The investors believe this will be used to help fuel and usher in universal basic income, giving billions free crypto.

Another step into the biometric digital world has been taken, as tech investors Sam Altman and Alex Blania are now unveiling their new gadget for the start-up company, Worldcoin.

Worldcoin has designed a metallic orb that scans the iris of people’s eyes, which then gives free cryptocurrency in return.

Worldcoin has already attracted plenty of investors from Silicon Valley, and even a $1 billion valuation from Reid Hoffman, co-founder of LinkedIn.

‘Altman, CEO of artificial intelligence group OpenAI and former president of start-up accelerator Y Combinator, co-founded the company with theoretical physics student Alex Blania and Max Novendstern, a former investment associate at Bridgewater Associates,’ says CNBC.

The company has sent their orbs to 12 different countries, and testers ask patrons to sign up to get their eyes scanned. An unique encrypted QR code is created, while the original source data is deleted to protect user’s privacy. After that, users are then gifted a share of Worldcoin’s very own cryptocurrency.

Cryptocurrency is a very powerful thing. It will widen the boundaries of the economy in general and give many people access.

We designed the whole system to be fundamentally privacy-preserving. The iris code itself is the only thing leaving the orb. There’s no big database of biometric data.

Worldcoin CEO Blania told CNBC
A tester operating one of Worldcoin's orbs in Chile.
The orb being tested in Chile. Courtesy: Worldcoin

The company currently has over 100,000 users, while adding roughly 700 each week. The company seeks to have a billion users by 2023.

The project seeks to create a digital wallet that can store their crypto transactions. Blania wants to entice more app developers to build off of their platform – “[apps] that we don’t see today and that are really hard to build today because very few people hold crypto.”

Network effects are these very coveted things that are incredibly big.

You see this in Facebook. As soon as you suddenly have a billion people and everyday people holding something like that and using something like that, you as an entrepreneur can build completely new things.

In order for people to not cheat the system, Blania says “proof of person” alleviates this issue:

The only solution for that problem, we found, was to build an orb. It’s the most secure and privacy-preserving way we found to prove everyone in the world is unique.

Worldcoin co-founders Sam Altman and Alex Blania.
Sam Altman and Alex Blania. Courtesy: Worldcoin

Altman believes this new orb will be a step closer towards universal basic income (UBI) – where they and other investors, politicians, and the such like, envision providing free cash to everyone; while governments control and assimilate these technologies with artificial intelligence and autonomy in daily life and the workplace. Blania believes that this coin could be used as a basis for this in the future.

I’m personally very excited about UBI over the long term. I think it’s a very hard thing to implement right now.

We see ourselves as building this huge network of people where entrepreneurs can jump in and build applications like this. UBI is one of those, but building big financial, global companies is another big one.

Blania explained
Courtesy: Worldcoin
Worldcoin plans to give cryptocurrency to every person on earth.
Courtesy: Worldcoin


Pay no attention to this, folks. Move along now, nothing to see here: this is perfectly normal, don’t you worry a bit!

[8] And all that dwell upon the earth shall worship him, whose names are not written in the book of life of the Lamb slain from the foundation of the world. [16] And he causeth all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and bond, to receive a mark in their right hand, or in their foreheads: [17] And that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name. [18] Here is wisdom. Let him that hath understanding count the number of the beast: for it is the number of a man; and his number is Six hundred threescore and six.

Revelation 13:8, 16-18

I mean, HELLO!? Anyone home?

Bible prophecy is rapidly being fulfilled everyday at lightning speeds. And yet the masses and professing Christians are completely asleep right now: they have no idea what is befalling them. For that matter, most of them think ‘Wow, that’s so cool!’ And since these people are covetous and greedy, and are in massive debt, then of course they will want free money.

The push for universal basic income is a definite: it WILL be coming, how soon exactly? -I am not too sure, but I think we can assume in the next few years at least. Will it specifically be Worldcoin? Maybe, for a time being. I think they will integrate the other major cryptos out there into this system. And as we get closer and closer to the antichrist and unholy trinity’s arrival, they will probably whittle down the number of acceptable currencies – that are nationally regulated mind you. Then the antichrist will impose just one world currency, as we know.

Moreover, this UBI the way it is described fits right in line with the Agenda 2030 atmosphere:

Furthermore, I suggest you check out my report on this coming “metaverse,” which I believe is what would be a major tenet of the antichrist system in the coming years.

As I have noted in other reports, you can see why these technocrats are continually rolling out retinal scanners. Everyone has a unique eye created by God, and these elites know that. Therefore, if they can get ahold of some basic pieces of you (iris scan, finger print, hair sample, DNA swab, etc.), they can control you. Plus, your data helps them generate bigger and “better” AI systems.

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1 Comment

  • The whole thing is creepy. But why an orb I wonder? It’s like a crystal ball, or a crystal eyeball….to capture more data? As much as possible detailing location, companions etc? Like a fish-eye mirror?
    There are so many ways they could sell this, even beyond ‘free’ crypto. To cut down on voter fraud, for instance. And who believes the iris code will be secure & not linked to your name & other data? Of course it will be able to link to your phone, computer, watch, vaccine-delivered biometric system, chips in your shoes, clothing, backpack, whatever…..and if won’t be ‘free’ because they’ll be selling that iris scan data, & will no doubt have lucrative government contracts.

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