Vinnytsia, a city in West-Central Ukraine has decided to change the name of a street that was now formally named in honor of Russian author Leo Tolstoy, to Stepan Bandera, an Ukrainian nationalist leader and direct ally with the Nazis during World War II.
The city council voted to make the change to continue its “process of decolonization,” while also honoring those they call “heroes of the national liberation struggle.” The move will include 232 streets, lanes, driveways, and dead ends.
The Trends Journal reached out to Mayor Serhiy Morhunov inquiring about the change, but did not receive a response in time for publication earlier this week.
Stepan Bandera was one of the ringleaders of a group known as the Organization of Ukrainian Nationalists, officially formed in 1929; a splinter group of fascists and Nazis formed out of Polish and Ukrainian territories. They used violent tactics against Poland, Czechoslovakia, the Kingdom of Romania, and the Soviet Union.
A brief Wikipedia description provides a basic overview of this movement:
In 1940, the OUN split into two parts. The older, more moderate members supported Andriy Atanasovych Melnyk and the OUN-M, while the younger and more radical members supported Stepan Bandera’s OUN-B. After the start of the Axis invasion of the Soviet Union on 22 June 1941 (Operation Barbarossa), the OUN-B in the person of Yaroslav Stetsko declared an independent Ukrainian state on 30 June 1941 in occupied Lviv, while the region was under the control of Nazi Germany, pledging to work closely with Germany, which was presented as freeing Ukrainians from Russian oppression. In response, the Nazi authorities suppressed the OUN leadership. In October 1942 the OUN-B established the Ukrainian Insurgent Army (UPA). In 1943–1944, in an effort to pre-empt Polish efforts to re-establish Poland’s pre-war borders, UPA combat units carried out large-scale ethnic cleansing against Polish people. Historians estimate that 50-100,000 Polish civilians were massacred in Volhynia and Eastern Galicia.
After World War II, the UPA fought against Soviet and Polish government forces. During Operation Vistula in 1947, the Polish government deported 140,000 Ukrainian civilians in Poland to remove the support base for the UPA. In the struggle, Soviet forces killed, arrested, or deported over 500,000 Ukrainian civilians. Many of those targeted by the Soviets included UPA members, their families, and their supporters. During and after the Cold War, Western intelligence agencies, including the CIA, covertly supported the OUN.
A number of contemporary far-right Ukrainian political organizations claim to be inheritors of the OUN’s political traditions, including Svoboda, Right Sector, the Ukrainian National Assembly – Ukrainian National Self Defence, and the Congress of Ukrainian Nationalists. The role of the OUN remains contested in historiography, as these later political inheritors developed literature denying the organization’s fascist political heritage and collaboration with Nazi Germany, while also celebrating the SS Division Galicia.
Moreover, there is a famous picture of the Jewish Holocaust known as The Last Jew in Vinnitsa – the same city that is now honoring Bandera – that depicts a Nazi SS solider moments away from executing what was believed to be the last remaining Jew in the area; believed to have been taken sometime during mid-1941 when Nazi Germany occupied the land.
On January 1st of this year The Times of Israel reported on the mass demonstrations of Ukrainian nationalists marching in remembrance of Stepan Bandera and his birthday in capital city of Kiev.
Today, when there is a war with the occupier at the front, and the struggle against the ‘fifth column’ continues in the rear, we remember and honor the memory of Stepan Bandera.
Andriy Tarasenko, leader of the nationalist party Right Sector, said
In July The Trends Journal reported on Ukrainian Ambassador to Germany Andriy Melnyk’s comments to German press reporters, who also praised Bandera at the time. The interview caused the Israeli embassy to respond and said his states were a “distortion of the historical facts,” and the Polish deputy foreign minister also posting online: “Such an opinion and such words are absolutely unacceptable.”
Melnyk tried to deny that Bandera was a genocidal murderer, even after press reporters presented leaflets that clearly depicted Bandera’s regime praising the slaughter of Jews, Poles, Russians, and Hungarians.
The TJ wrote at the time:
The report said “Russia’s military regards the use of his name as a kind of clue to literally hunt down Ukrainians in the occupied territories. Ukrainian media are full of eyewitness accounts of how the Russians chased down Bandera supporters among Ukrainian prisoners of war and civilians alike.”
Viktor Yushchenko, who was Ukraine president in 2005, awarded Bandera the title “Hero of Ukraine.” It was later revoked by Viktor Yanukovych, whose government, as we have greatly detailed in Trends Journals, was overthrown with the backing of the United States.
Melnyk was once again caught in the crossfire in October when Sven Tritschler, a regional legislator from the Alternative for Germany (AfD) party, took a shot Melnyk for pointing out that his 20-year-old is a draft dodger because Melnyk moved his children to Germany and enrolled them in their schools.
I wonder a bit how Mr. Melnyk wants to drag half the world into this war, while his 20-year-old son is comfortably studying in Germany instead of fighting. The Americans call such a thing ‘chicken hawk.’
Tritschler wrote
The ambassador melted down on social media, writing:
That is none of your f****** business, you s*** stain.
Tritschler said, “Oh, but it is exactly my business, if German citizens should pay not only for your tanks, but also for the studies of your draft-dodger son, you Bandera fanboy.”
The WinePress has noted on numerous occasions that Ukraine is rife with Neo-Nazi groups that have not only been continued attacks against Russians, but have also butchered their own Ukrainian brethren, including women and children.
President Volodymyr Zelensky has even praised the infamous Asov Battalion, one of the main Neo-Nazi groups there; including the country’s Commander-in-Chief posing with a Swastika wristband.
Moreover, The WP has again documented and cited independent journalists and eyewitness accounts in Ukraine that completely sheds a new light on the war not ever discussed in mainstream and alternative media – that because these Neo-Nazis are so widely dispersed throughout the cities, and the Army are using its own people as human shields, it has forced Russian troops to make selective targets whilst discerning who is a Nazi and nationalist from an ordinary citizen.
SEE: Dutch Journalist In Donbass Exposes More Of The Total Lies In The Media About The Conflict In Ukraine & Ukrainian From The Heart Of Donetsk Exposes The Lies About The Russia-Ukraine Conflict
Vladimir Putin has stated that the one of the primary objectives with these operations are to “de-Nazify Ukraine,” and condemning the likes of Bandera.
In Zaporozhye, the Kherson region, as well as Lugansk and Donetsk, people have seen and are seeing the atrocities that neo-Nazis conduct in the occupied areas of the Kharkov region. The heirs of Bandera and Nazi punishers kill people, torture, throw them in prison, settle scores, crack down, abuse civilians.
Russia can’t give up people close to her to be torn apart by executioners and fail to respond to their desire to determine their own fate.
Putin said
[10] Remove not the old landmark; and enter not into the fields of the fatherless: [11] For their redeemer is mighty; he shall plead their cause with thee. Proverbs 23:10-11
None of what I have reported will ever be allowed to reach the mainstream and alternative platforms. America LOVES war: the military industrial complex is how pseudo-communist-fascist hybrid nation of the U.S. makes its money.
Say what you will about Russia, but the more and more time goes on, it becomes much more evident who the guilty parties here are. I mean, what is Russia supposed to do, especially when Ukraine continues to stir trouble on their land and kill their people, with NATO and the U.S. having already broken their treaties multiple times and being used as a puppets by NATO and the U.S. to harass Russia?
Only by pride cometh contention: but with the well advised is wisdom.
Proverbs 13:10
[7] Who goeth a warfare any time at his own charges? who planteth a vineyard, and eateth not of the fruit thereof? or who feedeth a flock, and eateth not of the milk of the flock? [8] Say I these things as a man? or saith not the law the same also? [9] For it is written in the law of Moses, Thou shalt not muzzle the mouth of the ox that treadeth out the corn. Doth God take care for oxen? [10] Or saith he it altogether for our sakes? For our sakes, no doubt, this is written: that he that ploweth should plow in hope; and that he that thresheth in hope should be partaker of his hope. (1 Corinthians 9:7-10).
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Ukraine deserves to be destroyed! I won’t cry one tear over their fate. I hope Russia captures Ukraine and makes it Russian territory.
I saw Bryan’s video earlier and this Russian recruit said that it’s a war against Americans, and I hope Russia crushes the Americans like bubble wrap!
America is the great Satan, not Russia! Granted Russia is very wicked and atheist with their communism, but America’s evil far surpasses that of Russia.
America’s real evil is that she let herself be duped and went against her early forefathers’ advice to never become entangled in foreign wars. If she had continued on in that vein, all these other European nations for the most part would never have discontinued their constant warring, with the exception of the players of World War 1, when they still had their own money to conduct their own Jesuit theater (wars are considered theaters, e.g., the Pacific theater, etc).
What really irks me more than anything is the moral support and fundraising going on in these 501c3 churches in support of all those neoNazis in Ukraine. That is a totally unnecessary thing for them to do, and God will hold them accountable, and, in addition, perhaps all those morons out their waving Ukrainian flags in their yards whom I suspect are not of Ukrainian ancestry, but merely those excessively watching news reports from the glass toilet formerly known as the television set.
oooops……would never have continued their constant warring,…….
One reason why church buildings support Ukraine’s nazism and bang the war drums is because they’re 501(c)(3) government buildings – which also includes military. Ever been inside a church building and saw the American flag with the gold border around it? That’s a military symbol as well as a symbol of a government building.
Second of all, they’re all fake lukewarm false converts and these are the same tares among the wheat that were eating, drinking, playing church games, and making merry while over a million innocent men, women, and children were murdered in the illegal imperialist Iraq war…not this time and not anymore. Playtime is over, America.
Let God be true & every man a liar. You can still find some David Ben Lew speaking videos online giving testimony to the Eastern front conditions & the suffering not only of the Jews, but also of the people as the nazis and allies both played games dancing to il papa grande’s & the crony corporatists tune, keeping the people uncertain. Teaching them not to trust. After the nazis, the Americans came in (to Poland at least) & the people sighed a sigh of relief, for there was order & law again. But then the Americans abandoned that front in the night & without warning…..and the Russians came. The nazis were brutal & cruel, but a ‘very clean’ people he said. They were ordered & there were men of culture & restraint mixed even amongst them (though the nazi rape of Poland contrasts what follows)….but the Russians? He described them as filthy, cruel & chaotic animals who knew two things: murder & vodka. Maybe three, adding rape. And do not forget the rape of Berlin.
There was a woman survivor of that rape named Anita Dittman. Wrote a book called ‘Trapped in Hitler’s Hell’, & she used to speak regularly in Canadian schools about her experience historically until in recent years as the Romish revisionism & new world types took the helm, when those doors once open were slammed shut against her. I believe she died recently.
She was half-Jewish by blood, & her father cast her & her mother off under the Romish-nazi propaganda against the Jews, trying to better position himself & to ‘get ahead’. She was actually saved under the preaching of a faithful Lutheran, though I believe her mother was a spiritist & occult type, which was very common amongst Germans, Catholic syncretist or not, as well as Jews in those days leading up to the war.
The popular organic pioneer ‘Rodale’ came out of that resurgence of paganism, too. Something to keep in mind about the ‘sustainable’ & homesteading movements….the hippies, alternative health, etc. There’s a subtle spirit in a lot of that which Christians should be aware of & very careful with any potential alliance with.
Don’t forget, we’re talking Roman Catholicism East&West here: same beast, two arms & legs. 4th kingdom of Daniel 2 and Craft. BOTH sides are antichrist & evolutionary idolatrous humanist.
Even when you speak of guys like General Patton, or the Lindberg’s etc, who tried fighting against unConstitutional money & economy; & Patton who resigned his commission so that he could warn the American people of the selling out of allies on the Eastern front, & indeed, of ALL the areas in that Eastern half of Europe ceded over to the Soviet where you had many Bible believing & freedom-minded non-Catholic believers intermixed…..until they were ‘cleansed’ during the Iron Curtain Days.
Patton was murdered before that could happen, and the younger Lindberg’s baby was kidnapped & murdered, made a media sensation, as a clear signal to any of that day who thought to fight against the Craft & hidden hand…..think JFK….but back around the time of the McKinley assassination, the manipulations that resulted in the 1913 establishment of both the unConstitutional Fed & the unConstitutional income tax, the birth of BIG government ordered covert Rome style without any real & Christian type Constitutional protection for the little guys. (Remember: Great Britain had a Bill of Rights…but only & first in America did those rights reach down to the common men & baptist type Bible believers, & not just to aristocrats, establishment religion, & major landowners. The federalist types like Hamilton, Adams, the Catholic Carrolls ….who also donated the land DC is situated upon….all foretold that giving those rights to such would be the ‘death of America’, & that with the diligence & historical, political/economic & religious literacy of the people: including in King James Bible versus the Geneva& footnotes, or what those pushing even then for the Revision in ‘higher criticism’ …hindered corporatism & monopoly for a long time. Indeed, a lot of it was pagan craft philosophical infighting, & not Christian, but the Bible & our Lord still had a lot of influence in why America was great & didn’t explode& Balkanize early on….Balkanize: talk about another covertly managed blood-bath & fragmentation, divide & conquer scheme! And involving the Crimea…but how much history can you cram into one comment? Search it out for yourselves.)
Robert Maxwell of the Mossad, Ghislaine’s father, came out of the same Eastern European timeframe & arena as David Ben Lew and Putin of the KGB, now supposedly a ‘Christian’ hero: more like another tapped crony strongman of Rome: Eastern waving hand. If you go down the filthy rabbit hole of the history of either, the links to organized porn and pedophilia, forced abortion, evil medical & psych experimentation which those entities were all involved in like the nazi….and connected here to the CIA, Rome & the Craft back even to the frontier & importation of poor Catholic immigrant women, the booze angle on the general American Christian view of alcohol between Bible baptists & certain Puritans versus the high churchers, Methodists & ritualist water ducks, the Campbellites etc ——the history, & the conflicts & political manipulative shenanigans, become more plain & easier to figure out.
You have to read old local newspapers, books etc to really see much of it. That’s why James Beller is important. And, the research found in, Vatican Assassins. Whether in full doctrinal agreement or not…it helps to sort out revisionist garbage. To read wiki these days, Rome is the mother of all American Christianity & she was superwoman, squeaky clean madame hero for all of her history up through European history. She, and Blackrock, are behind the spin & interpretation put on about everything though she pretends the WEF isn’t joined into her web back in the shadows & depths, as well as with both the Ukraine super-liberal and Russian super-orthodox spin.
You have to be careful with the dialectic gaming of ‘good guys’/’bad guys’. BOTH Patton & Lindberg back in the day were pagans with some of the ‘usual’ fornications which that involves evidenced in their lives, & I’m not sure about Patton, but Lindberg’s roots were in Europe& linked with power brokers& banking.
Teddy Roosevelt called what he saw there amongst people of his class & wealth ‘perverse’. Read some history on Marie Bonaparte & her connection to Freud, what went on in Denmark, & to a certain extent, the Netherlands, Belgium, & of course France w/regard to drugs, surgical alterations of genitalia, Darwin/Malthus apeman bestiality & prostitution (they had a whole sub-set of perversion & trade linked to that & got away with it by calling it ‘science’….one poor pygmy even ended up in the NYC Zoo displayed in the monkeys& apes section until real Christians rescued him….& the list of ‘good’ guys, ‘bad’ guys doesn’t real easily sort out into ‘them’ and ‘us’.
More like ‘them’ and ‘them’, and ‘us’ and ‘us’. As for France being free of Rome, she sure rolled over fast enough to German occupation, & many important German families weathered the storm of WWII on holiday in the south of France….just sayin’.
Then you had the WWII Serbian-Croatian genocide involving both Rome West & Rome East in the butchery. My own Navy brother who did a tour during that little mess & reorganization of nations is hindered coming to salvation getting an eyeful of the mass graves they turned up there & his belief, with many, that Rome is ‘Christian’.
I firmly believe that it was the grace of God: directly, & working through many a believing WWII veteran of both high & low rank who were appalled by what they saw & experienced in both the Western and Pacific arenas of the War, and how things played out in the peace negotiations, apportioning of nations which they looked upon with suspicion that kept America from falling to the embedded globalist powers rooted in Europe & Rome, & using & puppeting America to their ends & their dumbing down, demoralization scheme far sooner than she did.
And we’re talking mere men with corruptible flesh, and some serious Satanic deception & Ephesians 6, 2 Corinthians 10&11 warfare & craft here. Let’s not become like these guys Jesus called out, & who were about to kill even their own Messiah with the aid of Gentile Rome, the inheritor of Babylonian Craft & world empire as Daniel 2….none exempt & all joining in the last days:
Mt 23:31 Wherefore ye be witnesses unto yourselves, that ye are the children of them which killed the prophets.
Lu 11:47 Woe unto you! for ye build the sepulchres of the prophets, and your fathers killed them.
Not everyone in America was ‘playing’ ….and many fought, died, or took heavy wounding & scars fighting while some of the smartalecs on here were but gleams in their mother & father’s eye, or in diapers doing ‘playtime’. Some here need to GROWUP, and get sober. Spend some time studying both the Bible & old, less-revised history from ages that were still at least somewhat attached to truth, pre-postmodern idiocy & delusion conditioning & dumbing down, demoralization. Real life isn’t manipulated social media or video game reality, & you young who may go deep into this will have need of folks off the milk & on to the meat, able to chew & digest & apply it. In fact, it’s looking like we’re all going to be needing that, & soon, if the Lord doesn’t soon return for us.
Bonfire of the vanities at the 1 Corinthians 3 judgment seat of Christ is going to be big enough for most all of us without adding more combustibles to the wood, hay & stubble. And neither trannies or ‘scorch-out’ word specialists are gonna win this one.