Diabolical. Demented. Disgusting. Predator. Pure evil. Thief. Grifter. Liar. Narcissist of epic proportions. -These are just some of the many words used to describe Geoffrey Scott Grider, according to his many victims who are now finally speaking out against him, exposing the years and years of corruption, perversion, harassment, and torment this pastor has inflicted upon them.

Grider at his studio office.

Geoffrey S. Grider (62) is the founder and lead writer for one of the largest Christian news and prophecy websites, Now The End Begins (NTEB), launching in 2009, with many thousands tuning in daily to read his articles and listen to his podcasts; which really hit it in stride in early-Autumn of 2015, when famous conservative radio host and pundit Rush Limbaugh gave NTEB his endorsement, helping the site reach new heights.

That day was a turning point for little Now The End Begins, and today we are not so little but one of the most-visited bible prophecy sites in the world. After Rush was kind enough to mention us on his show, there was an immediate uptick in readers with fresh traffic to our site, and we have been growing ever since.

Grider wrote in a post on the day of Limbaugh’s death in 2021

Since then Grider has only expanded his ministry, providing weekly podcasts covering world events and Bible studies; along with operating a Christian bookstore since mid-2021, located on 701 Market Street Saint Augustine, Florida, 32095; simply known as the “NTEB Bible Believers Bookstore,” touted as the “only Christian bookstore” in St. Augustine.

More recently Mr. Grider has also been engaged in his “Bible Behind Bars” program, that gifts large numbers of Bibles to prisons and jailhouses upon request; on top of an ever-growing billboard messaging campaign throughout St. Johns County, Florida, that directs passerby’ers to the NTEB website and/or bookstore.

But, unfortunately, not all is as squeaky clean and up to par as Grider may make it seem. In fact, NTEB seems to be a front for his pastoral persona and perceived charitable nature, as a cloak for his double-life he has led and continues to lead – one that Grider would much desire to have completely erased from all of cyberspace and of the minds of those affected by his shenanigans.

After many years and persistently working to cover his tracks, Grider’s life of lasciviousness and habitual adultery is now coming back to haunt him.

In recent months a sizeable sum of women have reached out to The WinePress, providing their testimonies and documentation that expose Grider’s devious and lewd acts, police reports among others, too; not to mention evidence of tax evasion and Grider’s greedy business tactics.

In what Grider has carefully and craftily spent much and time effort in covering up, has found its way into the public light and in the dark no more.

Due to the nature of this topic there will be some mature themes discussed, so discretion is advised.

From Hollywood To The Ministry

Before Grider ever made a profession of faith and NTEB was conceived, the New Jersey native tried making his way in Hollywood.

According to an article published on December, 2018, marking the 30th anniversary when Grider professes he was born again, Grider recounted that “In 1988, I was living the dream in Hollywood, California, and had broken into the acting business while working as a waiter,” he wrote. “I was getting larger and larger parts as I progressed in the business, and I was sensing that my ‘big break’ was right around the corner,” he added.

Grider’s IMDB profile picture

Grider played minor roles and background extras in a sampling of movies, sitcoms, and commercials, according to his article and incomplete IMDB page that lists the movies he was in. Interesting enough, Grider also made a random spoof on Trevor Noah’s The Daily Show in 2016, listed as “self” and simply as a “political commentator” according to the show. A short clip of this episode still exists online:

To make a long story short, Grider, who had a struggle with drinking and alcoholism, and was on a “spiritual quest” at the time after the sudden passing of his brother who died of AIDS, was invited to an Alcoholics Anonymous meeting; and from there led him to further search the truth, in which he says he soon got saved not long after he began to read through an old Gideon’s King James Bible that was gifted to him. When he tracked down John 3:16, Grider read it aloud and claims,

[…] And like a bolt out of the blue, it nearly knocked me over. At long last, here it was…here He was. God! Yes, this was it. I was so overwhelmed I could hardly speak, tears flowed from my eyes, but this time tears of joy! I felt like someone had literally taken a key and unlocked me from the chains that had weighed me down all this time.

Grider wrote, adding that he then got on his knees and prayed to the Lord for salvation, and that he would later go on to experience “true spiritual ecstasy.”

In a follow-up post several months later in 2019, one day before his birthday, Grider provided more details to his testimony story. He disclosed that he still had struggles with booze. Grider wrote: “The struggle has flared up from time to time. But God is faithful, and will always give us the victory if we want it bad enough. I still attend weekly AA meetings, and they are such a blessing,” attributing his start down this path due to it being heavily encouraged in his family at a very young age.

Furthermore, he wrote (emphasis his):

The Bible tells us to come as we are for salvation, that’s absolutely true, but God is [sic] His mercy will never leave you as He found you. Part of the evidence of your salvation is a changed life, different desires, because God gives us a new heart. And the struggle we feel is also proof of our salvation. God will never stop working to conform the believer to becoming more like Him, even if the process takes a lifetime. Salvation happens in an instant, but our sanctification is worked out for the rest of our lives.

Grider never really discloses when and how he officially decided to ditch Hollywood, but Grider did mention in an article in 2016 on the death of one his mentors, Dr. Peter S. Ruckman, that it was sometime “back in the mid-90’s, when I was introduced to a brother by the name of Scott Lyman,” he wrote. “Scott attended a small Baptist church near where I lived, and he was excited to hand me a Bible teaching cassette tape from someone by the name of Peter Ruckman of Pensacola, Florida. That was my introduction to the ‘good doctor’ of scripture.” Grider would play piano at his church while Ruckman was still living and infrequently prior to his death.

The Problems Begin To Emerge

Unfortunately, this is where things begin to get sour. While Grider claims that “God in His mercy will never leave you as He found you,” it would seem that not a whole of his fleshly and sensual issues dissipated, if at all.

While Grider launched NTEB in 2009, Grider also hosted a radio talk show with Dr. John P. McTernan, “an End Times author and bible teacher,” and author of best-selling book “As America Has Done To Israel.”

This radio show, along with other guests, was a live call-in show hosted on Blog Talk Radio. The two discussed world events and other news headlines and tried to relate it to the scriptures, doing this for several years – until its abrupt ending in 2012.

On September 16th, 2012, McTernan published a message on Facebook and Twitter announcing the immediate end of their partnership.

In his Facebook post, McTernan said,

Some issues have surfaced, which I discussed with Geoff and at this time I think it is best for me to withdraw.

This show was in his name, so it is up to him to continue if he wants.

I hope for the best for Geoff, as it was very difficult to separate.

A lot has been done to conceal the specifics concerning the abrupt ending, but this we do know: as it has been explained to me by witnesses of this, someone called in live during one of their shows, and basically gave Grider the riot act, rattling off in detail the instances of when Grider has sexually misbehaved, as a professing Christian man; evidence that cannot be ignored, and was later confirmed by McTernan.

Moreover, it was discovered Grider was tabulating and keeping a list of different female callers he felt attracted to, based on their voices he heard and then what he could gather about them personally thereafter.

Listeners familiar with Grider’s antics tried warning McTernan about this in advance, but it appears he was dismissive for the longest time; as indicated by a commentor who knew and worked with McTernan, but broke off their ministerial work because this person alleges McTernan refused to listen to what he told him, also calling Grider a “thief.”

I know John McTernan, in fact I was the first person to host a show with him, that I ended because he refused to listen to me when I told him that the founder of Now The End Begins is a thief.

Sadly, it took someone calling into the show Grider and McTernan did to out Grider as the thief he is and finally McTernan listened. He may know what is going on, but he has little respect for people when they confront him with the truth.

This user wrote

This was also confirmed to me directly by another source. In a statement to The WinePress, this individual, who has asked to keep their identity concealed, told me that she also hosted a radio show of their own on Blog Talk Radio, and would eventually come to know Grider and McTernan through their podcast. This person told me that she eventually wanted to branch out and launch a website of her own. For this, she contracted Grider to build the website.

Along with running NTEB, Mr. Grider owns and operates a secular media marketing company called MudFlower Creative, also based in St. Augustine; which builds websites and produces physical displays and other marketing products, along with voice-overs for ads and commercials. This podcaster said she became acquainted with Grider in 2010 and then contracted him 2011.

A screenshot of the homepage of MudFlower

But as for this fellow radiohost, she disclosed to me that Grider did not deliver the product she requested. She told me in a statement that she was stiffed $300 and was never provided a finished website, and then was completely ghosted by Grider thereafter, simply calling him a “thief,” she said to me. This individual added that she alerted Mr. McTernan about this grift, only for McTernan to purportedly ignore the allegation. This theft occurred roughly over a year before McTernan broke it off with Grider (as referenced in the above comment).

I also attempted to contact Mr. McTernan directly about his previous relations with Grider, how the duo got to know each other and become ministry partners, and detailing the reasons why he had to end their public relations.

Unfortunately, contact was more than unsuccessful. Upon my first attempt at contact in June, McTernan did not respond to my inquiry directly, but did kindly forward my request to another contact who would be able to provide some additional insights concerning Grider’s antics. Howbeit McTernan would not respond to me. I patiently waited for roughly a month and sent three kind and formal requests to set up a date to perhaps to discuss my questions. No response.

Then in mid-July I decided to call McTernan directly via prayer line provided on his website. McTernan still actively hosts his own podcasts on Facebook and Rumble, still allowing call-ins. I called midday and was greeted with an automated message that told me this call would be recorded for security reasons, I suppose. After no one picking up for about 6 minutes I hung up and called again. This time sometime someone answered much more quickly. However, I was very rudely greeted and scolded by an older women on the other end (she would not disclose who she was even after I told her who I was, and my purpose). Though I attempted to maintain professionalism and be kind during the conversation, this woman was incredibly rude to me. Keep in mind this is a prayer request line for people who are calling to ask a pastor for prayer. Be that as it may, after having a go-around with this person, she kept telling me to email him, to which I tried explaining that I already have several times and have waited a month for a response. She again snapped at me and told me how busy he is, and how she was currently involved in an “intervention.” I then asked if she could take a message and pass it on to him. She begrudgedly humored me and I proceeded to tell her that I was requesting information from McTernan about Geoffrey Grider. I did not say any other specifics about Grider. Then she really got mad – she exclaimed a bunch of stuff, and in that boldly said, “we don’t know anything!” She continued to scold me for no reason that I could gather, and I eventually raised my tone of voice of too; to which she then tried to turn it on me asked why I am shouting at her. Not long after I abruptly hung up on her left feeling really confused, digesting that odd conversation.

I do not know what to make of that, but, I am left to only wonder why there has been uneasiness and radio silence in trying to clear up any confusion. It’s not like he had to officially be “on the record.” I’ve been told also that getting answers out of McTernan before has been an issue before. Whatever the reason may be, I am left thinking that there must be some serious stuff that McTernan and others do not want to be uncovered.

I did reach out to Dave and Willie Hauser, two other pastors listed in McTernan’s Facebook post (see above), to see if they could help answer some of my lingering questions. Dave responded fairly quickly and simply said that he did not have any information to me, wishing me “Shalom.”

On the same day that McTernan announced his public partnership with Grider would be ending (September 16th, 2012), Grider continued to host his radio show on the same day. This can be found on his Sermon Audio page. He did acknowledge that he would be going solo for the foreseeable future and would be the new formatting for the time being, but still maintained an identical framework.

He did, however, have this to say:

John McTernan and Don Schwartz will no longer be with this show, and they have gone on to new ventures. We wish them well in whatever it is that they are going to be doing. [They] are no longer associated with NTEB. Willie and Dave Hauser might be, I’m not sure.

Uhh, but you know what? The Lord brings to this show the people who want to be in this show. The Lord sets up things, the Lord takes down things – people come and go, I mean that’s just the nature of life. We wish John and Don well [and] we hope that the Lord gives them what they need.

But you know we’re moving forward and we’re going ahead, and for those of you who listened to the previous show […] – hearts were opened, broken hearts, starting the healing process, real things were talked about, and decisions were made, truth was told, and we’re going forward, we’re going forward.

I have spent so many hours in prayer with the Lord since Friday, since all this controversy and trouble started, and I have gone before the Lord and done what I need to do, and God told me clear as day today: he said, ‘You don’t quit, you don’t quit, you don’t quit, you don’t quit.’

Maybe we’ll have a smaller show than we’re used to, but you know what? We’ve never, ever, ever, ever done this show because we want a lot of people to listen to it, that’s not why we’ve done this show. We’ve done this show to lift up the Lord Jesus Christ. We’ve done this show to proclaim his soon return, that’s why we do this show.

[…] I took this weekend and I got right before the Lord. I took what had been a barrier between me and the Lord, and was weeping with tears and on my knees, and in hours of prayer and repentance. […] And as you cast the finder of judgment on someone, you stand filthy, you stand filthy before the Lord.

Grider said

Grider then went on to heavily insinuate that “the rapture” was going to occur within the next or month or so at the time. “Let me tell you something: it’s a highly likelihood that it will happen before the next presidential election on November 4th,” Grider said attempting to persuade his audience.

The recording can listened to and downloaded below:

Is Sexual Purity Possible In A Hyper-Sexualized World??

Geoffrey Grider. Uploaded on December 8th, 2010

This is the question Grider once posed to his many readers several years after his fallout with McTernan and crew. Grider may have said he sought of the Lord forgiveness in much tears and heaviness, but it unfortunately was not the end of his antics and addictions.

First published on June 11th, 2015, almost three years after Grider’s acts were publicly exposed, Grider floated out an article titled “Is Sexual Purity Possible In A Hyper-Sexualized World??” The post has since been deleted from NTEB. However, an archived copy has survived the sands of time for us to examine, and what Grider says is fascinating.

Grider does not waste too much time in revealing that he still has some major problems in his life; indicating that “there are two areas in my life where I do not do well,” and how “everyone has besetting sins.”

My two main sin hotspots are sexual temptation and alcohol. I have done better with conquering alcohol than I have with resisting sexual temptation, but not by much. I will go for years at a time with never even one sip of alcohol, but invariably, a moment will arise even after years where I again find myself with a beer in my hand. Conviction sets in and the process of cleaning up starts again.

Before I was saved I never had the desire to quit drinking, and since I have been saved it’s been a struggle. I may not get the permanent victory here in the life, but I know I will in the life to come in Heaven with the Lord. How I long for that Day!

Grider wrote

Grider goes on to assert that “sexually, I have been a mess since I was about 10 years old.” Grider attributes this to the very early introduction of “girlie magazines, pornography,” and being molested by his piano instructor. Because of these things Grider claims “as my life progressed, sexual impurity was a constant companion.”

He goes on to write that in 1990 he says he was born again – which seems to conflict with his testimony reports that he still currently has published now, as Grider was still actively working in Hollywood and that it was his brother’s death that got him to start seeking the Lord; but this is only a minor discrepancy.

He notes that since high school he was able to stay sober and stave off fornicating, but nevertheless laments that “the hooks that were put in at such a young age would not be removed so easily, and the struggle began.” Grider, quoting Romans 7:15, 18, wrote that certain sins are easily removed while others take some time to remove, saying God “will allow us to struggle with something because He knows it’s for our good and for His glory.”

But then Grider explicitly admits that he has committed fornication and was sending lewd messages to women. He did not specify if this had just occurred, or if he was reflecting on previous events, neither did he clarify how many times these trespasses happened.

Today in 2015, I have come face to face with the reality that I have failed when it comes to the biblical command of sexual purity. And it grieves me to the point where the Lord has laid upon my heart to write this article.

I have fornicated when the Bible has told me not to. I have sent and received sexually impure text and picture messages when the Bible has told me not, and you know what? I am sick and tired of not getting the victory promised me as a Blood-washed Christian. I refuse to live like this one day longer.

Like Jacob, I am wrestling with the Lord and will not quit until He gives me the blessing I am asking Him for. The trash is going to the curb.

He wrote at the time

Grider goes on to write how today’s modern culture is “saturated” with perversion and lewdness, he wrote, from scantily-clad cheerleaders at football games to constant proliferation of sex in TV and movies; “and yet we watch them anyway,” Grider noted.

I think one reason why there is so much struggle and so little victory is because we surround ourselves with temptation. If I right now deleted every account profile of my Facebook friends of women who have “boob shots” and bikini pics, my friend count would drop about 10-15% immediately. I have about 5,000 friends, you do the math.

He also wrote

He then switches gears and turns it on his readers, challenging them to do a bit of soul-searching and clean out the garbage and sin that still festers in their lives. “Open up your phone, and delete everything that Jesus would not approve of,” Grider directed. “Go through your social media accounts and remove profiles that only serve to tempt and lead you astray.”

If we are honest, the command to restore a fallen brother or sister is equally as hard to do as living sexually pure and sober lives.

I have recently been on my face before God, confessing my sins and asking for forgiveness for the thoughts that are in my head, and for some of the junk that comes out of my mouth.

I am not a sexually pure person, not since the age of 10, but that’s going to change. I am counting on the same God that forgave King David to do the same for me, and to give me the same victory.

And I just did something that I have never done before in my life. With tears in my eyes, I prayed and forgave my piano teacher, hoping that he was saved before he died. And hard as it was to do, really hard, I truly meant it.

Grider expressed

After quoting John 8:4-5, 7 – the famous “he that is without sin, let him cast a stone” passage, taken out of context by those in order to absolve and whitewash judgment of themselves and each other – Grider emphasizes fellow believers to forgive each other and lift each other up, to “learn how to be humble and to understand that we are no better than anyone else,” he said, adding, “don’t hate a brother or sister who sins different than you. All sin is equal, it’s pride that tells you otherwise.” Grider said he believes the church is no longer a “spiritual powerhouse” these days because Christians forget and refuse to forgive others. He ends his post with his trademark catchphrase he often uses in his posts: “The war is real, the battle is hot and the time is short. To the fight!”

The full article can downloaded/viewed below:

Fifty Shades Of Grider

Grider as a guest on The Daily Show in 2016

As sincere as Grider may have tried to impress upon his readers, in a post that was eventually scrubbed from his site, years after the fact, it would seem that “the trash” Grider spoke of was never tossed to the curb, and his “struggles” persisted; even though he swore and promised the world that “I refuse to live like this one day longer,” and that he was “wrestling with the Lord and will not quit until He gives me the blessing I am asking Him for.” “Victory,” as Grider says he wanted, was never achieved.

In 2018, several years after he wrote that aforementioned post, Mr. Grider then had a run-in with the police, for failing to learn his lesson and get straightened out.

On August 13th, 2018, an affidavit was filed to the St. John’s County Police Department, reporting Grider to the authorities for a sex act performed on her and for harassment. The affidavit, signed by Geoffrey Grider, and subsequent police report that details the crime, can be downloaded/viewed below.

On that same August day, Grider was charged with a “non-forcible sex offenses” count, and a “first degree misdemeanor” for “sexual cyberharassment.”

The name of the woman affected in this case was blotted out. For the sake of this report, we will refer to her as “Anna.”

According to the affidavit and the testimonies of the officers involved with this particular case, Anna explains that Grider sent her a message on Facebook for her help and to “come rescue me,” one of the messages read. Grider was drunk and requested Anna’s help to give him a ride back to his place. Grider had requested the same thing the previous week. But when Anna refused to help him, Grider sent her “a video of her performing oral sex on him” that was filmed without her knowledge and consent.

After deleting the message and blocking his number, Anna went to Grider’s location on that August 3rd day and asked that he give her his keys and delete the video. Grider “did neither of these things,” the report states. Though she was unable to strip him of his keys because he was under the influence, she was able to nab his phone and provide that as evidence to the police.

Furthermore, Grider drunkenly then began to threaten “her life and told her that he has ties to the Mafia,” the officers documented in their filing. Grider eventually drove him and Anna followed close behind him to make sure he did not crash, and then immediately drove to the St. John’s County Police Department to file the affidavit and provide the phone as evidence.

As noted in the file, while she was discussing the claims with Officer Michaux, Grider then proceeded to post “the video four times on her Facebook [page] and stated that he put it online and made it viral.” A separate officer reviewed the footage and confirmed that it was Grider, and that Anna appeared to be completely unaware she was being filmed.

It was then discovered while she and the police were meeting, Grider had already returned back to town at a restaurant. The officer drove to Grider’s location and confronted him. “Grider spontaneously uttered “All I want is my phone back,”” the officer noted in his report. He tried to explain Grider his Miranda rights but he spoke over the officer and repeated, “I’m sorry about her but I want my phone back.” Grider in his affidavit response said that all he wanted was his phone back.

Officer Richard Michaux additionally made a point of noting:

It should be noted that I did not discuss [Anna’s] direct accusations against him. I advised G. Grider that he was being investigated for possible charges of Sexual Cyberharassment and Video Voyeurism. I further told G. Grider not to contact [Anna] in any way or he could possibly be charged with witness tampering. G. Grider acknowledged these statements.

Deputy Andrew Stoinoff, who also handled the case initially and reviewed the footage, noted in his supplemental testimony that Grider “threatened her with bodily harm,” and that he was “holding a camera at his head level” while he filmed the sex act without the woman’s consent.

On August 6th, the case was handed over to Officer Edward Scoggins. On the 7th, Anna met with him to further discuss the evidence again. The officer then facilitated a controlled phone call through Facebook Messenger, to which Grider accepted. The phone call was taped and collected as evidence, with a summation provided in the report.

Grider apologized for the threats and making her feel victimized. When Anna asked why he filmed the video in the first place. Grider stated it was “such a beautiful thing.” He claimed that he regretted the decision and it was not necessary. “I’m 100% wrong for taking it, I had no right to take it,” he added. Grider denied have any other videos taken and claimed that he never uploaded the video in question. He said that he deleted the copy on his computer. Anna also inquired if Grider had any other videos and images of other women on there of a similar nature, and Grider explained “there might be one,” the report says. “Geoffrey told [Anna] that he wanted her to forgive him,” the officer stated.

On the 8th, the next day, Grider called the officer and Scoggins called back on the 9th. Grider wanted to retrieve his phone. Scoggins requested that Grider come and speak with him, but Grider said that he would need to check his schedule and call back for when a good time would work. The deputy did not receive a call back.

Scoggins closed out the rest of the report with this:

On 8/10/2018 […] I attempted to call Geoffrey back but received no answer. I left a voice message telling Geoffrey to call me back to set a time we could meet. The following week, I received a call from Geoffrey’s attorney in relation to this case. I was advised that he would speak with Geoffrey about providing an official statement.

On 8/28/2018 […] I did not receive a call back from Geoffrey’s attorney. I researched Florida Statute with assistance from the State Attorney’s Office in reference to this case. I found no Florida Statutes that fit the actions taken by Geoffrey in reference to filming [Anna] without her knowledge.

There was also not enough evidence in this case to proceed with a search warrant on Geoffrey’s cell phone. I spoke with [Anna] on the phone and explained the concerns about the Florida Statutes. At this time, this case will be closed unfounded.

Interestingly enough, on the 9th, when the officer returned Grider’s call, Grider, in a since-deleted post, published on August 9th, 2018, published an “urgent personal message” to his readers asking for donations on a newly set-up GoFundMe page. The post was of course later deleted.

Here is what he wrote (emphasis his):

I am in immediate need of raising funds for a personal situation that I am not at liberty to discuss fully at this time. But I need to raise this money immediately.

First, I ask you who are reading this to PLEASE PRAY and ask the LORD if you should donate to this fundraiser. I hope with all my heart you do. And if He leads you to assist me, then please do and please be generous. If He does not, then please pray for me and keep me in your prayers. I wish I could say more but I cannot.

“But the LORD is my defence; and my God is the rock of my refuge.” Psalm 94:22 (KJV)

My heart is breaking tonight, and the Lord God we serve is dealing with me. We all have our own personal pains and struggles that only the Lord can touch and fix. The Lord has decided that now is the time to fix what’s broken in my life. So I am reaching out to you, my dear readers, and asking for your help tonight.


This has nothing to do with NTEB, but it is an urgent personal need. I thank you for taking the time to read this, and, above all, for keeping me in your prayers. Any of these funds which I do not use will be returned if my situation changes and I no longer need it.

This will be my last article until further notice.

Grider, to my knowledge, never once did explain what happened or where the money went. However, it would appear this most likely went towards the legal fees of dealing with the police and hiring an attorney. Grider did not post for at least a couple of weeks before making his return, as indicated by the comments made in separate article before he begged for cash.

From that plea for quick cash, Grider was able to net a little over $6,000 in donations. “Thank you SO MUCH to everyone who donated to this fundraiser, it meant more to me than words could ever express,” read the description on his GoFundMe page.

Since that article was written Grider did not return to regular posting until August 30th – two days after the police case was closed – never addressing why he was on hiatus and what the money went to.

It is also worth noting that on August 6th, the day the police report was forwarded to another, Grider was asking his followers to once again donate in a post titled, “We Need Your Help In Meeting Our Monthly Financial Obligations This August!” Grider wrote, “I have given this ministry everything I have, all my time, all my money, and all my effort to do what the Lord called me to do. But at the level we are at now, it is not possible to continue without your prayers, your support, and your generous giving to this fundraiser.”

Moreover, it is also worth pointing out that Grider published part 1 of his testimony of salvation in December of that year, as mentioned earlier – a testimony that centered exclusively around his struggles with alcoholism, but no mention of his sexual misconduct.

But what is even more troubling are the coverups. According to several witnesses and victims of Grider’s lascivious nature that have reached out to me (as alluded to in Grider’s 2015 deleted post – along with other personal testimonies graciously shared with me), some of the churches in the Florida area where Grider resides attempted to sweep his indecency under the rug.

However, it cannot be said of all the churches Grider had hopped in and out of that they tried looking the other way. One Florida pastor, who asked to remain anonymous, confirmed to me that he and other deacons of his church kicked out Grider when his habitual acts were brought to their attention. Two women at least were also targeted at this church, for which was eventually brought to the pastor’s attention, and more of Grider’s deviant deeds were revealed, prompting his dismissal from the congregation. This happened approximately in 2017 or 2018, according to this preacher’s best memory.

Furthermore, based on what I was told, both by him and other victims involved, highlighted that there maybe more reports filed against Grider with the intent of at least having something on file if a situation ever arose.

Hungry Like The Wolf

Grider posing in his bookstore.

If you thought a dance with the police and him risking losing his self-proclaimed ‘saint’ status online, and in Christian circles, would be enough for him to finally see the error of his ways and repent, you’d be wrong.

Unfortunately, Girder chose to continue to go headlong and do even more of what he’s been caught and confessed to doing. Again, even though Grider swore before God and man that he “refuse[s] to live like this one day longer” back in 2015, he never obliged his own promises.

As indicated in the previous section, Grider has made plenty of advances towards other women after that 2015 article was written, after his involvement with the police, and even within the last several years. I know this for a fact because a multitude of women who have reached out to me shared their testimonies with me, and confirmed that Grider is a womanizer and has tried many times over, it seems, to find a new woman to fool with and satiate his unquenchable lust and adultery.

These women, and there are plenty of them, have all asked me to keep them anonymous for obvious reasons, including fear of blackmail, harassment, and even physical harm, as demonstrated in the police report. But what I can say is that, after having plenty of correspondence with them via email and phone calls, I can confirm their testimonies are all running very similarly, to that of what Grider wrote of by his own volition in 2015 and what was documented in the police report.

As noted previously, Grider has caused a ruckus at some of the churches he’s attended in the Florida area, excommunicated and kicked-out from some of them. According to one pastor who spoke with me, there were at least two confirmed cases of two women expressing their concerns that Grider was trying to come onto them in a very sexual manner.

Moreover, according to another witness who spoke with me, expressed that she knows of around 5 to 6 different instances where Grider targeted women at these churches as far back as 2016. This may or may not include the two other aforementioned women at that particular church.

It is also worth noting that some of these women Grider has targeted are married, and he knew that they were married, whether it was in person at these churches or in private messages. One of these women in particular who reached out to me is married and has a large family, who also lives in or near the St. Augustine area, told me in a statement that she tried to expose Grider to the leadership at one of these churches (not the one I spoke of earlier, whose pastor spoke directly with me), but was rejected initially and attempted to cover it up. Naturally this pastor in particular was eventually outed and forced to leave in disgrace because sexual allegations were levied against him also, forcing him to resign as pastor and move to a new state. Go figure.

At any rate, this married woman in particular told me that Grider tried to entice her into submitting to him, claiming it would be a “spiritual marriage” honored by God; and that defines who your husband is, so they could have a sexual relationship and it was perfectly fine, Grider told this woman.

Other women, through much anguish and tears, disclosed to me some of the lewd messages that Grider would send them, some of them since 2020. Again, many of these women are married and Grider knew this. But ignoring the risks and basic ethics, Grider continued to try create (so it appears from what I have been able to gather) a pool of potential candidates that he thought he might be able to fornicate and/or settle down with; similarly to what he was doing during his days on Blog Talk Radio with McTernan and crew.

One woman described how what started out as what she thought was a mutual friendship, instead quickly turned into beguilement, professing his love for her and indications that he wanted to shack-up. Via private messages and phone calls, Grider would breathe deeply and make sexual grunts and groans over the phone to incite arousal, saying how he wished they could “cuddle up” together, going so far as to ask this woman to rub her [privates] and send a video of it to Grider. She eventually grew sick of this and cut off all communications with him.

Another married woman told me that Grider began to target her because he liked how she looked and has fantasized of her as his dream girl as he pictured it since he was a little boy. She perceived that he was most likely drunk, but nevertheless talked about how would dream of what her breasts would like. He would also use pet names for her at times. She too eventually blocked him.

In addition yet another woman reached out to me, and like the other examples, things started out casual and then quickly cascaded, with the story of sexualized text messages and phone calls. Like all the others it eventually came to an end, though ironically Grider actually cut this one off after it appears he found a more suitable companion.

God only knows the number of women Grider has gone after; and of the many who reached out to me, some not wanting me to publish any real details at all as to conceal their identities, but what I can say is that I noticed many of them seem to know others as well who were affected but simply just wanted to move on – a ‘this person knows that person who knows this person’ type of situation. For example, in a video critiquing Grider’s ministry, one commentor wrote, “That bastard hit on my daughter he’s a wolf don’t trust him.”

Needless to say, instead of taking “the trash” out “to the curb,” he appears he decided to go dumpster diving instead.

Adultery, Again

This brings us to the most recent events in this story, and that is the sudden and unexpected announcement that he was going to get remarried earlier this year.

On May 22nd, 2023, Grider casually announced in a podcast that he was going to be getting married to a woman that had moved down to Florida roughly a year previously at that point – a woman that been living with him for this whole time, though almost no one who followed him knew, save only for those in his inner circle. Naturally this caused some concern with some of his followers.

On June 10th Grider officially married Ms. Lori Ann Carrier, as mentioned in his podcasts and on his Facebook page.

Mrs. Grider currently is the manager of the NTEB Bookstore, according to her bio page on the Mudflower website.

Lori has been with NTEB for a number of years now, and in the early part of 2022 she moved here from Maine with her kids to take over the day-to-day managing of the NTEB Bookstore. She maintains our inventory, chooses new titles, and provides full-service customer support. Lori is also a chat room moderator during our live broadcast, and maintains our global prayer list.

Her bio reads

To provide some context: on May 16th, 2022, Grider created yet another GoFundMe campaign to, as he said, “to give support and assistance to our sister Lori as [she and her two children] prepare to leave Maine and come to Florida. Monies raised here will go to travel expenses, and securing a place to live,” the description read. Grider openly donated $1,000 to the cause, writing, “I am excited to support Lori as she follows the Lord in full-time ministry to Florida, and hope many others will also!”

During Grider’s May 22nd announcement, he said that “most of you know that when she moved here last year from Maine, she stayed in my house.” He explained, “we divided the condo in half: they had their own bathroom and bedrooms, they had full use of the kitchen […].” Grider notes that Lori lived in his condo for “about seven months” before she was able to purchase a home of her own and move out. After helping her get settled Grider says it took roughly 6-7 weeks for him to realize that he wanted to be more than “friends.”

We kinda did things backwards. We were friends and best friends first, and then when the Lord put that on my heart back in the end of February. […] I only ever though we were just going to be friends, but after she moved out God had other plans.

He said

Howbeit there is problem with this story: Grider never once disclosed that Lori Ann and her children would be living together. As I alluded to earlier, with exception to only a few in Grider’s very inner circle, no one knew they were living together. People took to the comments to call him out for that.

In response to the criticism Grider wrote to one individual: “She was my friend, and friends only, when she stayed there with her two kids, it was the height of the pandemic and they had no other place to go. I was glad I did it and would do it again.” He later accused another, saying, “You are quite paranoid” – for questioning the validity of the claims and the two dwelling together. Someone else called out Grider for this deceit as well.

You shared Lori’s GoFundMe on May 18, 2022. She moved to St. Augustine not too long after the GoFundMe was shared. May/June 2022 was not the height of COVID. But just for your argument, let’s say it was the height of COVID. Why would anyone move during the height of a pandemic multiple states away with 2 small children, with no place to live?🚩

This user wrote

Many others expressed that they would stop listening because they did not trust him no more:

Even other pastors associated with Grider were clueless to this until he announced it. Just several days before Grider revealed his betrothal, Grider hosted his annual “camp meeting” on May 19th to the 21st, 2023, of which included a barbeque and meet & greet, along with preaching, a live show with s studio audience, and more. Of those guests were Dr. William P. Grady, an acclaimed Baptist author and preacher, who also spoke at the event. He too did not know and expressed this in a Facebook post, though he claims Grider assured him that they were was no fornication.

Furthermore, throughout the time Grider was secretly concealing that Lori was living with her, Grider throughout his many radio shows never once disclosed this, according to a handful of transcripts that were provided to The WinePress:

Needless to say, Grider has not been truthful in this and quite disingenuous in providing details; and, taking for granted what he says about them not “shacking-up,” optics alone it is a poor look and testimony for the world to see.

Also, while I am limited in what I can convey, I can simply state that Lori Ann Grider knew about the many things that I have detailed thus far, as it has been explained to me by some, before accepting Grider’s hand in marriage.

But just like earlier, when people associated with Grider are questioned they suddenly get lockjaw and wish not to answer. Pastor Joel Tillis of Suncoast Baptist Church, Palmetto, Florida, who is a friend of Grider’s and was also a guest at the camp meeting; was asked about the oddity of Lori living with Grider for all this time, and if he knew about this. The pastor responded to one user on Facebook by posting a picture of the “loser’ handsignal, and then blocked the individual.

Notwithstanding, bearing all of this in mind, when faced with criticism, Grider’s next radio show was covering marriage, divorce, and remarriage; discussing how the bible defines the terms and grounds for each. Grider has another indentical sermon he preached in 2014. Though the two shows are separated by nearly a decade the consistency is fairly on point – but that does not mean they are doctrinally sound, for which they are not. For more details into what he preached, you can watch me dissect his sermons on Rumble, where I provide some additional thoughts not expressed directly in this report. In short, Grider quite literally absolves himself of any wrongdoing and all other past transgressions; going so far as to claim that passages like Matthew 19, where Jesus discusses the issue of marriage and one of the grounds for divorce (the cause of fornication), does not apply to him.

You cannot commit adultery with someone who’s been divorced in the age of grace, but you can commit fornication with them if you are not married to them before you have the sexual act.

Matthew 19:9 does not apply doctrinally to the Christian in the age of grace. So, again, I think we are splitting hairs.

Grider says in one of the clips – that’s just one of the highlights

But learning this and more, it perhaps lends a clue as to how he thinks and how he can continue to do what he’s done unabated for years, without conviction and chastisement. Those two clips can be downloaded/listened to below:



Grifter Grider

Switching gears, not only does Grider live a promiscuous life, the popular podcaster and preacher, like so many in Christianity today, is an bona fide extortioner and hireling; who has demonstrated many times over he is negligent in paying his taxes, and as I have already covered, regularly asks his followers to support, to the tune of multiple millions of dollars.

To start things off, in 2017 the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) issued Grider a federal tax lien for failing to pay his taxes. Investopedia details what a tax lien issued by the IRS entails and how it works:

A tax lien is a legal claim against the assets of an individual or business that fails to pay taxes owed to the government. In general, a lien serves to guarantee payment of a debt such as a loan, or in this case, taxes. If the obligation is not satisfied, the creditor may proceed to seize the assets.

The lien does not mean that the property will be sold. Rather, it ensures that the tax authority gets the first claim over any other creditors vying for the creditor’s assets.

This lien attaches to all of a taxpayer’s assets, including securities, property, and vehicles. Any assets the taxpayer acquires while the lien is in effect also apply. It also attaches to any business property and the accounts receivable for the business.

The only way to release a federal tax lien is to fully pay the tax owed or reach a settlement with the IRS.

Tax liens are publicly recorded. After a tax debtor pays off the debt, the county records will be updated to reflect the fact that the lien has been released.

Officially filed and recorded on February 27th, 2017, the IRS issued a tax lien to Grider, demanding that he pay a whopping $256,893.54 in unpaid taxes that have accumulated over the course of seven years at the time the document was filed. All of the flagged tax reports were a 1040, the first one being filed in 2007 and eventually assessed in 2009. The final filing made in 2015 was assessed in 2016, giving Grider until December of 2026 to finally payoff the taxes due.

You can download/view the document below. I blotted out the address of Grider’s living arrangement at the time.

But it would seem Grider has had a history of not paying the taxman his dues. Further evidence was provided to The WinePress as proof. One was filed against Grider in his home state of New Jersey, to the tune of $21,000.00, and the other filed against him in his second living-state Colorado, for the amount of $11,725.00. Again, I have blotted out the living addresses.

Bearing this in mind, it provides a new perspective and viewpoint when Grider asks and receives the number of donations that he has and does.

Studio Stupidity

Going back to 2017, the same year Grider was issued a federal tax lien for a hefty sum of money, was the same year Grider announced plans to build a new recording studio, and he asked his followers to help pay for it. Exactly 11 days after Grider was served by the IRS, on March 9th, 2017, Grider then announced that he wanted to create a new professional studio for NTEB, elevating above the low production grade he had when Grider broadcasted on Blog Talk Radio.

In his initial announcement he explains that his current office in St. Augustine was home to his secular business, Mudflower, which operates NTEB. In other words, in a roundabout way of saying it (as we’ll be further noted later), the money donated was actually going to Mudflower, a for-profit company, to which then Grider uses that money to invest in Mudflower, and Mudflower technically manages NTEB, even though his many followers donate(d) assuming it goes specifically NTEB. Furthermore, it is worth noting that his bookstore opened in 2021 is also connected to Mudlfower. A screenshot of someone’s private bank account was provided to The WP that shows that after the person purchased an item at the NTEB Bookstore, it was registered as Mudflower in the books.

Grider initially asked for $25,000 on GoFundMe in order to remodel and obtain the necessary equipment.

In September 2016, we took a step forward in faith, and moved NTEB out from a home office based ministry, into a 1,400 square foot facility where we are planning weekly Bible studies and local outreach. But what the Lord has really put on my heart is to create an audio and video studio where we can produce top-quality videos […] We also want to create our own Internet radio station from which to continue broadcasting weekly Bible study programs which have previously been done on BlogTalk Radio.

Right before Hurricane Matthew hit us here in Florida, we opened a 1,400 square foot studio to house both Mudflower Media, our web design company that created, hosts and maintains NOW THE END BEGINS, and the “coming soon” NTEB Recording Studios. Claiming Jeremiah 33:3 (KJV) we did this by faith after much prayer.

We need $25,000 to create the type of audio and video studio needed to make top-quality video and audio programs. We promise to take whatever is received and create as much as we can with what you send in. We already have acquired the building by faith, and are ready to begin.

Grider wrote at the time
A screenshot of the initial donation campaign, provided by Grider. Courtesy: NTEB

Grider also attached a photo of the building with a Mudlfower sign on it, along with a photoshopped NTEB next to it, which caused some readers to question if the sign was real or not. Grider confirmed that he doctored the photo, which can be seen in other subsequent photos he’d post.

From there Grider would occasionally update his followers on the progress made and write new creative ways to encourage donation.

The next update came on May 5th, where he assured his audience that “we don’t do telethons and other schemes to get money from people” and that they had already raised around $4,000 at the time, which he claims was enough to afford new “microphones, seating, and some of the software needed to produce high-quality audio and video recordings. But we still need to get better cameras, mixing equipment, and various other items a modern-day recording studio needs,” he wrote.

On August 4th Grider said that “phase one” of the fundraiser was nearing completed, which meant “the launch and return of our NTEB ‘Rightly Dividing’ Sunday night Bible study radio program,” he wrote, “And instead of broadcasting through my cell phone through the never quite stable Blog Talk Radio, we will be using top-quality digital mics coming through our own website on our own servers.” Grider raised $7,575.00 at the time, adding that “things will really happen once we hit the $10,000 level.”

A couple of weeks later Mudlfower was featured on the local ABC First Coast News, discussing businesses on a marina in St. Augustine, and Grider was lucky enough to be featured on TV; saying the “NTEB Recording Studio [was] featured in TV interview,” using the opportunity to again encourage donations, claiming “We are nearing 50% of our target goal of $25,000, and I feel quite confident we are going to raise it all.”

On September 9th Grider again said that he was still close to reaching the halfway mark, adding that “The Lord even sent us a college intern, Haley, who is very knowledgeable in video production, to work with us on this new project. The Lord is good like that, He always supplies what we need, who we need and where we need it,” he said. At the same time Hurricane Irma was barreling his direction putting the building in jeopardy. On the 22nd, Grider said that “Hurricane Irma crashed our bathroom ceiling, left some mini-pools of water throughout the studio.” But he still pushed his followers to donate, still stuck at the 50% mark he claimed.

But in order to do that it takes money, and lots of it. 

People are often quite shocked when they discover how much money it takes to produce the stories NTEB sends out around the world 3-5 times per day, free of charge to all our readers. For example, the physical hardware (servers) and the corresponding software for performance and security runs us about $1,000.00 per month. That’s $12,000.00 per year. Then there is the hourly rate of $40.00 we pay to our techs to maintain the site’s back end on demand. For those of you in IT, you know that’s cheap compared to the market rate of $75-100 per hour most techs and developers charge. Of course, there is the physical time it take to create all the content we publish. That costs money too. When you add it all up, it’s right around $20,000.00 per year to run NTEB. Shocked? (Lol, and you thought it was all free, right?)

Grider said, explaining how much he purportedly spends on the ministry (at that time)

After being stuck at the halfway point for months it seems, Grider announced on October 6th he reached 50% of the goal, though “Hurricane Irma pushed us back by many weeks, which is frustrating because before the storm we were so close to have Phase I of it up and running,” Grider lamented. Notwithstanding, for whatever reason, Grider expressed, “We need to raise $5,000.00 this week, and would like you to pray about being a part of that. NTEB has always been a family of like-minded believers.” On the 20th, Grider relaunched one of his Bible radio programs. He said, “Our goal is $25K, to date we have raised $13,942, and that is both gratifying and motivating.”

Continuing, on November 10th Grider floated out a headline, “We Need The Saints Of God To Help Us Cross The Finish Line For Our NTEB Recording Studio Fundraiser.” However, Grider seems to have expanded the reasoning for donations beyond the studio that he originally started the fundraiser for. He stated:

When you contribute to this fundraising effort, you are helping us to do what the Lord called us to do. The money you send in goes primarily to the building of the recording studio, but it also goes to the overall daily operations of this site. When people ask for Bibles, we send them out at no charge. When people write in and say how much they would like gospel tracts but cannot afford them, we send them a box at no cost to them for either the tracts or the shipping, no matter where they are in the world. Even all the way to South Africa. We even restarted our weekly radio Bible study on Sunday nights again, thanks to your generous donations.

Personally, I hate having to hold a fundraiser, I truly do. If I had them money I would give it all personally and never ask anyone for a penny. In fact, I have given everything I have to this ministry. But the Lord knows better than I do, and I believe with all my heart that He is asking all of you to invest in this ministry as well.

We still have another $10, 000 to raise to finish the studio, but I truly feel that that goal is firmly in sight now. How wonderful it would be to reach it before the end of this year, but everything in God’s timing.

To start 2018 off, on January 2nd of that year, Grider again implored his readers to meet the goal. He noted:

We are just about $3,000.00 away from completion. As I have told you all many times, much of the expansion to get NTEB where it is was paid for from my own pocket. I hate fundraisers, and I don’t like asking anyone for money. When we meet our goal, these fundraiser letters from me will stop. But let me tell you what this fundraiser has done for me personally.

He reiterated something similarly on the 15th, still prodding for that last $3,000, and how “Running NTEB is an expensive proposition.”

The next update came on April 27th, 2018, he wrote: “your generous giving that we were able to purchase most of the equipment for the recording studio, upgrade our server hardware, and take care of other important administrational duties. When NTEB was just a little baby site, it only cost around $85 per month to run the equipment. In 2018, it costs over $1,000 per month just for hardware and security alone.” However, Grider made no mention if he had achieved his goal to finally earn that $25,000 he wanted over a little year ago at that time.

But then something happened. The incessant groveling for money stopped, from what I can find, save only one more on August 6th, while the aforementioned police report was being filed against him. This reference made zero mention of the studio.

In 2019 there was no mention of the studio and its completion; but the evidence shows that Grider more than met his goal and yet failed to unveil the studio or provided any inclination about it. On Marth 8th, 2019, YouTuber Bruce Peters showed that Grider had not only received $56,945 in donations – more than double what he was initially asking for – but also upped the goal to $75,000, three times the original asking price. So not only did Grider take in more then he asked for, and even upped the ante, he did not deliver his promise to his donors on something he tirressly asserted that God wanted him to have. Grider responded to the video by commenting “You’re a coward, a stinking coward. Come visit me anytime in St. Augustine so we can discuss in person.”

Courtesy: Bruce Peters

According to the multitude of captures on the Wayback Machine, Grider basically achieved his goal on January 26th, 2018, only short $4 of the initial goal. Remember: as noted a moment ago, Grider was still asking for donations to fund the studio months after the fact.

Grider basically achieving his goal per a captured date on January 26th.

Grider then began to incrementally up the goal. Per a capture on February 21st, 2018, Grider upped the goal an additional $10K for a new goal of $35,000; with no announcement stating that he needs more money. Nevertheless, Grider nearly achieved this goal in a fairly short amount of time, earning a dollar short of $32,300; but reupped the goal again to $50,000, by March 24th, 2018, still telling his audience that the donations are still “primarily” funding the studio renovations. The goal was of course upped to $75,000 by March 8th, as noted by Peters. The last capture was made on December 17th, 2018, surpassing the new goal of $50K with $50,227.

Then, after over a year of radio silence (no pun intended), Grider finally announces that the studio is basically complete and only a few more touches remain. On July 17th, 2020, Grider reported:

After years of talking about my plans for a state-of-the-art podcasting and content creation studio on our radio show, and after nearly two months of work, I am happy to announce that today was the day that that dream came to life, and we opened our doors! This long-awaited and much-anticipated day far exceeded my expectations in every way, to say I am thrilled would be an understatement.

Grider also provided a short video touring the unfinished studio, in which he said right up front that “the new Mudflower Design and Now The End Begins podcasting studios” was in the homestretch – thus confirming that the building being funded was actually a Mudflower establishment and not exclusively a NTEB one. Then on August 28th Grider declared that the studio was officially complete, after over three years of waiting. Moreover, Grider declared for the third time on the 1st of 2021 that the studio was finished, finally ready to produce videos, he announced.

On November 5th, Grider then claims after locking up the studio for the night, reflecting on his full commitment to the ministry after 11 years, he said, Grider claims God spoke to him and told him that his listeners are his “congregation” and he is their “pastor.”

After our Wednesday night bible study wrapped up last night, I was shutting things down in the studio and praising God for everything He has been doing in my life and in the ministry He’s given me, when He quietly spoke to me something that truly amazed me. I was thanking Him for the great bible study, the hymns and praise music, all the prayer requests we lifted up to Him, and for the great truths He showed us from His word, when He said to me “these people are your congregation, and you’re their pastor.”

Making It Rain

Grider would continue to increase the goal on his GoFundMe page from the original $25,000 Grider asked for, all the way up to $250,000 – roughly the amount Grider needed to pay off the tax lien – one day before Grider’s GoFundMe campaign was canceled for no apparent reason.

Grider would eventually make the move to a smaller platform called Waygiver, a donations website dedicated to Christians. Like before, Grider continues to retroactively update his goal once it nears completion. The current goal Grider is asking for is $1,725,000.

Grider’s prodding for money has continued to grow and grow, seeing as many people are willing to give it.

For example, as noted in the beginning of this report, Grider runs a program that gifts Bibles to prisons at request. But according to Grider running such a program, along with the rest of his ministry, requires upwards of $5-6 million annually. Grider explicitly said as much in a broadcast to close out 2022. Grider was adamant about providing at least 1,000,000 Bibles in 2023, after giving out over 100,000 in 2022 – instead of just giving out what was asked of him – but regardless is the supposed reason he needs such a hefty sum.

I believe that the Lord is calling us to send out 1 million King James Bibles, New Testaments, and scripture portions, around the world.

[…] In order to reach that number, we’re going to have to pray like we’ve ever prayed before. We’re going to have to invest in this program like we have – well, I have to say, to go from 2021 to 2022 to increase by ten times, that is a serious investment. […] And we are go to believe God that we are going to be able to accomplish that.

Now, in order to reach that goal, we are going to have raise a serious amount of money. I’m talking about millions of dollars. Over the past two years we’ve raised roughly about a million dollars, and that’s what it takes to do what we are doing to get out 115,563 Bibles [for 2022], and all the other things that go together with the ministry.

It’s taken about a million dollars to get to that point. It’s going to take many millions of dollars to get to a million Bibles. It’s gonna be somewhere around 5 or 6 million dollars. Now, does that type of money exist? It absolutely does. Are there people listening to broadcast who are capable of getting us towards that goal? There absolutely is, there is no question about it.

I think of people like George Mueller [who] was a fantastic man of faith that he believed to such a degree, that he was able to take care of thousands and thousands of orphans, and he raised up these orphanages, and he never asked anybody for any money. God just sent that money in.

I talk a lot about D.L. Moody, […] he had schoolkids donating in nickels, he had people donating dimes and quarters; and you absolutely need every level of that. But he also had people who donated millions of dollars.

[…] We are going to believe God and pray that he’ll give us the resources to create our own Bible warehouse, and that we will begin to control the means o shipping. […] We’ll be able to send out more that with the money we have. […] And already I have gotten numerous donations, and we are going to start the year very strong.

Grider extolled and earnestly stated

But based on the current amount of donations he has now he is way off from that goal. Some people have questioned how much it costs Grider to operate his ministry. In response to a comment from 5 years ago, Grider claimed that it was costing him approximately a couple of tens of thousands annually, give or take, before he acquired the bookstore and ran his Bible program.

But needless to say, even though Grider has a track record of not paying his taxes, he has has no problem routinely asking his followers for money, that continue to grow in expense and velocity for a myriad of projects Grider wants to fund. Before too long Grider will perhaps eventually ask his followers to donate tens of millons to purchase the NTEB airliner jet to preach the gospel, like the Word of Faith preachers on TV do.

Now, The End Begins

To wrap things up, I could have easily included a whole lot more but what I have reported is more than enough, for now.

Grider clearly has worked very hard to achieve and maintain this picturesque image of himself, that he is such a dear preacher and man of God that only wants to serve the Almighty; but it is beyond evident that Grider does not live and act like he would have you to believe.

His inability to change and genuinely repent of his deeds is truly saddening, and his willingness to cover it all up rather than just ‘fess up and forsake it says all that needs to be said, as both for a so-called “man of God” and just a man; never caring once about the people’s he’s hurt, the lives and marriages he’s ruined, the churches he’s divided, the people’s he’s lied to, the listeners he’s cheated their hard-earned money out of to fund his gross lifestyle and debts; all while smiling and proclaiming that he has these deep and profound conversations and relationship with the Lord, absolving himself of any wrong doing and taking any personal accountability. Instead of stopping and staying true to his word he chose to go headlong and pretend to be someone he’s not.

As I have said, Grider has clearly dedicated plenty of time and effort into whitewashing his persona and sponging the web of his deviant nature. But continued acts of mischief will only snowball until it cascades into an avalanche that you just can’t outrun. Grider has run well for some time, put you can only run before you get buried alive in the snow heap with no one there to dig you out.

As Proverbs 11:27 says, “He that diligently seeketh good procureth favour: but he that seeketh mischief, it shall come unto him;” and again in Proverbs 28:14, “Happy is the man that feareth alway: but he that hardeneth his heart shall fall into mischief.”

Understand and know of assuredity that this story is not over, and there indeed will be more people coming forward sharing what they know and have seen. I perceived as much after holding many interviews with these victims and witnesses, on top of what is out there right now. This is definitely not over.

While this maybe the start, perhaps only now the end begins.

[11] As a dog returneth to his vomit, so a fool returneth to his folly. [24] He that hateth dissembleth with his lips, and layeth up deceit within him; [25] When he speaketh fair, believe him not: for there are seven abominations in his heart. [26] Whose hatred is covered by deceit, his wickedness shall be shewed before the whole congregation. [27] Whoso diggeth a pit shall fall therein: and he that rolleth a stone, it will return upon him.

Proverbs 26:11, 24-27

[7] Who goeth a warfare any time at his own charges? who planteth a vineyard, and eateth not of the fruit thereof? or who feedeth a flock, and eateth not of the milk of the flock? [8] Say I these things as a man? or saith not the law the same also? [9] For it is written in the law of Moses, Thou shalt not muzzle the mouth of the ox that treadeth out the corn. Doth God take care for oxen? [10] Or saith he it altogether for our sakes? For our sakes, no doubt, this is written: that he that ploweth should plow in hope; and that he that thresheth in hope should be partaker of his hope. (1 Corinthians 9:7-10).

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    • Me too. I called him out at his NTEB website for the harlot original sin and sin nature teaching his beliefs are based on. All who believe these doctrines are those Paul spoke of in 2Tim.3 saying they “have a form of godliness but deny it’s power”. So it’s no wonder he suffers the same maladies that his false apostle Augustine did.

      Anyone who believes they are a christian and are not free from sin denies God’s delivering power Paul spoke specifically about in Rom.6:14-18. Under law you are a slave to sin. Under grace you are free from sin. He that is dead with Christ is free from sin.

      Flee the harlot!!

      • Ed, are you suggesting that once we are saved (I am) that we do not sin at all anymore? When is the last time you glanced at a beautiful woman and didn’t lust after her? And are you greater than Paul who said, “O wretched man that I am! who shall deliver me from the body of this death?” Did Paul say that because he was free from sin? I am not here defending Geoff Grider. It appears that his guilt is overwhelming and he seems unrepentant of it also. We as Christians do not LIVE in sin yet we still DO sin. At least I do from time to time. We have not been perfected yet. I am not sinless but I certainly sin less.

  • WOW, what a dirtbag, sins, we all struggle with them, but saying your a man of God and not even trying to stop and then screwing believers out of money and “acting like an humble preacher”… is despicable!!
    As far as using a Bible passage to sum him up,” insert the whole KJV Bible” !!!!!!!

    • Hi David
      How To Spot a Scammer: top 3 of the 10 Warning Signs
      1.Use authority to build trust — Online scammers use organizations and names you trust to lower your guard. Beware of anyone who messages you out of the blue and claims to be from the IRS, government, or a major company.
      2.Prey on your emotions — Online dating scams are especially notorious for preying on your emotions. A scammer will quickly tell you they’re “falling in love” and get you to say it back. The same goes for charity scams (like veterans charity scams) where fraudsters claim to be victims in need.
      3.Create a sense of urgency — Online scammers know they need you to act quickly before you realize what they’re up to. They’ll often create a sense of urgency to stop you from first checking their claims.
      GG’s latest:
      The ‘Beating Heart’ Of The NTEB Bookstore Is Our Free Bible Program
      I Just called our Post Office 500 feet from me. to send a package that weighs 2 pounds 13 Ounces would cost $49.00 to ship to Manilla in the Philippines by the USPO.
      Another marked up scaled up cost claim to the determent of the Donator’s, the other $50 is his cost to get it to the local Post Office ( pocket change )
      God Bless You David!

  • I had been meaning to check out the “Now the End Begins” YouTube site, but I guess I don’t need to clutter my mind with yet another person with a big ego. I noticed that John McTernan also withdrew his support for this person, and while I think McTernan wrote a pretty good book about America and its treatment of Israel, I would suggest people be wary of this guy, too.

  • Goodness! Since you have proof backing up the claim about Geoffrey presently I cannot in good conscience continue to follow since he is living a double life and manipulating his followers. So sad, first Ravi Zacharias now Geoffrey. : (

    Jesus warned us not to be deceived. Matthew 7:15-20

    Is there anyone out there that can live up to the true sanctification process?

    • Everyone is going to have struggles with sin and sinful thoughts till death (Romans 7), but that’s not the standard; and it most certainly does not condone what Grider is doing. As I said in my video, where is the chastening? If he is saved I would like to think the Holy Spirit would have put an end to this a long time ago, but the fact that there has been none tells me all that I need to know.

        • To Geri U

          Thank you for assistance in helping us all sort this issue out. I wanted to let you know that I am praying for your health!
          God bless you ad your family.
          (DaughterofRuth formerly Nancy D)

      • Very weird, obsessive article and personal attack of a man who does not claim to be sinless or perfect… in fact he LITERALLY has said many times that he’s just a filthy human in need of God’s grace. Your website is cool and interesting for sure… but man would I love to see you go toe to toe with Mr. Grider on ACTUAL Bible doctrine… he would do it gladly live on air… He is reaching thousands daily and teaching THEM how to rightly divide God’s Word like no other. I’m sorry he didn’t help you build your website. But the time it took to do this amount of research and write this to attack him personally could have been spent doing something more meaningful for the Lord.

        • I have a screenshot that proves he lied. In 2021 when I had an argument with him and I called him out for never responding to my business inquiry to build a website, he explicitly said he never saw the email. And now he is quoting me verbatim? So, who’s the liar here? I will probably show this in a response.
          What about all the people he hurt in the process? What about them. Oh, but I guess they don’t matter: it’s all about Geoffy-poo and how it affects him. No remorse, and you condone it. Says all about you.

          • Nobody is condoning anything and there are multiple sides to everything and somewhere in there lies the truth. People listen to his teachings because he basically gives you a seminary level understanding of God’s Word… and some. It then helps empower you to break it down for others. People don’t listen to him because they are under some delusion that he is a perfect man. You put out such great stuff and you’re keeping people informed… you don’t have to visit his page or ever look at him again just stick to what you believe God has called you to do. This is highschool level bs and a smear campaign doesn’t produce any fruit it just doesn’t make sense to do this. Stick to what you do well. You don’’t shine any brighter just because you’re trying to put out someone else’s light. Unless you’re trying to be part of the mainstream media and well then that changes everything and then this article is much more fitting.

            • 1 Timothy 5:19 Against an elder receive not an accusation, but before two or three witnesses. [20] Them that sin rebuke before all, that others also may fear.

              I followed the scriptures to the letter. People came to me, many of them, desperate to try and stop the bleeding. The evidence is clear and I give glory to the Lord for choosing me as the vessel to do it. Your lukewarm mentality is why the country is dead.

              1 Corinthians 5:6 Your glorying is not good. Know ye not that a little leaven leaveneth the whole lump? [8] Therefore let us keep the feast, not with old leaven, neither with the leaven of malice and wickedness; but with the unleavened bread of sincerity and truth. [11] But now I have written unto you not to keep company, if any man that is called a brother be a fornicator, or covetous, or an idolater, or a railer, or a drunkard, or an extortioner; with such an one no not to eat.

          • I’ve seen enough of this trash talk on here coming from you. How disgraceful. You violate your own comment policy! And you make the word of God of no effect. You took your own head off with this Goliath sword you are swinging. What a shameful disgrace you are and all your little lying buddies. You’re in league with the same who do not believe in pre-trib… You break civil law with your article. You destroyed your own testimony and bring reproach upon the name of our Blessed Lord Jesus.. But yet, you have the nerve to call all of us at NTEB hypocrites?? You’ve got some nerve buddy. Did you forget the golden rule? Nahh, you know what it is, the fact of the matter is, you’re just a gainsayer, a naysayer in disguise.. You talk big God talk, but you don’t DO what God has commanded. You got ‘another jesus’, that’s what your problem is. But none of us worry about scum bucket pond smudge like you who use the name of the Lord in vain and have no issue vilifying and demonizing those who actually fear and love God and are doing the real work of the ministry. There are a lot of hurting, loving and caring people that you have slandered by your actions and words, it’s not just Geoff’s name and family, which was completely degrading and satanic to drag Lori and her Children into it, I’m sure that was all Brucey boi’s idea right there, I mean you’re wicked, but your little turd brain co-author, now, he’s got legion on board right there. All I had to do was listen to him for 2 seconds.. but clearly, the proof of his demonic work is on display right here in this ruthless masterpiece for all to behold and remove all doubt as to what spirit you all are of… How dumb can you be? I hope everyone sues the socks off of you for that right there, just for those children’s sake.. Low blow dude, really low… We are ALL Family at NTEB. But you wouldn’t have any idea what that means when you got a midnight butcher and pot-brain pizza delivery boy for advisors. You need to check yourself dude, because I don’t care what Geoff did, it pales in comparison to your disgraceful attempts to defame NTEB and all of God’s people. I still don’t understand why you dragged Lori and her children into it.. Man, you guys are some genuine pond scum vermin tried and true! And so proud of it too!!! You truly should be ashamed of yourselves playing your sorry despicable la-la land fantasy religious game with God.. None of us are really concerned about you or what will become of you or your little minions. We, here at NTEB serve a great big God and we are protected and kept by the power of the blood of Jesus, try as you might, when you came against us, you didn’t come against us alone, bet you didn’t think that one through with your lightning-fast monkey brain, did-jah?What a shameful disgrace you are. I would give you advice but it’s clearly obvious your head is so far up Brucey-poo’s rear end you can’t hear anyone? It’s not a mystery as to who are the hypocrites are… Just go look in the mirror! There are a lot of people who love the Lord and we don’t kick our brothers and sisters to the curb and throw them under the bus because they struggle with sin. The worldly ‘religious’ system does that… We bear each other’s burdens and restore our beloved of God and we don’t demonize them publicly. A real child of the King would have contacted Geoff discreetly on the concerns and then they would pray for him and edify and encourage him.. You’re not a Christian by any terms of the word as far as I am concerned, you can post all the scripture you like on your little bogus tiddly-wink site, it’s not going to help you with what is coming from your heart. But you will see this all as critical because you’re so blind, you don’t know what is good for you. That’s why you write about fear and doom and gloom and the state of current affairs of this lost and dying dark and wicked fallen world and bash the real people of God with disparaging expression and publication. From the abundance of your hearts so you speak, and defile yourselves. You’re going down fast little man, you need to change your title of your book to lower ‘g’od, because, definitively sir, your actions do not line up with the true and living God of all creation and the Bible. Stop all that lying JT and get right with God. Geoff never claimed to be a prophet either. You people are whack in your heads. You might have a shot at getting right with God, but you need to get some new friends.. Marco is a warlock, a seer.. A male witch, and you and dung-slinger are the hypocrite false prophets teaching doctrines of devils… Bruce is a heretic… You’re all heretics! You follow man and not God, that’s what your problem is in a nutshell.. You got the wrong jesus my dude… That’s why you take advice from each other –and that explains why killing is your business and business is good.. I have no reserve or qualms about calling you out for what you are, but I am certain you will.. Let’s see how much integrity you have if any at all what is good for the goose is good for the gander. You can ridicule others in your comments section and that’s ok according to your pious religious policy.. but others cannot defend themselves or break policy? That’s what I call being a hypocrite right there. And a coward and a liar and a cheat and a fake.

            Jesus spoke clearly of what manner of spirit you are of:

            Joh_10:10 The thief cometh not, but for to steal, and to kill, and to destroy: I am come that they might have life, and that they might have it more abundantly.

            • Not Your Plastic “J”esus
              What a name to use and abuse, just because YOU CALL YOURSELF SUCH
              does not make it so, afraid to use your real name it would seem, hide in the shadows, that is where the devil hides, in the light of The Lord is where a true Christian stands, Jacob is not using a phony name, why he even has a picture of himself. You are not the Real Jesus Christ thus your insinuation is BLASPHEMOUS.
              No need for you to deflect on Jacob, try reflecting on YOURSELF, instead of deflecting onto others

          • Jacob M. Thompson
            August 20, 2023 at 4:50 pm
            “…because I don’t care what Geoff did…” You didn’t have to say the quiet part out loud, we already knew that. Good luck with that.

            It’s not about luck. And you took a part of my sentence out of context and used it to make it look I said something I didn’t say.. I said I don’t care what Geoff did — because — what you are doing is way worse. You don’t get to be right if you can’t play the game by the rules.. That’s reneging! Your actions are NOT Biblical, yet you try to justify them with scripture.. For shame!

            But see, this is your problem. You take a half-truth and try to sell it as the truth. You take a fact and twist it into a lie. Just like you do others words, just like you do Gods Word!

            You can’t make a right out a wrong but you are real good at making wrongs from what is right. And then you do it in the name of Jesus on top of that… *smh

          • To Not Your Plastic Jesus: You really think God cares about this man sending Bibles while living in sin for years? He didn’t just mess around with women. He talked them into believing that he the one them for them and then got what he wanted. He preyed on women who came to him for help. The article said he tried to talk one into having a “spiritual marriage”. Gross. Dude has major problems. God doesn’t need your Bibles, but he demands obedience. So what you gonna say to him about supporting a guy who won’t even pay taxes, can’t keep his hands off women for over a decade but the whole time he’s been preaching and teaching (and raising money), supposedly full of the spirit? It’s not the Holy Spirit he’s full of.

            1 Samuel 15:22 And Samuel said, Hath the Lord as great delight in burnt offerings and sacrifices, as in obeying the voice of the Lord? Behold, to obey is better than sacrifice, and to hearken than the fat of rams.

            John 14:15 If ye love me, keep my commandments.

        • This matter is not about doctrine, but about personal conduct. I do believe the pre-Tribulation Rapture of the Church is correct biblical doctrine and will occur at an appointed time in the future. The near future, from the looks of things.

          • That’s my whole point… it would actually be useful it was about Bible doctrine… a smear campaign against someone does nothing for anybody it’s a waste.

          • Did you write the article? I was referring to Bruce Peters who I thought had his hand in.. But besides that point, anyone who thinks that defaming someone publicly with or without all the facts is clearly unjustifiable. You’ve heard the saying, people in glass houses shouldn’t throw stones. The manner and verbage and intentions of this publication are not pure or Biblical in any way, shape or form. JT should have gone to Geoff in private and confronted him on the issues –FIRST. You don’t go behind someone’s back and then use their sins to make a public example out of them unless you are trying to harm them.. If you want to be a hero and save the world from all the heretics out there, then you do it with grace and meekness. Everyone involved and everyone who believes the atrocious lies and agrees with this brood of vipers is deceived.

            And don’t think I am condoning or defending sin. But if we are saved, we are free from the law of sin and death.

            If you think it’s about personal conduct then you’re going to be making a list of preachers you denounce until your dying day!

            We are ALL called to public ministry as ministers of reconciliation. You might want to look that word up. We don’t bash our brothers and sisters in Christ, we restore them if they will listen and repent, but if not then put them out! You don’t try to take them to the cleaners by posting half-truths and outright lies about them and all their family without consulting them first! It’s not Christian or Biblical to do that.

            And that’s what my problem is here. It’s NOT about sin when you cross the line and violate others civil rights and denigrate them all in The Lord’s Name… Hogwash!

            No one here knows any of us at NTEB, or any of the good things being done for the Lord nor has anyone mentioned any of it. WHY? Because it’s not about personal conduct either my friend. It’s all about envy and jealousy andthe intentions are plainly obvious in the wording of this article and the comments of all those in vogue.

            Nothing Geoff has done justified the slander and libel contained within.

            Tell the truth! Besides that, here we have a little pack of wild hyena people worried about and attacking one little small potato ministry with a FREE bibles program whose heart is right before the Lord who gives of himself for the cause of Christ and the gospel and 1.000 of people who know Geoff and have been with him for years…

            WHY? Because I can tell you right now. Geoff is not a liar or a thief or a grifter nor a criminal nor is he any of the many other things written about him in the 2 articles.. He doesn’t teach false doctrine nor does he claim to be a prophet! LIES… If you can’t tell the truth about someone in entirety, then shut your lying snake pit!

            It’s so absurdly ridiculous. I pray for you all…

            There’s hundreds of thousands of heretic ministers everywhere… Just look around and take your pick?!? Why don’t they go after the real heretics with million dollar houses and billion dollar planes who have hundreds of thousands of deceived people under them leading them to the pit?!?!

        • Anna, you call this a smear campaign (I’m referring to what you said in your later posts but for some reason I cannot respond directly to those). A smear campaign is discrediting someone with false accusations. My perspective is this is not what Jacob is doing here. Although there are some claims that can’t be backed by concrete evidence because it’s stated by individuals who are afraid to say their names, a number of points Jacob has made here are backed by evidence including documentation. When there’s evidence, it’s not a smear campaign.

          How well Jacob can debate Geoffrey on Bible doctrine is irrelevant here. Satan likely knows Biblical scripture better than most Christians. And no, I’m not saying Geoffrey is Satan. My point is, having knowledge of Bible doctrine is not the point here – it doesn’t automatically mean someone’s motives are pure or their spiritual life is healthy. I’m not sure why you mentioned that. My assumption is that you’re hurt that this situation happened because you admired and enjoyed Geoffrey’s sermons and teachings. And that’s understandable in a situation like this.

          But Anna, this situation is something that can’t be ignored. It’s not “high school level bs” as you called it. This is an incredibly serious and disturbing situation. It’s not about forgiveness, since Geoffrey and his supporters seem to be claiming those who aren’t turning a blind eye and acting like this didn’t happen are being unforgiving. This is about a man who appears to have clearly violated the qualifications of being a pastor/church leader repeatedly and habitually, as several have pointed out in these comments with scripture as support. This is about a man who is in a position where he has easy access to a vast number of individuals who are vulnerable – those he is supposed to protect, yet his repeated failures in these areas put these individuals at risk of exploitation and danger. There are reasons why the Lord made it so that the Bible has specific qualifications set in place for those in pastor/leadership positions and situations like this one with Geoffrey is one of those reasons.

          Add on top of all this that Geoffrey’s rebuttal and further comments from him on that rebuttal do not seem apologetic. Rather, it seems like a thinly veiled angry and argumentative tone including writing words in caps and using wording that sounds irritated, claiming he addressed all of Jacob’s points when he didn’t, and when pressed on him failing to address the points he says he’s simply not going to say anymore. Also, he seems to shift the blame onto the women with the repeated statements saying the women were “consenting” which 1) doesn’t appear to be true in all of the situations mentioned and 2) whether the people were consenting or not doesn’t make the nature of the situation less serious and concerning. His attitude does not leave one to feel like he’s truly sorry or with much confidence that there will be a change or that we should trust his actions moving forward.

          This had to be brought to light. What has been going on for years is not right and it’s not just Geoffrey that is being harmed by his choices, it’s others as well. It doesn’t matter how much people enjoy his Bible studies/sermons. This isn’t about putting “out someone else’s light”. It’s about calling out sin and not turning a blind eye to it, and protecting the Body of Christ. Clearly the years of people not calling it out has not helped Geoffrey. While this situation is shameful and unpleasant for him, it doesn’t have to end here – he can still make this right with the Lord’s help. But Geoffrey has to start by truly owning up to all of it and dropping the defensive attitude.

          Just to be clear I don’t say any of this with any negative feelings toward you, Anna. Just replying to your thoughts.

          • Response to “not your plastic Jesus”:

            “But besides that point, anyone who thinks that defaming someone publicly with or without all the facts is clearly unjustifiable.”
            Defaming is defined as to “damage the good reputation of (someone); slander or libel.” When there are facts and evidence provided about a person’s behavior, it’s not defaming, slander, or libel as those words involve making false statements. And when someone has evidence for the claims they’re making and is doing so to expose continual, unchecked immorality committed by someone holding a pastor position/running a ministry, it is most definitely justified. The Bible calls us to expose corruption and protect the Body of Christ.

            “And have no fellowship with the unfruitful works of darkness, but rather expose them.” – Ephesians 5:11

            “Let each of you look out not only for his own interests, but also for the interests of others.” – Philippians 2:4

            “The manner and verbage and intentions of this publication are not pure or Biblical in any way, shape or form.”
            And what Geoffrey has been doing for years as a professing Christian and holding a position as a pastor/leader of a ministry is pure and Biblical? Regarding verbiage, maybe there’s some points I would have worded/used a different tone if I were writing the article. But as far as intentions go, only God knows Jacob’s heart. Geoffrey’s claims that Jacob’s intentions were motivated by “jealousy” over NTEB is something for which I see no evidence. I fail to see how Jacob presenting these claims with evidence is violating any Biblical scripture.

            “ JT should have gone to Geoff in private and confronted him on the issues –FIRST. You don’t go behind someone’s back and then use their sins to make a public example out of them unless you are trying to harm them..”
            Interesting that Geoffrey said something very similar in one of his comments on his rebuttal, even capitalizing the same word: “ If any of these “men”, and I use that term loosely, were actually Christians, they would have contacted me FIRST to see if they could be a help to someone they think might have fallen”

            I wouldn’t be the first one in these comments to suspect that “not your plastic Jesus” is possibly Geoffrey. If so, then that’s further dishonesty by posing as someone else in defense of Geoffrey when it’s actually him. And if not Geoffrey, it’s just as unsettling that you are so angry and against actions being taken to protect the Body of Christ, honor the Biblical qualifications of being in a pastor/church leadership position, and correct someone who is having serious struggles with sins that are not only harming himself but others as well.

            Given that people’s testimonies in this situation indicate that Geoffrey has already been approached privately without resolution to this issue, what good would there be to keep approaching him privately? Also, the fact that it’s become clear from multiple testimonies that Geoffrey has been deleting/blocking/censoring comments concerning this situation from those who don’t agree with him, challenge his behavior or merely ask questions (I saw only a few comments allowed on his rebuttal that very gently questioned him and he still sounded defensive in response), further reiterates the image that Geoffrey would not have taken kindly to anyone, including Jacob, who tried to contact him privately to rebuke him.

            “Everyone involved and everyone who believes the atrocious lies and agrees with this brood of vipers is deceived.”
            So literal documentation supporting the claims made are lies? What evidence did Geoffrey supply to convince us that Jacob has lied? He accused Jacob of being jealous and repeatedly saying Jacob lied without anything to back those claims.

            “And don’t think I am condoning or defending sin. But if we are saved, we are free from the law of sin and death.”
            It kind of sounds like you are doing that though. It sounds like you are saying because we as Christians are saved and free from the law of sin and death that we should look the other way when a professing Christian commits repeated, habitual sin that endangers the Body of Christ, because it’s forgiven through faith in Jesus. As has been said many times before in these comments, this situation isn’t a matter of forgiveness. It also sounds like you’re saying Geoffrey’s behavior shouldn’t be called out, when the Bible tells us to do so.

            “If you think it’s about personal conduct then you’re going to be making a list of preachers you denounce until your dying day!”
            So you’re saying because other preachers may have issues with personal conduct, then we shouldn’t call out Geoffrey’s issues with personal conduct? What kind of logic is this? If anyone holding a preacher/leadership position is found guilty of personal conduct that has violated the Biblical qualifications for a leader in the church, then that most CERTAINLY should be addressed whenever it happens. What kind of statement is this? It doesn’t matter how many other preachers are found guilty of such behavior. It baffles me that you even say this.

            “No one here knows any of us at NTEB, or any of the good things being done for the Lord nor has anyone mentioned any of it. WHY? Because it’s not about personal conduct either my friend“
            That’s untrue because a number of the people posting here are people who were on NTEB, some for 10+ years. In fact, Geoffrey’s censoring is probably what pushed many from
            NTEB to speak here.

            And yes, it is about Geoffrey’s personal conduct. What does mentioning the good NTEB may have done have to do with this? It doesn’t change the seriousness of this situation. That’s why it wasn’t mentioned.

            “It’s all about envy and jealousy andthe intentions are plainly obvious in the wording of this article and the comments of all those in vogue.”
            Please supply evidence to support this? And no, the fact that Jacob approached Geoffrey for help with a website in the past and has a similar type website to Geoffrey doesn’t prove that Jacob is motivated by envy and jealousy.

            “Nothing Geoff has done justified the slander and libel contained within.”
            Slander and libel mean false statements are made. The nature of the circumstances, Biblical violations, and evidence provided shows that speaking out about this was justified.

            “Besides that, here we have a little pack of wild hyena people worried about and attacking one little small potato ministry with a FREE bibles program whose heart is right before the Lord who gives of himself for the cause of Christ and the gospel and 1.000 of people who know Geoff and have been with him for years…”
            I wouldn’t define a ministry that currently has over a million dollars in their WayGiver as a “small potato ministry”. Also, once again, good works that may be performed by a ministry doesn’t mean we should ignore immoral, Biblically violating behavior from its leader.

            “There’s hundreds of thousands of heretic ministers everywhere… Just look around and take your pick?!? Why don’t they go after the real heretics with million dollar houses and billion dollar planes who have hundreds of thousands of deceived people under them leading them to the pit?!?!”
            Immoral behavior that violates what God’s Word tells us to do can come in many forms. It’s not just the people misusing their ministry funds to get expensive mansions and planes. Even if a single dollar is used for the inappropriate purposes in a ministry, it’s still wrong. Again, you present this odd logic that seems to suggest that if others are doing things just as bad or worse than Geoffrey, it somehow should garner our sympathy and a blind eye for Geoffrey’s behavior. That’s not how it works. Individuals who behave immorally and violate the Biblical qualifications for being in charge of a ministry need to be addressed and exposed. It is irrelevant who else behaves just as bad as them or worse.

          • Amen Ginger!
            If one’s reputation is of indiscretions, then one cannot mar, nor damage, that which they have done thru their Own Actions.
            Thus speaking of what is known of them; cannot do damage to that which is already damaged.
            God Bless You Ginger!

        • Hi Anna.
          His doctrines are full of holes, people take him at his word, rather than be good Bereans.
          I have confronted him several times and gave up, but he hardens his neck and will not be reproved.
          Some errors are so obvious that shows he has no spirit, nor concern for his sermons nor God’s Words.
          God Bless You Anna!

      • Hi Jacob. I have posted and been on NTEB for about 10 to 12 years, sadly this has come out in the open, and has given the Enemies of our Lord Jesus Christ great occasion to Blaspheme Him. I have tried to post a very scriptural post, yet it is not posting.
        Could you explain why, or post it?
        God Bless You Jacob!

        • Hi Ron! I think the post you’re referring to might have posted? I see two previous comments from you this morning, both including scripture and discussion. Are those the ones you’re referring to?

        • Ron let me remind you of what you said to me, back on September 5, 2019, after I posted the video that is linked in the above story, proving that Grider is a con.

          Rather than even attempting to see what I was saying, you jumped on GG’s side posting things like this:

          Hi Geoffrey.
          Is he really a Brother in Christ?
          He only posts here to post his bitter seeds and sow discord.
          He is way worse than even Pete, however it is your website, but it sure seems like he is jealous of you IMVHO.
          God Bless You Brother.

          And this:

          Hi Geoffrey.
          It is for the best, he is:
          Proverbs 6:18-19 An heart that deviseth wicked imaginations, feet that be swift in running to mischief, A false witness that speaketh lies, and he that soweth discord among brethren.

          Ron, you owe me an apology. The question is, will you….Sherry….Char….Lisa Boyce….and others that are right here on this very page, suddenly walking back your support of him…will you apologize for the nasty things you said about me, a brother in Christ?

          Will you behave as a church should behave – and insist that Grider take a seat and stop pretending to be a “pastor” at least for a long time until he has truly repented of his sin?

          That is the biblical model.

          I realize we don’t have a real church building here, which is the problem with internet clergy, as I pointed out nearly 4 years ago.

          Call this “gloating” if you want to continue sinning against me. I deserve an apology for these nasty words you spoke.

          • Bruce P, you have a whole set of your own issues to work on brother….Seriously. digging up past comments to bolster your I was right complex? Why didn’t you forgive him and move on? Brother Ron and others got blinded in that pit, I figured him out myself, some didn’t. But don’t come in here after the fact crying for cudos.

          • Bruce Peters,
            I understand the frustration of nobody believing you. I’m not one of the people you mentioned that didn’t believe you but please know that your video from a few years ago alerted me to huge red flags. I also loved your recent video about online ministries. You are appreciated by more people than you realize.

          • Howdy SBL, GG’s antics with free speech kinda resemble the methodology of the main stream media and we all should know what spirit controls the msm.
            Shalom Shalom, BuffaloBilly

    • Amen Angel!
      Scripture says all we need to know and to handle this.
      Any rebuttals on his part without Scripture is:
      2 Corinthians 10:12 For we dare not make ourselves of the number, or compare ourselves with some that commend themselves: but they measuring themselves by themselves, and comparing themselves among themselves, are not wise.
      The Scripture is quite clear one must be blameless to be a pastor, he is so far from that.
      These speak of the many issues involved here
      Tit 1:8 But a lover of hospitality, a lover of good men, sober, just, holy, temperate;
      Tit 1:9 Holding fast the faithful word as he hath been taught, that he may be able by sound doctrine both to exhort and to convince the gainsayers.
      1 Ti 3:1 This is a true saying, If a man desire the office of a bishop, he desireth a good work.
      1Ti 3:2 A BISHOP then “MUST BE BLAMELESS”, the husband of ONE WIFE vigilant, SOBER, of GOOD BEHAVIOR, given to hospitality, apt to teach ( questionable on teaching, EVERY THING ELSE DISQUALIFIES HIM. );
      1Ti 3:3 Not given to wine, no striker, not greedy of filthy lucre; but patient, not a brawler, not covetous;
      1Ti 3:4 One that “ruleth well his own house”, having his children in subjection with all gravity;
      1Ti 3:5 (For if a man know not how to rule his own house, how shall he take care of the church of God?)
      1Ti 3:6 Not a novice, lest being lifted up with pride he fall into the condemnation of the devil.
      1Ti 3:7 Moreover he must have a good report of them which are without; lest he fall into reproach and the snare of the devil.
      Lu 1:5 ¶ There was in the days of Herod, the king of Judaea, a certain priest named Zacharias, of the course of Abia: and his wife was of the daughters of Aaron, and her name was Elisabeth.
      Lu 1:6 And they were both righteous before God, WALKING IN ALL the commandments and ordinances of the Lord BLAMELESS.
      Hebrews 10:25 Not forsaking the ASSEMBLING of ourselves together, AS THE MANNER OF SOME; but exhorting one another: and so much the more, as ye see the day approaching.
      Jos 5:14 And he said, Nay; but as captain of the host of the LORD am I now come. And Joshua fell on his face to the earth, and did worship, and said unto him, What saith my lord unto his servant?
      Jos 5:15 And the captain of the LORD’S host said unto Joshua, Loose thy shoe from off thy foot; for the place whereon thou standest is holy. And Joshua did so.
      Eph 6:10 Finally, my brethren, be strong in the Lord, and in the power of his might.
      Eph 6:11 Put on the whole armour of God, that ye may be able to stand against the wiles of the devil.
      Eph 6:12 For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places.
      Eph 6:13 Wherefore take unto you the whole armour of God, that ye may be able to withstand in the evil day, and having done all, to stand.
      Eph 6:14 Stand therefore, having your loins girt about with truth, and having on the breastplate of righteousness;
      Eph 6:15 And your feet shod with the preparation of the gospel of peace;
      Eph 6:16 Above all, taking the shield of faith, wherewith ye shall be able to quench all the fiery darts of the wicked.
      Eph 6:17 And take the helmet of salvation, and the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God:
      1 Samuel 15:23 For rebellion is as the sin of witchcraft, and stubbornness is as iniquity and idolatry. Because thou hast rejected the word of the LORD, he hath also rejected thee from being king.
      Heb 12:5 And ye have forgotten the exhortation which speaketh unto you as unto children, My son, despise not thou the chastening of the Lord, nor faint when thou art rebuked of him:
      Heb 12:6 For whom the Lord loveth he chasteneth, and scourgeth every son whom he receiveth.
      Heb 12:7 If ye endure chastening, God dealeth with you as with sons; for what son is he whom the father chasteneth not?
      Heb 12:8 But if ye be without chastisement, whereof all are partakers, then are ye bastards, and not sons.
      Heb 12:9 Furthermore we have had fathers of our flesh which corrected us, and we gave them reverence: shall we not much rather be in subjection unto the Father of spirits, and live?
      Heb 12:10 For they verily for a few days chastened us after their own pleasure; but he for our profit, that we might be partakers of his holiness.
      Heb 12:11 Now no chastening for the present seemeth to be joyous, but grievous: nevertheless afterward it yieldeth the peaceable fruit of righteousness unto them which are exercised thereby.
      1Co 9:26 I therefore so run, not as uncertainly; so fight I, not as one that beateth the air:
      1Co 9:27 But I KEEP UNDER MY BODY, and bring it into subjection: lest that by any means, when I have preached to others, I myself should be a castaway.
      Lu 1:5 There was in the days of Herod, the king of Judaea, a certain priest named Zacharias, of the course of Abia: and his wife was of the daughters of Aaron, and her name was Elisabeth.
      Lu 1:6 And they were both righteous before God, walking in all the commandments and ordinances of the Lord blameless.
      God Bless You Angel!

  • He ought to just outright admit that he is a sex pervert and a con artist and scammer. That would at the very least show you that he has a conscience left. But he must have seared it long ago. I never knew of his ministry, but now I know to stay away from it. The Lord never even showed me who this guy was since I have been saved 6 years ago. Thanks for the detailed info so I can know to stay away from this man and his scamming.

    • Well he basically has in a roundabout a few times before, but he just surrounds himself with people that are willing to condone it (Romans 16:17-18), along with his club of Pharisees who all have each other’s backs (John 8:1-11). He should just become a mattress salesman seeing as he’s real good at making the bed.

      • And you should crawl back in the hole you dug for yourself. You can’t write lies and run my family through the mud and think you’re not going to reap percussions. It’s not just us you’re coming against. But what do I know? I’m just a hypocrite condoning sin..
        Keep on telling jokes and pointing that finger though mister righteousness, We’ll see who makes a better mattress salesman..

        • //Not your plastic ‘j’esus//

          Your comments seem familiar, I know your style of writing,,,I believe I know who you are , quit hiding and show your face.

        • Howdy Friend, You have a nasty, unbiblical attitude and perspective on this entire matter. Your lack of grace in your posts tells me clearly that the Holy Spirit is not behind or influencing anything you are saying. I have read several of your posts and it was this one that finally prompted me to comment. Does the phrase “physician heal thyself” have any meaning for you? The scriptures about the “blind leading the blind” in the gospels come to mind here. Watch out for the ditches… Kindly, BuffaloBilly

      • To be fair, Jacob, most of us had NO IDEA about the things you already knew about. Thanks to folks who know where to delve, (like you), we come to the knowledge of the truth over the course of time. Many of us are no longer following his spiritual ministry. However, he is still a very good news reporter.

        • With all respect – I would disagree with that. Most of his articles are copied and pasted from other sources. He adds a few scriptures and his own graphics, not much more. Why not get news articles from the original source, you are giving him way too much credit for being an original “news outlet”.

          • I never said he was an “original news outlet”. I said, “he is still a very good news reporter”. Pls read the comments very carefully.

  • His “gospel tracts” have ‘as above so below’ imaging with the inverted mirror image of the capitol building etc. He hasn’t fallen or can’t quit sinning, he is a wolf.

    He obviously chose that symbol because he is working for the BEAST, lots of fear porn, and changing the ‘dates’ to keep the sheep confused and anxious. He is common these days; Jesus warned us.

  • The Baptist churches seem to draw sex perverts and con-men. The hirelings in these churches know that they are doing things which go against the New Testament instructions for how to meet together, and yet they reject the Bible by continuing in their deception. This leads them into more sins, which they actively cover up. When caught with their pants down, their other “brethren” will jump to their defense and talk about how it is so important to “support good ministries”. Ruckman did it with Jack Hyles. He KNEW that Hyles was crooked, and he was approached by many saved Christians that told of their personal experiences with Hyles. Ruckman OPENLY covered it up! Quite frankly, the actions of many of these Baptist hirelings make me wonder if they are part of Freemasonic lodges, and are required to help cover up for their brother masons. This is why I left the Baptist CULT. I will never cover up for these men. Grider is going to be rebuked, as well as Bill Grady for defending him.

    • Hello Bryan,

      You hit the nail on the head, the majority of the Baptist CULT are Freemasons.
      Another Baptist cult that got taken to court and sued and was being shut down and especially after the “pandemic” they shut down was the Hephzibah Baptist cult run by a minister of Satan named Ben Williams that sexually abused girls in their shelter and it makes me MADDER THAN A HORNET!!!

      Hephzibah Baptist Cult and Ben Williams and the rest of his satanic bunch, they’re going to BURN like a box of matches in a BBQ pit!

    • I have never hear of this man before but ANYONE who comes to the defense of a pervert is a hiding pervert themselves.

      this report was vexing especially the first recording. i am sorry but i couldnt listen even to the first 30 seconds and i could feel the satanic energy pertruding through the speaker. no, no … i just turn that off immediately.

      I pray many are blessed by this report and see all these satanic BUILDING WORSHIPPERS as raging wolves posing as shepherds and sheeps.

    • I have zero respect for any preachers that defend Geoff Grider. Tillis seems like an immature sleaze ball. What pastor would respond to a Christian man with a valid question with a loser meme??? I hope his and Grady’s congregation see Jacob’s article. I showed my spouse and he was appalled. Is Grider giving some of his loyal followers money? Oh I forgot there’s no record of where all donations go. Why do people not demand receipts or some type of proof for where their hard earned money goes to? His future wife’s house? His lifestyle? He reminds me of Jim Jones. Makes stuff up as he goes like the spiritual marriage to a married woman. The inner circle follows Grider over the Bible. Your video was very good. It’s unbelievable to see these so called Christians worship Grider instead of our Lord. This article was long overdue.

      • Todd One, You have touched on a very important point. If enough people inquire to WayGiver, which I plan on doing, maybe they will drop him from their platform. Here is their email: HereToHelp@waygiver.com After all they are a legitimate charity donation outlet, right? And NTEB is not a charity or non-profit even though he claims to be. Filing for creative license in the state of Florida to do business as NTEB / Now the End Begins is a sneaky way for his FOR PROFIT company, Mudflower (look that name up in the urban dictionary, I’ll leave that right there) to take in money. All donations go directly to Mudflower and there is no accountability for any of the money going to what Grider says it will, none. Now that this has come to light, the alcohol use, and obvious OTHER addiction, I would not be trusting him with my money. ESPECIALLY after seeing he started a Go Fund me pleading for donations after his deviant behavior resulted in a report to law enforcement. There is no low this guy isn’t willing to go to when it comes to taking other people’s money.

            • Ecclesiastes 10:12 The words of a wise man’s mouth are gracious; but the lips of a fool will swallow up himself.
              All he did was what he did before and cry more crocodile tears and magnify himself. And I can easily refute some of the slander he did against me, with more documentation to back it up. And the threat of litigation only further proves how insurmountable the evidence is, and how he is just a fraud.
              1 Corinthians 6:1 Dare any of you, having a matter against another, go to law before the unjust, and not before the saints?
              [6] But brother goeth to law with brother, and that before the unbelievers.
              [7] Now therefore there is utterly a fault among you, because ye go to law one with another. Why do ye not rather take wrong? why do ye not rather suffer yourselves to be defrauded?
              [8] Nay, ye do wrong, and defraud, and that your brethren.

    • Bryan, I have to seriously disagree with your statement: “This is why I left the Baptist CULT.” Is it fair to judge and to condemn a whole group of billions of people (throughout many years) because of the sins of a few? If there’s a pedophile or adulterer in the community in which you live, would I be just, fair, or right to judge you as being such, simply because you’re a member of that community? I don’t believe so, therefore, you shouldn’t do it either.

    • Bryan, I posted a reply to your comment earlier, but for some reason, it didn’t “come out”. I don’t appreciate it when you paint millions of Baptist people throughout the years as a “CULT”, when in relation, so few of them are perverts, etc. If there was a pedophile in your community, would it be fair, right, or justified if I called you a pedophile just because you live in that community? No! Of course not, so please carefully think through before making such an unfair, ungodly, and unjustifiable post.

      I was raised in an Independent Baptist church where Freemasonry was loudly exposed as being diabolical. So, you see, we’re not all the same as many of the Southern Convention Baptist churches. I live in Kanadastan (formerly known as “Canada”. I used to minister in a couple of those convention Baptist churches you’re referring to, and you’re right! They have been infiltrated by many Freemasons, and the Holy Spirit is not there. In truth, they are as opposite as day is to night when compared to Ind. Baptist churches.

      • I was saved at that age of 9 years old in a Baptist Church. My father heeded God’s call and we left our home and entire family traveling a great distance
        with the smallest u-haul trailer they had with all our belonging in it. Many churches had trouble makers in them, but as for our household, we served the Lord.
        I know that the Southern Baptist Convention went bad, but there are wonderful Baptist Churches today. It all depends on who is leading them. We are in
        the days of apostasy after all.

  • Prolly wanted a yes woman to buy a house for him so the IRS couldn’t get his house since I heard he was renting
    Sounds planned

  • Let me get this straight. He tried to convince a married woman to have sex with him and he would be her husband spiritually? What about her real husband? This is warped

  • She has an 11 year old? He looks to be about 70. Since she knew this garbage I don’t feel sorry for her. I feel sorry for the child.

  • Thanks for the detailed work you did in this article. Thanks to God I never followed this faker and liar.

  • Since the beginning Geoffrey has never been honest. After all, his website is called “NOW the end BEGINS” … still beginning after more than a decade? He routinely states, in the name of God, that the rapture is “soon” and makes predictions about the future, in God’s name, that fail to come to pass – like his year-long predictions that May 2018 would be the most “prophetical” time of his life, since 70 years had passed from May 14 1948, and the embassy was moving etc etc. NOTHING HAPPENED.

    That is an untrustworthy person.

    Interestingly, his website says almost nothing about the Gospel itself – you have to dig to find a page that preaches the Gospel, meanwhile he asks for money and crows about himself on EVERY POST.

    • And for the record, Mr. Peters believes that the pre-trib rapture is a lie and mocks anyone who believes in it or reports on information, like what is on this website.

      That being said, I’m saddened and disappointed by Mr. Grider’s behavior. He needs to come clean.

      • Bruce Peters definitely has his own issues to worry about. He is more worried about pre trib folks than the gospel. This is just ammo for him, like people couldn’t figure out nteb was shady without his help.( Eye roll )

        • Kj, oh stop it. This is a sad situation – and one I have known about for a long time, by the way. I kept the information to myself for years because I didn’t think it was my place to say anything. I disagree with “rapture soon” hype. Deal with it. All of the predictions these rapture people make…..have failed. They have 0% track record. Sorry to break it to you.

          • Bruce, you continue to make a very serious mistake re: pre-tribbers and the last days. Firstly, you ignore the Rapture. Secondly, you ignore the Bible’s teaching of it’s immanency. Thirdly, you ignore the fact that the last days were actually started after Christ’s ascension. Fourthly, you ignore the teachings of the Word that describe the last days that are continuing to this very day. I’ll cite a couple of them for you:

            2 Peter 3: 3 -10; I John 2:18. If John, the beloved disciple of Jesus, and Apostle Paul also believed they were in the last days, aren’t we also correct to believe that also? Of course we are! Why hasn’t the Lord returned to get His own yet? I’ll tell you why, right from the Word: “The Lord is not slack concerning His promise, as some men count slackness: but is long-suffering to usward, not willing that any should perish, but that all should come to repentance.” 2 Pet. 3: 9.

            That’s not rocket science or twisting of the Word; that’s plain truth.

          • Stop what Bruce ? Telling you your tone is nasty and vile towards pre tribbers? Being pre trib or not isn’t a salvation issue yet you act like they are akin to much worse. Maybe you should check yourself and tone down the vitriol.

        • Kj why don’t you face the fact that not every true Believer accepts the pretrib rapture? If you notice most of my videos focus on people speculating and giving false warnings and false hope to believers. So far my videos have been proven 100% right.

  • I have always warned brothers and sisters about this long haired preacher. But, it was always concerning his blasphemous and Satanic teaching called Pauline Dispensationalism.

    • Funny, but one day you will be judged by that Pauline Doctrine declared in Romans 2:16. Oh, Bob..which of Paul’s Doctrine do you believe you can pick and choose?

      • Jim, why are you continuing to support Grider’s site? I tried to warn people several years ago about his impropriety, and I tried to call out his false prophecies, all of which were warnings about who this guy really is and the type of people that do this. Instead of listening at all, you mocked me, called me an unbeliever, called me demonic etc.

        It’s just interesting how time reveals things, isn’t it, Jimmy?

        • Bruce, my comment to Bob is in support of Pauline Doctrine, not defending GG..Please go back and read my very short comment

          • I can’t believe that this has all been found to be true. I often disagree with Geof. G. but had no idea about his terrible problem. You can not love the Christ and participate in what he has for so long. When you become saved, you are a new person in Christ, and It Shows. To ‘pretend’ and not have a changed life makes your life a lie. I am shocked by all of this.

          • Even though I don’t like the tone of this article about Geoffrey, I can’t see this as just being a malicious attack. I’m afraid some of this is truth. Too, this past Sat. night, I wrote a comment to Geofffey on NTEB, telling him about reading this article and that I was confused about all of this, and that I would pray for him; however my comment was removed. I’ve never had that to happen before. I know that my comment made him feel as if I didn’t trust him, but there wasn’t anything in it that was attacking or hurtful toward him are his family. Therefore, needless to say, it just made me more uncomfortable with NTEB….a site that I’ve enjoyed reading for over 10 years.
            James, the reason that I posted this comment under your name is because Risinhim’s comment is just below yours and there is no reply button under her comment. I pray all of this works out for God’s glory, and prayers for all involved.

        • Hey, Rob, remember when you were made a moderator at Jeannie’s site and you lied about a poster who was confronting you about your hyperdispensationalism and as the moderator you removed her? She went privately to Jeannie, and after a thorough investigation, including following all the links, found that you had lied about the poster and she never said what you accused her of? You were deservedly booted from there. Be sure your sins will find you out. Pot calling the kettle black is so juvenile.

          • Replying to Tracy

            From: DaugherofRuth (Formerly Nancy D)

            “Even though I don’t like the tone of this article about Geoffrey, I can’t see this as just being a malicious attack.”

            You nailed it here. Exactly how I feel. It cuts both ways.

          • Right, and NTEB is a beacon of hospitality lol. I’ve frequented it for years, and I’ve made some lasting friendships; however, dare stray from the ‘narrative’, and you’ll be attacked by a vicious pack of wolves. But, I’m sure you know that already….

  • Jacob, I was a contributor to the Bibles Behind Bars program before reading this. No more. Do you know of any reputable programs that are similar and can get KJV bibles into the hands of people who need them?

    Thank you for exposing the truth brother

    • A good website is Bible & Literature Missionary Foundation. The Bible & Literature Missionary Foundation, also known as BLMF, is a faith-based printing ministry of Victory Baptist Church dedicated to producing the pure Word of God. We are located in Shelbyville, TN and ship our Bibles around the world. Since 1968, BLMF has printed over 55 million Scriptures in 55 languages for 125 countries.

      Everything is sent for free. A friend of mine wrote asking for the price for a case of Bibles to give out in his ministry in a few days a case arrived at his home, all shipping paid. I donated to them in memory of a friend’s dad who had passed. They sent the family a beautiful card letting them know that the Bibles had been donated in his name.

    • There is a great program called the Bible & Literature Missionary Foundation: biblelit.com. They are KJV only. All Bibles sent for free. A friend of mine inquired as to the price for a case of Bibles w/ shipping to hand out in his area. To his surprise, in a few days a case of Bibles showed up to his door completely free.

      “The Bible & Literature Missionary Foundation, also known as BLMF, is a faith-based printing ministry of Victory Baptist Church dedicated to producing the pure Word of God. We are located in Shelbyville, TN and ship our Bibles around the world. ” They’ve been going since 1968.

        • BLMF has a responsibilty to call out Grider, or stop working with him. The fact they haven’t done so speaks volumes. Either they are unaware of his behavior… or they are and they condone it.

          • If the Bibles are going to the prisons, that is pleasing to me. A soul that it may touch is very precious in the eyes of God. God will use it for Good.

      • Emma,

        BLMF is who supplies the Bibles for Geoff’s programs. I attempted to contact them earlier to see where they stand on the issues bring raised in this article. I sent them a link to this article. They have not responded.

        To me, this silence speaks volumes. Until they say otherwise, I believe they are compromised and in full league with Geoff and fully condoning of his immoral activities and therefore are NOT worthy of our contributions. We need to find another group engaged in similar activity, or start one ourselves.

        • Follow up on this.

          I did hear back from BLMF, and they have unequivocally sided with Geoff.

          Therefore, they are not worthy of our contributions at this time. We must find another organization to get Bibles to the nations, or start our own.

      • If you mean this website, it should have been revealed. It should have been taken to GG first though. He has exposed truth by police reports. The money sent for souls may
        be misused, and this is wrong doing. GG himself admitted to wrong doing. It is true, and people deserve to know the truth, don’t you think?

    • Brother Chuck, I wonder if the man he interviewed last week re the “Bibles Behind Bars” program is really involved in prison ministry, or is another actor, like Grider? Hmmm….

      • We’ve wondered that about several of the folks he’s interviewed too, Skywatcher. Once someone’s credibility is shattered, it’s difficult to believe anything they say. Suspicion of man is a virtue, not a vice.

        • Hi Adam and Katey.
          Amen on what you said… credibility is everything.
          Thank you for your prayers for our soul winning booth at the fair, it was an awesome time of plating seeds and winning souls. We were there from 3:30 till 10 PM.
          We passed hundreds of tracts ( some may get tossed, but 1 seed planted by reading them is priceless ) and saw 6 souls saved! I think for the whole day the total was 20, 14 prior to us.
          This is the awesome part…. one was a group of 3 teenage girls my pastor brought in and witnessed to.
          Take that ha-satan! ( literally, not you my Brother and Sister! )
          2 were RCC’s, and were getting confirmed the next day!
          And their other GF had never ever stepped into a church ever before!
          I talked to many people, handed out plenty of tracts, it was a big blessing.
          We are going again Thursday and on Saturday, different churches share in manning the booth each day.
          Keep the prayers coming, and this goes on until Sept. 4th.
          God Bless You Adam and Katey!

      • It does make you question everything now, doesn’t it? Skywatcher – your kind of discernment is what we all need to come to terms with this situation.

  • Just wanted to say thank you for bringing this wicked man’s deeds into the light brother Jacob. This Geoffrey Grinder needs to be denounced by every born again Christian in light of his wicked acts!

  • “For Godly sorrow worketh repentance to salvation not to be repented of:…” (2 Cor 7:10a)
    “… for out of the abundance of the heart the mouth speaketh.” (Matt 12:34b)
    “But those things which proceed out of the mouth come forth from the heart; and they defile the man.” (Matt 15:18)
    Here’s hoping that Geoffrey Grider can really learn and practice what true repentance is.

    • If you have read his rebuttal article, he is anything but repentant. Plays the victim card way better than Babe Ruth played baseball.

      • Howdy Emma, I have not read the rebuttal and am not interested in it. I left his site many years ago as my spirit did not bear witness with his spirit. Now I know why.
        Shalom Shalom, BuffaloBilly PS Loved your analogy at the end of your post.

    • “Here’s hoping that Geoffrey Grider can really learn and practice what true repentance is.” Amen! He’d better hurry up; we’re running out of time, and for that, I’m very grateful!

      • Skywatcher, think carefully about the logic of what you claim about the term “last days”. Either:

        1. The term means what it says in the Bible, written almost 2000 years ago. If it means what it says, then whatever those last days were, that time came to a close back then.


        2. The term DOES NOT mean what it says in the Bible, written almost 2000 years ago. If that is the case, then you cannot claim that it means what it says today either. Because the term is meaningless.

        In other words, you can’t use a term describing a timeframe both to describe a long time AND a short time, at the same time. One of those is wrong.

        • You need to study using;
          1 John 2:27 But the anointing which ye have received of him abideth in you, and ye need not that any man teach you: but as the same anointing teacheth you of all things, and is truth, and is no lie, and even as it hath taught you, ye shall abide in him.
          Your reply to him is your private interpretation. I have a verse that proves otherwise;
          Jesus gives us many clues if we keep our hearts open to see them using The Holy Spirit as our teacher, not reading with our private interpretation, which is in pride, nor reading with PRIDE
          2 Peter 1:20 Knowing this first, that no prophecy of the scripture is of any private interpretation.

          Now to get to my point:
          Hosea 6:2 After “two days” will he revive us:
          in the “third day” he will raise us up,
          and we shall “live in his sight.”

          Let’s take a look at that, let us look at the last part of that verse first: “and we shall live in his sight.”
          You do realize the Jews will live in The Sight of The Lord Jesus Christ in The Millenium right.
          Let us back up now, “after TWO days” ,
          key word “AFTER”, and also that INCLUDES the 7 years of the Tribulation which will include their National Salvation as the Nation of Israel.
          Romans 11:25 For I would not, brethren, that ye should be ignorant of this mystery, lest ye should be wise in your own conceits; that blindness in part is happened to Israel, until the fulness of the Gentiles be come in.
          Romans 11:26 And so “all Israel shall be saved”: as it is written, There shall come out of Sion the Deliverer, and shall turn away ungodliness from Jacob:
          What happens in The Tribulation with Israel?
          Zechariah 13:9 And I will bring the third part through the fire, and will refine them as silver is refined, and will try them as gold is tried: they shall call on my name, and I will hear them: I will say, It is my people: and they shall say, The LORD is my God.
          We have around 2,000 years ( 2 of The Lords Days ) thus the end of that Second day is The Beginning of the 3rd day ( the Next 1,000 years, which will be The Lords 3rd day we call the Millennium) of which Israel will live in His Sight.
          Yes Bruce you were right about GG, I am sorry I did not believe you.
          I am also sorry you never made yourself believable because of your own attitude in your posts and words, you yourself owe everyone else an apology too.
          I will compliment you for your last video, that was well stated and with much grace.
          God Bless You Bruce!

          • Ron, thank you. I do apologize for my harsh tone over the years and have tried to tone it down. I agree that my flesh does get in the way and I allow it to drive my behavior at times. I am working on that. Thanks for being my brother.

        • I forgot to include this in my comment
          2 Peter 3:8 But, beloved, be not ignorant of this one thing,
          that one day is with the Lord as a thousand years,
          and a thousand years as one day.
          Tie that Hosea 6:2

        • …unless, of course, those words written 2000 years ago were prophetic. Ever stop to think that when God spoke His word, that much of it was directed to those
          living in the “last days”… perhaps as an attempt/warning for the Church to get its act together, even though it was recorded 2000 years ago?

  • I am shocked and saddened by this news! I have followed nteb since 2010 but that stopped last night when a good brother sent me an email alerting me to this.

    What will happen to Grider’s site now? It will end surely, or will it continue? As of last night, comments were still being put on there. I was going to comment on there, “Geoffrey, what happened to you?” But I thought twice and didn’t.
    I pray Geoffrey will truly and utterly repent of his sins!

    • I did post a common his site calling him out of love to repent. Instead I was attacked by 3 separate followers of his and then my comment was deleted and I was blocked and removed by him.

      • I saw your comments, and you’re right; they are no longer there. I wrote a comment an hour ago, after thinking about this for 3 days, and it’s still awaiting approval. I tried to be fair and asked that he address the $1.25 million raised of a $1.75 million goal for bibles, as it is reasonable to ask for accountability. I did find from a previous article that he does get his bibles from Bible & Literature Missionary Foundation: biblelit.com. and posted that under Emma’s comment here, and THAT didn’t post for some reason.
        I am very disappointed and very afraid that GG could be like other pastors who cried out, “I have sinned!” only to have a gullible congregation keep sending $ and them laughing all the way to the bank. There’s forgiveness—we are all sinners—and there’s playing on people’s kind hearts. We are to forgive, whether or not the person is remorseful, but what if the person truly is a con artist? I honestly don’t know what to think and am very distressed over it.

        • Hebrews 12:15 Looking diligently lest any man fail of the grace of God; lest any root of bitterness springing up trouble you, and thereby many be defiled; [16] Lest there be any fornicator, or profane person, as Esau, who for one morsel of meat sold his birthright. [17] For ye know how that afterward, when he would have inherited the blessing, he was rejected: for he found no place of repentance, though he sought it carefully with tears.
          Denise, he clearly has no remorse. He took no personal accountability, and instead tried to turn it on me and claim that I am evil and libelous, and then this “pastor” threatens me with litigation (1 Corinthians 6). The fool incriminated himself in his response, admitting that he was doing all this stuff up into 2022, which confirms what I reported and documented. His response was the same way he responded in times past when he got caught with his pants down. All he did was malign me with no evidence, and even lied about me too (I have tangible evidence for that also); and just had some narcissistic pity party for himself so everyone could feel bad for him, but never even caring about what he did to others. He’s an egomaniac who is only concerned with preserving his image.
          Proverbs 16:18 Pride goeth before destruction, and an haughty spirit before a fall.

          • I’m upset but not devastated, as I was fooled by players in the past, and I kind of had a feeling for a while about him…. I feel bad for those who adamantly believe him. Will they admit they were wrong when (and for the sake of argument, I’ll say, “If”) he is proven to be a con artist? I feel the same about Trump. If he’s really for the people and taking all the “slings and arrows” for us, or if he’s another fraud, only time will tell. People who are watching our country burn to the ground, however, will NOT admit they were wrong. 81 million votes, and I never see a Biden sign or bumper sticker. LOL
            So, thank YOU for taking all the mud that’s been slung at you. I don’t think you are holding a grudge and “out to get” Geoff Grider, when so many have backed up what you are saying. God bless you, brother.

        • It appears Grider only permits comments to post or remain posted if they are in support of him and stroking his ego. There was a great a biblically sound comment by SkyWatcher60 (who was a faithful listener) that is now deleted, however the replies are still posted because they are in defense of Grider. I appreciate that this site allows comments from both sides. The truth will always put, and Jacob is right — Grider is afraid of more exposure. He’s essentially begging some folks to stay with the ministry.

          A prudent man foreseeth the evil, and hideth himself: but the simple pass on, and are punished. – Proverbs 22:3

          The simple believeth every word: but the prudent man looked well to his going. – Proverbs 14:15

          Folks could just work with the Bible Lit. Organization directly, there’s multiple ways to partner with their ministry on the site — instead of dealing with a question middleman.

          • I had saved that comment from SkyWatcher60 in case it was deleted.

            SkyWatcher60 comment from NTEB:
            Geoffrey, I’ve been a regular follower of NTEB for almost 15 years, if memory serves me correctly. I brought this issue to your attention earlier today, and I was very disappointed and shocked when I read it. I could honestly relate to you on the molestation issue. I spent most of my day defending you to a former faithful follower of NTEB. As I told you, after reading all of the article, and viewing the evidences for myself, I had to delete my defense. Sadly, with the following confession, you’ve disqualified yourself from public ministry according to Scripture:

            “Let me just conclude by saying this. Of the things I am accused of that I am actually guilty of – habitual drunkenness, occasional fornication and being sometimes a part of sinful conversations with consenting parties – are all are things that I have wept over, and put under the blood of Jesus Christ some time ago, prior to 2023, confessed to the LORD and then talked about on NTEB Bible studies, (again only referencing myself as the offending party and no one else). I have not had a single sip of alcohol since August of 2018. It took me some time, however, up to parts of 2022 to fully win the battle with the flesh, but the Lord gave me the victory there as well. In 2023, the Lord has blessed me with the perfect wife and two amazing bonus children.”

            You failed to tell us how that came about…Scripture tells us how spiritual leaders are to conduct themselves I Tim. 3: 1-8; 4: 12, 16. You admitted in the above cited paragraphs that you were living in sin…recently, during the many years you were online. Need I say anymore? The very sad thing is that you’re not publicly addressing the points that Jacob raised…with undeniable proofs. I’m shaking my head. Again, no wonder the Lord gave Mt. 24: 4 as the first sign to be aware of.

            Whether you know it or not, your own words condemn you. You’re telling us now, that you were dabbling in those vices / sins as recently as “2022”. For a serious / committed Christian, that’s very troubling. That’s not a godly example, as per I Tim. 4: 12.

            “Of the things I am accused of that I am actually guilty of – habitual drunkenness, occasional fornication and being sometimes a part of sinful conversations with consenting parties – are all are things that I have wept over, and put under the blood of Jesus Christ some time ago, prior to 2023, confessed to the LORD and then talked about on NTEB Bible studies…”

            “Some time ago” is a very vague statement / confession. The court of law would never accept that as a viable defense; do you think that the holy God will? It could be as recent as Dec. 31, 2022 that you were actively engaged in fornication and drunkenness and teaching the Word. If so, that’s not enough time to prove yourself qualified in the sight of God or to anybody else that you should be leading others. His word, not mine. So much for Romans 12: 1, 2. Remember…I was adamantly defending you earlier today.

            It’s natural for one to try to hide their sins or to defend themselves; I get that; what the readers here don’t get is “the other side of the story”, so they can discern the truth in the middle. Based upon what you’ve written here, that appears to be the case now. As previously accused in the article in question, you left out a lot in today’s confession, i.e. the pastors who abandoned you and why; that Lori Ann and her children were living with you prior to getting married, which you admitted to. Scripture plainly teaches that we are to be “…wise as serpents and harmless as doves.” (Mt. 10: 16) It also commands us to “Abstain from the appearance of evil.” (I Thess. 5: 22) Why?

            1. So as not to be a stumbling block to others.
            2. To protect your reputation from wagging tongues.
            3. To avoid situations like this, that you “be found blameless”.

            Also, the current absence of a number of your long-time faithful followers is very telling. They saw the proofs for themselves.

            Comment from SkyThe right thing to do would be to provide the link to Jacob’s article and allow the jury of your NTEB peers to make up their own minds, don’t you think? That would be the honest, and godly way of “doing business”. If all those allegations are true, and I cannot know for sure, but if they are, then you won’t be the first “king of the hill” to stumble and fall. Some actually come back much stronger than ever, confessing and reaping God’s even greater blessing. I hope that will be the case for you.

          • In that post Skywatcher asked Geoffrey why he didn’t provide a link to the article so people could read it for themselves and make their minds up after hearing both sides of the argument.
            I posted a link to this article in reply and it was immediately removed.
            He doth protest too much me thinks.

          • Skywatcher posted a request for a link to this article so people could read it and make up their own minds.
            Since Geoffrey didn’t reply with a link I replied to Skywatcher with the link to this article.
            It was immediately deleted and I mean within seconds.
            The old saying goes something like; Me thinks he doth protest too much.

          • Geoffrey responded in Loretta Oates’ comment and said “the reason he deleted Skywatcher60’s comment was because he attacked my wife and children and I don’t allow anyone to do that” so he basically lied (again) because Sky didn’t word it that way at all.

          • I’m concerned that BLMF may be compromised as they continue to partner with NTEB. Have they been made aware of the issues addressed in this article?

          • Emma,

            We cannot with with BLMF directly. I sent this article to them. They do not believe Geoff is capable of doing any of these things and they think I’m only out for personal revenge against him somehow. They’re unequivocally on his side in all of this! How does he do this? How does he corrupt every group he works with and get them all on his side? Why doesn’t anyone besides us ever stand up and tell him to get lost?

          • Hi Petra.
            Since when one comments on here, it is almost impossible to tell to whom one is posting to. I would ask kindly that all would use the name of the one they are posting to in the opening sentences as I have.
            Thank you my Sister.
            God Bless You Petra!

        • He did finally post my comment and responded to me, though I don’t know why yours and Skywatcher’s were taken down/deleted, as I found them both to be reasonable.
          What a mess. I feel bad for everyone involved and I am praying for them all.

          • I read your comment and his response. He bold-faced lied you to, Denise. I spoke directly over the phone with one of these pastors who he and the deacons kicked him out, which, according to him, was around 2017-2018 according to his memory; because he went after two women there and then his deviant history came out. This pastor affirmatively assured me of what happened. This all happened basically right out in Geoffrey’s backyard. Denise, everything he says to you and others is a lie. Reread his article. He incriminated himself when he admitted all of this was happening going into 2022 – which PRECISELY times out with what I reported, followed by him lying about his wife to be living with him for almost a year. He is a deranged narcissist whose mind has been subverted by God a long time ago. He only cares to protect his fake person, and he surrounds himself stooges that look the other way.
            Proverbs 30:20 Such is the way of an adulterous woman; she eateth, and wipeth her mouth, and saith, I have done no wickedness. In this case, the adulterous man.
            Proverbs 29:1 He, that being often reproved hardeneth his neck, shall suddenly be destroyed, and that without remedy.
            2 Peter 2:13 And shall receive the reward of unrighteousness, as they that count it pleasure to riot in the day time. Spots they are and blemishes, sporting themselves with their own deceivings while they feast with you; [14] Having eyes full of adultery, and that cannot cease from sin; beguiling unstable souls: an heart they have exercised with covetous practices; cursed children:

          • Howdy DC, The comments were taken down because the same evil spirit that keeps the main stream media from reporting any news that contradicts their narrative… is the same spirit that is operating on NTEB at this time.

          • Denise,this is so heartwrenching! All I know is God will not bless a ministry that dosn’t honor God unless they repent and turn from this evil! i was bamboozled, but God has exposed NTEB! God is bringing the truth out! I have to say im shocked and had I not investigated these accusations I would possibly have believed Gefforys response! The dates are very telling and Geffory doesnt give God much credit about his drinking and instead he gives credit to aaa! Yes we all have problems in our flesh but when you are the leader you should be above reproach and in the fish bowl so to speak! God wants us to be good stewards with his money and who we support! Geof certainly knows the language of the Bible and I pray for him and i pray he really is a saved sinner but with all this only God and Geoffrey know that answer! I will never trust Geoffrey again so Im leaving that site. God tells us to come out from among them 11cor 6:17 ! God is allowing all this and He makes no mistakes! We must keep praying for them!

          • Denise, it would have been left up if Geoff was sincere.
            @ Char: In what you have said Char, then it means that G. lied. This just isn’t right to believers, and wrong in God’s sight. If a heart is right with Christ, the error done would be plain,
            and someone with a right heart for Christ would not be able to lie. A true heart of repentance would hand it over to God and a forgiving Father and others on the website could forgive him.
            That is what I see as very wrong. I think God would as well.

        • Howdy DC, “Ye shall know them by their fruits” (Matt 7). I believe that we are all witnessing his fruit so maybe this will help you to come to a conclusion. We all should consider: GG was never repentant of his sexual sin because he loved his sin. I think Jacob’s article gave enough evidence of this. Therefore, if there is no repentance, there can be no salvation. Shalom Shalom, BB

          • I sincerely doubt his salvation because he’s been living in gross immorality for years with very little chastisement. He’s gotten a bit of pushback, but nothing compared to what he has done and he has no remorse at all, only anger and pride.

        • Denise, I up voted your comment that you left at NTEB. I couldn’t have said it better the questions that you asked. There has to be accountability whenever a organization takes in funds be it a Christian ministry or secular business! I am shocked to learn NTEB does not have a CPA or bookkeeper to keep track of all of the money and exactly where the funds are dispersed! I don’t know if you read the e-mail that I wrote? But that is a huge red flag for me! I am more than charitable with a forgiving heart as Jesus commands of me to have, not one of us is righteous without His shed blood. The answer Geoff gave you that he will vaguely share the money trail in future articles has put me off. Also, deleting the post Skywatcher60 left the other day. His post was written in Christian kindness and absolute truth. I went back to up-vote the post after I had read all of the facts from both sides, and a blog from a Christian discernment ministry, and the post was deleted!! I saw absolutely nothing wrong with the way he wrote that post. I’m sorry, but when one is in ministry you must be accountable and are judged stricter than the rest of us James 3:1 Sadly, seeing that post deleted told me all I needed to know. We are all to be humble with a teachable spirit, not deleting a post that might prick our conscience. I am very saddened by all of this as well. I truly enjoyed having fellowship with everyone (except a few who believe heretical doctrines). I pray the Lord comfort and bless you and lead us to a new place of fellowship. The final trumpet will blast very soon I pray!

          • Thank you, Standing firm. I met some of my best friends there, and I used to comment daily, until it became so frustrating with infighting and Disqus issues.

          • HI SF. I just wanted to tell you and I posted it on EmmaE’s post that GG posted to Loretta O and said the reason he deleted Sky’s post is because he attacked his wife and family and he will not allow that and he really didn’t attack them. He just mentioned the part of Lori living in his house without being married. That’s not quite attacking her and his family, so he went a little overboard on that. I hope we can still be in contact till the Lord takes us out of this corrupt, evil world. This “eye opener” is very distressing to many of us who enjoyed the NTEB website. See you soon, sis.

      • The absence of a lot of commentators on his site, such as myself, should prove to those who stubbornly remain behind, that there was truth in the link I posted for all to see. He can hide the truth from people, but never from God! Pay day some day.

      • Hi Char, Geoff went overboard because he looked for any excuse he could find to delete Skywatcher’s post that was questioning and rebuking him. I also agree with Roger’s post that his site will continue until God stops it, and I pray that will be soon.

        • I know, Loretta, it’s very sad. Oh what a tangled web we weave, when first we practice to deceive. He’s just digging a bigger hole for himself.
          But God knows more about this than we do. Blessings to you See you soon, sis.

          • Hi Char! The whole gang is here! Seeing some ‘debate’ beginning between Sky and Bruce…..Ahhhhh just like old times lol. Love Y’all!

    • It is very sad, because there are so many very good people on NTEB. I don’t think they believe the depth of what has really happened. If they could read the documentation on this blog, I’m sure they would take it more seriously. I had a difficult finding this information. He is blocking (by pending) every post that comes to the site. I guess he would block it if it is pointing out the real truth.

      • I agree Riseinhim, it is very sad. There are those who just don’t want look at what Jacob had to say because they don’t want to believe this about the pastor/ministry they love. But I also think another explanation for people at NTEB being upset and dismissive of Jacob’s article is that they have not actually read it. I happened to read Jacob’s article by chance prior to Geoffrey writing his rebuttal. But I can understand how if someone read his rebuttal with zero context because they hadn’t seen what Jacob had presented, they can easily be confused and think negatively about Jacob and his motives. Someone even commented here a few days ago saying they came here expecting a “hit piece” but were surprised to find a well documented case.

        Plus, you mentioned it was challenging for you to even find the article. The fair and truly transparent thing would be if Geoffrey had posted the article and allowed people to decide for themselves after reading both sides of the argument.

      • #Riseinhim, this is so upsetting to me; but, I’m afraid after reading both sides, I can not stand with Geoffrey…at least for now. As for as deleting comments with doubts about his honesty and he then deletes them, yes, that was the “kicker” for me.
        Praying for God’s Will to be done.

      • Hi Char! So good to hear from you my Sister! Please forgive me Jann for using the reply to you as there were no reply option under Char’s post. If you would like to stay in contact with me I would absolutely love that! Just ask Brother Ron for my e-mail address as I plan to stay in touch with him. This is so very hard for me as well. I almost feel like one of my best friends just died! I am still trying to digest all of the evidence posted here. I always keep my eyes on the Lord, but feel so bad to find out once again loosing friends that I was use to “seeing” on a daily basis will be no more due to another’s choices of behaviour. So please Sis, stay in contact. I would love to write any of my brethren who would like to stay in touch. God bless each and everyone one of you, and know that this past year of reading all of your thoughts in the posts was a big blessing to me! MARANATHA!!!!!!!

        • I love you all very much. You were and will always be my family. We have much to look forward to in our Lord and Savior.

          • Hey sister Jann! It’s LION aka J7, here under my newer slightly different screen name for this platform! Glad too see you, over on here sister! But am very saddened by the circumstances we all are meeting over here, as well! Definitely love all you sisters and brothers in Christ! We need to keep out brothers and sisters in Christ that are still over there on Nteb, in our prayers, totally agreed! They’re being lied too and fooled by Geoffrey, sad to say! As for me I finally left Nteb, sadly for good, after comforted with the overwhelming evidence in this article well documented by brother Jacob, that completely leveled me, after heading brother SW’s last Nteb post warring all of us, to do our own homework, so do speak, and investigate the evidence for ourselves! I really need to thank 3 people, and they’re Brother SW aka Skywatcher57/60, brother Jacob Thompson, and sister Geri Ungurean, for exposing him, for who he is, and what was really going on behind the scenes! Sorry that’s finally it! Hope you, brother Rog, and your entire family are well sister Jann! God Bless you all in Christ! Maranatha!

          • Oh I am so glad to see you, J7 (Lion of Judah7). I’m not sure how many emails of those that are on GG’s website, that brother Ron had and contacted. I am surprised at a couple of people
            that are still there. I miss your happy posts. I don’t think that they would work out here. What I would love is to see a man of God step up and make a website formatted similar to what we had
            on the other website (minus discus of course). I don’t think our great music would work here. I just heard a good message titled, “How we set our hearts at rest.” It was so good. I have to watch
            sermons that are good, and have my music of praise to feel the gap of a great group of folks that are all waiting for the sound of the tumpet and the voice calling us up to meet in the air.
            Praise God, he has a wonderful plan for all that love him. May God Bless you Lion of Judah7. We shall soon be with him in all His Glory! : )

        • @Standingfirm:
          You can use the reply to me any time you need or want to. You have always been a blessing to me. God Bless you in mighty ways.

          • Standingfirm, I totally agree I wish there was a site where we could fellowship and talk about all sorts of things. I think a message board would be an ideal format for that. I worked in the past as a moderator at several different message boards so I would be happy to contribute my help in that way if we ever had a message board. But unfortunately I do not have experience with creating the actual message board.

          • Hey sister Jann! I wanted to reply back to you under your above comment, but it had no reply button underneath it! So had to do it here on this one instead! Did see brother Ron on here, as well, and was glad to see him again, over on here! Happy birthday o hear he has many brethren’s email addresses, and was able to contact several of them! Thank God for that! Yeah, there’s at least one or two, that I’m very surprised , that’s still over there!‍♂️ Keeping them in prayer As far as finding another Strong Christian Ministry website, or some starting another, I’m not sure that will happen! Anyways, I am still so glad to have met all of you wonderful dear brethren in Christ! After what happened over there, was sure if I would see y’all again on here, or someone else, but thank God that didn’t happen, and many of us ran into each again, over here on Wine Press! Hoping Both you and brother Rog are having a wonderful day ☀️ today sister! And God Bless You All in Christ! Maranatha!

      • Hi Sherry. Yes, it’s pretty sad and surprising about his background. We were all fooled, but not anymore, which might come to
        his having to shutdown his website due to lack of funds and responses, but we will continue to pray for GG that he will come to
        the realization that he must confess that he has a problem (and get help) and apologize, but if he’s a narcissist, then it will NEVER happen. They
        always play the victim (we have one in our family and can’t get rid of her, but they’re always right according to them and we’re
        picking on them), so time will tell if God is going to allow him to continue this charade or not. Blessings, sis. See you soon!

        • Char, I posted my video 4 years ago about Griders fundraising tactics and you and the rest of your cohorts attacked me, called me an unbeliever and railroaded me off the site. Remember that?

          • Hi Bruce Peters, is this comment to Char really necessary? I’m not trying to be mean to you by saying this, so please don’t misunderstand my intention – just saying it in love. The tone comes off as a harsh “told you so” attitude and really doesn’t sound loving or understanding of people’s inability at times to see clearly in these types of situations. Perhaps you didn’t mean it that way.

            Isn’t what matters now that Char understands the seriousness of the situation and doesn’t it make you happy that she does?

            Just trying to encourage and remind all of us that we should thank Him when people who have been deceived understand the truth and not dwell on the past when they may have been stubborn or unable to understand a situation properly.

          • Bruce, I know you are gloating now over GG finally being exposed by someone that was more credible than you with the PROOF
            which I’m speaking of Jacob. You most likely wouldn’t believe any of us either if we never heard of us before and you posted
            something about someone on there with NO PROOF. Plus the fact you cut down and poo poo most ALL pastors, including JDFarag
            and most of us love JDFarag, so you were and are looking like a trouble maker and you don’t believe in the Pre-Tribulation Rapture,
            which is your prerogative because its not a salvation issue, but on NTEB 99% of us DO believe in it, so you were barking up the wrong
            tree with us, plus all your complaints about every pastor you could think of. It wasn’t a good look for you, so now again I say, we have
            proof, not just a person that sounded jealous and appearing to be a troublemaker. I hope you can see our side of it.

      • Hi Bruce, didn’t we chat back in the past? I guess I finally saw the light. Your name sounds familiar.

        • Perhaps, I was on NTEB’s blog for maybe a year or so before he booted me. I also have a Youtube channel and sometimes do videos on him. We need to spread the truth and stop this from happening.

          • This was directed at Bruce Peters saying that watch woman mocked him. I posted my comment right under that but it landed somewhere else. What watchwoman said in response to you is nobody else’s business and your post is highly inappropriate. Frankly I do not really want to read this website either, given what I have seen so far.

      • Is this comment appropriate for a public forum? I saw some red flags about Grider/NTEB but I also see a lot of pride on this site from the anti-Grider camp. This is not a defense of Grider but my concern about some of the attitudes I see here.

        • WJ, I have been warning people about Grider for years and he attacked me on his site for a video I did back in 2018 or so. Nobody on that site came to my side even though the video was…and is…still live on my channel. That’s what I was referring to. They didn’t like me. That made them blind to the truth.

    • Lisa, your comment on Mr. Grinder’s site said something completely different– here, i will copy-and-paste it for you,

      Comment below is from NTEB site
      2 days ago edited

      • and from this site you said

        August 17, 2023 at 7:22 am

          • Again, I don’t think many are aware of the depth of what has been going on. I had a difficult finding this information.

          • @Roger, I think watchwoman65 is upset as everyone else is. Maybe condemning past (?) actions, but she is disappointed. Please don’t call people out here. It is just a disappointing
            thing to many. Take it to the Lord in prayer. Hoping you understand, I mean no wrong.

  • I too was deceived by this so called ministry. I started listening around the time of the pandemic. I even donated to “mudflower “. During his show when he announced his engagement I started to question things and I stopped listening and unsubscribed. I think back on his many prophecy podcasts and they got kind of repetitive with really no new content and he’d bring up the same audio clips with Barney Miller, false ministers such as MacArthur and Stanley, but when anyone would question anything about Gog/Magog or KJV he simply ignored the question or failed to adequately explain things. When he started putting down Pastor Andy Woods I thought how does he get away with this. I’m no longer going to listen or support him and I’m thankful for your reporting on this matter. God Bless

    • I noticed quite a while ago that he would read the first few comments and reply or not and then the only time he would post a reply after those few is if a person personally said something against him and then he would reply in his defense and then block them after a while. I mentioned that to a few of the sub’s on NTEB back then. Yes, narcissism can only be HEALED by the Lord, but the person has to recognize they have a deep mental/spiritual problem to ask for help. It’s very sad.

        • Hi Gary. I’m a little late on seeing posts directed to me. lol Denise told me how to “find” them on a daily basis by the dates, so
          I’m up to snuff now. Hope you are doing well. We are still reeling over this horrible news of GG. He needs prayer and should
          confess and apologize, but narcissists never do, especially if it means you will be chastened and perhaps have your livelihood
          compromised. See you soon, brother.

      • Hey sister Char! It’s LION aka J7, here under my newer slightly different screen name for this platform! It’s nice too see ya over on here, even though under unfortunately circumstances of course! Hope all is well with you and yours! And God Bless you all in Christ! Maranatha!

        • Well I’m glad you have realized the depth of what GG has done and have left his site. It’s a shame, but we must be pleasing
          to God over pleasing man, especially if the man is living in sin and continues to. I pray other regulars will see the
          depth of his lies and disobedience to God. I will miss the songs, and memes, etc. from you and others, but hopefully
          Jacob will be able to change to disqus (although it’s a bummer too, but has more options than his website does) Blessings.

  • A good website is Bible & Literature Missionary Foundation. The Bible & Literature Missionary Foundation, also known as BLMF, is a faith-based printing ministry of Victory Baptist Church dedicated to producing the pure Word of God. We are located in Shelbyville, TN and ship our Bibles around the world. Since 1968, BLMF has printed over 55 million Scriptures in 55 languages for 125 countries.

    Everything is sent for free. A friend of mine wrote asking for the price for a case of Bibles to give out in his ministry in a few days a case arrived at his home, all shipping paid. I donated to them in memory of a friend’s dad who had passed. They sent the family a beautiful card letting them know that the Bibles had been donated in his name.

  • Jacob, I’m glad that you wrote this article finally. My husband and I were listening faithfully to NTEB for almost a year up until the whole scenario with Lori moving down to Florida. Shortly after that, things just didn’t seem right or sound right. Something seemed very off about the whole thing and I’m glad that we decided to part ways from the ministry at that point. In the past we donated to NTEB several times as well as passed out their tracts and recommended the website to others as well. This information you’ve shared makes me question where the money is actually going, and with the lack of accountability, I guess we’re supposed to just take his word for it, right? Now we just send out Bibles and tracts to people ourselves. I hope others are inspired to do this as well. Unfortunately there’s a myriad of folks with zero discernment who will continue to blindly defend and follow this individual no matter what. That’s the charismatic power of a religious narcissist.

    • Glad you enjoyed the article. Unfortunately, like you said, most people just wish to remain ignorant, and that says a lot about their character and how much they value truth and righteousness. Grider is good at beguiling people with his insincerity and sounding all gushy. It’s so fake.
      Proverbs 17:4 A wicked doer giveth heed to false lips; and a liar giveth ear to a naughty tongue.
      Proverbs 18:17 He that is first in his own cause seemeth just; but his neighbour cometh and searcheth him.

  • Your hatefest against this person that I don’t even know is clear evidence that the love of Christ is not in you. This is the first time I have seen your website and it will be the last. I dare you to have the courage to leave my comment up. I can only hope that others that love and follow Christ will see the self serving nature of what you have published here. This is so against scripture to publicly smear a person doing God’s work and your reasons for doing it are transparent even to me (a newbie to this website and the man you are defaming).

    • 1 Timothy 5:19 Against an elder receive not an accusation, but before two or three witnesses. [20] Them that sin rebuke before all, that others also may fear. [24] Some men’s sins are open beforehand, going before to judgment; and some men they follow after.

      • Jacob, you need an upvote option and maybe throw in an edit button too,. Then we could agree with what you say by upvoting you, but we know you are telling
        the truth because you have the proof. I’m a sub on NTEB for over 10 years, as Ron and Denise and Buffalo Billy around the same time as them. So this is very
        distressing to find this out, but again, I’m glad we do know it now. He’s in God’s hands and I wouldn’t want to be in his shoes, unless he repents soon.

          • I would also greatly appreciate it if you could improve your comment section. It would be nice if all our replies went to the appropriate people being replied to. You’re doing a great service for the King of kings and Lord of lords, despite what the naysayers say! Keep up the great work of exposing darkness, and may we all learn from your example. Thankfully, our time of deception by others is quickly coming to a close, and then we’ll all be together…in the glorious Presence of the Light of the world–King Jesus! Whooooooo hooo! Bring it on, Jesus!

        • I agree Char. It would be nice too if there was some way of being notified when we receive a comment to our post. I’m afraid people aren’t going to scroll through the long feed to see if someone has commented to them or not.

          • Hi Sherry, yes a notification feature would be nice! I’ve been trying to keep up with new comments by searching the page for the day’s date so that I only find the posts for that day and see which ones I haven’t read yet. It’s quite a lot of comments now so it’s hard to scroll through. Searching by dates has been working for me but a notification would be great

          • Hi Sherry. All we can do is go into “find” and type in today’s date (or yesterdays depending on what day you want to see all the
            comments). That way we don’t have to go through ALL of them each day. Denise showed me how t do that.

          • Hey sister Sherry! It’s LION aka J7 here, under a newer slightly different screen name I came up with for this platform! Glad too see you over here, even though it’s under unfortunate circumstances! Hope all’s well with you and yours! And God Bless you all in Christ! Maranatha!

    • I don’t think it is a hate fest. The accual reports have been noted. In Mr. Griders article of explanation, he was not fully forth coming. One commenter even posted that ‘it was all just hateful attacks.’ It could easily be believable. There, however, was just one and it was deleted.
      There were not multiple attacks. Just one. It is hard for someone that loves the site, and the people on the site to believe the hard truth. I wasn’t even sure, but searched to find it. So, it was not many attacks, for which Mr. Grider did not clarify, but left all to believe this.

      • Riseinhim, you are one of the kindest persons on NTEB, and I have loved getting to know you. I know that this is as disappointing to you as it is to me.

        • DeniseC, you are so right. Riseinhim is one of my all-time favorites. Even though she might not agree with you, I could always tell in her comments that she was the real-deal, a true Christian. No fluff, just real.

  • I came expecting a hit piece – and found instead a well-documented case for being wary of Grider and his ministry. Sad.

    • I feel like that’s most people who saw Grider’s rebuttal without having read my piece first. Once you read it it’s hard to deny the hard evidence, and then is reinforced by his nothingburger response.

      • The problem is, that they didn’t read it. It was deleted quickly. It was then spoke of as if it was just someone that wanted to do damage to the website and G.G.
        It was made out to look like someone coming after a christian site and coming against the one leading the site, because of jealousy or just out to ‘put down’ a site proclaiming the Gospel and love of Christ. It was removed quickly before many people could see it.
        It is a very sad thing to happen. There are many serious Christians and was a blessing to share with them.

  • Mr.Grider sounds like relatable. He struggles with addiction at times and he struggles with lust. We are all guilty of the same. Anyone of us who has ever watched porn or masturbated even as a christian, is no different. Anyone of us who has smoked a cigarette, smoked weed, listened to sinful secular songs and enjoyed them, even as a christian is no different. Scrolling up in this comment section and seeing all of this condemnation. If your condemning Grider for his sexual sins, make sure you have been free of masturbation and porn for your whole christian life. Don’t judge in hypocrisy.

    Jacob you gave a very detailed account of Griders sins. Now give us a detailed account of your sins. What vices have YOU had in your life as a christian. Have u ever lied as a christian? Have you taken a longer break on the job than u were supposed to as a christian?

    Anyways, Grider will be in my prayers. The reason why American christians don’t gain victory over lust and vice, is because they don’t emphasize the importance of ASCETICISM in the christian life. You’ll never overcome lust without fasting, prayer and applying the teachings of Jesus to your lives.

    • Blaze, This is less about struggles with booze and sexual addiction, but more about conceived and orchestrated deception by Mr. Grider on those who visited his site trusted in him and his ministry, and believed his lies. If you read the posts that have been left, you will find that all these people are not so much being judgmental, but are surprised that they had been so easily duped, which is easy to do to those who try to lead a life that is pleasing to the Great Creator God. What we are all reading is the manifestation of the scripture that says “be sure your sins will find you out”.
      Kindly, BuffaloBilly

      • BB..Amen..Deception is one of the key words for the end times. I have said over the last few days, but by the grace of God, it could just as well be me. There is more to it than I am a sinner and Christ has or hasn’t forgiven me. Things appear to be shady. Integrity is called into question, what little bit of money my wife and I have given particularly over the last year did it really go for Bibles to those prisoners sitting in those prison cells.

        • Hi brother, I gave as well to get people in prison the word of God, and no matter what is going on with Geoffrey, he does care about lost souls, and the drive to get people bibles.

          This person that is “exposing” Geoffrey has no proof, but much innuendo and “anonymous” sources…

        • Howdy James, It matters not where it went. What matters is that your heart was right when you gave the donations, as with all those who donated to his ministry. Being a Christian is all about the heart. As I told Brother Ron, it is easy to deceive a Believer because we are so trusting. Be at ease Brother, you still have a heart of gold and we both know that our God will always honor a pure heart. Shalom Shalom, BB

          • BB..Thank You for the kind words and they do ring true. Yes, the Lord looks at our heart and I truly appreciate the edification in your words. Keep Looking Up, Jimmy

        • Hi there, Bro. James! My name here is “Skywatcher57”, but I’m still “Skywatcher60”. It changes with my age, and depending on which forum I visit. This news about GG is quite hard to swallow, but those of us who take God seriously at His Word, will come out of it unscathed. It’s very sad, because it didn’t have to be this way. Geoffrey piled so much loot under his tent, that it had to be exposed eventually. God bless you, and yours! Despite Geoff’s antics, Jesus is still coming! Maranatha!

        • Hey Brother Jimmy! J7 here! Glad to see ya again, over on here! Yes, the news about Geoffrey was very surprising for a lot of us, and hard to digest! But when presented with the overwhelming evidence in brother Jacob’s article, plus corroborated by sister Geri, ect! And she really knew what GG is like behind the scenes, as a former featured article writer ✍️ on Nteb! Hope all is well with you and your family brother Jimmy! God Bless you all in Christ! Maranatha!

    • Blaze, it’s far worse than that, this isn’t stuff Grider has done just to his own body but to others. We have 100% documented evidence that he has manipulated and abused women.

      • BRUCE PETERS – He hasn’t “abused” any women based on the article I read. The woman WILLINGLY chose to perform a sexual act on him. She is just as guilty of the sin of fornication as he is. If you would like to portray consenting women as “victims” of abuse, then that’s being deceitful at best.

        No amount of “manipulation” makes a woman, willingly go to a hotel room and take her clothes off. GOD isn’t going to excuse her actions just because she is a “vulnerable” woman. That’s not how the judgement seat of Christ works.

        By your logic, everytime you have watched porn as a christian, you are guilty of “abusing” women.

        • Threatening a woman with “mafia ties” is abuse.

          Threatening a woman that you will post videos of her engaging in a sexual act with you because she isn’t doing what you want, is abuse.

          Read the affidavit.

        • Blaze, the article described many of GG’s sexual sins. It doesn’t sound to me that they were all consentual, in light of the fact that several women, pastors, and fathers were unhappy. Yes, ONE relationship, although I’m sure there were others, was described as consentual, possibly two. But what WASN’T consentual was GG videotaping a sexual act and then posting the video on Facebook! Although the police couldn’t find a law that they could charge GG with breaking, they tried! Because what he did in secretly videotaping her and then publically posting it was indecent, immoral, and morally a crime, if not legally. And in GG’s own post regarding Jacob’s article, he said, “It takes two.” That does NOT sound remorseful at all. Almost sounds like casting the blame… At least sharing the blame. Any remorse that he may have been trying to convey was undone with that comment, imo. To the 25% or more of our population who are victims of sexual abuse or rape, his lame excuse sounds horrifyingly despicable.
          He owes his followers a better apology than, “It takes two.” Imo.

          • The police could not find him guilty of breaking a criminal law, but that doesn’t mean he cannot be sued in civil court for taping without consent. OJ was “innocent” in criminal court but didn’t do so well in civil court as an example. I’m not advocating she do that (1Corinthians 6), but Geoffrey was the one who brought up a possible libel suit against Jacob (to intimidate him and others to stop exposing his wickedness imo), but he’s the one that could lose big money in civil court if that were to happen. I don’t like it when these religious con men do these types of things and then they try to malign and intimidate when caught. It really gets my “Irish” up to be honest. If you study religious con artists this is what they all do when caught including leaders of the rcc.

          • Not to mention, the old chap was engaging in this lascivious sexual act while in the middle of his ministry. A ministry where he has used his platform to admonish readers to avoid secular entertainment like rock and country music, saying it glorifies drinking and fornication, all the while doing those very things. He has even condemned listening to Frank Sinatra. From that alone, we might be charmed into believing one is squeaky clean. Legalism often gives that impression. But from the disposition of some of his faithful followers, who regularly quote “Ye shall know them by their fruit”, foul fruit can be overlooked if it is committed by their own top banana. Could be the other bananas don’t fall far from the tree. But I digress, as no one is perfect, but hypocrisy was also an offense in the Lord’s eyes. If you seek to please men you’re partial to by overlooking the darkest of sins, are you also the servant of Christ [Galatians 1:10]? Or has blindness overtaken you? Prayers that the right thing will be done by any who lead and by those who follow.

    • Well Mr. Blaze ( let’s just say I know who you really are) , did you know Mr.Grinder was sexting and having illicit phone conversations while his ( at that time future wife was living with him and in the other room and heard him), yes ,, now defend that one,,and this was just a few months ago,, Mr. Grinder,,, oops, I meant Mr. Blaze.

      • Def not Geoff. Okay… So he is guilty of “sexting”. Have u ever watched PORN while u were married? If so then u and all of the commenters are just as guilty as him. As for the woman, I feel no sympathy for her. She chose to meet up with Geoff and perform a sexual act on him. The bible would describe her as a whore. She def isn’t a victim, but a WILLING participant.

        • Proverbs 17:15 He that justifieth the wicked, and he that condemneth the just, even they both are abomination to the LORD.
          Proverbs 28:4 They that forsake the law praise the wicked: but such as keep the law contend with them.
          You’re just as evil and narcissistic as he is.

          • “Do not judge, or you too will be judged. For in the same way you judge others, you will be judged, and with the measure you use, it will be measured to you. “Why do you look at the speck of sawdust in your brother’s eye and pay no attention to the plank in your own eye? (Matthew 7).

            You can’t be a masturbator and then call out someone else for their sexual sin. Let’s not judge in hypocrisy.

        • Listen up, porn goblin. Everyone doesn’t feast on porn as you clearly do, judging by all the weird and disturbing comments you have made on here. Of course you don’t feel sympathy for her. Narcissists don’t feel for anyone. Narcissists are also great at deflecting, which you’ve done a bang up job on. Many are on to you. You have the right to remain silent. Best you use it now.

          • Yes. I don’t coddle immoral women who WILLINGLY choose to fornicate. She won’t get any sympathy on judgement day either if she doesn’t repent. She’s a fornicator not a “victim”. If she wouldn’t have engaged in the sexual act, then she wouldn’t be in this situation. Both parties are wrong, both she and him.

        • Nope, I never watched porn and never have been married, so I don’t have that problem. Plus Mr. Grinder, ( or Blaze if that is the name you want to hide behind ), has a very high roll in ministry, people have higher expectations from a (so-called pastor), such as yourself Mr. Grinder, (oops , I slipped up again, I meant Blaze. A ministry since 2009 and you act like a little kid with all that porn stuff, then you think it’s ok because, you can sin all you want to and just “put it under the blood of Jesus, willfully on a daily basis, because we are in the age of grace, so that is the excuse to keep sinning this way, that’ is wrong. Pastor’s need to have higher standards, and need to be trusted by their followers. Mr. Grinder has broken that trust.

          • So u have never watched porn? Applaud. But you HAVE masturbated though, which is SIN. If you have masturbated with lust in your heart then u are just as guilty as Geoff.

          • Hi Roger.
            2 Corinthians 10:12 For we dare not make ourselves of the number, or compare ourselves with some that commend themselves: but they measuring themselves by themselves, and comparing themselves among themselves, are not wise.
            Tit 1:6 If any BE BLAMELESS, the husband of one wife, having faithful children not accused of riot or unruly.
            Tit 1:7 For a bishop MUST BE BLAMELESS, as the steward of God; not selfwilled, not soon angry, not given to wine, no striker, not given to filthy lucre;
            Tit 1:8 But a lover of hospitality, a lover of good men, sober, just, holy, temperate;
            Tit 1:9 Holding fast the faithful word as he hath been taught, that he may be able by sound doctrine both to exhort and to convince the gainsayers.
            1 Ti 3:1 This is a true saying, If a man desire the office of a bishop, he desireth a good work.
            1Ti 3:2 A BISHOP then “MUST BE BLAMELESS”, the husband of ONE WIFE vigilant, SOBER, of GOOD BEHAVIOR, given to hospitality, apt to teach ( questionable on teaching, EVERY THING ELSE DISQUALIFIES HIM. );
            1Ti 3:3 Not given to wine, no striker, not greedy of filthy lucre; but patient, not a brawler, not covetous;
            1Ti 3:4 One that “ruleth well his own house”, having his children in subjection with all gravity;
            1Ti 3:5 (For if a man know not how to rule his own house, how shall he take care of the church of God?)
            1Ti 3:6 Not a novice, lest being lifted up with pride he fall into the condemnation of the devil.
            1Ti 3:7 Moreover he must have a good report of them which are without; lest he fall into reproach and the snare of the devil.
            None of these Qualifications are Optional, the key word is Blameless!
            Any excuse as to we cannot be blameless, as I know my own pastor is such, and more so the Bible shows us:
            Lu 1:5 There was in the days of Herod, the king of Judaea, a certain priest named Zacharias, of the course of Abia: and his wife was of the daughters of Aaron, and her name was Elisabeth.
            Lu 1:6 And they were both righteous before God, walking in all the commandments and ordinances of the Lord BLAMELESS.
            That disqualifies him before he even went forward, and even accepted those who called him such.
            He has given the enemies of The Lord great occassion to blaspheme him, in the same manner as King David did.
            2 Samuel 12:14 Howbeit, because by this deed thou hast given great occasion to the enemies of the LORD to blaspheme, the child also that is born unto thee shall surely die.
            Yes it is about Honesty, Integrity, and above all giving opportunity for The Lord’s Name to be blaphemed.
            Even now he posts his articles as though nothing has happened, and ignores the issues at hand.
            God Bless You Roger!

        • Society has degraded to the point where porn has become acceptable in some people’s eyes and it has even become rampant in the church, but make no mistake about it, porn is a sin against God.
          New Life Ministries has an Every Man’s Battle workshop that can help men with the problem of sexual sin.
          If anyone out there is struggling with this issue and wants help to overcome it they can be reached at 800-NEW-LIFE, there is an on line workshop in Sept and workshops in Oct.
          If you need help please reach out to them, they are a Christian ministry and they can help.

        • Nobody here is saying they haven’t sinned. And nobody is saying women who may have consented to fornication with Geoffrey aren’t just as guilty of sinning as he is. But the focus of this situation is on Geoffrey precisely because of his pattern of behavior and the position he holds, and that these behaviors took place while actively holding that position.

          If you want to hear my point of view as to why people are so disturbed by this situation and aren’t simply turning a blind eye to it, see the previous comment I wrote in response to Anna giving my thoughts on that.

          Your messages give the impression that you’re taking this personally because it seems you struggle with sexual sins and Geoffrey being in the spotlight feels like a personal attack to you. Nobody is saying struggling with sexual sins automatically means you’re a fake Christian. Rather, I’m willing to say a lot of the people commenting here (including myself) would be happy to be used by the Lord to support you and help you to overcome your struggles with sin.

          Sin in all forms is wrong. Instead of looking for guilt in others to feel less accused yourself, seek the Lord for the strength you need to fight your weaknesses and if you are blessed to know such individuals, surround yourself with brothers and sisters in Christ who will encourage and help you in that fight against sin.

          • Amen Ginger!
            Well said.
            Now he is facing the consequences.
            Oh what a web we weave when we practice to deceive.
            God Bless You Ginger!

          • Well said, Ginger! I couldn’t have said it any better! I also agree wholeheartedly what you said to Anna. It’s hard to know which comment is directed to who here; very confusing, to say the least. I hope Jacob can rectify this issue in the very near future! It would appear he’s gaining quite a following since Geoff’s exposure, and it would be nice to know to whom the comments are being made to. Ron made a very good request when he encouraged us to name the person we’re commenting to. God bless you!

    • You have said, ‘you never overcome lust without fasting, prayer and applying the teachings of Jesus to your lives.’
      You are right. No one lives a perfect life, but you should have a CHANGED LIFE when you accept Christ as Saviour. If you continue in sin, there is a problem. No one is perfect, but is sorrowful when doing wrong. The holy spirit lets you know this. Without changing a behavior that is wrong and hurts many other people, after walking with the lord and there is not fruit or changed life, you have to wonder how dedicated that person is. To be leading others and not asking for prayer often about the repeated wrong in your life, is Not right, and deceiving. I have been praying for him and the people on that website.

    • Hi Blaze. You seem to be justifying your own behavior as evidenced by your defense of GG. Deflecting, rather than reflecting on what has happened. you seem bent on defending the sin and the sinner, more so than God’s Words. That is not a good thing.
      The big issue here is this:
      “This isn’t about forgiveness it is about Integrity, Honesty, and The Lord being discredited by a person who professes Him.
      2 Samuel 12:14 Howbeit, because by this deed thou hast given great occasion to the enemies of the LORD to blaspheme, the child also that is born unto thee shall surely die.
      No different here, David committed adultery and murder in one continuous event, he did not keep on keeping on, and David did not continue in his sins, he turned away, His other sin was numbering Israel.”
      Notice in ALL of those instances King David paid dearly for indiscretion.
      His letter to set Uriah in the heat of the battle, and back away was seen publicly by many, and was evidenced by Uriah’s death, and the subsequent death of the child.
      People were easily able to connect the dots publicly
      Just as the judge not lest ye be judged, is one of the most misapplied Scriptures so
      is this one’s partial use ( not the full Scripture )
      Let him that be without sin cast the first stone, yes The Lord did state that to that particular group, because casting those stones would have meant her death.
      Since The Lord Saw her heart, he knew that and that she would REPENT.
      What did Christ tell her? GO AND “SIN NO MORE”
      He DID NOT SAY go and sin some more.
      Look at the pastoral requirements:
      Tit 1:6 If any BE BLAMELESS, the husband of one wife, having faithful children not accused of riot or unruly.
      Tit 1:7 For a bishop MUST BE BLAMELESS, as the steward of God; not selfwilled, not soon angry, not given to wine, no striker, not given to filthy lucre;
      Tit 1:8 But a lover of hospitality, a lover of good men, sober, just, holy, temperate;
      Tit 1:9 Holding fast the faithful word as he hath been taught, that he may be able by sound doctrine both to exhort and to convince the gainsayers.
      1 Ti 3:1 This is a true saying, If a man desire the office of a bishop, he desireth a good work.
      1Ti 3:2 A BISHOP then “MUST BE BLAMELESS”, the husband of ONE WIFE vigilant, SOBER, of GOOD BEHAVIOR, given to hospitality, apt to teach ( questionable on teaching, EVERY THING ELSE DISQUALIFIES HIM. );
      1Ti 3:3 Not given to wine, no striker, not greedy of filthy lucre; but patient, not a brawler, not covetous;
      1Ti 3:4 One that “ruleth well his own house”, having his children in subjection with all gravity;
      1Ti 3:5 (For if a man know not how to rule his own house, how shall he take care of the church of God?)
      1Ti 3:6 Not a novice, lest being lifted up with pride he fall into the condemnation of the devil.
      1Ti 3:7 Moreover he must have a good report of them which are without; lest he fall into reproach and the snare of the devil.
      Lu 1:5 ¶ There was in the days of Herod, the king of Judaea, a certain priest named Zacharias, of the course of Abia: and his wife was of the daughters of Aaron, and her name was Elisabeth.
      Lu 1:6 And they were both righteous before God, WALKING IN ALL the commandments and ordinances of the Lord BLAMELESS.
      Hebrews 10:25 Not forsaking the ASSEMBLING of ourselves together, AS THE MANNER OF SOME; but exhorting one another: and so much the more, as ye see the day approaching.
      It is a weak response that we are weak as an excuse to sin…. No we sin because we choose to…. just like love is a choice….. some love their sin more so and are selfish thus they have made their sins their Idols.
      Some have said to me a few times in my life: “Why haven’t you become a preacher?”
      1. I do not meet all the qualifications for a pastor.
      2. God has not called me to be such, and because of #1 is why he has not.
      Seems some disobey God’s Words on those 2 issues.
      I spent 17 years in the navy on nuclear submarines, I got saved in my last 2 years before I got out. The chain of command has each one who is higher up the ladder of leadership being HELD to a higher standard over the junior men.
      We are The Lord’s Army.
      We are in a battle against the forces of darkness for the souls of men.
      To say otherwise is untrue.
      Jos 5:14 And he said, Nay; but as captain of the host of the LORD am I now come. And Joshua fell on his face to the earth, and did worship, and said unto him, What saith my lord unto his servant?
      Jos 5:15 And the captain of the LORD’S host said unto Joshua, Loose thy shoe from off thy foot; for the place whereon thou standest is holy. And Joshua did so.
      We are The Lord’s foot soldiers in this battle.
      Eph 6:10 Finally, my brethren, be strong in the Lord, and in the power of his might.
      Eph 6:11 Put on the whole armour of God, that ye may be able to stand against the WILES of the devil.
      Those who are saved have the power of God’s Holy Spirit within them
      That is UNLIMITED power
      Eph 6:11 Put on the whole armour of God, that ye may be able to stand against the wiles of the devil.
      Eph 6:12 For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places.
      Eph 6:13 Wherefore take unto you the whole armour of God, that ye may be able to withstand in the evil day, and having done all, to stand.
      Eph 6:14 Stand therefore, having your loins girt about with truth, and having on the breastplate of righteousness;
      Eph 6:15 And your feet shod with the preparation of the gospel of peace;
      Eph 6:16 Above all, taking the shield of faith, wherewith ye shall be able to quench all the fiery darts of the wicked.
      Eph 6:17 And take the helmet of salvation, and the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God:
      We can try and justify our actions, or inactions, but Do we justify ourselves over God’s Words? Sure we can, and we deceive ourselves, and think we can justify ourselves….
      There in is a great problem. What business does a man have who “God has to call”
      Becoming a preacher when one does not meet the requirements?
      They do not, just because one is ordained, does not make them a preacher.
      I believe in using Scripture as much as possible.
      Shortly after being saved I ran into someone who I knew in the navy. I asked them what was going on with them he was with his GF, and said: “I am getting out, and I am going to be a preacher.” I asked him: “Has God called you to be one?”
      Like a deer in headlights with a blank stare, no response, and seemed very confused by my question.

      A Preacher has placed himself under God’s authority and requirements of being in that position. If one was NOT BLAMELESS, then what business do they have becoming a Representative of The Most High. They are to be held to a higher Standard, just like King David was, and David paid dearly for it. Yet he was truly repentant.
      Yet the one of “who this article speaks of”; comes back with threats?
      1 Samuel 15:23 “For rebellion is as the sin of witchcraft, and stubbornness is as iniquity and idolatry.” Because “thou hast rejected the word of the LORD”, he hath also rejected thee from being king.

      Hebrews 12:4 Ye have not yet resisted unto blood, striving against sin.

      Hebrews 12:5 And ye have forgotten the exhortation which speaketh unto you as unto children, My son, despise not thou the chastening of the Lord, nor faint when thou art rebuked of him:
      This situation coming to light would not be such, if he was blameless.
      You seem bent of justifying yourself Blaze by defending the indefensible.
      In the navy we are called to have integrity, honesty, and accountability.
      Is not a pastor accountable to God and his flock for his behaviors.
      Should not The Lord’s Rod come down on him for being such which God likely never called him to, by his own admission of continuous sin he was disqualified before he ever started.
      He is neither honest, or accountable to anyone but himself, and has no integrity!
      Yes I will have many people write me off on this as unforgiving, no it is holding such a one to God’s Required Standard as a pastor.
      I have stood alone before, and been run out of churches because I called out their behaviors, but The Lord is always with me, and in His Presence I stand.
      Now this man has been saved 30 plus years…..
      Where is he? He will NOT be reproved or even receive doctrinal correction/
      Yes we ALL start out as Babes in Christ.
      Proverbs 22:6 Train up a child in the way he should go: and when he is old, he will not depart from it.
      Just like a child who reaches his terrible 2’s, and why is that? They can now walk and talk some so where as they cried in times past for their needs, now they think they can do what they want because they do not need mom or dad, or so they think.
      Proverbs 22:15 Foolishness is bound in the heart of a child; but the rod of correction shall drive it far from him.
      So God does likewise to His Babes:
      Heb 12:5 And ye have forgotten the exhortation which speaketh unto you as unto children, My son, despise not thou the chastening of the Lord, nor faint when thou art rebuked of him:
      Heb 12:6 For whom the Lord loveth he chasteneth, and scourgeth every son whom he receiveth.
      Heb 12:7 If ye endure chastening, God dealeth with you as with sons; for what son is he whom the father chasteneth not?
      Heb 12:8 BUT IF YE BE WITHOUT CHASTISEMENT, “whereof all are partakers”,
      Heb 12:9 Furthermore we have had fathers of our flesh which corrected us, and we gave them reverence: shall we not much rather be in subjection unto the Father of spirits, and live?

      Heb 12:10 For they verily for a few days chastened us after their own pleasure; but he for our profit, that we might be partakers of his holiness.
      Heb 12:11 Now no chastening for the present seemeth to be joyous, but grievous: nevertheless afterward it yieldeth the peaceable fruit of righteousness unto them which are exercised thereby.

      Proverbs is a real eye opener.

      1Co 9:26 I therefore so run, not as uncertainly; so fight I, not as one that beateth the air:
      1Co 9:27 But I KEEP UNDER MY BODY, and bring it into subjection: lest that by any means, when I have preached to others, I myself should be a castaway.
      I have real trouble when one will defend a man, and not God’s Words.
      I defended him many times too, but slowly his appearance has begun to unravel, I was reproved by another person, and I was shocked! I am grateful that they did such.
      Over the many years of being on NTEB my discernment has been honed more and more, by these very events.
      In the navy if any casualty, or violation of following operating procedures ( we had our own type of Bible for rules, chain of command, divisional responsibilities, the required watches and their jobs, casualty, and operating procedures for the whole submarine ) we had a debrief on what happened/ went wrong/ and those involved. No one was absolved of their responsibility or accountability. Yes some could have been a mere mistake, but most were neglect on a watch-stander’s part. Usually because they did not read the bill/ O.P. before and while performing such.
      Not greedy of filthy lucre ( money )
      Why must one ask for money on a constant basis? Seems a lot of the page is dedicated to that very issue. Seems he sounds a trumpet before his call to donate.
      I have to wonder how much of it is Corban, claimed to be dedicated to God, but for one’s personal use.
      A book store could very well be like the various charities which are like the lefts money laundering organizations, money comes in and is funneled elsewhere.
      Something that is a possible probability.
      Keep this in mind, a person who is right before God Will always stand.
      Esther 6:13 And Haman told Zeresh his wife and all his friends every thing that had befallen him. Then said his wise men and Zeresh his wife unto him, If Mordecai be of the seed of the Jews, before whom thou hast begun to fall, thou shalt not prevail against him, but shalt surely fall before him.
      Apply that to this situation.
      keep in mind Haman meant for the Jews to fall, if a man decries those who are righteous and discerning their own ways will come back on their head.
      Proverbs 1:17 Surely in vain the net is spread in the sight of any bird.
      Oh what a web we weave, when we practice to deceive.
      Those saying people who are decrying this man’s improprieties; does not make them satanic, or wicked in any way, and it shows how little one knows Scripture if they are stating such against a Brother or Sister in Christ.
      Have you ever wondered why Leprosy was made such an issue in the OT?
      Look at how it was treated, and a house that was found to contain it.
      Leprosy destroys the nerves ( cannot feel ) what The OT depicts physically with Leprosy is a representation of that which is Spiritual thru out, and very evident in the NT.
      Leprosy is to nerves ( and eventually will cause death, if left unchecked )
      As Sin is to our Morality. We were all lepers before we were saved, and our sins were constantly dulling our morality, and for some they are so dead morally they can never recover, as all they think of is doing wickedness ( Romans 1:28-32 )
      If we are in habitual sin, we have made it our Idol, and have not dealt with it between The Lord and ourselves, if we are publicly confessing those sins; that is a problem.
      Sure it makes them look like they are being honest, when in fact they are damaging The Body of Christ.
      Exodus 32:26 Then Moses stood in the gate of the camp, and said, Who is on the LORD’S side? let him come unto me. And all the sons of Levi gathered themselves together unto him.
      Did everyone come unto Moses? No they did not because they were in rebellion.
      This is not about defending a man, But standing up for The Body of Christ, and disciplining the one responsible for the damage, for by his own mouth and admission he should be held to a higher standard and because he is SO VERY VISIBLE.
      1Pe 4:17 For the time is come “that judgment must begin at the house of God”: and if it first begin at us, what shall the end be of them that obey not the gospel of God?
      1Pe 4:18 “And if the righteous scarcely be saved”, where shall the ungodly and the sinner appear?




      CON MEN DO.

      Putting faith in a man is sinking sand, you just may sink with them.
      Let EVERY man be a liar, only God and His Words are Truth.
      Only on The Rock of The Lord Jesus Christ can we have a sure foundation.
      I am known as Ron when I posted on NTEB.

        • Hi Sid.
          It may take a few days to e-mail you, as I am swamped with e-mails.
          Any reason why you could not ask those questions here?
          Please pray for our soul winning booth at the NYS fair until September 4th, 20 souls got saved the last 2 days, Praise and Thank The Lord, tomorrow is our turn to occupy the booth.
          God Bless You Sid!

    • It is not the sin, as much as it is the DECEPTION. Geoff needed to ask for our prayers, and not try to hide anything. We have all sinned. It is how you handle it that matters. Just my opinion. If Christ forgives, we definately need to do the same.

  • I remember him asking for donations for moving some random female down to fla back when I was listening to his stuff. I questioned why he was using go fund me because they are a godless organization. Then I caught a few lies/exaggerations in his posts and swore off his site. This frankly doesn’t surprise me, it actually confirms my suspicions. We all sin,but to be a teacher or a preacher you should be beyond reproach or step away. We should all pray for him .

  • Let’s parse this out, shall we?


    First of all Geoff, for those that didn’t know about https://winepressnews.com/2023/08/14/exclusive-geoffrey-grider-of-now-the-end-begins-exposed-as-a-sexual-criminal-and-predator-and-extortioner/ they do now!

    My comments are in RED.

    NTEB Responds To The Salacious Allegations Made By Jacob Thompson, Bryan Denlinger And Bruce Bridges Regarding ‘Criminal Misconduct’
    Salacious means ‘inappropriate interest in sexual matters’. So . . . are you saying Geoff that you are ‘butt-hurt’ your sexual sins have found you out? Is that what you are saying? Allegation means wrong doing without proof. So . . . are you saying the film you took on your phone that the police have as evidence is imaginary?

    I, more than most Christians, know the pain of falling repeatedly to the (pet) sin that so easily beset me, and the Lord has made NTEB a place for broken people to come to get in the word, get under the Blood and be made whole. Nice. Broken People, cuz . . . you think since you can’t control yourself, no one else can either. Uh, huh. Nice try Grider, nice try.
    As most of you know by now, Jacob Thompson and his minions like Bruce Bridges and Bryan Denlinger, have launched a ‘hit piece’ Geoff, a ‘hit piece’ is when someone makes a deliberate attempt to make someone look bad or at fault when its’ not true. WinePress article show proof on me and NTEB, and they have done their best to destroy me, No, no. No one is trying to destroy you, Geoff – you’re doing a mighty fine job of that all by yourself! my family and everything the Lord has given me. After much prayer, counsel with a trusted brother in the Lord, and consultation with a lawyer, good luck with that this is my response.

    “Who, when he was reviled, reviled not again; when he suffered, he threatened not; but committed himself to him that judgeth righteously:” 1 Peter 2:23(KJB) That’s what’s going on Geoff, we’re judging righteously. Reviled means to criticize abusively, angrily, or insultingly. No one has done that to you. FACTS were laid out – pure and simple. If you feel you are ‘suffering’ you brought it on yourself. What about all those people you’ve hurt? Hmmm??? Riddle me that. Threaten? You threatened to kill that lady! Geoff, do you need a dictionary? You seem to not be wholly well versed in vocabulary. Just sayin’ . . .

    To start with, that article is filled with outright lies doesn’t appear to be! It’s well supported! and a few scant, partial truths. Ummm, where’s the can? I need to . Geoff, have you been hanging around Kamala? Scant means barely sufficient or adequate. WinePress was wholly sufficient and adequate! Are you smoking something? Inquiring minds want to know. He has said many things about me that are absolutely, 100% not true. Like, what? I’ll wait . . . I will respond to those first. I am not a criminal, yes. you. are Geoff – yes you are! Just because you weren’t able to be arrested, charged, convicted and JAILED does not mean crimes were not committed. his term, on any level. I have never been charged or convicted of a crime on any level for fraud, extortion or of a sexual nature. Do you have comprehension issues? There was not a specific law on the books to charge you with for the sexual one. The fraud and extortion – you mean, not paying the ~ cool quarter million? They have liens for that and did so. That means, you are guilty. As for extortion, seems to me your perpetual misuse of funds apply – but hey, what do I know? I have never been arrested or detained on any of those things. Never. He didn’t say you did, Geoff, he said you committed those crimes, and you did! You absolutely did! To say those things as if they were so, when they clearly are not, is a lie. Geoff, you are the deceptive (creative) one here, and you know it! To publish an article claiming those things to be true, when they clearly are not, is something far worse. Worse for you, you mean.

    Jacob Thompson has stalked me for many years, (says you, and your credibility is shot) and now he’s harassing my family members, Harass means, aggressive pressure, intimidation. How is writing a well sourced article aggressive pressure? Intimidation means to threaten or frighten. That is what you did to that woman! You threatened to kill her! Most likely, your new bride is now ‘frightened’ of you. he contacted my daughter, so . . . contacting someone is somehow to be feared? Geoff, please – you are reaching. Besides, your fear of losing attention and coveted solicitations is showing. Just sayin’ and is terrorizing my wife How is writing a well sourced article terrorizing your wife? Seems to me, you’re doing a jam-up job of that all by yourself. Terrorize means to create and maintain instill extreme fear and distress. Do any of the authors live with her, bang on her house door? Terror would be by your behavior and you have a history of that to draw from. by impugning her reputation and character, Excuse me? Impugn means to dispute the truth, call into question. Ummm . . . y’all cohabited prior to marriage. How is that impugning? As for reputation and character, reputation reflects ones belief of / about another. Character means distinctive moral character. Lori Ann, like you, has portrayed herself as she wants to be viewed which doesn’t match her behavior. Nuff said about that. as well as inappropriately using images of our children! Did you adopt Lori Ann’s children, one of whom is legally an adult? There were no photos of your children. Who’s the monster here? You Geoff, you. My wife has been in tears ever since. A man who makes a woman cry is not worth the tears or her time. Ironically, he used to be a regular reader of Now The End Begins, you have lots of ‘used to be’s’ don’t you Geoff? They split when they get your ’number’. and one day he approached me and asked me, to help build me a site that, in his words, would be “just like NTEB”. I declined for obvious reasons, and that started a festering hatred that he has ever since maintained. Says you. Got any sources?

    If you look at the Winepress News, it’s pretty much a low-level carbon copy of NTEB, with little to no originality of any kind. No similarities, Geoff. You sure are mighty proud of yourself, aren’t you?

    When journalists are working on a story, they reach out to the person the article is about for a comment, to get their side of it. That’s what journalists do, that’s what NTEB does as well, we always reach out when we can for a statement. Kinda like what you stated above about him contacting your daughter? Over the years we have reached out to many of the people we have written about for a statement. Jacob Thompson did not do that. YOU claim one of the authors did in a prior paragraph! Why not? I am one of the easiest people in the world to contact, people can even book time with me. I can’t count the number of times a chat board participant has contacted you multiple times, to no avail. Jacob Thompson took a 5-year old incident report and turned it into a criminal conviction, his words, without ever once asking me if it was true or not. Geoff! Please pay attention! Jacob never stated anything about a conviction. The incident was criminal and the authorities stated there was nothing on the books at that time to convict. Have you taken leave of your senses? Why on earth would anyone who says they are a Christian do that? Because as a Christian, he is charged to call you out – that’s why! That is a complete and total lie, Police don’t take reports of lies Geoff. If the person making the report was lying, that’s an offense they could be arrested for! You filmed a woman in a compromising situation and she gave it to the police, yet you have the audacity to say it’s a lie? Come on Geoff! Belly up to the bar! You’ve exhibited you know how to do that! backed up by the incident report, and it’s yet the ‘glittering jewel’ in his article. And what a it is too. How preposterous. NOT preposterous. Preposterous means contrary to common sense, utterly absurd or ridiculous. You only wish those reading your tripe have no sense. Not buying what you’re attempting to sell. As for selling, you are quite the marketeer. NOT working. That incident was investigated, the prosecutor was called in to look at it, and they declined to move forward lacking any evidence that a crime had been committed. No, no Geoff. Can you not read? They didn’t move forward because of not having a law on the books that fit. The authorities never said evidence was lacking. Those are the undisputed facts of the case. Geoff, you are the only one disputing facts (also known as the truth( And that’s why Thompson refused to contact me, because I would have told him exactly what I am telling you, and it would have killed his story. No it wouldn’t Geoff. No doubt the authors of the well sources article prayerfully agonized over doing it to begin with. Hey Geoff, you really like to expose the wolves on your podcast – how does it feel? So he pretended it was a “scoop” and called it “investigative journalism”. Maybe this is why so few people visit his site. You mean like when you fudge numbers Geoff about your site monitor? Go kid your Grandma.

    Now, let me talk about that from a biblical perspective. 2018 was a watershed year for me, it was the year that I almost permanently lost my lifelong battle with alcohol, that being the year that I tried to commit suicide. Not because of anything related to the incident report but due to various reversals, disappointments and failures in my personal life. I had reached the end of my rope and lost the will or desire to continue. Please don’t think for a minute I am trying to gain your sympathy, because I am not. Yeah, ya are. You absolutely are! I have spoken about some of the events of 2018 many, many times on my decade-long radio program, and have used myself as a living testimony to God’s grace and mercy when it is absolutely undeserved. Oh honestly Geoff, you’ve done nothing of the kind and you know it! You do your level best to keep your duplicitous lifestyle under wraps. I did not, however, and will not bring anyone else into those conversation besides myself, as it would only hurt and not help anything.<—at least you got that part right. All those events, up to and including the night spoken of in the incident report, and well past it, were lifechanging for me. Ummm, maybe not. There is more than enough supporting documentation to condemn you. I got on my knees before God, confessed my many sins through many tears, and I turned to the only people who I could count on for help, my NTEB family. Keep telling yourself that Geoff. Thank God for my NTEB family. You mean the ‘family’ that has churned more than a toilet over the years? That family? Oh, OK then.

    How often should you forgive someone? As often as the Lord has forgiven you, and not one bit more. No one is saying anything about unforgiveness. But we are claiming . . . Ephesians 5:11-12 King James Bible

    Ephesians 5:11 – 5:12

    Now viewing scripture range from the book of Ephesians chapter 5:11 through chapter 5:12…
    Ephesians Chapter 5

    11 And have no fellowship with the unfruitful works of darkness, but rather reprove them.
    12 For it is a shame even to speak of those things which are done of them in secret.
    I wrote an article desperately asking for help and you guys graciously gave it to me. That financial help, and it was crystal-clear it was personal and not in any way ministry related, is what prevented me from a complete collapse of my entire living situation. In the 5 years since those days in August of 2018, I have done my best to “pay it forward” to any Christian who got into trouble and needed some help. Seriously Geoff, that’s highly debatable. So many times, you have ignored the pleas and needs of chat board participants and you know it. Speaking of that, here’s another irony for you. One of the people who are part of Jacob Thompson’s little group of smut purveyors is a person who received a cash donation from me when they posted a YouTube video saying they didn’t have money to pay for their heating bill. I sent him the money to turn his heat back on March 6th of this year. Well aren’t you being high and mighty? Let’s go by your yardstick for a moment Geoff. If that’s so, where’s the proof? Right now he’s calling me a “fake Christian”, but he sure didn’t return the money. So you tell me who the “fake Christian” is.<——YOU. That would be you, Geoff.

    Let me just conclude by saying this. Of the things I am accused of that I am actually guilty of – habitual drunkenness, occasional fornication and being sometimes a part of sinful conversations with consenting parties – are all are things that I have wept over, and put under the blood of Jesus Christ some time ago, prior to 2023, confessed to the LORD and then talked about on NTEB Bible studies, only when cornered (again only referencing myself as the offending party and no one else). I have not had a single sip of alcohol since August of 2018. Perhaps . . . but you’ve eaten it in the beans catered at the Camp Meetings It took me some time, however, up to parts of 2022 to fully win the battle with the flesh, but the Lord gave me the victory there as well. In 2023, the Lord has blessed me with the perfect wife and two amazing bonus children. And that has made people mad as well, they say I don’t deserve it, and guess what? I sure don’t! <—You got that right! But isn’t that the very definition of God’s grace? Seems to me you’re conflating grace and blessings, but since you could use a remedial on vocabulary . . . (and that had already been addressed) We call Now The End Begins the ministry of broken pieces, some may be broken, but you Geoff, are shattered and so we are, with me being the chief broken piece. Geoff, you are the Shattered Narcissist-In-Chief I, more than most Christians, know the pain of falling repeatedly to the sin that so easily beset me, and the Lord has made NTEB a place for broken people to come to get in the word, when you don’t ‘take liberties’ and there are far too many examples to list get under the Blood and be made whole. As for anyone I might have engaged in sinful conduct with, did they not also sin? Geoff, get it straight – ‘we’ are not the ones holding ourselves out there as a Pastor, you are. YOU will be held to a higher standard by God. Do you not realize that a) your sins will find you out, and b) you are under chastisement?

    "So when they continued asking him, he lifted up himself, and said unto them, He that is without sin among you, let him first cast a stone at her. And again he stooped down, and wrote on the ground. And they which heard it, being convicted by their own conscience, went out one by one, beginning at the eldest, even unto the last: and Jesus was left alone, and the woman standing in the midst.” John 8:7-9 (KJB) No one is casting stones at you, Geoff. We are rebuking you. Rebuke means disapproval of behavior.

    Jesus says that unless you are without sin yourself, to put the rock down. The “christians” who are now attacking me evidentially feel that doesn’t apply to them. You’re conflating again. Conflate means to mix two or more separate ideas into one. You are the only one doing that. It has been the battle of my life, because you love your pet sins! a battle in which the Lord continues to show me grace, mercy and healing. I now show that grace to others 7 days a week in the ministry of NTEB. We sponsor homeless shelters, shelters for battered women here in Saint Augustine, we have paid for many heat, water and power bills of single moms and single dads with kids, put food on the table for cancer patients, and have never once turned down a request for assistance since 2020. Supporting evidence? I have had phone calls at midnight from Christians battling alcohol, I take nearly every call, and do my best to help get them back on the wagon. I try to show them the grace and forgiveness that God has allowed me, in the hopes that they’ll get their miracle just as I got mine. They need to call upon The Lord, rather than you. You’re more likely to turn them into a drinking buddy.

    “Alexander the coppersmith did me much evil: the Lord reward him according to his works:” 2 Timothy 4:14 (KJB) Time will tell who rewards who, here.

    Jacob Thompson has called me a “proven fraud, extortionist and sexual criminal”, and none of those things are true. They are true. They exist only in his dark imagination. The only imagination at work here Geoff, is yours. Why would a man who calls himself a Christian publish lies about another man? He didn’t. It was well sourced and documented. I can only guess. But if I had to guess I would say Jacob Thompson and his friends are mad that the Lord didn’t kill me in 2018, 2019 or in anytime leading up to now. Oh honestly Geoff – drop the drama! I would guess that Jacob Thompson, looking at the millions of people visiting NTEB and not to his site, fills him with rage, anger and a desire to kill the thing he cannot have. That’s wishful thinking and a vivid imagination on your part. Just like Cain killed Abel. Jacob Thompson is so incensed that he doesn’t care if he drives my wife to tears, No – that would be you doesn’t care that he hasn’t the slightest shred of decency with including photos of my children again, did you adopt? in such a salacious (already addressed salacious at the beginning) piece, and is not only dragging my name through the mud your name is Mudd (get the Mudd story right – it’s Mudd, not mud) but is also dragging other people into it. YOU are the one dragging others into your deviancy! That’s not journalism, that’s demonic. You’re conflating again. I have reached out to my lawyer on the legality of someone publishing an article saying someone else is a criminal when they are not, attempting to ruin them, I believe it’s called libel, Geoff, do you need a class? Libel means publishing a false statement that is damaging to a person’s reputation; a written defamation. If an attorney takes the WinePress well sourced and documented article as a case, he has an idiot for a client! and he says there’s absolutely a case to be made. The only case is parting you from money you are likely to solicit from others. But I am praying it will not come to that. It’s my prayer that Jacob Thompson and his buddies will “come to themselves”, realize they are doing the work of Satan, and repent. He has more. Thanks for this article Geoff. He’s likely saving the good stuff for such a time as this. Waiting with bated breath. But looking at my wife’s tear-stained face makes me realize forgiving them might be the hardest thing I could ever do, I honestly hope I can one day. ‘They’ are not the problem here Geoff, you are! YOU are the cause of her tears! That’s what a Christian would do. In either case, my lawyer will be sending something out shortly. Let me pop some corn.

    For those of you who are longtime listeners to our programs, you know the things I have said about myself over the years as I battled with sin. You sure do like to ‘lord over’ others with theirs! Shoe is on the other foot now, isn’t it?

    I have not hidden in a closet by any stretch of the imagination. Highly debatable. Which ‘closet’ are you referring to? I have written very candid articles about my struggles and failures, when painted into a corner (like now) only to have people like Thompson attempt to attack me with information I have already shared. You never shared any of this stuff. If you had, Lori Ann wouldn’t be married to you. I have never portrayed myself as anything other than a filthy sinner in need of the grace of God. God gave me that, gave me the victory in Jesus Christ, and the Devil has raised up his army in objection. That’s ‘par for the course’ as I read my Bible. Don’t confuse spirtual attacks with chastisement, Geoff. They are not one in the same.

    "Brethren, I count not myself to have apprehended: but this one thing I do, forgetting those things which are behind, and reaching forth unto those things which are before, I press toward the mark for the prize of the high calling of God in Christ Jesus.” Philippians 3:13,14 (KJB) If you truly ‘forgot’ them, why’d you keep doing them?

    Finally my brothers and sisters, Now The End Begins is the Lord’s ministry, not mine, and He can do whatever He wants to do with it. He will. An old preacher once said “where He leads me I will follow, what He feeds me I will swallow.” Bitter pill.I love this ministry and our NTEB family with every, tiny bit of my sin-stained heart. I never quit in my personal battles, it’s almost as if you relish them and will always encourage others who are struggling to do the same. From my time in a wheelchair at 3, to being molested as a child at 12, becoming an alcoholic as a teen, all the way up to right now, I can testify that there is victory in Jesus! I finally got it and so can you. The ‘broken pieces’ of this ministry will see efforts of Thompson, Denlinger and Bridges for what they are, the work of Satan who only comes to seek, to kill and destroy. Those men are not doing the bidding of satan, Geoff – they are reproving you. Reprove means to reprimand! And to those of you who read this and feel the need to leave, I totally understand. Good thing! But I was put into this ministry by the Lord, and only the Lord can take me out. In the meantime, we will continue to labour here on the front lines of the end times for any and all who wish to labour with us. Will take a ‘pass’ – thanks though Mr. Grifter, I mean, Mr. Grider.

    If you are one of the ‘broken pieces’ this ministry has helped, please comment below. As if they won’t get deleted?! Who do you think you’re kidding? Now the end begins is where free speech goes to die!

    • NTEB – where free speech goes to die! How true. Free speech cannot exist there when every comment that is not supportive of or is questioning Grider is removed. Those comments were not vicious attacks as described, at least not those I read. Only someone who is guilty and trying to hide the facts would act in this manner. If you loudly proclaim you are not guilty, why not allow the link to Jacob’s article so that people can draw their own conclusions?

      • Howdy SBL, GG’s antics with free speech kinda resemble the methodology of the main stream media and we all should know what spirit controls the msm.
        Shalom Shalom, BuffaloBilly

      • Hello SweetBeulahland, so good to hear from you Sis! We are all in shock and never thought something like this would happen! The old saying Action speaks louder than words is so true!
        As you have said “Only someone who is guilty and trying to hide facts would act in this manner.” Exactly. I do pray somehow some good will come out of this, and I pray you are well. Right now I am afraid the NTEB family as was known is no more, and that makes us all cry. God bless you dear Sis. MARANATHA!!!!!!

        • I am so thankful that you are among the many on here that I have come to know who have the discernment to weigh the facts and come to the conclusion that actions speak louder than words and that the evidence in Jacob’s expose cannot be dismissed. I am so grieved for all those he has hurt, and I am grieved for Geoffrey and his refusal to accept responsibility for his decades long behavior. He blames anyone and everyone except himself. Sin is not committed in a vacuum. Sin destroys a Christian’s witness and impacts all who are touched by the sinner’s actions.

          I like what gotquestions.com has to say on the subject of Is Hate the Sin, Love the Sinner Biblical? “It is not loving to allow a person to remain stuck in sin. It is not hateful to tell a person he or she is in sin. In fact, the exact opposites are true. Sin leads to death (James 1:15), and we love the sinner by speaking the truth in love (Ephesians 4:15). We hate the sin by refusing to condone, ignore, or excuse it.”

          I am well, and I pray you are, too. Looking daily, sometimes hourly, for our Blessed Hope, being sure my armor is intact because the birth pangs are coming closer and closer! God bless you, sweet sister.

          • I also am grieved for all those involved. If there were boundaries crossed as far as not respecting that married women are off limits, there is clearly a problem right there. If he gained access to saved women through his ministry, and then abused their trust and was a stumbling block in their walk with the Lord, there is a problem there too. Yes, all involved fell into sin, but this habitual behavior of crossing that line repeatedly appears to have been easy for him. And a truly repentant individual would feel sorrow for those hurt, the women, husbands, children. But instead we’re hearing how all this coming to light is hurting HIS new family. Sorry that the consequences of living like this for decades doesn’t suit your timeline Geoffrey. The truth is you left a trail of other families damaged and kept on being the “host and Bible teacher” hypocrite through it all.

          • SBL, yes I am well. Just waiting each day to hear that final trumpet blast! The ones who have immediately left NTEB myself included, have all put
            God first. We know the word and what the Lord has to say about all of this. One can not sit in someone’s camp if they are in sin and refuse to re-
            pent and fess up. As for me and my house, we will serve the Lord. Amen! As a born again Christian we know our first loyalty is to the Lord, and He
            sure deserves it doesn’t He?! I pray the Lord’s “will” will be done here and that He will continue to minister to our hurting hearts right now. I pray
            the Lord continue to watch over you and bless you until we are called out of here! MARANATHA!!!!!!!

  • The women he led on, lied to and abused – some of them go back as far as a decade and these weren’t one time encounters. They lasted for months. In his article, he deflects any guilt. Had no problem ignoring I Thes 5:22 about the appearance of evil by moving an unmarried woman into his house (she’s just as much as fault as him), saying “God wanted him to help her”. God will never go against his own word (the word that he magnifies above all his name). He ignored everything presented on the misuse of money, not paying his taxes (Jesus paid taxes!) and failed to mention that although he couldn’t find the money to pay taxes for many years in a row, he reportedly found the $$ to pay for a new Jeep in cash a couple of years ago. This guy is raping God’s people out of their $$. I am convinced his father is the devil because he lies just like Satan.

  • I don’t see a single bit of Christian charity in this article. Despite anything Geoff Grider may have done, you only seem like you want to malign and destroy him and his ministry. Where is your spirit of forgiveness?

    • What does the spirit of forgiveness involve, Ron? Is it to look the other way when one commits grievous sin against us or another? Is it when someone wrongs you personally, you should pretend it didn’t happen? If a friend breaks your trust, are you required to continue to be their friend as part of the forgiveness? If a pastor or leader continously commits “occasional fornication”, must we continue to follow them as part of said forgiveness? If you want to keep giving money to this man, that’s your business. But the Lord has given us all a brain. As Christians, we should have a certain amount of God-given wisdom to understand if the Lord would want us to forgive and move on OR forgive and keep lining his pockets. I can forgive you if you choose to keep supporting him… after all, he has had “victory over the flesh” since the ages-old year of 2022. “Despite what Geoffry has done, you want to destroy him and his ministry”? Ron, when a man in ministry is committing sexual sins, him getting in trouble for it is not the fault of the one who brings it to light. That is the fault of the one who can’t control himself. He needs to be rebuked and held accountable. Brothers in Christ are absolutely called to do that, and it has nothing to do with the spirit of forgiveness. MEN are to hold themselves and other men to higher standards… to Biblical standards.

      • This is the best Biblical response so far. A man in leadership is called to be clean (not perfect). This has nothing to do with forgiveness. Are you going to stand before God and explain why you supported a man who lived in sin for more than a decade and did not think he should step away from preaching and teaching and get his own life in order and prove himself? That’s the Biblical way.

      • The people (Grider included) who are quoting Romans 7 as a means of justifying the habitual sins committed are disgusting. Uh, I don’t think Paul was routinely committing fornication and adultery, and grifting the body of Christ, and then prayed it away when he got caught, and then chastises anyone for not accepting his insincere apology.
        1 Corinthians 9:27 But I keep under my body, and bring it into subjection: lest that by any means, when I have preached to others, I myself should be a castaway.

        • Actually, if u keep reading in Corinthians, there is a man who had sex routinely with his fathers wife (step mom). He was RESTORED in the church after receiving discipline.

          • 1 Corinthians 5:2-6
            [2]And ye are puffed up, and have not rather mourned, that he that hath done this deed might be taken away from among you.
            [3]For I verily, as absent in body, but present in spirit, have judged already, as though I were present, concerning him that hath so done this deed,
            [4]In the name of our Lord Jesus Christ, when ye are gathered together, and my spirit, with the power of our Lord Jesus Christ,
            [5]To deliver such an one unto Satan for the destruction of the flesh, that the spirit may be saved in the day of the Lord Jesus.
            [6]Your glorying is not good. Know ye not that a little leaven leaveneth the whole lump?

            He was kicked out of the church apparently for a time. If he had been in the office of a deacon/pastor, would this not also have been the case?

          • Blaze, nobody is saying Geoffrey cannot be forgiven for his sins or that this situation cannot be made right! But with the Lord’s strength and help, Geoffrey must take responsibility and make this right, and he really is in no shape to he holding a pastor/leadership position. As per scripture, he has violated the qualifications for holding a church leadership position. Now is the time for him to fully face and admit to this pattern of habitual sin and receive that discipline. At the moment, he doesn’t seem to be doing that considering his less than apologetic attitude, defensive and annoyed sounding responses to anyone who challenges him, and refusal to address everything. But we can hope and pray that the Lord will use the shame and brokenness of this situation to bring about growth and change.

          • So what discipline has Grider gone thru? There’s been none. No time out getting his heart tight and proving over time that his repentance is real. No accountability to anyone. He’s just kept on doing what he is doing.

            On another note – He’s done nothing but prosper since 2018 while continuously living in immorality, been given tons of $$ w/no accountability, says God “gave” him a new studio, a new bookstore, a new Jeep, living in an expensive condo while many listeners live in poverty, and a new wife. Where’s the chastisement? Either God’s a liar or Grider isn’t saved. The Bible calls it being a bastard, because God chastises his children.

          • No he was not restored
            1Co 5:1
            ¶ It is reported commonly that there is fornication among you, and such fornication as is not so much as named among the Gentiles,
            that one should have his father’s wife.
            1Co 5:2
            And ye are puffed up, and have not rather mourned, that he that hath done this deed might be taken away from among you.
            1Co 5:3
            For I verily, as absent in body, but present in spirit, have judged already, as though I were present, concerning him that hath so done this deed,
            1Co 5:4
            In the name of our Lord Jesus Christ, when ye are gathered together, and my spirit, with the power of our Lord Jesus Christ,
            1Co 5:5
            To deliver such an one unto Satan for “the destruction of the flesh”, that the spirit may be saved in the day of the Lord Jesus.
            Show us you scriptural support he was restored, what you speak of is non-existent. Also show us step mom? You speak much without Scripture you sound just like the devil “Hath God Said” Yes he has, not Blaze.

          • Hey Jann! I do agree with Lydia, but I was actually agreeing with Charlton Heston. It is hard to tell who’s replying to who in this feed. Jewish Watchman warned me about Geoff a LONG time ago. I didn’t know what to believe at that time, but seems he was spot on.

    • Ron, one can only help another if they are honest and want prayer, support and help in getting right with God. It isn’t that people won’t forgive him. He just brushed it off like ‘now everything is okay.’
      He may fool many, but God knows his heart. If one has the spirit of God in them, they would not be content until they had remorse for wrong doing and honestly took it to another christian and got help in really making a change in their life. I don’t think a Christian could go on in sin, and just mention it and continue to have the same problem. Search the Word of God and see what a truly repentent heart is.

    • You used to be my best friend at NTEB. Now I cannot trust you. You have shown yourself to be part of the inner circle.

    • Ron Woughter, I know exactly who you are. You used to be my best friend at NTEB. But you chose to become part of Geoff’s inner circle rather than doing the right and honorable thing and parting ways with him. You’re guilty of aiding and abetting his corruption instead of calling him out on it.

    • Ron Woughter, to say that you don’t see a single bit of Christian charity in this article, is not correct. I didn’t hear anything about asking his flock to pray for him.
      The sin that was committed and seemingly on-going would have never been known had another brother brought it to attention. I never heard GG ask for prayer,
      before this article showed up on the website. If it was not revealed, we probably would have never known. This isn’t right, it is deceptive. I still don’t think he has
      asked for prayer. It is wrong to go forth in the position of a leader and not be totally honest with them. In all the bible stories I read, those that sinned were corrected
      by God. They changed their behavior. To not come truthful to those you shepherd is not right with God.
      It is not that people won’t forgive. It is that the full story has not come from the one that is leading, but is hidden with the full story not being known. How does one
      get past that? The confession was weak, and not wholly truthful. I feel that GG should have even taken a break and had someone else carry on with the website.
      The sin was just kind of pushed in the backround, and expected to be ignorred. I would expect a full article on what has been done to change ones behavior and
      asking for prayer, and being very sorry for monies misused. Don’t you think that would have been helpful? You can’t just push sin under the rug, and forget about it.
      It must be done in all sincerity, and I believe that it has just been brushed to the side. I don’t think this is pleasing to the Lord in the way it stands.
      I would have personally asked forgiveness for everyone that gave to the ministry. I think of some of the leaders after Christ’s death, in the same position.
      I don’t think it would be a small thing. They may have stepped down for a time and let another (like Timothy) carry on until all was right with God.
      I will continue to pray. There was such a good family in all that shared on NTEB. This is damaged, and I don’t see GG doing anything much to help in the matter.
      Instead, it has been pushed under the rug. If God is in NTEB ministry, it will continue when the leadership steps up and LEADS. I don’t see that, and it is what should
      happen. If God is in it, it would and will happen. If I am wrong, I would like to know so. God Bless all.

  • Jacob, Griders article yesterday was meant to intimidate you (and others) from uncovering/posting more of his hypocrisy (which should be done because he’s taking peoples hard earned money and has no financial accountability imo) as my guess is there is much more out there, and he knows that. Im sure this whole episode will only lead more women to contact you with their Grider stories, and Grider is afraid of that therefore the veiled threat of a lawsuit. As was reported with the mafia threat, he reportedly likes to threaten those who challenge his hypocrisy, as he did with the gentleman who made a video exposing him (asking him to come down to St Augustine to meet face to face).

    I might add that even though there was not a criminal case brought against Grider for the videotaping, there STILL COULD BE A CIVIL CASE. I’m not advocating that as it’s always best to follow scripture 100% (1 Corinthians 6). God is the best judge, but Grider should understand that he’s not in a position to be threatening people with lawsuits. That can go both ways- especially with someone with his money raising prowess (lawyers salivate ay that). Also, the secular courts don’t look too fondly on a “Pastor” to begin with, let alone one who is taking in large sums of money while living a double life and one who is ripping the NWO on his website, so he should know that he could be sued by many women as well and he should be more humble and take responsibility for his sins an not lash out and play the victim card. Many of us are disappointed at the constant scandal and hypocrisy of those in positions of Christian influence, and it is our job to expose them (Ephesians 5:8-12).

    Lastly, has anyone else found it odd that some random Christian website/podcaster guy gets an endorsement from Rush Limbaugh! Was featured on the daily show, and has his office featured on the local news. Controlled opposition? Are a lot of these guys (Ruckman included/ Grady, etc) nothing more than controlled opposition brought in to hurt the KJB cause. I’ve learned a lot from Ruckman but the facts are his fruit is rather rotten (including what his son did) and him constantly calling people idiots and that type thing. Constantly talking like that is being disobedient to scripture (see Colossians 4:6).

  • Thank you for this news, I have been reading NTEB since 2014 (OFF and ON) never gave any donations due to different beliefs on different subject matters. GG has the nerves to constantly call out LGBT for sexual deviance and and misconduct but he is doing the same things equally that the Bible condemns?? Yeah he never talked about the freemasonry or synagogue of Satan there is a lot of red flags with him. Also seems to think God gave the satanic bankers of this world all the wealth and money because he thinks they’re God’s people when they’re not. He’s nothing but a disgrace!

    • Typical of idolaters. Despite the clear evidence presented, you are still in denial that Grider is a false brother and deceiver. You’re the one who needs to repent concerning this, not Jacob. Pray to the Lord to have your eyes and ears opened, and that you may take heed. The Bible says the truth again and as always with this issue:

      2 Corinthians 6:1-10
      1 We then, as workers together with him, beseech you also that ye receive not the grace of God in vain. 2 (For he saith, I have heard thee in a time accepted, and in the day of salvation have I succoured thee: behold, now is the accepted time; behold, now is the day of salvation.) 3 Giving no offence in any thing, that the ministry be not blamed: 4 but in all things approving ourselves as the ministers of God, in much patience, in afflictions, in necessities, in distresses, 5 in stripes, in imprisonments, in tumults, in labours, in watchings, in fastings; 6 by pureness, by knowledge, by longsuffering, by kindness, by the Holy Ghost, by love unfeigned, 7 by the word of truth, by the power of God, by the armour of righteousness on the right hand and on the left,

      8 by honour and dishonour, by evil report and good report: as deceivers, and yet true; 9 as unknown, and yet well known; as dying, and, behold, we live; as chastened, and not killed; 10 as sorrowful, yet alway rejoicing; as poor, yet making many rich; as having nothing, and yet possessing all things.

      • I know you get it, brother. A lot of his followers and donors have written to me saying they are cutting off occasion from him. The evidence is clear and his response incriminated himself, but he is too stupid realize it. At this rate with all the prating he keeps doing in the comment section, all he is going to do is drive away more people because he has a hardened and impenitent heart (Romans 2:4).

        • Acts 8 speaks of Simon, who professed belief, but in reality his conversion was false. A TRUE Christian travels a different path
          Notice Simon was worried about his current affair but did NOT pray to the Lord himself for repentance.

          2 Corinthians 5:17 (KJV) Therefore if any man [be] in Christ, [he is] a new creature: old things are passed away; behold, all things are become new.

          Acts 8:21-23 (KJV) 21 Thou hast neither part nor lot in this matter: for thy heart is not right in the sight of God. 22 Repent therefore of this thy wickedness, and pray God, if perhaps the thought of thine heart may be forgiven thee. 23 For I perceive that thou art in the gall of bitterness, and [in] the bond of iniquity.

          Yes, sexual sin will get you. Proverbs 6:26-27 (KJV) 26 For by means of a whorish woman [a man is brought] to a piece of bread: and the adulteress will hunt for the precious life. 27 Can a man take fire in his bosom, and his clothes not be burned?

          I do not usually opine but the KJV of the Bible has much to say.
          Take your argument up with God.

        • Howdy Blaze, You continue to focus on sexual sin. Did you bother to read the other issues about GG that were in Jacob’s article? This is more about a man who discovered the “cash cow” that Christians can be. Why else did GG have so many fundraisers and even continue to move the goalposts up with some of them. Who paid for his pre-marital vacation on the cruise ship? They are not cheap! Where did the bucks come from for GG to buy a new jeep. We are looking at $20,000 to $30,000 dollars here. They too aren’t cheap. His living accommodations in St. Augustine were very expensive. How does one maintain a ministry and afford all of these luxuries? Why are all these luxuries necessary as they certainly don’t appear to be Biblical in nature? What I am ascertaining from the article and the many, many posts is that GG is no different than the crowd like T.D .Jakes, Benny Hinn, Joel Osteen, Kenneth Copeland, Creflo Dollar, Paula White, and the many others of their ilk. They all prey upon the generosity of their “followers” (we are supposed to follow Jesus) to sustain their lucrative lifestyles. Yet, you friend, continue to focus on the sex aspect. Perhaps your obsession with sex is your own issue that you need to deal with. I believe that if you took more time to read the article and posts rather than just react to them, you would find that no one is making anything up… that the only fiction currently on this site is what you manufacture. Kindly, BuffaloBilly

          • Yes, it is continuous on G.G.’s part. Yet he is very quick to point out the errors of many of the false teacher/preachers you have mentioned. He isn’t very forgiving in my humble opinion. When you point out others sin and wrong doing, but are guilty yourself, it is not brotherly love on his part either.

          • //Who paid for his pre-marital vacation on the cruise ship? They are not cheap! Where did the bucks come from for GG to buy a new jeep. We are looking at $20,000 to $30,000 dollars here.//

            Yes Blaze, we are all waiting for an answer.

          • Another excellent post, Bro! It’s sunny and warm here today, as I glance heavenward every now and again with eager anticipation. Not gone yet; still here! One of these days, we won’t be!

          • I always thought there could be a problem that Geoff didnt have anyone overseeing those funds he had access to!he had a good thing going for him, and then the truth came out! Funny thing goff really exposed himself when he wrote that article about this site, lol thats when i went to investigate and i seen the facts!

    • Calling out sin when it needs to be exposed, when it’s hurting people is not horrible. This man preys on women who go to him for help and has been doing it for more than a decade. He doesn’t pay his taxes. He poses as a godly man while living in sin. What do you think Godly men should do if they find out and try to talk to him but he refuses to acknowledge anything? People have tried for years from what I am reading.

  • 1 Tim. 3:3 This is a true saying, If a man desire the office of a bishop, he desireth a good work. 2 A bishop then must be blameless, the husband of one wife, vigilant, sober, of good behaviour, given to hospitality, apt to teach; 3 not given to wine, no striker, not greedy of filthy lucre; but patient, not a brawler, not covetous; 4 one that ruleth well his own house, having his children in subjection with all gravity; 5 (for if a man know not how to rule his own house, how shall he take care of the church of God?) 6 Not a novice, lest being lifted up with pride he fall into the condemnation of the devil. 7 Moreover he must have a good report of them which are without; lest he fall into reproach and the snare of the devil.

    He does not meet the qualifications of a bishop. This has nothing to do with forgiveness. This man have a decades-long history of sexual immorality, drunkenness and money issues (256K tax liens). God can forgive anything, but he being in a position of authority has nothing to with forgiveness. This man should resign and get in a good church with a pastor, be accountable to someone and get his life in order and prove himself that there has been a change. Being involved to sexual immorality for so long indicates he has some deep problems. He also has lied over and over. He refuses to be accountable to anyone.

    Godly men should call out sin when they see it. He played the victim card with his article. He refused to talk about the fact that he victimized women and make things right with them. He went after vulnerable women – people who came to him for counseling and he exploited them. He has been recycling messages over and over. He totally disregarded the Bible about abstaining from appearance of evil having Lori move in with him. Defended it as God’s will – when will God tell you to do something against his Word? Never. He is totally unrepentant. That spirit alone should tell you all you need to know.

  • No true man of God would risk his integrity and reputation, nor that of a female companion, by disobeying the command to “abstain from all appearance of evil” (1 Thessalonians 5:22) by having a woman who’s not his wife live at his home. A righteous man would have sought out an appropriate living arrangement for the woman elsewhere so neither could be accused of indecent conduct pertaining Godliness, lest reproach be brought upon the name of Christ. That alone (although it does not stand alone) should suffice for Grider to be deemed disqualified from his self-proclaimed ministry…at least for those who concern themselves with truth and honoring God.

    • Hi Sherl.
      A man who is to be a preacher has his Qualifications laid out in God’s Words Timothy and Titus
      Tit 1:6 If any BE BLAMELESS, the husband of one wife, having faithful children not accused of riot or unruly.
      Tit 1:7 For a bishop MUST BE BLAMELESS, as the steward of God; not selfwilled, not soon angry, not given to wine, no striker, not given to filthy lucre;
      Tit 1:8 But a lover of hospitality, a lover of good men, sober, just, holy, temperate;
      Tit 1:9 Holding fast the faithful word as he hath been taught, that he may be able by sound doctrine both to exhort and to convince the gainsayers.
      1 Ti 3:1 This is a true saying, If a man desire the office of a bishop, he desireth a good work.
      1Ti 3:2 A BISHOP then “MUST BE BLAMELESS”, the husband of ONE WIFE vigilant, SOBER, of GOOD BEHAVIOR, given to hospitality, apt to teach ( questionable on teaching, EVERY THING ELSE DISQUALIFIES HIM. );
      1Ti 3:3 Not given to wine, no striker, not greedy of filthy lucre; but patient, not a brawler, not covetous;
      1Ti 3:4 One that “ruleth well his own house”, having his children in subjection with all gravity;
      1Ti 3:5 (For if a man know not how to rule his own house, how shall he take care of the church of God?)
      1Ti 3:6 Not a novice, lest being lifted up with pride he fall into the condemnation of the devil.
      1Ti 3:7 Moreover he must have a good report of them which are without; lest he fall into reproach and the snare of the devil.
      He does not have his house in good order and is far from being blameless.
      God Bless You Sheryl!

  • 2 Timothy 3 This know also, that in the last days perilous times shall come.

    2 For men shall be lovers of their own selves, covetous, boasters, proud, blasphemers, disobedient to parents, unthankful, unholy,

    3 Without natural affection, trucebreakers, false accusers, incontinent, fierce, despisers of those that are good,

    4 Traitors, heady, highminded, lovers of pleasures more than lovers of God;

    5 Having a form of godliness, but denying the power thereof: from such turn away.

    6 For of this sort are they which creep into houses, and lead captive silly women laden with sins, led away with divers lusts,

    7 Ever learning, and never able to come to the knowledge of the truth.

  • The focus of comments seems to be on the sexual sins. Don’t forget Jacob’s first article about God speaking directly to GG, conversational-style with audible words and sentences. I guess whenever GG said something about God telling him this or that I interpreted it as he heard God’s still small voice that we all hope to hear. I didn’t quite realize the fullness of GG’s actual supposed conversations with God – as though he were a prophet of old, himself, until Jacob spelled it out, literally.
    This is written mostly for those defending GG’s sins of immorality on the basis of God’s grace. Sure, I am all for forgiving, and leaving it to God. But GG came into my house via the airwaves and DELUDED me, silly me, into believing he had actual conversations with God! What was I thinking? Well, I knew better, and thought he MEANT that still soft voice. But no, it SEEMS as if he meant to delude us in many ways, including financially. He has made himself a public figure. And teachers for sure are held to a higher accountability. He himself publically denounces false prophets and immoral pastors, etc. My bottom line intentions is to help others pull the wool from their eyes. My prayers are that GG actually repents and actually truly apologizes for the sins revealed this week. He needs to apologize to his “congregation.” Sadly though, if he is a true narcissist, that is unlikely to happen. Still, through the grace and power of God, may Geoffrey stop deflecting, defending, excusing, blaming, etc.
    He will be in our prayers. Mine, at least!

  • 2 Timothy 3:6
    “For of this sort are they which creep into houses, and lead captive silly women laden with sins, led away with divers lusts,”

    Please pray for the children involved. They didn’t have a choice here.

  • Can we just clear something up really quick?

    Extortion: To extort is to use information or the threat of violence (mafia will kill you) to acquire cash or something else (a ride home from a bar). Threats of violence (mafia) and blackmail (uploading onto Facebook videos without consent) are probably the two most popular ways to extort a person.

    Crime: 2: a grave offense especially against morality (#2 of 4) Webster Dictionary
    Types of Crimes.
    Sentencing law generally defines three types of crimes: (1) felonies, (2) misdemeanors, and (3) infractions.

    From the article: On that same August day, Grider was charged with a “non-forcible sex offenses” count, and a “first degree misdemeanor” for “sexual cyberharassment.”

    From the police report:

    Charge Number

    Charge Degree
    Charge Level
    General Offense Code
    ̈ Hate Crime
    ̈ Domestic Violence
    Charge Description
    Charge Number
    Charge Degree
    Charge Level
    General Offense Code
    ̈ Hate Crime
    ̈ Domestic Violence
    Charge Description

    I never saw where anyone accused Grider of being arrested.

  • Let’s not forget that he is an ACTOR!!! I stopped listening to him in 2018 after his post begging for money due to a personal reason. Very sad.

    • Hi Scott.
      An actor…. an interesting fact about the definiton
      noun: hypocrisy; plural noun: hypocrisies
      the practice of claiming to have moral standards or beliefs to which one’s own behavior does not conform; pretense.
      “his target was the hypocrisy of suburban life”

      Middle English: from Old French ypocrisie, via ecclesiastical Latin, from Greek hupokrisis ‘acting of a theatrical part’, from hupokrinesthai ‘play a part, pretend’, from hupo ‘under’ + krinein ‘decide, judge’.
      Hypocrisy is a derivative of acting, as an actor pretends to be what one IS NOT.

  • I thought long about even posting but feel the following should be brought forth. I for one, as a KJV Bible believer and pastor, am grateful for the unveiling of anyone who professes to be a teacher/preacher of the Gospel that is out committing open sin and collecting donations with little to no transparency. This is NOT about forgiveness but about TRUST and integrity.

    How soon we all forget what the Lord has written, 1 Corinthians 5:11 (KJV)
    But now I have written unto you not to keep company, if any man that is called a brother be a fornicator, or covetous, or an idolater, or a railer, or a drunkard, or an extortioner; with such an one no not to eat.

    1 Corinthians 5:12-13 (KJV) 12 For what have I to do to judge them also that are without? do not ye judge them that are within? 13 But them that are without God judgeth. Therefore put away from among yourselves that wicked person.

    Now we all have been enlightened to what is going on so let those who remain at NTEB be responsible for not being wise fruit inspectors.

    Now there was a sin committed in Corinth whereby a brother had relations with his “fathers wife.” 1 Corinthians 5:5 (KJV) To deliver such an one unto Satan for the destruction of the flesh, that the spirit may be saved in the day of the Lord Jesus.

    What did Paul say? 1 Corinthians 3:16-17 (KJV) 16 Know ye not that ye are the temple of God, and [that] the Spirit of God dwelleth in you? 17 If any man defile the temple of God, him shall God destroy; for the temple of God is holy, which [temple] ye are.

    1 Corinthians 6:9-11 (KJV) 9 Know ye not that the unrighteous shall not inherit the kingdom of God? Be not deceived: neither fornicators, nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor effeminate, nor abusers of themselves with mankind, 10 Nor thieves, nor covetous, nor drunkards, nor revilers, nor extortioners, shall inherit the kingdom of God.

    11 And such were some of you: but ye are washed, but ye are sanctified, but ye are justified in the name of the Lord Jesus, and by the Spirit of our God.

    My intent is not to preach to the choir but relate to what the KJB says, 1 Corinthians 6:18-20 (KJV) 18 Flee fornication. Every sin that a man doeth is without the body; but he that committeth fornication sinneth against his own body. 19 What? know ye not that your body is the temple of the Holy Ghost [which is] in you, which ye have of God, and ye are not your own?

    20 For ye are bought with a price: therefore glorify God in your body, and in your spirit, which are God’s.

    We are all called to be ministers and teachers and ambassadors of Christ. 1 Corinthians 4:1-2 (KJV) 1 Let a man so account of us, as of the ministers of Christ, and stewards of the mysteries of God. 2 Moreover it is required in stewards, that a man be found faithful.

    Not only found faithful but allowed to reprove,2 Timothy 4:2 (KJV)
    Preach the word; be instant in season, out of season; reprove, rebuke, exhort with all longsuffering and doctrine.

    1 Corinthians 6:3 (KJV)
    Know ye not that we shall judge angels? how much more things that pertain to this life?
    Ephesians 5:11 (KJV)
    And have no fellowship with the unfruitful works of darkness, but rather reprove [them].

    And lastly while we examine the evidence let us be reminded of what God hates, Proverbs 6:16-19 (KJV) 16 These six [things] doth the LORD hate: yea, seven [are] an abomination unto him: 17 A proud look, a lying tongue, and hands that shed innocent blood, 18 An heart that deviseth wicked imaginations, feet that be swift in running to mischief, 19 A false witness [that] speaketh lies, and he that soweth discord among brethren.

    Strive to be what a TRUE Christian is and do the works as time is short. Speak to your neighbors about being saved, win the lost, hand out Bibles and tracts, attend a local assembly of believers if possible, pray without ceasing and prepare for the Judgment seat of Christ.

    Keep a short sin account 1 John 1:7-9 (KJV) 7 But if we walk in the light, as he is in the light, we have fellowship one with another, and the blood of Jesus Christ his Son cleanseth us from all sin. 8 If we say that we have no sin, we deceive ourselves, and the truth is not in us. 9 If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just to forgive us [our] sins, and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness.

    Hebrews 4:13 (KJV)
    Neither is there any creature that is not manifest in his sight: but all things [are] naked and opened unto the eyes of him with whom we have to do.

  • Geoffrey Grider has denied most of what you have uncovered in the article above. Since it is so much info, could you provide proof for any of the churches that you mention he was kicked out of or asked to leave? I only want to get to the truth of the matter, not that I don’t trust what you are saying but I want to confront Geoff with the truth. He is being utterly defensive in his posture before his listeners (and donors) with a hard impenetrable heart and he is denying most of what you have said. If you can provide the proof that he was kicked out of these churches we will have him, caught in a lie. I cannot verify (and neither could most of those who have listened and entrusted him with their money) any of the accusations of his sexual misconduct with so many different women so I will focus only on what I can call him out on. Thank you for your help. WE must defend the TRUTH. I am extremely put off by Geoff’s lack of repentance in fact LYING about being involved when he has been CAUGHT. I want a public apology ON AIR and I want to see that he has repented. That’s our job as Christians, to confront the brethren.

    • The pastor I spoke to said he wishes to remain anonymous, so if he changes his mind then I will disclose that. That being said, I will say that it is a Baptist church in Grider’s backyard, basically.

    • James D. There has been a woman posting on NTEB often for the last year, and when this story broke, she came out defending him. A few hours into it, and she is nowhere to be found. She works for a Police Dept. and I assume she verified the legal documents shown in this article. You have made some very valid points, and I believe many agree with you.

      • Thought about that too.
        This is so sad for so many people. NTEB was like having close friends that you just hadn’t met yet. I’m wondering about Ron….
        Take care!

  • Denise,this is so heartwrenching! All I know is God will not bless a ministry that dosn’t honor God unless they repent and turn from this evil! i was bamboozled, but God has exposed NTEB! God is bringing the truth out! I have to say im shocked and had I not investigated these accusations I would possibly have believed Gefforys response! The dates are very telling and Geffory doesnt give God much credit about his drinking and instead he gives credit to aaa! Yes we all have problems in our flesh but when you are the leader you should be above reproach and in the fish bowl so to speak! God wants us to be good stewards with his money and who we support! Geof certainly knows the language of the Bible and I pray for him and i pray he really is a saved sinner but with all this only God and Geoffrey know that answer! I will never trust Geoffrey again so Im leaving that site. God tells us to come out from among them 11cor 6:17 ! God is allowing all this and He makes no mistakes! We must keep praying for them!

  • I have been around NTEB more years than most, and I’ve probably been banned by Geoff more than most because of my audacity to rebuke his false teachings over the years. I am not giving my screen name (avatar) to which most know me by for the purposes of being on Jacob’s site for obvious reasons as you will note below.

    When I received Jacob’s revelations via a friend through email, I cannot describe the disgust I had. I wasn’t disappointed or really surprised to learn this info because I’ve known for years that Geoffrey is not the man he works so hard to portray. He is a deceiver and has always been a deceiver. I could go into all my research and the file I have accumulated on him over the years, but there is not the time nor space to do so.

    So instead of preaching to the choir, I decided to act. The first thing I did was contact Rapture Ready and gave them the link to Jacob’s article and Geoffrey’s response. The reason I first went to Rapture Ready is because almost daily for years, their daily news postings would link to Geoffrey’s site. I expressed my concern that in linking to NTEB, immature believers, those new in the faith, would not yet have the discernment skills needed to determine truth from fiction. I also prayerfully asked that they evaluate the information and that they reconsider linking to his site so that they were in no way tainted by this scandal.

    Then, I contacted WayMaker, the Christian crowd sourcing site that Geoffrey uses, that shows OVER $1 million dollars has been raised for NTEB and asked them also to evaluate the information and consider withdrawing their support so that their Christian witness, also, would not be tainted by this scandal. I did not bother going to GoFundMe because it is not a Christian organization.

    You, too, can make your voices heard at these two organizations.

    The next thing I did was re-join Twitter, and sure enough, there was Geoffrey spinning his voodoo. Oh poor pitiful him. I asked him why did he seek ordination when he was involved in sexual sin and drunkenness. I also asked him why were there pastors in his area who have stated that they threw him out of their congregations for his sexual predatory actions. His response? He blocked me. He also blocked another Twitter user who was in agreement with me and with whom I shared several comments. Yesterday, I read that Elon Musk was removing the blocking feature. LOL, I should have waited a few days before confronting Geoff on Twitter. I have since deleted my Twitter account because I had accomplished the goal for which I was there.

    I am happy to see some of you I’ve known for a while on here expressing your concerns about Geoff’s character (or should I say lack of character?). At least you are not blind and have not the cult-like mentality of those supporting Geoffrey. I wonder how many of those supporters have read Jacob’s expose since Geoffrey deleted every comment that dared question him? I know I posted the link to Jacob’s article, and it was immediately taken down, and no, I was not one of the “vicious” attacks. All I asked was that the link stand so people could have both sides of the story before drawing any conclusions, certainly the biblical way.

    Geoff revealed he was here on this site when he posted the following:

    “Not your plastic ‘j’esus
    August 20, 2023 at 6:18 pm
    And you should crawl back in the hole you dug for yourself. You can’t write lies and run my family through the mud and think you’re not going to reap percussions. It’s not just us you’re coming against. But what do I know? I’m just a hypocrite condoning sin..
    Keep on telling jokes and pointing that finger though mister righteousness, We’ll see who makes a better mattress salesman..

    Such a Christ-like attitude, no? Geoff is suffering from a mental illness. That illness has a name. It is called SIN.

    • Well said. Rapture Ready will refuse to publish. Grider is good buddies with the owner. Someone who also knows the owner contacted the guy directly and asked if he would be willing to publish, and he explicitly said that he refuses to do so. They are just as guilty of covering it up. What do they know that we don’t?

      • Howdy Jacob, Are you speaking of Terry James? Isn’t his ministry called Rapture Ready? I always thought that Terry James was a stalwart Believer and uncompromising.
        Kindly, BuffaloBilly

        • I also contacted Rapture Ready and left an email asking them to speak to Geoff about this situation. No one answered me. Even if they did not wish to confront him, why not answer that email and tell me so?

          • Someone who knows the owner personally contacted him in advance about my report and he told his person that he “refuses” to publish my piece. Grider and this Strandberg guy are buddies, so go figure…

      • I contacted rapture ready about posting his cocky pride filled articles some of which are outright lies like the 5 cadets from West point that he posted DIED..from a overdose…they did not die, and they ignored me. I’m a little disappointed in rapture ready for continuing to host him.

    • Thank you SW, I also just emailed WayGiver and voiced my concerns. As a victim of sexual and religious abuse myself, this whole situation is extremely upsetting to me. I’ve had knots in my stomach for days over it, trying to stay in the word and in prayer but I can’t stop thinking about Lori and the kids. Being married to a religious narcissist is a scary thing.

      • Elise,
        How heartbreaking that you had to go through sexual and religious abuse. I can imagine that this has brought your wounds to the surface. In this Grider case I only feel for the innocent children because I heard that Lori Anne knew that she would be living with him before she left Maine. She brought her children into this situation. There had to have been other options. Even Grider could have moved out temporarily and let her have his place. She could have used the money she got from her GoFundme to find something temporary. It was over $5,000 that she received according to the article. I’m sure Grider didn’t hold a gun to her head. Prayers for the children.

    • You pretty much laid it out here. It’s sad, but as our Bible say “…….and be sure your sins will find you out.” Numbers 32:23 KJV
      I tried listening to Geoffrey’s podcasts; just couldn’t get into them and now I know the reason.
      However, I have been a reader of his articles for over 10 years, but sadly, I’m finished with NTEB, there is just too much evidence pointing to him not being a true leader of the flock.

    • That’s the behavior of a narcissist. They NEVER think they are at fault. They play the victim at all times and never have
      a conscience about their behavior. The prisons are full of them. It’s pretty sad, but the truth is out now.

  • Both NTEB and this Winepress should be avoided by born again Christians. NTEB for sexual immorality and fraud and the Winepress for not believing in the Trinity!

    • This is from Winepress statement of Faith/The word trinity is not in the King James Bible

      The Godhead
      When God created man, he created them after his image and likeness (Gen 1:26-27, 2:7, 5:1-3). Man has a body, soul, and spirit (1 The 5:23; Gen 2:7; Heb 4:12). The Bible teaches that God is one person (Job 13:7-8; Heb 1:1-4). This one person consists of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Ghost (1 Joh 5:7; 2 Cor 13:14; Mat 28:19). The Father is the soul of the Godhead, the Son is the body, and the Holy Ghost is the spirit. They all make up the one person of Jesus Christ (Col 2:9; Rom 1:18-25; 2 Cor 2:10).

      Souls and spirits are invisible and cannot be seen: the same is for the Father and the Spirit (Joh 1:18, 4:24; 1 Tim 1:17, 6:13-16); and the Father and the Spirit dwell in the body, similitude, flesh, and form of God, the Son (Col 2:9, 1:13-20; Jam 3:9; 2 Cor 4:4; Phi 2:5-11; 1 Tim 3:16).

      This one God, Jesus Christ, is all-powerful (Rev 19:16; 1 Tim 6:13-16; Col 1:16-18), all-knowing (1 Joh 3:20; Psa 147:4-5; Mat 10:29-31), and is everywhere at once (Psa 139:7-10; Pro 15:3; Joh 3:13). He is eternal and everlasting (Rev 1:8; 1 Tim 1:17; Job 36:26).

      Jesus Christ is the Creator God, and all things were created by him and for him (Col 1:15-17; Joh 1:1-3; Col 3:10; Eph 3:9; Rev 4:11).

      We believe Christians should not make imagery of who he is, and doing so is sin (Act 17:29-30; Rom 1:20-25; Exo 20:3-6).
      Colossians 2:9
      For in him dwelleth all the fulness of the Godhead bodily.

      Acts 17:29
      Forasmuch then as we are the offspring of God, we ought not to think that the Godhead is like unto gold, or silver, or stone, graven by art and man’s device.

      Romans 1:20
      For the invisible things of him from the creation of the world are clearly seen, being understood by the things that are made, even his eternal power and Godhead; so that they are without excuse:

    • James, I don’t know what you mean, or what comment I made that you are replying too.
      I really hope that I didn’t offend you in any way. Maybe people should put the little…// // sign of what the person said, that they are replying to.
      I am sure not happy about what has happened. I don’t think God is either.

  • No matter the circumstances we find ourselves in, at all times our behaviour and speech should be that which becomes a true Christian. That doesn’t mean you can’t speak the truth, but it needs to be done with the right spirit and for the glory of God, not to prove a point or win an argument. God is the ultimate judge and we can trust that whatever he brings to pass is right.

    I am going to assume everyone here is saved and that means we’re spending eternity together. I may not agree with everyone on everything, but I really do love my brothers and sister in Christ and pray for everyone involved. Contention absolutely breaks my heart. I hate it!

    Ephesians 6:12 For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places.

    • Amen, my sister. Two things that are required. Mark 12:30-31 (KJV) 30 And thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy mind, and with all thy strength: this [is] the first commandment. 31 And the second [is] like, [namely] this, Thou shalt love thy neighbour as thyself. There is none other commandment greater than these.

      The Devil loves chaos and infighting. Resist the devil and he will flee.

    • Hello Sister Tag! I am heartbroken as so many are right now. So much enjoyed the wonderful fellowship and reading everyone’s opinions on the end time issues at hand. I will greatly miss you until the final trumpet blasts! May the Lord richly bless you dear Sister and pray your new hip has you running a marathon LOL! Much love in Christ. MARANATHA!!!!!!!

      • Hi Tag, I agree with Standingfirm. Praying your hip is all good, and that baby Beckham is doing better each day. May the Lord take care of this whole NTEB situation for everyone’s good and for His glory! It is in His hands!

        • Thank you Loretta & Standing Firm. Doing good, healing fast and thankful to be out of 24/7 pain! Beckham is doing really well.

          My heart breaks over this whole situation and I prayed this morning specifically to say only the words God wants, to have a right spirit and to handle everything regarding this situation as he would have it, that would bring honor and glory to Him. One day we’re all gonna stand before him and give an account for every word and decision. This situation is so hard in many ways and as hurt SO many people, the last thing of us need to do is say things to make it worse. I am asking God to help me judge righteously, to have mercy and grace, but at all times that I would do everything according to His will and not my own. God is forgiving, no question about that. but he gave us NT commandments and we have to do things according to what he said. We can’t ignore his Word because we love someone. If we truly love them, the best thing for them is be submitted to that Book and it’s commands, to have a right spirit.

          I love you, my dear sisters, and pray we see each other face to face soon!

          • Tag, great to hear you and Beckham are doing well! I am keeping you both in my prayers for continued healing. You are a great encourager and a beautiful person inside and out.

        • Hi J, I like the upvote feature too. I hope all is well with you. I see on NTEB that the attendance is WAY down on the comments.
          It’s too bad, but that’s what happens sometimes when someone steps out of line with God. Blessings to you and hubby, R.

    • Amen Tag. This is the time to hold fast and strong with our Lord. If we listen to the spirit within us, he will lead us unto truth, and what to do in difficult situations.

      • HI Gary. I told Ron a while back that I wondered why you haven’t been posting your songs and comments for quite
        a while, so I guess your discernment worked before ours did. ha We will continue to pray for him because it is sad
        that this has happened. A sign of the times, I suppose. Deceit is running rampant these days. Blessings to you and
        your family and new little granddaughter.

        • Hi Char, this is the main reason why I had slowed down with my comments, , I just couldn’t come out and say, cause I didnt’ have the proof that we are seeing now.
          If i came out and said all this back then , I would have been blacklisted instantly. I decided to let God stay in control, I knew He would take control of the matter in His timing.
          Praying for the ones still there for discernment and for them to wake up to the truth.

          God bless you too Char–and the grandbabies are twins, a boy and a girl

  • Hi Blaze. You seem to be justifying your own behavior as evidenced by your defense of GG. Deflecting, rather than reflecting on what has happened. you seem bent on defending the sin and the sinner, more so than God’s Words. That is not a good thing.
    The big issue here is this:
    “This isn’t about forgiveness it is about Integrity, Honesty, and The Lord being discredited by a person who professes Him.
    2 Samuel 12:14 Howbeit, because by this deed thou hast given great occasion to the enemies of the LORD to blaspheme, the child also that is born unto thee shall surely die.
    No different here, David committed adultery and murder in one continuous event, he did not keep on keeping on, and David did not continue in his sins, he turned away, His other sin was numbering Israel.”
    Notice in ALL of those instances King David paid dearly for indiscretion.
    His letter to set Uriah in the heat of the battle, and back away was seen publicly by many, and was evidenced by Uriah’s death, and the subsequent death of the child.
    People were easily able to connect the dots publicly
    Just as the judge not lest ye be judged, is one of the most misapplied Scriptures so
    is this one’s partial use ( not the full Scripture )
    Let him that be without sin cast the first stone, yes The Lord did state that to that particular group, because casting those stones would have meant her death.
    Since The Lord Saw her heart, he knew that and that she would REPENT.
    What did Christ tell her? GO AND “SIN NO MORE”
    He DID NOT SAY go and sin some more.
    Look at the pastoral requirements:
    Tit 1:6 If any BE BLAMELESS, the husband of one wife, having faithful children not accused of riot or unruly.
    Tit 1:7 For a bishop MUST BE BLAMELESS, as the steward of God; not selfwilled, not soon angry, not given to wine, no striker, not given to filthy lucre;
    Tit 1:8 But a lover of hospitality, a lover of good men, sober, just, holy, temperate;
    Tit 1:9 Holding fast the faithful word as he hath been taught, that he may be able by sound doctrine both to exhort and to convince the gainsayers.
    1 Ti 3:1 This is a true saying, If a man desire the office of a bishop, he desireth a good work.
    1Ti 3:2 A BISHOP then “MUST BE BLAMELESS”, the husband of ONE WIFE vigilant, SOBER, of GOOD BEHAVIOR, given to hospitality, apt to teach ( questionable on teaching, EVERY THING ELSE DISQUALIFIES HIM. );
    1Ti 3:3 Not given to wine, no striker, not greedy of filthy lucre; but patient, not a brawler, not covetous;
    1Ti 3:4 One that “ruleth well his own house”, having his children in subjection with all gravity;
    1Ti 3:5 (For if a man know not how to rule his own house, how shall he take care of the church of God?)
    1Ti 3:6 Not a novice, lest being lifted up with pride he fall into the condemnation of the devil.
    1Ti 3:7 Moreover he must have a good report of them which are without; lest he fall into reproach and the snare of the devil.
    Lu 1:5 ¶ There was in the days of Herod, the king of Judaea, a certain priest named Zacharias, of the course of Abia: and his wife was of the daughters of Aaron, and her name was Elisabeth.
    Lu 1:6 And they were both righteous before God, WALKING IN ALL the commandments and ordinances of the Lord BLAMELESS.
    Hebrews 10:25 Not forsaking the ASSEMBLING of ourselves together, AS THE MANNER OF SOME; but exhorting one another: and so much the more, as ye see the day approaching.
    It is a weak response that we are weak as an excuse to sin…. No we sin because we choose to…. just like love is a choice….. some love their sin more so and are selfish thus they have made their sins their Idols.
    Some have said to me a few times in my life: “Why haven’t you become a preacher?”
    1. I do not meet all the qualifications for a pastor.
    2. God has not called me to be such, and because of #1 is why he has not.
    Seems some disobey God’s Words on those 2 issues.
    I spent 17 years in the navy on nuclear submarines, I got saved in my last 2 years before I got out. The chain of command has each one who is higher up the ladder of leadership being HELD to a higher standard over the junior men.
    We are The Lord’s Army.
    We are in a battle against the forces of darkness for the souls of men.
    To say otherwise is untrue.
    Jos 5:14 And he said, Nay; but as captain of the host of the LORD am I now come. And Joshua fell on his face to the earth, and did worship, and said unto him, What saith my lord unto his servant?
    Jos 5:15 And the captain of the LORD’S host said unto Joshua, Loose thy shoe from off thy foot; for the place whereon thou standest is holy. And Joshua did so.
    We are The Lord’s foot soldiers in this battle.
    Eph 6:10 Finally, my brethren, be strong in the Lord, and in the power of his might.
    Eph 6:11 Put on the whole armour of God, that ye may be able to stand against the WILES of the devil.
    Those who are saved have the power of God’s Holy Spirit within them
    That is UNLIMITED power
    Eph 6:11 Put on the whole armour of God, that ye may be able to stand against the wiles of the devil.
    Eph 6:12 For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places.
    Eph 6:13 Wherefore take unto you the whole armour of God, that ye may be able to withstand in the evil day, and having done all, to stand.
    Eph 6:14 Stand therefore, having your loins girt about with truth, and having on the breastplate of righteousness;
    Eph 6:15 And your feet shod with the preparation of the gospel of peace;
    Eph 6:16 Above all, taking the shield of faith, wherewith ye shall be able to quench all the fiery darts of the wicked.
    Eph 6:17 And take the helmet of salvation, and the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God:
    We can try and justify our actions, or inactions, but Do we justify ourselves over God’s Words? Sure we can, and we deceive ourselves, and think we can justify ourselves….
    There in is a great problem. What business does a man have who “God has to call”
    Becoming a preacher when one does not meet the requirements?
    They do not, just because one is ordained, does not make them a preacher.
    I believe in using Scripture as much as possible.
    Shortly after being saved I ran into someone who I knew in the navy. I asked them what was going on with them he was with his GF, and said: “I am getting out, and I am going to be a preacher.” I asked him: “Has God called you to be one?”
    Like a deer in headlights with a blank stare, no response, and seemed very confused by my question.

    A Preacher has placed himself under God’s authority and requirements of being in that position. If one was NOT BLAMELESS, then what business do they have becoming a Representative of The Most High. They are to be held to a higher Standard, just like King David was, and David paid dearly for it. Yet he was truly repentant.
    Yet the one of “who this article speaks of”; comes back with threats?
    1 Samuel 15:23 “For rebellion is as the sin of witchcraft, and stubbornness is as iniquity and idolatry.” Because “thou hast rejected the word of the LORD”, he hath also rejected thee from being king.

    Hebrews 12:4 Ye have not yet resisted unto blood, striving against sin.

    Hebrews 12:5 And ye have forgotten the exhortation which speaketh unto you as unto children, My son, despise not thou the chastening of the Lord, nor faint when thou art rebuked of him:
    This situation coming to light would not be such, if he was blameless.
    You seem bent of justifying yourself Blaze by defending the indefensible.
    In the navy we are called to have integrity, honesty, and accountability.
    Is not a pastor accountable to God and his flock for his behaviors.
    Should not The Lord’s Rod come down on him for being such which God likely never called him to, by his own admission of continuous sin he was disqualified before he ever started.
    He is neither honest, or accountable to anyone but himself, and has no integrity!
    Yes I will have many people write me off on this as unforgiving, no it is holding such a one to God’s Required Standard as a pastor.
    I have stood alone before, and been run out of churches because I called out their behaviors, but The Lord is always with me, and in His Presence I stand.
    Now this man has been saved 30 plus years…..
    Where is he? He will NOT be reproved or even receive doctrinal correction/
    Yes we ALL start out as Babes in Christ.
    Proverbs 22:6 Train up a child in the way he should go: and when he is old, he will not depart from it.
    Just like a child who reaches his terrible 2’s, and why is that? They can now walk and talk some so where as they cried in times past for their needs, now they think they can do what they want because they do not need mom or dad, or so they think.
    Proverbs 22:15 Foolishness is bound in the heart of a child; but the rod of correction shall drive it far from him.
    So God does likewise to His Babes:
    Heb 12:5 And ye have forgotten the exhortation which speaketh unto you as unto children, My son, despise not thou the chastening of the Lord, nor faint when thou art rebuked of him:
    Heb 12:6 For whom the Lord loveth he chasteneth, and scourgeth every son whom he receiveth.
    Heb 12:7 If ye endure chastening, God dealeth with you as with sons; for what son is he whom the father chasteneth not?
    Heb 12:8 BUT IF YE BE WITHOUT CHASTISEMENT, “whereof all are partakers”,
    Heb 12:9 Furthermore we have had fathers of our flesh which corrected us, and we gave them reverence: shall we not much rather be in subjection unto the Father of spirits, and live?

    Heb 12:10 For they verily for a few days chastened us after their own pleasure; but he for our profit, that we might be partakers of his holiness.
    Heb 12:11 Now no chastening for the present seemeth to be joyous, but grievous: nevertheless afterward it yieldeth the peaceable fruit of righteousness unto them which are exercised thereby.

    Proverbs is a real eye opener.

    1Co 9:26 I therefore so run, not as uncertainly; so fight I, not as one that beateth the air:
    1Co 9:27 But I KEEP UNDER MY BODY, and bring it into subjection: lest that by any means, when I have preached to others, I myself should be a castaway.
    I have real trouble when one will defend a man, and not God’s Words.
    I defended him many times too, but slowly his appearance has begun to unravel, I was reproved by another person, and I was shocked! I am grateful that they did such.
    Over the many years of being on NTEB my discernment has been honed more and more, by these very events.
    In the navy if any casualty, or violation of following operating procedures ( we had our own type of Bible for rules, chain of command, divisional responsibilities, the required watches and their jobs, casualty, and operating procedures for the whole submarine ) we had a debrief on what happened/ went wrong/ and those involved. No one was absolved of their responsibility or accountability. Yes some could have been a mere mistake, but most were neglect on a watch-stander’s part. Usually because they did not read the bill/ O.P. before and while performing such.
    Not greedy of filthy lucre ( money )
    Why must one ask for money on a constant basis? Seems a lot of the page is dedicated to that very issue. Seems he sounds a trumpet before his call to donate.
    I have to wonder how much of it is Corban, claimed to be dedicated to God, but for one’s personal use.
    A book store could very well be like the various charities which are like the lefts money laundering organizations, money comes in and is funneled elsewhere.
    Something that is a possible probability.
    Keep this in mind, a person who is right before God Will always stand.
    Esther 6:13 And Haman told Zeresh his wife and all his friends every thing that had befallen him. Then said his wise men and Zeresh his wife unto him, If Mordecai be of the seed of the Jews, before whom thou hast begun to fall, thou shalt not prevail against him, but shalt surely fall before him.
    Apply that to this situation.
    keep in mind Haman meant for the Jews to fall, if a man decries those who are righteous and discerning their own ways will come back on their head.
    Proverbs 1:17 Surely in vain the net is spread in the sight of any bird.
    Oh what a web we weave, when we practice to deceive.
    Those saying people who are decrying this man’s improprieties; does not make them satanic, or wicked in any way, and it shows how little one knows Scripture if they are stating such against a Brother or Sister in Christ.
    Have you ever wondered why Leprosy was made such an issue in the OT?
    Look at how it was treated, and a house that was found to contain it.
    Leprosy destroys the nerves ( cannot feel ) what The OT depicts physically with Leprosy is a representation of that which is Spiritual thru out, and very evident in the NT.
    Leprosy is to nerves ( and eventually will cause death, if left unchecked )
    As Sin is to our Morality. We were all lepers before we were saved, and our sins were constantly dulling our morality, and for some they are so dead morally they can never recover, as all they think of is doing wickedness ( Romans 1:28-32 )
    If we are in habitual sin, we have made it our Idol, and have not dealt with it between The Lord and ourselves, if we are publicly confessing those sins; that is a problem.
    Sure it makes them look like they are being honest, when in fact they are damaging The Body of Christ.
    Exodus 32:26 Then Moses stood in the gate of the camp, and said, Who is on the LORD’S side? let him come unto me. And all the sons of Levi gathered themselves together unto him.
    Did everyone come unto Moses? No they did not because they were in rebellion.
    This is not about defending a man, But standing up for The Body of Christ, and disciplining the one responsible for the damage, for by his own mouth and admission he should be held to a higher standard and because he is SO VERY VISIBLE.
    1Pe 4:17 For the time is come “that judgment must begin at the house of God”: and if it first begin at us, what shall the end be of them that obey not the gospel of God?
    1Pe 4:18 “And if the righteous scarcely be saved”, where shall the ungodly and the sinner appear?





    Putting faith in a man is sinking sand, you just may sink with them.
    Let EVERY man be a liar, only God and His Words are Truth.
    Only on The Rock of The Lord Jesus Christ can we have a sure foundation.
    I am known as Ron when I posted on NTEB.

    • Amen Ron, very poignant comments. Great point about leprosy as a type of sin in the Bible. And you’re absolutely right about con men who love to keep telling you who/what they are. “I’m a real nice/humble/fill-in-the-blank virtue/ guy” is generally the first clue they are definitely NOT, and merely trying to convince others (and themselves?) that they possess those qualities…. Instead of just BEING that way and letting their actions speak for themselves. Thank the Lord for giving us discernment.

      Matthew 7:20 –
      Wherefore by their fruits ye shall know them.

      • Hi Elise.
        I was there a long time, but slowly my discernment was unraveling, then someone posted about this issue with a link to here.
        And a person confronted me via e-mail reproving me, for which I am glad, unlike the person we are speaking of will not be reproved on anything.
        He continues on as if nothing happened, what person does that, and censors any biblical post, such as Skywatche60, and Christian Soldier, and DeniseC’s ( whom I have been friends with in Christ, since NTEB’s inception ) who commented. Behaving just like the KGB, silence all dissent, allow no questions, provide no answers, only allow “good comrades” who stand on his side to post.
        He has done much damage to The Body of Christ, he will either find God’s Rod coming down heavy handed, and I say that because; he really hasn’t repented, just sorry for himself he got caught.
        And if he is unsaved; well The Lord’s punishment is far worse than a Rod of Correction. Myself I am glad I am under His Rod if, and when I need it, but I like staying Rod free, as we all do who love Him.
        I just wished it had never happened, but the hour is late, and mammon seems to the god of many… 2 men stood over a rich man’s coffin, and 1 asked the other; “How much did he leave?”
        The other man responded; “All of it, all of it!”
        God Bless You Elise!

    • Hi Ron, so good to see you posting here. You are a very wise man. I read through your post but will do so again more carefully when I get home. I have always wanted to tell you I think you are a true gentleman as you always made a point to respond to my posts when I responded to yours, and you are always very encouraging to all. I also want to say to you and to anyone who reads this, that after I read Geoffrey’s article, I immediately defended him before doing my due diligence and reading the article by Jacob, because I held Geoff up to such a high degree I did not think it was necessary. Then, a day later, after I started reading some of the comments on the NTEB board, I decided I must read Jacob’s article, even though I did not want to. What I found was shocking and astounding, and unbelievable. I was deeply hurt, as so many at NTEB are, because the NTEB family has been shattered into a million pieces. The Body of Christ has definitely been damaged. There will most certainly be a void in many people’s lives and hearts as they realize the man behind the microphone was not the one they thought he was. I don’t think I’ll ever be able to fully comprehend how a person who seemed so close to the Lord could be living that kind of a life. I would have never dreamed it in a million years. Anyway, I just wanted to say all that, and I know there are people that are reeling from all this like I am. When I pray about it, I can hardly find the words. God bless you, Ron.

      • Hi Loretta.
        I am glad to see you posting here too. Praise and Thank The Lord for His Gifts to us! Thank you for the complements, may I always glorify The Lord, as it is about Him, not us. The Lord is so good to us, sadly some take advantage of that, but He Sees it all. I always try to be a gentleman, The good part of me is From the Lord, my flesh is not so. I can hardly wait to dump this clay lump I forgot to ask for the extended warranty at 50, 65 and fading. Sister do not beat yourself up over defending GG, as I did the same, and when I got back to my inbox I had 2 e-mails about this very thing. 1 reproving me, the other as a have you seen this? Well I went back on NTEB and took down my defense of him post, and have not posted since, and I will not be e-mailing him, as I have done much in the past, and he mostly never responds and has shown he will never be Biblically corrected, or reproved in any manner. This has hurt me too, as I am a man of peace, but my navy background has made me stand against such things. Sadly I keep getting more and more e-mails about his indiscretions. I talked to Geri Ungerean on the phone, and another, and more e-mails than I can keep up with. Maybe he is like Judas he talks the walk but doesn’t walk the walk when no eyes are upon him. Even the other 11 disciples were taken in by Judas. You shall know them by their fruit, if we lived nearby we might be able to see what his life consists of. Show me his personal checkbook ledger and like my pastor says and so do I; it will show where one’s priorities lie. Oh the web we weave when we first practice to deceive.
        Proverbs 1:17 Surely in vain the net is spread in the sight of any bird. Be kind to yourself, The Lord has got this…. and He Saw it from the beginning of eternity.
        You said: “When I pray about it, I can hardly find the words.” Same here, as I tend to forget so I ask Holy Spirit to pray for me in that moment when I am short for words.
        Ro 8:26 Likewise the Spirit also helpeth our infirmities: for we know not what we should pray for as we ought: but the Spirit itself maketh intercession for us with groanings which cannot be uttered.
        Ro 8:27 And he that searcheth the hearts knoweth what is the mind of the Spirit, because he maketh intercession for the saints according to the will of God. Thank you for your encouragement, I know how the OT prophets felt, but unlike them I have not been killed yet, and even if I was I would be with The Lord in the next instant.
        God Bless You Loretta!

        • Ron, the Navy helped to build your integrity, and the Lord gave you a great sense of humor! I was looking for the Romans 8:26-27 verses; thanks for that. My heart hurts, and I’m sure many others are hurting as well. Nevertheless, I will never let go of Jesus. Soon and very soon, we are going to see the King! God Bless You and your family!

          • Hi Loretta.
            Sorry for the late reply. I celebrated my 27th anniversary yesterday with my wife Nancy.
            Humor the best medicine next to The Lord Jesus Christ.
            Proverbs 17:22 A merry heart doeth good like a medicine: but a broken spirit drieth the bones.
            We all need it as we suffer from:
            PTIS ( Post Traumatic Insanity Syndrome )
            It wears you down and out because we have a sane mind and cannot abide insanity.
            A good laugh counters that insanity…. and it gets more and more insane with each passing day.
            Well I hope I can always give you a laugh… here are some good ones:
            PARAPROSDOKIANS are figures of speech in which the latter part of a sentence is unexpected.

            1. Where there’s a will, I want to be in it.
            2. Since light travels faster than sound, some people appear bright until you hear them speak.
            3. If I agreed with you, we’d both be wrong.
            4. War does not determine who is right – only who is left.
            5 Knowledge is knowing a tomato is a fruit. Wisdom is not putting it in a fruit salad.
            6. They begin the evening news with ‘Good Evening,’ then proceed to tell you why it isn’t.
            7. To steal ideas from someone is plagiarism. To steal from many is called research.
            8. In filling in an application, where it says, ‘In case of emergency’ –
            notify: I put ‘DOCTOR.’
            9. I didn’t say it was your fault, I said I was blaming you.
            10. Women will never be equal to men until they can walk down the street with a bald head and a beer gut, and still think they look sexy.
            11. Behind every successful man is his woman. Behind the fall of a successful man is usually another woman.
            12. A clear conscience is the sign of a bad memory.
            13 I used to be indecisive. Now I’m not so sure.
            14. Nostalgia isn’t what it used to be. Nor is there any future in it.
            15. Change is inevitable, except from a vending machine.
            16. Going to church doesn’t make you a Christian any more than standing in your garage makes you a car.
            17. Finally: I’m supposed to respect my elders, but it’s getting harder and harder for me to find one
            18. I am not arguing with you, I am explaining why you are wrong
            Ron is slow, but he is older than most, and younger than some, and I surely do hope I do not reach those elders ages, nothing against them, I am tired of being abused by my own body LOL!
            God Bless You Loretta!

          • Hi Ron, congrats on 27 years with Nancy! I have been married for a little longer, 35 years to the same man, so these are definitely milestones for both of us being married that long in this day and age! Love the paraprosdokians, (I’m sure I’ll never remember that word lol) I had a good laugh when I read them at lunch today! You are right, it definitely does get more insane in this world by the minute it seems, and it definitely is wearing me down, no joke! It’s all good though, and we live and learn and carry on! Hope you have a very blessed weekend!

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