The madness is getting even madder: with so much going on it’s hard to keep pace. But as noted in the last WinePress report covering the Russia-Ukraine ordeal, The WP will do the best it can to provide information that is actually relevant to you, giving perspectives readers will be hard-pressed to find elsewhere.
Check out the previous reports for much more context and important details surrounding this conflict:
- Ukrainians Are Not Worried About Russia Invading. Many Think It Is Propaganda And Are Living Their Lives As Normal
- The Russia-Ukraine Propaganda Continues. It’s More Hype
- The Russia-Ukraine Propaganda Continues, But Still No Invasion. Media Spreads Fear Of Nuclear
- Russia Recognizes Separatist Ukraine States As Independent. Sends Troops To Peace Keep. West Angry. Arms Deals Increase
- Biden Levies Sanctions Against Russia, And Sends Troops To Neighbor Nations. Trump Praises Putin. Germany Cuts Off Gas Pipeline
- ‘Full-Scale Invasion Of Ukraine Underway.’ Martial Law Declared. Ukraine Says They Were Hit With More Russian Cyber Attacks.
- Russia Launches Strikes All Over Ukraine. Casualties Mount. Media Keeps Lying And Beats The War Drum. Zelensky Wants Neutrality
- Russia Now Takes Issue With Israel’s Sovereignty Over Golan Heights And Jerusalem
- Hack Attack: The Next Scripted Powerplay For Control Is Soon Approaching

Anarchy, Sheeple, Narcissism
Where do we even begin?
Well, I guess I’ll briefly address President Biden’s State of the Union Corruption speech, where he gave praise and pledged to support those “brave Iranians.” On the flipside, after calling Putin a “genius,” former President Trump decided to backpaddle on his words, telling Fox Business that this a “holocaust,” and would have never happened under him.
This is a — this is a holocaust. This is a horrible thing that’s happening. You’re witnessing and you’re seeing it on television every night.
Trump said
But the media propaganda has gotten worse, along with the virtue signaling and narcissism from the news outlets, celebrities, and people on social media in tow.
From a British perspective, political commentator Hugo Talks rebutted a clip produced by Sky News, that purported to show some British citizens wanting to join the war and help fight alongside with the Ukrainians, by going directly to the gates of the national embassy – with film crews ready to film, displaying that these civilians were very clueless as to what they were even asking for. One man who was in his early sixties and wearing a mask outside, also told the media that he wanted to go and fight with the Ukrainians, and potentially lay down their lives. Moreover, the Daily Mail also pushed a similar narrative.
Needless to say, this was setup and scripted, as Hugo frustratedly points out.
Hugo Talks later produced another video where an Ukrainian activist, Daria Daleniuk, “interrupted” Boris Johnson during a press conference heavily beating the war drum and essentially calling for world war III with initiating a no-fly zone, asserting that Johnson was not doing near enough in response to crisis.
Interestingly enough, Daleniuk has own her page on the World Econonic Forum’s website showing her allegiance, and that she was also apart of Klaus Schwab’s Young Global Leaders Program – where most of the prominent world leaders attended (Putin, Ardern, Macron, Merkel, etc.)
Moreover, Hugo Talks displays a clip from a recent United Nations conference where almost all of the ambassadors left the room when the Russian ambassador began to speak via videochat. Hugo again notes how this is staged, as doing this is counterintuitive to making peace and negotiations.
The U.S. has also been beating the war drum, with Senator Lindsey Graham from South Carolina calling for someone to assassinate Vladimir Putin.
Is there a Brutus in Russia? Is there a more successful Colonel Stauffenberg in the Russian military? The only way this ends is for somebody in Russia to take this guy out. You would be doing your country – and the world – a great service.
The only people who can fix this are the Russian people. Easy to say, hard to do. Unless you want to live in darkness for the rest of your life, be isolated from the rest of the world in abject poverty, and live in darkness you need to step up to the plate.
In a third video courtesy of Hugo Talks, clips were presented that once again gave a different perspective to what the mainstream media has been showing the world.
According to a man from Kyiv, he says that Ukraine has actually fallen into a state of anarchy and gang wars, and is being totally misconstrued by the media. He says that because President Volodymyr Zelensky made the executive decision to distribute military-grade weaponry to citizens, that has actually begotten all kinds of gang and turf wars, looting and robberies, and anarchy; which he says has gone unreported and misconstrued by Western media.
The man in the video is worried about getting killed in the streets, not from either side’s armies, but from armed citizens that have gotten crazy and violent.
Upset at the “Zelesnky regime,” he said that so many more deaths have and will be created because Zelensky can “get a photo-op.”
Corroborating with the man’s analysis, it was announced several days ago that Zelensky allowed prisoners with combat experience to be set free, given weapons, and told to help fight against the Russian forces.
In a video address to the people of Ukraine on Monday, Zelenskyy said that that everyone who can “join the struggle against the invaders must do so” and that the country is dedicating “every minute” to the conflict.
He added that all prisoners who have real combat experience will be released from jail and will be able to “compensate for their guilt in the hottest spots of war”.
“We have taken a decision which is not easy from the moral point of view,” he said, adding that such a move was vital “in terms of our protection. reported
But as noted by Hugo in his recent news roundup, the media continues to coddle up to Zelesnky, turning him into a demigod to the people.
His idolatry that has been created is quite amazing, but, even more fascinating is how the media is now continuing to pimp slap the masses; with the facts that this man once co-produced a show where he played the lead role as Ukrainian president, did voiceover work for English movies translated for the Ukrainians, was a comedian, and was on “Dancing With the Stars” many years ago – just shoving it in everyone’s face as to just how fake he is, along with this conflict.
And, of course, Zelensky gave a recent shoutout and praise to Pope Francis for standing with Ukraine and calling for an end to the violence:
President Zelensky wrote on Twitter Saturday that he “thanked Pope Francis @Pontifex for praying for peace in Ukraine and a ceasefire. The Ukrainian people feel the spiritual support of His Holiness,” The Catholic Telegraph reported.
The Ukrainian Embassy to the Holy See said Francis spoke to Zelensky on the phone on Saturday. “The Holy Father expressed his deepest sorrow for the tragic events taking place in our country,” the embassy wrote on Twitter.
As I said in the last WinePress report on this conflict, ‘By now, I am sure you have seen the “#I Stand With Ukraine” tag being floated around all over social media, and with influencers making these vanity posts as to why they support the Ukrainians, changing their emblems to have a Ukraine flag in it, and so forth. These are the same vain-driven and narcissistic losers that were making posts about supporting Black Lives Matter in 2020; who posed scantily clad and stood in lewd positions displaying their “assets,” to somehow stand in solidarity. How about no. They just wanted attention so they could convince themselves that they are a good person, and because they felt themselves that morning and wanted you to know how good they think they look.’
That is still going on in full-force: more narcissists pretending to care about what is going on in Ukraine, by uploading their vanity posts by doing photoshoots and other poses scantily clad while talking about how sad they are about the conflict. And it’s not just them: the politicians, the celebrities, you name it; are all telling people to support the Ukraine.
More Falsified Clips
Just as The WP has demonstrated across other reports dealing with the Russia-Ukraine debacle, the propaganda has only exceedingly got worse, though the broad masses are still in the dark.
In the previous WP report, and others, I reproved and exposed a lot of the nonsense being spewed out in the media. But if you thought that was egregious, then I urge you to watch this short video compilation, that was originally uploaded to RoxyTube on February 26th, depicting things such as:
- Clips from years past and from other countries entirely
- Cadavers and dummies being laid out in the streets, dressed like soldiers, made to look like a warzone
- Civilians voluntarily playing dead next to a scripted car bomb, caught on security footage
- Reporters dressed up in military gear, but with ordinary citizens living their carefree daily lives as usual
- Definite deep fakes
- Ukrainians happily putting on costume makeup to look like they were just caught in a bombing
- And much more…
And so, when you see propaganda faker than an Oscar Meyer hotdog like that, it demonstrates that you quite literally cannot take a single word or sound the media makes – from either side or spectrum – seriously or as truth.
The WinePress does of course believe there is a conflict with Russian troops involved, sure, but it is completely fabricated and shrouded in utter lies and propaganda.
But, I mean, isn’t funny how we are living in 2022, but much of the footage we see looks like it was filmed with a potato chip?
For example, the media from all angles are talking about this “40-Mile Long Russian Convoy,” supposedly displaying tanks and troop caravans tightly packed together like sardines in a can – which would make zero sense in a strategic warzone. But as Brian Young from High Impact Flix (Grease Monkey Videos) proves, the media is once again pulling a “weapons of mass destruction” style of fear porn – with Fox News actually insinuating and subtly advocating for nuclear retaliation from the U.S.:
Moreover, in a recent Fox News interview with Kira Rudik, a member of the Ukrainian Parliament – which also included a previously mentioned image of Ukrainians holding cardboard rifles – openly stated,
We not only fight for Ukraine, we fight for this New World Order.

But it’s not just the West pushing the continuous rhetoric that the battlefield is hot and Ukraine is a pile of rubble, but Indian media has also upped the ante on their graphics, to plant the notion that it is this utter wasteland from a videogame setting:
And, once again, as noted last time, I have monitored some live camera footage coming out of Kyiv; and yet it still looks like nothing is happening.
Furthermore, documented by Hugo Talks on February 28th, that there have been Ukrainian chat groups that have stated that it has been fairly quiet in Kyiv. As a matter of fact, some have said they believe the police and authorities have left the capital and are nowhere to be seen.
Follow The Money – Arms Deals And Sanctions
The WinePress, unlike other outlets and pundits, have tried to hone in on the drivers of war: money. If you follow the money, you’ll find the truth – as the scriptures say it is the “root of all evil” (1 Timothy 6:10) and “answereth all things” (Ecclesiastes 10:19).
The WinePress from the offset of this said a lot of this was primarily a massive arms deals being conducted, and we are continuing to see that increase exponentially.
One of the more recent and larger examples of this, is how the Pentagon has just awarded $1.8 billion in contracts to Lockheed Martin, Northrup Grumman, and York, to construct a military satellite internet.
But days later, President Biden announced an exponentially larger deal to offer a whopping $32.5 billion in aid to the Ukraine, and to fight Covid – a money dump that will be spread amongst all their rich criminal friends, though it must pass in Congress. Again, this is all more political theater: as to how one minute he has executive powers to steal more money from us, but then the other minute he needs to go through Congress?
Moreover, Biden announced the creation of a new ‘KleptoCapture’ task force, in a hysterical move to seize the purported illegal gains from Russian oligarchs.
The U.S. Department of Justice is assembling a dedicated task force to go after the crimes of Russian oligarchs. We are coming for your ill-begotten gains.
Biden said
Translation: the opposite will occur.
But as The WP has been reporting, other European nations are getting involved in these arms deals. The Trends Journal reported on more of them this week, noting nations like the Czech Republic to send $8.5 million worth of weapons to the Ukraine, who had already sent $1.7 million worth in 4,000 artillery shells as well; the Netherlands sending 200 Stinger anti-aircraft missiles and 50 Panzerfaust-3 anti-tank weapons and 400 rockets; Belgium sending 2,000 machine guns and 3,800 tons of fuel; France being a bit vague on the amount of support they will send, but Macron did reveal that they will lend 300 million euros as additional budgetary assistance to Kyiv; the U.K. has already sent 2,000 Next Generation Light Anti-tank Weapons and has pledged aid to Ukraine after the conflict comes to a close, that involves lethal defensive weapons and “major” loan guarantees; Finland to send 2,500 assault rifles, 150,000 bullets, 1,500 anti-tank weapons and 70,000 food packages to Kyiv; Sweden to send 135,000 field rations, 5,000 helmets, 5,000 body shields, and 5,000 anti-tank weapons; and Australia to gift $50 million in lethal defensive weapons for Ukraine.
Gerald Celente, founder of the Trends Journal, forecasts, “The United States will not enter into a one-on-one military conflict with Russia or China. Indeed, they could not even beat the Taliban or win the “Mission Accomplished” Iraq war.”
We have also heard talks of the many sanctions the United States and NATO have levied against Russia. Are they working?
Financial advisor and analyst Neil McCoy-Ward provides an overview of what they are doing:
He notes that Russian currency, the Ruble, has plunged in value and purchasing power, at times by nearly 50%.
He also explains that many of these sanctions are not only affecting Russia, but also dramatically affect the rest of the world (which I will detail even further concerning the ramifications we are already facing). McCoy-Ward says we are witnessing a complete breakdown of globalization, as supplies will become less available, accessible, and affordable.
Not only are you going to see prices in general go up, but you’re going to see energy prices go up. Now when energy goes up, that’s what affects the whole market. The whole economy derives from energy.
McCoy-Ward additionally explains how we have gone from a trade war to now a currency war, he says historical sparks a military conflict, though McCoy-Ward thinks this will further diverge into a digital war.
He also notes that Russia’s exodus from the international bank system Swift will affect them in the “interim,” noting that the nation has many more resources at their disposable. All this will do is push them into an ever tighter relationship with allies like China. To this end, he does not forecast nations like China imposing restrictions on Russia.
The biggest takeaway from his video briefing was his pointed emphasis on how these restrictions are not crippling the rich fat cats or the Russian government, but directly pours the problems on the innocent Russian people – with the import prices only going to skyrocket, with the Russian families feeling the crunch; compacted upon the absurd and belligerent hate the Russian people have received.
And already international corporations like Google and YouTube are taking shots at the Russians.
For example, Dr. Zarifa Romanova – a Doctor of Medicine, Infectious Disease Doctor, Pediatrician, Ultrasound diagnostician, and Candidate of medical sciences – announced this morning that Google, and YouTube, and Patreon have disabled her monetization solely because her practice is in Russia.
As of today, YouTube and Google are suspending all ads in Russia. Patreon has suspended payments to Russian creators. That means I won’t get a dime from my videos…
But I will still continue to make videos about staying healthy and preventing diseases. Your gratitude and support are worth so much more. Plus, I am learning as I tell you and improving my English.
I love and appreciate each and every one of my subscribers! Thank you for being with me and stay in touch 😘❤️
She wrote in a community post
As I mentioned earlier with these narcissists all over social media who claim to stand in solidarity with Ukraine, and being totally racist towards the Russians; were the same hypocrites who proclaimed “Asian Hate” here in the United States because some on social media and alternative media placed great emphasis on the un-isolated virus coming from China. But now it’s justified to treat the Russians like pond scum?
Here Comes The Famine…
If you thought that the empty shelves we have seen in the states were bad, that is only but child’s play compared to what will be coming. In the last WinePress report, we examined the ramifications of these new sanctions that were being levied, and how that would affect us. Now, there is no debate that we are now entering into a bonafide food crisis that is rapidly growing, and will only get worse very quickly.
Christian from the Ice Age Farmer report warns that these supply chain and food issues will definitely not be a “short-lived” debacle.
Currently, ports are rapidly shutting down access to ships to and from Russia, or any other ships that have been chartered by Russia. Furthermore, the U.K. passed a “law that ban[s] all ships with any Russian connection from entering British ports.”
Maersk – the world’s largest shipping container company – has suspended “all container shipping to Russia,” plus, with nearly “half of the world’s container ships” to be prohibited from going to and from Russia.
Simply put, Christian emphatically states:
Folks, you can’t do that, and have the world continue to function as it has been.
In comparison, these rapid restrictions with no real logic to them on the surface, are similar to the initial wave of lockdowns and social distancing for Covid in 2020.
For the past couple of days, prices on grain have skyrocketed so much and fast that it “traded up limit” – which means that the price was capped off at a certain rate that is allowable in the markets, lest prices go to the moon undeferred.
If the conflict is prolonged – three months, four months from now – I feel the consequences could be really serious. Wheat will need to be rationed.
Andre Defois, President of consultant Strategie Grains
The chain of product creation, from cultivation to port shipments, is paralyzed.
UkrAgroConsult, Kyiv-based researcher
Christian then presents a few maps demonstrating just how much certain crops are produced in Ukraine, and now what this war and import/export bans will do:

Based on the data Christian presents, there will be approximately a 25% yield loss due to this war; with conservative estimates 4.6% of world ending stocks for grain and 8% of stocks for corn, completely wiped off the global market.
Moreover, he also shows that the fertilizer shortages are only going to get worse, as prices are inflating much higher already.
There were also, “coincidently,” several major cyber attacks that occurred at ports around the world – Seattle, Washington; India, and Israel – that knocked them out of commission for some time.
In a follow-up, the next day (March 3rd), Christian further noted how the tsunami wave of these restrictions are already being felt worldwide.
Now South Korean farmers and food producers are bracing for impact, as they declare ‘force majeure,’ as they will be losing a ton of needed corn exports. It is forecast that these traders and forecasts will really feel the crunch by April of this year. However, it is noted that South Korea did secure some new deals with India, though they already have their own economic disparities and famine.
Force majeure is a concept in contract law that describes a clause, included in many contracts, that frees the parties to the contract from their contractual obligations in the event of highly unusual and unforeseen circumstances.
The force majeure clause is triggered into effect by an extraordinary event or the occurrence of an extreme set of circumstances that is completely beyond the control of the parties to the contract and that makes it impossible for the contract to be fulfilled.
Christian again notes that what we are seeing is grossly unusual and very abnormal, as these actions the governments are taking will only starve the world.
The Ice Age Farmer further translates a German article that warned that these sanctions and moves by trading companies will cause a major disruption in food production across Europe.
Moreover, France is calling for the activation of the European Food Security Crisis Preparedness and Response Mechanism (EFSCM). Christian says he has conducted deep research into what this entails, but the sources are rather vague, as he says he has also written to this panel but still received very little helpful guidance.
I guess that’s all one can accept from from an unelected group of bureaucrats: ‘We’re going to talk more about the problem, we’re gonna have a meeting to talk about the meeting, and maybe have a meeting after.’
Christian said
However, what he was able to surmise that this activation will allow for “maximum surveillance” of the markets and trade, specifically ‘the supply of animal feed for livestock farmers and pig farmers in particular.
The only real thing that he was directed towards were statements by InVivo – a French agricultural group – who said the “EU should let farmers cultivate fallow land and offer aid for rising fertilizer prices so the bloc can help replace millions of tons of Ukrainian wheat that maybe lost due to the war.” Furthermore, this group has told the EU to scrap their “Food to Fork” goals that have been touted as stymieing carbon emissions.
But, on top of that, the nation of Moldova – Ukraine and Romania’s neighbors – have decided to place bans on sugar and wheat. This will only further cause problems for that nation, too.
And adding on to what The Ice Age Farmer noted, some states in the U.S. have also initiated more bans. Ohio Governor Mike DeWine announced the ban of sale of Russian-made vodka.
We will not support Russia with Ohio taxpayer dollars.
Ohioans stand with the people of Ukraine and all of the freedom-loving people of the world against this unprovoked and unconscionable invasion that has led to so much suffering and destruction.
DeWine stated
Also, reported by Aerotime Hub, all Russian aircraft has been banned from U.S. airspace:
The US Department of Transportation (DOT) said that the Notice to Air Missions (NOTAM) and regulatory orders will suspend operations of all aircraft owned, certified, operated, registered, chartered, leased, or controlled by, for, or for the benefit of, a person who is a citizen of Russia.
“This includes passenger and cargo flights, and scheduled as well as charter flights, effectively closing U.S. air space to all Russian commercial air carriers and other Russian civil aircraft,” the US DOT said in a statement, adding that the orders will take effect by the end of the day Wednesday, March 2, 2022.
The Ice Farmer reminded viewers about the Absolute Zero Agenda goals – that The WinePress has also detailed – that by 2030 and onward “All shipping declines to zero,” and “All remaining airports close.” Furthermore, the plans state concerning food, “National consumption of beef and lamb drops by 50%, along with reduction in frozen ready meals and air-freighted food imports, [and] Beef and lamb [later] phased out, along with all imports not transported by train; fertilizer use greatly reduced.”
[27] An ungodly man diggeth up evil: and in his lips there is as a burning fire. [28] A froward man soweth strife: and a whisperer separateth chief friends. [29] A violent man enticeth his neighbour, and leadeth him into the way that is not good. [30] He shutteth his eyes to devise froward things: moving his lips he bringeth evil to pass.Proverbs 16:27-30
Clearly what is transpiring in the Ukraine is propaganda on parade. Granted, I am sure that there is no doubt something going on over there, and Ukrainians are losing their lives due to Russian invaders; but, what we do know is that you can NOT trust a SINGLE word or sound the media makes, because they are unquestionably lying to us, just as they have from day one since Covid, and for decades and decades prior.
As concerning the food crisis, it is as real as a shark attack, and should not be brushed aside.
[6] And ye shall hear of wars and rumours of wars: see that ye be not troubled: for all these things must come to pass, but the end is not yet. [7] For nation shall rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom: and there shall be famines, and pestilences, and earthquakes, in divers places. [8] All these are the beginning of sorrows.Matthew 24:6-8
The famine will get worse, and, the meats will continue to disappear off of the shelves, and replaced with more plant-based slop and eventually the lab-grown slime.
[1] Now the Spirit speaketh expressly, that in the latter times some shall depart from the faith, giving heed to seducing spirits, and doctrines of devils; [2] Speaking lies in hypocrisy; having their conscience seared with a hot iron; [3] Forbidding to marry, and commanding to abstain from meats, which God hath created to be received with thanksgiving of them which believe and know the truth.1 Timothy 4:1-3
So, what are you to do? How are you going to react? Well, it’s going to start by NOT panicking but relaxing. It also means ignoring the propaganda from the media: they are always looking to push an agenda. You need to react with prudence and discretion, and not laziness. We can change what WILL happen, but we can change how it affects us. The Lord promises, to those born-again and walking circumspectly:
[19] They shall not be ashamed in the evil time: and in the days of famine they shall be satisfied. [20] But the wicked shall perish, and the enemies of the LORD shall be as the fat of lambs: they shall consume; into smoke shall they consume away.Psalms 37:19-20
Be that is it may, do not be one of these clueless “Christians” who don’t ever want to talk about the bad in this world and anything “negative,” and are disillusioned with reality and think that the Lord will protect them ‘just because I am a Christian.’ That will get you KILLED.
[6] Go to the ant, thou sluggard; consider her ways, and be wise: [7] Which having no guide, overseer, or ruler, [8] Provideth her meat in the summer, and gathereth her food in the harvest. [9] How long wilt thou sleep, O sluggard? when wilt thou arise out of thy sleep? [10] Yet a little sleep, a little slumber, a little folding of the hands to sleep: [11] So shall thy poverty come as one that travelleth, and thy want as an armed man.Proverbs 6:6-11
I have shown these pictures in another report, but it bears worth repeating, a scenario I continue to see in my local grocery stores in Northern Indiana:

The first two show the more healthier and organic cereals, that are more nutrient dense and are notably more expensive; but the conventional colorful rat poison in the third picture is what is getting stripped off the shelves, and these new restrictions will only intensify that dramatically. The healthier ones, I believe, will last longer (for a time).
Therefore, now is the time to really starting buying up on these grains to hold you over, and as a hedge against inflation – which will NOT stop no matter what; so again, do not listen to the media.
[35] Who shall separate us from the love of Christ? shall tribulation, or distress, or persecution, or famine, or nakedness, or peril, or sword? [36] As it is written, For thy sake we are killed all the day long; we are accounted as sheep for the slaughter. [37] Nay, in all these things we are more than conquerors through him that loved us. [38 For I am persuaded, that neither death, nor life, nor angels, nor principalities, nor powers, nor things present, nor things to come, [39] Nor height, nor depth, nor any other creature, shall be able to separate us from the love of God, which is in Christ Jesus our Lord.Romans 8:35-39
[7] Who goeth a warfare any time at his own charges? who planteth a vineyard, and eateth not of the fruit thereof? or who feedeth a flock, and eateth not of the milk of the flock? [8] Say I these things as a man? or saith not the law the same also? [9] For it is written in the law of Moses, Thou shalt not muzzle the mouth of the ox that treadeth out the corn. Doth God take care for oxen? [10] Or saith he it altogether for our sakes? For our sakes, no doubt, this is written: that he that ploweth should plow in hope; and that he that thresheth in hope should be partaker of his hope. (1 Corinthians 9:7-10).
The WinePress needs your support! If God has laid it on your heart to want to contribute, please prayerfully consider donating to this ministry. If you cannot gift a monetary donation, then please donate your fervent prayers to keep this ministry going! Thank you and may God bless you.
I hope they stop supplying hard liquor and Russian vodka as well, save some livers from getting holes in them. Oh wait, that’s right, they kept liquor stores here open during the lockdowns. People need their hard liquor, it’s got plenty of vitamin C (irrhosis).
Thank you, Jacob. The people behind this care nothing about the people of either Russia or the Ukraine, as you said. Please remember to pray for the brethren in both the Ukraine, & in Russia. There aren’t many, with most professors idolatrous, relic-worshippers & such, but there are some.
Arming thugs just sounded like BLMAntifa nonsense, & of course, we know that Killary/Obama/Biden cultivated cronies are both there (playing ‘left field) & exported to Oregon & Catholic countries to our south from the last regime (playing ‘right field’). When I learned that ‘surprise’ elected, out-of-nowhere current leader of the Ukraine was Jewish, & the Biden corruption connections….it’s so obvious what they are setting up! Good grief, another Trotsky.
Will they never learn? It will play to Jew-hating right in the end. Blamed for this, blamed for the corporatist banking abuses….though how they’ll turn the Fauci fiasco & covid scam to be the fault of the Jews, I haven’t figured out yet. I’m sure they’ll manage. Those dirty commie Jews & baptists…as if all were Bellamy & Rockefeller deceived.
Cold-blooded crass & bloody game Rome & all emulating her layered, coverted corporatism & craft…while boasting of their sanctity & superiority. Makes you want to vomit right along with the Lord.
And Dewine with his stupidity & posturing over already bought & paid for Russian vodka that only hurts Americans who bought it with the intent to sell it, was stupider & vainer even than usual. (Good comeuppance for capitalizing on the sins of others, though!) Good grief. They think we’re all idiots. His campaigning is about non-stop now. He started so early I thought the election was last November…lol! Shows you my participation level. As the Ukrainian said: photo op/ social media op these days, I guess.
Stalin killed 5 million mostly baptistic & Jewish farmers in the Ukraine 1933-35, always amongst the ‘collateral damage’ & killing some of their own for ‘plausible deniability’. Like Beziers. I am ashamed how long it took me to realize the Middle East wars were the same playbook.
They killed around 16% of their pre-Stalin 34 million population while lying American textbooks deceived many people with their pictures of laughing, rosy-cheeked, fat-faced Ukrainian collectivist peasants. Their remnants shipped off to Siberia & such, into the gulap archipelago for ‘mental health’ retraining & thought crimes. The betrayal was sorely felt by the faithful when Billy Goat Graham put on his carefully averted gaze ‘Christian crusades’ behind the Iron Curtain.
I’m ashamed how long it took me to realize it wasn’t naivete or lack of understanding with such men, too.
John Dewey organized the Soviet education system for them before returning to re-organize ours from a true literacy-focus to their UNESCO dumbing down plan, working top down from teacher training, publishing, & working for a federalized instead of locally controlled education system. Outcome based. Look around at the outcomes. Our schools didn’t ‘fail’: they did what they were designed to do. If people are to be truly literate & educated today, they’ll have to do it themselves. THAT I woke up to earlier to fight with everything I had. So obviously antichrist.
The irony: DeWINE bans alcohol
Now I understand more as to why China in November 2021 was encouraging its citizens to stock up on food for winter & up to springtime.
They were building citizen readiness -framing their minds to prepare for shortages.
Yup, very true. Since the end of 2020 and onward, they have been doing what they call “dual circulation:” this basically helps keep their middle class from collapsing and endure when the other nations keel over.
Is the over the top news getting to the point where people will just disengage and stop watching it altogether?