goal is firmly in sight now. How wonderful it would be to reach it before the end of this year, but everything in God’s timing.

To start 2018 off, on January 2nd of that year, Grider again implored his readers to meet the goal. He noted:

We are just about $3,000.00 away from completion. As I have told you all many times, much of the expansion to get NTEB where it is was paid for from my own pocket. I hate fundraisers, and I don’t like asking anyone for money. When we meet our goal, these fundraiser letters from me will stop. But let me tell you what this fundraiser has done for me personally.

He reiterated something similarly on the 15th, still prodding for that last $3,000, and how “Running NTEB is an expensive proposition.”

The next update came on April 27th, 2018, he wrote: “your generous giving that we were able to purchase most of the equipment for the recording studio, upgrade our server hardware, and take care of other important administrational duties. When NTEB was just a little baby site, it only cost around $85 per month to run the equipment. In 2018, it costs over $1,000 per month just for hardware and security alone.” However, Grider made no mention if he had achieved his goal to finally earn that $25,000 he wanted over a little year ago at that time.

But then something happened. The incessant groveling for money stopped, from what I can find, save only one more on August 6th, while the aforementioned police report was being filed against him. This reference made zero mention of the studio.

In 2019 there was no mention of the studio and its completion; but the evidence shows that Grider more than met his goal and yet failed to unveil the studio or provided any inclination about it. On Marth 8th, 2019, YouTuber Bruce Peters showed that Grider had not only received $56,945 in donations – more than double what he was initially asking for – but also upped the goal to $75,000, three times the original asking price. So not only did Grider take in more then he asked for, and even upped the ante, he did not deliver his promise to his donors on something he tirressly asserted that God wanted him to have. Grider responded to the video by commenting “You’re a coward, a stinking coward. Come visit me anytime in St. Augustine so we can discuss in person.”

Courtesy: Bruce Peters

According to the multitude of captures on the Wayback Machine, Grider basically achieved his goal on January 26th, 2018, only short $4 of the initial goal. Remember: as noted a moment ago, Grider was still asking for donations to fund the studio months after the fact.

Grider basically achieving his goal per a captured date on January 26th.

Grider then began to incrementally up the goal. Per a capture on February 21st, 2018, Grider upped the goal an additional $10K for a new goal of $35,000; with no announcement stating that he needs more money. Nevertheless, Grider nearly achieved this goal in a fairly short amount of time, earning a dollar short of $32,300; but reupped the goal again to $50,000, by March 24th, 2018, still telling his audience that the donations are still “primarily” funding the studio renovations. The goal was of course upped to $75,000 by March 8th, as noted by Peters. The last capture was made on December 17th, 2018, surpassing the new goal of $50K with $50,227.

Then, after over a year of radio silence (no pun intended), Grider finally announces that the studio is basically complete and only a few more touches remain. On July 17th, 2020, Grider reported:

After years of talking about my plans for a state-of-the-art podcasting and content creation studio on our radio show, and after nearly two months of work, I am happy to announce that today was the day that that dream came to life, and we opened our doors! This long-awaited and much-anticipated day far exceeded my expectations in every way, to say I am thrilled would be an understatement.

Grider also provided a short video touring the unfinished studio, in which he said right up front that “the new Mudflower Design and Now The End Begins podcasting studios” was in the homestretch – thus confirming that the building being funded was actually a Mudflower establishment and not exclusively a NTEB one. Then on August 28th Grider declared that the studio was officially complete, after over three years of waiting. Moreover, Grider declared for the third time on the 1st of 2021 that the studio was finished, finally ready to produce videos, he announced.

On November 5th, Grider then claims after locking up the studio for the night, reflecting on his full commitment to the ministry after 11 years, he said, Grider claims God spoke to him and told him that his listeners are his “congregation” and he is their “pastor.”

After our Wednesday night bible study wrapped up last night, I was shutting things down in the studio and praising God for everything He has been doing in my life and in the ministry He’s given me, when He quietly spoke to me something that truly amazed me. I was thanking Him for the great bible study, the hymns and praise music, all the prayer requests we lifted up to Him, and for the great truths He showed us from His word, when He said to me “these people are your congregation, and you’re their pastor.”

Making It Rain

Grider would continue to increase the goal on his GoFundMe page from the original $25,000 Grider asked for, all the way up to $250,000 – roughly the amount Grider needed to pay off the tax lien – one day before Grider’s GoFundMe campaign was canceled for no apparent reason.

Grider would eventually make the move to a smaller platform called Waygiver, a donations website dedicated to Christians. Like before, Grider continues to retroactively update his goal once it nears completion. The current goal Grider is asking for is $1,725,000.

Grider’s prodding for money has continued to grow and grow, seeing as many people are willing to give it.

For example, as noted in the beginning of this report, Grider runs a program that gifts Bibles to prisons at request. But according to Grider running such a program, along with the rest of his ministry, requires upwards of $5-6 million annually. Grider explicitly said as much in a broadcast to close out 2022. Grider was adamant about providing at least 1,000,000 Bibles in 2023, after giving out over 100,000 in 2022 – instead of just giving out what was asked of him – but regardless is the supposed reason he needs such a hefty sum.

I believe that the Lord is calling us to send out 1 million King James Bibles, New Testaments, and scripture portions, around the world.

[…] In order to reach that number, we’re going to have to pray like we’ve ever prayed before. We’re going to have to invest in this program like we have – well, I have to say, to go from 2021 to 2022 to increase by ten times, that is a serious investment. […] And we are go to believe God that we are going to be able to accomplish that.

Now, in order to reach that goal, we are going to have raise a serious amount of money. I’m talking about millions of dollars. Over the past two years we’ve raised roughly about a million dollars, and that’s what it takes to do what we are doing to get out 115,563 Bibles [for 2022], and all the other things that go together with the ministry.

It’s taken about a million dollars to get to that point. It’s going to take many millions of dollars to get to a million Bibles. It’s gonna be somewhere around 5 or 6 million dollars. Now, does that type of money exist? It absolutely does. Are there people listening to broadcast who are capable of getting us towards that goal? There absolutely is, there is no question about it.

I think of people like George Mueller [who] was a fantastic man of faith that he believed to such a degree, that he was able to take care of thousands and thousands of orphans, and he raised up these orphanages, and he never asked anybody for any money. God just sent that money in.

I talk a lot about D.L. Moody, […] he had schoolkids donating in nickels, he had people donating dimes and quarters; and you absolutely need every level of that. But he also had people who donated millions of dollars.

[…] We are going to believe God and pray that he’ll give us the resources to create our own Bible warehouse, and that we will begin to control the means o shipping. […] We’ll be able to send out more that with the money we have. […] And already I have gotten numerous donations, and we are going to start the year very strong.

Grider extolled and earnestly stated

But based on the current amount of donations he has now he is way off from that goal. Some people have questioned how much it costs Grider to operate his ministry. In response to a comment from 5 years ago, Grider claimed that it was costing him approximately a couple of tens of thousands annually, give or take, before he acquired the bookstore and ran his Bible program.

But needless to say, even though Grider has a track record of not paying his taxes, he has has no problem routinely asking his followers for money, that continue to grow in expense and velocity for a myriad of projects Grider wants to fund. Before too long Grider will perhaps eventually ask his followers to donate tens of millons to purchase the NTEB airliner jet to preach the gospel, like the Word of Faith preachers on TV do.

Now, The End Begins

To wrap things up, I could have easily included a whole lot more but what I have reported is more than enough, for now.

Grider clearly has worked very hard to achieve and maintain this picturesque image of himself, that he is such a dear preacher and man of God that only wants to serve the Almighty; but it is beyond evident that Grider does not live and act like he would have you to believe.

His inability to change and genuinely repent of his deeds is truly saddening, and his willingness to cover it all up rather than just ‘fess up and forsake it says all that needs to be said, as both for a so-called “man of God” and just a man; never caring once about the people’s he’s hurt, the lives and marriages he’s ruined, the churches he’s divided, the people’s he’s lied to, the listeners he’s cheated their hard-earned money out of to fund his gross lifestyle and debts; all while smiling and proclaiming that he has these deep and profound conversations and relationship with the Lord, absolving himself of any wrong doing and taking any personal accountability. Instead of stopping and staying true to his word he chose to go headlong and pretend to be someone he’s not.

As I have said, Grider has clearly dedicated plenty of time and effort into whitewashing his persona and sponging the web of his deviant nature. But continued acts of mischief will only snowball until it cascades into an avalanche that you just can’t outrun. Grider has run well for some time, put you can only run before you get buried alive in the snow heap with no one there to dig you out.

As Proverbs 11:27 says, “He that diligently seeketh good procureth favour: but he that seeketh mischief, it shall come unto him;” and again in Proverbs 28:14, “Happy is the man that feareth alway: but he that hardeneth his heart shall fall into mischief.”

Understand and know of assuredity that this story is not over, and there indeed will be more people coming forward sharing what they know and have seen. I perceived as much after holding many interviews with these victims and witnesses, on top of what is out there right now. This is definitely not over.

While this maybe the start, perhaps only now the end begins.

[11] As a dog returneth to his vomit, so a fool returneth to his folly. [24] He that hateth dissembleth with his lips, and layeth up deceit within him; [25] When he speaketh fair, believe him not: for there are seven abominations in his heart. [26] Whose hatred is covered by deceit, his wickedness shall be shewed before the whole congregation. [27] Whoso diggeth a pit shall fall therein: and he that rolleth a stone, it will return upon him.

Proverbs 26:11, 24-27

[7] Who goeth a warfare any time at his own charges? who planteth a vineyard, and eateth not of the fruit thereof? or who feedeth a flock, and eateth not of the milk of the flock? [8] Say I these things as a man? or saith not the law the same also? [9] For it is written in the law of Moses, Thou shalt not muzzle the mouth of the ox that treadeth out the corn. Doth God take care for oxen? [10] Or saith he it altogether for our sakes? For our sakes, no doubt, this is written: that he that ploweth should plow in hope; and that he that thresheth in hope should be partaker of his hope. (1 Corinthians 9:7-10).

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    • The guy is really sick and perverted as we are finding out. How can we even trust him with the finances he brings In

      • Hi Gary.
        We cannot trust him.
        I also got more proof of more first hand info on GG, but for now I have to keep them ANONYMOUS. But they will send me an e-mail later when the time is right for them.
        Sola Scripture wrote this on Righteous Judging:
        God Bless You Gary!

        • Brother Ron,
          I will send this to you but think it applies. the majority just want their ears tickled. The Bible says this would happen.
          Actually what is happening right now!
          Ephesians 4:14 (KJV)
          That we [henceforth] be no more children, tossed to and fro, and carried about with every wind of doctrine, by the sleight of men, [and] cunning craftiness, whereby they lie in wait to deceive;

          Sorry to say most are babes and do not search the scriptures. Yes, as pastor and a Christian I can judge. I would even venture to say that their conversion was emotional and not spiritual.
          1 Corinthians 6:3 (KJV)
          Know ye not that we shall judge angels? how much more things that pertain to this life?
          Jeremiah 9:5 (KJV)
          And they will deceive every one his neighbour, and will not speak the truth: they have taught their tongue to speak lies, [and] weary themselves to commit iniquity.

          God allows evil spirits to do his work. Remember Ahab: 2 Chronicles 18:20-21 (KJV) 20 Then there came out a spirit, and stood before the LORD, and said, I will entice him. And the LORD said unto him, Wherewith? 21 And he said, I will go out, and be a lying spirit in the mouth of all his prophets. And [the LORD] said, Thou shalt entice [him], and thou shalt also prevail: go out, and do [even] so.

          Do you think we are viewing the works of a lying spirit? I do!

        • Ron, that first article was spot on. Thank you for sharing!Discernment is one of the best things we can pray and ask God for. It’s something we pray for together as a couple daily because these are such dark times. We Christians need that wisdom from the Holy Spirit to help us navigate through the fog of deception that’s everywhere.
          Your second link is not working though, it looks like you’re trying to send it from an email or something.

          • Hi Adam and Katey.
            I do not know why it isn’t working, I am not attempting to send it that way.
            The hour is late.
            We are soon to depart.
            The Rapture will prove the wheat from the tares, but there will be wheat that will lose rewards because they were more concerned with earthly issues, and not eternal ones, they will go but to their shame.
            God Bless You Adam and Katey!

  • Thank you brother Jacob for exposing this man. I have to admit I was deceived by him. I thought you might be bitter and envious towards him the last few years but I have judged falsely so please forgive me. May the Lord bless you and may the Lord judge Geoff Grider according to his works.

    • It’s all good. I knew some of this was going on when I was writing those articles I did on him, so it was hard not to let some of that come through because I knew what he was all about, but I did not know to what extent either. He conned a lot of people and I thought he was legit years back, too. He is really good at ingratiating himself to people. Romans 16:17-18.

      • Hello Brother Jacob, I was just wondering if you had adjusted the pages on your website since yesterday? Today for some reason the comments are wider and the words are being cut off on the right. It is very hard to read now as words can not be made out as they disappear past the right margin. I thought I should mention this as I am unable to read all of what is said. Thank you so much and God bless you! MARANATHA!!!!!!!!

        • Standingfirm, If you use the pad at the bottom of the computer, you can move the screen over to the left (or right) and it moves what you are viewing so you can
          slide it right or left. I am not computer savy, but I know this works for me. I miss you and most everyone. It is like a family that is now divorced. You know what
          i mean, I’m sure. One day very soon this will all be over and we will be home forever.

          • ps. I usually asked Shannon about my computer issues, but she is still on NTEB. I can’t understand that. I should ask Ron if he was able to reach
            her by email. God Bless you dear sister

          • Hello dear Sister, I have a built in mouse pad at the bottom of the keys but it does not move the screen unfortunately. The first few days I posted here I did not have a issue with this. Now it is very hard for me to read all that people type because about a inch and a half to the right is cut off! I am not a tech. wiz myself being sixty one yrs. old! LOL! I will write to Brother Jacob and maybe he can put the margins back to where they were days ago? I believe our Sister Shannon is still there because she thinks Geoff is being attacked with lies. That was the last e-mail I received from her. She may not want to come here and read the documented truth. She may not be in a place to accept the painful reality of it all, so we need to keep her in prayer that the Lord will work to get her eyes open. And then again I have seen some folks in my walk be “willfully ignorant” to very pertinent facts, and that is not good as the Lord will hold those accountable to the truth that was given and rejected. Shannon was a computer wiz for sure! Let us all keep Sister Shannon in prayer. I will miss her deeply. Much love in Christ to you Sis and many blessings! MARANATHA!!!!!!!

          • Hi Risen in Him
            I emailed Shannon and she was having none of it. She told me it was all lies and that Geoffrey is a man of God.
            I was surprised that she was quite blunt with me and gave no personal greeting in her emails.

        • HI SF, its me again, Char. I also am perplexed over Shannon staying on at NTEB, but I think she implied he helped her out at one
          time. I don’t know if it was advice (eek) or financially or if I’m just putting something into it that’s not there, but it is kinda odd that
          she does not have discernment in this case, but there are others that are still posting that you’d think wouldn’t be (Chris, Jerusalem,
          Cephas, George Schulte and a few others) but it’s between them and God. Blessings to you. We will pray for all of them to wake up.
          Also for discernment. Maybe some of those fellas didn’t read all (or any) of this websites or Geri’s letter.

          • Char – keep in mind he is a deceptive, manipulative person, especially with women. I’m sure those that are showing loyalty are getting rewarded for doing so. But all they’re doing is feeding his ego and ignoring the truth. It’s a cult-like mindset, dangerous IMO.

          • Hi Sis Char, please see my post above John’s. I don’t think Shannon came here to read the proof. Also I highly doubt she was at Geri’s blog either.
            Sometimes people don’t want to see something that they know will upset them or make them change course. I am going to keep her in prayer and
            I feel the Lord nudging me to write her a e-mail. Let us pray the Lord will open her eyes to the truth. As far as Jerusalem7, he is here on this site and
            left a post over at Sister Geri’s blog today! I said hello to him and asked if he would consider going by Jerusalem7 here ( he has been using Tribe of
            Judah I think here) since we know him by that screen name. Also I will miss Brother David Brooks! I think the real problem is so many at NTEB have
            not read the link for the article here because it was taken down so very quickly (gee, I wonder why?) To be fair Geoffrey should have left it up and let
            people read and make their own decision on what is truth and what is not. Everyone is an adult with some measure of discernment and quite capable
            of thinking for themselves! Censoring something of this magnitude is not right. People who donate to NTEB have a right to the information. I guess all
            we can do is pray for the others and try to e-mail if Brother Ron has their address. All of this is so sad to happen right now when we need one another
            to lean on for comfort, encouragement, & news in these final hours! I did send you a e-mail, I hope you received it? God bless you Sis! MARANATHA!!!!!

          • Not me, sister Char! I left Nteb for good a few days ago! But those brethren you mentioned, not sure why they’re still going over there on Nteb, must still believe Mr, Grider’s lies, playing victim, acting like he’s under attack!

          • Hi Char, I sent Shannon the link in which Geri posted this article on her site and asked her to read the comments.
            Basically she will not believe any of it. In just my opinion G may have helped her financially, which is a misusing of funds

          • Hi Char, I sent Shannon the link in which Geri posted this article on her site and asked her to read the comments.
            Basically she will not believe any of it. In just my opinion G may have helped her financially, which is a misusing of funds

          • First of all , Cephas won’t leave unless Shannon leaves. And I believe G helped Shannon financially which is another abuse of donations. Also I sent the link to Geri’s site that she posted this article so she can read the comments. But she still says this Is all made up

          • @SF, John and Char: I am very surprised about Shannon and denying any wrong doing. Did she even search for truth? I don’t think that the rest of the
            few are aware. I’m not sure if Ron had their emails or not. What has happened is something that I think anyone would want to investigate. This isn’t because
            we wish for GG to fail. It is because he wouldn’t allow anyone to post. To me, this means he was not sincere about getting completely right with God.
            One has to first feel regret about wrong doing. It is called repentance and seeking help from fellow believers. Instead, he is angry with any questions refuses
            to let anyone post.To Shannon, I would have to ask, “What is more important, condoning unrepentent sin, or the cause of Christ.”

          • Char, in your opinion, don’t you think that even if someone helped you with funds, and you found out information like we have seen that they would
            still stand by what is right and not be a part of it? If the devil could make you rich would you follow him so you could be rich? NO
            In my eyes, it is a definite choice to continue on with something that is wrong in the sight of God to support or stand with wrong doing just because
            you benefitted in some way. We are to choose God and serve him, staying away from wrong doing. All GG has to do is be fully repentent and ask for
            like followers of the lord to pray for him. Better yet, if he was really serious, he would have another brother take over the website until he spent some
            time with Christ, and had a change of heart. If it is true that she has read the information that has been revealed, and goes forth under the leadership
            of NTEB, she is really choosing that over what Christ would have faithful follower do. That is my humble opinion. It is literally choosing ‘wrong’ over ‘right.’
            That is dis-heartening to me. What about David? I don’t think that the ones that aren’t on the site as much, don’t know anything about what happened.
            A funny thought, if it wasn’t so serious, is that some people would think they had been left behind with so many gone. I would be concerned to just go
            forward as if nothing happened.

          • Wow- He has been a help spiritually. no other way- The way you are all gossip-biddying- it is easy to see how one story gets blown into all sorts of lies.

    • This is definitely shocking, but not surprising. We were listeners/supporters for maybe a year off and on, up til about a year ago. There were definitely some red flags, and in retrospect we’re thankful we followed the Holy Spirit’s lead and parted ways.
      It is nice to see some of the former NTEB folks over on this site. Looks like this site will be growing in number as a result of these unfolding events. Well done Jacob, thank you for your efforts to reprove the darkness!

    • Sorry Ron, but there’s no reply beneath Mitchells comment to me, so in answer to your post, Mitchell, yep you’re right,
      but I think most deceptive people who have a following and then find out the person isn’t what they thought will still
      have those die hard people that keep following along. It’s kinda like a cult and when GG told that woman he could be
      her “spiritual husband” that sounded just like a cult leader. Very eye opening.

      • Hi Char, whats so very sad as well is all those tracts I bought from NTEB have been thrown out! I cannot in good conscious give those out ,im so upset but also thankful that the truth is out! I will of course get different tracts but can you imagine a new Christian finding out what G.G has been doing and then thinking its ok and condoning it! I think it will be a long time in getting over all this! This is great at least we can come fellowship here! Gid bless we will meet soon for sure and God is so good to get us all through this!
        Love Shirl

          • Hi Gary and Shirley, did the tracts have GG’s name on them or NTEB? If not, why not keep them? If they contain the true Gospel they could reach someone.

          • Thanks for reminding me, brother Gary! I gotta still get rid of my NTEB ones, as well! Obviously keeping my Chick Tracts, Berean Call, and others ones, ect! Just don’t want to point anyone to Mr Grider’s NTEB so-called ministry! Yup wasted money!

        • Yeah, sister! I’ll be joining you and brother Gary in throwing my NTEB tracts into the trash ️ can, but obviously only those tracts! Keeping my Chick Tracts, Berean Call, other non NTEB ones!

        • I can also relate to that same thing. I have quite a few left in the box too, so I will toss them out also. I have to look into ordering
          Chick tracts, I guess. It’s mind boggling what distress this man has been causing all along and we just found out and it’s been
          years. I’ve been thinking about it and thought here he was making up his sermons, then after he was finished, getting all dressed
          up and going to the bar to look for women. It’s disgusting to think of, but reality just smacked us in the face. Blessings sis.

      • Hi Char!
        Blind faith, when the evidence can be examined and seen, is the most dangerous faith of all.
        So much for being a good Berean too, a wise man will search out a matter, fools look on and are punished by their own their faith in lying sinful man.
        God Bless You Char!

      • Hi Jann. I have to find a reply, so this is the one I found for you. Yes, I agree with you about Shannon. I think she must feel guilty if she leaves his website, as if
        she owes it to him to stick with him, well that’s not what God would think. If you choose a human that’s living in sin over God, that’ would be a wrong move, but
        we just don’t know because she is a sweet, humble lady that knows her bible, you would think she’d have discernment to know it’s time to choose the Lord over
        GG. Same with Cephas and David Brooks, but we don’t know what their reasons are for sticking with GG. It gives GG a pass in their minds for whatever reason
        to keep on doing the same behavior and of course we know that’s not right. God is dealing with GG right now. We can see that He is, by the large drop in attendance
        and comments on NTEB. I think there are a few that are still donating to his causes, but that’s up to them if they want to hope, pray and guess that their money
        is going to these causes completely. Blessings to you and Rog. See you soon, sis.

  • Update on my correspondence to WayGiver and Rapture Ready.

    The reply from WayGiver was: Thank you for bringing this to our attention. As of today, NTEB’s info is still up on their home page under their Featured Projects.

    I have had no reply from Rapture Ready. This morning, however, they link to NTEB regarding the 14 C40 major American cities group banning meat, dairy, and private auto ownership by 2030. Now, I have a problem with this in that there are a number of other credible news sites that Rapture Ready could have linked to that are reporting on this this very subject. To me, that says they are continuing their support of NTEB.

    I remind myself that Satan is the god of this world but that He that is in me is greater than he who is in the world. Satan wants desperately to destroy the church by subverting the truth, so he has implanted his minions throughout the Body of Christ who do his dirty work for him. They withhold the truth for ill-gotten gain, fleece the flock, gather around them those with tickling ears, set themselves up as righteous leaders, saying follow me and I will show you the truth (their truth). They are deceivers, literally living lives that are full of deceit, diving into their sin, swimming around in it, and enjoying the water. Thanks be to God that Satan and his minions have an expiration date.

    • Hello Fruit Inspector!
      I use to be a poster at Rapture Ready way back so I am very familiar with the website. I hope they realize that the issue at hand would most definitely incorporate Ezekiel 33 on the Watchman!! It would be wise of the owners to verify all of the information being put out into the light on their pal Geoffrey and apply Ezekiel 33 as God has instructed, less they fall under condemnation for not warning the Brothers and Sisters of the danger! I am fully aware of this scripture as the Lord put it to me way back in 2002 regarding the apostasy. At the time I was not aware what He spoke to my heart in church one day was actually in the bible! I had a deacon at my then church confirmed the scripture to me as he passed me out in the foyer (I was floored!), and then I got home and started searching the bible for what the Lord had told me and there it was! I was completely amazed and gripped with Holy fear all at the same time! People need to realize that if one knows of something that could possibly harm another Christian and keeps quiet about it, the Lord will hold them accountable for not speaking up! I hope Rapture Ready wakes up! A true discernment minister Like Geri Ungerean puts out the news (Eph.5) and is not afraid of man but is more interested in pleasing the Lord and walking in the truth. Our walk with Jesus must always be in truth and righteousness. God bless you! MARANATHA!!!!!!!

      • I agree 100% with your comment, especially about Ezekiel 33 and the watchman/watchwoman’s responsibility to warn and as it also relates to RR. As far as I am concerned, RR has already fallen under condemnation, my condemnation, not that it means anything or carries any weight.

        I can only surmise, guess, and/or postulate as to the reasons why in the face of the evidence. I suggested to someone could there be a financial transaction between NTEB and RR? Only the Lord knows.

        Jacob is the chosen vessel that God is using to judge what the Lord has known about Geoffrey for a very, very long time. It is sad that Geoffrey cannot see that. I would think it would be a wake-up call, but it appears that Mr. Grider plays games with the Living God and seems to think God will wink in his case. Not so!

        We should all be clothed in truth and righteousness, and therefore, any and all should separate from the NTEB ministry no matter how personally painful it is. To not do so is to defy the Word of God and not heed 2 Cor 6:17.

        God richly bless you and your household.

        • Hello Fruit Inspector,
          Yes come out from among them is right!! Some people may not realize that when one stays and supports a wicked person or behaviour, that God then sees them as just as guilty for supporting evil! I had a wonderful Christian counselor point this out six years ago in my family. There were relatives who stole my inheritance that another relative left for me, and they did evil wicked things to get me removed from the will and then slandered me viciously and tried to turn my mother against me as well. The Christian counselor told me those who did not speak up in truth to the wicked family members (for fear of angering them) and stayed in company with the evil doers, supporting them and not me, in God’s eyes became just as guilty! She gave the analogy of a bank robber and the guy waiting out front of the bank in the getaway car. She pointed out that our laws of our land when formed were indeed based from the bible. The getaway guy is now just as guilty as the guy who robbed the bank! In spiritual understanding this is what “Discernment” ministers all through the years call “compromising truth”!! To compromise the truth of the word of God is like slapping the Lord in the face. Something I would never want to be manipulated into doing. Yes indeed, the fear of man does bring a snare! I pray the Lord richly bless you! MARANATHA!!!!!!!

  • There is a comment in here about Geoff deleting Skywatcher’s comments – the whole story was not told-
    −The man EMAILED GEOFF AND DISPARAGED HIS WIFE. Be careful who you all want to believe. This entire article is disgusting and shameful, as is the behavior of those I once called friends

    NTEB Mod Loretta Oates • 4 days ago

    (Geoff speaking to the deletion and banning of Skywatcher)” I cannot allow anyone, no matter who they are, if they are going to come after my wife or kids to have a voice on this site. Thompson’s article directly besmirches my wife’s honor, Skywatcher’s emails directly insulted her as well. On that point I have no flexibility of any kind. If someone wants to be permanently banned, with ALL the comments they’ve ever posted removed, then come after my family and that will happen. Guaranteed.”

    • Hi Shan, yes many of us (myself included) saw Geoffrey’s comment that you posted – it was discussed here but perhaps you missed it because many have commented here. We also heard Skywatcher’s side of it in the comments here. Skywatcher personally explained himself.

      Did you personally see the email to confirm that skywatcher actually did this or are you just going by the word of Geoffrey without any evidence?

      I would like to request that skywatcher post his email to Geoffrey if he doesn’t mind? So we can see his words to each determine for ourselves if he had disparaged Geoffrey’s wife. There are many comments at this point so I’m not sure if skywatcher did this already. But I think it could be helpful to Shan if it was provided.

      Shan, I mean no negativity to you. I say this with love – please read the entirety of Jacob’s article and see the evidence for yourself, even if it’s hurtful or something you don’t want to believe about somebody you have trusted and followed. This is a serious matter, one concerning protecting the Body of Christ. As you said above, I ask you also to please be careful who you believe. And I say this has someone who had listened to NTEB for years and only came across Jacob’s site because of this article. I read both sides of it and came to my conclusion based on the evidence. Geoffrey also has been caught censoring more people than Skywatcher.

      • Shan, take for example a commenter named Old News who commented on the other article Jacob wrote about. They said the following:

        “I received a lifetime ban for posting a link to your website in reply to Skywatchers post.
        People have asked him to at least give a financial breakdown of donations versus expenses but so far he has declined and I don’t think he has any plans on doing so.
        I just checked and he’s still getting large amounts of money from WayGiver donors. Maybe they should take a closer look at his organization.”

        This person was permanently banned for simply sharing Jacob’s article so that people could see both sides. That’s called censorship. Doesn’t that concern you? If there’s nothing to hide, then Geoffrey shouldn’t have an issue with people examining the evidence on both sides for themselves. It’s usually people who have something to hide and are trying to do damage control who censor those they don’t agree with. Keep in mind also that Geoffrey regularly denounces media censorship yet is participating in the very behavior he denounces.

        That’s the article where Old News’ comment can be found

      • I tried to write this response but it didn’t post – sorry in advance if there’s a duplicate of this message.

        Shan, check out this excerpt from a comment by someone named Old News. This comment was left on Jacob’s other article discussing his response to Geoffrey’s rebuttal:

        “Old News
        August 22, 2023 at 9:05 pm
        Before Skywatchers comment was deleted I thought it would be appropriate to post a link to your article seeing how it was asked for.
        My post was deleted immediately and I have received a lifetime ban for doing so.
        Kind of like YouTube banning opposing opinions during a recent sickness…”

        Shan, this is censorship. People were asking for the article to see it for themselves, Old News supplied it, and this person was permanently banned. This is typically the behavior of someone who has something to hide. And keep in mind that Geoffrey frequently denounces media censorship, yet participates in the very behavior that he denounces. That’s hypocrisy.

        • Based on your response, I am having doubt that you read my messages to you or have much interest in what anyone else has to say here if it’s not in favor of Geoffrey.

          Exposing the truth and backing it with evidence in order to protect and warn others isn’t wrong. If you think it’s wrong to expose immorality taking place in a ministry and at the hands of someone who is supposed to be leading that ministry, then it’s the Lord you are disagreeing with.

          “And have no fellowship with the unfruitful works of darkness, but rather expose them.” – Ephesians 5:11

          It seems to me you’re reacting in emotion. And I get why some are reacting emotionally and don’t want to believe this about someone they trusted. But the emotion seems to be blinding you. I hope and pray that someday you realize the seriousness of this situation.

          • KJ, okedoke. Keep whining about how Grider has sinned for 500 comments. Should I send you a cake and flowers? I mean, you are the fanclub that enabled this pompous jerk for years. Enjoy the fruits of your labor!

          • Howdy KJ, The Bible has something to say about those who CHOOSE to remain willingly ignorant. Shannon chooses to keep her head in the sand about this so that
            suggests to me that there is more to her situation on NTEB than we are being allowed to know. She has her own salvation to work out (Phip 2:12). Shalom Shalom,

      • Hello Ginger, Two days ago Skywatcher’s post was up here on this board. It was posted by a Sister, I don’t remember her name. She said that she took a screenshot of the post in case it was removed at NTEB which it was! I re-read it here, twice and did not see Lori’s name dragged through the mud or Skywatcher saying vicious things about her. He had just stated the facts that she had moved from Maine to Florida and stayed in Geoffrey’s condo for quite some time before they were married. Those are facts that Geoff created with his actions. I do not see how repeating facts is a horrible thing?! But now the strangest thing is the screenshot post that sister took and was put on this board is now gone. Since it is gone there is no way for newcomers to compare what Skywatcher actually had said. Why did it disappear from this board? I do not know. Very strange indeed. God bless you Sister! MARANATHA!!!!!!!! P.S. Char had said the same thing here. She did not see where Sky talked vicious about Lori Ann.

        • Hi Standingfirm! God bless you too!

          I think I found the post you’re talking about – if you search for “Allison” on this page you’ll find her comment, she shared skywatcher’s message in a comment she posted August 19, 2023 at 1:15 pm. So thankfully that appears to be up still 🙂

          I actually managed to read skywatcher’s post back when it was still on NTEB prior to its deletion. I’m glad the message was saved before it was deleted so that others could see it as well. I agree with you, I don’t think there was anything wrong with what skywatcher said.

          What I was referring to was skywatcher’s email sent privately to Geoffrey. Geoffrey claimed this email was offensive to his wife and that this was the alleged reason why skywatcher’s public comment was deleted. Shan mentioned this in her post earlier to defend Geoffrey’s deletion since this was the reason he provided. If skywatcher shared that email, then that argument would also be debunked.

        • Here it is – Skywatcher’s original comment
          Geoffrey, I’ve been a regular follower of NTEB for almost 15 years, if memory serves me correctly. I brought this issue to your attention earlier today, and I was very disappointed and shocked when I read it. I could honestly relate to you on the molestation issue. I spent most of my day defending you to a former faithful follower of NTEB. As I told you, after reading all of the article, and viewing the evidences for myself, I had to delete my defense. Sadly, with the following confession, you’ve disqualified yourself from public ministry according to Scripture:

          “Let me just conclude by saying this. Of the things I am accused of that I am actually guilty of – habitual drunkenness, occasional fornication and being sometimes a part of sinful conversations with consenting parties – are all are things that I have wept over, and put under the blood of Jesus Christ some time ago, prior to 2023, confessed to the LORD and then talked about on NTEB Bible studies, (again only referencing myself as the offending party and no one else). I have not had a single sip of alcohol since August of 2018. It took me some time, however, up to parts of 2022 to fully win the battle with the flesh, but the Lord gave me the victory there as well. In 2023, the Lord has blessed me with the perfect wife and two amazing bonus children.”

          You failed to tell us how that came about…Scripture tells us how spiritual leaders are to conduct themselves I Tim. 3: 1-8; 4: 12, 16. You admitted in the above cited paragraphs that you were living in sin…recently, during the many years you were online. Need I say anymore? The very sad thing is that you’re not publicly addressing the points that Jacob raised…with undeniable proofs. I’m shaking my head. Again, no wonder the Lord gave Mt. 24: 4 as the first sign to be aware of.

          Whether you know it or not, your own words condemn you. You’re telling us now, that you were dabbling in those vices / sins as recently as “2022”. For a serious / committed Christian, that’s very troubling. That’s not a godly example, as per I Tim. 4: 12.

          “Of the things I am accused of that I am actually guilty of – habitual drunkenness, occasional fornication and being sometimes a part of sinful conversations with consenting parties – are all are things that I have wept over, and put under the blood of Jesus Christ some time ago, prior to 2023, confessed to the LORD and then talked about on NTEB Bible studies…”

          “Some time ago” is a very vague statement / confession. The court of law would never accept that as a viable defense; do you think that the holy God will? It could be as recent as Dec. 31, 2022 that you were actively engaged in fornication and drunkenness and teaching the Word. If so, that’s not enough time to prove yourself qualified in the sight of God or to anybody else that you should be leading others. His word, not mine. So much for Romans 12: 1, 2. Remember…I was adamantly defending you earlier today.

          It’s natural for one to try to hide their sins or to defend themselves; I get that; what the readers here don’t get is “the other side of the story”, so they can discern the truth in the middle. Based upon what you’ve written here, that appears to be the case now. As previously accused in the article in question, you left out a lot in today’s confession, i.e. the pastors who abandoned you and why; that Lori Ann and her children were living with you prior to getting married, which you admitted to. Scripture plainly teaches that we are to be “…wise as serpents and harmless as doves.” (Mt. 10: 16) It also commands us to “Abstain from the appearance of evil.” (I Thess. 5: 22) Why?

          1. So as not to be a stumbling block to others.
          2. To protect your reputation from wagging tongues.
          3. To avoid situations like this, that you “be found blameless”.

          Also, the current absence of a number of your long-time faithful followers is very telling. They saw the proofs for themselves.

          The right thing to do would be to provide the link to Jacob’s article and allow the jury of your NTEB peers to make up their own minds, don’t you think? That would be the honest, and godly way of “doing business”. If all those allegations are true, and I cannot know for sure, but if they are, then you won’t be the first “king of the hill” to stumble and fall. Some actually come back much stronger than ever, confessing and reaping God’s even greater blessing. I hope that will be the case for you.

          • Thank you Allison for putting this up again so those that did not see the post can read it for themselves. I did not see anything that was written in a nasty spirit. I have had to write similar letters unfortunately to brethren through the years. The Lord does say we are to gently correct one another and to speak the truth in love. Unfortunately many perceive truth as attacking and being unreasonable and mean spirited, when that is not the case at all. Jesus had to speak sternly to the other disciples at times. I often wonder what Peter must have thought when Jesus said get behind me Satan?! I pray you have a blessed day Sister! MARANATHA!!!!!!!!

      • Hi Ginger.
        Yes censoring became the norm for GG once this news broke, now is like a vulture hovering over his website, he even went so far as to delete my reply to cliff, after the fact when he deleted cliff’s and let mine stand but now since it infers/implies some financial issues my comment was deleted. Highly suspicious IMO.
        An innocent man never needs to cover up anything, and lets the Truth stand by their own integrity that is if they have any.
        He speaks of other web sites censoring, well he has taken the lead.
        Do as GG says, not as he does.
        God Bless You Ginger!

    • (I tried posting this twice and the messages didn’t go through 🙁 hopefully there aren’t duplicate messages that show up later)

      Shan, see this comment left by a user named Old News. This was a comment left on Jacob’s other article about Geoffrey, which was a response to Geoffrey’s rebuttal.

      “Old News
      August 22, 2023 at 9:05 pm
      Before Skywatchers comment was deleted I thought it would be appropriate to post a link to your article seeing how it was asked for.
      My post was deleted immediately and I have received a lifetime ban for doing so.
      Kind of like YouTube banning opposing opinions during a recent sickness”

      Shan, this is censorship. This is Geoffrey silencing the voices of people who are saying things he doesn’t want to hear or have others hear. There was no reason to ban Old News for sharing the article. NTEB followers should have access to both sides of the story and have the ability to make a decision regarding what to believe for themselves. What Geoffrey is doing is no different than the media censorship he so frequently denounces. It’s hypocritical, and behavior that suggests one has something to hide.

      • Very well said Sister Ginger! The Lord reminded me of this appropriate verse: HOW PAINFUL ARE HONEST WORDS. JOB 6:25
        Glad to see the original letter from Skywatcher re-posted! God bless you! MARANATHA!!!!!!!

  • Thank you for posting this and finally expose this fraud.
    Have you noticed that he just posted some “news” about the AI Jesus text app and Jacob had already
    posted an article about it? Maybe he got the news here? Lol
    I remember when that fraud came to our church and all he did was cut and paste news feeds and post it on his website. And when I questioned him about the comments on his FB page and asked why he just didn’t turn them off if he was just posting news, and his response was “it creates content”. So he just likes to have strife stirred up.

    • Yeah, I noticed that too! And Geoffrey’s article came 8 days after Jacob’s article! Sounds like a copycat to me! Very much a pot stirrer! Hmmm… Content creator?

  • For those who haven’t seen Geri’s comments from her website:

    Geri Ungurean
    Having been a feature writer for Grider back in 2014 or 2015 (can’t remember), I was approached by a woman who also wrote for him. She and I had become friends but she disappeared suddenly. Geoff would not talk about why she was gone. She finally contacted me and told me that she left because of shame. She said that he wanted to have a sinful relationship with her and she gave in. She was married. I stopped writing for him at that point. I told him that the Bible says to avoid even the appearance of evil. Then someone told me that I should speak with John McTernan about Grider. He and McTernan had a call in radio show back in 2009. I did call John, and we talked for over an hour. He told me that this problem with Grider was habitual and that he had even given Geoff another chance to stop. According to McTernan, Geoff would call back the women who had called in whose voices he liked, and he would start relationships with them. John said that he finally had to part ways with Grider for the same reason that I did. Then I found out that Geoff was kicked out of a church in FL for the same problems. He would not repent when approached by the pastor, saying that this was consensual between himself and the women in the church. There is much more that I found out – too much to write here. I hope that this helps you to understand why I know all of the allegations to be true.

    Believe me when I say to you that if I had known the kind of things Geoff did with women, I would have NEVER accepted that feature writer position. As soon as I did find out what he was doing, I told him that I could never write for him. The Bible tells us to avoid even the appearance of evil. Also, my husband told me that I should distance myself from him and hubby is my covering and I listen to him. Geoff should step down from NTEB. He has caused incredible pain and hurt for many women – even married women and their families. The whole thing is very sad and I’m sure it grieves our Lord. Blessings to you in Christ………

    I did speak with Lori many months ago. We talked first on FB and then on the phone. I felt that God wanted me to warn her of Grider’s past. She was very sweet and acted like she was appreciative of me warning her. I told her what GG did with many women on the phone. She said that she thought that was what he was doing one night while she was within hearing distance! But then she must have told him that she and I spoke, and I received a message looking like it was from her, but I’m sure that it was him. It basically said that “she” would no longer need to speak with me and that she would be blocking me.


    • Me to, its really something how God can still teach us and open our eyes and His word never returns void

      • Hi there. Are you Shirl from NTEB? A few have changed their names from what they had on NTEB, like Jerusalem7
        is Lion of Judah now, but nice to see you on here too. Very sad, but it was time for him to be revealed.

        • Actually earlier Today, I changed my mind, and instead of sticking with LION OF JUDAH7, decided to change back to my good old JerUSAlem7 screen name, that y’all know me better by! Hehe

        • Hi Char ,yes i’m the same shirl, glad we can still post to each other here, i started slowing down posting at NTEB afer Geoff announced his plans to marry but before all that i was sensing something not right there, God the holy spirit was working! Like you said you learned much there ,i did as well it really crazy how he could teach a lot of truth from the Bible ,he sure had me fooled but I do know that God used you and many others that prayed for me after the loss of my Son, I could feel the prayers! I learned much about the government the vaxx and covid ,i still believe God use Goffery to show us much and it is so sad that this has come to light about Geoffrey but we cant ignore it and now we know the truth God wants us to do the right thing and not support him, I cant imagine how he would be dealing with all this ,but I leave it to God as im sure God is! If Geoff is a narcissist which i think he is, well God will deal with that
          to! Its a little harder to post here but im glad i can, my eye site is failing me ,i need cataract surgery, any way much love to you i will try to stay intouch !

    • Char, I have to agree with you about his articles; he keeps abreast of current events as it applies to prophecy.
      I will keep praying for him.

      • Yes, I think we all should and perhaps he will be convicted and do the right thing for his own sake and to please the Lord.

        • Char while you are judging Grider, why not hold him accountable for other things? And of course I know you, you won’t even read this…but others will.

          – making false prophecies in God’s name about Trump judging the world – he had zero authority to do that, he is not God’s prophet (Trump’s mug shot was leaked today…I would say that is the OPPOSITE of what this false prophet proclaimed)
          – making false prophecies about May 2018 kicking off the Psalm 83 war and the rapture. Nothing happened but he went right on cruising with more false predictions – in God’s name!
          – his false teachings about “Selah” being “Petra” (outright Gnosticism)
          – his false teachings that the Apostle Peter was wrong in Acts 2
          – his false teachings that God is going to resurrect Judas Iscariot and the devil will inhabit him (this is utterly demonic teaching!)

          Liars are liars, you and the rest of his fan club are somewhat responsible for allowing this demonic individual to continue spewing his nonsense. We the church are called to judge teachers and prophets and none of you did that, because Grider kept telling you what you wanted to hear.

          Same as the rest of the Watchliar cult.

          The whole lot of you should be ashamed for even allowing this Industry to exist. I for one, want to see it burn to the ground.

          • Bruce, I am not one of his fans. Please leave me alone. Go whine to somebody else. I don’t have to answer to you . You are blaming me for something I never even knew about. I don’t stalk people to find out what their background is. If that’s what you want to spend your time on, have at it, but leave me out of your replies please. I understand
            why Jacob did this article, but you don’t see him asking me why I didn’t look into all of GGs faults and sins. So in plain English,
            Bug off, and go bother someone else. I don’t care to correspond with you anymore.

        • Here are some things Char said to me on September 5, 2019. Call me “whining” all you like…you sound just like Geoffrey. Rather than owning up to mistakes you blame other people.

          I deserve an apology for these statements, Char. These were offensive to me. I am your brother. You should listen, if you want to live the way you talk.

          “An unbeliever who is full of pride and needs to be banned from a Christian website that causes dissension among the brethren.” Wow, really? An unbeliever full of pride?

          When the coward drunk womanizer banned me, you had this to say “Hey everybody, it’s party time.”

          And “It sounds like you’re trying to blackmail Geoffrey into allowing you to stay on this website OR you’re going to expose him or whatever you’re diatribe is about with him.”

          Keep name-calling Char, you people deserve to be called out for your own sins. Make things right.

          Or at least, in the future, try shutting your mouth and having a little humility before you start spewing.

          • What you have said is not very nice at all. You shouldn’t be calling anyone out here. Can’t you just go forward and be a good
            christian brother? I hope you will consider it. You should leave it in the past. I know you could if you wanted to.

          • Bruce, Your “Christian” character is starting to ooze from the bilges. You are also showing all on this site why you were “cast” from NTEB.
            Perhaps you might try a study on Grace, holiness, and edification… and top that off with a spirit of forgiveness. Right now, Satan is playing
            you like a puppet. Ease up some. Shalom, BuffaloBilly

  • Geoff Grider is LYING about never being removed from a church. He got kicked out of the Bible Believers Baptist Church down here in Jacksonville. When you can’t seem to stop yourself from hitting on married women at church, that’s what you get. Someone may want to refresh Geoffrey’s memory on that!

      • Hi Jacob. Looks like Bruce Peters is going to be a trouble maker on your site just like he was on NTEB. He’s bringing
        up the past repeatedly, although I apologized to him once, even though he’s not practicing what he preaches himself
        and has no humility or forgiveness in his heart. Perhaps you should add another button to your website BLOCKING!
        Or maybe NO STALKING ALLOWED ON THIS WEBSITE! He has a screw loose. Blessings to you.

        • SouthernBelle2, It’s wonderful to communicate with you! You’re such a delight! In light of your attendance at Bible Believers Baptist Church in Jacksonville (in the event I’m reading the thread correctly), you had a ‘front row seat’ (so to speak) to witness Geoff ‘in action.’

          That alone explains all the zapping and banning you endured on NTEB! Geoff FEARED you and had to shut you up!

          Control Freak Narcissist-In-Chief Geoffrey Scott Grider censors in an attempt to squelch the truth.

          Thankfully, we have WinePress!

    • Adam & Katey, no, I just commented and it posted.
      My problem is that the right side margin cuts off about an inch making it difficult to read the comments.

    • Hi Adam & Katey! No, I haven’t experienced that issue.. I just posted a comment a few moments ago and it went right through. But last night, I was having a bit of an issue posting, several times I entered a response and it didn’t post. But then all the duplicates showed up later

    • Oh interestingly enough, this actually just happened to me! I included a link in my comment, I was trying to post instructions for Born Again and Tracy to help them with the keyword search. Perhaps the post gets tagged for approval/moderation if you include an external link? Did you have a link in your post too?

    • I did once and I clicked out of the website and went back in and it was okay then. I hope he changes over to disqus, although
      they have their issues too

      • I am not gloating, this is truly sad. And I totally understand that you hated my views, and my attitude, that’s fine.

        I am specifically talking about the video I made that got Grider mad when he kicked me off. It’s 100% fact. The link to it is above in the article. It’s nothing but facts.

        And rather than listen at all, you guys literally called me a demon and an unbeliever. How would you feel? Go watch my video:

        – he lied about NTEB being featured on the news. The news video is actually part of his post.
        – he raised $25k for the studio, but did not build it, just kept raising the target amount and collecting more.

        I already knew about the affidavit, Char…someone else privately emailed me all of that info in 2020. I did not feel it was my place to make it public

        • Bruce Peters,

          There was not a reply button to your tract inquiry. I cut all I had up into thin strips. The reason why I did so was two-fold.

          1) The gospel in whole was absent. NO mention of The Blood.
          2) I could not in good conscience give those particular tracts out in the event they would cause someone to seek out the NTEB web-site.

          Should someone seek out additional information (somewhere else) and truly get saved, they then need somewhere to go to grow in The Lord. Somewhere they won’t be ‘preyed upon.’

          Hope this helps.

          • Bruce Peters,

            Additionally, I didn’t have any photos of the tracts before I purchased them. If I had, I would have never bought any. I was not familiar enough with the NTEB site to find that information when I bought them and have never seen a tract without mentioning The Gospel, The Shed Blood of Jesus Christ before!

        • I believe you ARE gloating or you wouldn’t be bringing it up time and time again to each individual that didn’t believe you.
          Perhaps God chose Jacob T (and not you) to reveal GG in a way that we believed him since he does have a lot of screenshot proof.
          I don’t know, but I’m sorry if I hurt your feelings, but it’s time to move on, buddy. Blessings.

          • Thanks for the apology Char!

            Next time, don’t be so quick to judge. Like for example – you are continuing to judge me even now….claiming that I am “gloating” and I specifically stated I am not. It’s time for you to let go of the anger you have for me.

            I am feeling vindicated with a righteous vindication, that you guys are seeing what I already stated was true and was judged harshly for it. And I put screen shots and actual video clips in my video, back in 2019. All you had to do was watch it with an open mind.

  • Will some kind soul help me out? I need step-by-step instruction on how to filter comments by date. I thank you!

    • Hi Born Again! Do you know how to search for a key word on a page? If so, you can type the date into that search box (for example, for today just type “august 24”) and then it’ll highlight each time august 24 was entered on the page.

      If you aren’t sure how to do a key word search, let me know what you’re using (PC, Apple computer, iPhone etc) and I can tell you how to search based on what you’re using 🙂

      • Ginger, I’m road kill regarding technology. I have an Apple. I went to the search symbol, typed August 24, 2023 and only received articles. I could use some additional assistance please. Thank you!

      • Hi Ginger, I tried earlier entering today’s date in the search box, but that didn’t work for me. I haven’t tried it on my desk top, just this android tablet.

        • HI Tracy. Did you go to the 3 dots above on the right of the screen top and scroll down to “find” and type the date in and it
          will show you in yellow or orange highlight each comment dated on the date you type in by arrow up or down. Denise told
          me about it and it is a help. Take care, sis.

          • Hey Char, I followed Adam & Katey’s reply last night and got it to work. It certainly speeds things up.
            Thanks Char and you take care also!

        • Tracy,

          Did you press, Command plus F? Then it highlights your keyword search and you can then use the arrow button to get to the next one.

      • Tracy and Born Again, if you click the 3 dots in upper right hand corner of browser to open a drop down menu (it should give a list of options like “new tab”, “history”, “downloads” there should be an option that says “Find on page”. If you click that it opens a search prompt for you to type in a word or words and then hit enter, it will give you all the occurrences of those words on the page with an up and down arrow to jump to each one. Type in “August 24” for example and it will highlight and list all posts from that date. Hope this helps you!

      • Hi Born Again and Tracy!

        Check out this video, it shows how to do a keyword search on Mac (Apple) computer:


        So you have to press the command key first and then F key next (and keep them pressed at the same time) and that little text box pops up and you can type whatever you wish to look for on the page into that little box. If you type the date in, it’ll high light all the entries on the page for that date and you can go through each.

        I wish I could verbally explain and show it to you haha. But hoping this helps! Let me know if it’s clear to the both of you and if you need me to explain anything further 🙂

  • Tracy and Born Again, I tried to write a response to you with some steps but the comment said pending approval and now it disappeared so now I actually had the same issue Adam & Katey mentioned above. I’m wondering if it might be because I included a link to a tutorial in my message.

    Maybe my post will show up some point later hopefully. I wish I had another way to contact you ladies to write out a clearer explanation like in an email. The way the comments are set up and show up out of order, I think it can kind of add to confusion hoping Adam & Katey’s response helps you out as well!

  • Adam & Katey, I most certainly appreciate your detailed assistance! I don’t have any dots though. I see, Topics, Bible Studies, Books, Foreign Translations, About, and a magnifier. When I place August 24 in the box and hit enter, it only returns articles. I have an Apple laptop. MacBook Pro, specifically.

    • Born Again, my post finally went through with the YouTube tutorial – scroll up a bit and you’ll see it maybe it will be helpful! The method I described uses the keyboard to bring up the search.

      • Ginger, it was a response on the more recent GG article, but no link so not sure why it did that. It’s posted now though as is yours, so that’s a relief!
        Born Again – I’m using an Android phone so I guess that explanation didn’t help much for an Apple. Sorry about that, hoping you’re able to figure it out with the link Ginger posted.

  • Ginger, got it! It’s ‘highlights’ the date. Is there a way to ONLY see the posts OF requested date?

    • It didn’t show the ‘arrow keys’ in my post above. I got it though. That’s the main thing. Thanks again!

      • You’re welcome, Born Again! Glad I could be of help! If there’s anything else you need help with, let me know 🙂

  • I have a question about the bookstore. Don’t the donations pay for that store to even exist? Has he ever shown a financial statement? Like how much the inventory cost? How much are the salaries of employees? Does he get a profit and if so where does the profit go? It should go 100% back into the ministry. How much is the rent? Does anyone know any of these answers? He calls it the NTEB bookstore but who really owns it? Since it’s under Mudflower does he pay the taxes for the bookstore since we’ve found out he hasn’t paid years of taxes? Do donations go towards Mudflower employees too???

    • Hi Linda! You raise very important questions. To my knowledge, I don’t think any answers to these questions were shared. At least during my time spent on his site (which was several years), I don’t recall this information being shared.

      In the comments section of his rebuttal, Geoffrey stated the following:

      “Going forward I will be publishing articles explaining where all the monies raised go, but it won’t be in response to baseless and nonsensical accusations by Thompson or anyone else.”

      First, this information should have been transparently shared from the start especially given the large sums of money that have been entering via donations, Second, the claims Jacob made were not baseless or nonsensical to anyone who took the time to read Jacob’s article which contained serious concerns backed by evidence. Third, in my opinion it is a prideful attitude to refuse to provide this information simply because he’s bothered that Jacob and others are pressing him for answers – Geoffrey owes transparency to those who have been following him, which includes many who donated money. Or maybe the refusal to respond to these claims is just to deflect and avoid addressing the elephant in the room.

      I honestly don’t expect Geoffrey to publish any articles on this matter. If you look at his site, he’s posted quite a few news articles since his rebuttal. Looks like he’s trying to return to business as usual.

      And when you think about it, won’t any article sharing financial information technically be a response to “accusations made by Thompson or anyone else”? The claims in Jacob’s article are why people are asking for the information to begin with. So following this logic, how can we expect any sort of response from him on this.

  • Howdy brethren, there’s this site called ProBoards which lets you create your own forum for free. Wix.com also does free forum hosting. If anyone is inspired to set one up, let us know! It was a shame we left the NTEB site just as we were starting to get to know some of you awesome brethren.


      • Hi Born Again! Funny thing (or maybe not so funny if His hand is in it 🙂 ), I thought of Proboards a few days ago. So it’s interesting that Adam & Katey mentioned it.

        I have experience with forums/message boards – I never created one, but I was a moderator/administrator at multiple message boards in the past. It was before I was born again so it was quite a few years ago but not something that would be hard for me to get into again. Wouldn’t it be interesting if this was why He had me in those message board roles in the past 🙂

        I want to pray and think on this of course! But wondering is anyone else interested in working on this if I should do this? A message board would need more than one person to help with moderating so I’m curious if anyone has interest in that.

        At the very least it’s good to brainstorm about it and see what ideas we can come up with!

        • Ginger,

          It would be wonderful to have somewhere we can fellowship together. Perhaps Jacob can provide us a way to privately exchange e-mails – that would be nice too.

          • Hi Born Again 🙂 yes I was thinking that it would be nice to somehow exchange emails. I think some of you might already have done so from your time on NTEB but since I was a silent reader I never exchanged emails with anyone. 🙁

            Not sure if there’s a way we could go about that? It’s understandable that people wouldn’t want to post their emails publicly here, I personally wouldn’t want to because I’m careful about stuff like that. If anyone has any ideas on this, please share!

  • I too was a former poster on NTEB chat. I left because of funding transparency and other issues. I speak (emails) often with Chief Ron and Tag. I mentioned to them about forming another website. I have much experience with websites but want to pray about it and hear from others. To do it properly look at the largest pricing. https://www.forums.net/pricing. Page views over the limit cost extra and bots from the enemy can ramp that up. Transparency is big as is integrity and Christian morals.

    It takes alot of time and I have my own ministry. I would need about two to four dedicated people to help and two more KJV teachers/Pastors/Evangelists to rotate weekly Bible study/sermons. This would not be a NTEB type but more towards a meet for coffee and get to know each other. Let me hear from others.

    • Hi Colonialman, I would be interested in helping on a message board. I’ve worked as a moderator/administrator on message boards before so I would be happy to use that experience to help out.

      You mentioned about message board pricing – what do you think about Proboards which Adam & Katey also mentioned earlier? I believe it’s free to use that. Maybe it wouldn’t be as fancy as something that has a cost but I think simple is fine for what those of us interested in this idea are looking for.

      It would be great to have individuals who want to do Bible studies. 🙂 But even if we don’t have people at the moment who can offer that, it would also be great to simply have a place to fellowship, encourage one another, share our faith, and get to know each other better.

      • Hi Ginger, yes a very limited service pro board site would just be for email exchange. If you want to attract more believers, unsaved and even Messianic believers then we need the ability to offer different pages and other tools so instead of just a free board, that would attract many and have to upgrade: just start off with everything available. Room for administrators, moderators, auto check keywords, ways to use software to prevent unwanted bots so forth. Donations with transparency and weekly/monthly financial reports pdf just like a Church does it. Use a two person signature financial spending rule for affirmation.

        This is why I encourage feedback. If there is enough people $400 a month is really cheap. If not many interested, the free board is best.
        Thank you for your reply, you would be one of those experienced needed. I am praying about this as it is time consuming and I require the Lords approval/blessing.

    • Colonialman, I was actually checking out some reviews for Proboards – seems like the reviews are not so great. Quite a few people complained about their forums being randomly deleted. However, Adam & Katey also suggested Wix which also provides free forums. When I look up their reviews, they seem to be better.

      Let me know your thoughts about this, thanks!

      • Hi Ginger, yes a very limited service pro board site would just be for email exchange. If you want to attract more believers, unsaved and even Messianic believers then we need the ability to offer different pages and other tools so instead of just a free board, that would attract many and have to upgrade: just start off with everything available. Room for administrators, moderators, auto check keywords, ways to use software to prevent unwanted bots so forth. Donations with transparency and weekly/monthly financial reports pdf just like a Church does it. Use a two person signature financial spending rule for affirmation. This is why I encourage feedback. If there is enough people $400 a month is really cheap. If not many interested, the free board is best. Thank you for your reply, you would be one of those experienced needed. I am praying about this as it is time consuming and I require the Lords approval/blessing.

        There are several things to be aware of especially free boards all have online ads. Whose ads and what kind of tracking?
        I replied but keep getting erased.

        • Hi Colonialman, this is very useful information. Thanks for sharing and explaining! You definitely seem to have experience and knowledge needed for planning and running a message board community for fellowship.

          Important point you bring up about free message board ads. That’s definitely a concern.

          Sometimes the messages seem to disappear/get erased when you post a comment here, it’s happened to me a few times too. But I think it’s just a delay in the system, I’ve noticed the messages end up showing up later.

          Please keep us updated as you pray about this!

  • I did a brief look at the comments at the NTEB articles since this article came out on thewinepress.
    My rough calciulations tell me that comments are down by 300%. Go figure.

    • I also checked recently, and Nteb comments section is definitely way down, you may be right about that 300%, brother Gary! More brethren going sick and tired of Geoffrey’s continued censoring/screening of every single comment or post, and the deleting removal of those that don’t meet Mr. Grider’s approved narrative!

        • Yeah, the mass exodus of more and more brethren waking up, and leaving Mr. Grider’s controlled Nteb is definitely continuing, from what I can see! But he continues to deflect, ignore, and as someone just stated in another post, push out a slew of articles with topic content to distract some with! Won’t work in the end of course!

        • Hey sister Petra! Actually I just replied to one of your other posts, a little earlier! Glad to see you again, over here on Wine Press! And I hope all is well with you and your family! God Bless you all in Christ! Maranatha!

    • Gary he will just keep things on the lowdown for a while and rebuild. Grider isn’t going anywhere, unfortunately.

    • Yes I’ve noticed that. And it’s a more than a significant drop!!
      Geoffrey is churning out a lot of articles right now, trying to run away from what’s happened I think.

  • Galatians 5:16-21 KJV 16 This I say then, Walk in the Spirit, and ye shall not fulfil the lust of the flesh.

    17 For the flesh lusteth against the Spirit, and the Spirit against the flesh: and these are contrary the one to the other: so that ye cannot do the things that ye would.

    18 But if ye be led of the Spirit, ye are not under the law.

    19 Now the works of the flesh are manifest, which are these; Adultery, fornication, uncleanness, lasciviousness,

    20 Idolatry, witchcraft, hatred, variance, emulations, wrath, strife, seditions, heresies,

    21 Envyings, murders, drunkenness, revellings, and such like: of the which I tell you before, as I have also told you in time past, that they which do such things shall not inherit the kingdom of God.

    1 Corinthians 6:9-20 KJV 9 Know ye not that the unrighteous shall not inherit the kingdom of God? Be not deceived: neither fornicators, nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor effeminate, nor abusers of themselves with mankind,

    10 Nor thieves, nor covetous, nor drunkards, nor revilers, nor extortioners, shall inherit the kingdom of God.

    11 And such were some of you: but ye are washed, but ye are sanctified, but ye are justified in the name of the Lord Jesus, and by the Spirit of our God.

    12 All things are lawful unto me, but all things are not expedient: all things are lawful for me, but I will not be brought under the power of any.

    13 Meats for the belly, and the belly for meats: but God shall destroy both it and them. Now the body is not for fornication, but for the Lord; and the Lord for the body.

    14 And God hath both raised up the Lord, and will also raise up us by his own power.

    15 Know ye not that your bodies are the members of Christ? shall I then take the members of Christ, and make them the members of an harlot? God forbid.

    16 What? know ye not that he which is joined to an harlot is one body? for two, saith he, shall be one flesh.

    17 But he that is joined unto the Lord is one spirit.

    18 Flee fornication. Every sin that a man doeth is without the body; but he that committeth fornication sinneth against his own body.

    19 What? know ye not that your body is the temple of the Holy Ghost which is in you, which ye have of God, and ye are not your own?

    20 For ye are bought with a price: therefore glorify God in your body, and in your spirit, which are God’s.

    • Amen J7!
      No avoiding those Scriptures.
      Of those who :
      Luke 12:48 But he that knew not, and did commit things worthy of stripes, shall be beaten with few stripes. For unto whomsoever much is given, of him shall be much required: and to whom men have committed much, of him they will ask the more.
      God Bless You J7!

    • Hi Jer! So good to “see” you again. The whole situation would be overwhelming to me if not that I can take it to my Father in prayer and know that He knows the way forward.
      All of my NTEB family is in my prayers, including Geoff and Lori, on a daily basis. In reality, I can do nothing, but I have the greatest confidence in He who spoke the world into existence.
      At first I was frustrated thinking what can I do?? Then I remembered that I have the most fierce weapon in the world at my disposal, and that is prayer. I’m hurt, like so many are, but I am not
      ready to throw anyone away. I desire to see this resolved Biblically (in agreement with all the verses that you and Bro. Ron have posted). I miss the fellowship at NTEB so much, but will not compromise
      on God’s word for anyone. Forgiveness is available and restoration absolutely possible, but for a man in authority with years of this kind of sin, some changes have to be made. That being said, I know I can’t “make” anyone do anything, we all have freewill, but I can pray that God would do something in the hearts of everyone of us, whatever needs to be done and in Geoff’s heart, that in the end the Lord may be glorified and magnified. I am not giving up on anyone. Luke 1:37 For with God nothing shall be impossible. If we all committed to “pray without ceasing”, who knows what the Lord may be moved to do??

      God Bless you J7

      • Hey sister Tag! Thank you so much for reply and response! I’m so glad to here from you, hoping your hip is doing better, and not in pain! Also hope baby Beckham is well now Yes, definitely we need to keep all in prayer, both those still at Nteb , and those of us like myself, that had leave Nteb, because of the overwhelming evidence and circumstances I was confronted with! A lot are hurting I know, because of this whole situation! Again happy to see you again over here! We all love you brethren in Christ, your all friend! And God Bless you and your family sister Tricia! Maranatha!

  • Hello Brothers and Sisters –

    Daughter of Ruth here (formerly Nancy D) I have been recovering from a bug and processing all of this information. I was hoping there would be further clarification/accounting etc. from NTEB on the matter posted but disappointedly that has not occurred. 🙁 I have read everyone’s comments several times. I had to go back and look at the documentation. I have come to agree with Jacob on the general matters; however, I wish it had been approached a bit differently. If everything is true which it appears to be, I guess it is for the best that it came to light.

    I came to NTEB around the beginning of the pandemic. I mostly came for the articles and fellowship with other believers as I have a online church (which is a real physical church Calvary Chapel Hawaii) with JD Farag. Its not perfect doctrinally (not always KJV) but I have yet to find the perfect church which leads me to my next thought. I think this is a wake up call for online communication in general across the board. Many years ago I followed TBN and Jimmy Swaggart in particular. There have been so many letdowns over the years in the church and no need to mention them all….the Laodiceans and heretics galore. Its a wake up call to not put any one person on a pedestal, especially someone online that does not have an actual physical church and has not gone through all the things that a pastor of a church needs to really be considered a pastor but I leave that to seasoned elders of the NTEB Brethren to sort out. Even with a physical church presence, there is so much rot in this day and age. I could not have imagined in my wildest dreams this is how it would end. What’s so disturbing is that there so, so much corruption and deceit all around us, it truly feels like a gut punch from the place where there was a “safe” harbor.

    In retrospect, things were not going well there for a while, and there sure was a lot of fighting and tension. I dont think that was healthy for nonbelievers to see but I can see that overt absence of moderation of the comments section from trolls and just infighting among brothers and sisters (we are not going to always agree) was not edifying Jesus Christ in the long run and a bad look. The current censorship now showing up post-exclusive just implies a void of leadership keeping things running smoothly with a Godly atmosphere instead of brawling down at the corner saloon (exaggerating slightly lol but not much). It was tense and not edifying to go there and see people attacking one another instead of building up through kindness and/or gentle reproach. I never felt attacked personally but it was weighing on me. Perhaps if TOS were more succinct, some of the issues and fighting could have been prevented but I guess that is all water under the bridge now. How can any one of us feel at ease about posting there particularly in these very last days when such a monumental amount of trust has been broken and light of some of the remarks in the documents posted here on this article.

    I met a lot of very sweet, loving people who love Jesus on NTEB, and I am grateful for the season of sharing we all enjoyed. We know the Rapture is at hand. We need each other especially now as time here draws to a close and we are surrounded by the enemy at all gates! Good grief the lockdowns coming back – incoming global slavery, WW3! I pray that somehow we can find a way to all be together again praying, sharing and studying the Word. Praying for all brothers and sisters and Geoff at NTEB.

    • Hi DaughterofRuth! I didn’t post at NTEB but I read the comments so I remember your former username Nancy D 🙂 nice to finally speak to you!

      I also enjoy listening to Pastor JD Farag. 🙂

      I hope the season of sharing doesn’t end and that He makes a way for a message board for us to fellowship. Some of us have been throwing the idea around in the earlier comments.

      I agree so much with your statement: “Its a wake up call to not put any one person on a pedestal”. The only perfect One is the Lord, and He is the only One we can count on to never fall short or disappoint us in any way. All people are flawed yet the mistake that is made all too often is pastors/leaders of ministry can be placed on the pedestal such that it is dangerously close to or is actual idolatry.

      • Hi Ginger – Nice to meet you Sister. Love my Pastor JD Farag but as you stated this is wake up call to keep our priorities on Jesus first as mortal men are flawed and will always let us down. Amen Sister. God bless you!

        • I sure miss you. You will always be Nancy Drew to me. I feel that with prayer something good will come from this break-up. Maybe a new site!
          JD has a forum, but nothing like we had. The way our old place of meeting was, seemed perfect. There will always be differences on a site like we had.
          You can’t get around it, with trolls and people checking in that want to cause problems. Without the site we had, it is like loosing friendships, and
          you really grow to be a big family in the body of Christ. Even small personal families have problems and disagreements. What kind of a site is it that NTEB has?
          Is it through discus? I was hoping that brother Ron could put out a message or bit of news. He is a great brother in Christ. At any rate, I believe something
          can be done. It may not be needed if we are raptured soon, which I feel sure is ‘soon!’ The world leaders are moving fast, and are very organized.
          Time will tell, but I sure miss sharing news and discussing it together. God Bless you Nancy. I can’t wait until we are all together. You hung in NTEB, and was
          one that I was surprised about in staying. How is it that you found out the truth? Keep a check in on this site, so we don’t loose you. : )

          • To Sister Rise –

            Hi my Sister its DaughterofRuth (formerly Nancy D). Miss you too Sister! No worries we will see each other in the Rapture! I pray its soon…like the FOT 2023! Flight 777 is still coming for us is the very good news! There are so, so many articles on this site, you could spend all day but not have the connection we did at NTEB because only a few articles and podcasts. Dont get me wrong, the articles here look good but having trouble with scrolling and replies take a while. I need to figure out the Find and use date function to make it easier. Yes. We are all not going to always agree and doctrinal differences and such but we do love one another – our brethren…. I just mentioned it to DeniseC (Please read my comments to her below. Just one comment when you have time.) that its like a divorce what we are going through but as you say God can turn it around for good the whole ugly mess…

            I left NTEB after Ron posted the Biblical reasons why we should leave (pastor disqualification, etc.). I also held back a bit because I wanted to see all the facts. I was getting over Strep with my son so I had only skimmed the article initially and was unable to zoom on the police report to read which I read later. So, staying would be sin in condoning and I dont want to lose a crown or worse be considered luke warm. Im in the process of getting tracts from other ministries. I posted one I am going to try first on DeniseC’s comment. If it works out, I will let you know. I sure hope I dont have to discard the NTEB tracts. :(. Im still holding out hope (See my comment to DeniseC) that there will be a follow-up GG comment on the situation, detailed apology to the NTEB brethren and some ministry transparency?

            Thankfully, we still have Pastor JD Farag! What a blessing he is from the Lord! Im still grieving over the Maui fires and lives lost, mostly children who were home alone during Summer vacation… So terrible… This situation with NTEB could not have come at a worse time especially with total corruption in the world, deceit and lies coming at us like lightening bolts from everyone. Good grief! The baby is ready to be born Sister, and we are almost out of here! Praying for you and your family always. God bless you!

    • Hey Daughter of Ruth/Sister Nancy! So happy too see you again, and that you’ve made your way over on here! I had to leave Nteb for good, about 4 or 5 days ago, when finally confronted with the overwhelming evidence, I could stay No Longer! Keeping our brethren in prayer of course, both those of us that left Nteb, after that fateful day, or soon after, and those that are still going over their, and unfortunately being fooled by Mr. Grider!‍♂️ Still a very shocking, and sad situation for many of us! The red flags were definitely there though! His behavior, omissions, and out right caught in lies and contractions, lacking of transparency, ect! His atitude to just brush things off as minor, was very telling! But as far as meeting you wondering brethren over their on Nteb, was definitely a major blessing sister Nancy! And I love all you wonderful sister and brothers in Christ! At least for now, at Wine Press, many of us can keep in touch with each other, even if it’s only every now and then! I used my Gab account as my website/webpage, cause I don’t do FakeBook, X/Twitter, TruthSocial, and Gettr, for the obvious reasons! Quite most of social media, and decided to only keep my Gab, Rumble, and Bitchute accounts! If your on Gab, I’m under the exact same old screen name of JerUSAlem7 with @JerUSAlem7 as my Gab handle! Hehe Definitely keeping our brethren that are still over at Nteb, as well as, those of us who had to leave, for the obvious reasons, like myself, in Prayer Let God’s Will Be Done! Amen! And God Bless you and your family sister Nancy! Maranatha!

      • Hi J7! Good to see you. My pup just went to bed…really late night she was playing ball a long time so I finally had a chance to sit down and respond to posts.

        I hear you. I am gone from NTEB now. Agree with everything you said on the situation. Please read my post to Sister Char below. I dont think we would all be fighting like that for months on end if he had been more active in moderating the board. You had to take breaks from the place to maintain sanity at times it was so contentious, frustrating, very tiring!! Good grief…. It is very shocking especially in there horrible times of terrible and constant lies, deceit and propaganda from the World. This really just plain sucks!!! GG was not invested in the NTEB body it sure did not seem in retrospect. Happy to have met you and have appreciated your kindness and your very much glowing Christ-like presence! Your halo is very bright ya know! I do know that God is going to work this out and things will be much better. His Will be done for sure! I will pop in here to check out the boards and see you. I have so appreciated you keeping me laughing and all the great posts and memes you have left to encourage the Brethren. God bless you J7 and pups Hank and Georgia too…. (wink wink) See you here again very soon or better yet at the Wedding Supper of the Lamb!

        • Hi Nancy, it is great to see you here. I was wondering if you would make it here. I am glad you saw the truth as we all did.
          I will send you an email later.
          God Bless you

          • Hi Gary – Good to see you. Hope you are well. Love your avatar. Looks like a great place to swim… Agree with everything that has been said. Please see my email to Char below for my thoughts on the issue. Praying for all and will be on the lookout for the email. God bless you and your family!

        • Replying to Nancy D. I mean DaughterofRuth (lol), Yes we have JD, but his comment section is Huge and a difficult one. No one knows anyone else
          on that thing. I still have not checked out the KjB site that Ron and Colonial man set up. I am going to do that soon.
          Yes! The Baby is about to Be Born into what God has prepared for those that love him. Oh, I CAN’T WAIT!

    • Hi ND, I am glad to see you’ve come over here. I saw you were still on NTEB and wondered why. I still wonder why Shannon,
      Cephas and David Brooks are still over there, but maybe they will read all the proof and know it’s time and maybe not. Time
      will tell. Blessings to you and your family. See you soon, sis.

      • Hi Sister Char – Ive left NTEB as well. My son and I have been recovering from a bad bug. I hadnt read all of the police reports (initially just skimmed) so I was temporarily withholding conclusions/decisions and also still digesting everything. I was also giving him the benefit of the doubt on the financials as GG promised would be forthcoming?!? Getting late on that…. 🙁 After re-reading everything and especially after seeing the threats against the women (which I had initially passed over) if they did not do x, y and z he would do x, y and z, that was my que to move on as this was not a safe Internet board (not many out there lol) to post on and definitely not friendly to the body of Christ due to the total void/absence of Godly leadership. I did read through Brother Ron’s and others various others posts about the responsibility of one who holds him out to be a pastor of sorts to the body and realized GG was Biblically disqualified. I copied and saved those scriptures for future reference in case this should ever happen again. I hope it will not be necessary as we are almost gone from this wicked world! Flight 777 is still coming for us!

        One thing I do not know, and you do not need to address this personally, are the website/’personal grievances the authors of this Exclusive against GG factor in over many years? Im just thinking outloud. But… that seems like it is a “red herring” in light of everything that I have read. Seems like some of it is business competition gripes and grudges but the police report speaks for itself.

        I have also been to Gerri U’s site to read her comments. Its important to not get hearsay (a friend of a friend of a friend said/did this…) on the issues and have real person feedback. I guess there are some years longstanding grievances about websites, not related to sin or ministry financial unaccountability, which needs to be factored in. This was a really ugly article against him. I didnt think it was handled entirely appropriately and is rather aggressive in tone, but I guess there is no sugar-coating the nastiness of this mess but could have been presented in a more Godly manner. I Very sad…. The truth isnt always pretty…. and we as believers should not be supporting or condoning further support of the NTEB site as it would be sin on our part. I saw some scripture about that posted here (my memory escapes me) and came to my senses after the shock and disbelief wore off.

        As for some of the people still on the NTEB site, I do not believe that some of those individuals (please dont laugh) are real humans or quite possibly paid commenters, bots, fake accountholders (See the Twitter scandal of fake bots). One person I do not believe is even female… but this is just the old Dt Drew in me peaking out. Maybe Im wrong and losing my mind. Ill leave that one there. I was going to change my moniker anyway, as Im pretty close to retiring from the force lol!

        In the meantime, Ive got the scissors on standby for the pile of NTEB tracts by my nightstand. What a shame. If there is no satisfactory ministry transparency statement/corrections made within the next 30 days, Im going to get busy…whah… 🙁 and order new tracts from another ministry. I hope after time passes, the brothers and sisters can all be together again sharing again here or elsewhere in safe harbors. In any event, we will be at the Wedding Supper of the Lamb shortly! I did look through some of the articles on this site and they are pretty good. I think we should also support Gerri as much as possible if she is still online for a while. That would be a blessing to her. Blessings to you dear Sister and your loved ones. See you very soon. Love all my brothers and sisters in Christ Jesus! Praying for all and for God to take this terrible situation and turn it around for good and for his glory.

        • Amen, sister. See you at the table. I hope it’s this year and even this FoT. But He has his appointed time and we can’t change it cause He knows the end from the beginning.

        • Thanks sister Nancy! Finally found your long reply post to sister Char! Took me some time, a little crazy in my opinion, where posts and replies to posts, sometimes end up on here! Plus I’m also as Tiny Phone guy, using my little iPhone screen, so is possible I just scrolled right by it a dozen times, looking for this reply post! Yeah, very much agree with exactly what your saying here! It’s even more them the massive amount of evidence in this article written and documented by brother Jacob, on Mr. Geoff Grider, and his shady behavior, womanizer, omissions, coverups, inconsistent statements, and basically caught in lies , ect! All this is also corroborated by sister Geri! So Not A Hit Piece, like Grider lies about, and wanted us to believe! It’s A Truth piece, and an exposing A Wolf in Sheep’s Clothing Piece aka well documented article, in this case, filled with damning overwhelming evidence! Glad you had a chance to go over and see what dear sister Geri wrote and posted about NTEB and Geoffrey Grider! And now we know why she left NTEB as a former featured writer ✍️ for them several years back, distancing herself from him, and warning ⚠️ many other brethren about this predator wolf in sheep’s clothing! Sorry to go on and on a bit, but just had to get that out there! Sorry to hear about you and your son still getting over nasty cold or flu bug! Praying you both continue to get better! Hope your little pup Snowball is also doing well, and is his playful normal self! And God Bless you and your family dear sister! Maranatha!

          • DaughterofRuth (ND), it’s good to see you here; just hate the situation though.
            Like you all, I hope it’s this year too; this world is not our home!

        • I agree as well, im sure missing all the good links and stuff you posted, Nancy you have been a great inspiration and a blessing to me, we will continue that in heave when i get to meet you in our new home!

  • Question: do we always have to scroll through all the comments to get to the most recent ones, or is there a way to make them appear on top. I find posting on here a pain because I always have to scroll through so much stuff. I know, first world problems lol

    • Hi Petra! Unfortunately I don’t think the order of comments can be changed. What I have been doing is I do a keyword search on the page and type in the day’s date to see what comments are new.

        • Hi Petra and Ginger,

          If you go to the WordPress website and sign up/log in, search “winepressnews.com”. If you click the link it gives you, it takes you to a page where you can follow and also set up email notifications for comments.

      • To both of you ladies, you can go up to the right hand corner of your screen and click on the 3 dots up there, then scroll
        down to the word “find” and click on it and then type in the date of the comments you want to see (like: August 26, 2023)
        and the date will be highlighted or if you want to see all of Ron’s posts you type in Ron and his name will be in yellow
        highlights, then arrow up or down to find them.

    • Hi Tracy and Petra. I saw Tracy replied to me but for some reason there is no reply button on her comment…weird.
      Just responding to her greeting. We are going home soon Tracy and Petra!

  • After speaking with Brother and Chief Ron, he asked for me to post my study.
    For all those from NTEB consider Peters warnings.

    2 Peter 2:2-3 (KJV) 2 And many shall follow their pernicious ways; by reason of whom the way of truth shall be evil spoken of. 3 And through covetousness shall they with feigned words make merchandise of you: whose judgment now of a long time lingereth not, and their damnation slumbereth not.

    2 Peter 2:13 (KJV) And shall receive the reward of unrighteousness, [as] they that count it pleasure to riot in the day time. Spots [they are] and blemishes, sporting themselves with their own deceivings while they feast with you;
    The definition of sporting has a sexual connotation.

    2 Peter 2:14 (KJV) Having eyes full of adultery, and that cannot cease from sin; beguiling unstable souls: an heart they have exercised with covetous practices; cursed children:

    Cannot cease from sin? That sounds like unsaved people. Are you one of the unstable souls? I mean this with greatest peace. Some who have been wounded religiously join other places and are drawn into the forray of false people.

    2 Peter 2:17-19 (KJV) 17 These are wells without water, clouds that are carried with a tempest; to whom the mist of darkness is reserved for ever.

    18 For when they speak great swelling [words] of vanity, they allure through the lusts of the flesh, [through much] wantonness, those that were clean escaped from them who live in error.

    Allure is where we get “lure” like in fishing. The devils tackle box (bait)

    19 While they promise them liberty, they themselves are the servants of corruption: for of whom a man is overcome, of the same is he brought in bondage.

    2 Peter 2:20-22 (KJV) 20 For if after they have escaped the pollutions of the world through the knowledge of the Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ, they are again entangled therein, and overcome, the latter end is worse with them than the beginning.

    They had the knowledge and are aware of Christ but NOT saved. IMHO

    21 For it had been better for them not to have known the way of righteousness, than, after they have known [it], to turn from the holy commandment delivered unto them.

    22 But it is happened unto them according to the true proverb, The dog [is] turned to his own vomit again; (inside cleaned) and the sow that was washed to her wallowing in the mire.(outside cleaned)

    So Peter gave us a warning on those who lead or claim Shepherd status.

    Solomon stated nothing new under the sun. Ecclesiastes 1:9 (KJV)
    The thing that hath been, it [is that] which shall be; and that which is done [is] that which shall be done: and [there is] no new [thing] under the sun.

    I am going on sixty six years of age and was called to the ministry in 2014. Each time I read the same passages in the Word I get something new. Many of you made comments about different pastors you heard and followed.

    The KJV states 1 John 4:1 (KJV)
    Beloved, believe not every spirit, but try the spirits whether they are of God: because many false prophets are gone out into the world.

    I have two universities I attended for BS and MS (retired University Professsor) and took many religion classes having to read much “religious trash.” So I read the works of Spurgeon, John R Rice, Roloff, Hyles, Ruckman, Adrian Rogers, Art Wilson, and a plethora of others. Why? To glean what I can for my own edification. So I can ask the Holy Spirits guidance on my own sermons to help others. All pastors, teachers and evangelists are human and subject to trials and temptations. Some get caught and repent, others continue on with their pernicious ways. So search the scriptures and be a Berean.

    John 5:39 (KJV)
    Search the scriptures; for in them ye think ye have eternal life: and they are they which testify of me.

    Like a fish dinner where you eat the meat (nuggets of wisdom) and leave the bones. Some of the NTEB members who left are speaking about forming a NEW web forum. I am praying about this with Ron and Tag and Ginger. May the Lord bless each of you.

    • A new web forum would be wonderful! I’ve been looking for that ever since I broke from NTEB after the wedding was announced (was it May 22?).

      • Hi Bruce Bridges,
        In response to your remark

        //How does he do this? How does he corrupt every group he works with and get them all on his side? Why doesn’t anyone besides us ever stand up and tell him to get lost?//

        This is precisely what is so dangerous about religious narcissists, they manipulate and use the faith of others to exploit them, wolves in sheep’s clothing indeed. It’s a shame BLMF seems to be siding with Geoffrey, and we know if they do ask him for his side he will play the victim card. It would be nice to try to start our own Bible printing operation. Since we broke it off with NTEB last year, we’ve been mailing out gospel messages and tracts with our email address via snail-mail to random folks. We include our email address if they want a free Bible, and have been able to send a bunch out that way. Christianbook.com does sell King James Bibles for pretty cheap, we have gotten them for about 4.99 each and they do ship worldwide. I realize this isn’t possible for everyone, but it’s at least an alternative.

        • Adam & Katey, yes I agree Christianbook.com is great website. I’ve never been unhappy with a purchase from them. Many times I realize the quality of their products is even better than I expected once they arrive.

          I have also purchased Bibles from them to give out, if you search for economy Bibles you can find all of the available lower cost ones that are ideal for purchasing in bulk. If they’re running a sale, you can even get them for $2 and change each or less 🙂 They also have many beautiful children’s storybooks for very good prices that explain Biblical concepts clearly and with lovely artwork. I like to give those out in addition to the Bibles.

          How I have been distributing the Bibles and children’s books is by leaving them in Little Free Libraries. They’re little houses for books that people put up so that people can leave books or browse and take whatever books they want free of charge. And I’m happy to say that people seem to take the Bibles pretty quickly when I check back!

          Just thought I’d share this idea since it seems to be an effective way of giving out Bibles! If anyone is interested in leaving Bibles by this method, here’s the site:


          If you check under the site menu, they actually have a world map and you can search anywhere in the world to see where Little Free Libraries are located.

          • Hey Ginger, thanks for the tip about the Little Free Libraries! That’s an awesome idea. Checked the map and there’s several around where we work and make deliveries so we’ll start bringing Bibles to deposit into them, along with tracts and Gospel cards.
            Hope everyone is enjoying a blessed day in the Lord! Keep looking up saints, our redemption draweth nigh ✨️

        • Hi Adam & Katey, you’re welcome! I’m so happy to hear that you will be leaving your Bibles, tracts, and Gospel cards at the Little Free Libraries near you!

          • Hi Ginger! Hope you’re doing well, just wanted to check in and thank you again for telling us about the little free libraries. We make wood deliveries for Adam’s job and travel all over the area, including a larger city, college areas and surrounding suburbs. There’s easily hundreds of them around, judging from the map, and we were able to visit six of them just today. Left two Bibles in each along with some tracts and gospel cards. This is a great idea! And the closest town where we do our shopping there’s 10 of them, so we can revisit and restock them frequently. Thank you again and God bless!!

        • Hi Adam & Katey, I hope you’re well too! You’re very welcome! I’m so glad to hear that the Little Free Libraries have been working out so well for you 🙂 God bless you as well!

      • I knew something was broken at that point too, honestly there were other things too. A new forum would be wonderful. Bee

    • Hi Paul, thank you for this very truthful and helpful reminder. In situations that hurt us emotionally, it can be very easy to let upset feelings to cause us to speak and convey our point in ways that aren’t so great. Or to cause us to say things that just were better off not being said at all. It’s always very important to listen to His prompting and correcting so that we get our point across in a way that is proper for a follower of Christ.

  • I reached out to Bible & Literature Missionary Foundation (who provides the Bibles that Geoff sends out) with a link to this article. I wanted to know their thoughts on whether they considered it appropriate to continue working with him in light of what has been exposed here.

    I was disgusted to see that they basically took his side on all of this, and accused me of being out for some sort of personal revenge.

    Here is their response:

    Mr. Bridges,
    Thank you for your email of 8/24/23. Neither this ministry nor I, nor anyone that I know associated
    with this ministry had ever had any personal ties to or knowledge of Mr. Grider or NTEB; neither knew
    him nor anything about him or NTEB prior to his sponsoring Bibles through this ministry.
    This ministry is a 501 (C) (3) church operated, multi-church funded Scripture printing and distribution
    ministry producing KJV and Received Text based Bibles, New Testaments, Bible portions, Gospel tracts
    and misc. Christian literature in multiple languages for free foreign mission distribution. Along with and
    in addition to our free Scripture distributions to Baptist missionaries serving in foreign countries, we
    offer these Bibles and Scriptures to churches, Christian ministries, and individuals at our cost plus
    postage/freight with the stipulation that they are not for resale, with rare exceptions.
    We provide this service to churches, Christian ministries, and Christian friends who otherwise would
    not contribute to this ministry, to get more of the precious written Word of God into the hands of those
    who do not have it or in many cases cannot afford to purchase one. This service also provides these
    other entities like Mr. Grider, the opportunity to designate where and to whom they would like their gift
    of Bibles or Scriptures to go and for a small handling charge, plus the cost of the postage/freight, we will
    handle the shipping.
    As you can obviously understand, we do not screen, question or run a background check on someone
    contributing financially to provide Bibles for people who do not have them. We certainly would not have
    known or had any way of knowing anything about Mr. Grider’s character, past, present or reason to
    question the nature of his ministry. As anyone else, we naturally assumed that someone contributing
    financially to provide Bibles free to others could only have one motive, the salvation and spiritual
    welfare of the individual or individuals receiving the Bibles.
    These are very serious and appalling accusations that you are making and although you have
    presented a very compelling case, we are finding it difficult to believe that Mr. Grider or for that matter,
    anyone we know, could be guilty of such immoral and illegal atrocities. While this is not the sort of news
    that we would ever get any satisfaction out of knowing, we are extremely grateful that you have called
    this matter to our attention as we cannot and would not ever condone or excuse such vile conduct.
    It appears however that you may be suggesting, implying, or requiring of us that we must immediately
    discontinue supplying Mr. Grider with Bibles, Bibles that he is sponsoring upon request to people who
    do not know him, but are in need of a Bible. Pardon me, but I am not exactly sure how this is going to
    penalize Mr. Grider for his alleged immorality, lewdness, fraud, and corruption; it smells more like
    retaliation to me at the expense of someone wanting a Bible who may otherwise not get one!
    Please do not take it personally, but for us to handle this matter Biblically and in fairness to Mr.
    Grider, before we conclude his guilt, I believe we owe him the opportunity to respond to these
    accusations and give us time to try to confirm these accusations before we can take a position on this
    matter! I would think you would appreciate us affording you the same courtesy and opportunity. I think
    there is a verse in my Bible somewhere that say vengeance is mine, I will recompense saith the Lord!
    Kindness Regards,
    Robert M. Lemmon, Jr., Co-Founder

    Suffice to say, this is not an organization that is worthy of our time or talents until they decide to take an unequivocal stand for righteousness.

    • Bruce Bridges,

      Interesting wording from Bible & Literature Missionary Foundation. Are they actually acknowledging that they furnish Bibles to NTEB (Geoffrey Grider) for FREE, handle distribution as well, (per Geoffrey’s destination designation)? Meaning, people contribute money to NTEB for purchase of Bibles, when Geoffrey isn’t actually purchasing any? If so, that sounds criminal in and of itself.

      I absolutely understand getting Bibles to those in want and need. What I fail to see is the need for a middle-man saying there is a cost to obtain when there is not.

      Sponsoring means to provide for a project or activity for the person carrying it out. In this case, Geoffrey Grider is ‘carrying it out’ but BLMF also stated they provide the Bibles freely and not meant for resale.

      Exactly what is going on here?

      • Born Again,

        It’s hard to know what’s going on because he lumps Scripture portions and New Testaments in with Bibles. He said he wanted resources to create “our own warehouse to be able to control the shipping process” but I’m not sure I understand that if BLMF is doing the shipping? He said the cost was $2 per Bible in the past (not including Ruckman Reference Bibles). It’s almost impossible to know because he doesn’t provide a detailed account of the cost to run everything. Yes, shipping to other countries is expensive and also in the USA but the Waygiver amount alone is $1.27 million dollars and that doesn’t include PayPal, checks, bookstore profits if any. It impossible to know what’s really going on without seeing records of ministry costs.

    • Howdy Bruce, I read the reply from the BLMF Bible organization and I see no issues with their stance. They said that they don’t condone any of
      the actions to which GG stands accused. The fact that they refuse to sever ties with him does not indicate in any way that they support GG and his
      pernicious activities. As they stated earlier in their response, they believe that anyone who wants their Bibles does so because he has the salvation
      in mind of anyone to whom the Bibles are intended. What’s wrong with that? Essentially, they are saying that they are not passing judgment on GG…
      that their only interest is getting KJB’s into the hands of as many people as possible. Sadly, Brother, you are passing judgment on an organization that
      is carrying out its mission statement and also because they won’t surrender to your demands. Thank-you for posting their reply so that we could all
      read it and make up our own minds concerning this matter. Shalom, BuffaloBilly

      our own decisions about that organization. They are not condoning or defending GG and his sinful practices in any way. Shalom, BuffaloBilly

      • I agree James. The company can not refuse to send out Bibles. If they are getting out there, it is a good thing. They certainly can’t refuse to get
        the Word of God out there to who ever needs them.

  • Proverbs 16:17-20 KJV “The highway of the upright is to depart from evil: he that keepeth his way preserveth his soul.”

    “Pride goeth before destruction, and an haughty spirit before a fall.”

    “Better it is to be of an humble spirit with the lowly, than to divide the spoil with the proud.”

    “He that handleth a matter wisely shall find good: and whoso trusteth in the LORD, happy is he.”

    The Dangers of Pride In Ministry by Jim Cymbala! https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=x_Fd3Rcde2g

  • Please forgive this old man and indulge me for shedding some light. I have read every comment and can feel your pain, amazement, hurt, and outright shock. The Lord provided some guidance:

    Kindly ask yourself when commenting, Am I promoting and exhibiting the Fruits of the Spirit?

    Galatians 5:22 (KJV)
    But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, longsuffering, gentleness, goodness, faith, Galatians 5:23-25 (KJV) 23 Meekness, temperance: against such there is no law. 24 And they that are Christ’s have crucified the flesh with the affections and lusts.

    25 If we live in the Spirit, let us also walk in the Spirit.

    Matthew 5:23 (KJV)
    Therefore if thou bring thy gift to the altar, and there rememberest that thy brother hath ought against thee;

    Mark 11:25 (KJV)
    And when ye stand praying, forgive, if ye have ought against any: that your Father also which is in heaven may forgive you your trespasses.

    I appreciate your kind attention and adherence to 1 John 1:9.

    1 John 1:7-10 (KJV) 7 But if we walk in the light, as he is in the light, we have fellowship one with another, and the blood of Jesus Christ his Son cleanseth us from all sin. 8 If we say that we have no sin, we deceive ourselves, and the truth is not in us.

    9 If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just to forgive us [our] sins, and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness.

    10 If we say that we have not sinned, we make him a liar, and his word is not in us.

    We all need understanding and the Lord’s love. We are, as born again Christians, image bearers of Jesus Christ.
    Love you brothers and sisters,

  • Hi J7. I just went over there to see the comments on his newest article and he posted it 6 hours ago and there are ZERO
    comments, so yes, he’s beginning to see what is happening now. He will end up with only Shannon, Cephas, David Brooks
    and a few others that aren’t regular posters. Such a shame, but we reap what we sew. Glad to see you here.

    • I checked the comments too on the site, still ZERO comments on newest article, and only 8 on the previous one.

      • Three posts now on last NTEB article for so-called Sunday Service podcast, but all by the same poster, David Brooks! Really drying up over there, and rightfully so!

          • Cephas too!‍♂️ Very sad they refusing believe overwhelming evidence, or even at least look into it! I really hope she eventually reads the link post by sister Geri, that was sent to her by email, from one of the brothers or sisters in here! Can’t remember, did you send it to her, brother Gary, or was it brother Ron, or one of the others? Shannon really needs to read it, and find out what Mr. Grider is really like behind the scenes, and what he’s been trying to hide from us all! Let’s keep her and the rest in prayer

          • Hi Gary. She also has Cephas to help her and of course David. There were several new names on there (wondering if it’s legit people or is GG able to post some new names on his own). See you soon,

    • Hey sister Char! Great to see you, over here on Wine Press! Exactly, spot on sister! And also Lori and a few inner circle ⭕️ people like JKitty aka Jeanette! Definitely a continued mass exodus going on of brethren waking up and find more out, and leaving Mr. Grider’s Nteb!

      • Hey J7, Janette is not going anywhere. She sent me a rather sharp e-mail when I asked her to remove me from the email list. Her response? She accused me of being unforgiving towards Geoff and said the people that were talked about in Jacob’s article are liars. I sent her a full 2 page response that took me hours to think through and write as respectfully as possible outlining the FACTS, never mind what the anonymous people mentioned in Jacob’s article have allegedly accused Geoff of. The facts are damning, especially when put together with Geoff’s response in which he admits to partaking in certain deeds as recently as 2022! In my opinion, Janette is an angry woman. By the way, she did not respond to me after my rather lengthy response to her which was in no way nasty but stated the facts and damage that has been done.

        • Wow Loretta, makes you wonder if there’s more to why she’s sticking by GG and refusing to acknowledge reality.

        • Loretta Oates,

          Considering posting her reply to you, here on WinePress, so that those unaware of Janette’s tendencies will see her ‘true self.’ She wouldn’t hesitate doing that to others.

        • Well she’s definitely a part of the Geoffrey Grider’s working NTEB inner circle ⭕️, closing ranks around Mr. Grider, so do speak, helping coverup, defend, and deflect for him! She’s been with Mr. Grider and NTEB for over a decade, now I believe! They’re obviously coming up with stories, I have no doubt, like that one where all of a sudden his relationship with one of pastors was abruptly cut off, when they were supposed to start some live online joint podcast together! Then she (JKitty) claims it was over some kind of doctrinal issue, providing zero proof of claim, saying that pastor wasn’t forthcoming, and that he supposedly didn’t believe in Eternal Security or OSAS, as she put it in her post! Total Lie! It obviously had to do with that pastor finding out about Mr. Grider’s shay ways and indiscretions, habitable sins, womanizing, conduct, ect! In other words, if anyone actually believes that story that JKitty put out about that pastor, and the reason being doctrinal, I got some beachfront property to sell ya in the middle of Montana! How stupid do they think we are?? Sorry to hear about what happened with you and her back and forth in email, sister Loretta! All those hours of work to compile a two page response back to her! But am on longer surprised by it, I have to admit! They just deflected, twist things around, and blame others, like us who just want the truth, and transparency! Hope all is well with you and your family! And God Bless you all in Christ! Maranatha!

          • Hi J7 and Loretta – Some thought on J. I only had one dealing with her in a post. She seemed angry. I did not know she had two names either until you mentioned it. I confessed that I had a Starbucks habit but was using the habit/opportunity to pass out tracts as they are very woke. I posted that I was going to start making my own special ice coffee to stay away from Starbucks now that I have passed a lot of tracts around and received a very angry, judgmental reply about frequenting the establishment. Holy moly…. It came across as mean. Just my thoughts on this person. God bless.

          • Hi Jerualem 7, I noticed long ago that Geoff had no power behind his preaching. It sounded flat and hollow to me. Obviously now I know why. It’s the little things that when you look back all start to make sense.

          • Miss Janette is the Henchwoman (A woman who is a loyal and trusted follower or subordinate, especially one who engages in unscrupulous or criminal behavior on the leader’s behalf.)
            We all know the dedinition but I wrote it anyway, fits her exactly.
            Anyway she is the henchwoman of NTEB , comes off as quite rude at times for no reason, very shocking. Most likely being supported by GG, financially, (my opinion), so of course she will defend him at all costs, even if it involves lying, which she is doing now alot. Not sure what it will take to make her break.

            JerUSAlem7—I know you know all of this , but just writing this for those who don’t.

          • Hello J7 and all that commented on my email from Janette. Very interesting comments from you all, and I see I am not the only one who noticed she comes across as rude! This is something I noticed about her long before all this happened. Gary, she and all the others that continue to follow Geoff Grider will leave NTEB if they are true followers of what the Bible says. It is a no brainer and not hard at all to connect all the dots when one reads all the evidence presented and Geoff’s response to it all. Tracy, you are exactly right. No person would go to the lengths Geoff did when he started deleting everyone’s comments that didn’t give him praise. I am with you in the fact that I don’t trust many people anymore either. The wolves are everywhere, just like Jesus told us they would be! I am happy to post my initial email to Janette and Janette’s response, including her Bible verses she put at the bottom of her email, as Born Again has requested. I won’t post my second comment to Janette though, as it is way too lengthy and not really necessary. By the way, when I responded to Janette in my second email, I did not even comment about John McTernan, because I really don’t care about that. People have disagreements all the time and separate business partnerships and move on. It’s the other stuff I care about, and you all know what I’m talking about! Here are the comments:

            Loretta Oates
            Tue, Aug 22, 10:25 AM (5 days ago)
            to Janette

            Good morning, Janette, please remove my name from the prayer list and email list. As of this date I will no longer follow NTEB. Geoffrey Grider has some very serious issues in his life he needs to address, and he has no business being in ministry. He has hurt A LOT of people as he is a liar and a manipulator. I hope you come to see this for yourself.

            God bless you Janette,

            Loretta Oates

            Janette Carter
            Wed, Aug 23, 9:45 PM (4 days ago)

            Geoffrey has done some awful things, yes. And you’ve read about ONE SIDE.
            I could have been a victim of Geoffrey’s “deeds” also. WHY? not because of anything GEOFFREY DID OR SAID, BUT WHAT THOSE WOMEN SAID TO ME!!! You see, they TRIED TO PULL ME INTO THEIR WEB AGAINST HIM.

            Am I saying they lied about lots of things????
            That’s exactly what I’m saying.
            That’s exactly what I’m saying.

            And John McTernan?
            I started that scandal. I caught McTernan, ON THE AIR, with GEOFFREY, state a big lie. After the program, I talked to McTernan. And I tried to get McTernan to admit it to me for 2 weeks before finally he did admit to me. It wasn’t a little thing, it was a salvation issue.
            McTERNAN LIED TO ME FOR 2 WEEKS!!! I talked to him about it several times in that 2 weeks & he lied every time, till the very last time I got him to admit.
            I talked to Geoff about it, & Geoff was shocked. Geoff asked him about it. THAT is the whole deal of them splitting up. Geoffrey ended it, not McTernan. And then McTernan turned the whole thing around & slandered both Geoff & me about it for a few weeks after that.

            By the way….
            since you’re in the frame of mind that you can’t forgive Geoffrey, How can you follow Paul, who murdered hundreds of people? Yeah, he got saved & stopped, but still he murdered people. Having part in all those murders. Including Stephen.
            And what about Abraham, Solomon, David, Jonah, Peter, all his hand picked disciples left Jesus hanging on the cross by himself except John.

            I am so glad God has not turned His back on me. I have sinned, too. But Jesus forgave me.

            So I’ll remove you from my list. You’ll have to tell Geoff if you want removed from his list.
            And think. All this slandering of Geoffrey has hurt Lori & her 2 innocent children. He already talked with her long ago. But the mud that has been slung has landed on the innocent.
            But don’t do anything at all about Matt 18:22. It’s satan’s way not to. It’s satan’s way to drive a wedge between Christians. And that, my friend is exactly what happened.
            If you haven’t listened to Roy Bell’s testimony, go back & listen. Also the one on Friday.

            Have a good day.


            Matthew 18:22
            Jesus saith unto him, I say not unto thee, Until seven times: but, Until seventy times seven.

            Titus 2:13 Looking for that blessed hope, and the glorious appearing of the great God and our Saviour Jesus Christ;

        • Loretta, to me that’s a dead-give-away when you try to show someone the evidence in plain sight and then they refuse to believe it. If there wasn’t any evidence for us to see then it would be could be a hit-piece. However, just by reading this article with plenty of documented proof of Geoffrey’s mistakes, and add to it the fact that he is now closely monitoring and deleting comments that he doesn’t like is ample proof that he is guilty of these things. Then, when a person gets angry just because you’re trying to help them is even more reason to wonder if these folks are what they say they are. I’m to the point that I don’t trust many people anymore. Sad too!
          The right margin on my computer is not showing about an inch or more of these comments; therefore, I’m having to guess somewhat at what each of you are saying. However, It’s not this way on
          every article.

          • Same here sis. I even tried to decrease the size of the words, but it didn’t help. Its not like that on the other post about GG. I wonder why it’s like that on this one.

        • Hi Sister Loretta – The employees, or any paid posters there, likely have knowledge and/or involvement in any scam or scams. Defensiveness is a sign of that. All of us former site visitors need to proceed with caution with what we say online, post here or there, as we are dealing with angry people with a history of criminal activity, who knows to what degree, that may lash out based on history of the documentation Jacob posted. Matthew 10:28

          God bless you Loretta!

          • Hi DaughterofRuth, that was definitely uncalled for regarding J’s nasty reply to you about your Starbucks habit. It seems to me you turned it into good by passing out tracts, and that is great in my book! Also, I do agree with you; angry people will look for anything they can to use against those who are speaking out against them, so good advice! Such a sad situation that I never in my wildest dreams could have foreseen!

          • Hi DaughterofRuth, that was uncalled for regarding J’s response to your Starbucks post. I think the fact that you used the opportunities to pass out tracts is great! I agree with you that comments should be written with careful words since we are dealing with people that are not who we thought they were! God bless you sister!

      • //Cephas too!‍♂️ Very sad they refusing believe overwhelming evidence, or even at least look into it! I really hope she eventually reads the link post by sister Geri, that was sent to her by email, from one of the brothers or sisters in here! Can’t remember, did you send it to her, brother Gary, or was it brother Ron, or one of the others? Shannon really needs to read it, and find out what Mr. Grider is really like behind the scenes, and what he’s been trying to hide from us all! Let’s keep her and the rest in prayer//

        Hello, In response to your comment above– Yes, I sent Shannon the article from this site and Geri’s site too, so she would know Geri is talking about this too, not just THEWINEPRESS. She believes it is all lies, is what she told me. I am not sure but i think Ron sent her the article as well.

          • The legal documents, one with the police officer verifying he saw the video, was full of lies?? Tsk Tsk the State of Florida, you bunch of liars, LOLta

        • Replying to Loretta above on the Starbucks habit… Thank you Loretta. It was just a gruff reply back. That’s the only interaction I can really recall but she seems rough around the edges…just my impression. God bless you!

          • DautherofRuth, I had replied twice to you regarding Starbucks post, as my original post did not show up immediately the first time, so I posted again. It probably seemed weird lol…Anyway, yes, rough around the edges is a good way to put it! God Bless You Too!

      • HI Brother, My eyes almost popped out of my head reading this post from you because reading in James tonight at the top of the page in bolded lettering it
        says: BEWARE OF PERSONAL FAVORITISM. Then there is the verse: But if ye have respect (we know God is no respecter of persons) to persons, ye commit
        sin, and are convinced of the law as transgressors. James 2:9 So with that being said, may I ask exactly what is the “inner O” people?! Is there some kind of
        cliques with brethren from NTEB that I am not aware of? I only ask as someone else mentioned inner circle people to me the other day and then I read your
        post tonight mentioning the same thing. I hope this is not what I think it is. God bless you dear Brother. MARANATHA!!!!!!!

        • Ooops, I forgot. This post about the “inner circle” people that I left was for Brother Jerusalem7. MARANATHA!!!!!!

          • Hey sister StandingFirm! Was referring to JKitty aka either Jeannette or Janette, not sure which way she spells her name, as definitely a part, probably a paid NTEB employee of Mr. Grider, and propagandist, for him, and obviously in the inner circle ⭕️ Basically lies, and deflects to protect Geoffrey! It pretty obvious, and at times she would all of a sudden become a very rude lady, for no apparent reason in both the NTEB articles comments sections, as well as, in the chatroom during NTEB podcasts done by Mr. Grider! In other words, she’s in the know, and I believe a paid member of that inner circle ⭕️ But as far as cliques on there, or little groups, I think it’s obvious that there are/were definitely some of them! Probably even some fake bot type accounts, as well, to drive up the NTEB member numbers, not buy that all these people that aren’t commenting, that have zero following, are legit accounts! Now obviously some definitely are legit, but in my opinion, there’s likely several that aren’t, that are just bot accounts, like on X/Twitter, FB, and other social media networks, ect! Anyways, I’ve said enough on that! Amen on James 2:9! God is definitely Not a Respecter of Persons! Hope all is well with you and your family dear sister! God Bless you all in Christ! Maranatha!

            James 2:9 KJV “But if ye have respect to persons, ye commit sin, and are convinced of the law as transgressors.”

      • Hey Jer. Just confessing that I committed the unpardonable sin. Janette wrote and asked why I wasn’t in chat anymore and said everyone missed me. I wrote a nice letter back explaining why.
        I even sent to 2 other friends to make sure it was okay before I sent it.

        Got promptly banned from both NTEB Telegram groups.

        No one may disagree with Der Fuhrer (the leader).

        Tricia 🙂

        • I was banned from the NTEB Telegram groups on August 15, after I made a comment on this article soon after it was posted.
          All i said was “I saw that coming”, then 2 hours later I was banned from the Telegram groups , (not that I care now).

          • It seems that’s all he does is block and ban us! It’s Pope Geoffrey The infallible over there at NTEB, and one must go with his accepted narrative and kiss the Grider ring! Blah

          • They cant ban Gid the truth will and has found them out! Gods in control he will not bless that mess!
            Very sad ,he sure fooled me!
            God bless you Gary good to see you again

        • They clearly don’t want us talking to or communicating with anyone who’s still an NTEB member! They want to keep the rest in the dark, so they don’t know the truth! He can block me too at this point, I could care less! Had not plans of going back to NTEB! Maybe he already has?? Dunno ‍♂️

          • Hello Brother Jer7! I had to answer you here regarding your answer back to me above about the inner circle and favoring of people. I was unable to
            read the print near the far right margin as it gets cut off. But thank you for your response. It seems Geoff is guilty of favoring certain people was my
            understanding on what was written. That is wrong in the eyes of God who shows no partiality or respecter of persons. I personally so abhor that kind
            of mindset and have strived in my walk with Jesus to never cause anyone I have known to feel left out or lesser than. How in the world can one obey
            the Lord when he admonishes to “treat others better than yourselves” if one does favoring of one person over the other? I must be honest, the Lord
            spoke to my heart about a week and a half before we found out this truth, and He very clearly said to me “You don’t belong there.” Meaning at NTEB.
            There was no mistake about it. Now I know why. God bless you dear Brother! MARANATHA!!!!!!!!

        • Wow! Apparently you got cancelled! Maybe this will wake more people up and they will leave NTEB! I hope so! I know your presence will be sorely missed by a lot of people!

        • You got banned? I am really shocked. My first thoughts are, How can anyone choose a person or wrong doing Above Jesus Christ?
          This really makes me feel sick inside. We are right at the gate, the Lord is coming very soon. That is the most important thing in the entire world.
          I honestly feel sick for those I considered people of God. If this is a test or trial, they would fail. It is really serious business and anyone not able to
          decern in this late hour will be easily Deceived as we go forth. We are called to stay away from that which is not pleasing to the Lord God Almighty.
          This really upsets me. God is FIRST and Foremost, no matter what! I will continue to pray for those that are deceived. May God open their eyes.

          • Jann, where is the discernment in some of our brothers and sisters? I said my piece to GG, trying to give him an opportunity to explain, ready to forgive,
            trying to UNDERSTAND! and his response was to SAY that he’d explain the finances in the future, but two weeks later….nothing! He said he cried out to God
            for his sexual sins but showed no remorse to the NTEB family who has supported him spiritually and financially for years, or to the vulnerable women whom
            he pursued. His attitude, and that of “Plastic Jesus” was one of “it takes two,” projecting the sin onto the women as if to excuse being a predator. No mention
            that those other women weren’t leading a large ministry to whom said leader should be an example.

            I feel like he’s hoping things will die down and everyone will forget about it, but SURELY he can see the lack of comments, the people who have left….
            I mean Ron commented EVERY DAY, as did Char and several of those of you who are here now. Those commenting now are 1) people I’ve never heard of,
            2) those who feel indebted to GG (false loyalty), and 3) those who have their own websites and promote them to GG’s audience.

            Matthew 24:24
            King James Version
            24 For there shall arise false Christs, and false prophets, and shall shew great signs and wonders; insomuch that, if it were possible,
            they shall deceive the very elect.

            Whether in matters of the jab/masks, politics, or faith, people now find it easier to (willingly?) go along with the deception than to ADMIT they’ve been
            deceived in the first place. It takes a person of strong character to admit they were wrong, and we know that today’s “lovers of themselves,”
            are too prideful to say so. They attack/block the person telling them the truth, rather than those who LIED to them.
            Religious pride is the hardest for people to see in themselves. They think they are being the bigger person and that those who turn
            away from the false preacher are too judgmental, but if there’s one area where we SHOULD be (and I’d add CALLED to be) judgmental is in whom we
            follow to show us Christ.

            Whether GG comes clean and shows contrition or not, I forgive him for his behavior, as a filthy sinner myself. However, I can’t respect the appearance that
            this is no big deal or that we need to move on and forget it. One point seven million dollars for bibles with no breakdown of where that money goes IS a big deal.
            Those who would overlook that or defend it as “all lies” need to look within and ask themselves if they are motivated by Jesus or for themselves to look
            Love you, Sister.

            • Proverbs 29:1 He, that being often reproved hardeneth his neck, shall suddenly be destroyed, and that without remedy.
              He’ll never learn. He’s had decades to learn and get right but refuses to, and blames everyone else. He’s a fraud. I never believed for a nanosecond that he was going to explain where the money goes. He can’t and he won’t. What he is doing is the same thing he’s done before when he was caught and scrutinized.

          • Denise C, I couldn’t reply under your post, there was no reply option.
            Just want you to know that I read what you said, and of course I am in agreement.
            Everything has just been ‘pushed under the rug,’ so to speak. Everything is just
            supposed to go back to normal. Where is the break down of the monies spent?
            If I did continue on the site, I would have to ask, every now and then, “Geoffrey,
            how are you doing with your temptations brother?” Also, wasn’t there supposed
            to be a report on the monies spent? Everyone giving should be able to know this.
            All I see is the pointing out of so many other ministers that are not right with God,
            with a ‘better than they’ attitude. Is GG able to forgive them? Can a child of God
            just continue over the years to repeat the same sin in their lives without changing
            or growing in the Lord? Is he the only one that is right in everything he says and
            teaches? How much love for others is taught by him? I only see judgement and
            the pointing out of others from him. I just don’t feel in my spirit that he gives others
            what he wants other to give him. I ask the Lord to forgive me if I am being too
            judgemental about him. I don’t like that feeling. I forgive, but even the Word of
            God states that when you grow in the Lord that you grow as a Christian. Has he
            really changed? If it was me in his shoes, I would honestly share with the flock I
            was leading how I was doing. I would honestly give a report every now and then.
            Am I wrong in this thinking? We can really grow and learn from this situation, I
            think. He should have had a spiritual brother in Christ that he lets know how he
            is doing. This is what I would do in this situation. For starters, he could let people
            that are giving funds know how they are spent. A good and honest church would
            do this, I feel sure. These charges against him were not small things at all. This is
            what I think, and I don’t judge people strickly. God knows his heart, and believe
            me, as you know, he will not fool God! I think it is very sad, and I haven’t known
            of something like this in my way over 50 years of serving the Lord, what I would
            call faithfully. We are to Grow in Christ. He can’t seem to get to that point I guess.
            I personally would have had someone take my place for a while until I felt that
            I was right with the Lord and it showed in my actions. In Christ we are a New Man.
            If we don’t show growth and winning against sin, were we ever really right with
            Him in the first place? Until I had a change of heart and knew beyond a doute
            that I received victory over past sins, I would not go forth in a leadership position.
            That is what I think in my heart. I love you in Chris DeniseC. You are a good sister
            in the lord. May God Bless you always until we see Him.

      • Jacob, Geoff was caught doing this before? Was he called out with his NTEB followers? If so, when was that? I’ve been following NTEB for two years and I never knew about any of this before.

        • Well he was outed and had that thing with McTernan in 2012, then he posted that piece in 2015 I referenced, and then when he was kicked out of at least one church in Florida. He just gives the same excuse.

          • Jacob, thanks. Geoff is definitely showing his true colors by how he is handling this situation as he has not shown any true repentance, and he has been very busy on the warpath of banning people from his Disqus and Telegram platforms left and right! I am so glad to know all this, and I am very thankful for your efforts in getting the truth out for all who want to see it!

      • This post is to Denise C above (no reply under her name)

        “Jann, where is the discernment in some of our brothers and sisters? I said my piece to GG, trying to give him an opportunity to explain, ready to forgive,
        trying to UNDERSTAND! and his response was to SAY that he’d explain the finances in the future, but two weeks later….nothing!”

        This reply is to Denise C above – I too am waiting for GG to do a follow-up of some kind and let us know when we could expect documentation. We all forgive him but has he asked for our forgiveness? What about trust in the ministry? I wanted to give him the benefit of the doubt and wait for all sides to get their $.02 in. Just like Sergeant Joe Friday…. just the facts and nothing but the facts (emphasis added.). I was holding back but the hour is getting late. I went to the bookstore last month because I was considering purchasing some bibles but the prices are too high in comparison to other places. I have a ton of tracts that Im going to have to discard….:( and buy new ones. I have another site to try for tracts. Looks scriptural…. Name of the company is: Moments with the Book…. Here is the link…. Just delete the spaces because I dont know if I can post without losing the comment. https: //mwtb.org/ I have no experience with this company yet, but I will try ordering around the first of the month and let everyone know.

        “He said he cried out to God for his sexual sins but showed no remorse to the NTEB family who has supported him spiritually and financially for years, or to the vulnerable women whom
        he pursued.”

        Of course we can forgive him but like you say he needs to ask for our forgiveness and convince us we can trust him. How can we trust him now? Yikes… This is such a horrible mess. These were allegations but he was not prosecuted for these things that I am aware. Its the threats against the women that are the bigger issues and the audacity behind them. Im not defending GG or condoning all of this in the least but to be fair, the authors of this “exclusive” have been building a case against him for years (that’s vendetta-like imvho and there are very non-Christian comments in the article – unneccesary personal jabs and insults that are very “emotional” against GG which take away from dirty deeds. What about covering a brother’s trangressions?) and there have been tiffs amongst them them for years? I dont understand those things fully. Anyway, as the days go by, any hope that GG will humble himself to do as you suggest above grows dimmer and dimmer. 🙁

        “Those commenting now are 1) people I’ve never heard of,
        2) those who feel indebted to GG (false loyalty), and 3) those who have their own websites and promote them to GG’s audience.”

        I believe that one woman and one man (a tag team) may be alter-egos, AI bots or paid posters. I have felt something wasnt right and odd at times there for a long time with the two. Some of the others I have never seen. Fake accounts? Just my suspicions.

        Thank you and Skywatcher for all your efforts on this. When I saw the posts that Ron so tirelessly wrote on the matter with the supporting scriptures on the procedures for removal of pastor or minister in such cases, the light bulb went on. GG should stop doing the podcasts as it is not Biblically correct, and we NTEBers should not condone by visiting (that would be sin) until GG rectifies the situation as you mentioned above. So sad how this turned out. I believe someone on this board likened this to a divorce – not too far off. Its pretty awful. Ive been checking out this site and there are a lot of articles…. we could get lost on this site. Holy moly! It was easier to connect on NTEB because there were only a few articles and then the podcasts. Hoping for FOT Rapture. As I told the other sisters Flight 777 is still coming for us so we need to keep our chin up! God bless you and your family!

        DaughterofRuth (Formerly known as Nancy D)

        • Hi DaughterOfRuth,
          Thank you for sharing that tract site Moments With The Book! We give out Chick tracts and a few different Ruckman ones from Bible Baptist Bookstore, but always on the lookout for other good ones. Please let us know which tracts you get and how you like them! May the Lord bless you and yours.

        • (DaughterofRuth aka sister Nancy)
          “Those commenting now are 1) people I’ve never heard of,
          2) those who feel indebted to GG (false loyalty), and 3) those who have their own websites and promote them to GG’s audience.”

          I think you pretty spot on, with this analysis, sister Nancy! I believe there’s some paid for, or bought and purchased loyalty going on over there JKitty aka miss Jannette is definitely Mr. Gider’s henchwomen, obviously a paid NTEB inner circle ⭕️ employee, and propagandist for Geoffrey! And will engage in omission, twist around wordings of event, and outright lie to protect the hand that feeds here, in this case Mr. Grider of NTEB! Geoffrey has also in the past help her, to further buy her loyalty, by starting a GoFundMe account, to help get Jannette financial aid , when she supposedly had lost her job, this goes well back several years ago! As for Shannon, I also did hear, that Geoffrey did help her once, financially, as well, with I believe it was another GoFundMe account, to buy some loyalty out of her, and that may be the biggest reason she refuses to believe, or even look into the overwhelming evidence, well documented by brother Jacob, in this article, and also totally corroborated by sister Geri Ungurean, on her blog website! Sadly she doesn’t seem to have any discernment in this area, and blinded by person biased positive view of Mr. Grider, who once helped her with something financial! As far as Cephas goes, it’s quite obvious he’s very young and immature, as a Christian, and I’m saying this to look down on him, please under this, it about his conduct verbally on NTEB, and his very unsanctified language used, when he gets very argumentative and defensively! Very unchristian at times, loosing his temper, and in the flesh! Also like Shannon, appears to have no discernment, in this area! Also he appears to be a little bit legalistic, but then again Geoffrey and Jannette get legalistic in there at times! I remember you mentioning she went after you for going to Starbucks a few times, even though you were sharing The Gospel, planting seeds by handing out or placing Gospel tracts in there! Then you even stop going to that gross coffee ☕️ tasting place, cause obviously D&D coffee ☕️ tastes much better, haha joking a little, but seriously she was very rude to you about frequent that establishment, which btw, at the time was already past tense for you! Anyway I hope you are having a wonderful day today ☀️, dear sister Nancy! And God Bless you and your family in Christ! Maranatha!

          • Replying to J7

            Hi J7! The individuals who mentioned I feel are possibly not real humans OR made up posters from GG. I dont understand the need for a woman? to pal around and chit chat back and forth with a stranger online who is having constant meltdowns….hummmmm. A lot about that connection makes no sense. Dont get me wrong, I loved all the Christian memes posted. Great stuff but who is really posting them. Another odd thing I noticed was on the GG response to the exclusive article there were like 10 laughing hysterically emojis on that board in an off-the-cuff joke to Cephas…. huh? what? That shows lack of humanity (Bot?) on a very serious subject matter board… Say what??? Bizarre considering the seriousness of the board content reply to the exclusive. Weird and TONE DEAF….

            Definitely think there is a lot of legalism on the site. Someone posted above as “Strangers in the Night” I had a good chuckle because I grew up on Frank Sinatra and the oldies… Occasional I play it for the dog now lol. No but seriously while I love all music except for death metal lol… I try to stay from any that promotes sin and focus on great worship music! honoring God! Come out of the world and be separate ya know…

            Im still battling a coffee habit decades long. Im an emotional eater so it comes with the territory. My entire family has eating disorder and do when I get upset I turn to comfort drinks…. No alcohol though thankfully. Not a problem. No imbibe. Drinking more at home and working on making my own saves gas and money – ridiculously expensive. The Lord is helping me with that. More tracts I could purchase instead of feeding my flesh with a woke company drink! Heck they even named a sandwich after Billy G….yuck! So working on this and my health. I will probably end up just doing a sample cup here and there. I like teas and drinking more water, fasting and OMAD again soon. D&D Coffee hum? Sounds good. I am going to investigate other non-woke places. Wonder if there are any good “Christian” coffee houses out there? Lol. That’s a good idea! I had a girlfriend in high school whose sister went into the coffee business in the 70s. She must be a multi-millionaire by now lol. Hope she got saved. My high school friend (the sister) took me to be baptized years ago so she was already saved as I was coming out of Catholicism… Sorry Im blathering on about coffee…

            Gee I sure hope this scandal comes to a conclusion but I understand that there is more to come eek!!!!! This is sure awful. I pray the Rapture is in a couple weeks. The Anti-christ system is getting worse and worse by the day. Our gubiner is going to be leading the way on the Convid saga/Agenda 21/Great Reset so the ugliness likely to start here in Cali first. I guess the PTB picked the perfect couple to bring about their eugenics program… (The wife owns a porn business which funnels “educational” films to schools…) I saw a Florida school was shut down over Covid today pretty sure… One thing is clear, I see little difference between left and right and no one in office seems to be protesting Agenda 21 policies. A lot of strongly worded letters is about all the fight I see. I just finished reading an article on the hedge about the new AI red cameras looks to be part of the new smart cities. They are going up like crazy all around this area in Socal.

            Be checking in every couple of days here. Its easier to go to the bottom on the comments and go back up lol! God bless you and Georgia, Hank!

          • Hey sister Ruth/Nancy! Thanks for your long reply back! Couldn’t reply under your comment, cause it left no reply button to hit on my tiny iPhone screen! Ugh Btw, you pretty well stated it in your book ya wrote back to me! Haha just kidding a little! Just wanted to make sure, you know I did get your comment reply back to me, and this is my attempt to get an answer back to you, but had to hit reply under my own previous comment to you earlier! Brother Jacob, could you possibly at some point tweak this comment section, so are replies could end up going to the person we’re replying back too?? It’s a bit confusing to where they end up!‍♂️‍♂️ Have to search for a lot of them! Anyways getting back to ya, sister Nancy! Hope all’s well with you and your family! God Bless you all in Christ! Maranatha!

          • Jerusalem7,

            “As far as Cephas goes, it’s quite obvious he’s very young and immature, as a Christian, and I’m saying this to look down on him, please under this,
            it about his conduct verbally on NTEB, and his very unsanctified language used, when he gets very argumentative and defensively! Very unchristian
            at times, loosing his temper, and in the flesh! Also like Shannon, appears to have no discernment, in this area!”

            It’s about time you noticed. Why didn’t you call him out before? He was so often unnecessarily nasty and hateful to me on NTEB, and I never
            understood why he was allowed to act like that towards me and get away with it. When he posted here as “plastic Jesus”, I knew right away it
            was him. He has a “style” towards anyone he dislikes. He’ll never leave NTEB as long as Shannaroo is there. But you can pray for him all you
            want. If I were you all, I would move on, and forget NTEB. You nailed it when you mentioned legalism. I have always thought so, too. To condemn
            Nancy Drew for going to Starbucks was over the top ridiculous. She (and we) are free in Christ to go to any restaurant we want. And we can listen
            to Sinatra if we want. No one needs another Christian’s permission to do so. Legalist people like that are almost always involved in gross sin, and
            they use that sort of legalism to cover their own sin. It’s a huge red flag. At best, they are babies if they are even saved. Run. And don’t look back.
            Get in the Word and GROW. Rightly divide!

          • Replying back to SouthernBelle!

            Hi SouthernBelle aka SB!

            Sorry I’m so late with getting back to you sister! A couples reasons, first I stopped coming back and checking this Wine Press article daily comment section almost a week ago, and two it’s not very well setup for a lot of comments, and replies back to comments, as it obvious, by where they sometimes end up, kind of confusing! Plus I just joined another new forum better setup for comments, topics, ect., with a lot of other former NTEBers brethren a few days ago! As far as Cephas goes, yep definitely super obvious that that not your plastic Jesus guy, was thinnest veiled disguise ever, and definitely Cephas! He wasn’t fooling any of us former NTEBers, that were familiar with him, and how he posts in NTEB! Yes, he’s very young and immature baby Christian, so do speak! And yes, a lot of us, including myself, did let a lot side with him, hoping he’d just learn to zip it , and ignore people he his theological doctrinal differences with! Unfortunately sadly would only last about two articles, and he’d be right back at it, often using unchristian unsanctified language! Very disrespectful and disappointing, and I probably should have said more to him than I did, however the biggest problem with NTEB is right at the top, and that is GG aka Mr Grider! We may have not known it completely at the time, but certainly the red flags were there! The inconsistencies, the legalism, the self promotion, the omissions, and out right caught in lies! And We didn’t even know a small fraction of what GG was hiding from us, a total lack of transparency, ect! Finally about three weeks ago, after doing some of my own investigation and looking into the evidence, I left NTEB for good, and am not looking back, same as many of you all brethren, who are also former NTEBers! Hope you are doing well today and your family, as well sister! And please enjoy a nice large cup of Coffee ☕️, D&D, Starbucks, or whatever your preference is hehe And God Bless you all in Christ! Maranatha!

        • Thank you for your kind words, Daughter of Ruth/Nancy. Your analysis is very accurate. I’ve been wondering if GG is worried about the legalities
          of what he’s done—the women and the money—and if that’s the reason he hasn’t said more? Jacob said there is more to come out, so who
          knows. I don’t think that ignoring it will make it go away, but I don’t think we are going to get an explanation. I feel no joy in someone’s downfall, but
          I do hope that GG can turn to God and turn his life around. He could turn his ministry from GET SAVED NOW OR BE LEFT BEHIND to meeting people
          where they are, the walking wounded who see the church as judgmental and pastors on a pedestal, and really practice WWJD to them. He can humble
          himself and start anew, or be perceived as insincere and callous. It’s up to him.
          God bless you and your family as well.

          • Other outlets have reached out to me saying they wanted to a do story on it, but now they are acting all wishy-washy and wanting to make a mountain out of the molehill with this story, so a larger outlet that I had thought would publish the story probably won’t. Figures. That is what I was mainly referencing about “more to come.” I think at this point people will need to continue to keep sharing this via word of mouth and just warn people. I mean, his audience is already been vastly diminished.

          • Hi Denise C! There isn’t a reply button under your most recent post so I hope you see this. You asked if you can share music on the message board – the answer is yes! There is a section specifically for sharing music 🙂

          • Thank you, Ginger. I found a reply button under a different comment by me. LOL
            It’s like we have to piggy-back on each other here, but as long as people use the “find” option and put the newest date, they can read replies
            wherever they are.

      • Oh my! The comment I made above yours, BB, to Denise C is waiting for moderation.
        I can’t imagine that I said something offensive. Wow. I think I need to stay off the
        computer for awhile, and spend some time in prayer. I spoke what was on my heart.

        • @Riseinhim, your comment is there, I just read it. It is truthful and written from your heart. I agree with you! It seems that if Geoffrey were truly repentant that he would be allowing truthful comments questioning his actions instead of removing any comment that questions his actions. However, like you said God knows our hearts and that is what matters. I just hate that this has happened, but it is good that he has been exposed. Still sad, and prayers for all.
          God Bless you, Jann.

          • God Bless you Tracy. I guess the comment that I had posted ended up checking out as ‘okay’ then. It did say it was being moderated.
            I can’t remember how long you had been on NTEB site. Lol, it seems like I’ve known you and many others for a long time. I am at least
            ten years on the site. I know it’s been said, but again, it is like loosing all your Christian friends and family. Ten years is a long time
            to chat with those you hold dear, and care about. Even meeting now Christians that show up is real up-lifting. Maybe Jacob will find how
            to start a new thread every now and then. We need a good leader to bring a message in regard to the Word of God, and info. news on
            things that are happening prophesy wise. It was a real blessing to post prayer requests, share stories and just discuss certain topics with
            all those that are in the family of God. He will make a way, if it is meant to be. Love you in the Lord dear sister. You are a blessing.

          • Hi Jann, I knew that you had been there for several years, and I’ve always enjoyed reading your post and love your Christian deamenor. I started reading and posting in 2012, so eleven years for me.

  • Bruce Bridges,
    I just read the response from the Bible Literary Foundation. Shock is stating it lightly. The fellow said “ we are finding it difficult to believe that Mr. Grider or for that matter,
    anyone we know, could be guilty of such immoral and illegal atrocities.” It sounds like he didn’t see the evidence. If he did according to his own statement he should be having a sit down with Mr. Grider. It’s a shame Mr. Lemmon spoke to you so viscous ly. I pray he apologizes to you.

    • I feel like it’s more than not seeing the evidence. I feel like Lemmon is directly covering for Grider here. How does Grider corrupt every single person and organization he comes into contact with and get them onto his side like that? What kind of power does he have over people to blind them to the truth?

  • Ron, were you able to get an email to Shannon? I wonder if she knew the depth of what Winepress has, if she would dismiss it. Funny how we worry about others. I guess it’s because they are like family.

      • I look for David, Kristi Ann, maybe Cephas (he has been duped) and a few others to join us here once the news spreads. I feel there are several who hasn’t read this article. It’s just a sad situation regardless. Take care, Jann


        • Tracy, how is the news going to spread? Ron reached out to all that he could already. I tried to go back and tell Popo (his avatar is with his wife). He isn’t
          on the NTEB website too often, but he didn’t even realize why his posts were not being posted, but were marked, ‘pending.’ He posted that he didn’t
          know why. GG replied to him that, and I am replying from memory only, something I think was a little ‘ugly.’ Something about his post was up and seen,’
          which made Popo look ‘stupid.’ It upset me, so I clicked on his avatar and on discus it showed that he frequented WND as well as NTEB. I even looked for
          him on WND to let him have the link to GG’s article of apology. I went to an old article from NTEB where he posted a few months back. I put the link to the
          GG’s apology article. Well, it got the same old ‘pending for approval.’ Of course it was not posted. I think that people on NTEB that aren’t there very often
          should at least know why, even if it is the article of apology. Sorry this was so long, but I feel better about posting it, because so many on that site do
          not know what happened. Glad I saw it. I think Ron would have emailed me, but he doesn’t have everyones email.

          • @Riseinhim, you do have a point. We can’t post anything more on NTEB, because Geoffrey won’t allow it, if it goes against his narrative. I was just thinking that some of the others would begin to question why so many of his posters suddenly left there. Yes, I’m sure there are many still there who missed the “I’m sorry” article, and they don’t have a clue. And yes, I so enjoyed conversing with all of you like-minded Christians; it’s truly sad. I noticed there are several rom NTEB who have registered on the new site that Paul and Ron have setup. Please stay in touch, you are one of my favorites
            God Bless you, Jann!

    • Hi Jann, Shannon says this article is all lies, and won’t even read the entire article. Now recently she blocked me on Facebook.
      Well we need to just keep praying for all of the ones that stayed there. Also I am curious as to what KristiAnn thinks about it.

      • Just saw that Aunt Nancy is still over there on NTEB! She doesn’t go on NTEB to comment on articles to often, so it’s possible she might not know what’s really going on!

      • I don’t believe that KristiAnn knows what has happened. If she did, I feel sure that she would not stay on the site.

        • Exactly Ron. She is just assuming it’s all lies and won’t even search into all of this. G is her idol for sure and can do no wrong. Even Dave Evans thinks this is all a “Hit Piece” and won’t even consider searching this. I had talked to Dave 2 weeks ago about this.

    • Hey RiseinHim, Standingfirm, Loretta, J7 and anyone else I know – I want to stay in contact. I don’t want to lose my people! Please
      email me: tag.1611@yahoo.com. That’s an old back up email address and not the one I regularly use, but I will use my regular one
      to write back. Some of you I’m already in contact with on FB, although you can contact me via email. I am thinking about trying to find
      a place where we can all congregate and keep in touch as one, as we did before. I know others are looking as well, Lord willing, we’ll come up
      with something.

      • Hi Tag! Thanks for posting your email, I know myself and others have been trying to figure out a way to exchange emails but most of us have not wanted to post email addresses publicly haha. I’m going to send you an email 🙂

      • Hey sister Tag! Would definitely love to keep in contact with all you wonderful brethren! Will email you my email address, rather then posting it public in here, just to be safe! Making a group on Telegram or another social media platform, actually sounds like a good idea! But I would have to figure out Telegram first, tried joining it years ago, but had a problem creating an account, and me not being a techy ‍ person, kind of gave up on it, for now back then! But could try doing it again! Btw, I am on Gab under my exact same screen name of JerUSAlem7, and on both Rumble and Bitchute, also under JerUSAlem7, but they’re more Youtube alternatives, not setup for a chatroom, type board or room! Hope your doing well today! And God Bless you and your family dear sister! Maranatha!

      • Hi Tricia, I will send you an email, and I would be so thrilled to be in the new group if one is formed so we can all fellowship!

      • Hi Sis Tag! I will send you a e-mail as I would love to stay in touch. I pray someone will be able to think of something where we can do bible studies, pray
        for one another etc. I look forward to hearing from you! Love in Christ & MARANATHA!!!!!!!!

        • My comment is not in the place I put it. I posted under Tag’s post with her email given. This forum is a bit difficult to
          communicate on.

        • To Sister Rise –

          Sister Rise – I went over out of curiousity to see who was still left and posting. I saw that someone had posted a new Robert Breaker video about sign of the baby giving birth. Please check out the video called: Revelation 12 sign: Dont Look Up. This is a follow-up to the Breaker video you posted about Jesus coming soon. Got so excited. This is amazing. The signs are right in front of our faces! God bless you Sister.

          • I am wondering about the post below this. Jacob has said that Robert Breaker is a false prophet. I am going to look up what Breaker’s statement of faith
            is. I would have to see his plan of salvation. I haven’t heard that he is a false prophet, and am a bit surprized. If he is teaching something about date settings
            I am surprized. He always says things like it could be. In other words, he does not claim a date, but does use much scripture and is like everyone else, in
            that he doesn’t say it is a truth, but leaves it to others to see and search it out themselves. I think he is very interesting to listen to. As long as you don’t
            believe something just as he has written it out on his chalk board, you can either agree or disagree. I love his charts. If his statement of faith and way to
            salvation is wrong, now that is a different story. I will search this out, as I don’t know exactly what it is. I am very slow in putting someone so quickly as
            a false prophet. It is a very wonderful thing that each person is responsible for their relationship with Christ and is always ready to disagree with someone
            if they are off on their doctrine, especially it is about being saved. Many Christians, though, are to be searching and will pick up on wrong doctrine. I depend
            on the holy spirit for guidance, and Christ alone, knows if you seek truth. If you do, I feel that he will guide you to it. Thank God, when we are home, all will
            know and Christ will know if we sincerely seeked to know the truth. Just my thought on it. I do enjoy seeing what he has to say. I can’t say at this time that
            he is ‘false prophet.’ I listen, and don’t let anyone lead me, nor do I believe what everyone states it absolute truth. That is when we seek it out.

          • Jacob, see my reply to you in regard to Robert Breaker. It is down below somewhere. I placed Robert Breaker’s Statement of faith (a link to it).
            We don’t agree, and just didn’t want you to miss my response. Thank you

  • Loretta Oates, Jeanette was very rude and obviously deflecting from the real issue here. What women is she referring to that tried to bring her into this? The woman he filmed doing a sexual act on him and then threatened to kill her? The many women he hit on at Bible Believers Baptist Church? The email from her made no sense.

    • My thoughts, too. What women? And then she dragged our friend, the Apostle Paul, into it. How can you forgive the Apostle Paul and not Geoffrey, asks Jeanette? First of all,Loretta never said anything about not forgiving Geoff. Second of all, Geoffrey is no Apostle Paul. Third of all, she points out how Paul got saved and stopped murdering. Well, perhaps Geoff is saved, perhaps he isn’t. But he says he’s been saved since the early 90s. In 30+ years, it seems he has never really stopped his own naughty antics. He was still playing around up to the end of last year, according to his response to Jacob. Christian or not, seems a 62 year old man would have, at best, grown up a bit in 30 years. This isn’t so much about forgiveness on our part as it is about truly hating the sin you once loved. My judgement is that he still loves his sin. Are we to overlook this fact and call it “forgiveness”? Not if you really love a brother. Geoffrey’s followers do not love him. They have made him into an idol. Their idol can do no wrong. He’s a “man of God”.

      • Charlton, you brought up some salient points. The Corinthian books were written for pastors, evangelists, and teachers mainly
        but applicable to all. Some people have a problem with believing in their heart.
        This is covered in Jeremiah 17:9 (KJV)
        The heart [is] deceitful above all [things], and desperately wicked: who can know it?

        But, the Word tells us Romans 10:9 (KJV) That if thou shalt confess with thy mouth the Lord Jesus,
        and shalt believe in thine heart that God hath raised him from the dead, thou shalt be saved.

        You can have the knowledge of Christ and not believe.
        Additionally, Romans 10:13 (KJV) For whosoever shall call upon the name of the Lord shall be saved.
        A person can have “worldly sorrow” in essence that kind of sorrow that they got caught or their deeds were
        uncovered. It does not mean they are saved.

        You can go forward in church and get baptized while yet unsaved. Go down a dry sinner come up a wet sinner. That wont save you.
        So also you can have godly sorrow, go forward, confess and get up relieved and then go out and do the same things again.
        Christians in that cycle never become mature. True repentance is that sorrow of the heart that leads a person to call on Jesus
        and asked to be truly forgiven and by faith in his precious efficacious blood have your sins forgiven and FORGOTTEN
        and the Lord creates a NEW heart in you.

        Only the Lord knows and the person if they ever called on Jesus. We are fruit inspectors.

        So our friend Paul reveals his own heart.
        2 Corinthians 7:8-12 (KJV) 8 For though I made you sorry with a letter, I do not repent, though I did repent: for I perceive that the
        same epistle hath made you sorry, though [it were] but for a season. 9 Now I rejoice, not that ye were made sorry, but that ye
        sorrowed to repentance: for ye were made sorry after a godly manner, that ye might receive damage by us in nothing.

        Text verse) 10 For godly sorrow worketh repentance to salvation not to be repented of: but the sorrow of the world worketh death.

        11 For behold this selfsame thing, that ye sorrowed after a godly sort, what carefulness it wrought in you, yea, [what]
        clearing of yourselves, yea, [what] indignation, yea, [what] fear, yea, [what] vehement desire, yea, [what] zeal, yea, [what]
        revenge! In all [things] ye have approved yourselves to be clear in this matter. 12 Wherefore, though I wrote unto you, [I did it]
        not for his cause that had done the wrong, nor for his cause that suffered wrong, but that our care for you in the sight of God
        might appear unto you.
        My two cents, Paul

        • Oh, how I loved your post Colonialman. It is beautiful and explains so much. I have always said, felt and believed that It is a heart matter. For all have sinned
          and fallen short the Glory of God. It has and always will be a matter of the ‘Heart.’
          In this world, we will never attain the fullness of perfection because we are human. God, and God Almighty only, is perfect and no one will ever
          come close to perfection. For this reason, we continually ask for His mercy and Grace. To me, it is a Heart matter. With the Holy Spirit literally living
          with-in us, we know exactly when we have even thought something that is not pleasing to Him. It grieves the spirit. I personally do not think that you
          could go forth very long ignoring the grieving of the spirit within, without feeling sick about it. He knows our every single thought. It must not be
          ignored, because as time goes forth your heart hardens. How long until you don’t hear that still small voice within? It is for sure, a matter of the heart.
          God Bless you for your post. It will linger until I fall asleep tonight.

      • Hi Yul and Charlton, I thought J’s email was rather odd as well. Charlton, I think you said it perfectly. One would think after 30+ years of being a Christian and given the ministry Geoff started, those same sins would not keep occurring, so apparently these are things he cannot control. Geoff needs to step down from the ministry. However, I don’t see that happening given the way he has handled the situation over the last couple of weeks. Proverbs 16:18 KJV says, “Pride goeth before destruction, and an haughty spirit before a fall.” That is the direction Geoff Grider is headed towards unless he truly repents and turns the other way.

      • Nancy (Daughter of Ruth, If you are speaking in regard to Jacob’s thoughts on Robert Breaker, I agree with you. Breaker is like most of us
        and is just waiting for the lord’s return. I still haven’t searched for Breaker’s statement of faith, but intend to.
        D. of R. are you going to try and join the new site? I certainly hope so. I share your love for JD, but want fellowship with the body of Christ.
        Hey! That is us! Glory be to God, He is Coming to Take us Home!

      • Hi ND, did you see the link below to the new forum that Ginger posted? Former NTEB posters and others are going there.
        God Bless!

          • Nancy, and I have some kind of head infection. My right ear is blocked and it feels like my head is filled with water and an echo chamber.
            I see the ENT doc this Friday. I think it is affects of covid from two years ago. I don’t think the doctors understand fully what is going on with
            people. I may add my name to the prayer list. There is a thread for this topic on the new site. If you don’t get on that site, you will have to
            email Ron, and give him your email address. With permission from you he will share it with who you ask about. He knows mine and I will let
            him know that he can give it to you. I hope you will give the new site a try. All my love in Christ to you

    • Jacob, there is no reply button for your post in regard to Robert Breaker. This is why I had to post here, under Yuul Brynner.
      I am really not easily swindled, as you have said. I am very cautious. I give people a little room for error as well, which I don’t consider to be wishy-washy. I do study, and we are called to study.
      His statement of faith, that everyone should have and know, would be a good start before just believing what someone else says about another. It is so easy to call someone a false teacher.
      That is true especially in the days we are living. If it is correct that Breaker says that prayer is considered work, he is completely wrong. That is ridiculous. Even Jesus prayed to the Father.
      If Breaker says that repentance is not needed, he is sorely wrong. For all have sinned and fallen short the Glory of God. I have to disagree with you in saying that it is an obamination to be an
      observer of times. We are to look for the Lord’s coming for us, he puts signs in the heavens for Israel to see. We are watching for Him now as the days are wicked.
      When I watch his video’s, I don’t always agree, but haven’t seen anything in them that would warrant calling him a false teacher. There are things we do not always know, and each of us may
      have a different view point, but it doesn’t make us all false teachers. A false teaching would be more like reading scripture and not believe it as it is written. I personally would be very careful
      about calling someone a false prophet unless they were mis-representing scripture. In regard to someone making a comment as to who the anti-christ may be, everyone thinks about that at
      times. This doesn’t make you a bad person in anyway. Yes, we are to be watching for Christ’s return, and not putting a lot of time into who the AC is, but there isn’t any harm in that, or wroing
      doing as far as Christ is concerned, if not making it a big deal. Don’t ever say that I am like Geoffrey in any way. I have never been one to point out everyones faults, and I don’t think it is wrong
      to say, I think, I hope or I’m studying. Just because I don’t see or view Robert Breaker as you do, does not make me someone like Geoffrey (the same ruse as Gridder, as you said). I am leaving
      now to find out what Breaker’s statement of faith is. I will also say that it is best to not judge others harshly, but do so in love. As we judge others, we may also be judged for being quick to
      judge another brother in Christ. You do not know me well enough to say that I am not cautious or caring in pointing out the wrong in others. If I have misunderstood your post, I am sorry, but
      do not totally agree.

      • Here is Robert Breaker’s Statement of Faith. If he believes what is written therein, I would say that he is a child of God. To refer to him as a false prophet may not
        be the best thing to do. I am not judging you at all. I appreciate all you have done. I just felt that I needed to reply to your post to me. Hey, I’m looking up and want
        to be ready for His coming, as I’m sure you do as well. Let us think upon these things. It is okay if we do not agree about this matter. I just wanted to reply to you
        as I wasn’t totally sure about Breaker. I do like his videos and teachings though. Are they all right? I wouldn’t bet my life on it, but feel it is too strong to label him a
        false teacher. God Bless you Jacob. There is much we can agree on brother.

        • I very much disagree with the upmost prejudice. He says, “I believe that salvation is offered freely to all men, and is only obtained by grace through faith in the shed blood of Jesus Christ […]; I believe that once a sinner trusts Christ’s shed blood and righteousness for salvation, he is immediately sealed with the Holy Spirit of God until the day of redemption, and is eternally secure.”
          That is a false gospel through and through. No where does Paul teach that we are to “trust in the blood,” like Breaker often likes to say, to be saved. 1 Corinthians 15:1-4, where the gospel is outright spelled out, makes zero mention of the blood atonement, neither does Ephesians 1:12-14, or any other like passages; and Romans 3:23-26 is not the gospel either, as it is describing Christ’s imputed righteousness to us that we understand and know by faith BECAUSE we are saved. If that was the gospel then where does it mention the resurrection at, the most important part?
          Furthermore, he teaches that prayer is a work, and that calling in Romans 10 is NOT in reference to sinner praying and asking the Lord for salvation – something he openly mocks and makes fun of!

          Breaker also chides against true biblical repentance. Look at his statement faith again: there is ZERO mention of repentance. Breaker just teaches head knowledge for salvation; and what he has correct is because he purloined it from Ruckman, just as Grider has also done.
          I have dealt with Robert Breaker, and his ardent followers, for years. I know 100% what he teaches, what he’s all about, and how he lies consistently.
          Again, I URGE you to read what I wrote about Breaker and my video where I expose his false gospel, and highlight some of his other nonsense. He is unequivocally a false prophet and false teacher, and there is no ‘agree to disagree’ here.

          2 Corinthians 11:3 But I fear, lest by any means, as the serpent beguiled Eve through his subtilty, so your minds should be corrupted from the simplicity that is in Christ. [4] For if he that cometh preacheth another Jesus, whom we have not preached, or if ye receive another spirit, which ye have not received, or another gospel, which ye have not accepted, ye might well bear with him.
          Galatians 1:8 But though we, or an angel from heaven, preach any other gospel unto you than that which we have preached unto you, let him be accursed. [9] As we said before, so say I now again, If any man preach any other gospel unto you than that ye have received, let him be accursed.
          Just the other day he falsely prophesized again about the September 23rd “sign” garbage.

          Here is the true plan of salvation: https://winepressnews.com/2021/09/13/the-forgotten-verses-of-salvation/

      • Don’t know why my post responding to you would be awaiting moderation. My post was not offensive in any way.
        I was just replying to your post to me.

    • Hi J7. I hope you can find this reply on here. This website is awful, but it’s free I think, so that could be the reason. Anyway, I was wondering if you were on NTEB
      when GG had a GoFundMe for jkitty when she lost her job? That’ is most likely why she feels “obligated” to stick with him cause he did that for her. I don’t remember
      how long ago it was or how much money was donated to her, but like I said, she feels like she should stick with him because of the “favor” he did for her is what I
      think and Shannon too as I think he did her a favor too.

      • So it’s not really about helping people in an altruistic spirit, but about buying favors and friends. Same thing the leftist regime does to maintain its power base.

        • Hello Bruce, How very, very sad that a professing Christian is more concerned with “buying favors” and friends than being true and loyal
          to the Lord who laid His life down for them. Some of your post was cut off by the right margin, so I am responding to what I did read of
          what you and Char were discussing. Compromising truth is staying at a website of a leader guilty of the charges written here and backed
          up by others, and being totally dismissive and unrepentant. Those who support him are also supporting his sin in God’s eyes. This is very
          serious. I pray they pull their head out of the sand before that loose all eternal rewards. Blessings Brother! MARANATHA!!!!!!!

        • Exactly Brother Bruce! That’s what that snake in the grass Grider is all about! Buying loyalty favors! The helping people is both selective and the motive behind it is selfish! Btw, JKitty aka miss Jannette is obviously his paid NTEB inner circle ⭕️ henchwomen, and will make up stories, twist things around, and lie to protect Pope Geoffrey the Infallible, ect!

        • Hi Bruce, Char and others! I went by AnnMarie in the NTEB chat room but I’ve only been listening until this last spring when something didn’t feel right. It would be nice to stay connected.

          • Hi Ann Marie! I didn’t post on NTEB, but I remember hearing your name during the podcasts. It’s nice to meet you!

        • Thou shalt understand that thy sister and brother, who are haughty to the truth and will hold fast to their idol, never
          had any discernment this whole season. They prefer their silly ways and foolish talk over honesty. They consistently
          flee truths that are put before them, often in the form of blocking. Now they won’t even look at what YOU say. They
          are the blind following the blind. Ye should have noted their wicked attitudes previously. Ye must remain vigilant.

          Let my people go.

          • Hi Moses, I noticed and was blocked on NTEB by one that everyone else liked, but for some reason I always got bad vibes from her. Now I know why.
            I believe our gift of discernment would work even more if we would only listen.

          • I was booted off both the NTEB Telegram channels, blocked on FB and Twitter by GG because Janette asked why I wasn’t there and I wrote her a letter, very nice
            I thought, told her her of my heartbreak at having to leave but why Biblically I couldn’t stay there. Had Scripture for everything. I told her that if Andy Stanley had
            been caught doing the things GG did that GG would have ripped up him up one side and down the other using those same verses, so why won’t he won’t apply them to himself.
            Within 2 hours of sending her the email I was blocked on everything. I texted GG personally and he read it but no reply. Makes my heart break, it really does. I don’t
            hate any one and I’m not angry, more just sad. I told them (Janette, the Griders and a lot of people at NTEB) that they were on my prayer list and would stay there. Just
            because I disagree on an issue and believe action needs to be taken doesn’t mean I hate them. How you treat people in difficult situations says everything about your
            real level of Christianity. I’m trying to make sure that I do things right in my attitude and actions.

      • Sorry sister Char, forgot to put your screen name on that reply from last night! It was from me, JerUSAlem7, replying back to you, to say I remember it more from other brethren bring it about about JKitty aka Jannette receiving financial aid from Mr. Grider via a setup GoFundMe page, back when she supposedly lost her job! Not sure if I read that actual article, may have been before I started following and reading NTEB articles more regularly, and way before I became a commenter or poster, which was only over the past year! Did also hear that Grider supposedly helped Shannon once with financial aid probably via another GoFundMe page setup! Seems he’s buying his loyalty, and wasn’t done with pure motives to genuinely help someone! It’s also clear that JKitty aka miss Jannette has been a part of the NTEB Grider inner circle ⭕️ for quite some time, as a paid employee lying to protect that wolf ! So don’t see both situations as totally the same! Believe Shannon is totally deceived by this wolf in sheep’s clothing, who once helped her with financial, and believes him blindly, and refuses to even consider looking into all the evidence! But she really needs to do it and wake up! Sad the direction she’s gone in, won’t listen to any of us, and has even blocked some brothers and sisters I heard! All we can do at this point and keep her, and others like Aunt Nancy, and Kristi in our prayers!

        • Lies- You all are just gossiping to no end- Good grief. Geoff has NEVER helped me out financially in any way shape or form. Ridiculous.

          • Maybe G has , Maybe G hasn’t helped you financially, Shannon.
            But there has to be a reason why you still have Geoff as your idol when all the proof is staring at you.,, not only on winepress, but Geri’s website too(as I sent you the info and proof and you get upset , because you don’t wanna believe the truth.
            Even if u only believe half of this truth against Geoff, you would most likely leave NTEB in disgust. The guy was having sexual sexcapades on thru 2022, while we were all trusting him with finances and being our bible teacher. And we were supposed to be trusting this guy.

            Anyway , once again I will post the article from Geri’s website, in case u decide to calm down and actually read the (TRUTH), about this sexual predator.
            Shannon, I am still praying for you and the leftovers at nteb to seek the truth and ask God to show you the truth. ( LET ME ASK YOU, WHY WOULD A GOOD RESPECTABLE WOMAN , LIKE GERI, MAKE UP ANY OF THIS STUFF, for her to make this up would not make any sense at all.

            “I did not alter any of these comments, I only copy and pasted them”, plus u can read them on her website.


            Geri Ungurean
            Believe me when I say to you that if I had known the kind of things Geoff did with women, I would have NEVER accepted that feature writer position. As soon as I did find out what he was doing, I told him that I could never write for him. The Bible tells us to avoid even the appearance of evil. Also, my husband told me that I should distance myself from him and hubby is my covering and I listen to him. Geoff should step down from NTEB. He has caused incredible pain and hurt for many women – even married women and their families. The whole thing is very sad and I’m sure it grieves our Lord. Blessings to you in Christ………

            AUGUST 23, 2023 AT 10:02 PM
            Hey dear Brother, So good to hear from you! We are ALL broken hearted as I know you are right now. Most of us are trying to comfort one another and make
            sense of all of this over at Jacob’s site Winepress. I think I saw you there last night with your other screen name, but when I saw Jerusualem7 I knew who you immediately are! I pray the others still at NTEB will carefully read what has been posted at Winepress. One needs to see the evidence to know the behaviour from a man that we trusted “walked the talk” is certainly NOT (I am not yelling just emphasizing) Christ honoring and biblical for one in leadership position. I know, it has been quite a shock! The problem is now, Geoff is being the Gestapo monitoring police so it is nearly impossible to put up a link for others to go and read Jacob’s article and make a informed decision for themselves! I am so glad you have come away as the Lord holds us accountable to leave anything that has an “appearance of evil” as you and I well know. Brother Dave Hunt would tell us the very same thing. I know of Sister Geri’s writings for a long, long time and all of my other precious Discernment ministers always posted her articles
            all through the years, and I personally know that I can trust what she says. I hope to continually see you over at Winepress and hope you use Jerusalem7
            as that is what everyone knows you by. God bless you dear Brother, and thank
            you for always being so kind to me the past year! MARANATHA!!!!!!!!

            AUGUST 24, 2023 AT 3:10 PM
            Donna Bowyer
            We were warned in prophecy of this!

            AUGUST 16, 2023 AT 7:24 PMREPLY
            mellany McKenzie
            this is very sad
            O how I love Jesus b/c he first loved me

            AUGUST 16, 2023 AT 9:08 PMREPLY
            Geri Ungurean
            Oh how I love Jesus because He first loved me!! AND Oh how I LOVE my brothers and sisters in Christ!! I can’t wait to meet you all in heaven

            AUGUST 16, 2023 AT 9:14 PMREPLY
            Hello Sister Mellany! Your name looks so familiar to me. Didn’t you use to post comments at Pastor Bill Randles blog many years ago? I use to be there. If my
            memory serves me correctly, you are from Canada? If this is you, it is so very
            wonderful to hear from you! I just had to leave NTEB because of things that have
            been brought out into the light. Eph.5 I am still shocked and have also read what
            Sister Geri has said here about it. As the Lord taught me on a “Christian” cruise
            back in 2001, “Things are not as they appear to be”! Praying that final trumpet will
            blast very soon and we will all be with our precious Lord!! God bless you1

            AUGUST 23, 2023 AT 7:33 PMREPLY
            Geri Ungurean

            AUGUST 23, 2023 AT 7:55 PM
            The author of the article presents info that’s difficult to ignore.

            Another one…sad.

            AUGUST 16, 2023 AT 9:43 PMREPLY
            Geri Ungurean
            It IS sad. I must say that the most sadness I feel is for the weak and vulnerable women who fell for his schemes.

            AUGUST 16, 2023 AT 9:47 PMREPLY
            Wild Olive
            Wow . What a shocker.
            I know of this ministry but haven’t been following it. Sure doesn’t help for those who are genuinely trying to share the Gospel in these perilous times.

            AUGUST 16, 2023 AT 10:09 PMREPLY
            Geri Ungurean

            AUGUST 17, 2023 AT 8:15 AMREPLY
            Now I know why I never trusted him. Nor Ruckman. Two men who massage Scripture to their advantage. Thank you for this Geri.

            AUGUST 17, 2023 AT 12:19 AMREPLY
            Gosh, I feel so stupid. I was raped, molested, and or sexually abused from the age of 3 till I ran away at 16 and hearing this about someone I have been listening to for the last year is is heart breaking especially if he is saying he is a.Christian or follower of Jesus Christ.
            Is he still doing all these horrible things?

            AUGUST 17, 2023 AT 11:26 AMREPLY
            Geri – I’ve listened to Geoffrey for approximately 10 years. Listening to him and reading his articles is how I found you! I went to the last camp meeting and it was such a huge blessing. I just don’t even know what to think. Do you think he’ll address this? I hope so. I feel absolutely crushed.

            What are your overall feelings / thoughts on this?

            AUGUST 17, 2023 AT 11:47 AMREPLY
            Geri Ungurean
            The facts speak for themselves. I’m sorry that you are crushed by this, but believe me when I tell you that it is all true. I don’t know if he will address this.

            AUGUST 17, 2023 AT 12:55 PMREPLY
            hi Geri, I am bent towards believing this story to be true. You are convinced that it is actually true. What makes you feel convinced?
            I ask, not for a fight, but to simply know the truth of this matter. Thanks very much in advance.

            AUGUST 19, 2023 AT 3:58 AM
            Geri Ungurean
            Having been a feature writer for Grider back in 2014 or 2015 (can’t remember), I was approached by a woman who also wrote for him. She and I had become friends but she disappeared suddenly. Geoff would not talk about why she was gone. She finally contacted me and told me that she left because of shame. She said that he wanted to have a sinful relationship with her and she gave in. She was married. I stopped writing for him at that point. I told him that the Bible says to avoid even the appearance of evil. Then someone told me that I should speak with John McTernan about Grider. He and McTernan had a call in radio show back in 2009. I did call John, and we talked for over an hour. He told me that this problem with Grider was habitual and that he had even given Geoff another chance to stop. According to McTernan, Geoff would call back the women who had called in whose voices he liked, and he would start relationships with them. John said that he finally had to part ways with Grider for the same reason that I did. Then I found out that Geoff was kicked out of a church in FL for the same problems. He would not repent when approached by the pastor, saying that this was consensual between himself and the women in the church. There is much more that I found out – too much to write here. I hope that this helps you to understand why I know all of the allegations to be true.

            AUGUST 19, 2023 AT 8:33 AM
            Betty Crowley
            Thank you Geri, For this post about NTEB, I have been following his website for many years, given financial support to his Bibles behind bars ministry. It was pretty painful and very sad. But I am thankful that you wrote this article. And that I’m on your mailing lists.
            It is through NTEB that I learned about your site.
            Many blessings to you,

            AUGUST 20, 2023 AT 5:19 PMREPLY
            Geri Ungurean
            Blessings to you, sister Betty

            AUGUST 20, 2023 AT 7:14 PM
            Elise Edwards
            Geri, have you reached out to Lori his wife, to warn her? Who knows if she will listen, but it might be worth a shot. It’s horrible to think of what she’s probably going to experience as a wife of a religious narcissist. I had started to become friendly with her before she moved, but shortly after is when we stopped following the NTEB ministry as something seemed very off and wrong about the whole thing. I’m thankful the holy Spirit warned my husband and I and alerted us to something strange going on. We had donated a few times however, but it is upsetting to think of how many people are being deceived and taken advantage of simply because they refuse to acknowledge they may have been wrong in putting their trust in someone.

            AUGUST 19, 2023 AT 4:14 PMREPLY
            Geri Ungurean
            Yes, I did speak with Lori many months ago. We talked first on FB and then on the phone. I felt that God wanted me to warn her of Grider’s past. She was very sweet and acted like she was appreciative of me warning her. I told her what GG did with many women on the phone. She said that she thought that was what he was doing one night while she was within hearing distance! But then she must have told him that she and I spoke, and I received a message looking like it was from her, but I’m sure that it was him. It basically said that “she” would no longer need to speak with me and that she would be blocking me.

            AUGUST 19, 2023 AT 4:39 PMREPLY
            Elise Edwards
            You did the right thing, unfortunately it’s almost like a spell people are under with this man. It sounds like a textbook case of narcissism for sure. I’ve had experiences with men like this before meeting my husband, and it’s truly horrific. We’ll be praying for her eyes to be opened to the truth, and for the Lord to give her the courage and strength to do what is best for her and her children

          • Maybe G has , Maybe G hasn’t helped you financially, Shannon.
            But there has to be a reason why you still have Geoff as your idol when all the proof is staring at you.,, not only on winepress, but Geri’s website too(as I sent you the info and proof and you get upset , because you don’t wanna believe the truth.
            Even if u only believe half of this truth against Geoff, you would most likely leave NTEB in disgust. The guy was having sexual sexcapades on thru 2022, while we were all trusting him with finances and being our bible teacher. And we were supposed to be trusting this guy.

            Anyway , once again I will post the article from Geri’s website, in case u decide to calm down and actually read the (TRUTH), about this sexual predator.
            Shannon, I am still praying for you and the leftovers at nteb to seek the truth and ask God to show you the truth. ( LET ME ASK YOU, WHY WOULD A GOOD RESPECTABLE WOMAN , LIKE GERI, MAKE UP ANY OF THIS STUFF, for her to make this up would not make any sense at all.

            “I did not alter any of these comments, I only copy and pasted them”, plus u can read them on her website.


            Geri Ungurean
            Believe me when I say to you that if I had known the kind of things Geoff did with women, I would have NEVER accepted that feature writer position. As soon as I did find out what he was doing, I told him that I could never write for him. The Bible tells us to avoid even the appearance of evil. Also, my husband told me that I should distance myself from him and hubby is my covering and I listen to him. Geoff should step down from NTEB. He has caused incredible pain and hurt for many women – even married women and their families. The whole thing is very sad and I’m sure it grieves our Lord. Blessings to you in Christ………

            AUGUST 23, 2023 AT 10:02 PM
            Hey dear Brother, So good to hear from you! We are ALL broken hearted as I know you are right now. Most of us are trying to comfort one another and make
            sense of all of this over at Jacob’s site Winepress. I think I saw you there last night with your other screen name, but when I saw Jerusualem7 I knew who you immediately are! I pray the others still at NTEB will carefully read what has been posted at Winepress. One needs to see the evidence to know the behaviour from a man that we trusted “walked the talk” is certainly NOT (I am not yelling just emphasizing) Christ honoring and biblical for one in leadership position. I know, it has been quite a shock! The problem is now, Geoff is being the Gestapo monitoring police so it is nearly impossible to put up a link for others to go and read Jacob’s article and make a informed decision for themselves! I am so glad you have come away as the Lord holds us accountable to leave anything that has an “appearance of evil” as you and I well know. Brother Dave Hunt would tell us the very same thing. I know of Sister Geri’s writings for a long, long time and all of my other precious Discernment ministers always posted her articles
            all through the years, and I personally know that I can trust what she says. I hope to continually see you over at Winepress and hope you use Jerusalem7
            as that is what everyone knows you by. God bless you dear Brother, and thank
            you for always being so kind to me the past year! MARANATHA!!!!!!!!

            AUGUST 24, 2023 AT 3:10 PM
            Donna Bowyer
            We were warned in prophecy of this!

            AUGUST 16, 2023 AT 7:24 PMREPLY
            mellany McKenzie
            this is very sad
            O how I love Jesus b/c he first loved me

            AUGUST 16, 2023 AT 9:08 PMREPLY
            Geri Ungurean
            Oh how I love Jesus because He first loved me!! AND Oh how I LOVE my brothers and sisters in Christ!! I can’t wait to meet you all in heaven

            AUGUST 16, 2023 AT 9:14 PMREPLY
            Hello Sister Mellany! Your name looks so familiar to me. Didn’t you use to post comments at Pastor Bill Randles blog many years ago? I use to be there. If my
            memory serves me correctly, you are from Canada? If this is you, it is so very
            wonderful to hear from you! I just had to leave NTEB because of things that have
            been brought out into the light. Eph.5 I am still shocked and have also read what
            Sister Geri has said here about it. As the Lord taught me on a “Christian” cruise
            back in 2001, “Things are not as they appear to be”! Praying that final trumpet will
            blast very soon and we will all be with our precious Lord!! God bless you1

            AUGUST 23, 2023 AT 7:33 PMREPLY
            Geri Ungurean

            AUGUST 23, 2023 AT 7:55 PM
            The author of the article presents info that’s difficult to ignore.

            Another one…sad.

            AUGUST 16, 2023 AT 9:43 PMREPLY
            Geri Ungurean
            It IS sad. I must say that the most sadness I feel is for the weak and vulnerable women who fell for his schemes.

            AUGUST 16, 2023 AT 9:47 PMREPLY
            Wild Olive
            Wow . What a shocker.
            I know of this ministry but haven’t been following it. Sure doesn’t help for those who are genuinely trying to share the Gospel in these perilous times.

            AUGUST 16, 2023 AT 10:09 PMREPLY
            Geri Ungurean

            AUGUST 17, 2023 AT 8:15 AMREPLY
            Now I know why I never trusted him. Nor Ruckman. Two men who massage Scripture to their advantage. Thank you for this Geri.

            AUGUST 17, 2023 AT 12:19 AMREPLY
            Gosh, I feel so stupid. I was raped, molested, and or sexually abused from the age of 3 till I ran away at 16 and hearing this about someone I have been listening to for the last year is is heart breaking especially if he is saying he is a.Christian or follower of Jesus Christ.
            Is he still doing all these horrible things?

            AUGUST 17, 2023 AT 11:26 AMREPLY
            Geri – I’ve listened to Geoffrey for approximately 10 years. Listening to him and reading his articles is how I found you! I went to the last camp meeting and it was such a huge blessing. I just don’t even know what to think. Do you think he’ll address this? I hope so. I feel absolutely crushed.

            What are your overall feelings / thoughts on this?

            AUGUST 17, 2023 AT 11:47 AMREPLY
            Geri Ungurean
            The facts speak for themselves. I’m sorry that you are crushed by this, but believe me when I tell you that it is all true. I don’t know if he will address this.

            AUGUST 17, 2023 AT 12:55 PMREPLY
            hi Geri, I am bent towards believing this story to be true. You are convinced that it is actually true. What makes you feel convinced?
            I ask, not for a fight, but to simply know the truth of this matter. Thanks very much in advance.

            AUGUST 19, 2023 AT 3:58 AM
            Geri Ungurean
            Having been a feature writer for Grider back in 2014 or 2015 (can’t remember), I was approached by a woman who also wrote for him. She and I had become friends but she disappeared suddenly. Geoff would not talk about why she was gone. She finally contacted me and told me that she left because of shame. She said that he wanted to have a sinful relationship with her and she gave in. She was married. I stopped writing for him at that point. I told him that the Bible says to avoid even the appearance of evil. Then someone told me that I should speak with John McTernan about Grider. He and McTernan had a call in radio show back in 2009. I did call John, and we talked for over an hour. He told me that this problem with Grider was habitual and that he had even given Geoff another chance to stop. According to McTernan, Geoff would call back the women who had called in whose voices he liked, and he would start relationships with them. John said that he finally had to part ways with Grider for the same reason that I did. Then I found out that Geoff was kicked out of a church in FL for the same problems. He would not repent when approached by the pastor, saying that this was consensual between himself and the women in the church. There is much more that I found out – too much to write here. I hope that this helps you to understand why I know all of the allegations to be true.

            AUGUST 19, 2023 AT 8:33 AM
            Betty Crowley
            Thank you Geri, For this post about NTEB, I have been following his website for many years, given financial support to his Bibles behind bars ministry. It was pretty painful and very sad. But I am thankful that you wrote this article. And that I’m on your mailing lists.
            It is through NTEB that I learned about your site.
            Many blessings to you,

            AUGUST 20, 2023 AT 5:19 PMREPLY
            Geri Ungurean
            Blessings to you, sister Betty

            AUGUST 20, 2023 AT 7:14 PM
            Elise Edwards
            Geri, have you reached out to Lori his wife, to warn her? Who knows if she will listen, but it might be worth a shot. It’s horrible to think of what she’s probably going to experience as a wife of a religious narcissist. I had started to become friendly with her before she moved, but shortly after is when we stopped following the NTEB ministry as something seemed very off and wrong about the whole thing. I’m thankful the holy Spirit warned my husband and I and alerted us to something strange going on. We had donated a few times however, but it is upsetting to think of how many people are being deceived and taken advantage of simply because they refuse to acknowledge they may have been wrong in putting their trust in someone.

            AUGUST 19, 2023 AT 4:14 PMREPLY
            Geri Ungurean
            Yes, I did speak with Lori many months ago. We talked first on FB and then on the phone. I felt that God wanted me to warn her of Grider’s past. She was very sweet and acted like she was appreciative of me warning her. I told her what GG did with many women on the phone. She said that she thought that was what he was doing one night while she was within hearing distance! But then she must have told him that she and I spoke, and I received a message looking like it was from her, but I’m sure that it was him. It basically said that “she” would no longer need to speak with me and that she would be blocking me.

            AUGUST 19, 2023 AT 4:39 PMREPLY
            Elise Edwards
            You did the right thing, unfortunately it’s almost like a spell people are under with this man. It sounds like a textbook case of narcissism for sure. I’ve had experiences with men like this before meeting my husband, and it’s truly horrific. We’ll be praying for her eyes to be opened to the truth, and for the Lord to give her the courage and strength to do what is best for her and her children

          • Maybe G has , Maybe G hasn’t helped you financially, Shannon.
            But there has to be a reason why you still have Geoff as your idol when all the proof is staring at you.,, not only on winepress, but Geri’s website too(as I sent you the info and proof and you get upset , because you don’t wanna believe the truth.
            Even if u only believe half of this truth against Geoff, you would most likely leave NTEB in disgust. The guy was having sexual sexcapades on thru 2022, while we were all trusting him with finances and being our bible teacher. And we were supposed to be trusting this guy.

            Anyway , once again I will post the article from Geri’s website, in case u decide to calm down and actually read the (TRUTH), about this sexual predator.
            Shannon, I am still praying for you and the leftovers at nteb to seek the truth and ask God to show you the truth. ( LET ME ASK YOU, WHY WOULD A GOOD RESPECTABLE WOMAN , LIKE GERI, MAKE UP ANY OF THIS STUFF, for her to make this up would not make any sense at all.


      • Hi sister Char! My second comment either didn’t post or posted somewhere else! My first did, but forgot to but my screen JerUSAlem7 or nickname J7 at the top! Yes agreed that Mr. Grider wax buying loyalty, with financially aiding/helping JKitty aka Jannette, and even sister Shannon with setting up GoFundMe accounts, just like he did for Lori Ann, and her two kids, to move from Maine to Florida with Geoffrey, and obviously hid his real impure motives and fact that she’d being living with him in sin, out of wedlock for at least a year, until surprisingly announcing they’re getting married, and only his inner circle ⭕️ and maybe a few other insider knew anything about it, just shocked and surprised NTEB members, which included basically us at the time! But getting back to his inner circle ⭕️ henchwomen KJitty aka Jannette, and sister Shannon, I don’t see the situations as 100% the same! Shannon, I believe, isn’t necessary part of the Grider inner circle ⭕️, like paid employee Jannette clearly is, and is clearly purposely lying and deflecting for Geoffrey, unlike Shannon, who’s is being fooled by this wolf in sheep’s clothing, who once aided or helped her financially with something, buying some sense of loyalty out of her, and unto this day, she still refuses to believe or even look into the overwhelming documented evidence present by brother Jacob, and totally corroborated by sister Geri! Both brothers Ron, and Gary have emailed and tried sharing sister Geri’s link with her, but she still believes Geoffrey’s lies that he’s being slandered, and won’t read it, or even consider looking into it, at this point! And she’s actually blocked brothers and sisters who’ve tried to share the truth with her, about Mr. Grider, and NTEB! Very sad situation, let’s just keep her, and the others that still are with NTEB in prayer That’s all we can really do now!

        • Hi J7, yes, we will need to pray for Shannon and the others, such as David and Cephas that they will open their minds up to this situation with GG. Or they will just continue in their
          gullible beliefs that GG is right, even though his lies have caught up with him in many instances. See you soon.

          • I wish there was a reply button on Tag’s comment. Ugh! Tag, you said you were blocked on FB and NTEB Telegram, but it looks like you’re not blocked on NTEB
            since I see you are posting on there. I wonder why he blocked you on 2 out of 3 of his post areas. Doesn’t make sense. Oh well, I suppose if you don’t behave
            and be warm and fuzzy he will block you there too.

          • Yes, we should definitely keep, Shannon, Cephas, and David in our prayers , plus Kristi Ann, Aunt Nancy, Kay, and many others, that their minds will being opened! Amen!

          • Sorry sister Char! That was me, but an IPhone typo! Meant to type my correct screen name or JerUSAlem7, but accidentally typed JerUSAlem6, then forgot to proofread it before I sent it, and there’s currently no edit option on brother Jacob’s site comment section! Reposting it, you can disregard last post under J6, it’s J7 here correcting and resending post! Yes, we should definitely keep, Shannon, Cephas, and David in our prayers , plus Kristi Ann, Aunt Nancy, Kay, and many others, that their minds will being opened! Amen!

          • @Char,

            I posted on the article to see if he would allow it. GG blocked it but then we texted for several hours. Got rather heated. He eventually allowed the post
            but I am still blocked on FB and Twitter. Why allow one and not the other? Basically what he said was either your 100% for me or against me. I’m like, can’t
            I say I disagree in an area but that doesn’t mean I hate you. I pray for you. Whatever.

            Colonialman set up a new forum where we can fellwoship; https://unitilshilohcome.freeforums.net/

          • Not to mention that there are people that do not frequent to NTEB side very regually and do not know what is going on.
            I’ve tried to at least make the info available by just posting Geoff’s ‘sorry article, ‘ with a link and it gets pending, and then ‘REMOVED.’
            Just that alone says a lot about this whole thing being Wrong. Just to post a link to the article where there is a little apology, would
            at least let them know whey many posters are missing. He doesn’t even want them to see that!

        • Hi Tricia, that is extremely heartbreaking. My heart really hurts from all this. What a crazy world we live in…who would have thought anyone would receive treatment like that from NTEB? I could have never imagined all this. I’m going to send you an e-mail this weekend just to keep connected in case another place is started where we all can come together and fellowship. I work during the week so haven’t had time to sit down and write. I really don’t know what to say about all this. There really are no adequate words.

          • Tricia, my advice would be to quit caring. Let those friendships and relationships go. Nobody should want to be friends with people who would treat them so badly in more ways than one. Trust me, THEY don’t care. Just let them go. You probably have much better friends in your life, and if you don’t, you can find better ones. And I mean in real life, not online. Have you ever heard the saying, “with friends like that, who needs enemies”? It’s true. I’ve been there in my life, too, and it’s always better to let it go. So I do understand how you are feeling. Praying your heart will be comforted and that you will never look back. Give it to the Lord and move forward.

          • Hello Sis Loretta!
            It is so nice to see the love of Jesus in your heart that you would like to stay connected to brethren who have become family to you and I!
            Not cold hearted and uncaring like the end days people that the Lord warned about in 2Tim. chap.3 Hope to see you over at the new
            KJV board! A friend loveth at all times, and a brother is born for adversity. Proverbs 17:17 MARANATHA!!!!!

          • I do not understand why anyone would want to continue posting or supporting NTEB in any way. If people continue to read and post comments to GG’s articles or listen and respond to his podcasts, they are essentially condoning GG’s actions that were laid out in Jacob’s article which the Bible clearly says is wrong, especially given the role Geoffrey Grider has as a teacher or preacher of the Bible at NTEB. This has nothing to do with forgiveness; it has to do with principle. One should be asking: Does this person meet the moral or ethical standards needed to be in the position of teaching or preaching God’s word? By Geoff’s own admission, he has continually shown he cannot control himself in certain aspects of his life that the Bible clearly says is sinful, and he has shown no repentance. If Geoff did show true repentance, he would step out of his role as teacher/preacher and find a good Biblical teacher where he could learn and grow spiritually. It is clear Geoff needs to do that, but not many people seem to want to call him out on that. I will.

      • Ms. Char, if you are right about this, and just might be, this is so wrong. Again I will say, Christ is what counts. Christ is the one we serve.
        When a matter of thinking is that you owe someone something comes before your service to Jesus Christ, this is wrong. There are instances
        when Paul had to discipline an assistant or follower that was under him. He put Christ and the cause of Christ First. He loved those that he
        had under him, and out of love he told them what was wrong in them. If one truly loves a brother in Christ and those he is leading, they
        WILL speak out. They will because of the love of Christ and the need of the one doing wrong so he will not be led astray. Christ and obedience
        to Him comes First and Formost. ‘You pat my back and I’ll pat yours,’ is not putting Christ first. I’m in agreement with you.

    • 1 Peter 4:16-19 KJV 16 Yet if any man suffer as a Christian, let him not be ashamed; but let him glorify God on this behalf.

      17 For the time is come that judgment must begin at the house of God: and if it first begin at us, what shall the end be of them that obey not the gospel of God?

      18 And if the righteous scarcely be saved, where shall the ungodly and the sinner appear?

      19 Wherefore let them that suffer according to the will of God commit the keeping of their souls to him in well doing, as unto a faithful Creator.

  • John 6:35-71 KJV 35 And Jesus said unto them, I am the bread of life: he that cometh to me shall never hunger; and he that believeth on me shall never thirst.

    36 But I said unto you, That ye also have seen me, and believe not.

    37 All that the Father giveth me shall come to me; and him that cometh to me I will in no wise cast out.

    38 For I came down from heaven, not to do mine own will, but the will of him that sent me.

    39 And this is the Father’s will which hath sent me, that of all which he hath given me I should lose nothing, but should raise it up again at the last day.

    40 And this is the will of him that sent me, that every one which seeth the Son, and believeth on him, may have everlasting life: and I will raise him up at the last day.

    41 The Jews then murmured at him, because he said, I am the bread which came down from heaven.

    42 And they said, Is not this Jesus, the son of Joseph, whose father and mother we know? how is it then that he saith, I came down from heaven?

    43 Jesus therefore answered and said unto them, Murmur not among yourselves.

    44 No man can come to me, except the Father which hath sent me draw him: and I will raise him up at the last day.

    45 It is written in the prophets, And they shall be all taught of God. Every man therefore that hath heard, and hath learned of the Father, cometh unto me.

    46 Not that any man hath seen the Father, save he which is of God, he hath seen the Father.

    47 Verily, verily, I say unto you, He that believeth on me hath everlasting life.

    48 I am that bread of life.

    49 Your fathers did eat manna in the wilderness, and are dead.

    50 This is the bread which cometh down from heaven, that a man may eat thereof, and not die.

    51 I am the living bread which came down from heaven: if any man eat of this bread, he shall live for ever: and the bread that I will give is my flesh, which I will give for the life of the world.

    52 The Jews therefore strove among themselves, saying, How can this man give us his flesh to eat?

    53 Then Jesus said unto them, Verily, verily, I say unto you, Except ye eat the flesh of the Son of man, and drink his blood, ye have no life in you.

    54 Whoso eateth my flesh, and drinketh my blood, hath eternal life; and I will raise him up at the last day.

    55 For my flesh is meat indeed, and my blood is drink indeed.

    56 He that eateth my flesh, and drinketh my blood, dwelleth in me, and I in him.

    57 As the living Father hath sent me, and I live by the Father: so he that eateth me, even he shall live by me.

    58 This is that bread which came down from heaven: not as your fathers did eat manna, and are dead: he that eateth of this bread shall live for ever.

    59 These things said he in the synagogue, as he taught in Capernaum.

    60 Many therefore of his disciples, when they had heard this, said, This is an hard saying; who can hear it?

    61 When Jesus knew in himself that his disciples murmured at it, he said unto them, Doth this offend you?

    62 What and if ye shall see the Son of man ascend up where he was before?

    63 It is the spirit that quickeneth; the flesh profiteth nothing: the words that I speak unto you, they are spirit, and they are life.

    64 But there are some of you that believe not. For Jesus knew from the beginning who they were that believed not, and who should betray him.

    65 And he said, Therefore said I unto you, that no man can come unto me, except it were given unto him of my Father.

    66 From that time many of his disciples went back, and walked no more with him.

    67 Then said Jesus unto the twelve, Will ye also go away?

    68 Then Simon Peter answered him, Lord, to whom shall we go? thou hast the words of eternal life.

    69 And we believe and are sure that thou art that Christ, the Son of the living God.

    70 Jesus answered them, Have not I chosen you twelve, and one of you is a devil?

    71 He spake of Judas Iscariot the son of Simon: for he it was that should betray him, being one of the twelve.

  • John 14:1-4 KJV 14 Let not your heart be troubled: ye believe in God, believe also in me.

    2 In my Father’s house are many mansions: if it were not so, I would have told you. I go to prepare a place for you.

    3 And if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come again, and receive you unto myself; that where I am, there ye may be also.

    4 And whither I go ye know, and the way ye know.

    Galatians 4:22-31 KJV 22 For it is written, that Abraham had two sons, the one by a bondmaid, the other by a freewoman.

    23 But he who was of the bondwoman was born after the flesh; but he of the freewoman was by promise.

    24 Which things are an allegory: for these are the two covenants; the one from the mount Sinai, which gendereth to bondage, which is Agar.

    25 For this Agar is mount Sinai in Arabia, and answereth to Jerusalem which now is, and is in bondage with her children.

    26 But Jerusalem which is above is free, which is the mother of us all.

    27 For it is written, Rejoice, thou barren that bearest not; break forth and cry, thou that travailest not: for the desolate hath many more children than she which hath an husband.

    28 Now we, brethren, as Isaac was, are the children of promise.

    29 But as then he that was born after the flesh persecuted him that was born after the Spirit, even so it is now.

    30 Nevertheless what saith the scripture? Cast out the bondwoman and her son: for the son of the bondwoman shall not be heir with the son of the freewoman.

    31 So then, brethren, we are not children of the bondwoman, but of the free.

  • Colossians 3:1-17 KJV 3 If ye then be risen with Christ, seek those things which are above, where Christ sitteth on the right hand of God.

    2 Set your affection on things above, not on things on the earth.

    3 For ye are dead, and your life is hid with Christ in God.

    4 When Christ, who is our life, shall appear, then shall ye also appear with him in glory.

    5 Mortify therefore your members which are upon the earth; fornication, uncleanness, inordinate affection, evil concupiscence, and covetousness, which is idolatry:

    6 For which things’ sake the wrath of God cometh on the children of disobedience:

    7 In the which ye also walked some time, when ye lived in them.

    8 But now ye also put off all these; anger, wrath, malice, blasphemy, filthy communication out of your mouth.

    9 Lie not one to another, seeing that ye have put off the old man with his deeds;

    10 And have put on the new man, which is renewed in knowledge after the image of him that created him:

    11 Where there is neither Greek nor Jew, circumcision nor uncircumcision, Barbarian, Scythian, bond nor free: but Christ is all, and in all.

    12 Put on therefore, as the elect of God, holy and beloved, bowels of mercies, kindness, humbleness of mind, meekness, longsuffering;

    13 Forbearing one another, and forgiving one another, if any man have a quarrel against any: even as Christ forgave you, so also do ye.

    14 And above all these things put on charity, which is the bond of perfectness.

    15 And let the peace of God rule in your hearts, to the which also ye are called in one body; and be ye thankful.

    16 Let the word of Christ dwell in you richly in all wisdom; teaching and admonishing one another in psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, singing with grace in your hearts to the Lord.

    17 And whatsoever ye do in word or deed, do all in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God and the Father by him.

  • Romans 16:17-20 KJV 17 Now I beseech you, brethren, mark them which cause divisions and offences contrary to the doctrine which ye have learned; and avoid them.

    18 For they that are such serve not our Lord Jesus Christ, but their own belly; and by good words and fair speeches deceive the hearts of the simple.

    19 For your obedience is come abroad unto all men. I am glad therefore on your behalf: but yet I would have you wise unto that which is good, and simple concerning evil.

    20 And the God of peace shall bruise Satan under your feet shortly. The grace of our Lord Jesus Christ be with you. Amen.

  • I agree with Loretta Oates above that anyone sharing NTEB articles is condoning Mr. Grider’s actions. I saw someone who I know personally read the article and still shared it on Facebook. It blew my mind that a Christian would have anything to do with NTEB after the sociopathic response from Mr. Grider. FYI, he writes a couple of paragraphs and then cites the sources from which he got the information. Examples are The Jerusalem Post, The NY Times, The Daily Mail UK, the Associated Press, etc. If you feel a need to share breaking prophecy news there are multiple sources to share. All you have to do is scroll down past his two paragraphs and see the information.

    I hope if you are one who contributes to his ministry that you request a detailed breakdown of ALL ministry monies. It’s been a couple of weeks and Mr. Grider has yet to address the financial information. This is alarming. It needs to be in the form of a financial statement in my opinion.

    • Agree. NOTHING has been said about the $$ except that in the next few weeks he’s going to show where the money is going. But will he show bank statements?
      That’s the only real way to see where the money is actually being spent. A ministry that has nothing to hide doesn’t mind transparency. And when you are accountable
      to no one, it’s always a problem. Been in church a good while. Seen man after man fall and it was from their own lust of money, power or women or a combo of all 3. I
      stopped giving months ago cuz things just weren’t adding up. Sadly, he seems to have problems in multiple areas and wants “forgiveness” but no consequences. That’s
      not how it works.

      • And then he has the nerve to post several other greedy preachers like Copeland, Osteen, White and others that are bilking their congregations and he’s
        doing the same thing to his. Shame shame.

      • You may get this twice, Jael’s Hammer, cause I posted it once and it doesn’t show that I did, but anyway, I was saying that he has the nerve to write articles about Copeland, Osteen, Paula White and
        others for their greed and he does the same thing. Shame shame. Someone needs to do some soul searching of his own Very sad.

    • He won’t. This is not the first time he has said he plans to explain the details at a future date but never does. Grider only does NTEB for the quick cash. He puts on a façade so he can grift innocent and ignorant people out of their money. It’s just an act for him. He just goes where the wind blows.
      Ephesians 4:14 That we henceforth be no more children, tossed to and fro, and carried about with every wind of doctrine, by the sleight of men, and cunning craftiness, whereby they lie in wait to deceive;

      • I click into waygiver now and then and he seems to be getting many people to still donate, so there’s a sucker born everyday and they’re showing up
        on wagiver on a daily basis. Those people will be rewarded for their generosity, but not for their discernment. Pretty sad for him on Judgment Day.

        • Yup, he’s like a little Bakker, Roberts, or Swaggart! And people still falling for his Grider con scheme! SMH ‍♂️‍♂️‍♂️

        • Char, I just want to say that there are people still on NTEB, and do not know what or why there are so few posters.
          I tried to go back to an old article and find a couple people (like Popo that has a picture of he and his wife as an avatar), George and I can’t
          remember who else. All I did was to post something that goes back pretty far to simply explain by putting the NTEB article that Geoff explains
          his past errors. In other words, I just reply that this is why there are so few people posting and post the link to the article that Geoff, NTEB,
          already has up on the site. It gets ‘pending’ and then later, I go into discus and it states that the comment was removed and/or never posted.
          I think that is terribly wrong. It is only linking to his past article. Popo didn’t understand why he was getting “pending” on his posts.
          All I stated was that he deserved to know what and why the ‘pending’ and so few comments. It is always removed when I do this! ???!!!!!
          I am only linking to one of NTEB’s Articles! It does make me a little angry, and I have asked the Lord to please forgive me if I am wrong, and
          for any ‘bad’ thoughts I have about Mr. Grider. On Popo’s profile on discus, it shows that he frequences WND news site. I looked a short while
          for a post from him on that site, but couldn’t find him. There are many that do not even know what happened. Why it bothers me, I’m not sure.
          Ron emailed me and did say that there is a new KJB believer website that is set up by he and Colonial Man. I will go there tomorrow to find out.
          I am still ‘So Missing” what we had together on the website. My, so many have gone to the site for 10 years. It is truly as if something died that
          you once had. I personally don’t think GG cares at all, only for the loss of the missing people. It is so tragic to me. I have never experienced any
          thing like this, or even knowing or meeting a person that would do this. We will All answer to God Almighty. Can you imagine facing God with
          wrong doing? Very tragic. I miss everyone. I will check out the KJB site that Ron mentioned. I hope everyone is ready for His Coming. : )

          • Prayers sis. It’s been so hard on everyone, but especially for those of you who have been on for so long.
            All I can say is that this is one of those times that you go to the Lord and let it all out. I’m very honest with
            the Lord when I’m hurting. I’m tell him every bad I feel, how mad I might be at someone, because he knows
            it all anyway. And then I ask him to heal those places, because I sure can’t do it myself. Last year, right before
            my birthday the Lord showed me this verse that I hadn’t paid attention to before: Ps. 147:3 He healeth the broken in heart,
            and bindeth up their wounds. It helped me through a rough time more than I can say. Claim the promise and
            keep your eyes on Jesus. He’s the only one worth look at anyway. Love you sis.

          • I miss the fellowship we all had too! This is all a picture of how sin truly hurts not only our selves but others too. Bee

          • I miss the fellowship we all had too. This is all a picture of how sin not only hurts ourselves but others as well. Bee.

          • Tag, your comment below of my post, thank you for your kind words. You are a very wise Christian woman, as are so many. I think that is what we
            all miss. I will keep your verse in my heart. I know God is with each one of us. God Bless you dear one.

    • Have you noticed in the Waygiver donations that he even contributes to them?. I saw $200 given by him, but how are we to know if he just takes it back again for himself
      since we don’t get to see the transactions. I will not trust him again or give to his “causes” or GoFundMe’s no matter how sad the story is, which is horrible that we don’t
      trust the rooster that’s in charge of the hen house, so to speak.

      • Hi Char, quite often I have seen him donate to himself like this, he is just donating what was donated to himself, to make himself look good, once a con man always a con man, such a crook!

        • Hi Gary, that is exactly what I was thinking. Boy, does he have a lot to explain when he gets there, but I suppose we will all have something cause the enemy knows our weaknesses. GG just happens to
          have more weaknesses than some, like greed and women. What a sinful combination for someone to contend with and then think it’s okay to go on in his “ministry” That’s the worst part I feel bad for
          those who are gullible on NTEB to just go on with business as usual with him. Oh well, we are all accountable for our own selves It’s heartbreaking. Hope to see you and all the saints very soon.,

  • Daughter of Ruth (Nancy),

    Friend… drink your coffee. Go to Starbucks. Listen to Sinatra. You are free in Christ to
    do so. You are not sinning if you do. There is no law for us in Christ to not do these things.
    You need no one’s permission…. and certainly not the permission of legalist Christians.
    You are not going to answer to God for why you enjoyed coffee or music in this life. You owe no one an explanation for it. You don’t even have to tell us! Life here is short. Drink the coffee while you await the call from the Lord. I promise, it’s ok. I think I’ll have a cup, too. And no one is going to make me feel guilty for it. I don’t even care if they try. Cheers! 🙂

    ~SouthernBelle (yes, the real SB from NTEB)

    • Hi everyone. It is Bee from NTEB. I find myself here for the same reasons that many others are here. Geoff did not conduct himself in accordance with godly precepts in his repeated pattern of behavior, and for how he handled the matter when it was discovered. It goes to godly character. His obfuscations were not in accordance with mature christian living. In lashing out at others he sought to deflect attention from his own misdeeds and did not show meaningful repentance for the things he had done, only a facsimile of repentance. The bar is set high for those who would come in Jesus’ name and some unfortunately are found unworthy. I pray that Geoff can get back on that narrow path with God’s help.

        • Hi Ginger and Everyone, I think it is wonderful that Paul and Ron have setup this new site. Like others have mentioned, since leaving NTEB, it’s like losing an old friend. I begin following and posting there in 2012. It is sad.
          God Bless!

        • Hi Ginger & RiseinHim, i will make a list of all the links that are posted here and try to check them out this week. Thanks for your help. I also am happy to find Jacob’s website and will continue to read it. All in all, it appears to be a time of reassessing the situation so that I can keep fellowship with you dear folks. Also, I am praying for those believers who are most technically savvy to lend a guiding hand to those of us who are not LOL. I pray for godly sites and not worldly sites. Bee

          • Bee, here is the website many have gone to. Come and join. It is very confusing, but with time, I think it will be a great place where those that
            are committed to following Christ will be worth the effort to figure it out. God Bless you Bee. Keep looking up, we are bound for Glory!

      • Hi Bee, good to see you here and no longer at NTEB like so many of us that have left. This revelation of Geoffrey Grider and the way he has handled the situation has been very eye-opening and extremely hurtful for so many of us, and I totally get where Riseinhim is coming from regarding her comments on September 3rd. Many of us feel let down and that we were never really cared about by the person who was supposed to be leading the flock at NTEB. This is a perfect lesson for us all, that we must never put our complete trust in man as we are all flawed and will let each other down. Only Jesus is the truth and can be fully trusted, the one who is God and has given us the Holy Spirit to lead and to guide us. This has only served to strengthen my relationship with Jesus, and we must never turn our backs on Him just because men hurt us and lead us astray. Stay in God’s word, pray, and keep looking up! God bless you Bee and Riseinhim!

        • Amen, Loretta. Our Lord is the center of our life. It is he that we follow and has given us the Holy Spirit to guide and direct us at this moment. I pray for direction now as to moving forward and trying to keep our fellowship intact.

          • Loretta Oates and Bee, you both better be over on the new KJB website. I tried to get on, but had a bit of trouble. Now, I have to look up the
            password I chose and wrote down. Does everyone just go to the same track that is posted in the choices, or are they navigating on the different
            topics? I haven’t figured it out yet. I’m sure Ron and Paul (CM) chose what they thought to be the best. I don’t even know how or the cost of
            a site like NTEB’s was. I know it was run by discus, which is/was crazy, but the format was awesome. Up-votes, and directly replying to a specific
            persons. It would be so nice to somehow take turns, if a leader couldn’t be found, to have various members volunteer each week or so to
            bring the article. Whether it be a christian study, or a specific news article, it would be good after awhile of getting use to it. Just thinking out-loud.

      • Hi Bee

        Glad too see you again, over here! Amen to everything you just said, about Geoffrey, and his conduct and behavior! Hope to see you over on Until Shiloh Come forum, that was created by brother Paul aka Colonialman, another former NTEBer, for us King James Bible Believers, to go on and discuss Bible Topics, Fellowship, End Times Bible Prophecy, Prayer Requests, Chats, and keeping in touch with each other, ect! I see sister Ginger has shared the link with you! See you over there, if you chose to sign up! And God Bless you and your family! Maranatha!

      • Hi Bee.
        He even went back to the post that got this going where I responded to cliff, then Tricia ( Tag 1611 ) e-mailed me, then he my response to Cliff in defense of GG he deleted because it referenced improprieties about his funds and donations ( He removed it )
        “pretenders spend their time learning how to pretend and many are excellent pretenders”
        Judas is the perfect example of that one.





        CON MEN DO.

        GG hovered over every single post in that article and everyone since, nothing to hide? Everything telling of such he buries.
        God Bless You Bee!

    • Hi SB –

      Thank you for your kind reply. I try to stay away from “woke” companies but very hard to do. Fascism on the move… We can only try. I am a musician when not sleuthing. Over the last five years,
      I have watched Christian music blossom and there is a wide variety out there now so building that up. Id rather be playing “Amazing Grace” when Jesus comes than “I did it my way.” I hear you
      on the legalism though. Sending you a side of extra salted carmel foam lol for your cup of joe. Love and blessings in Christ.

      DaughterofRuth formerly Nancy D

      • Riseinhim, I am over at the new site Ron and Paul set up. I am still trying to navigate through it myself as time permits. It is a bit challenging to navigate through but just takes time to figure it out. I am looking forward to fellowshipping with everyone over there!

          • Hey, Jann, I hope to get over to the new site soon. I enjoyed sharing Christian music with you in the past. Will we be able to post videos of it there?
            I’m busy with little ones and harvesting my garden on my days off. I have enough marinara to open an Italian restaurant! You know the old joke about
            going to church and coming home to find that someone has left a bunch of zucchini on your front porch? I get it now. I’ve been up to my elbows in it
            and am running out of ways to eat it, though I’ve frozen a lot of it. We got 285 ears of corn this year, and my husband was able to put it up when I was
            babysitting. I am SO thankful for God’s bounty. It’s just time consuming so I haven’t gotten to the new site yet. I know that Ron has put in a prayer
            request for me there, and I don’t want anyone to think I’m not thankful…just haven’t had a chance to say so there. I have something going on with
            my liver, PROBABLY associated with diabetes, but I won’t know what it is for a couple of weeks. I got scared and then turned it over to the Lord, and
            I am doing ok now, though the waiting is hard. He’s been trying to teach me patience my whole life. Haha. Blessings to all.

  • Something was not right about NTEB years ago when he began turning his site very commercial. The bookstore, t-shirts, etc. were just way overboard.

    I think he has mastered the “psych-op” writing process with his “keywords” that he uses over and over to draw an emotional response from people who reading his articles.

    Things like “Christian!” and “To the Fight!” and “But whatever you do, don’t do nothing” and “YOU pray for us, YOU support us, and YOU give so we can continue growing” are just some examples. Notice they are used at the end of every article.

    While none of us are without sin, the things listed in this article are just way over the top.

    If he was a pastor in a brick and mortar building, they would have made him step down. But since he runs his own site, there is no accountability.

    He’s putting out articles today like nothing ever happened. I’m encouraged to see people here refuse to go back to the site. The most common response when Christians leaders do this sort of thing is to just let it run off like water on a duck’s back.

    I can’t say I am surprised with what I’ve read here. There are just too many red flags that I saw years ago.

    What a shame.

    • 1 Corinthians 2:4 And my speech and my preaching was not with enticing words of man’s wisdom, but in demonstration of the Spirit and of power: [5] That your faith should not stand in the wisdom of men, but in the power of God.
      And he’ll continue to try and pretend nothing ever happened, nor explain his finances like he promised. And there is so much more to this story that did not even get published. He has so many skeletons in his closet he’d hate to let get out.

      • Jacob, Geoff is a double-minded man, unstable in all his ways. It will eventually catch up with him. I pray he truly repents.

      • I see on NTEB he has another pitch for Bibles for another prison. I wrote down the donations on 9/1 and again on 9/5 and he has made $5,696 i
        in donations on waygiver, it’s still coming in for him and he won’t have a financial care in the world if they keep giving to him.

    • Hi Belt of Truth, I agree with you. There were red flags that bothered me that I let slide. One thing that really bothered me was Geoff always referred to himself as “we”, saying things like, “we’ve been saying that for years”, or “we are working on a podcast that you don’t want to miss”. The problem is, the “we” is Geoff Grider. He is the writer, the speaker, the one who handles all the money. I put too much trust in him, and I believe many others did as well. That is a dangerous thing, and I am very thankful I am no longer a part of NTEB.

    • Belt of Truth, I don’t know exactly who you are from the NTEB website. With the old site, the new site, and this site, that I keep coming back to, checking
      who is still here, I feel like I’m dreaming all of this. I’m kind of kidding, but it is somewhat true.
      You are right about the ‘key-words’ used by Geoff, and as you say,”He’s putting out articles today like nothing ever happened!”
      He should rightfully explain to the scattered few that show up on his web-site what has happened. He should also let people know if he feels that he
      has made a real turn around and has victory over the sin that he has been dealing with for so long. You are right about this happening in a ‘brick and
      mortar building. Those in attendance would need and want to know how serious the pastor was in changing his ways and if he had victory over the
      entire way that ‘he’ had been living. Interesting that you saw red flags years ago. I suspect that the reason may be is because most of those posting
      on a regular basis, were there for the fellowship of like minded people. Those that are anxiously awaiting for the coming of our Lord to call us from
      this world and join him, our savior, to the place that he has prepared for those that love him. You should jump in and try to navigate the new web
      site that came from the ashes of NTEB site. Jacob should do as well. It is a learning curve for sure, but such a joy to share with those that take living
      for our lord seriously.

      • He’s not going to explain jack, and even if he did it would be falsified data. He’s an unsaved fraud who got into the “industry” because I’m sure his crooked partners told him that he could make a comfortable living playing religion and grifting money from professing Christians.
        What website are you referring to that I should jump into?

        • Jacob, I will tell you that I just don’t know who to trust anymore. I never would have thought that Geoff Grider would have turned out to be a faker. I will say even though this has gone so sour, there are still good things I have taken away from all this. But again I will say, it is almost impossible to know who to trust in this day and age. Seems that most churches and/or ministries lie in some way or another to get people to give their $$$.

          • I totally understand that. The “churches” nowadays are a joke and abominable. I mean, the cliché church buildings are not even scriptural, so it was only bound to collapse and become polluted; similar to when the Jews demanded a physical king and eventually a temple, but God told Samuel the people rejected him, and that whole thing fell apart and was a problem from the start. And nowadays the people are so evil and corrupt they are only concerned with themselves and feeding their insatiable lusts.
            2 Timothy 3:5 Having a form of godliness, but denying the power thereof: from such turn away.
            It of course goes without saying, but your trust is to be in the Lord.
            Psalm 40:4 Blessed is that man that maketh the LORD his trust, and respecteth not the proud, nor such as turn aside to lies.
            If it’s any consolation, I’m just a guy out here trying to serve the Lord in some capacity and trying to do what he calls me to do. I am not in it for the money unlike practically all the rest of the losers and hirelings out there. I of course humbly ask for donations for my work, but compared to Grider, I am making pocket lint from The WP.

        • eHis wife (if she is his wife) will find out soon enough if he’s saved or not. I hope she is a believer, but I don’t see their union lasting very long, but I hope it does. Can’t help but think we paid for
          some or all of his honeymoon/vacation. That irks me.

          • Char, exactly right. I read from previous posts his wife was told of his past, and apparently she has known him for four years and chose to be with him. Believe me, I am irked too just like you!

        • He’s still getting plenty of donations. I wonder if his wife (if she is his wife) a believer. I hope so. It could be a little hard to live with someone if you’re a believer
          and they’re not. The union would be short lived. It’s so sad that he chooses to just go on and hope for new sub’s instead of dealing with his behavior.
          Blessings to you and your family.

          • Char,
            Regarding your question “if she is his wife”: Are you referring to that situation where he told a married woman that they would be spiritually married even though she had a husband through our “cultural” means such as getting a wedding ring, marriage license? Because if you mean Geoff’s definition of “spiritually married” then he could have boatloads of wives. And since he said divorce is when “flesh leaves flesh” then how did he divorce all of these women since “culturally” you would need a certificate of divorce? So honestly I wouldn’t even know how to answer that question.

    • Not to mention, Belt of Truth, he hardly has any mention of the Gospel anywhere on his posts.

      He posts all of his asks for money and all of his accolades on every post, but never spells out the Gospel or even gives a link to it.

  • I was just over at NTEB and it looks like the latest article is about the North Las Vegas Correctional Facility Bible Drive that the site says was posted 4 HOURS AGO by Geoff. The only comment post to the article is by “Shannon K” – posted 8 HOURS AGO – praying for more donors. How did she post that before the article was posted?

    They just don’t get it do they? It’s all about the money over there isn’t it?!!!

    • Hi Belt of Truth! I’ve noticed that issue with his articles in the past, not sure what it is. Maybe a glitch where the time stamp of when it was posted doesn’t update.

    • Belt of truth, I replied right under your post, but it ended up way down the lost of other posts. It was also marked as being moderated.
      I don’t understand that at all.

      • John, I can’t help but wonder if Shannon actually reads her Bible? She is really good at posting multiple scripture verses, but there are clear verses in the Bible that says we should have nothing to do with men who continue in the sins Geoffrey has personally admitted to that he clearly has not been able to overcome. It’s not hard to figure out, so why does she continue to follow Geoff and NTEB?

        • Hi Loretta, some people say that she’s obligated to him somehow. Perhaps he gave her a loan or did something for her that makes her feel like she
          owes him, but you’d think she’d know her obligation to God surpasses any obligation to a human, that was caught in his sin. It’s pretty sad that some don’t
          know their priorities with God are number one.

      • Hi Brother John

        Yes that is straight out bizarre to go to that length. That’s why I think she’s a bot, alter-ego of the site or paid poster… Quite odd. Its in a nutshell compromise imvho.

        • Daughter of Ruth (Nancy),

          You think Shannon might be a “bot” or alter ego? That’s very interesting. I never considered that. She certainly can’t think for herself,
          I know that much. Hates to be shown any sort of truth, whether Biblical or about her people she likes. Could her little brother Ceph
          also be a bot? I’ve never seen 2 people act so weird to each other on that message board as those 2. I personally think they’re real
          people, but definitely a strange duo.

          PS. Glad you’re enjoying your coffee now, guilt free lol! Praise the Lord!

          • Hey SB. I have to agree about “Shanaroo” and Cephas. lol I thought he was in his midlife crisis or going the other way, being younger, maybe it’s puppy love. He was told to stop replying to
            her like that (by Janette), but he didn’t stop, obviously. So I believe that’s the reason he’s still on NTEB. If Shannon left NTEB, he’d leave too. P.S. What makes it weird is that he’s married
            He told us all about his impending divorce, then a few weeks later, told us about the great meal his wife cooked for him. What??? Oh well, to each his own. I don’t consider this gossip since
            he wrote it on NTEB and it’s a public forum.

          • SouthernBelle, Cephas is a real guy. I saw him at the Camp Meeting this year. He had a name tag on that said Cephas, and I recognized him from a picture he had on the NTEB Telegram channel. I never cared for the things he would post on Disqus as it is my opinion he has a mean spirit, so I was not led to introduce myself to him at the camp mtg. I understand he has some issues, but Geoff should have never allowed him to continue posting his hate speech towards others without saying something. But, of course, now that we know all we do, it is not surprising that Geoff did nothing about it.

          • SoutherhBelle, you know that I never had a good feeling about Shannon. I stayed clear of her as much as possible. She could be argumentative and then play the victim, especially when Cephas stepped in.

        • I always got bad vibes from her and couldn’t understand why as it appeared that everyone else really liked her. I finally started skiping most of her post, because I thought she was fake.
          So sorry if I’m wrong, however.

        • Wow! I never in a million years thought they could all be bots! And Grider made them all up
          And hes controlling them all! Lol ,that way he gets exactly the outcome he wants!
          Wow go figure! It could be true and a money making outfit! Well hes found ot God showed us the truth
          I still believe God lead me to NTEB, i did learn much especially on the podcast about the vaxx, covid etc, God
          Used it all for teaching ,one thing for sure never trust man ever! Only the Lord Jesus Christ and the KJB.
          God bless you Nancy and all my bro and sister who read. Much love miss you all ,
          I really miss all you post Nancy! Praying for the Rapture soon

      • Those cats must be messing up her mind cause she’s not seeing the truth about GG. I hope she does soon. She’s accusing us of lying (instead of accusing of him of lying). duh

  • I just looked at a review for NTEB Bookstore (probably written by you know who) on Zaubee.com under Christian Bookstores and this was embedded in the long review:

    “The NTEB Bible Believers Bookstore is not in business just to make money simply for the sake of wealth. It is in business to make it possible for Now The End Begins to offer free Bibles to those in need.”

    Donors bought Mr. Grider a bookstore. It’s operating under Mudflower so everything should go on his personal tax return. Is he reporting things correctly?? Why no public information about the finances, like profits?? I’m pretty sure NTEB’s income would be reported on his personal tax return under Mudflower LLC. But does he pay taxes? What gives???

    • My goodness, Grider is so insecure. If he has to tell people that he “is not in business just to make money simply for the sake of wealth,” that means that he IS doing it for just that!
      Proverbs 18:17 He that is first in his own cause seemeth just; but his neighbour cometh and searcheth him.

  • To Char and Go Kid Your G’ma ~

    About them being married:
    When did they date?
    After Geoff said he prayed about it 4-6 weeks after she moved out, she changed her engagement date from Feb 2 to March 2.

    Were they “spiritually married” before the wedding? I wonder how many spiritual wives this slickster has had in his life. All aboard the hot mess express!

    • In my article I referenced his Bible study he did on divorce and remarriage, and right off the top he references the story of the woman at the well in John 4, claiming that woman had multiple husbands for each time she fornicated – which of course is nonsense, but, going by Grider’s logic, then how many “wives” does he have? I’d be willing to bet a LOT of them!

      • Hi Jacob. Will you be joining the UntilShilohCome forum started by Paul and Ron. Your input and being part of it would be most welcomed I believe. God bless you brother lots and lots.

          • Jacob say you’ll do more than try and stop by. You’re a big part of this that’s happening. I pray you will. The Lord bless you lots.

          • Hi. Jacob,
            I have not met you before but, I am a former NTEB’er. I want to personally thank you for putting all the pieces together of this puzzle and standing up and doing what is biblically right. It must have been a calling to stand up for what was right from the Lord. I don’t know how you could have done it without godly direction. It was a little guy standing up to a big player, kinda like when little David stood up to Goliath. I knew that I should have stopped listening to the show for a long time but, I wasn’t by any means an insider to what was going on. I would shut the program off when I thought it wasn’t going in the proper direction. That was a sign right there of course. However, I enjoyed the chat room at times, people praying, and those bible quotes that were posted which blest my busy day. This comment section has helped me begin to work through my thoughts and feelings about the whole thing. It is a blessing.
            Thank you,Bee

            • You are very welcome. I knew about some of this stuff for a little but I had to hold my tongue because it was still in the “rumor” phase for a while, but then it really all came together earlier this Spring, and then kicked into hyper speeds after he announced his marriage. He does not intimidate me at all. He’s a dog that is all bark but no bite, and when you have the truth on your side it’s pretty easy to have courage knowing that he is dead wrong in what he has done and will continue to do.

        • Hey John!

          I’m over there too brother! Looking forward to fellowshipping with all you wonderful brethren again! Hope all is well with you and your family brother John! And God Bless you all in Christ! Maranatha!

          • Am I welcome to join, Jerusalem7? I’d love nothing more than to continue discussing the Bible, rightly divided, with wonderfully receptive brethren like you, who just love to learn. 🙂

          • Hi J7. Yes I’ve seen you there and posted to you. It’s the beginning but could be something good for us all and I’m sure it actually will be. God bless you brother.

    • Hi Go Kid your Mama/Papaw. I was actually referring to his REAL wife that he married a few weeks ago, just to make himself look good. I wonder how long it
      will last cause I have a hunch they married for the wrong reasons, but it’s not my business. lol
      He sounds like he needs to go and start a “cult” where they have multiple wives if that’s what he needs to keep him happy. Pretty disgusting that he has these
      addictions (women and alcohol) and can’t control himself. Then he needs to step down and get his life in order and repent and ask God to heal him of these
      sinful things. He preaches that we should put on the whole armor of God. Hmm, we all know the saying “practice what you preach” Does he?

      • Char,
        Oh! THAT spiritual wife! I think she’s a believer but moving in with the preacher certainly gives cause to question things. It was a stupid move indeed. No pun intended.

      • Hi Char! I was talking with Paul on the new message board, he mentioned that he contacted you about a duplicate account. Since everyone can only have one account, he rejected the second one you created. Are you having trouble getting into your first account? Paul wanted me to let you know that if that is the case, he can delete the first account so that you can re-register. Let me know thanks!

        • Hi Ginger. He emailed me about it. The reason I did that is because I noticed there were TWO forums, one was titled “untilshiloh” and the other one was misspelled and said “unitil”
          with TWO i’s in it so I didn’t know which one was the right one, so I re-registered and it said the name char was not available, so I just added a 2 to it, but that was definitely a booboo,
          so he rejected the char 2, which is good cause I don’t need two of them. So I think it’s straightened out now. Phew, what a mess up. Thanks.

          • Hi Char, oh good I’m glad it’s all straightened out! I was worried you were having issues getting into your original account so I’m glad that isn’t the case 🙂 yes the link to the forum spells “until” as “unitil” – not sure if that was intentional but the spelling with the extra “i” is the right link!

  • If I had given money to the Gofundme to move her down there I’d want my money back. Who would want to give to move a single woman in with the preacher? Especially knowing she and he KNEW she was moving in with him. smh

    • Hi Linda

      I almost gave to that because he was so adamant about needing that. I almost sent a wedding gift to them but thought it was very sudden the announcement.
      I remember him saying on air he wanted to get married again.

      • Hey sister Nancy!

        Sorry to hear that your still getting over being sick ! Bronchitis sucks, believe me, I’ve had before, a few different times, and it’s never pleasant! And neither was that nasty flu bug, I had a little over a year ago, last summer! It took me a while to get back to 100%! Will definitely keep you in prayer and can’t wait too see you over on the new forum, Until Shiloh Come! Hope all else is well with you and your family! And God Bless you All in Christ! Maranatha!

  • Hi Daughter of Ruth
    It’s more suspicious even after reading the timeline because it could be he wanted a wife to buy a house in her name so the IRS couldn’t get to his property because of the lien. He made a big deal of saying that she got the house under her name. With her changing the engagement date on Facebook according to another comment along with everything else it all looks sorta planned on his part.

    • Well isn’t that a great reason to get married, so your wife can keep you from getting sued or going to jail? I don’t know if her reason was for love or security or something
      else, but it doesn’t sound like a marriage made in Heaven. hehe

  • (Here is the catch all on NTEB….. where it says: When you contribute to this fundraising effort: in bold letters )

    “When you contribute to this fundraising effort, you are helping us to do what the Lord called us to do. The money you send in
    goes primarily to the overall daily operations of this site.

    (GG determines where it goes and how much.)

    (Also I am completely disgusted by this:)

    as we continue taking steps to print the NTEB branded King James Bible

    (So a Bible is now an Advertising site for GG?)
    (I would never want any advertising or logo on my KJB.)

    (Another catch all:)
    When people ask for Bibles, we send them out at no charge.
    So he doesn’t send them out otherwise??????/ so it would seem in his grand Scheme.

    What is his 1 and 3/4 MILLION DOLLAR GOAL FOR?
    I could pay the mortgages on 30 houses at what I paid for mine!
    Also a goal that needs reaching in 250 days????????
    as of right now it is a little over 1 and 1/4 MILLION!!!!!!!
    Go here to see the funding:
    NTEB Gospel Outreach Ministry
    Also the front is covered with “Donate everywhere.”
    On the Waygiver page is what is called “The Team” guess what it says “Geoffrey Grider”
    No “I” in team but most of NTEB is I, I, I, I GG.
    Someone also mentioned an upside down view of the white house on the front of the gospel tracts being suspicious, then it almost seems like a covert overt, so as below, so as above.
    Those tracts are more about advertising NTEB.
    To me our donations have been more about purchasing a product and filling his wallet, it’s beyond disgusting UGH!

    • Ron, it must have taken awhile for your post to show up. I read it and yes, it is beyond disgusting. I am comforted that God will not be mocked and if Geoff has been peddling the word of God for his own gain, the Lord will give Geoff exactly what he deserves.

      • Amen Loretta!
        God is not mocked.
        What is with his tract that has an upside down white house ( like so as above so below or however that satanic saying goes )
        God Bless You Sister Loretta!

    • 2 Corinthians 9:7 Every man according as he purposeth in his heart, so let him give; not grudgingly, or of necessity: for God loveth a cheerful giver.
      This is what we call “greedy of filthy lucre” to a ‘T.’ Not only does he want the money for himself, he wants to be able to brag on himself like he always does.

      • He needs to rename NTEB “The Cult” cause he has these people following him blindly. He’d probably like to be a cult leader so he could “marry” many women.
        He could be on TV like that mentally ill guy that stars on Sister Wives.

          • Yes Brother Ron, that guy is a top rated “jerk”! His name is Cody. I use to view some of the episodes a long, long time ago, and I vividly remember one
            of the wives mention to Cody that since he could choose and have more than one wife, maybe she should do the same and get a few “other” husbands
            and boy did Cody get real mad real fast! That showed me right there what a hypocrite he is!! Again as you have said: good for me but not for thee! Oh
            how I can’t stand a two faced hypocrite!! God bless you Brother Ron! MARANATHA!!!!!!!

      • Hi Jacob.
        I would love to see “The Team” load one torpedo onto a sub since he is a one man show.
        His Team has an “I” in it. big time.
        God Bless You Brother Jacob!

    • Why did you former followers not realize all of this before Jacob’s article? The tracts with advertising and the Waygiver nonsense has been happening for several years?

      • Charleton Heston,

        Much to the chagrin of Geoff Grider, the majority were there to fellowship with fellow believers and paid no attention to Geoff Grider. The majority knew things weren’t right with Geoff and are inherently grateful to Jacob for the expose’.

      • Charleton Heston,

        In our online age, where anyone can portray themselves as anything they want, it’s easier to deceive people, especially GOOD, HONEST people who see
        the best in everyone. A “blaming the victim” mentality isn’t helpful. We “former followers” are hurt, and you pointing it out that we should have known
        better only adds to the self-recriminations we are already feeling.

        Some of us knew that something was off, but the LOVE and FELLOWSHIP among members kept people going to the site because the Laodician churches
        we have now don’t have much to offer true believers. I didn’t comment much in the last few years because of Disqus being a pain and some infighting
        that made me uncomfortable, and, yes, Geoff didn’t do much about it. We’d say he’s so busy with everything that he didn’t have time to monitor the
        site much. Buffalo Billy told us here that he had seen GG in person and knew something wasn’t quite authentic, but those of us who only knew GG online
        wanted so much for him to be what he portrayed himself to be. I’d rather be naive and believe in goodness than cynical and never trust anyone.

        Even while I was away, I continued to pray for the needs of the people on the board, serious needs like prayers for healing and most importantly prayers
        for salvation for loved ones. God can use even a faux ministry to bring people together in prayer to do His Work. Romans 8:28 sums that up pretty well,
        don’t you think? ALL things work together for GOOD for those who are called according to His purposes.

        That GG has been exposed NOW is part of God’s timing. The “former followers” have formed a BOND that no longer needs NTEB. We have moved on to
        another place where we can share, discuss, and pray. We no longer trust GG, but we have established a foundation that can move beyond NTEB, which
        we never would have had without meeting each other there. I email with Ron and Char almost daily, and they are the most wonderful friends and
        prayer partners anyone could desire. If GG did one good thing, it was to give us a place to find each other.
        Call us foolish or naive if you like, but God sees our hearts and has made us stronger Christians, able to move forward in confidence that He is with us,
        in spite of where we started.

        Perhaps instead of chastising Godly people for being deceived, you might want to place the blame on the snake who was/is so deceptive?

        • No offense intended, Denise. I do not blame the victims at all, as we all are, and I apologize for sounding harsh. Just noted that before the revelation of Geoff’s sexual escapades, there was the waygiver right there for all to see. Even while having already raked in thousands (now over a million), with the “goal” continually pushed up, he would ask for donations for more Bibles… but what was the money he already had received for? And the tracts were there the whole time as a glaring advertisement for his website, which is a business. I simply don’t comprehend why these things about the money & tracts bother some now, when these things should’ve been called out before the revealing article. No one wanted to see their ringleader for what he is. You would be attacked if you questioned anything openly there. I’m not certain God uses a “faux ministry” to do anything for His glory, otherwise such ministries would be rewarded and blessed, and we would be motivated to run more ministries according to OUR ways. People are brought together under Christ, not under wicked men and their faux ministries. Faux ministries do not glorify Him. My prayer is that my brethren, including myself, will be more discerning in the future. Never be afraid to look objectively at everything. And if you are ever afraid to speak up, then it’s time to walk away.

          • Charlton, Some people DID call him out and they, many times, got blocked from NTEB, so Jacob Thompson has exposed him on his website WITH PROOF. None of us had proof, we did have discernment, whichnagain, wouldn’t have gotten passed Geoffrey and you know that. So it took a person (Jacob) with credibility and proof to get it out in the open. Bruce Peters tried, but we didn’t listen because he wasn’t credible at that time to us since he complains about EVERY YouTube pastor.. We shouldn’t have to feel guilty or have to explain ourselves to you or anyone else. God chose to use Jacob and
            Geri Ungerean to bring Geoffrey’s philandering and misappropriating funds out in the open The end.

          • Charleton Heston,

            Thank you for that clarification. Maybe God didn’t use NTEB for His Glory but used it for us. We were all interested in the End Times. We were all looking for fellowship.
            Char even prayed for a place to make Christian friends. Most of us got more out of the fellowship than anything, and liked having a place to discuss
            current and end times events.
            Like I said, He uses everything for good.

      • Charlton Heston, I was a fairly new NTEB follower and was there for two years, so I did not see any nonsense occurring for the past several years with Waygiver. Yes, I knew Geoff was the one responsible for the accounting of the money, but unfortunately I put my trust in Geoff that he would do the right thing. Let me explain why. Laodicean churches I had been to over the last several years came up empty of meaningful teaching, and when I found NTEB I actually started learning things such like what it meant to rightly divide the Bible, who Leviathan really is, the importance of being KJV only, and many other things I never was taught in church. The fellowship between like-minded believers was important to me, even though I didn’t like the divisive nature the Disqus board had been taking in recent months. I attended the 2nd and 3rd Camp Meetings and met Geoff personally. I saw no red flags with him. At the 2nd Camp Meeting there was a gentleman from Bible & Literature Missionary Foundation, the organization that assists in printing the Bibles for NTEB, and they put on a nice presentation, and I met and spoke to the representative, Paul Woody personally and all seems legit. There are other aspects of the NTEB ministry that I felt were proof that things were getting done for the Lord, such as the billboard ministry, the bookstore, the multiple guests/Chaplains that Geoff had on various broadcasts from various prisons giving their testimony about the prisoners being reformed because Bibles were given to them and Bible classes were made available, and souls were getting saved according to the Chaplains’ testimonies. Geoff, to me, appeared very passionate and knowledgeable about the Bible, and I think many would say he has a gift of teaching it in a way that helps the listeners become interested and able to learn. I didn’t agree on every point, but that is where we are to be as the Bereans and study it out for ourselves. At no time did I ever imagine Geoff was leading a double life and was engaging in the acts outlined in Jacob’s article and subsequently admitted to by Geoff in his rebuttal article. I supported NTEB both financially and participating in the broadcasts and also on the Disqus chat board. It seemed to me Geoff was the last of a dying breed of pastors who actually surrendered themselves to God and the ministry 100%. Sadly, I and many other people were fooled by him. Imagine this: If Geoff had truly been trustworthy and had been true to God and those who followed NTEB, what could have ben accomplished for the Lord! God could have used him in such a mighty way, and it is very heartbreaking and sad to me and many people about the facts that have come out regarding Geoff. The trust has been broken, people have been hurt, and much damage has been done to the Body of Christ. 1 Corinthians 5:6-13 is crystal clear telling us we are to have nothing to do with such people, so I will not be reading any more articles, listening to any more podcasts, or financially supporting NTEB. I know I have beaten myself up for not being able to discern Geoff’s true colors, but it is what it is. I admit it. I failed to see it, but I will have to learn from the experience and move on. I do pray Geoff Grider actually repents and surrenders himself to God.

    • Hello Brother Ron!
      Speaking of the Money and how it is used at NTEB, I remember the story that was posted after their honeymoon and Geoff lost a pair of “designer” sunglasses
      got lost at the beach. I don’t remember the label of the glasses only know that they sell for well over $125.00 a pair! I remember when I read the story, I though “gee
      that is odd asking for money to send bibles out and then spending that kind of dough on designer sunglasses! It did not sit well with me. I certainly hope the
      money I sent in was actually used to the “porridge” program for the children in Uganda and not for sunglasses or whatever else! God bless you dear Brother!

      • Hi SF.
        Just terrible right, where is the money coming for such.
        We failed to read his front page close enough;
        (Here is the catch all on NTEB…..)
        When you contribute to this fundraising effort, you are helping us to do what the Lord called us to do.
        The money you send in
        “goes primarily to the overall daily operations of this site.”

        (GG determines where it goes and how much.)

        Also I am completely disgusted by this:
        as we continue taking steps to print the NTEB branded King James Bible
        (So a Bible is now an Advertising site for GG?)
        (I would never want any advertising or logo on my KJB.)

        (Another catch all:)
        “When people ask” for Bibles, we send them out at no charge.
        (So he doesn’t send them out otherwise??????/ so it would seem in his grand Scheme.)
        God Bless You Sister SF!

      • I sent money for that need for the porridge program, i wanted to do it to remember and honor my Son,
        Bryan who was killed in Ukraine! God knew my heart i have to trust that money went to those children in
        In Uganda. This whole thing has and affected many! I am so thankful it got exposed ,we know now !

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