Am I therefore become your enemy, because I tell you the truth? -Galatians 4:16

This article was first published on May 31st, 2021. Some editons have been made.

This piece is going to be a “coarse” one with lots of scripture. This report will indeed be lengthy, and, I will “reprove, rebuke, exhort with all longsuffering and doctrine” (2 Timothy 4:2). This article is not for the simple or feint-hearted: it will be hard-hitting and discussing topics that cannot be ignored. So, if you came for the quick Happy Meal drama, then this is not the report for you, and you can safely click-off, and go binge-watch Gen Z’ers making fools out of themselves for clout on Tik-Tok.

I have been meaning to do this report for a little bit now, but there seems to have been tons of different distractions and roadblocks that prevented me from getting it out, starting with the ‘sudden death’ of my grandfather a couple of weeks ago, along with other hassles that needed to be taken care over; plus, my flesh trying to entice me to do other things and report on other things.

NO more: I need to get this sent out, as I feel greatly pressed of the Holy Spirit to relay this message to those amongst the body of Christ for those that are still paying attention (or maybe not), and a warning to the few in the secular world who will listen, to get this message out there.

Please, read and meditate (contemplate, think about) what I am going to present in this article.

The Lord has been showing me and reminding of passages of scriptures that I feel a great burden to present; to, as I said, reprove, rebuke, and exhort. Furthermore, at times I will have to “speak as a fool” as Paul the apostle had to do at times (2 Corinthians 11:23, 12:11); and so, there will be some things said that may sound pompous to those who do not understand my intent. I am stating that now and getting it out of the way, lest I constantly put disclaimers before my sentences.

I can pretty much guarantee what I am going to say will probably result in me losing more support for this ministry, but sometimes these things are a necessary loss.

With that out of the way, let us begin.

Earlier this year I republished a report on the many benefits of eating honey, and briefly linked it with scripture confirming that the King James Bible had already proven these findings thousands of years before the modern scientists and doctors had the plethora of studies at their disposal.

Honey and the honeycomb are often synonymous with the word of God, as can be seen below:

[7] The law of the LORD is perfect, converting the soul: the testimony of the LORD is sure, making wise the simple. [8] The statutes of the LORD are right, rejoicing the heart: the commandment of the LORD is pure, enlightening the eyes. [9] The fear of the LORD is clean, enduring for ever: the judgments of the LORD are true and righteous altogether. [10] More to be desired are they than gold, yea, than much fine gold: sweeter also than honey and the honeycomb. [11] Moreover by them is thy servant warned: and in keeping of them there is great reward. [12] Who can understand his errors? cleanse thou me from secret faults. [13] Keep back thy servant also from presumptuous sins; let them not have dominion over me: then shall I be upright, and I shall be innocent from the great transgression. [14] Let the words of my mouth, and the meditation of my heart, be acceptable in thy sight, O LORD, my strength, and my redeemer.

Psalm 19:7-14
[103] How sweet are thy words unto my taste! yea, sweeter than honey to my mouth! [104] Through thy precepts I get understanding: therefore I hate every false way.

Psalms 119:103-104
[13] My son, eat thou honey, because it is good; and the honeycomb, which is sweet to thy taste: [14] So shall the knowledge of wisdom be unto thy soul: when thou hast found it, then there shall be a reward, and thy expectation shall not be cut off.

Proverbs 24:13-14

There are other scriptures discussing the honey and the honeycomb, to which I’ll get to in this report; but, as you can see, honey and the honeycomb are comparable to the scriptures. They are very sweet and tasty, and come with a slew of benefits, and has long been since the go-to healing agent for millennia. Therefore, just like honey, the word of God can heal and fix your ailments. That is, of course, if you let the word do the healing. This all goes back to what I laid-out in detail in my salvation message, as those who do not want their SINS reproved, being self-righteous, arrogant, brutish, and refusal to admit to being sick and needing a physician. Honey is always a great and tasty cure.

But if honey is so tasty and sweet, and comes with all the benefits that it does (I speak of the scriptures), then why would man want to avoid the honey? Well, for the reasons I stated in the last paragraph; but, for a scriptural explanation, there is a reason why:

In Revelation 10 we see Jesus Christ appear in his holy, beautiful, yet terrifying glory, as the angel of the Lord. And the lord was holding this book, and told John to eat it. Notice what the text says:

[8] And the voice which I heard from heaven spake unto me again, and said, Go and take the little book which is open in the hand of the angel which standeth upon the sea and upon the earth. [9] And I went unto the angel, and said unto him, Give me the little book. And he said unto me, Take it, and eat it up; and it shall make thy belly bitter, but it shall be in thy mouth sweet as honey. [10] And I took the little book out of the angel’s hand, and ate it up; and it was in my mouth sweet as honey: and as soon as I had eaten it, my belly was bitter. [11] And he said unto me, Thou must prophesy again before many peoples, and nations, and tongues, and kings.

Revelation 10:8-11

The little book that John was made to eat was synonymous with the honeycomb: he was told to eat the word of God. As noted before, eating the honeycomb (spiritually) will enlighten the eyes (1 Samuel 14:24-52), but it can do something else: it can make you feel bitter and sick at times. This can be noted in the aforementioned report about honey itself.

As sweet and tasty as honey is, it can make you bitter and feel sickly. This is for different reasons.

“Often eating honey, a bitter aftertaste appears and the question is, should the honey taste bitter. There is more than one reason why honey tastes bitter. First of all, it should be understood that the variety of varieties of honey products differs among themselves not only in composition and nutritional properties. Color, taste and aroma may differ. This does not mean that the product is not suitable for consumption.

“The production of honey with a bitter taste can be due to several reasons. The first step is to exclude the beginning of product fermentation. Violation of the technology for the collection and storage of bee waste products provokes fermentation.

“For the most part, these varieties (dandelion, heather, cornflower, rapeseed coniferous, green) are bitter due to the large amount of resins and essential oils in the products. The presence of such ingredients does not make honey dangerous or harmful. According to many beekeepers, such varieties are best used for prevention and treatment.

“Another reason for the appearance of a bitter taste can be a violation of the storage temperature. Due to inexperience, many beginners begin to reheat honey products without going into the process in detail. The result is bitterness and a singed smell.

“Drunk honey is considered dangerous for consumption. This product is the result of collecting pollen from plants containing toxic substances. Although such cases are very rare.

“In some cases, eating large amounts of honeycomb may cause stomach obstructions.

“To minimize the risk of this happening, it may be best to avoid eating large amounts of honeycomb daily — or simply spit out the waxy cells.

“Moreover, people with allergies to bee venom or pollen may want to use caution when eating honeycomb, as it may cause an allergic reaction.

“It’s also important to note that despite its many potential benefits, honeycomb remains very high in sugar — so it’s best to eat it in moderation.”

“Although honey is one of the healthiest sweeteners, it still should certainly be used in moderation. Mild honey intoxication side effects can include weakness, dizziness, vomiting, sweating and nausea. Other more serious side effects of honey consumption are unlikely unless you consume way too much.” -Dr. Axe

“It is very possible to have too much of a good thing. I eat in moderation. Also, if you are one of the people who like to eat beeswax together with honey too, I wouldn’t eat too much of it at once. And small bites, please!”

Those are just a handful articles that note that over-eating on honey and a honeycomb can cause sickness. The scriptures make mention of this, and is again applied to the spiritual application:

[16] Hast thou found honey? eat so much as is sufficient for thee, lest thou be filled therewith, and vomit it. [27] It is not good to eat much honey: so for men to search their own glory is not glory.

Proverbs 25:16, 27

Verse 16 is connected with verse 27, and another passage which will be discussed in a moment. I have talked about verse 27 in other reports, and the application here is that there are people out there who understand the benefits honey have to offer, but they consume it incorrectly. Instead of using moderation, fakers and apostates will go headlong and foolishly scarf down way too much honey, and it causes them to get sick. Spiritually speaking, there are tons of people out there that realize they can study the scriptures, not for the purposes of edification, sanctification, purification, redemption, reprieval, instruction, and so forth; but to inflate one’s ego and justify their fleshly desires. In other words, study the scriptures so you can be the authority and have people emulate and coddle up to you (a Nicolaitan, Revelation 2:6, 15), taking away the glory from God and placing it on yourself; to cherry-pick certain scriptures to avoid all those “bitter” passages and only discuss the “sweet” (I’ll talk more about that later) – to justify certain sins and preach doctrines that permit your sins. In doing so you’ll make yourself sick and vomit up the honey; just like the Lord vomits out the false-convert, lukewarm Laodiceans (Revelation 3:14-22). And we know that dogs sure do love to eat their own vomit.

[20] For if after they have escaped the pollutions of the world through the knowledge of the Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ, they are again entangled therein, and overcome, the latter end is worse with them than the beginning. [21] For it had been better for them not to have known the way of righteousness, than, after they have known it, to turn from the holy commandment delivered unto them. [22] But it is happened unto them according to the true proverb, The dog is turned to his own vomit again; and the sow that was washed to her wallowing in the mire.

2 Peter 2:20-22. See: Proverbs 26:11

Moreover, if you look at another passage where the benefits of the honeycomb are mentioned, you should notice this:

[21] The wise in heart shall be called prudent: and the sweetness of the lips increaseth learning. [22] Understanding is a wellspring of life unto him that hath it: but the instruction of fools is folly. [23] The heart of the wise teacheth his mouth, and addeth learning to his lips. [24] Pleasant words are as an honeycomb, sweet to the soul, and health to the bones. [25] There is a way that seemeth right unto a man, but the end thereof are the ways of death. [26] He that laboureth laboureth for himself; for his mouth craveth it of him. [27] An ungodly man diggeth up evil: and in his lips there is as a burning fire. [28] A froward man soweth strife: and a whisperer separateth chief friends. [29] A violent man enticeth his neighbour, and leadeth him into the way that is not good. [30] He shutteth his eyes to devise froward things: moving his lips he bringeth evil to pass.

Proverbs 16:21-30

If you notice that whole passage has something to do with sweetness and the lips, and with verse 24 being centered within it. Clearly this is referring to the word of God in verses 21-24, but verses 25-30 are the juxtaposition to that, and represent people that wish to do things their way, and not obey the word, and not let the honey heal them of their infirmities. Hence, why these people in their folly over-indulge in the sweet goodness of the word of God, and get sick from the bitterness it causes because the word will eventually offend them and cause them to get sick, thereby vomiting it all back up, corroborating with what 2 Peter 2:20-22 describes. If you want another example of this, read the parable of the seed sower and see what Jesus says, and you’ll get the idea (Matthew 13:1-23).

In The Song of Solomon – a book that is a type of love and relationship the church (and the individual) ought to have towards Christ, as a husband and wife – we see that the wife (the body of Christ) describes her spouse (Jesus Christ) as having the scent and taste of a honeycomb (his word).

Thy lips, O my spouse, drop as the honeycomb: honey and milk are under thy tongue; and the smell of thy garments is like the smell of Lebanon.

Song of Solomon 4:11

But false converts and “churchianity” love to pervert this, and masquerade their false beliefs and deceit with the sweetness of honey: but the end of it is bitterness, and will cause the child of God to fall and commit spiritually adultery against the Lord. Observe:

[1] My son, attend unto my wisdom, and bow thine ear to my understanding: [2] That thou mayest regard discretion, and that thy lips may keep knowledge. [3] For the lips of a strange woman drop as an honeycomb, and her mouth is smoother than oil: [4] But her end is bitter as wormwood, sharp as a twoedged sword. [5] Her feet go down to death; her steps take hold on hell. [6] Lest thou shouldest ponder the path of life, her ways are moveable, that thou canst not know them. [7] Hear me now therefore, O ye children, and depart not from the words of my mouth. [8]  Remove thy way far from her, and come not nigh the door of her house: [9]  Lest thou give thine honour unto others, and thy years unto the cruel: [10]  Lest strangers be filled with thy wealth; and thy labours be in the house of a stranger; [11] And thou mourn at the last, when thy flesh and thy body are consumed, [12] And say, How have I hated instruction, and my heart despised reproof; [13] And have not obeyed the voice of my teachers, nor inclined mine ear to them that instructed me! [14] I was almost in all evil in the midst of the congregation and assembly.

Proverbs 5:1-14

This report is not about me hoot’n and holler’n about dead religion and apostates, so I will not be going down that wormhole and beating that dead horse, on something we are all quite acquainted with at this point; but it is at least worth mentioning that false teachers and prophets will allure you with the sweetness of the word, only to make you bitter in the end because one of Lucifer’s ministers pulled a bait and switch on people.

But getting back to Revelation 10 and how eating the scriptures made John bitter – if you notice in verse 11 of that passage, after John’s stomach became bitter, he was told, “Thou must prophesy again before many peoples, and nations, and tongues, and kings.”

The implication is that by preaching the truth and declaring what the Lord had shown him, it may have tasted sweet to him (because he loves the truth of God’s word), but it will leave a bitter feeling in those around you. If you are saved, you know precisely what I am talking about, and how the lost world, family, old friends, neighbors, coworkers; think you are nuts for your beliefs and the stances you take. I remember when I was saved for no more than a week, and I was just getting ready to start my Sophomore year of high school, and I was on the football team at the time; and while I practically knew nothing of the scriptures at the time (as I was still quite deluded and not even sure that I was saved at the time), I still at least wanted to talk about Jesus Christ. At the time I was really trying to make my YouTube channel blow up and become the next internet sensation. And when my church-going teammates asked what my next videos were going to be, I said it was going to be about trusting in the Lord and having faith in him. I was quickly scoffed and scorned at, and I didn’t even quote scripture to them.

[18] If the world hate you, ye know that it hated me before it hated you. [19]  If ye were of the world, the world would love his own: but because ye are not of the world, but I have chosen you out of the world, therefore the world hateth you. [20] Remember the word that I said unto you, The servant is not greater than his lord. If they have persecuted me, they will also persecute you; if they have kept my saying, they will keep yours also. [21] But all these things will they do unto you for my name’s sake, because they know not him that sent me. [22] If I had not come and spoken unto them, they had not had sin: but now they have no cloke for their sin. [23] He that hateth me hateth my Father also. [24] If I had not done among them the works which none other man did, they had not had sin: but now have they both seen and hated both me and my Father. [25] But this cometh to pass, that the word might be fulfilled that is written in their law, They hated me without a cause.

John 15:18-25

Jesus also said in another place “I have given them thy word; and the world hath hated them, because they are not of the world, even as I am not of the world” (John 17:14). For the reasons why I have already hinted at, the world does not want to hear all the negative news (except for those who love to get the daily adrenaline hit, worsening news so they can stoke their egos and “search out their own glory”). In the case of John in the book of Revelation, both then and now, the strong majority of the book is quite bitter indeed, and so naturally, people are going to laugh at it, reject it, and just might even attack and persecute you for it. But, just as John was called to preach the word and fulfil his calling, we too need to endure hardness as good soldiers for Jesus Christ (2 Timothy 2:3-4).

But it is not just the world that will be made bitter in tasting the honeycomb, but you yourself can be made bitter. The word will taste and enter sweet, but once you really begin to meditate and accept what some (a lot of) passages are teaching, it will make you bitter; not in the sense that it would make you full of envy, wrath, sedition, but in the sense that with increased knowledge and wisdom comes sorrow, vexation, righteous indignation. Solomon confessed this as he got to the end of his life.

[17] And I gave my heart to know wisdom, and to know madness and folly: I perceived that this also is vexation of spirit. [18] For in much wisdom is much grief: and he that increaseth knowledge increaseth sorrow.

Ecclesiastes 1:17-18

Solomon did later note that “Sorrow is better than laughter: for by the sadness of the countenance the heart is made better” (Ecclesiastes 7:3); so, in a sense, eating the honeycomb still ends up offering healing properties, just not the way we like it or always want it: sometimes (a lot of times) treatment can be quite painful and prolonged.

But again, using John as a reference, being shown the truth and having to swallow that bitter pill can be tough at times, as one begins to meditate and ponder the realization of that truth. In modern times, people will think and accuse you of being mean, proud, and unloving, for simply telling them the raw truth, because you love them enough to tell them the truth. Eating the honeycomb tastes great, but as it begins to digest inside of you, vexation, sorrow, indignation comes out it when you learn the truth of something; especially when you see family, friends, neighbors, and strangers heading for clear destruction, but knowing they will not listen no matter how many times you tell them. A good example of this can be seen in Psalm 73.

With those three examples of bitterness the honeycomb brings, it leads me to the heart of this message; and that is, Do YOU loathe the honeycomb? What I am talking about?

The full soul loatheth an honeycomb; but to the hungry soul every bitter thing is sweet.

Proverbs 27:7

The parallel is similar to that of the earlier analogy of the sick patient needing healed, with most patients not looking for a real cure or physician to fix them. Those not looking for treatment are the self-righteous types the Lord does not save. This verse can also be compared to this one as well:

Whoso despiseth the word shall be destroyed: but he that feareth the commandment shall be rewarded.

Proverbs 13:13

In the case of Proverbs 27:7, Jesus said, “Blessed are they which do hunger and thirst after righteousness: for they shall be filled” (Matthew 5:6). Someone who is hungry to serve and please the Lord will not care what he is fed, knowing that what it yields will be good for them. When you were a child, and had good parents that actually cared, they would force you to eat those nasty brussel sprouts, broccoli, asparagus, green beans, cauliflower, and on and on; but they made you eat them because they are good for you. Even now there are things I occasionally eat that I am not a fan of, (though I usually tend have a stomach for most things), but I eat it because I know it has health benefits that are good for my overall wellbeing.

[65] TETH. Thou hast dealt well with thy servant, O LORD, according unto thy word. [66] Teach me good judgment and knowledge: for I have believed thy commandments. [67] Before I was afflicted I went astray: but now have I kept thy word. [68] Thou art good, and doest good; teach me thy statutes. [69] The proud have forged a lie against me: but I will keep thy precepts with my whole heart. [70] Their heart is as fat as grease; but I delight in thy law. [71] It is good for me that I have been afflicted; that I might learn thy statutes. [72] The law of thy mouth is better unto me than thousands of gold and silver.

Psalms 119:65-72

This is how it is with the honeycomb (scripture). There are relatively a lot more “bitter” things in the word than there are sweet, but, if you are a coinsure of righteousness, knowledge, sanctification, correction, cleansing; then you’ll eat up and love the bitter all the same, and it’ll taste just as sweet. Again, there are many things I did not like at first but forced myself to eat, but eventually grew a tolerance and likening to it.

But the “full soul” is someone that has been fully satiated with all the worldly delicacies, hence why when they try to eat too much sweet honey they vomit it out. Agur in the Proverbs noted this:

[7] Two things have I required of thee; deny me them not before I die: [8] Remove far from me vanity and lies: give me neither poverty nor riches; feed me with food convenient for me: [9] Lest I be full, and deny thee, and say, Who is the LORD? or lest I be poor, and steal, and take the name of my God in vain.

Proverbs 30:7-9

Moreover, also examine this parable spoken by Jesus:

[16] And he spake a parable unto them, saying, The ground of a certain rich man brought forth plentifully: [17] And he thought within himself, saying, What shall I do, because I have no room where to bestow my fruits? [18] And he said, This will I do: I will pull down my barns, and build greater; and there will I bestow all my fruits and my goods. [19] And I will say to my soul, Soul, thou hast much goods laid up for many years; take thine ease, eat, drink, and be merry. [20] But God said unto him, Thou fool, this night thy soul shall be required of thee: then whose shall those things be, which thou hast provided? [21] So is he that layeth up treasure for himself, and is not rich toward God.

Luke 12:16-21

With Luke 12:16-21 and Proverbs 30:7-9 in mind, the illustration of the lukewarm Laodicean who thinks they are rich and are prospering, but could not be any more depraved and blinded by their own self conceits are a great example. The Laodicean’s souls are quite full, so full, they’d rather not be neither sweet or bitter. And, with any fallen and apostate nation, full of false converts and backsliders, they love to “call evil good, and good evil; that put darkness for light, and light for darkness; that put bitter for sweet, and sweet for bitter!” (Isaiah 5:20).

But as I said, I am not here to rant and rave about something we already know. The point here is that the man hungering after righteousness and the whole truth will enjoy the whole corpus of the scriptures, both sweet and bitter and treat them all the same; but the self-righteous, the fools, the arrogant, the simple, the humanists have great distain and hatred (loathe) for the bitterness of truth the honeycomb bring.

You know, brother or sister in Christ, that you can get just as inflated, and especially more so, than when you were without Christ? And that is what I am here today to pose the question and challenge: Do YOU loathe the honeycomb? Of course, your immediate response will probably be, ‘Why, of course not, Jacob: I believe what the scriptures say.’ And that may very well be true, but I also not so foolish as to think that anyone that says they actually believe the Book truly does so, and live it through charity.

As explained in a separate study I did this year, one of the key characteristics of true charity is “Rejoiceth not in iniquity, but rejoiceth in the truth;” (1 Corinthians 13:6). And one of if not the biggest problems amongst the body of Christ today (NOT the false converts), is the fact that most people simply do not believe and trust God’s word as it stands (1 Thessalonians 2:13). They may say they believe and trust God’s word, they may say they are Bible believers, they may promote and proclaim the goodness of the word of God; and yet still not truly believe and take it as it stands, loathing the honeycomb. This was just as big of a problem for the Jews, and is today for the born again brethren.

[21] They forgat God their saviour, which had done great things in Egypt; [22] Wondrous works in the land of Ham, and terrible things by the Red sea. [23] Therefore he said that he would destroy them, had not Moses his chosen stood before him in the breach, to turn away his wrath, lest he should destroy them. [24] Yea, they despised the pleasant land, they believed not his word: [25] But murmured in their tents, and hearkened not unto the voice of the LORD. [26] Therefore he lifted up his hand against them, to overthrow them in the wilderness: [27] To overthrow their seed also among the nations, and to scatter them in the lands.

Psalms 106:21-27

As I said earlier, friend, take heed: you can get just as or even more self-righteous than when you were without Christ. And you can get so lifted up and filled up with pride and adulation that you can become the biggest hypocrite walking, and be the very reason why people refuse to get saved and why the world is in the mess that it is in.

Though this passage is centered towards a Jew, for instruction in righteousness purposes, it still very much applies to a Christian today:

[17] Behold, thou art called a Jew, and restest in the law, and makest thy boast of God, [18] And knowest his will, and approvest the things that are more excellent, being instructed out of the law; [19] And art confident that thou thyself art a guide of the blind, a light of them which are in darkness, [20] An instructor of the foolish, a teacher of babes, which hast the form of knowledge and of the truth in the law. [21] Thou therefore which teachest another, teachest thou not thyself? thou that preachest a man should not steal, dost thou steal? [22] Thou that sayest a man should not commit adultery, dost thou commit adultery? thou that abhorrest idols, dost thou commit sacrilege? [23] Thou that makest thy boast of the law, through breaking the law dishonourest thou God? [24] For the name of God is blasphemed among the Gentiles through you, as it is written. [25] For circumcision verily profiteth, if thou keep the law: but if thou be a breaker of the law, thy circumcision is made uncircumcision.

Romans 2:17-25

Of course, I am well aware that the hypocrites will say that “all have sinned,” which is true, but it is imperative for us all to continually examine and prove our own selves. Just as the Hebrew’s gainsaying religion caused the Gentiles to blaspheme and reject the word and the Lord’s salvation; it is the same exact parallel we see today with both saved and false Christians, and is the root cause why the world, including Jews, have zero desire to be born again and to not even so much as entertain and humor you when presenting scripture. And quite frankly, who can blame them? Who’s the bigger fool: the one who claims to have God’s perfect word and lives contrary to everything written in it, or the one who sees that the other is offering nothing better that what he already has?

There is a price for sin and rejecting the Lord’s word, as this will cause God to execute his wrath upon the world, as you are warned: “Be not ye therefore partakers with them (Ephesians 5:7).” The Lord will have to lump you in the rest of the lost world and judge you all the same.

Brother and sisters, just as the Lord severely judged and punished his own inheritance and chosen people (Israel), the Lord will very much do the same to us, as we inherit those same promises. Don’t believe me? Then I want you to take a closer examination of Romans 11, because soooo many people miss a critical message contained in this chapter, that is often very much overlooked and/or misunderstood.

[15] For if the casting away of them – (the nation of Israel) –  be the reconciling of the world, what shall the receiving of them be, but life from the dead? [16] For if the firstfruit be holy, the lump is also holy: and if the root be holy, so are the branches. [17] And if some of the branches be broken off, and thou, being a wild olive tree, wert graffed in among them, and with them partakest of the root and fatness of the olive tree; [18] Boast not against the branches. But if thou boast, thou bearest not the root, but the root thee. [19] Thou wilt say then, The branches were broken off, that I might be graffed in. [20] Well; because of unbelief they were broken off, and thou standest by faith. Be not highminded, but fear: [21] For if God spared not the natural branches, take heed lest he also spare not thee. [22] Behold therefore the goodness and severity of God: on them which fell, severity; but toward thee, goodness, if thou continue in his goodness: otherwise thou also shalt be cut off. [23] And they also, if they abide not still in unbelief, shall be graffed in: for God is able to graff them in again.

Romans 11:15-23

We did NOT replace Israel, we did NOT become Jews, but we DID get grafted into the same tree and root which is Israel. The root bears us, the Gentile believers, and not the other way around. As noted in Ephesians 2:11-22, “That at that time ye were without Christ, being aliens from the commonwealth of Israel, and strangers from the covenants of promise, having no hope, and without God in the world:” (12). So, the contrawise, or the other way of wording it is, we are now citizens of the nation of Israel, thereby inheriting those promises and blessings that God gave to the Jewish nation. Again, we are NOT Jews, but we do partake in their blessings and are become fellow heirs to the promises (Ephesians 3:6; Romans 11:16-17).

However, it’s not all just peaches and cream: you also inherit the curses and condemnation. It’s quite very simple: do not get so egotistical and high-minded that you think that God won’t judge you and consume you either. The Laodiceans are that way, and they are false converts: but you can very easily fall right into the same echo chamber of narcissistic arrogance, thinking you’re so blessed and exalted; when rather you are the sorriest excuse of them all.

Consider this passage about Mystery Babylon, the Romish whore that sits on seven hills, the Vatican:

[7] How much she hath glorified herself, and lived deliciously, so much torment and sorrow give her: for she saith in her heart, I sit a queen, and am no widow, and shall see no sorrow. [8] Therefore shall her plagues come in one day, death, and mourning, and famine; and she shall be utterly burned with fire: for strong is the Lord God who judgeth her.

Revelation 18:7-8

You know something: do you realize how many people amongst the body of Christ have this mindset? Both the many false converts and so many people that are actually saved (of that already fractional amount) possess this very same belief internally – that because they are a Christian, God would never lay a finger upon them or sorely judge them; or those that wave around a King James Bible and believe in their hearts that they are a goodie-goodie Philadelphian Christian (Revelation 3:7-13). Brethren, the Lord will very much afflict, kill, and destroy his own children with the lost if he needs to. Again, you can see this in the early chapters of Revelation, Thyatira being a great example of that.

[20] Notwithstanding I have a few things against thee, because thou sufferest that woman Jezebel, which calleth herself a prophetess, to teach and to seduce my servants to commit fornication, and to eat things sacrificed unto idols. [21] And I gave her space to repent of her fornication; and she repented not. [22] Behold, I will cast her into a bed, and them that commit adultery with her into great tribulation, except they repent of their deeds. [23] And I will kill her children with death; and all the churches shall know that I am he which searcheth the reins and hearts: and I will give unto every one of you according to your works.

Revelation 2:20-23

News flash: Jesus says he will deal quite severely with his own body if they refuse to repent of their wicked ways. And so, in the case of Romans 11, when I mentioned that we the church – who “are a chosen generation, a royal priesthood, an holy nation, a peculiar people” (1 Peter 2:9) – also inherit the curses and warnings levied against Israel.

Go back and read that passage in Romans 11 again. Seriously, go back and read it. In verse 19 Paul surmises a statement of the self-conceited Gentile who starts to think that the Lord cutoff his own inheritance so that the Gentile could slide right on in. And Paul says ‘well’ in verse 20, which is an old-fashioned way of saying “true.” So, in other words, Paul is affirming that while it is true that the Jews were cutoff because of their lack of faith, and the Gentiles also stand by faith, he warns them to “Be not highminded, but fear: [21] For if God spared not the natural branches, take heed lest he also spare not thee.” In other words, if he cut off Israel off for their lack of faith, he very much can and will do the same thing to us. The fear in that passage is not a fear of man or of the world, but of the Lord and the fiery punishment he can inflict. He did to the apple of his eye: and you so arrogantly think he won’t do the same to us? In verse 22 we see both the “goodness and severity of God” is mentioned. You know, sweetness and bitterness of the honeycomb. On “them,” the nation of Israel, they felt and still feel the Lord’s severity; whereas the Gentiles are treated with goodness, BUT there is a caveat attached: IF. If the Gentiles and the body of Christ lose that same faith and do wickedly, then “thou also shalt be cut off.”

And this cutoff process is here and now. We are witnessing the Lord transitioning away from the Gentile nations for their rejection of his word, and are now being destroyed, just as the Lord promised he would.

So, let’s make a quick checkpoint, and I shall ask the question again: do you loathe the honeycomb? I have talked to and observed many people in person and online, both lost and saved (professing), and, they are immensely high-minded. Perhaps you are one of them – that think Jesus Christ would never dare judge you along with the rest of the world. If that is you, then you are a FOOL. There is a reason why the Lord called me into this ministry of doing The WinePress: to act as a “watchman” and warn those that are still willing to listen. I do this but for your benefit, not just to see myself write articles till I’m blue in the face. Ladies and germs, if you do not watch and take heed to the warnings, the Lord WILL allow you to fall into a snare and perdition if you are not taking heed. Look at what Jesus said to the church at Sardis:

[1] And unto the angel of the church in Sardis write; These things saith he that hath the seven Spirits of God, and the seven stars; I know thy works, that thou hast a name that thou livest, and art dead. [2] Be watchful, and strengthen the things which remain, that are ready to die: for I have not found thy works perfect before God. [3] Remember therefore how thou hast received and heard, and hold fast, and repent. If therefore thou shalt not watch, I will come on thee as a thief, and thou shalt not know what hour I will come upon thee. [4] Thou hast a few names even in Sardis which have not defiled their garments; and they shall walk with me in white: for they are worthy.

Revelation 3:1-4

If you do not watch and take heed, and “walk circumspectly, not as fools, but as wise, Redeeming the time, because the days are evil” (Ephesians 5:15-16) as we are commanded to do, you will be ensnared and beguiled, and destroyed. This is why the scripture is contained with so many warnings and commands, and so many graphic details, bitterness you know, because the Lord is trying to warn us and establish a high standard and precedent.

But, in terms of the current situation in the world today, unless you are a false convert Laodecian, the body of Christ is spiritually “Sardis:” there is a small amount of those born again, but are “dead” in their walk and conversation. The body of Christ is dead and is messed up in some deep-deep sins, and only a small infinitesimal few are trying to resist all the garbage, while more and more continue to compromise when the fight has not even really gotten started. It’s sad really. But I suggest you go grab a bar of soap and wash out the prospect of being some goodie little two shoes Philadelphian: wash that verbiage out of your mouth, because those days are dead and gone.

Now I am really going to get into some “bitterness,” so if you can hardly stomach what I’ve covered thus far, then feel free to leave now.

As I said earlier, the body of Christ and Gentile nations inherit both the goodness and severity God gave to the Jews. The goodness on the broad scale is gone, and what is coming is quite some incredible severity. I have noted in other reports this a couple of times, but in the book of Exodus when the Lord gave the commandments to Moses, he warned that “I the LORD thy God am a jealous God, visiting the iniquity of the fathers upon the children unto the third and fourth generation of them that hate me” (Exodus 20:5). The context of that warning is in context of creating graven images and idolatry, and serving them will cause the Lord to judge his people – a judgment that is felt entire generations even after the great-great-great-great-great fathers of the land have died. But, it is interesting that the Lord specifically says four generations, and the Proverbs list four different corrupted and wicked generations, and their encompassing problem.

[11] There is a generation that curseth their father, and doth not bless their mother. [12] There is a generation that are pure in their own eyes, and yet is not washed from their filthiness. [13] There is a generation, O how lofty are their eyes! and their eyelids are lifted up. [14] There is a generation, whose teeth are as swords, and their jaw teeth as knives, to devour the poor from off the earth, and the needy from among men.

Proverbs 30:11-14

And while I am not overly dogmatic on this, I see this list (using the U.S. as a template) starting out with the Baby Boomers: the generation that did everything they could to rebel against their parents and authority, during an age when this nation just invited hoards of wickedness in at once, and tore down longstanding boundaries that have only led to massive chaos to today. This carried over into Gen X, a generation of people where the most false converts were created and/or really began to apostatize, with the rapid increase of new versions, the televangelists and evangelicals pushing “revival;” with corporate greed firing on all cylinders, and drugs and crime soaring to new levels; as more machines took over the labor force, creating more laziness. Then progressivism was truly embraced and force-fed, creating the ultra-entitled Millennials; where everything under the sun became justifiable and acceptable, which could be seen truly manifest behind the pulpits. And then the polar opposite occurred with Gen Z, which also can be described as, “The rod and reproof give wisdom: but a child left to himself bringeth his mother to shame” (Proverbs 29:15), which also could be seen with the Millennials, too. Gen Z is the result of the hypocritical parenting of Boomers and X’ers, where the marriage was thrown out the window, and children were idly left to their own devices. They are a godless bunch who are mostly vegetables, and are actively being transformed into animals (the subject of a different report); and all they can think about is deviance and death; whilst all four generations are blissfully unaware of the dangers and “severity of God” that is about to befall them.

Beloved, take heed, because I said earlier, the Lord will judge and destroy you alongside the heathen. “Be not therefore partakers with them (!).”

You know, I wish the news I report wasn’t always so “negative” and burdensome, but “I speak [these things] for your own profit; not that I may cast a snare upon you, but for that which is comely, and that ye may attend upon the Lord without distraction” (1 Corinthians 7:35); and I do what I do, being called of the Lord into this position, “not seeking mine own profit, but the profit of many” (1 Corinthians 10:33). But unfortunately, most people just don’t seem to understand what is happening and what will happen as well. I understand the overall secular world does not understand what’s going on, but I am taking about the body of Christ; as those who still profess to hold onto some modicum amounts of truth are still totally in the dark, and are choosing to ignore the warning signs.

For example, in the comment sections of ministries I like (which are extremely limited) on YouTube, I’ll see regular viewers so quick to comment on the “softer” videos; whereas the videos that have even just the fractional amounts of “bitterness” from the honeycomb in them, I’ll notice these same people are nowhere to be found. And these are supposed ‘King James Bible believers.’ Hence, this is another reason why I am asking, do YOU loathe the honeycomb? You can wave around a KJV and act like you’re “confident that thou thyself art a guide of the blind” who “makest thy boast of God” (Romans 2:17, 19); and yet be the most self-willed and mental-conceited fool walking.

The sluggard is wiser in his own conceit than seven men that can render a reason.

Proverbs 26:16

You’ll notice something fascinating about lazy and mentally-conceited people: they cannot stand facts and reality. No matter how much evidence you supply a sluggard with, they are always wise in their own conceit (Proverbs 26:12). From talking to plenty of people on and offline, people these are days are just so conceited it’s a joke anymore; but even talking to (professing) brethren, warning them of the realities that lie ahead, so many still just don’t get it and are woefully unprepared, physically, monetarily, mentally, and spiritually; and by wishing all the “bad” away, then these people can imagine themselves in their little utopias and disillusioned realities per the vanity of their minds. I pray you are not one of those people.

I want you to consider this story from the Old Testament. In 2 Chronicles 18 (and the parallel passage in 1 Kings 22), king Jehoshaphat of Judah made a league with the wicked king Ahab of Israel (the 10 northern tribes), to attack Syria at Ramothgilead. You can read the entire story on your own time, but basically what happened was Jehoshaphat wanted some assurance that this battle would go well for them. So, Ahab “gathered together of prophets four hundred men, and said unto them, Shall we go to Ramoth-gilead to battle, or shall I forbear?” (4). In other words, Ahab gathered roughly 400 “yes-men” to tell them what they wanted to hear, Ahab especially. But Jehoshaphat wanted another opinion than just a group of people coddling up to the king. So Ahab mentioned that there was another man they could inquire of; but Ahab said, “but I hate him; for he never prophesied good unto me, but always evil: the same is Micaiah the son of Imla” (7). Ahab just wanted to be lied to and surrounded himself with a crowd that would justify his wickedness, rather than actually hear the truth. I think you would agree we have a lot of that today, numbers that far supersede 400 false prophets and teachers.

As Micaiah was called, another toe-kisser called Zedekiah made horns – made a spectacle out of it in other words by blowing horns and giving the kings a royal celebration – and told them how the kings would overrun and destroy Syria all together. And the messenger who sent for Micaiah told him that all the other prophets have spoken a good word to the kings, and so Micaiah needed to do the same. Micaiah responded by saying, “As the LORD liveth, even what my God saith, that will I speak” (13). Ahab then asks him to give his good report, and Micaiah tells him exactly what he wanted to hear, and repeats word-for-word what the other prophets said. But Ahab saw through this, and again asked him for the truth. So, Micaiah told him the truth, and take note of what Ahab said:

[16] Then he said, I did see all Israel scattered upon the mountains, as sheep that have no shepherd: and the LORD said, These have no master; let them return therefore every man to his house in peace. [17] And the king of Israel said to Jehoshaphat, Did I not tell thee that he would not prophesy good unto me, but evil?

In other words, Israel had become a nation that rejected the Lord and did what they wanted, and therefore had no actual guidance and protection. And of course, Ahab gets flustered when he hears that the message has a negative tone, and already he’s upset that he’s not getting what he wants to hear. Micaiah continues, and really pay attention to what he says, and notate how, what I firmly believe, is happening today in a similar fashion:

[18] Again he said, Therefore hear the word of the LORD; I saw the LORD sitting upon his throne, and all the host of heaven standing on his right hand and on his left. – the other two members of the trinity were on vacation, of course, that’s why they are not there – [19] And the LORD said, Who shall entice Ahab king of Israel, that he may go up and fall at Ramoth-gilead? And one spake saying after this manner, and another saying after that manner. [20] Then there came out a spirit, and stood before the LORD, and said, I will entice him. And the LORD said unto him, Wherewith? [21] And he said, I will go out, and be a lying spirit in the mouth of all his prophets. And the LORD said, Thou shalt entice him, and thou shalt also prevail: go out, and do even so. [22] Now therefore, behold, the LORD hath put a lying spirit in the mouth of these thy prophets, and the LORD hath spoken evil against thee. [23] Then Zedekiah the son of Chenaanah came near, and smote Micaiah upon the cheek, and said, Which way went the Spirit of the LORD from me to speak unto thee? [24] And Micaiah said, Behold, thou shalt see on that day when thou shalt go into an inner chamber to hide thyself. [25] Then the king of Israel said, Take ye Micaiah, and carry him back to Amon the governor of the city, and to Joash the king’s son; [26] And say, Thus saith the king, Put this fellow in the prison, and feed him with bread of affliction and with water of affliction, until I return in peace. [27] And Micaiah said, If thou certainly return in peace, then hath not the LORD spoken by me. And he said, Hearken, all ye people.

Isn’t that a marvelous thing: the roughly 400 hundred yes-man prophets were actually devil-possessed, and those devils were, sent of the Lord, to deceive Ahab into going up to that battle to ultimately be defeated. Quite frankly that is what is happening right now in America and across the world, but on a more exponential scale; which I’ll elaborate more on that in a minute. Take Donald Trump for example: do you realize just the sheer number of preachers and “prophets” across all denominations in 2015 and onward, that were telling you that Trump was the greatest thing since sliced bread? I mean, I remember in 2016 when we started hearing about all these “prophets” that were having dreams that Trump would be president, and the book sales skyrocketed; all mainstream and the strong majority of alternative Christian media coddled up to Trump, and nearly all preachers down to the so-called KJV Bible believers – all with one accord gave their support for that scumbag; and while the country was rapidly deteriorating before our eyes, the media and all these other liars were gushing of the prosperity America was under, and how we were unstoppable, and how Trump had the nations like China quivering in fear, and on and on. Quite frankly, brethren, I firmly believe that the reason that was the case, and still is, is become the Lord allowed devil spirits to posses and speak out of these lying prophets, to further persuade and entice a people that collectively and wholly hates him.

Of course, these fakers were shown to be the frauds that they were in 2020, when not a single one of them prophesized of the shamdemic, they kept quiet and shut their doors, muzzled up like all the rest, and still continued to read from their pre-planned script of Piña coladas and sunsets; and, also falsely prophesized and were really embarrassed when Trump was not re[s]elected as President. Now the world collectively and firmly ignores what any “Christian” has to say: who can blame them?

But without digressing too much, the point is, I do firmly think this is happening right now, and will only get worse.

Getting back to the passage, I can also very much apply myself to Micaiah. I am not a “prophet” in the sense that the Lord sends me new revelations not contained in his word, but in the sense that I will try to speak what the Lord calls me to do, and report and warn about things I feel are important for both the secular world and saved brethren to know. And unfortunately, my news is not peaches and cream, and is almost always negative; but that is the way it is: truth is very much negative, and can be quite bitter when digested. And because of that reason alone I will not get ultra-popular, and I have already had so many brethren leave and no longer support this ministry, because I straightly warned them of the truth of what is going on, for THEIR profit, not mine, but I get rejected and ultimately despised. Unlike Micaiah, I have not been physically beaten or imprisoned for my stances, however, with all the things that I have stated online, there is no question this could get me into some deep-deep trouble later on; which doesn’t phase me, but that is my reality. And it is YOUR reality, too.

Ladies and gents, we have all, me included, have been lulled to sleep for sometime and have had a stay of protection from true persecution. Mockery and name calling is nothing: it’s a prerequisite on the job description. But we are getting to the point where the governments will no longer beat around the bush, and they could and would decree that everyone must get vaccinated, for example, and they put military on the streets and limit your bank account, and they might just get physical with you. Are you prepared for imprisonments, beatings, spending limitations, homelessness, anarchy, civil war, invading nations, and so on? Or do you loathe the honeycomb, and you don’t want to accept the reality of the situation, and what history has taught us?

1 Corinthians 3:18 says, “Let no man deceive himself. If any man among you seemeth to be wise in this world, let him become a fool, that he may be wise.” Do NOT wish away your problems: I’ve witnessed so many brethren and many of those unsaved try to wish away their problems – a “out of sight, out of mind” mentality. Doing that just guarantees destruction and unnecessary suffrage. As I said with the Sardinians in Revelation 3, if you don’t watch and pay attention to the warnings, you’ll pay for it.

To quickly summarize the end of what happened to Jehoshaphat and Ahab in 2 Chronicles 18, Ahab tried disguising himself so he wouldn’t get killed, but the Syrians had planned to not fight with the army but go straight after the king. After they first surrounded Jehoshaphat and he cried out to the Lord save him, to which the Lord did spare him. The Syrians then tracked down Ahab and shot him, and when it was all said and done, Ahab died around sunset; and the battle completely failed. Jehoshaphat also got a strong rebuke too, when he returned from the battle, though the Lord did not punish him outright.

[1] And Jehoshaphat the king of Judah returned to his house in peace to Jerusalem. [2] And Jehu the son of Hanani the seer went out to meet him, and said to king Jehoshaphat, Shouldest thou help the ungodly, and love them that hate the LORD? therefore is wrath upon thee from before the LORD. [3] Nevertheless there are good things found in thee, in that thou hast taken away the groves out of the land, and hast prepared thine heart to seek God.

2 Chronicles 19:1-3

And while Jehoshaphat’s heart was right with the Lord overall, we learn that when he died, “Howbeit the high places were not taken away: for as yet the people had not prepared their hearts unto the God of their fathers” (2 Chronicles 20:33). In other words, the heathen places of idol worship and sacrifice were not destroyed, and the broad masses’ hearts were not in the right place and had departed from the Lord. And not only that, Jehoshaphat again yoked up with a wicked king from the Northern tribes before his death (35-37). But the point is I want to emphasize the fact the people themselves were wicked and, in their hearts, had kicked out the Lord. Sure, they made a profession and did the required sacrifices, but the people were no longer interested in truth and righteousness anymore; which is why Proverbs 21:3 says “To do justice and judgment is more acceptable to the LORD than sacrifice.”

Moreover, this leads into something else as well, which the Lord tells Ezekiel to speak to an enslaved and reprobate Israel:

[1] Then came certain of the elders of Israel unto me, and sat before me. [2]  And the word of the LORD came unto me, saying, [3] Son of man, these men have set up their idols in their heart, and put the stumblingblock of their iniquity before their face: should I be inquired of at all by them? [4] Therefore speak unto them, and say unto them, Thus saith the Lord GOD; Every man of the house of Israel that setteth up his idols in his heart, and putteth the stumblingblock of his iniquity before his face, and cometh to the prophet; I the LORD will answer him that cometh according to the multitude of his idols; [5] That I may take the house of Israel in their own heart, because they are all estranged from me through their idols. [6] Therefore say unto the house of Israel, Thus saith the Lord GOD; Repent, and turn yourselves from your idols; and turn away your faces from all your abominations. [7] For every one of the house of Israel, or of the stranger that sojourneth in Israel, which separateth himself from me, and setteth up his idols in his heart, and putteth the stumblingblock of his iniquity before his face, and cometh to a prophet to inquire of him concerning me; I the LORD will answer him by myself: [8] And I will set my face against that man, and will make him a sign and a proverb, and I will cut him off from the midst of my people; and ye shall know that I am the LORD. [9] And if the prophet be deceived when he hath spoken a thing, I the LORD have deceived that prophet, and I will stretch out my hand upon him, and will destroy him from the midst of my people Israel. [10] And they shall bear the punishment of their iniquity: the punishment of the prophet shall be even as the punishment of him that seeketh unto him; [11] That the house of Israel may go no more astray from me, neither be polluted any more with all their transgressions; but that they may be my people, and I may be their God, saith the Lord GOD.

Ezekiel 14:1-11

I’m sure you can draw some comparisons with this passage to that of the story we just read in 2 Chronicles 18. As we read, those some 400 prophets were all possessed and influenced by devils, at the Lord’s discretion and permission, and the same thing occurred here with a destitute Israel that rejected the Lord. And as you can see in verses 5 and 7, you learn the word of God is a book that you can read before reading it. As we have been discussing throughout this article, if you are looking for ways to justify your sins and self-righteousness, and only like to eat the sweet and not the whole honeycomb that is also bitter, then you’ll ultimately get sick in the end anyways and will vomit it up. In this case, if you try to pull a fast one on not just yourself but the Lord, God will already have verses ready to reprove and condemn you with; and he will reward you with the same deception and wickedness you came to him with. This can be seen in passages like this: “He shall reward evil unto mine enemies: cut them off in thy truth” (Psalm 54:5); and “For [Mystery Babylon’s] sins have reached unto heaven, and God hath remembered her iniquities. Reward her even as she rewarded you, and double unto her double according to her works: in the cup which she hath filled fill to her double” (Revelation 18:5-6). And in the case of Ahab from earlier, he tried finding an alibi and surrounded himself with yes-men (they had idols in their heart, besides the devils speaking through them), and the Lord answered his deceit and Ahab wound up dead!

Ezekiel 14 is a great picture of today, where no amount of laws and regulations will change what lurks in people’s hearts; compounded upon prophets lying to them every waning second from every direction. Note: a prophet is simply just a communicator, interpreter, a foreteller: that title is not just limited to someone claiming to be getting new revelations and dreams from God. So, the lying pressitutes in the news media more than qualify as being a prophet; and seeing as how America and the rest of the world’s god is the news media, it’s easy to see how Ezekiel 14 fits like a glove when you view it from that perspective. I don’t endorse everything the man ever said or did, but Peter Ruckman has good book he wrote in the 90s about how the god of the people is the news media, called “The Damnation of a Nation.”

Before I digress any further, in the context of 2 Chronicles 18 and Ezekiel 14 and applying that today – the people have been blinded even further than they already are were. On top of people’s willful ignorance and ‘cognitive dissonance,’ people are just vegetables with their brains leaking out of their ears; turned into apes with their smartphones, malnourished and dying from their diets, tripped out of their minds and bodies from their pharmaceuticals and Covid death shots, and made into obedient drones from the schools and media, and so forth. But, at this point in time, it extends even farther than just that.

It is clear to me that the Lord has ratcheted up the blindness even more, and God is causing the people to destroy themselves on purpose by deceiving them with the idols they have setup in their hearts. Observe what Isaiah was told by the Lord when Isaiah was shown his glory on his throne:

[8] Also I heard the voice of the Lord, saying, Whom shall I send, and who will go for us? Then said I, Here am I; send me. [9] And he said, Go, and tell this people, Hear ye indeed, but understand not; and see ye indeed, but perceive not. [10] Make the heart of this people fat, and make their ears heavy, and shut their eyes; lest they see with their eyes, and hear with their ears, and understand with their heart, and convert, and be healed. [11] Then said I, Lord, how long? And he answered, Until the cities be wasted without inhabitant, and the houses without man, and the land be utterly desolate, [12] And the LORD have removed men far away, and there be a great forsaking in the midst of the land. [13] But yet in it shall be a tenth, and it shall return, and shall be eaten: as a teil tree, and as an oak, whose substance is in them, when they cast their leaves: so the holy seed shall be the substance thereof.

Isaiah 6:8-13

Did you catch that? The Lord is commanding Isaiah to go and preach, so that the people may be made blind on purpose. In other words, since the people already have all these idols setup in their hearts and have determined to reject the Lord, God now wants the word to be preached even further, so that these people who hate him will have their hearts hardened even further, to the point where salvation is not even part of the equation for them anymore! A New Testament application is comparable to what Jesus said in the gospel of John, where Jesus came into this world for judgment:

[39] And Jesus said, For judgment I am come into this world, that they which see not might see; and that they which see might be made blind. [40] And some of the Pharisees which were with him heard these words, and said unto him, Are we blind also? [41] Jesus said unto them, If ye were blind, ye should have no sin: but now ye say, We see; therefore your sin remaineth.

John 9:39-41

I talked about this in my salvation message, and what Jesus is saying is, those who can see the light, the truth, and choose to reject, they will be made blind and deafened to the truth; to the point where, as Isaiah 6 talks about, they reach a point where they cannot even be saved. And I have witnessed this firsthand with people, where they are in so much darkness, they can’t even formulate an opinion on some of the most straight-forward verses out there. And that’s because they’ve hardened their hearts so much truth has been cutoff from them, where they are left giving you that ‘possum-look,’ as there is a clear spiritual block on them.

As Isaiah 6 explains, this is and will be done until the people are destroyed and taken captive from their land. And as verse 13 explains, only a fragment will remain in the land. Amos 5:3 says “For thus saith the Lord GOD; The city that went out by a thousand shall leave an hundred, and that which went forth by an hundred shall leave ten, to the house of Israel.” And yes, as verse 13 implies, people will be eaten – something I’ll talk about more later.

Ladies and gents, this will be happening to America, and other nations throughout Europe, and so on. There is no question at this point that the Lord is allowing an even deeper blindness to befall the people, which would explain why the people are just so imbecilic anymore, who are being easily manipulated to follow whatever the latest thing is. And to corroborate with what I have explained, consider also what the Lord says in Isaiah 29:

[9] Stay yourselves, and wonder; cry ye out, and cry: they are drunken, but not with wine; they stagger, but not with strong drink. [10] For the LORD hath poured out upon you the spirit of deep sleep, and hath closed your eyes: the prophets and your rulers, the seers hath he covered. [11] And the vision of all is become unto you as the words of a book that is sealed, which men deliver to one that is learned, saying, Read this, I pray thee: and he saith, I cannot; for it is sealed: [12] And the book is delivered to him that is not learned, saying, Read this, I pray thee: and he saith, I am not learned. [13] Wherefore the Lord said, Forasmuch as this people draw near me with their mouth, and with their lips do honour me, but have removed their heart far from me, and their fear toward me is taught by the precept of men: [14] Therefore, behold, I will proceed to do a marvellous work among this people, even a marvellous work and a wonder: for the wisdom of their wise men shall perish, and the understanding of their prudent men shall be hid. [15] Woe unto them that seek deep to hide their counsel from the LORD, and their works are in the dark, and they say, Who seeth us? and who knoweth us? [16] Surely your turning of things upside down shall be esteemed as the potter’s clay: for shall the work say of him that made it, He made me not? or shall the thing framed say of him that framed it, He had no understanding?

Isaiah 29:9-16

And so, you can see confirmation of what is playing out right now amongst the people, and everything that is happening to them, even just fractional bits of truth and knowledge, is an enigma to them, and they are utterly confused and dismayed about everything. The word of God? Forget about it: the fakers out there continue to talk a big talk, and yet they are the most blind of them all. For a New Testament comparison, Paul said that in the last days people would be “ever learning and never able to come to the knowledge of the truth.” And man o’ man do we see that today?!

As we have been covering, the immense blindness and hardness of the broad masses is to be expected and assumed, especially if you have been following the many different WinePress reports. But what I am going to propose now is something I have yet to hear anyone else bring up. I don’t think this blindness is just limited to the secular world and false converts, and, after lots of meditation on this, I am firmly convinced at this point that God has also sent this same spirit of blindness and confusion amongst those that are truly born again. After having different interactions with brethren and quietly observing many others online, and considering their responses and beliefs to what has been transpiring since 2020, I really do believe the Lord is also blinding people that are actually are his blood-bought and redeemed. If you go back to Romans 11, the same passage I discussed earlier about how the church inherits the same condemnation as did Israel if we sin and get high-minded, Isaiah 6 and 29 are quoted in that chapter as well.

[7] What then? Israel hath not obtained that which he seeketh for; but the election hath obtained it, and the rest were blinded [8] (According as it is written, God hath given them the spirit of slumber, eyes that they should not see, and ears that they should not hear;) unto this day. [9] And David saith, Let their table be made a snare, and a trap, and a stumblingblock, and a recompence unto them: [10] Let their eyes be darkened, that they may not see, and bow down their back alway. [11] I say then, Have they stumbled that they should fall? God forbid: but rather through their fall salvation is come unto the Gentiles, for to provoke them to jealousy.

Romans 11:7-11

As I said earlier, if the church inherits the same blessings and curses God gave to Israel (including sending blindness and deafness upon his inheritance, and whom he called “the apple of his eye”), I believe we are seeing a reversal of roles, and I believe that people who are true members of the body of Christ are also being blinded, and will, unfortunately, be judged and destroyed right alongside the lost world. I figure a lot of people would find this preposterous, but those complaints will probably come from those who are quite high-minded.

But getting back on inheriting the curses and severity of the Lord, I need to dispel this particular notion/philosophy: and that is I still keep seeing so many brethren looking for a “rapture bailout.” In other words, before any real chaos and destruction ensues, the Lord will whisk us away without seeing any affliction and judgment. I believe whole-heartedly that the Lord will catch us away, resurrect us (the proper language), before the first seal in the book of Revelation is opened and his wrath is poured out, but there are still so many brothers and sisters that have not been preparing, spiritually, mentally, emotionally, and physically for the road ahead; and rather are being very slothful in their work, idly sitting by waiting for God to take them away before they have to go through some actual hard times and persecution. A lot of people who teach the false notion that Paul and crew were actively looking for the “rapture” each and everyday, will tell you that it makes you a more fruitful and hard-working Christian. I completely disagree: it is that mindset that makes people very mentally and physically weak and docile, and turns people into sluggards, as they idly sit on their duff sinning without conviction; and as soon as problems arise, then still do nothing and just sit around, waiting for something that will not come for a longer time than they choose to recognize, and get destroyed because they chose to not to take heed to the warnings.

The hand of the diligent shall bear rule: but the slothful shall be under tribute.

The slothful man saith, There is a lion in the way; a lion is in the streets.

[14] The backslider in heart shall be filled with his own ways: and a good man shall be satisfied from himself. [15] The simple believeth every word: but the prudent man looketh well to his going. [16] A wise man feareth, and departeth from evil: but the fool rageth, and is confident. [18] The simple inherit folly: but the prudent are crowned with knowledge.

A prudent man foreseeth the evil, and hideth himself; but the simple pass on, and are punished.

Proverbs 12:24, 26:13, 14:14-16, 18, 27:12

As I said earlier, lazy people will have answers and excuses for everything, and will make-up and over exaggerate a problem, such as claiming that a lion is in the streets – the likelihood of such is next to never. But that does not stop a slothful man from not only fulfilling his duties, but sheepishly scurries away and does not want to deal with the problem; hence why the sluggard and slothful man’s way is “as an hedge of thorns” (Proverbs 15:19), and “his hands refuse to labor” (Proverbs 21:25). So many brethren are looking for a bailout – secular “debt forgiveness” in a sense, where you get into hot waters but have to face no repercussions for your actions – and they are not walking with all vigilance and circumspectly. Rather, I have witnessed it time and time again Christians not fighting, and not resisting sin, and not doing physical labor and ultimately forbearing projects for the family, and so on; because they have convinced themselves, ‘well, by golly, it must be soon, so I’m not going to fight back and resist the devil and his devices, and I’ll just “say to my soul, Soul, thou hast much goods laid up for many years; take thine ease, eat, drink, and be merry'” (Luke 12:19). Furthermore, still using that lion example in Proverbs 26, I have also witnessed and dealt with people on multiple occasions, where, as soon as I speak of only a modicum amount of the events that will play out in the future, I’ve been told I’m “scarring” them. Good! If you have been sitting on your hands and have been doing nothing, then the terror of the Lord should persuade you to change your heart and direction (2 Corinthians 5:11). Food for thought: if the Lord is just going to pamper you and serve your every whim, and whisk you away from anything remotely bitter in this life, then why are there so many verses warning against slothfulness and idleness, and being high-minded, and to endure hardness and resist temptations?

I know I am going to catch flack for saying this, but I am going to go out on a limb and proclaim what I think. Unfortunately, I think we will all be around for some years yet before the Lord takes us home, if death and martyrdom doesn’t get to us first. I hope not, but brethren, that is a great possibility, and so you need to continue to do things so you can better position yourself for the road ahead; and you just may have to come to terms with the fact you just might get beaten, jailed, starved, tortured, and killed for the word of God.

The wicked is driven away in his wickedness: but the righteous hath hope in his death.

Proverbs 14:32

As I have been saying, the church inherits the very same condemnation that God placed upon Israel. I’ve covered some of that already, but I am now going to delve into more detail about that. If you go back to Deuteronomy 28, Moses, commanded of the Lord, told the people that if they follow and obey the Lord’s commandments, and remain faithful, and not serve idols, the Lord will greatly bless them and increase them (Deuteronomy 28:1-14). However, this chapter nearly has 5 times more bitterness and curses than sweetness. I am not going to elaborate on the entire chapter, but please do so now. I will point out some highlights, as the Lord makes it very clear what he will do to his people, and nowadays, to his own children in the body of Christ. I’ll be jumping around that chapter a lot.

[28] The LORD shall smite thee with madness, and blindness, and astonishment of heart: [29] And thou shalt grope at noonday, as the blind gropeth in darkness, and thou shalt not prosper in thy ways: and thou shalt be only oppressed and spoiled evermore, and no man shall save thee.

This further lends to what I have been explaining, that, if the Lord threatened to and did blind his chosen nation whom he made everlasting covenants with; what makes you think he would not do the same now, and even blind those that are born again? As I said a minute ago, I do firmly believe there are those that are saved, many of them, who have been given some sort of spirit of slumber and have had their hearts blinded, or in this context, a heart of great confusion and fear. This would explain the illogical adulation for a scumbag like Donald Trump – a lifelong Democrat, known pervert, crook, globalist, and megalomaniac – who was then seen as this bastion of hope for this country; so much so, huge swaths of so-called KJV Bible believers still to this day coddle up to that man. But that is just one example. The news media is another example. From crisis, to crisis, to crisis: it’s crisis economics 101, and it operates on fear and a new calamity you need to be constantly scared of; thereby allowing both saved and lost to be corralled like cattle and herded like sheep. And this is another reason why I have been called into this ministry, because if you don’t separate truth from lies and fact from fiction, it will not take much for you to fall off course and get ensnared. WE are all very suspecitble.

[20] The LORD shall send upon thee cursing, vexation, and rebuke, in all that thou settest thine hand unto for to do, until thou be destroyed, and until thou perish quickly; because of the wickedness of thy doings, whereby thou hast forsaken me. [21] The LORD shall make the pestilence cleave unto thee, until he have consumed thee from off the land, whither thou goest to possess it. [22] The LORD shall smite thee with a consumption, and with a fever, and with an inflammation, and with an extreme burning, and with the sword, and with blasting, and with mildew; and they shall pursue thee until thou perish. [58] If thou wilt not observe to do all the words of this law that are written in this book, that thou mayest fear this glorious and fearful name, THE LORD THY GOD; [59] Then the LORD will make thy plagues wonderful, and the plagues of thy seed, even great plagues, and of long continuance, and sore sicknesses, and of long continuance. [60] Moreover he will bring upon thee all the diseases of Egypt, which thou wast afraid of; and they shall cleave unto thee. [61] Also every sickness, and every plague, which is not written in the book of this law, them will the LORD bring upon thee, until thou be destroyed.

Beyond the sword coming upon the nations that hate the Lord (America, Canada, U.K., Europe, Australia), which of course means war, both civil and invasion from foreign lands – the Lord will send great pestilences and diseases. Here in America we have seen the people, brethren included, so habitually sick and disease-stricken for many-many years (which is due to the masses arrogance and abhorrence to health); but since late-2020, we have seen the Covid death shot injected into roughl 80% of the American population. Look at verse 22: do those symptoms sound familiar to today?? The inflammation definitely stands out the most, as we know that these death shots have been generating tons of myocarditis and pericarditis, along with autoimmune disorders and people’s organs melting like candlewax. ‘Consumption’ in this context is referring to “a wasting of flesh; a gradual decay or diminution of the body; a word of extensive signification. But particularly, the disease called phthisis pulmonalis, pulmonic consumption, a disease seated in the lungs, attended with hectic fever, cough, etc.;” according to the Websters 1828 Dictionary. And clearly, I think we can see this and then some playout right now, and to only accelerate in the days and months to come.

And you can be a partaker of those plagues if you compromise. Do NOT get so high-minded, beloved brethren. It saddens me to say that there have been brethren that have supported this ministry, and told me in a panic that they chickened-out and actually got the injection. And now they are having trouble even sitting down and actually being able to pray to God, and they feel deadness when trying to read his word and call upon him. And I have been told by others that they have heard something similar from those who also caved-in. Ladies and germs, these Covid death shots have been proven to literally sear your conscience and mess up your connection with the Holy Spirit. That doesn’t mean you’ll lose your salvation, but I’m just saying though, there is a price to pay. “[7] Be not deceived; God is not mocked: for whatsoever a man soweth, that shall he also reap. [8] For he that soweth to his flesh shall of the flesh reap corruption; but he that soweth to the Spirit shall of the Spirit reap life everlasting. [9] And let us not be weary in well doing: for in due season we shall reap, if we faint not” (Galatians 6:7-9).

Getting back to some of the curses in Deuteronomy 28,

[38] Thou shalt carry much seed out into the field, and shalt gather but little in; for the locust shall consume it. [39] Thou shalt plant vineyards, and dress them, but shalt neither drink of the wine, nor gather the grapes; for the worms shall eat them. [40] Thou shalt have olive trees throughout all thy coasts, but thou shalt not anoint thyself with the oil; for thine olive shall cast his fruit. [42] All thy trees and fruit of thy land shall the locust consume.

Famine. And we are seeing it being rapidly ushered in, just as the Lord had promised, and is something I have been warning about for some time; amidst skyrocketing inflation that will not be stopping at all; hence, why I told people since the start of The WP to start stocking up on these goods. They will not last forever, but you needed to, and still can, make prep work. You think it’s bad now? You’ve seen nothing. The famine in this country is going to get so astronomically bad in this country it will lead to some pretty horrendous and astonishing things, which I’ll discuss later. Howbeit there are still many brothers and sisters that just don’t seem to get it. Is it true that God can and will provide in times of famine? Absolutely, but again, do NOT become high-minded and sit on your hands and do nothing: you MUST take preemptive action and do something to prepare: and I’m not talking about a single box of granola bars and trail mix: I’m talking about actually bulking up on dry goods and honey, learning to preserve meats during the summer months, hunt and gather for food, learn how to cook and drink water without electricity, and so on. The body of Christ has become grossly entitled and spoiled, and have gotten so used to socialism in their daily lives, and it’s not difficult to see how the saved will also fall prey to the “You’ll own nothing and be happy” agenda, linked up to the smart cities and metaverse; eating their vat-grown turds on a plate and eating their fileted brother in normalized cannibalism; which I again will discuss later. But the point is severe and rapid famine is around the bend, and, like Joseph, who dreamed of seven years of prospering bountifully, and seven years of dearth and famine which came thereafter; but Pharaoh harkened to Joseph and Egypt stored up on the supplies, so when the famine did hit, everyone had to flow to them to get food. There will be opportunity for some you if you prepare now.

[25] The LORD shall cause thee to be smitten before thine enemies: thou shalt go out one way against them, and flee seven ways before them: and shalt be removed into all the kingdoms of the earth. [32] Thy sons and thy daughters shall be given unto another people, and thine eyes shall look, and fail with longing for them all the day long: and there shall be no might in thine hand. [33] The fruit of thy land, and all thy labours, shall a nation which thou knowest not eat up; and thou shalt be only oppressed and crushed alway: [34] So that thou shalt be mad for the sight of thine eyes which thou shalt see. [36] The LORD shall bring thee, and thy king which thou shalt set over thee, unto a nation which neither thou nor thy fathers have known; and there shalt thou serve other gods, wood and stone. [41] Thou shalt beget sons and daughters, but thou shalt not enjoy them; for they shall go into captivity. [48] Therefore shalt thou serve thine enemies which the LORD shall send against thee, in hunger, and in thirst, and in nakedness, and in want of all things: and he shall put a yoke of iron upon thy neck, until he have destroyed thee. [49] The LORD shall bring a nation against thee from far, from the end of the earth, as swift as the eagle flieth; a nation whose tongue thou shalt not understand; [50] A nation of fierce countenance, which shall not regard the person of the old, nor shew favour to the young: [51] And he shall eat the fruit of thy cattle, and the fruit of thy land, until thou be destroyed: which also shall not leave thee either corn, wine, or oil, or the increase of thy kine, or flocks of thy sheep, until he have destroyed thee. [52] And he shall besiege thee in all thy gates, until thy high and fenced walls come down, wherein thou trustedst, throughout all thy land: and he shall besiege thee in all thy gates throughout all thy land, which the LORD thy God hath given thee.

And on top of the plagues and famine, the Lord will send war to the land, and other nations will invade and overrun it. As an American, I will speak of my nation. The Divided States has had it’s fun in the sun for a long while, but it’s over, and I suspect that this nation will collapse and fall in the hands of invading nations; to wit, China and Russia – nations “whose tongue thou shalt not understand,” and they will not be merciful to America who has been oppressing the world for quite a while now; starting and never finishing a single endless proxy war, while hundreds of millions are left suffering and dead in the U.S’ wake of destruction all for corporate greed. The Lord warned in Isaiah 10:6 that “I will send him against an hypocritical nation.” It’s not like China, Russia, and whoever else is by no means a godly people; but the Lord will use a lost and perverse nation to judge and destroy the fallen one, similarly to how the Lord used Assyria and Babylon to ransack Israel and Judah.

At the very least the U.S. will collapse economically and through civil war. I don’t know, but time will tell, but I do firmly think that massive war is in our future.

We’ve all heard of the great military might of America, and are well aware of its power. Though it has faded greatly since Obama, America is still viewed by most as the juggernaut of the world. It won’t matter. Listen to a warning Jeremiah gave Zedekiah not long before Judah and Jerusalem fell:

[4] Thus saith the LORD God of Israel; Behold, I will turn back the weapons of war that are in your hands, wherewith ye fight against the king of Babylon, and against the Chaldeans, which besiege you without the walls, and I will assemble them into the midst of this city. [5] And I myself will fight against you with an outstretched hand and with a strong arm, even in anger, and in fury, and in great wrath. [6] And I will smite the inhabitants of this city, both man and beast: they shall die of a great pestilence. [7] And afterward, saith the LORD, I will deliver Zedekiah king of Judah, and his servants, and the people, and such as are left in this city from the pestilence, from the sword, and from the famine, into the hand of Nebuchadrezzar king of Babylon, and into the hand of their enemies, and into the hand of those that seek their life: and he shall smite them with the edge of the sword; he shall not spare them, neither have pity, nor have mercy.

Jeremiah 21:4-7

This of course did later happen, as Zedekiah was forced to watch the Babylonians kill his children in front of him, and then had his eyes put out (made blind). But it matters not how big and strong our military is: it will fail, and that is because the Lord will make it fail. And when it does, the immense pride of Americans will turn into sheer madness, as the people will slowly consume away, and be pitted with all the curses we have been discussing. It’s one thing, let’s say China, wanted to takeout Australia. It would not take that long to do if they simply blockaded the continent for a bit, and then quickly destroyed their military bases, and the country will be theirs no questions asked, as the people have zero means of defending themselves. But the U.S. is a different story. Even though we still have oodles of regulations in place, we still have a lot more options in terms self-defense than other nations; and the geographical terrain and locations are so diverse it will be more difficult to traverse, so rooting out insurgency would take time, especially with the southerners being so well-armed as they are. But, if supplies are cut-off for a prolonged period of time, you could starve out both the people and the military. Eventually food scraps will get rationed to the military to keep them living, while the people starve out, eat each other, and anarchy takes over each city and suburb; only further weakening the morale of an already dying military. Eventually China and Russia, and whoever else has a vendetta against us, will clean through the military like nothing, and the people will really descend into madness. Of course, then the killing and enslavement will really ratchet up.

Justice needs to be served to this God-forsaken nation, yes, but I fear a lot of you out there have no idea the weight of your prayers, or even what you are supplicating for. Many of you are heavily desensitized to mindless video games and movie violence, and you don’t realize that fake reality will become reality quite soon, and even FAR worse than the video games are even legally permitted to show. Your prayers should be that of one of wanting judgment, justice, and righteousness; and not bloodlust and the same thrill of topping the leaderboards for how many players you killed.

Ladies and gents, there are plenty of verses I could quote about the brutality of the slaughter ahead, but what I have shown already shall suffice. The question is, do you believe what the word of the Lord says, or is it too bitter for you and you want to vomit up the truth? Are you ready to watch alien (foreign) invaders butcher the elderly in the nursing homes and end their lives in a brutal fashion? Are you ready to watch the invaders slit the throats of the young men and adults? Are you ready to watch the pretty young women get beaten, raped mercilessly, and then have their corpse thrown out in the street, and then raped again? Are you ready to watch family’s children taken from their clutches, and forcibly killed in front of the parents, or have them stolen and forced into slave labor, and interment and “reeducation” camps? Are you ready for endless nights of petrified shrieks from pure insanity? Are you ready for your neighbors and family to turn their sights on you, and seek to kill you? Are you ready to do what needs to be done, and take their lives to save yours and others you care for? Are you ready and have accepted the possible reality that you will not be able to get out of an area in time, and will have to accept the fate that you will be killed? -That’s a very legitimate possibility you know.

I want you to consider this passage, and pay close attention to what the Lord says:

[14] Is Israel a servant? is he a homeborn slave? why is he spoiled? [19] Thine own wickedness shall correct thee, and thy backslidings shall reprove thee: know therefore and see that it is an evil thing and bitter, that thou hast forsaken the LORD thy God, and that my fear is not in thee, saith the Lord GOD of hosts. [29] Wherefore will ye plead with me? ye all have transgressed against me, saith the LORD. [30] In vain have I smitten your children; they received no correction: your own sword hath devoured your prophets, like a destroying lion. [31] O generation, see ye the word of the LORD. Have I been a wilderness unto Israel? a land of darkness? wherefore say my people, We are lords; we will come no more unto thee? [35] Yet thou sayest, Because I am innocent, surely his anger shall turn from me. Behold, I will plead with thee, because thou sayest, I have not sinned.

Jeremiah 2:14, 19, 29-31, 35

Unfortunately, so many people amongst the body of Christ have that exact same mindset. Folks, I am not saying all of us will get enslaved and overrun, but that arrogant mindset I have been trying to cut through in this report is what so many brothers and sisters think; and the Lord is making it quite clear that he will destroy those people all the same. Let not that be you. Moreover, there are people, perhaps some of you, that have some lucrative escape plan, but that too can fail as the Lord makes it clear that he will destroy many of these people too. Again, I am not saying if you try to escape the cities where you are at you will perish regardless, but what I am saying is, don’t think you can try and outsmart the Lord, do wickedly, and then have some elaborate plan thought up. In Jeremiah 42, after Jerusalem had already been invaded and taken over, there are still some Jews around and they inquired of Jeremiah to see what the Lord would do for them. Jeremiah told them that he’d pray on their behalf, and the people said, “Whether it be good, or whether it be evil, we will obey the voice of the LORD our God, to whom we send thee; that it may be well with us, when we obey the voice of the LORD our God” (6). Of course, they really did not mean that, as noted in Jeremiah’s answer. The Lord told them that if they did not flee to Egypt to avoid the war and famine, then the Lord would repent and allow them to still dwell in the land. If not, their plan to escape would fail and they would be killed and captured. But these Jews had already determined to flee to Egypt.

[13] But if ye say, We will not dwell in this land, neither obey the voice of the LORD your God, [14] Saying, No; but we will go into the land of Egypt, where we shall see no war, nor hear the sound of the trumpet, nor have hunger of bread; and there will we dwell: [15] And now therefore hear the word of the LORD, ye remnant of Judah; Thus saith the LORD of hosts, the God of Israel; If ye wholly set your faces to enter into Egypt, and go to sojourn there; [16] Then it shall come to pass, that the sword, which ye feared, shall overtake you there in the land of Egypt, and the famine, whereof ye were afraid, shall follow close after you there in Egypt; and there ye shall die. [17] So shall it be with all the men that set their faces to go into Egypt to sojourn there; they shall die by the sword, by the famine, and by the pestilence: and none of them shall remain or escape from the evil that I will bring upon them. [18] For thus saith the LORD of hosts, the God of Israel; As mine anger and my fury hath been poured forth upon the inhabitants of Jerusalem; so shall my fury be poured forth upon you, when ye shall enter into Egypt: and ye shall be an execration, and an astonishment, and a curse, and a reproach; and ye shall see this place no more. [19] The LORD hath said concerning you, O ye remnant of Judah; Go ye not into Egypt: know certainly that I have admonished you this day. [20] For ye dissembled in your hearts, when ye sent me unto the LORD your God, saying, Pray for us unto the LORD our God; and according unto all that the LORD our God shall say, so declare unto us, and we will do it. [21] And now I have this day declared it to you; but ye have not obeyed the voice of the LORD your God, nor any thing for the which he hath sent me unto you. [22] Now therefore know certainly that ye shall die by the sword, by the famine, and by the pestilence, in the place whither ye desire to go and to sojourn.

It’s just like what we read in 2 Chronicles 18, with Ahab looking for a bunch of yes-men to tell them what they wanted to hear, the same thing is playing out in Jeremiah 42. And unfortunately, there have been so many people that have come to this ministry looking for “good news,” and when they perceived that it was just an onslaught of bitterness – because it’s the TRUTH and it’s REALITY – they left to go and do their own thing, and try to pretend these things I have warned about do not exist. What I am getting at is, if you have some well thought-out plans in place and wish to implement them, it would be prudent to do them now. The early bird gets the worm.

Moreover, on the flipside a bit, you just might have to flee your location if things get really bad, just like Lot and his family when the angels led him out of Sodom. And even though the context of this passage is directed for Jews in the time of Jacob’s trouble, there is still some wisdom that can be gleaned from it:

[28] Likewise also as it was in the days of Lot; they did eat, they drank, they bought, they sold, they planted, they builded; [29] But the same day that Lot went out of Sodom it rained fire and brimstone from heaven, and destroyed them all. [31] In that day, he which shall be upon the housetop, and his stuff in the house, let him not come down to take it away: and he that is in the field, let him likewise not return back. [32] Remember Lot’s wife. [33] Whosoever shall seek to save his life shall lose it; and whosoever shall lose his life shall preserve it.

Luke 17:28-33

Lot’s wife did not turn into a pile of salt by simply looking at the destruction behind her: she physically ran back into the city and was turned into salt because of the fire and brimstone that rained on her. You just might be in a situation where you will have to high-tail it out of there, leaving behind virtually everything; and if you turn back because you forget your family heirlooms, gold and silver, crypto wallets, smartphone, and whatever else you can think of, you will die. If that time comes, “Remember Lot’s wife.”

But in sum, I cannot stress the war threat enough. It’s coming, and all that I said, and so much more. And therefore, a major and grotesque outcome of that will be cannibalism on a large scale. Deuteronomy 28, and other passages, speak of this:

[53] And thou shalt eat the fruit of thine own body, the flesh of thy sons and of thy daughters, which the LORD thy God hath given thee, in the siege, and in the straitness, wherewith thine enemies shall distress thee: [54] So that the man that is tender among you, and very delicate, his eye shall be evil toward his brother, and toward the wife of his bosom, and toward the remnant of his children which he shall leave: [55] So that he will not give to any of them of the flesh of his children whom he shall eat: because he hath nothing left him in the siege, and in the straitness, wherewith thine enemies shall distress thee in all thy gates. [56] The tender and delicate woman among you, which would not adventure to set the sole of her foot upon the ground for delicateness and tenderness, her eye shall be evil toward the husband of her bosom, and toward her son, and toward her daughter, [57] And toward her young one that cometh out from between her feet, and toward her children which she shall bear: for she shall eat them for want of all things secretly in the siege and straitness, wherewith thine enemy shall distress thee in thy gates.

[2:19] Arise, cry out in the night: in the beginning of the watches pour out thine heart like water before the face of the Lord: lift up thy hands toward him for the life of thy young children, that faint for hunger in the top of every street. [20] Behold, O LORD, and consider to whom thou hast done this. Shall the women eat their fruit, and children of a span long? shall the priest and the prophet be slain in the sanctuary of the Lord? [4:9] They that be slain with the sword are better than they that be slain with hunger: for these pine away, stricken through for want of the fruits of the field. [10] The hands of the pitiful women have sodden their own children: they were their meat in the destruction of the daughter of my people. [11] The LORD hath accomplished his fury; he hath poured out his fierce anger, and hath kindled a fire in Zion, and it hath devoured the foundations thereof.

Lamentations 2:19-20, 4:9-11
[1] Go to now, ye rich men, weep and howl for your miseries that shall come upon you. [2] Your riches are corrupted, and your garments are motheaten. [3] Your gold and silver is cankered; and the rust of them shall be a witness against you, and shall eat your flesh as it were fire. Ye have heaped treasure together for the last days. [4] Behold, the hire of the labourers who have reaped down your fields, which is of you kept back by fraud, crieth: and the cries of them which have reaped are entered into the ears of the Lord of sabaoth. [5] Ye have lived in pleasure on the earth, and been wanton; ye have nourished your hearts, as in a day of slaughter. [6] Ye have condemned and killed the just; and he doth not resist you.

James 5:1-6

I’ve been warning that normalized cannibalism is coming in the future, and I am referring to the prelude and introduction of these coming smart cities, where the masses are no longer eating animal meats and are now integrated with the grid; and, per the calls for “sustainability” and ‘lowering the carbon footprint,’ cannibalism repainted as wonderful and healthy will be the agenda. This is why the media and celebrities are increasingly “joking” about it.

But before that formality, America and many other nations are going to witness millions of people eating each other. Get your mind right. Are you ready to watch and defend yourself from the crazy cat lady down the street who filet your neighbors, so they and their house cats can eat? Are you ready to watch scrawny vegans be the biggest meat eaters you’ve ever witnessed? Are you ready to watch pseudo-pro-lifers flip the deck and be the first ones to eat their kids? Are you ready to watch the youth rise up and eat their parents and brothers like chicken wings? It’s coming, and it will be more widespread than you think, so prepare your hearts and minds for that coming future. And, if you have done zero preparations, this just might be you. And then you got a lot of these haughty alternative economists, who, some of which are very smart and have great insights; but put all their hope in gold, silver, and bitcoin. Mark it down: a lot of these guys’ precious metals will get them nothing, they’ll go hungry, and may eat each other; and if they try to trade it for their lives or for food, they’ll get their brains blown-out and have their metals stolen from them.

[62] And ye shall be left few in number, whereas ye were as the stars of heaven for multitude; because thou wouldest not obey the voice of the LORD thy God. [63] And it shall come to pass, that as the LORD rejoiced over you to do you good, and to multiply you; so the LORD will rejoice over you to destroy you, and to bring you to nought; and ye shall be plucked from off the land whither thou goest to possess it.

Yes, that’s right: the Lord will REJOICE in the destruction of these nations and wicked people. And just like we read earlier in Isaiah 6:13, there will only be a small remnant left. I reported in 2021 that the U.S. would see a population reduction of 70%, according to a military surveyor website, by 2025. Interestingly enough, not long after I reported on it, the website removed their forecasts. People must have been putting two and two together. But I have to ponder if those are conservative, and will actually be way more than what they are forecasting. Moreover, and this is just speculation, but if foreign powers were to have invaded by that time, how much of that remaining 30% is comprised of occupied forces who are then stationed there, or the common folk who moved there because it is newly acquired territory? I have no idea, but it makes me wonder. But the fact remains is you are going to witness tons and tons of blood in the streets. Entire cities getting flattened and spoiled, families murdering each other or dying from all the other aforementioned curses…

I could keep going and going, but hopefully you get the message: the church very much inherits these curses laid-out in the Old Testament, and we are guaranteed no “rapture bailout” from it. Our many great Christian ancestors endured some very gruesome tribulation for centuries and centuries: we all have gotten so soft, and lackadaisical, and slothful, we’ve forgotten and neglected the reality and truth of persecution and desolation, and having to claw our ways through some prolonged rough times.

[36] And others had trial of cruel mockings and scourgings, yea, moreover of bonds and imprisonment: [37] They were stoned, they were sawn asunder, were tempted, were slain with the sword: they wandered about in sheepskins and goatskins; being destitute, afflicted, tormented; [38] (Of whom the world was not worthy:) they wandered in deserts, and in mountains, and in dens and caves of the earth.

Hebrews 11:36-38

So, do you loathe the honeycomb? Or are the bitter things sweet to you too? -the fractional few that actually got this far of the small group that have read this warning

I have been saying in recent weeks that “I spend so that I can be spent.” And I mean that in the most literal sense. I have been meditating and praying if I should even bring this up, and after some lengthy deliberation I decided that I will.

[11] I am become a fool in glorying; ye have compelled me: for I ought to have been commended of you: for in nothing am I behind the very chiefest apostles, though I be nothing. [12] Truly the signs of an apostle were wrought among you in all patience, in signs, and wonders, and mighty deeds. [13] For what is it wherein ye were inferior to other churches, except it be that I myself was not burdensome to you? forgive me this wrong. [14] Behold, the third time I am ready to come to you; and I will not be burdensome to you: for I seek not yours, but you: for the children ought not to lay up for the parents, but the parents for the children. [15] And I will very gladly spend and be spent for you; though the more abundantly I love you, the less I be loved. [16] But be it so, I did not burden you: nevertheless, being crafty, I caught you with guile. [17] Did I make a gain of you by any of them whom I sent unto you? [18] I desired Titus, and with him I sent a brother. Did Titus make a gain of you? walked we not in the same spirit? walked we not in the same steps? [19] Again, think ye that we excuse ourselves unto you? we speak before God in Christ: but we do all things, dearly beloved, for your edifying. [20] For I fear, lest, when I come, I shall not find you such as I would, and that I shall be found unto you such as ye would not: lest there be debates, envyings, wraths, strifes, backbitings, whisperings, swellings, tumults: [21] And lest, when I come again, my God will humble me among you, and that I shall bewail many which have sinned already, and have not repented of the uncleanness and fornication and lasciviousness which they have committed.

2 Corinthians 12:11-21

I have put a lot of time and money into trying to edify not only the body of Christ, but also be a witness to the lost world in a more indirect way: by showing them the truth and wisdom that the KJB has, by actually providing practical life application, and the many prophecies that are undeniably coming to pass; to plant those seeds and show them the power of God’s word, and that it is not just ‘some old relic’ peddled by false religion. And this ministry certainly accomplishes that, after nearly three years of working tirelessly to reach out and warn them. And praise be to God that that has happened, and I have seen many people be warned of the dangers ahead, and many taking heed to the warnings. I am truly thankful for that, that the Lord has bestowed upon me a vehicle in which I can warn and enlighten (and blind if need be), to those who still have eyes to see and ears to hear, who have not allowed their hearts to be totally hardened over. And as for the brethren, I have done the best I can to keep you ahead of the bend, to renounce “the hidden things of dishonesty, not walking in craftiness, nor handling the word of God deceitfully; but by manifestation of the truth commending ourselves to every man’s conscience in the sight of God” (2 Corinthians 4:2); I have tried to empower you and remind you the need to “walk circumspectly, not as fools, but as wise, Redeeming the time, because the days are evil” (Ephesians 5:15-16); and to do all that I have done for the lost world for your benefit as well, and then some.

Be that is it may, many people still just don’t understand my purpose, and still refuse to take heed to the warnings. I am very well aware that I cannot reach everyone, and that the Lord is not going to balloon this ministry into the world’s greatest spectacle, lest I do this for the adoration and praise of man (Galatians 1:10; John 12:43). Notwithstanding this ministry has still reached LOTS of people, and I am truly thankful for that, and for many of you out there that have helped in doing so.

Even so, there is a price to pay for doing everything for free. Too many people get comfy and cozy getting fed and do not do anything in return. This report is not me groveling for money: I will NEVER do that. However, I have not refrained from encouraging it and asking for a helping hand. Ladies and gentlemen, I spend so I can be spent, and as Paul said, “I will gladly will be spent:” I WANT to be spent, knowing that my charity and labor will not die in vain and be wasted for nothing. I do this, not for me, but for your edifying. But unfortunately, a lot of you I feel simply are not listening as good as you say you are and are telling me you are. I am not interested in being like Ahab and have a bunch of yes-men emulate me, and butter and schmooze me up. I don’t need confirmation in that sense: I already have it and know the facts and where all this stuff is going. I write this not out of pride, as I am nothing, but the Lord has bestowed upon me gifts and knowledge that many are not called to do, and it is done for your edifying, not mine. You I think I enjoy being couped up in my office all the time? You think I enjoy reading and researching all the vexing stuff out there? -There are things out there many of you cannot even fathom, and is so vexing I can’t even bring myself to let it pass my lips and moved by my fingers.

I have LONG warned that inflation and things like artificial supply chain problems would continue to get weaker and I have expressly urged people to take action right when The WP started in December of 2020, that things were in shambles beyond most people’s comprehension; to be vigilant and seek out opportunities when they presented themselves. Unfortunately, I unintendedly caught a lot of you with guile. I know before 2021 ended, we were all going to face a crunch, as the Lord was relaying that to me and alerting me to what would happen this year; which included losing more and more support. I was mentally prepared for it and expected it.

But in February when I began to detail what the fallout would be from the Russia-Ukraine made-up proxy war and retarded restrictions, support for The WinePress fell off an abrupt cliff, and has remained that way since. There are still those that still have continued your aid for this ministry since the get-go, and you know how you are, and I cannot express my thanks to you. Even now, such a slim few actually keep the ministry operable, and keep the lights and bread on the table.

The WinePress has no sponsorships or third-party advertisements. I am not monetized like so many other fraudulent gainsaying “ministries” are. I have yet to charge a penny for a single post I write, though I am very much in the right to do so, like so many other news agencies that put out crap content and lies, along with plenty of other ministries that nickel and dime you for everything they produce, though some do produce fruit from it. I don’t pander to the lost world and whisper sweet nothings in your ear. My articles are not “feel-good” and happy go-lucky garbage: there are so many things I have covered and detailed that are a kiss of a death for any ministry or business, unlike all the cotton candy dimwits that are only interested in making a name for themselves, and being an “authority,” some jack of all trades master of nothing type of a deal. I realize that telling the truth and honestly putting out the facts will be bitter by default, and most people just want to be lied to. I get that.

I’ve learned some lessons in life, some that I have known since I was a young child; “Talk is cheap: actions speak louder than words.” I have learned and experienced many times over that hard work doesn’t net results, and the harder I try and labor, I lose out even more; or, as Paul said, “though the more abundantly I love you, the less I be loved.” Moreover, I’ve have learned, when you push people outside their comfort zones, they get angry. And, many times you miss the whole message because you are busy trying to find fault within the messenger.

I beseech you, brethren: I am not mad about it, but I am disappointed. When support like that falls off of a cliff like it did, it speaks volumes much louder than words. It tells me a lot of people were not taking heed to the warnings, and are still not. I am called to be a messenger and a watchman, to warn you of dangers ahead, so that you can prepare accordingly. To be blunt, at the end of the day, I am not here to convince you of anything: I’m just telling you what’s going on; and you can act accordingly however it is you see fit, and I quite frankly have reached a point where I don’t care what people do with the information. I do all things for your edifying, not to waste my time writing articles and burning through cash to bring you this information, but that fruit may grow from my labors, and feed others, and that you can do the same as well.

As I said, most people did not take heed to the warnings. I did not predict Russia-Ukraine, but all the other trappings that have come along with it, I nailed to the wall and warned it would happen in some facet or another. Sadly, most people apparently thought I was crazy or overreacting or something. Oh well. I KNOW how hypocrites operate: because I have said this, the gainsayers will have all the answers for me now, I am sure, and will obstinately refuse to donate at all; but will have no problem reaping the reward of this ministry.

So, I’ll shall ask the question again: do you loathe the honeycomb, or are you now conspiring things in your mind to dump me?

As I said, I am not angry but disappointed. But what does irritate me is when, like Paul points out in 2 Corinthians 12, is when there are whisperings, backbitings, and tumults levied against me. I have had people lie to me to the face and to the ear, telling me how much they are praying for me night and day and how much the love me – only to find out they are actively working to draw disciples away from this ministry, and others too, and consistently gaslighting me, and actually telling people to not donate to The WinePress. And of course, like an adulterous woman, they “wipeth [their] mouth[‘s], and saith, I have done no wickedness” (Proverbs 30:20). And I know that there are more backbiting, whispering, and talebearing going on behind my back, as I write this; all because I spoke with assertiveness and pointedness.

I get irritated when people explicitly tell me they will not donate or even share my work with anyone else, because I said one thing they didn’t like; but have no problem chowing down on the feast I have given them.

I get irritated when I get more goobers wanting me to return their donations because they didn’t like what they heard, or when they seek to make a buck off of my back, and use my site as a springboard for them to report their own news, and chastise me for not giving them the self-validation they wanted.

I get irritated when I expose the unfruitful works of darkness and cunningly devised fables, and I get people who wish to argue with me and blast me for calling out the bull crap.

I get irritated when people leave this ministry solely based on the fact that I simply say I do not believe in a flat earth, and I have people turn again rend me because of it. I’ve gotten some really condescending and egotistical emails from people that have stored up idols in their hearts, and, no pun intended, but anything and everything revolves around the flat earth dogma; to the point where I see so many people teaching, essentially, something that looks like this: “That if thou shalt confess with thy mouth the Lord [created the firmament], and shalt believe in thine heart that God hath [created the earth in the shape of a snowglobe], thou shalt be saved.” If you are far more concerned with that and if I believe that, then your priorities are immensely screwed up.

I could keep going and going, but these were just some of the things that first popped into my head. My point is, there are people and brethren that bite the hand that feeds, and have gotten too lackadaisical, and are just spiritual thieves and adulterers – who just take and take and do not actually give back. As I said, I am nothing, I am no one special; and I may be young, but I have been through a lot of different things that most people cannot even comprehend, and I have experience and knowledge in many other things as well, okay? I am not some idiot and punk kid that just flies off the handle because someone didn’t change my dirty diaper or something. My testimony on my personal YouTube channel that got deleted was underwheming: it doesn’t even cover the most important parts and bulk of my life, and I have reasons for doing so, and only a small few know what really happened in my life. I will reveal more in time; but I have seen some things, and I am quite perceptive for my age, and I know people well. So when I rip into someone or call them a sociopath, I do not speak out of ignorance, but out of routine experience.

[3] Mine answer to them that do examine me is this, [4] Have we not power to eat and to drink? [5] Have we not power to lead about a sister, a wife, as well as other apostles, and as the brethren of the Lord, and Cephas? [6] Or I only and Barnabas, have not we power to forbear working? [7] Who goeth a warfare any time at his own charges? who planteth a vineyard, and eateth not of the fruit thereof? or who feedeth a flock, and eateth not of the milk of the flock? [8] Say I these things as a man? or saith not the law the same also? [9] For it is written in the law of Moses, Thou shalt not muzzle the mouth of the ox that treadeth out the corn. Doth God take care for oxen? [10] Or saith he it altogether for our sakes? For our sakes, no doubt, this is written: that he that ploweth should plow in hope; and that he that thresheth in hope should be partaker of his hope. [11] If we have sown unto you spiritual things, is it a great thing if we shall reap your carnal things? [12] If others be partakers of this power over you, are not we rather? Nevertheless we have not used this power; but suffer all things, lest we should hinder the gospel of Christ. [13] Do ye not know that they which minister about holy things live of the things of the temple? and they which wait at the altar are partakers with the altar? [14] Even so hath the Lord ordained that they which preach the gospel should live of the gospel.

1 Corinthians 9:3-14
[11] Wherefore comfort yourselves together, and edify one another, even as also ye do. [12] And we beseech you, brethren, to know them which labour among you, and are over you in the Lord, and admonish you; [13] And to esteem them very highly in love for their work’s sake. And be at peace among yourselves. [14] Now we exhort you, brethren, warn them that are unruly, comfort the feebleminded, support the weak, be patient toward all men. [15] See that none render evil for evil unto any man; but ever follow that which is good, both among yourselves, and to all men.

1 Thessalonians 5:11-15

I loathe having to even so much as hint at this, but I felt compelled to say something. But, simply put, I cannot fight this war alone. These last years I earned less than half of the federal poverty line is in America. This year has been better but still well below the poverty level. My expenses are still low, but most of that gets eaten up because I too have to pay bills, put bread on the table, and pay for the website and all the bells and whistles that come along with it. If I cannot fund this warfare, then the ministry will have to rescind a great deal, and that saddens me, but I am not too proud to jump ship and do other things if need be. I have plenty of skills the Lord has given me.

In 2021, I was actually considering quitting the ministry. And this was when the site had all kinds of technical glitches, if you can recall. The Lord was chastening me and correcting me, and had to straighten me out, as I had started to chide with him a bit. A lot of the sentiments I have expressed in this article I was feeling back then, but I was resisting the Lord in my heart and I was tempted to ditch my calling, my post, that the Lord called me to do.

[10] If thou faint in the day of adversity, thy strength is small. [11] If thou forbear to deliver them that are drawn unto death, and those that are ready to be slain; [12] If thou sayest, Behold, we knew it not; doth not he that pondereth the heart consider it? and he that keepeth thy soul, doth not he know it? and shall not he render to every man according to his works? [13] My son, eat thou honey, because it is good; and the honeycomb, which is sweet to thy taste: [14] So shall the knowledge of wisdom be unto thy soul: when thou hast found it, then there shall be a reward, and thy expectation shall not be cut off.

Proverbs 24:10-14

This is why I had alluded to the fact that I had lost my first love when the site came back and was operational again. He had to correct me. And so, regardless of what happens, as long as the Lord gives me the opportunity and love to do so, I will fight as long and as hard as I can. But, the temptations to throw up my arms and quit are still there. Even Jeremiah had those feelings:

[7] O LORD, thou hast deceived me, and I was deceived: thou art stronger than I, and hast prevailed: I am in derision daily, every one mocketh me. [8] For since I spake, I cried out, I cried violence and spoil; because the word of the LORD was made a reproach unto me, and a derision, daily. [9] Then I said, I will not make mention of him, nor speak any more in his name. But his word was in mine heart as a burning fire shut up in my bones, and I was weary with forbearing, and I could not stay. [10] For I heard the defaming of many, fear on every side. Report, say they, and we will report it. All my familiars watched for my halting, saying, Peradventure he will be enticed, and we shall prevail against him, and we shall take our revenge on him. [11] But the LORD is with me as a mighty terrible one: therefore my persecutors shall stumble, and they shall not prevail: they shall be greatly ashamed; for they shall not prosper: their everlasting confusion shall never be forgotten. [12] But, O LORD of hosts, that triest the righteous, and seest the reins and the heart, let me see thy vengeance on them: for unto thee have I opened my cause.

Jeremiah 20:7-12

And that’s why I do what I do: I have such a strong desire to proclaim the truth of God’s word, and even after all the times I feel bitter in my stomach knowing that what I am going to say is bound to make people angry and to hate me, I still do it because I have a love for my fellow man, and desire to get God’s word out to the people in some capacity. Even so, I know that a great majority of what I have to say will fall on deaf ears, but I do it anyways; “Even as I please all men in all things, not seeking mine own profit, but the profit of many, that they may be saved” (1 Corinthians 10:33).

Coming full-circle, recall what we discussed earlier with John in the book of Revelation when he was fed the honeycomb, the word of God. This was not the only time something like that happened. Observe:

[2:3] And he said unto me, Son of man, I send thee to the children of Israel, to a rebellious nation that hath rebelled against me: they and their fathers have transgressed against me, even unto this very day. [4] For they are impudent children and stiffhearted. I do send thee unto them; and thou shalt say unto them, Thus saith the Lord GOD. [5] And they, whether they will hear, or whether they will forbear, (for they are a rebellious house,) yet shall know that there hath been a prophet among them. [6] And thou, son of man, be not afraid of them, neither be afraid of their words, though briers and thorns be with thee, and thou dost dwell among scorpions: be not afraid of their words, nor be dismayed at their looks, though they be a rebellious house. [7] And thou shalt speak my words unto them, whether they will hear, or whether they will forbear: for they are most rebellious. [8] But thou, son of man, hear what I say unto thee; Be not thou rebellious like that rebellious house: open thy mouth, and eat that I give thee. [9] And when I looked, behold, an hand was sent unto me; and, lo, a roll of a book was therein; [10] And he spread it before me; and it was written within and without: and there was written therein lamentations, and mourning, and woe. [3:1] Moreover he said unto me, Son of man, eat that thou findest; eat this roll, and go speak unto the house of Israel. [2] So I opened my mouth, and he caused me to eat that roll. [3] And he said unto me, Son of man, cause thy belly to eat, and fill thy bowels with this roll that I give thee. Then did I eat it; and it was in my mouth as honey for sweetness. [4] And he said unto me, Son of man, go, get thee unto the house of Israel, and speak with my words unto them. [5] For thou art not sent to a people of a strange speech and of an hard language, but to the house of Israel; [6] Not to many people of a strange speech and of an hard language, whose words thou canst not understand. Surely, had I sent thee to them, they would have hearkened unto thee. [7] But the house of Israel will not hearken unto thee; for they will not hearken unto me: for all the house of Israel are impudent and hardhearted. [8] Behold, I have made thy face strong against their faces, and thy forehead strong against their foreheads. [9] As an adamant harder than flint have I made thy forehead: fear them not, neither be dismayed at their looks, though they be a rebellious house. [10] Moreover he said unto me, Son of man, all my words that I shall speak unto thee receive in thine heart, and hear with thine ears. [11] And go, get thee to them of the captivity, unto the children of thy people, and speak unto them, and tell them, Thus saith the Lord GOD; whether they will hear, or whether they will forbear.

Ezekiel 2:3-10, 3:1-11

Just like John, the Lord fed Ezekiel his word and it tasted like honey, but in it contained “lamentations, and mourning, and woe.” This again hearkens to the proverb we discussed from the beginning: “The full soul loatheth an honeycomb; but to the hungry soul every bitter thing is sweet” (Proverbs 27:7). And just like with John, he had to preach those bitter things to people, knowing full well and good that the vast majority who heard it would reject and rebel against the truth and light. And the same happened with Jesus when he was sent to preach to the Jews, as he already knew that he was sent to a rebellious people that would not turn to him; which is why he spoke in parables a lot, because the people were not interested in the truth or salvation, but followed him for the same reason people emulate and idolize magicians, philosophers, and clowns: they are there to be entertained. I am not calling our Lord and Savior a clown, but I mean that the strong majority of the Jews were only interested in watching him perform miracles and preach in a way he knew would pacify the heart-hardened masses. But he preached anyways.

And while I am FAR from being remotely close to Jesus Christ, or even John, Ezekiel, Jeremiah, and others for that matter, I can still relate in the sense that the Lord has called me into this ministry to warn people of what is going on and to help them stay on the right path. But, as those passages in Ezekiel, I am preaching to a rebellious people that have rejected the Lord and refuse to hear the reproof of his word, on top of the fact that the Lord has ramped up the blindness and deafness in people; so, it is no surprise that most people cannot see afar off, let alone even understand and listen to what I am trying point out. I am not always right, obviously, but if you have followed me for any length of time I am tend to be fairly on the mark, not too far-off the bullseye if not dead center of it.

[33] Be not deceived: evil communications corrupt good manners. [34] Awake to righteousness, and sin not; for some have not the knowledge of God: I speak this to your shame.

1 Corinthians 15:33-34

The goal of this article was to get you to think and to get your mind right, and to prepare your hearts and minds for what is going to come. And like I was alluding to earlier, what you do with this information is your business: take it or leave it. But it is my pray and heart’s desire that it has produced a positive result, to evaluate your life and your walk with the Lord. I had a lot of nervous energy writing this post, as I know what these types of rebukes can do to people: my flesh at times was constraining me to not write it, my grandfather’s death occurred right when I first planned to write it up, and then just a handful of other distractions got in the way. Nevertheless, I finally got it completed. I know this report will have succeeded in blinding some people that needed to be blinded, but it is my hope that it caused some people to take heed.

[8] For though I made you sorry with a letter, I do not repent, though I did repent: for I perceive that the same epistle hath made you sorry, though it were but for a season. [9] Now I rejoice, not that ye were made sorry, but that ye sorrowed to repentance: for ye were made sorry after a godly manner, that ye might receive damage by us in nothing. [10] For godly sorrow worketh repentance to salvation not to be repented of: but the sorrow of the world worketh death. [11] For behold this selfsame thing, that ye sorrowed after a godly sort, what carefulness it wrought in you, yea, what clearing of yourselves, yea, what indignation, yea, what fear, yea, what vehement desire, yea, what zeal, yea, what revenge! In all things ye have approved yourselves to be clear in this matter. [12] Wherefore, though I wrote unto you, I did it not for his cause that had done the wrong, nor for his cause that suffered wrong, but that our care for you in the sight of God might appear unto you.

2 Corinthians 7:8-12

For those that have actually made it to the end of this report, and are still walking “worthy of the vocation wherewith ye are called” (Ephesians 4:1), and watching and actually building that ark, and doing what you can to prepare for the road ahead; then I implore you to continue to have patience and trust in the Lord.

[5] Trust in the LORD with all thine heart; and lean not unto thine own understanding. [6] In all thy ways acknowledge him, and he shall direct thy paths. [7] Be not wise in thine own eyes: fear the LORD, and depart from evil. [21] My son, let not them depart from thine eyes: keep sound wisdom and discretion: [22] So shall they be life unto thy soul, and grace to thy neck. [23] Then shalt thou walk in thy way safely, and thy foot shall not stumble. [24] When thou liest down, thou shalt not be afraid: yea, thou shalt lie down, and thy sleep shall be sweet. [25] Be not afraid of sudden fear, neither of the desolation of the wicked, when it cometh. [26] For the LORD shall be thy confidence, and shall keep thy foot from being taken.

Proverbs 3:5-7, 21-26

Moreover, as you have seen all the coming warnings of what is to befall the nations in the times to come – continue to pray to the Lord for deliverance, strength, endurance, and protection; as, if you have been working for him, he will remember those deeds:

[15] Now the word of the LORD came unto Jeremiah, while he was shut up in the court of the prison, saying, [16] Go and speak to Ebed-melech the Ethiopian, saying, Thus saith the LORD of hosts, the God of Israel; Behold, I will bring my words upon this city for evil, and not for good; and they shall be accomplished in that day before thee. [17] But I will deliver thee in that day, saith the LORD: and thou shalt not be given into the hand of the men of whom thou art afraid. [18] For I will surely deliver thee, and thou shalt not fall by the sword, but thy life shall be for a prey unto thee: because thou hast put thy trust in me, saith the LORD.

Jeremiah 39:15-18

On top of that, we have promises that are both bitter and sweet.

[21] Evil pursueth sinners: but to the righteous good shall be repayed. [22] A good man leaveth an inheritance to his children’s children: and the wealth of the sinner is laid up for the just.

Proverbs 13:21-22

Many of you have written and lamented that most if not the entirety of your family has taken the death shot, and/or completely blind to what’s happening, they are as blind as bats and have no idea what’s coming. As bitter sounding as that is, it also sweet and a reward knowing that inheritance and possessions will be left behind for you.

There are more examples I could come up with, but, brothers and sisters in Christ, be not dismayed, but not slip either. The Lord will provide bountifully, but that does not mean we will not endure some very trying and heart-wrenching times, and all the more reason you must have patience.

[8] Better is the end of a thing than the beginning thereof: and the patient in spirit is better than the proud in spirit. [9] Be not hasty in thy spirit to be angry: for anger resteth in the bosom of fools. [10] Say not thou, What is the cause that the former days were better than these? for thou dost not inquire wisely concerning this.

Ecclesiastes 7:8-10
[10] Take, my brethren, the prophets, who have spoken in the name of the Lord, for an example of suffering affliction, and of patience. [11] Behold, we count them happy which endure. Ye have heard of the patience of Job, and have seen the end of the Lord; that the Lord is very pitiful, and of tender mercy.

James 5:10-11

Knowing therefore the terror of the Lord, we persuade men; but we are made manifest unto God; and I trust also are made manifest in your consciences.

2 Corinthians 5:11

[7] Who goeth a warfare any time at his own charges? who planteth a vineyard, and eateth not of the fruit thereof? or who feedeth a flock, and eateth not of the milk of the flock? [8] Say I these things as a man? or saith not the law the same also? [9] For it is written in the law of Moses, Thou shalt not muzzle the mouth of the ox that treadeth out the corn. Doth God take care for oxen? [10] Or saith he it altogether for our sakes? For our sakes, no doubt, this is written: that he that ploweth should plow in hope; and that he that thresheth in hope should be partaker of his hope. (1 Corinthians 9:7-10).

The WinePress needs your support! If God has laid it on your heart to want to contribute, please prayerfully consider donating to this ministry. If you cannot gift a monetary donation, then please donate your fervent prayers to keep this ministry going! Thank you and may God bless you.



  • I testify in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ, the only begotten Son of God, the everlasting father, that this message is of the Spirit of God.

    The word of God and the Holy Spirit have confirmed to myself the same judgement(s), truth, edification and sanctification of Jacob’s message. The scriptures used in Jacob’s message were presented to me by the Lord, with some being read just the past few weeks. Praise to the Lord thy God, Jesus Christ.

    Thank you brother in Christ, Jacob. The Lord is with you.

  • Very great study, Jacob. As lengthy as it is, and I will admit I jumped around to read other parts so I wouldn’t get mentally exhausted-BUT I will go back and read and re-read the rest because this study is just as urgent as the Forgotten Verses of Salvation.

    I don’t hate the honeycomb, but I dread some things because I’m still fighting with sin-I’m like a war-torn land that just overthrew socialism but it’s not all roses and celebration feasts just yet not out of the woods yet. I have no skills with tools or an axe like Bryan is and I want the LORD to send me a craftsman who can teach me those things! (I’ll email you details later.)

    I lament over my mom because she is a pastor and that head hireling who was already a phony I mean, good night, he started working with the health department during the “pandemic” now anybody with at least half a butterfly’s brain would figure out he’s a fake from seeing and hearing that-AN ATHEIST could figure out he’s a fake-plus he took TWO death shots (which I thank God for!) already with type II diabetes and heart disease-he had a massive stroke in 2021 and recently had heart surgery this year-soon that Tony Gutierrez hireling will be pushing up daisies but my mom being a pastor and over twelve years of being in Baal building religion with a lukewarm religious grandma who was no better than a Catholic and got spewed out of God’s mouth on November 2005, I say praise the Lord for that too (Luke 14:26 applies to that I believe to hate family who reject the LORD, if I’m wrong correct me)

    Living in a Roman Catholic stronghold on the border of Mexico called Laredo, Texas-why am I here in such a wicked city-because years ago my Catholic soon turned pentecostal grandpa wanted to “go back home” without an inkling of care of what it could do to others. The majority of the Guerra’s (my grandfather) were Catholics the later ones switched over to pentecostal-but that doesn’t make it any better they just switched from the mother to one of her whore daughter denominations!

    I’m at a loss!

    • Hi Andrew, the following is an excerpt from my Study Bible that I also read during my Bible reading this a.m.:
      “Drugs, extramarital sex, pornography, alcoholism, unhealthy relationships, negative self-talk, overwork, gluttony, gambling, overspending – these things can become the go-to coping mechanisms of life’s pain, disappointments, and boredom. But they can leave you feeling trapped. A counselor and an accountability partner can be great assets to help you overcome addictive behavior, but the cure ultimately lies with you and God.
      To be set free from addictive behavior, you need to “be transformed by the renewing of your mind” (Romans 12:2). You need a new way of looking at yourself, God, others, and the things you do. Satan’s strategy to keep you in addictive behavior is to mess with your mind. He wants to plant thoughts in your head so they’ll take root and bear deadly, destructive fruit in your actions. Remember that whoever or whatever controls your mind, also controls you.
      God doesn’t want you to be focused on negative thoughts and controlled by them. Rather, God wants you to focus on Him, to allow His Word and Spirit to control you and bear good and lasting fruit in your life. Jesus said, “If you remain in me and my words remain in you, ask whatever you want and it will be done for you” (John 15:7). The key to victory is in that verse, so let Christ’s words (thoughts) remain in you. When Christ’s thoughts begin to dominate your soul, you’ll experience the new abundant life he died to give you.”
      Remember Christ’s words “The thief cometh not, but for to steal, and to kill, and to destroy: I am come that they might have life, and that they might have it more abundantly.” John 10:10 and move forward in Him, in the spirit of love and forgiveness, His towards you, and yours towards others, it is there you will find peace. God bless.

  • you speak truth brother! and if some of your followers don’t like truth, they can always go to Geoffrey Griders site and support him. Never give up brother Jacob, God will help you with everything he has for you to do on this earth! I am so sorry about the loss of your grandpa, grandparents are a wonderful gift from our Heavenly Father, and take comfort in knowing you will see him again one day soon!

    • Well I understand that in general, but my grandparents led me astray. So according to Luke 14:26.

    • Lol, right. They can go pay for his new “church.” Someone commented on my YT channel claiming that this person and their spouse met Grider, and they think he took the death shot. Would not be surprised.

  • WOW brother that was some article. I agree with everything you said. Things are going to get scary soon. I please ask that you pray for me and my family. I have 2 babies and now a 3rd on the way! I praise the LORD for them. Jesus Christ and my wife and children are my happiness. I will try my best to donate brother. I do apologize for not giving more.. because i do read your posts almost daily. Finances have been tough recently. I may not be able to give much but i will give what i can and my family’s prayers toward you brother. Keep doing what you are doing.

    P.S. I am just one state over from ya in Cincinnati, Ohio.

    God bless you Jacob

  • Thank you for all that you do, Jacob. May God bless and protect you. Those are some hard scriptures, much on my heart & mind, & with concern for the young & their future. I’m not as convinced of the particulars of how it may play out with the invasions given MYSTERY and the power structure of the antichrist beast system, but that it will be hard there is no doubt, & we deserve no better than the brethren of other ages. Some are convinced that the open angelic warfare & a not-faked, but shared intent & spun invasion is what is meant in that passage foreshadowed by the Babylonian invasion of Israel and Judah, setting the stage for some of the later events of Revelation. Either way, or both, is not fun to contemplate, yet I’m thankful the Lord woke me up to the King James Bible & allowed me time to read the bitter as well as the sweet.

    The Lord has been more than faithful to this old woman, a brand plucked for certain sure, & late, bringing me through & out of the whole any-Bible, emergent, purpose-driven insanity, & far more other things than deserved.

    Consequences remain, & cancer & an unequal yoke….but there’ve been many added years since I turned down the world’s cancer treatment & in the midst of so much turmoil for the honest ways of the Lord, preparing where we can, warning & prodded to warn more vehemently. Thinking of the king who half-heartedly struck with the bow & arrows…the prophet was angry with his half-heartedness. The Lord’s given me strength in preparations in spite of cancer & our hard winter, & my heart breaks for those who will not heed who will undoubtedly face far more than we elders. At least many didn’t take the shot and have a chance at salvation.

    More sickness, and another ‘unexpected’ death of a 30-something was the news today. Sudden seizure. Takes a lot to sober those drunk & carnal, but humility required for repentance. God bless you.

    • Hey, better late than never. You’re in your 60s but at least you did the smartest thing anybody could ever do regardless of age or education: you came to repentance. You figured out church buildings can’t solve your problems, IF THIS IS THE CASE: your grandparents and parents religious traditions of going to church buildings can’t save you, pastor/doctor/reverend/father so-and-so can’t save you, and those greedy mammon lover televangelist wolves definitely can’t save you, and seminary or Bible college PFFFT! Yeah right!

      Salvation, repentance, and Jesus are found in a book: THE Book, the King James Bible.

      You refuse that cancer treatment death enhancement and opt for natural and holistic treatments, and you’ll see a difference, porter.

      My journey to repentance began at 31 1/2-thanks to the “pandemic” that was a wake up call-the party is over, Andrew! Quit sowing your oats that is self destructive, no you didn’t reject the Word of God and you received it and still do when you listen to Bryan Denlinger, but now you have no excuse it’s time to get with the program-get on the Ark!

  • Well, that took me quite a long time to read, but boy, am I glad that I read it!

    Brother Jacob, you truly speak the truth of God, this is a very much-needed post right now.

    And I do not loathe the honeycomb, and God forbid that I ever should.

    This post has convicted me on some things and has most certainly encouraged me to be more zealous for the LORD. What you showed from the Scriptures about how we inherit the curses and condemnations of Israel, has really got me thinking now.

    There are a few sins that I greatly struggle with, sins that I know that I need to get victory over ASAP. And I also need to get even more serious about preparing for what’s coming. This post has encouraged me to seriously examine myself, and brother, I thank both you and the LORD for this.

    I pray that God prospers this ministry, and protects you and provides for you through what is to come in this perverse nation. I will (and I really do mean this) surely keep you and your ministry in my prayers. I’m going to try and share this post with a few of my family members as well.

    May our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ bless you brother Jacob. And again, thank you so much for this article.

    • Although I’m like 10 or 11 years older than Jacob, I consider Jacob an elder especially by this point. I’m born in 1989 I’m currently 33 years old, but to me, Jacob is an elder, in my opinion he earned that title! Even if I was 83 years old I’d consider him an elder. That right there is humility.

      I look up to Jacob as much as I do Bryan, they are my heroes and unlike the Roman Catholic whore or her whore daughters-the Protestant denominations, Bryan and Jacob are genuine saints.

  • Well said brother. I read the entire thing, and it’s definitely convicted me. I know I need to do better than what I have been doing. Your articles that you share with us can at times sting, but that’s just what we need in these times.

    I for one will continue to pray for you, and support this ministry as long as the Lord allows me to do so. I know that might just sound like I’m just saying so, but I mean it.

    Be encouraged, brother. Usually when people get “salty” is usually when you’re hitting the nail on the head. The truth hurts, but I for one would rather the painful truth, than fables.

    Keep up the good work, brother.

      • Can you give some clear instructions for the sisters who are married to unbelieving husbands that don’t give them a hard time in living out a godly life but yet don’t see what’s coming what can they do for their family stay put and prep as much on her own for all her household if no diesnt have the means to get out of the city or can’t afford to buy land ?

        Other than the basics of praying fervently you the Lord and reading/studying his written word

        What else can a woman do without breaking 1corin7:10-15?

  • What a long one, but very good! In no way I hate the Lord’s word. And I do know hard times are coming. For me who is weak, I plead God’s mercy to help me through this because, if I ever see people suffering and killing each other, it will definitely get pretty emotional there, whether it be crying, or being scared or screaming. Everyday, I’m thinking, “God, I am so wretched, you must hate me… I don’t deserve all the things you provide for me.” Even though I know he loves us as his children. I hope God prospers you and keep you safe as always. You are doing great work for the body of Christ and the Lord. May he reward you greatly! I am in a hard situation to make donations to you, but I often pray for you and Bryan’s ministry. God bless you brother!

    • I have no hate for the Lord’s word either, but I dread of myself and all of my sins-trust me Cynthia, you think you’ve done wrong, granted we’re ALL guilty of sin, but I’ve done some nasty stuff!
      The LORD in His mercy and long suffering provided me a way out and gave me Bryan Denlinger a very good start-he’s my hero, my teacher and my tutor. And now Jacob is the second one now we have TWO, more would be better but two is great so far,

  • Well, it had to be said. This comes as Brother Byran just had a study about God Forgets, the last few days have been tough for me wondering if God Had forgotten me, asking for Him to show me why, I am still here, I can’t do much and I ask for help so I can do more things. What I have sown, I’m reaping. You are more than likely right than wrong about what’s to come. So this study, long as it was was needed. Now as I just finished studying Jeremiah you gave me a whole new perspective of the inherited blessings and curses, by our grafting in the olive tree. As far as giving It used to be auto every month through PayPal and then that stopped, so sorry if I missed some. I’M OLD OK lol I will try to remember every mo. May God Bless Ya in your work

  • Thank you for the convicting and edifying article. The one thing the Lord has clearly shown me over the last year or so is that most “Christians” are fake. The level of infiltration is unreal and I’m sorry that you’re getting kicked around so much from these wicked people. I and my wife do pray for you daily brother and we really mean that. I will be spending more time in prayer for you as my prayers of late have tended to be more selfish due to my health condition and for that I’m sorry.

    I rarely type things out, due to my hands being in awful pain and I save them for what the Lord has called me to do, but I do read the WP daily and it has been a blessing for me to know that you’re reaching the lost with scripture.

    Anything you need help with, please let me know (on skype)

  • Just came across this now and skimmed it (new job is beating me up hard that I have been sleeping early at night recently) and will be reading it entirely, I do understand what you are bringing across brother. I’ve been slack lately with my bible studies, witnessing on youtube videos and tracting on the streets. Plus I had chances to witness to lost co-workers but I didn’t (because they have seen me vaping and I know I wouldn’t make a good ambassador for God).
    And all these should just be my reasonable service unto the Lord, and a duty that deserves no praise or glory from any man.

    (This is not to advertise myself, but to relate and to confess) I’m struggling with my disgusting sin of nicotine vaping. And I’m getting some chastening from the Lord. My wrists, arms are hurting a lot, for a prolonged time now, as well as some troublesome allergies I’ve never had before that now would not go away. Granted, my job is heavy labour (a type of job I’m fairly used to and I’m still young enough), but still, this is different. And I dare not be foolish and pray to God to heal me, because I know I deserve it, for not trying my hardest to put away the sins I have: vaping, pride, not being active enough with doing my duty as a soldier of Jesus Christ, still having some concern about what co-workers and bosses would say if I evangelize, gluttony at times, arguing with my parents without meekness and patience…

    I agree, knowing the truth, the word of God is bitter at times, but is also sweet. I get moments when I look at the people around me, walking around soaking up the summer in their skimpy outfits, oblivious to the death and destruction coming, and I just feel very sorrowful, beating myself up for not trying hard enough to use the brain God gave me to devise ways to warn them and to do according to his word, to risk getting beat up or mocked on the street so I can declare his gospel of salvation.

    But I also feel the joy of knowing I’m genuinely saved and that Jesus accepted me to be his son, because I’m guided unto all truth and I’m receiving chastening. I pray daily to the Lord that his judgment comes to all the wicked nations and to the evil city I’m in, and I give praise and glory to him for ALL of his judgments, even knowing it will be very hard for us saved brethren as well.

    I’m thankful to the Lord for leading me to truth, no matter how hard it is for the flesh to accept, and for helping me to overcome many of my sins. But I’m not going to deny that I both feel the heaviness and joy of being a born-again man

    Reading the King James bible, your reports and listening to Bryan’s preaching, praise to the Lord’s mercy, has helped settle my mind that we will go through very hard times. To prepare mentally and physically for suffering (hence, choosing a hard labour job that literally has me pouring sweat on my brow), and not be deluded into thinking I’ll suddenly be whisked away just before the piano lands on my head. That many of us may get severly injured, or even killed when we go through the beginning of sorrows.

    I love the Lord’s word. The bitterness is entirely because I’m unable to abide by it as how I would want to at times.
    Is Your All on the Altar?

    You have longed for sweet peace,
    And for faith to increase,
    And have earnestly, fervently prayed;
    But you cannot have rest,
    Or be perfectly blest,
    Until all on the altar is laid.

    Is your all on the altar of sacrifice laid?
    Your heart does the Spirit control?
    You can only be blest,
    And have peace and sweet rest,
    As you yield Him your body and soul.

    Would you walk with the Lord,
    In the light of His word,
    And have peace and contentment alway?
    You must do His sweet will,
    To be free from all ill,
    On the altar your all you must lay.

    Oh, we never can know
    What the Lord will bestow
    Of the blessings for which we have prayed,
    Till our body and soul
    He doth fully control,
    And our all on the altar is laid.

    Who can tell all the love
    He will send from above,
    And how happy our hearts will be made;
    Of the fellowship sweet
    We shall share at His feet,
    When our all on the altar is laid.

    • Hebrews 12:5-6
      5 And ye have forgotten the exhortation which speaketh unto you as unto children, My son, despise not thou the chastening of the Lord, NOR FAINT when thou art rebuked of him: 6 for whom the Lord loveth he chasteneth, and scourgeth every son whom he receiveth.

      Revelation 3:18-20
      18 I counsel thee to buy of me gold tried in the fire, that thou mayest be rich; and white raiment, that thou mayest be clothed, and that the shame of thy nakedness do not appear; and anoint thine eyes with eyesalve, that thou mayest see. 19 As many as I love, I rebuke and chasten: be zealous therefore, and repent. 20 Behold, I stand at the door, and knock: if any man hear my voice, and open the door, I will come in to him, and will sup with him, and he with me

      Took a half-day from work (my nose was running profusely, not sick though, just one of the allergies) and read this. Very much appreciated that you ignored your flesh and went ahead to write and post this.

      Admonishment,sharp rebuke and hard truths, I find are more and more what I look for, and I believe, we should all look for, like how a tough drill sergeant does with privates, which is great because Bryan’s studies and your articles have those in abundance. These are actually what fires me up to get back in shape like before with the studying, tracting and witnessing online, finding ways to remove sin and escape temptations, as well as the preparation for the beginning (middle, and end) of sorrows.

  • Thank you for writing this. Your time and effort put into this website is so valuable. Other than Bro Bryan, and this website, I wouldn’t know where else to look for help and truth. Praise the Lord for your ministry.

  • Brother Jacob,
    Thank you for writing this and always putting all the effort! I do not want to see your ministry gone, never ever. Do you do this ministry completely alone? Do you have faithful men who are able to teach these to others (2 Timothy 2:2)? Can you grant 15 minutes of your precious time to a humble man who wants to support your ministry more? I will be praying even harder for your brother, I know we are living spiritually and financially perilous times.

  • Praise God! Thank you for this article, this is the 2nd time I read this. I needed it.

    God bless you Jacob, and all brothers and sisters here. Merry christmas and happy new year.

  • Where is the updated part, brother Jacob? Sorry, I can’t find the usual part that says **UPDATE** on the article. Or did I miss it? I really want to read the updated part(s). Thanks in advance ~

  • Acts 20:24
    “But none of these things move me, neither count I my life dear unto myself, so that I might finish my course with joy, and the ministry, which I have received of the Lord Jesus, to testify the gospel of the grace of God.”

    King James Version (KJV)

  • Morning. It’s great to read this again, along with the additions. Very powerful message. Thinking of copying this and possibly printing it in a booklet form,, if you approve, for future use, when chaos and desperation are happening in my area.

    If not, I will keep a copy of my own, for when internet gets cut off permanently from the church.

    • I plan to sell some books with a collection of sermons I have been holding onto, and some articles, and I figure I’ll put this piece in those volumes. I have some plans for the ministry moving forward.

  • hey, can y’all pray for my parents and I to properly prepare for God’s wrath to hit, I know to prepare spiritually, I would be grateful on prayers for me to have strength to do that to through God of cores, but I am talking about having the things we need to survive so we can hunt and forage and build the thing that we need and what not, so if y’all don’t mind taking the time to pray for me and my family, thank you to the ones who do and my God bless and keep safe his body.

  • I had a much longer comment, Bro. Jacob, but it got “dumped” by mistake. Summary: You’re a man after my own heart! Don’t give up the fight, Bro! Everything you said definitely needs to be heard…especially now, as we see 2 Tim. 4: 3 in full swing:

    “For the time will come when they will not endure sound doctrine; but after their own lusts shall they heap to themselves teachers, having itching ears…”

    I’ll share what little I do remember…

    If I were you, I’d break this LOOONG “thesis” into smaller chunks; make it a series. I spent almost the entire day yesterday, reading and commenting along the way. Most folks don’t have time to sit and read 40-some pages of anything in one sitting. I can assure you…by the time I got to the end, I was a lot closer to getting my first OAS check next Feb.! 🙂 Thanks!

    The way things are going here in Kanadastan (formerly known as “Canada”), I don’t expect to get that check. We’ll be cashless by then, and I didn’t take any of the poisoned pokes. Without them being all up-to-date, I will not be allowed to have it, or anything else for that matter. I’m ok with that; it comes as no surprise, and I’m prepared, “For to me to live is Christ, and to die is gain.” Phil. 1: 21

    BTW: You need to take another look at Rev. 10. It is not Jesus who is holding the book or speaking. It is “another angel”, and NOT the “angel of the Lord”. To say it was Jesus doing these things, is to reduce Him to the status of being a created being…an angel. Also, if Jesus was speaking in that chapter, it would be printed in red ink in my KJ Bible; it’s in black ink.

    I wonder who the guy was in the second embedded video? We’ve come a long ways since that video was uploaded three years ago. I’d like to hear his take on the clot shots, and their connection to the m.o.t.b. system now! Far too many of us have been indoctrinated with only 1/3 of the infamous Rev. 13: 15 verse…the “mark”. What about the other two condemning tools: “…the name of the beast, OR the number of the beast”? Why are most too quick to overlook those? Each one is equally dangerous.

    When one looks up the word, “mark” in Strong’s Exhaustive Concordance, it can apply to the vaxseeen. That, as we know changes one’s DNA, thereby making the recipient no longer a pure human…something else.

    Many of us who didn’t take them, quickly perceived how those that did suddenly changed for the worse. They’re unreasonable, combative, quick to put up walls and to dismiss thoughtful conversations, anti-social, and fearful, and last but not least…STUPID!

    It strongly appears that the Luciferase (Lucif-erase) component in the vaccines not only erased the part of the brain where the belief system is, but their cognitive and reasoning centers as well.

    Years ago, when talk of the pokes was being bandied about, I asked the Lord the following: “Lord, why is it that You can forgive every sin but not those who take the mark?”

    Later that same day, I went to my computer and for the very first time, I was made aware of what was in the poisoned pokes. As soon as I read it, He answered my question: “Jesus died for humans, not for mutants.”

    Oddly enough, many people around the world were warned by the Holy Spirit not to take it / them! A few listened; most didn’t, and many of them are dead today.

    One or more of the patents end with “060606”~the number of the beast. The name? So far, it’s called “AI”. When one looks at the third “person” in that infamous Rev. 13: 15 verse, we see that the image of the beast that takes on human characteristics, i.e. talks, makes and enforces decisions. This is AI, not the AC or the False Prophet. It is AI that “causes” / forces people to take the mark, OR the name, OR the number of the beast. We are quickly advancing to that point in time. Let’s connect some dots…

    A few days ago, Netanyahu proudly put in a plug to the UN re: Israel’s part in the construction and implementation of AI, and what it could do. He used that as leverage for Israel to be left alone in the future, and he appeared to be hopeful to that end. Let’s go back in time…

    Prior to WW1, Jews were instrumental in developing IBM, (“International Business Machines”), the technology that was used in the classifying and execution of Jews and others. Connection: Israeli-developed AI is set up to do the SAME THING all over again!

    Conclusion: The most threatened and most defense-prepared nation in the world against terrorist attacks was humbled, dropped to her knees! God humbled them via another inside job! That’s why they compared it to “9-11”.

    Re: Solomon’s sex scene that you cited in Ecclesiastes…may I humbly suggest that has nothing to do with the Church, but everything to do with Israel? Ohhh the “lids” are going to be flipped now!

    One night, several years ago, as I was climbing into bed, thinking of nothing at all…right out of the blue, the Holy Spirit spoke. “Israel divorced God; He didn’t divorce her; she moved, He didn’t.” Well, don’t you know…I had to get right up and check it out. Yep! Jer. 3: 14 attests to this, raising a problem for some people…

    Since God is still married to Israel, how can He also be married to the Church, especially in light of Rev. 21: 9?! The whole rest of that chapter goes on to describe the New Jerusalem, not any group or entity. Every commentary I’ve read and every pastor (and others) I’ve heard very conveniently omit that verse! Those who are brave enough to tackle it, conveniently write it off as “metaphorically speaking”…doing exactly as they accuse and condemn others of doing with much of the Bible. Hypocrisy within the Church! Plain and simple!

    The way I see it, the bridal residence and the bride go hand-in-hand; we cannot have the one without the other. Nowhere in the Word is the Church EVER specifically named the “Bride of Christ”. The passages that at least hint in that direction use similes, comparison words. However, Rev. 21: 9 is conveniently overlooked because they don’t support the twisted main narrative.

    Seeing that Christ is God (Elohim / Trinity, plural of “Eloah”, Gen. 1: 1), for Him to have a second wife (while still married to Israel) would be adultery. He’d be breaking His own commandments re: adultery and fornication that many have been brutally murdered for doing.

    Solution: The Church is exactly as Paul presents her to be: the body of Christ. It makes no sense for Him to marry Himself, seeing He is in us, and we are in Him (Jn. 15: 4, 5). To continue to claim that the Church is the bride of Christ is to hold onto a rotten rag of Replacement Theology. When Israel was no longer a nation, it made sense to replace her with the Church, but not anymore. Solomon knew nothing about the Church; all he knew that was pertinent to him was Israel and her relationship with God when he wrote those words.

    Jacob, it did my heart really good when you came out against the OSAS (once save always saved) doctrine of demons! The people you described are strong proponents of that! They believe they can live like Hell and still go to Heaven. Man-o-man…do they EVER come unhinged, hateful, and demonic when their pet doctrine is attacked and assassinated! Yessiree, Bubba! I’ve been there so many times, that I got sick and tired of it. So, what did I do? I’m so glad you asked!

    I spent two years studying the Word, specifically looking for support for that doctrine. I found NONE; not even a single verse! Instead, I found 97 verses that strongly oppose it! As I came upon each one, I wrote the ref. down on the inside of my Bible cover for future reference. I’m so glad I did!

    What I did discover is the three scriptural supports that they use are either taken out of context or severely twisted. That really annoys me! Why can’t God’s Word just be allowed to say what it really says?! Why do so many people have reading comprehension problems? What are these “supportive” texts? Let’s look at them.

    1. “For God hath not appointed us to wrath, but to obtain salvation by our Lord Jesus Christ” 1 Thessalonians 5:9 That has absolutely nothing to do with the Great Tribulation! It has all to do with ALL those who reject Christ’s offer of eternal salvation. Until they receive Him, they ARE appointed to God’s wrath.

    2. “And grieve not the holy Spirit of God, whereby ye are sealed unto the day of redemption.” Ephesians 4:30. They ignore the first part of the verse! They grieve Him to no end when they twist His words or lift them out of context. That doesn’t bother those people; it should! All the verses I found that didn’t support this ideology were conditional, just as Jesus taught in Lu. 9: 62 and elsewhere. In the O.T. Lot’s wife is the perfect example; she was on her way to safety, but she looked back and perished!

    “Sealed”…what does that mean in this context? Surely somebody reading this is asking that question…

    Exod. 12: 13 is the type of Calvary, leading up to Eph. 4: 30. The Jews and others were protected as long as they stayed under the protective covering of the blood! They were sternly told that to come out from under it would see them killed. By the way, that passage shows it was God who did the killing, not some “death angel”. When He gave the warning, He said, “I will pass over you…”

    We, too, are protected and eternally secure AS LONG AS we stay under the same protective covering! Salvation cannot be earned, but we are encouraged to protect the gift. A backslider or a reprobate (two different spiritual conditions) have lost that protective covering. The backslider has a chance to repent and to be restored; the reprobate (former Christian or one who “knew of God” doesn’t.

    3. Rom. 8: 35-39: That passage has NOTHING to do with eternal security, but all to do with the omnipresence of Almighty God! He is everywhere, even in Hell, as attested to by the Psalmist! If not, then He’s not God.

    Let’s step out on a limb; I want a turn to upset the Scripturally illiterate… Let’s say that passage was talking about salvation and eternal security. It could work; after all. When a person became born again, there were only two persons involved in that transaction: God, and the individual. Nobody, nor any other outside influence had any influence on that very personal and INTERNAL transaction at that time. It’s a covenant, and only the people involved in the covenant making could break it. OSAS doesn’t work.

    The infamous argument: “They probably weren’t saved in the first place!” Spit in the face of Jesus again, why don’t ya?! In the Parable of the Seed, Jesus says they were saved! Every seed germinated (took on new life; regeneration) except for the one that fell on rocky ground. He goes on to explain the reasons why they died, and many of us are to blame for those deaths! We failed to nurture and to mentor the baby Christians! We left them to the wolves! Anybody in their right mind, and with a soul knows better than to leave an innocent baby alone in the wet and the cold, or the heat and the sweat to fend for themselves, expecting them to thrive, to grow, and to survive. What is the matter with this THING called the Church?! Ohhh, Jacob…I’m paddling with you in the same canoe! I’m angry and frustrated because sheep are supposed to bear lambs for the Good Shepherd, and to care for them. There will be tears in Heaven…

    In John 15: 2, 6, He DESTROYS their OSAS lies! “2. Every branch in me that beareth not fruit he taketh away: and every branch that beareth fruit, he purgeth it, that it may bring forth more fruit.”

    “He taketh away”!

    “6. If a man abide not in me, he is cast forth as a branch, and is withered; and men gather them, and cast them into the fire, and they are burned.”

    “…they are burned”!

    How is it, these people read the same Bible and yet, they miss these important truths that debunk their diabolical doctrine? I’m shaking my head. They are the ones that Jesus spoke to and of in Mt. 7: 21-23:

    “21 Not every one that saith unto me, Lord, Lord, shall enter into the kingdom of heaven; but he that doeth the will of my Father which is in heaven.

    22 Many will say to me in that day, Lord, Lord, have we not prophesied in thy name? and in thy name have cast out devils? and in thy name done many wonderful works?

    23 And then will I profess unto them, I never knew you: depart from me, ye that work iniquity.

    These hateful, vile, and evil “Christians” / CINO’s who believe they can live like Hell and still go to Heaven are seriously deceived! I’m so sick and tired of the deception from within; I cannot begin to imagine just how sick and tired of it God must be!

    This is only a snippet of what I wrote yesterday; I can’t remember anymore of it, and probably a good thing. This entity, with the seared conscience, is Isa. 64: 6 in capital letters:

    “6 But we are all as an unclean thing, and all our righteousnesses are as filthy rags; and we all do fade as a leaf; and our iniquities, like the wind, have taken us away.”

    Those “rags” are filthy rotten menstrual rags! That’s exactly how God sees the people that Jacob wrote about! It’s not a very pretty sight, and they stink to high Heaven! I hope they repent before it’s too late.

    Thank you, Jacob, for reposting this! It’s the first time I saw it, and I saved it because you encouraged me! I’m not alone in my thinking and speaking as I often thought / think! Stay the course, Brother! You’re doing a mighty fine job, and if I could financially support your work, I REALLY would. In the meantime, all I can do is pray for you, and I do. Maranatha!

    • Well I hate to burst your bubble but I have NEVER attacked eternal security in this study, or any others. I believe in eternal security for the believer today in THIS current dispensation of grace administered by Paul. I am very much against the “easy believer” and “free grace” philosophies because they use liberty and “OSAS” as a cudgel and excuse to sin willy nilly with no conviction.
      Romans 6:14-17 [14]For sin shall not have dominion over you: for ye are not under the law, but under grace. [15]What then? shall we sin, because we are not under the law, but under grace? God forbid. [16]Know ye not, that to whom ye yield yourselves servants to obey, his servants ye are to whom ye obey; whether of sin unto death, or of obedience unto righteousness? [17]But God be thanked, that ye were the servants of sin, but ye have obeyed from the heart that form of doctrine which was delivered you.
      Eternal security is very evident in PAUL’s writings.
      2 Timothy 2:11-13 [11]It is a faithful saying: For if we be dead with him, we shall also live with him: [12]If we suffer, we shall also reign with him: if we deny him, he also will deny us: [13]If we believe not, yet he abideth faithful: he cannot deny himself.
      We are are in his body, and he in us (Ephesians 5:22-33). Therefore he could not get rid of us and deny himself because we are in him. Other dispensations do not have this. To deny this and eternal security defaults to works salvation which is patently false for this dispensation (Titus 3:3-7).
      Additionally, the body of Christ is plainly is the bride (Ephesians 5:22-33).
      2 Corinthians 11:2 [2]For I am jealous over you with godly jealousy: for I have espoused you to one husband, that I may present you as a chaste virgin to Christ.
      Revelation 19:7-9 [7]Let us be glad and rejoice, and give honour to him: for the marriage of the Lamb is come, and his wife hath made herself ready. [8]And to her was granted that she should be arrayed in fine linen, clean and white: for the fine linen is the righteousness of saints. [9]And he saith unto me, Write, Blessed are they which are called unto the marriage supper of the Lamb. And he saith unto me, These are the true sayings of God.

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