“The goal is to reduce cash fluidity in the market, mainly because crime organizations tend to rely on cash. By limiting the use of it, criminal activity is much harder to carry out.”

Last week the Israeli government passed a law that prohibits residents from spending over 6,000 NIS ($1,700) in cash and bank checks.

If a transaction is above 6,000 NIS it must be completed via a credit/debit card or a digital transfer, and any other alternative methods.

Moreover, The Media Line added, ‘Trading between private citizens who are not listed as business owners will be limited to 15,000 NIS ($4,360) in cash. In both cases, deals exceeding these sums can include a cash payment worth up to 10% of the total value of the deal. This is another step in Israel’s fight against the use of cash. Previously, cash up to the amount of 11,000 NIS ($3,200) could be used in business deals.’

The new law went into effect on August 1st, and according to Israel’s Tax Authority, the move is designed to crackdown on tax fraud and avoidance, money laundering, and criminal actions.

We want the public to reduce the use of cash money.

The goal is to reduce cash fluidity in the market, mainly because crime organizations tend to rely on cash. By limiting the use of it, criminal activity is much harder to carry out.

Adv. Tamar Bracha, who is in charge of executing the law on behalf of Israel’s Tax Authority, told The Media Line

However, charitable organizations and trade with West Bank Palestinians are still allowable, yet detailed reports must be filed with Israel’s Tax Authority; though, it is not meant to be permanent, but serve as a buffer to allow people to gradually adjust their payment methods.

This law was first proposed in 2015 and edited in 2018, which, at the time, originally included banning private holdings of large sums of cash at a max cap of 50,000 NIS ($14,500). That part did not pass at the time, but Israel’s Finance Ministry is seeking to take a vote on this soon. The nation’s Tax Authority purports that a handful of other countries have identical laws already in place, and proven to work.

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Attorney Uri Goldman, an expert in tax civil and criminal law, and money laundering, who represented clients in an appeal against the cash law in 2018, says this would not work unless a certain compromise is made:

They should permit people, at least once, to declare all the cash money they have and put it in the bank. Otherwise, the cash might not be used like before, but it’s still out there, going around. If they find the legal way to do this, it could start a change.

Goldman said, who brought this up during preliminary discussions

Goldman told The Media Line that the bill where it stands is simply not equitable.

We were in the discussions about the bill. The data we brought showed that since the first phase of the law was in effect, the amount of cash on the market only increased. So clearly, something’s not working.

When the bill passed there were over a million citizens without bank accounts in Israel. The law would prevent them from conducting any business and would, practically, turn 10% of the population into criminals.


*Cough-cough* Uh, hello?

[16] And he causeth all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and bond, to receive a mark in their right hand, or in their foreheads: [17] And that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name. [18] Here is wisdom. Let him that hath understanding count the number of the beast: for it is the number of a man; and his number is Six hundred threescore and six.

Revelation 13:16-18

Israel’s wicked government is using the same line of reasoning as to why other nations are planning to implement central bank digital currencies and social credit scores quite soon, claiming that it is to limit “criminality.” Yeah right.

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But a lot populations as a whole around the world, especially in the U.S., are not going to spring for these digital currencies and cashless transactions. Therefore, trigger events must be enacted in order to corral and force them to obey the system: namely, taking away food, heat, and other ‘fun’ things; via plandemics, wartime payments, energy and fuel rationing, carbon calculators, etc.

[4] And Satan answered the LORD, and said, Skin for skin, yea, all that a man hath will he give for his life. [5] But put forth thine hand now, and touch his bone and his flesh, and he will curse thee to thy face.

Job 2:4-5

[7] Who goeth a warfare any time at his own charges? who planteth a vineyard, and eateth not of the fruit thereof? or who feedeth a flock, and eateth not of the milk of the flock? [8] Say I these things as a man? or saith not the law the same also? [9] For it is written in the law of Moses, Thou shalt not muzzle the mouth of the ox that treadeth out the corn. Doth God take care for oxen? [10] Or saith he it altogether for our sakes? For our sakes, no doubt, this is written: that he that ploweth should plow in hope; and that he that thresheth in hope should be partaker of his hope. (1 Corinthians 9:7-10).

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  • The Time of Jacob’s Trouble is getting amped and built up, they’re gearing everything up, and the Vatican is behind it because that’s where the Antichrist will rule the world from – if I’m wrong, then PLEASE, correct me!

    I don’t want to miss the catching up. I want my name in the Book of Life and know it and be part of the Bride of Christ – something I’d rather have than all the money, gold, silver, and platinum on earth.

    Jacob, there’s this YouTube preacher who is supposedly King James Bible only but he has some doctrines and teachings that I find very confusing and suspicious, his name is Paul Kidd, his YouTube channel name is dockidds and he was saying in one of his videos that those who were saved but started messing around in sin had their names blotted out of the book of life – and now I’m worried and getting mixed messages.

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  • Also Jacob, UPDATE I believe Paul Kidd (dockidds on YouTube) is false because he believes that Mystery Babylon is America and not the Vatican.

    But about that name being blotted out of the Book of Life part, that’s where I’m confused and aghast.

    I believe dockidds is due for some serious reproving. I know you’re very busy but whenever you can I guess…

    • Please, do something about your obsession with the Vatican. I know Catholics believe in many erroneous things but Vatican isn’t Babylon. Babylon is identified with “the Great City” in Revelation and in the streets of this city is where the two prophets will be murdered shortly before the second coming. It is stated that their Lord was also crucified in this city, which means Babylon, or the great city, would have to be Jerusalem.

      I suggest you stop listening to self-proclaimed preachers whose so-called churches have no link to any of the twelve Apostles and I also suggest that you give your obsession with the End Times a rest. The End Times will not come when you think they will. That’s why you have to be on your guard all the time.

      • This is one confusing theological mess of a post. With no scripture reference to boot? Thanks Jacob for all you do and hopefully this person comes back with some scriptural reference and why the Vatican is not mystery Babylon instead of unjustifed generic statements…..

        • It’s somewhat frustrating that you’re asking me to explain something that anyone who has carefully read the Bible should already be familiar with. But I’ll do it anyway.

          Babylon is identified with the great city in Revelation 14. Babylon is also identified with the mother of abominations in Revelation 17. Now here comes the interesting part; in Revelation 11 the great city is identified with the place where the Lord of the two prophets was crucified, which is obviously Jerusalem (the city is also described as being spiritually depraved like Egypt and Sodom). In Revelation 18 the Prophets and the Apostles rejoice in Heaven after God avenges them by destroying Babylon; in the last verses of Revelation 18 it is stated that the blood of the Prophets was found in the city, which ties in to the reproaches Christ imputed to Jerusalem in Matthew 23 and Luke 13 (” Oh Jerusalem, you kill the prophets and stone those who are sent to you”).

          If we assume the antichrist is going to be a pope, we will have to admit that Catholicism is the true faith because the antichrist is described as a man who “will disregard the God of his fathers” in Daniel 11, which would imply that the Catholic ancestors of the antichrist worshiped the true God.

          Furthermore, the Vatican is too small to be politically and economically relevant like Babylon in Revelation.

          The fact of the matter is that we cannot be sure about anything concerning the period referred to in Revelation, which is why we are to stay on our guard and not make bold claims.

          Maybe I’m wrong and you’re right. If so, there is no way for you to prove it because, as Christ told the Apostles, “It is not for you to know the times and the seasons” (Acts, 1). As Christians we are not supposed to know these things or argue about them but if you want to spend your life speculating about something you’ll never be able to prove, have at it.

      • Dude Stop it, I suggest you stop listening to your priests, cardenals and pedophiles and stick to King James Bible. Don’t be partaker of sin.

        • First of all, I’m not Catholic.

          Second of all, it’s ludicrous for you to criticize me for following “priests and cardinals and pedophiles” when your preferred version of the Bible was written at the behest of an abusive Monarch who was no better than the Roman Popes and who may or may not have been a homosexual.

          The truth of the matter is that Evangelicals have a silly obsession with demonizing Catholics. Everything wrong with this world, the Evangelicals will lay at the Pope’s door as if the Pope had any power over Governments and secret societies. Give it a rest already! You’ve beaten this horse to death. Can we talk about something else for a change?

  • @andrew.
    Messing around with sin make you lose rewards at judgement seat of Christ

    For we must all appear before the judgment seat of Christ; that every one may receive the things done in his body, according to that he hath done, whether it be good or bad.
    2 Corinthians 5:10 KJV

    If you are saved, you are sealed and can not lose your salvation.

    And grieve not the holy Spirit of God, whereby ye are sealed unto the day of redemption.
    Ephesians 4:30 KJV

    Stop watch Paul Kidd!
    When you see he says wrong things and dont let him be corrected on these things.
    He is a false teacher and he wont change his mind. Then a reproving wont help.

    Warn him if you want. But You cant change him, let alone after the warnings.

    • I got it, Fredrik.

      Have you seen any of his videos? I’m not doubting you, just asking out of curiosity.

      I’m glad somebody replied to clear this up, whether it’s you, Jacob, Bryan, or any other true believer above novice. I’m a novice.

      I need to remember: just because somebody uses or reads out of the King James Bible, that doesn’t mean they’re saved. Look at these ministers of Satan in the baptist BATHOLIC cult buildings.

      • I have watched 1:30 minutes of his latest video (many people around the world are paying $100…), and that was enough with redflags to stop watching.

        You are better of reading the word yourself. See some old sermons from Bryan. They are all good.

        • I saw that latest video also where people are paying $100 to wear that blasphemous bikini (I won’t go into detail it’s in the video I’m too vexed by it and I don’t intrusive thoughts invading my head) and yes, the difference between Paul Kidd and true believers like Bryan and Jacob etc., are night and day.

  • Another thing: you must guard yourself at all times, after being saved.

    You have a bullseye on your back. Satan will make you doubt the word of God in anyway he can. Thru people, dreams, events, sins that you make, lies and false doctrine. Things that you can go weeks and months on and believe the lies.

    So be a good soldier and study the word. So you can refute the lies when they come.

    God bless you

    • Thank you brother.

      I must read God’s word the King James Bible continually and I haven’t been doing it enough and I desire to understand the context and how to apply it.

      God bless you.

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