“States Parties recognize WHO as the guidance and coordinating authority of international public health response during public health Emergency of International Concern and undertake to follow WHO’s recommendations in their international public health response,” a part of the propose treaty reads.

This report was first published on February 10th. New information has been added.

On March 30th Robert Redfield, the former CDC Director under the Trump administration, was a guest on the Trinitarian Broadcasting Network’s (TBN) “CenterPoint,” where he provided an ominous and affirmative warning that the “next pandemic” would be that of an avian bird flu that would be highly transmissible and extremely deadly.

The host for CenterPoint, Doug McKelway, asked Mr. Redfield about the future and life after Covid. He said, “Based on what you have learned from the pandemic, what can we apply to future pandemics which will surely come down the pike, perhaps more than ever because it is a crowded planet? We’re getting on airplanes which are constantly traversing the world, thousands of them everyday, which are then petri dishes intermingling in continents.”

Redfield had this to say:

Yeah I think we have to recognize – I’ve always said that I think the Covid pandemic was a wakeup call. I don’t believe it’s the great pandemic.

I believe the great pandemic is still in the future, and that’s going to be a bird flu pandemic for man. It’s gonna have significant mortality in the 10-50% range. It’s gonna be trouble.

And we should get great prepared for it. I do believe the pandemic risk is a greater risk of the national security of the United States more than [North] Korea, China, Russia, Iran; and we ought to start investing proportional to that national security risk so that we’re prepared.

Unfortunately we’re not more prepared today then when the [Covid-19] pandemic, when I was [the] CDC Director. And we need to make proportional investment so that we are prepared, not the least of which is enhancing our manufacturing capability.

So now that we have new technology like the mRNA technology: it’s great that I can make a vaccine in 2, 4, 6, 8 weeks. But it doesn’t help me if I can’t manufacture 330 million doses.

So, this is a serious issue. I don’t think our politicians are focused on the magnitude of this issue. This needs to be approached with a budgetary perspective measured in multiple aircraft carriers, not in the 5, 8,10 million dollar budget we spend on public health on this nation.

Redfield warned

Redfield’s interview can be viewed below:

Since The WinePress reported on Redfield’s statements almost one year ago, fears of an avian flu have inconsistently and lightly permeated the mainstream media, with reports of some individuals contracting bird flu and evolved variants in China and around the world. Furthermore the CDC declared the allegedly current bird flu outbreak being felt in the U.S. and around the world is the worst ever in history, which has therefore been the alibi as to why egg prices continue to skyrocket at the store.

There are now talks of creating a new vaccine to combat this outbreak – something The WinePress had speculated would eventually happen either in chicken or other livestock.

SEE: Former CDC Director Redfield Warns The ‘Great Pandemic’ Of Bird Flu Is ‘Going To Happen.’ UPDATE 10: Outbreak Declared Worst Ever. WHO Discusses New Vaccine This Year

Dr. Joseph Mercola, for example, citing The WP for this, has also concurred with our theories:

WHO Warns Of Bird Flu Outbreak

In relative terms, only a minute few have heard Redfield’s warnings. But now the World Health Organization is sounding the alarm on bird flu.

During a media briefing on February 8th, WHO Director-General Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus warned about the rising tide of bird flu around the world.

According to him there have now been confirmed cases of H5N1 avian influenza strains in land and amphibious creatures other than birds. He says the current risk to humans is “low,” but still says the world must remain vigilant in monitoring this potential threat. Wherefore Tedros stated “we must prepare for any change in the status quo,” and that vaccines and antivirals will be ready and provided “for global use” if need be.

Tedros said this concerning the bird flu outbreak:

Over the past few weeks there have been several reports of mammals including minks, otters, foxes and sea lions having been infected with H5N1 avian influenza. 

H5N1 has spread widely in wild birds and poultry for 25 years, but the recent spillover to mammals needs to be monitored closely. 

For the moment, WHO assesses the risk to humans as low. 

Since H5N1 first emerged in 1996 we have only seen rare and non-sustained transmission of H5N1 to and between humans. 

But we cannot assume that will remain the case, and we must prepare for any change in the status quo. 

As always, people are advised not to touch or collect dead or sick wild animals, but to report them to the local authorities. 

WHO is working with national authorities and partners to monitor the situation closely, and to study cases of H5N1 infection in humans when they occur. 

WHO’s global laboratory network, the Global Influenza Surveillance and Response System, identifies and monitors strains of circulating influenza viruses, and provides advice to countries on their risk to human health and available treatment or control measures. 

WHO recommends countries strengthen surveillance in settings where humans and farmed or wild animals interact. 

WHO is also continuing to engage with manufacturers to make sure that if needed, supplies of vaccines and antivirals would be available for global use. 

Interestingly enough, there appears to already be a new antiviral candidate in the works to specifically combat H5N1.

On December 1st, 2022 CoCrystal Pharma Inc. published a press release discussing the results of their first stage trials for their new influenza antiviral, that can specifically be treated for bird flu and other flu strains. CoCrystal has also been working in collaboration with pharmaceutical giant Merck, who also manufactured antiviral pills to treat Covid-19.

The name of this new antiviral is currently listed as “CC-42344.”

Cocrystal President and co-interim CEO Sam Lee, PhD, said this on the release of their phase 1 results:

Seasonal and pandemic influenza A continue to be major global health threats, especially given the potential for resistance against approved antivirals.

Our presentation highlights potential clinical benefits for the treatment of pandemic influenza and the advantages of the oral influenza antiviral CC-42344 drug, which targets the PB2 protein of the influenza polymerase complex.

We believe this novel mechanism of action holds promise against all significant influenza A strains including bird flu, while also having a high barrier to resistance. Our assessment to date also indicates that CC-42344 will have a strong synergistic effect when used with approved antivirals.

He said

The press release was also accompanied by a short presentation providing a visual guide as to how the antiviral works and the overall results from the phase 1 trials.

Page 5 of the presentation, showing how the drug works
Page 6 of the presentation, showing how the drug works
Page 9 of the presentation, showing the DNA strains of the different bird flu strains, including H5N1, and the binding points of the proteins
Page 22 of the presentation, discussing some of the safety and efficacy results of the phase 1 trials.

UPDATE: US Begins Testing Bird Flu Vaccinations As Biden Considers Jabbing Farms

Just one day after Tedros and the WHO warned about the bird flu outbreak and how they would help to supply necessary vaccines if called upon, it was then revealed that the United States is currently testing out an avian flu vaccine that could be ordered to inoculate poultry farms.

USDA spokesperson Mike Stepien said in an exclusive statement to CBS:

The decision to proceed with vaccination is complex, and many factors must be considered before implementing a vaccination strategy.

Who added that the inspection service is discussing the options and “soliciting input from many different industry stakeholders that would be impacted.”

As of yet the Biden administration has not given the go-ahead to use vaccines to stop this outbreak, but there are a handful of shots on standby used for previous outbreaks. While getting a new vaccine tested and approved can take some time, Stepien added that this process can be accelerated in the case of emergencies. Testing usually lasts roughly three months.

CBS wrote: ‘While it is not always a requirement for animal shots to be licensed by the department, the trials will offer an early independent evaluation of how well a vaccine works in this case. Antibody studies suggest earlier vaccines might not be as well-matched against the strain now driving the current outbreak, prompting the need for tests.’

Additionally, Erica Spackman, a virologist that studies avian flus and outbreaks at the USDA, added:

There are a lot of moving parts to this kind of testing. And some of it is just pure logistics of getting everything in place to do the testing, getting the vaccines that are updated, getting things from parties that are involved, different manufacturers.

On the test, it’s a twofold reduction, but that makes it sound a lot closer related than it is. In vaccine-speak, it means it’s starting to drift away.

Pharmaceutical giants are also paying close attention to this.

A spokesperson for Merck Animal Health said in a statement that Merck ‘has an “extensive, ongoing research program” developing vaccines that can work with so-called Differentiating Infected from Vaccinated or DIVA strategies — an approach that involves systematically hunting for the virus among vaccinated flocks, in hopes of preventing undetected spread among immunized birds,’ CBS reported.

Merck has also been collaborating with CoCrystal to make an avian flu antiviral drug as well (see section above).

As for the when and how of vaccination, poultry veterinarian David Swayne, who worked for the USDA for almost three decades, told CBS:

What is the trigger point of when you might use vaccination? And that’s what they’re looking at. Is it so many birds in a poultry farms in an area getting infected? Or is it a certain amount of economic loss? Or is it because a neighboring state has the virus in poultry, and you’re concerned? So there’s those are really the tough, tough questions.

Swayne added that birds who die in a vaccinated cluster could be heavily tested for the virus, or living birds may be meticulously sampled for antibodies in their blood. Deeper surveillance is also more of an option, such as swabbing the environment more frequently or constantly examining the drinking water.

We want to make sure our partners understand that, if we use them, we’re going to use them in the right the right manner so that they can feel secure and safe that the products they buy are not products that might contain, say, a highly pathogenic avian influenza virus.

Biosecurity really is the first line of defense, and any vaccination that might be done is only sort of another layer of protection, sort of an insurance policy.

Swayne added

CBS also noted that ‘authorities would also need a way to coordinate tracking viruses for updates to the vaccines, potentially similar to how the World Health Organization issues recommendations for manufacturers of human flu shots to keep pace with the latest strains.’

Echoing the WHO, CBS and other scientists believe the risk posed to humans is low, but are still heavily monitoring the situation.

In January the the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’s (CDC) Tim Uyeki told a webinar hosted by Emory University that the transmission to mammals has been the most concerning thus far.

Somewhat concerning is that there’s been transmission to mammals in a variety of terrestrial mammals, which are basically the most of them are predatory mammals.

He said

CDC Director Dr. Rochelle Walensky told a panel last week that this is “High on my radar. We’ve already been in touch with our teams as to where we are with both surveillance and detection, as well as our USDA colleagues on the detection in the avian population as well,” she added.

‘The federal Administration for Strategic Preparedness and Response also already maintains a program with vaccinemakers to “make and test small quantities” of shots for humans that can be ramped up to large-scale production if needed,’ CBS added.

Last year the Pirbright Institute in the United Kingdom announced their progress on their proprietary bird flu vaccine.

In an interview with Poultry World, Professor Munir Iqbal, head of the Avian Influenza Virus group at Pirbright, interviewed Iqbal about this new vaccine they are developing.

Our improved vaccine could help prevent the spread of avian flu among vaccinated birds which is essential for protecting poultry welfare, increasing food production and reducing the risk of avian influenza spreading to humans.

The vaccine can be administered as a single dose to day-old chickens. Eliminating the need for repeated immunisations saves time and cost.

This vaccine can produce higher cross-reactive antibodies against different strains of flu.

Iqbal said, who hinted that the vaccine will be available to the market soon
In the targeted antigen delivery vaccine a flu protein (haemagglutinin) is targeted to the receptors on antigen-presenting cells (APCs) which produce an immune response. Illustration: Munir Iqbal

Forced Vaccination And Forced Takeover In Pandemic Treaty

As the WHO is warning about the possibility of a bird flu outbreak, they are also deliberating and planning to vote on an updated “pandemic treaty” that would literally grant the WHO unbridled power and all authority to oversee the healthcare and health emergencies all over the world.

These proposals were quietly released by the WHO at the end of last year, and have hardly received any real coverage and detail as to what’s actually contained in the agreement.

In May of last year the WHO was set to vote on a similar updated pandemic treaty, that, just like the most updated version of it now, would grant the transference of governance and control of the nations’ healthcare system to the WHO. The WHO would no longer be providing “suggestions” and “recommendations,” but actual dictates that all the nations would have to abide by. If the WHO declared something to be a pandemic, for example, the affected nation(s) are contractually obligated in providing the WHO with all the necessary paperwork and health data; and if the WHO declares a pandemic, they would have the power to lockdown nations, enforce compulsory vaccination and vaccine passports, testing, and so forth.

The WHO was sent to vote on the proposals on May 22nd of that year. However, the reports of what the new treaty contained were able to be shared amongst many around the world, causing an uproar and demanded that their government’s refuse this treaty to be signed.

The updated treaty was ultimately shot down, with many African nations not wanting to participate, namely Botswana who spoke on the behest of their neighbors. On top of that, nations such as Russia, China, Iran, India, Bangladesh, Brunei, Malaysia, and Brazil, also rejected the treaty in its current form. Some Canadian politicians expressed their relief for this treaty not passing. Former Brazilian President Jair Bolsonaro, for example, was vehemently against these proposals, saying,

Brazil will not get into this. Brazil is autonomous […] I’ve already spoke to our foreign relations cabinet and if that proposal goes forward, it won’t be with Brazil.

But the WHO is not done, and are seeking to once again bring these proposals to a vote, which deliberations will once again begin in May of this year. Only this time, it appears the proposals have only grown in size and scale since last time.

The WHO has been urging nations to accept this updated treaty since mid-October, 2022.

Dr Ricardo Baptista Leita, President and Founder of UNITE and Dr Tedros, Director-General, WHO

AUTHOR’S NOTE: The Brownstone Institute published a detailed breakdown of the new proposals and amendments, and all the things the WHO will have control of if the participating nations agree to the terms. While there are so many things that are noteworthy, too many to cover, I shall list some of the things I feel are the most salient points.

It should be noted that a 2/3rds majority vote will decide if these proposals will be codified into law, and that nations with miniscule populations will have equal footing in the vote.

In short, David Bell for the Brownstone Institute wrote,

The amendments to the IHR are intended to fundamentally change the relationship between individuals, their country’s governments, and the WHO. They place the WHO as having rights overriding that of individuals, erasing the basic principles developed after World War Two regarding human rights and the sovereignty of States. In doing so, they signal a return to a colonialist and feudalist approach fundamentally different to that to which people in relatively democratic countries have become accustomed.

The lack of major pushback by politicians and the lack of concern in the media and consequent ignorance of the general public is therefore both strange and alarming.

It is a totalitarian approach to society, within which individuals may act only on the sufferance of others who wield power outside of legal sanction; specifically a feudal relationship, or one of monarch-subject without an intervening constitution. It is difficult to imagine a greater issue facing society, yet the media that is calling for reparations for past slavery is silent on a proposed international agreement consistent with its reimposition.

If these amendments are accepted, the people taking control over the lives of others will have no real legal oversight.

The people who will become subject to these powers, and the politicians who are on track to cede them, should start paying attention. We must all decide whether we wish to cede so easily what it has taken centuries to gain, to assuage the greed of others.

The treaty removes verbiage such as “recommendations” being changed from “non-binding,” to instead things like “binding.” In other words, the WHO would no longer be suggesting but mandating.

‘States will accept the WHO as the ‘authority’ in international public health emergencies, elevating it above their own ministries of health. Much hinges on what a Health Emergency of International Concern (PHEIC) is, and who defines it,’ Bell further noted.

The Director-General (DG), (who is currently Tedros), would be given the power to mitigate the ‘detention of individuals, restriction of travel, the forcing of health interventions (testing, inoculation) and requirement to undergo medical examinations,’ Bell explained, along with condemning what the WHO deems to be “misinformation” and “disinformation.” Intellectual property rights will be surrendered to the WHO, and funding for emergencies will be directed by the DG, allowing the WHO to force other nations to intervene and fund the emergency responses at their own volition.

Another major change worth noting is that the WHO can initiate these directives if they so much as suspect there is a problem, and do not need demonstrable, qualitive, and quantitative data to do so. Just as long as there is the “potential” for a risk, they say, then that’s all that’s needed to trigger their full authority.

Furthermore, increased pandemic surveillance will be instigated in all nations to track the spread and variations in disease.

SEE: Bill Gates Warns We’ve Not Seen The Worst From Covid. Calls For Global Surveillance Pact With The UN To Track Variants

Looking under the hood at the specifics of this proposed treaty, (strikethroughs represent a deletion of the original text; and bold and underlined represent new additions):

A portion of Article 2 says:

“The purpose and scope of these Regulations are to prevent, protect against, prepare, control and provide a public health response to the international spread of diseases including through health systems readiness and resilience in ways that are commensurate with and restricted to public health risk all risks with a potential to impact public health, and which …”

This vague wording essentially, in theory, gives the WHO the jurisdiction to mitigate anything they want that they deem to “impact public health.”

A segment of Article 3 states:

“The implementation of these Regulations shall be with full respect for the dignity, human rights and fundamental freedoms of persons based on the principles of equity, inclusivity, coherence and in accordance with their common but differentiated responsibilities of the States Parties, taking into consideration their social and economic development

This “consideration” of “social and economic development” juxtaposes the so-called “equity” the WHO speaks of. It’s really just the rich and well-off bullying those who are not. The rich have rights, the serfs do not.

A snippet of Article 10 reads:

If the State Party does not accept the offer of collaboration within 48 hours , WHO may shall , when justified by the magnitude of the public health risk, immediately share with other States Parties the information available to it, whilst encouraging the State Party to accept the offer of collaboration by WHO, taking into account the views of the State Party concerned.

The WHO will have the power to share information from a State or pertaining to a State with other States, without that state’s consent.

Under Article 12:

Regional Director may determine that an event constitutes a public health emergency of regional concern and provide related guidance to States Parties in the region either before or after notification of an event that may constitute a public health emergency of international concern is made to the Director-General, who shall inform all States Parties

This entire section was added, whilst entirely deleting the clause that eliminates the State’s consensus before acting. In other words, the Director-General can act and dictate without anyone else’s permission.

Still under Article 12, the proposed treaty includes:

“When requested by WHO, States Parties should shall provide, to the extent possible, support to WHO-coordinated response activities, including supply of health products and technologies, especially diagnostics and other devices, personal protective equipment, therapeutics, and vaccines, for effective response to PHEIC occurring in another State Party’s jurisdiction and/or territory, capacity building for the incident management systems as well as for rapid response teams”.

Article 13a is an entirely new addition that once again reaffirms the dictatorial power the WHO will have:

“States Parties recognize WHO as the guidance and coordinating authority of international public health response during public health Emergency of International Concern and undertake to follow WHO’s recommendations in their international public health response.”

Article 18 then lists some of the other authorities they have, such as mandatory vaccination, quarantines and isolation, contact tracing, refusal to entry, and more. This article existed, however, because of the previous wording changes, these become no longer suggestions but actual mandates.

Recommendations issued by WHO to States Parties with respect to persons may include the following advice:

require medical examinations;
review proof of vaccination or other prophylaxis;
require vaccination or other prophylaxis;
place suspect persons under public health observation;
implement quarantine or other health measures for suspect persons;
implement isolation and treatment where necessary of affected persons;
implement tracing of contacts of suspect or affected persons;
refuse entry of suspect and affected persons;
refuse entry of unaffected persons to affected areas; and
implement exit screening and/or restrictions on persons from affected areas.”

Bell says: “This (article 18) was already in existence. New Article 13A, however, now requires States to follow WHO recommendations. The WHO will thus now be able to, based on the sole determination of an individual (DG) under influence of non-democratic states and private entities, order states to incarcerate their citizens, inject them, require identification of medical status, medically examine, isolate and restrict travel.”

Merging together citations from Articles 23, 35, and 36 – concerning vaccine passports, and how they are preferably to be digital, and should feature QR codes.

“Documents containing information concerning traveller’s destination (hereinafter Passenger Locator Forms, PLFs) should preferably be produced in digital form, with paper form as a residual option. Such information should not duplicate the information the traveller already submitted in relation to the same journey, provided the competence authority can have access to it for the purpose of contact tracing.”

“Digital health documents must incorporate means to verify their authenticity via retrieval from an official web site, such as a QR code.”

“Such proofs may include test certificates and recovery certificates. These certificates may be designed and approved by the Health Assembly according to the provisions set out for digital vaccination or prophylaxis certificates, and should be deemed as substitutes for, or be complementary to, the digital or paper certificates of vaccination or prophylaxis.”

“State Parties shall also take measures to ensure Non-State Actors operating in their respective territories comply with such measures.”

SEE: Indonesian Health Minister Calls For Global Digital Health Passports Controlled By The WHO For ‘The Next Pandemic’ At G20 Summit

Biden Signs G20 Pact Promising To ‘Build On Success’ Of Vaccine Passports

Under Article 43 Additional health measures,

“[Measures implemented by States shall not be more restrictive than.]… would achieve attain the appropriate highest achievable level of health protection.”

This once again contradicts the talks of “equity.” This is essentially going to make the emergency the number one and only topic on everyone’s minds. In other words, heavy propagandization, and the emergency comes first and foremost.

Leading off of that, Article 43 covers tackling so-called “mis- and disinformation:”

“States Parties shall undertake to collaborate with and assist each other, in particular developing countries States Parties, upon requestto the extent possible, in:

In countering the dissemination of false and unreliable information about public health events, preventive and anti-epidemic measures and activities in the media, social networks and other ways of disseminating such information.

The formulation of proposed laws and other legal and administrative provisions for the implementation of these Regulations.

Countering the dissemination of false and unreliable information about public health events, preventive and anti-epidemic measures and activities in the media, social networks and other ways of disseminating such information.

And once again the WHO reiterates this under the Annex 1:

At a global level, WHO shall… Counter misinformation and disinformation.

SEE: Bill Gates Tells Al Jazeera How To Prepare For The ‘Next Pandemic’ And ‘To Moderate Some Of The Insanity’ Online

In December of last year the WHO published a tweet by a staunch vaccine supporter who says that “anti-vaccine activism […] has become a major killing force globally.”

The full document can be read/downloaded below:


Readers of The WinePress know that for over a year I have been warning about this precise zoonotic shamdemic garbage, including it being spread to wildlife as well, as can be seen in my initial report about the bird flu pandemic per the words of Redfield.

Again, I cannot be dogmatic here, but now that the WHO is publicly talking about a bird flu pandemic, it really begins to add further validity to Redfield’s warnings; but if I am being honest my money is on the shamdemic being a bird flu.

Howbeit, a bird flu part is not as relevant in of itself. Because, once again, I have said that the next “pandemic” the elites have in store will be zoonotic, and the goal will be to use it as a ploy to mass vaccinate livestock, wildlife, and even pets.

SEE: Canadian Scientists Claim To Have Discovered A New Covid Variant In Deer That Could Spread To Humans

And the whole reason for that is to use this as the opportunity to get the masses off of eating meat; by vaccinating the animals to death similar to what the Covid-19 “vaccines” have been doing to people, thereby causing massive shortages, on top of the government mandating that they be taking it off of the shelves and have it banned from being sold.

Already nations like Australia aremaking moves to bring this reality to fruition:

SEE: Death Shot: Australia Funds The Creation Of A New MRNA Vaccine For Cattle, To Prevent The Spread Of Foot & Mouth Disease

[1] Now the Spirit speaketh expressly, that in the latter times some shall depart from the faith, giving heed to seducing spirits, and doctrines of devils; [2] Speaking lies in hypocrisy; having their conscience seared with a hot iron; [3] Forbidding to marry, and commanding to abstain from meats, which God hath created to be received with thanksgiving of them which believe and know the truth.

1 Timothy 4:1-3

It’s interesting too that in Tedros’ reference to this avian flu now transferring to things like Mink. In 2020 Denmark went on a mass culling spree and terminated over 17 million mink in the country, over fears that they could contract and spread Covid to people. The precedent to do something like that again is there. China also slaughtered tons of house pets, too, during their draconian lockdowns last year, citing similar reasoning.

And this of course leads into the pandemic treaty the WHO wants passed. All that I have warned about could hypothetically happen if this treaty is accepted, and Tedros would no longer be making recommendations…

Simply put: you and I must fight this. You read the document, you saw it said: it’s some pretty serious stuff. And all we can do is fight back, resist it, and create awareness. Simply as that.

The people were able to defer it last year because enough people learned about it and were to create awareness over it. Only this time the stakes are much higher. But if we did it before we can certainly do it again, especially now that we are learning about this in February and not at the last minute.

Don’t quit and get lazy, folks: we must resist this. So, please, share this report so we can stave this off some more!

SEE: Spanish Government Admits To Spraying Chemtrails On Citizens At Behest Of The UN

[10] If thou faint in the day of adversity, thy strength is small. [11] If thou forbear to deliver them that are drawn unto death, and those that are ready to be slain; [12] If thou sayest, Behold, we knew it not; doth not he that pondereth the heart consider it? and he that keepeth thy soul, doth not he know it? and shall not he render to every man according to his works?

Watch ye, stand fast in the faith, quit you like men, be strong.

Proverbs 24:10-12; 1 Corinthians 16:13

[7] Who goeth a warfare any time at his own charges? who planteth a vineyard, and eateth not of the fruit thereof? or who feedeth a flock, and eateth not of the milk of the flock? [8] Say I these things as a man? or saith not the law the same also? [9] For it is written in the law of Moses, Thou shalt not muzzle the mouth of the ox that treadeth out the corn. Doth God take care for oxen? [10] Or saith he it altogether for our sakes? For our sakes, no doubt, this is written: that he that ploweth should plow in hope; and that he that thresheth in hope should be partaker of his hope. (1 Corinthians 9:7-10).

The WinePress needs your support! If God has laid it on your heart to want to contribute, please prayerfully consider donating to this ministry. If you cannot gift a monetary donation, then please donate your fervent prayers to keep this ministry going! Thank you and may God bless you.



    • I think the icons at the bottom of the article functions as share buttons.

      Copying the link off the address bar on top of the browser works too.

  • Long read, but very revealing! They want total control and push tyranny forward! Those wicked devils will soon wake up to burning fire and harsh judgment from our glorious Lord Jesus Christ!

  • This along with bombs going off and WW3. But first, let us Watch SUPERBOWL this Sunday.
    ( There’s an ad on TV coming out for Sunday SUPERBOWEL “Their” Jesus winking his eye and it’s entitled “HE GTS US” Supporting the LGBT. I guess there’s a video of it on U-Tube

    • Yes Kevin G, I’ve seen these “He Gets Us” ads, they speak of a different Jesus, a false Christ that never judges, he loves everybody and everything, he’ll never condemn anyone to hell, he’ll never convict anyone of their sins or tell them to repent or chasten anybody, and he frowns upon judging and righteous standards – that my friends is the Antichrist and so is that satanic counterfeit Jesus on the Chosen!

      Super toilet bowl is just bread and circus to keep the masses distracted and just as preoccupied with something that’s useless just like the video game players. They’re in for a rude awakening.

  • Notice the ‘resisting’ nations. It includes BOTH the king of the north and the kings of the East, reads like the line-up of Ezekiel 38-39, setting stage for Revelation. Like the no-win, both wicked leadership, backed by same entity Ukraine/Russia and China/Taiwan/Korea set-up’s. Both wings of the same foul bird being set to their REAL mutual destruction as written, though they think it’s just a game & they’re the ones in control. Great delusion to all those who refuse to love the truth that they might be saved…..and this is just the beginning of sorrows. Wow.

    • Deuteronomy 28:28, Zechariah 12:4, Luke 6:11, 2 Peter 2:16….’madness’ 9x in the King James Bible in 9 verses. Fruit of the wrong spirit, the wrong vine. And the last, 2 Peter 2, giving us warning & showing us hope as God’s people in these latter days. The number of choice & division here no mistake, only further confirming the plain sense.

  • Yes. we are starting to see a power shift from west to east. Obviously America is finished for. Some people think that America will still be a country, but not of great significance, because truthfully, America is not found in bible prophecy.

    • It’s a pity that most are too dumbed down to realize the pivotal part that Rome played in establishing the Fed & the US dollar as the world currency, & the bigger picture for their conditioned & cultivated Luciferian hatred of the nations which brought forth & were most blessed because of the King James Bible, the Authorized English Bible, & fulfillment of Psalm 12 for such a time as this.

      Why do you think they worked so hard to use & torpedo the US and England? And why do you think it took them so long? Why do you think that same power so easily unites with the people of the Serpent & Dragon? the bloody pedophile pervert prophet & every fornicating cult? ….China is incidentally where fiat, paper currency was invented & first imposed on an abjectly tyrannized people by Craft! The idea came west via the Silk Road now being rebuilt & re-imagined in the one road initiatives (with traitorous American help selling out their own nation….but not JUST traitorous American help & there is no preference of persons or nations).

      The serious Bible believing remnant in the US isn’t vested in the sort of empire greatness as the Augustinian Daughters of Rome & so-called Evangelicals following their lead back to the polluted Alexandrian stream & to that Mama who is MYSTERY & BABYLON, and not Jerusalem above….and don’t care if America remains ‘great’ in the world’s terms. They’ve been marginalized, censored, & under attack for resisting the centralizing powers from the beginning….faithfully warning, and those who think they stand need to take care lest they fall. The attacks & infiltrations, spiritual & soulish manipulations are subtil….and the devil’s crew makes a lot of hay with pride, roots of bitterness & real hatred, tendencies to nicolaitan pride….as well as covetousness & licentiousness which are hardly American inventions or solely American sins.

      Some folks’ idea of heaven is a perpetual pornographic filth or warfare, don’t forget. Earned by works or cunning craft.

      Watching what’s going on with the Abrahamic Accords & those initiatives makes a lot of sense of the pattern of ‘sides’ in the Ezekiel 38-39 and Isaiah 19 passages. Amazingly so. It’s even feasible now to see the Babylon that Saddam rebuilt become the new home & financial center of the U.N. and world…..and think about that in light of some key Old Testament passages, Zechariah, Isaiah, in addition to Ezekiel & Revelation 17 & 18 KJB.

      Many will be deceived that prophecy’s been fulfilled who call either NYC or the U.S. ‘Babylon’, or who see the actual destruction of actual rebuilt Babylon, even before the real fulfillment & the events of Rome’s destruction, and we see the rise of a new Byzantine Rome, too. But, there still aren’t seven hills on the plains of Shinar & Revelation 18 & 19 will come to pass.

      Even Jeremiah had the grace to weep for his nation as he suffered for their folly & judgment, & to continue with them faithfully preaching & teaching, even as Samuel did.

      There are many pivotal things going on right now in very wicked nations fulfilling scripture, & it may be a mercy for God’s little ones with the word & remaining that the power & emphasis shifts East, as it is. Especially if the bulk of flyover US is balkanized & the people left to their own devices there, while they focus on their power centers for a time. Not that it won’t be hard, & not that there won’t likely be corporate invasion. It is there in their power centers that they had the most kill-shot compliance, too, and are most in need of cover stories for the rising death stats.

      Beware of trusting Catholic dupes & devils, the deceiving & being deceived. OR of those trusting relativistic Eastern types. Mercola has censored before & is in league with many such types, & I am currently locked out of their website & commenting for daring to comment ‘in an inexcusable religious rant’ for daring to call out their worshipful reverencing Vendanta Shiva lady & bloody goddess worship of the creation, & warning Jews that they may soon be fingered & blamed by Rome who uses them, and ‘chased’ back to Israel, all who remain comfortable here in the U.S. I’m also not in love with their ‘new’ Mexican Jesuit reducciones called ‘sustainable’ farming, or their love affair with still fascist & Jesuit-dominated Spain’s ‘sustainable’. They’re still fighting to take back what they lost there with the exposure of what was under those manses & monasteries, nunneries, with Llorentes’ exposure of the Inquisitional records there in Spain & so forth…though they’ve revised & ‘disappeared’ that history almost completely in the confusion of wars & idolatrous humanist craft complicity, their dumbing down & demoralization, tempt, use & accuse, tactic of Lucifer.

      Same Daniel 2 plan of God stands, United States as founded or not, just part of ‘the isles of the Gentiles’, & they’ve already dismantled & revised the Bill of Rights that miraculously preserved & set her apart to the blessing & use of God. Those days are over & she’s under the same eagle as old…and supposedly new & ‘Christian’… Rome now so far as her leadership & the majority of Laodice goes. Same end of judgment as any other.

      And, don’t forget, there were many who salivated & celebrated the massacres of Beziers and the rest of the remnants of Antioch Bible believing faith remaining, the Waldenses, and striving to infiltrate, demoralize & terrorize, re-catholicize in fornicating union all of Europe…then the rest of the world as all the devil’s dominionists seek.

      Many who received of the ‘reparations’ as their property was seized & divided even as that of the Jews under Hitler, son of Rome & Caesar. And even as those who sold their own countrymen & brethren into slavery for a cut as ‘survivors’. Serving as informers, activists, and crusaders and even in the name of Christ. Supposing that gain was godliness, & that their survival going on to more evil & soaking the ground with yet more innocent blood meant their superiority as nicolaitans & some twisted Hindu-Buddhist survival of the fittest, holier than thou philosophy & evolving, make-it-up-as-you-go-along tradition, comparing themselves with themselves, unwise, bloody & forgetting the universality of sin, potential to corruption for all wrapped in corruptible flesh, & that God is not mocked.

      Jesus said those committing such things as murder & adultery in their hearts were guilty & accountable, told us to be careful to judge righteous judgment & not hypocritically, & reminded us through Paul to judge nothing before the time. Watch & pray.

    • Just because America is not in bible prophecy does not mean the country is doomed to the dustbin of history. The USA has elevated and improved the standard of living the world over, we are the most generous people the world has ever seen, and the vast majority of us are Bible believing Christians. Stop bad mouthing our nation, we have done more for humanity than any other civilization to date!!!

  • We truly are under a ‘corrupt’ cabal, there is no true ‘law or justice’ to speak of….In full transparency, WHO Director-General Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus is what I would call a “Genocidal Globalist,” who follows Precept Ten of the Georgia Guidestones, which is very seldom discussed, stating “Be not a Cancer upon the Earth; Leave Room for Nature.” Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus has become a very evil WHO Director-General , perhaps the most evil Director in the WHO right now, and that God’s judgment seems to be imminent. Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus is of the opinion that 95% of the World’s population are “Useless Eaters” who need to be euthanized as quickly as possible.

  • Wicked Youtube. Been trying to lead people to this article, and even on Bryan’s channel, but my comments just disappear like bubbles.

  • First, get right with Jesus Christ. He is your only unfailing defense against what is being done to this world. His supernatural power can and will protect you in accordance with His Will.

    Second, arm yourself with the best weapons you can obtain in your location. Have the physical means to resist forced injections.

    Do your part; Christ will do all of the rest.

    There are NO peaceful solutions.

  • F off and die Tedros the Terrorist from the Tigray Liberation Army! You’re China’s man and you’re not welcome here. You wouldn’t want the kind of shot I would give you. But keep pushing things and see what happens.

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