They are being very lukewarm towards their congregation about vaccination.

The following report is from the Associated Press:

Dr. Danny Avula, the head of Virginia’s COVID-19 vaccination effort, suspected he might have a problem getting pastors to publicly advocate for the shots when some members of his own church referred to them as “the mark of the beast,” a biblical reference to allegiance to the devil, and the minister wasn’t sure how to respond.

A lot of pastors, based on where their congregations are at, are pretty hesitant to do so because this is so charged, and it immediately invites criticism and furor by the segment of your community that’s not on board with that.

Dr. Danny Avula

Across the nation’s deeply religious Bible Belt, a region beset by soaring infection rates from the fast-spreading delta variant of the virus, churches and pastors are both helping and hurting in the campaign to get people vaccinated against COVID-19.

Some are hosting vaccination clinics and praying for more inoculations, while others are issuing fiery anti-vaccine sermons from their pulpits. Most are staying mum on the issue, something experts see as a missed opportunity in a swath of the country where church is the biggest spiritual and social influence for many communities.

The Mormon Church Urges Vaccination And Mandates Masks

That was on display recently in metro Birmingham, where First Baptist Church of Trussville had an outbreak following a 200th anniversary celebration that included a video greeting by Alabama Gov. Kay Ivey. The pastor promised more cleaning and face mask availability without uttering two words that health officials say could make a difference among people long on religion but short on faith in government: Get vaccinated.

A few outspoken religious leaders have garnered crowds or media attention for their opposition to the vaccines, such as Tony Spell, who repeatedly defied COVID-19 restrictions to hold in-person services at the Baton Rouge, Louisiana, church where he is pastor. He has preached that vaccinations are “demonic” and vowed that the government will not “force us to comply with your evil orders.”

Franklin Graham Says ‘Vaccines Bring Healing To Bodies Like Jesus Did’

But they appear to be outliers, according to theologian Curtis Chang, with the majority of ministers avoiding the vaccine issue so as not to inflame tensions in congregations already struggling with the pandemic and political division.

I would say that the vast majority are paralyzed or silent because of how polarized it has been.

Curtis Chang, who has pastored churches and is on the faculty at Duke Divinity School.

A survey by the National Association of Evangelicals found that 95% of evangelical leaders planned to get inoculated, but that number hasn’t translated into widespread advocacy from the pulpit, he said.

The disparity matters because vaccination rates are generally low across the Bible Belt, where Southern and Midwestern churchgoers are a formidable bloc that has proven resistant to vaccination appeals from government leaders and health officials. While many Black and Latino people haven’t been vaccinated, the large number of white evangelical resisters is particularly troubling for health officials.

poll by The Associated Press-NORC Center for Public Affairs Research in March showed that 40% of white evangelical Protestants said they likely would not get vaccinated, compared with 25% of all Americans, 28% of white mainline Protestants and 27% of nonwhite Protestants.

Some national voices including Black megachurch minister T.D. Jakes, evangelist Franklin Graham and former Southern Baptist Convention President J.D. Greear have taken public stances in favor of vaccinations. But there hasn’t been a sustained, unified push that could give local pastors “cover” to speak out themselves, Chang said.

First Baptist Trussville has taken multiple steps to guard against spreading the virus, including following public health guidelines and limiting in-person events, according to spokesman and business manager Alan Taylor. Yet when it comes to the vaccines, church leaders consider them “a personal choice,” he said.

“When I am asked personally, I say it was the right choice for me and my wife,” said Taylor, who contracted a relatively rare breakthrough case of COVID-19 despite having been vaccinated. “I firmly believe it helped when I became infected.”

The story is much the same in Mississippi and Georgia, where some churches are returning to online services and some pastors are quietly talking about the need for vaccination.

More than 200 pastors, priests and other church leaders from Missouri went further as cases exploded last month, signing a statement urging Christians to get vaccinated because of the biblical commandment to “love your neighbor as yourself.” Springfield Mayor Ken McClure said the region saw a big jump in vaccinations after the pastor of a large church used his sermon to tell parishioners it was the right thing to do.

Dr. Ellen Eaton, an infectious disease specialist at the University of Alabama at Birmingham, said churches could be effective at promoting vaccination as a way “to love your neighbors during this pandemic.”

Many Southerners are very close to their pastors and church communities. Next to their personal physician, many here in Alabama routinely turn to their church leaders with health issues.

Dr. Ellen Eaton

One pastor at a liberal United Methodist church in Birmingham issued a plea on social media for members to get vaccinated, while the minister at a moderate Baptist church nearby prayed during worship for divine intervention for more vaccinations.

We pray, Lord, that there will be good judgment used and that people would see the need for the vaccine and that it would be available not only here in our own country but around the world and that that might stem the tide of this terrible, terrible virus.

Rev. Timothy L. Kelley of Southside Baptist Church

Evangelical pastor Keven Blankenship was among those trying to walk that tightrope after COVID-19 invaded his independent church in suburban Birmingham, sickening three of his family members, among others. Initially he didn’t preach about the vaccines, considering it a personal choice.

But on a recent Sunday, during the first in-person services in a month, Blankenship revealed he had gotten his first shot and was due for a second.

If you feel comfortable receiving it, I want you to receive it. If you don’t feel comfortable, I want you to talk to your doctor and you get your doctor’s guidance. But I want you to do what you feel is the best thing for you and your family, and don’t be bullied into anything.

He told his congregation

Blankenship ended with an “Amen,” said almost as if a question. He was met by silence.


[10] The thief cometh not, but for to steal, and to kill, and to destroy: I am come that they might have life, and that they might have it more abundantly. [11] I am the good shepherd: the good shepherd giveth his life for the sheep. [12] But he that is an hireling, and not the shepherd, whose own the sheep are not, seeth the wolf coming, and leaveth the sheep, and fleeth: and the wolf catcheth them, and scattereth the sheep. [13] The hireling fleeth, because he is an hireling, and careth not for the sheep. [14] I am the good shepherd, and know my sheep, and am known of mine.

John 10:10-14

This article really summarizes where we are at, and just how DEAD this country is spiritually. Obviously the implied slant is to shed light on the fact that the pastors are not urging vaccination because we are in a “crisis;” but I am not interested in that. What I am interested in is the opposite of that: the fact that these total PANSYS will not say a word. Some advocate it and others don’t, but as this report made clear the majority of the “[Not] God-called” preachers are silent.

[14] And unto the angel of the church of the Laodiceans write; These things saith the Amen, the faithful and true witness, the beginning of the creation of God; [15] I know thy works, that thou art neither cold nor hot: I would thou wert cold or hot. [16] So then because thou art lukewarm, and neither cold nor hot, I will spue thee out of my mouth. [17] Because thou sayest, I am rich, and increased with goods, and have need of nothing; and knowest not that thou art wretched, and miserable, and poor, and blind, and naked: [18] I counsel thee to buy of me gold tried in the fire, that thou mayest be rich; and white raiment, that thou mayest be clothed, and that the shame of thy nakedness do not appear; and anoint thine eyes with eyesalve, that thou mayest see. [19] As many as I love, I rebuke and chasten: be zealous therefore, and repent. [20] Behold, I stand at the door, and knock: if any man hear my voice, and open the door, I will come in to him, and will sup with him, and he with me.

Revelation 3:14-20

There was no question that we have been in the ‘age’ of Laodicea for a while now, but when 2020 came around, this passage summarizes all that we have seen. All throughout last year, the pastors across all denominations, sects, and cults shut their mouths and shut their doors to their government controlled and owned church buildings. They then switched to livestream and pretended as if nothing had ever happened; and spoke not a wore since then.

I do not say this to brag (not one bit), but I have to say it for what it is: myself and Bryan Denlinger of King James Video Ministries were one of the first to say a word about this nonsense. We have been calling it out from day one. I said on March 14th, 2020, that ‘this whole thing is showing who has faith and who does not.’ And that’s a statement that still holds true to this day. I remember when people were panic-buying, and I remember looking around and seeing the utter terror in people’s eyes: while the fake and UNSAVED “Christians” didn’t say a word, and still don’t!

[23] Thou that makest thy boast of the law, through breaking the law dishonourest thou God? [24] For the name of God is blasphemed among the Gentiles through you, as it is written. [25] For circumcision verily profiteth, if thou keep the law: but if thou be a breaker of the law, thy circumcision is made uncircumcision.

Romans 2:23-25

Even though that is referring to hypocritical Jews who claim to follow the law when they don’t, I am using this for instruction in righteousness (as I did in my booklet about salvation) – this is a great example of all the hypocrites who profess religion and claim to follow the scriptures and “love Jesus.” And yet as we have seen for quite some time now, these hypocrites are causing the word of God to be blasphemed because of their flagrant disregard to the words of the man they claim to revere and worship; and their total cowardice!

Just the other day I got an email from some dude who apparently shared one of my reports, but managed to not see that it is a Christian website, and emailed me his thoughts:

… when I shared it i had no idea it was a Christian site, oh Hell no I wants nothing to do with that Jesus dude. He is the Reason for All of this Madness and have not cane back yet to get All of his Pale skin children yet. He came with U guys when u invaded Our planet, he left u. Pls keep praying that he come get u.

And so now, the Lord Jesus Christ, who loved this guy enough to sacrificially lay down his life for him, is now being blamed for this mess. You say, ‘well that’s just that one way crazy dude.’ But he wouldn’t make those attacks if the church of the living God had the power it used to have, number one; but also, and the bottom line is Laodicea is made up of false converts who profess religion, but the “loving Jesus who never judges anyone” is SICKENED by their lukewarmness and pukes out the foreign matter from his body.

Is God Warning America With The Rapid Death Of Songbirds?

And yet I am being told by some WUSS that Denlinger and I should not talk about the Covid draconian-tyranny unfolding: I guess we should sit around and pine away playing video games till our eyeballs bleed and brains melt of our ears!

This is one of the pansies that is too big of a coward to use my name, but says that The WinePress is not a real ministry, and Bryan and I should not talk about Covid – ‘that was last year.’ Is Reporting On The News Ministry?

America: Land Of The Slave, Home Of The Sissy

The Mass Exodus From The Churches

The wicked flee when no man pursueth: but the righteous are bold as a lion.

Proverbs 28:1

I have a bit of a proverb of my own (not to be compared to or remotely regarded as scripture) that I came up with a while ago but never said it until now:

The clown and comedian are the wise men of a fallen land.

-Jacob M. Thompson

Feel free to use that quote if you want: I won’t charge you a cent (LOL).

But to explain what I mean by that, is, since the apostates and professing Christians are destroyed “because they refuse to do judgment” (see Proverbs 21:7) and ran away when they weren’t even persecuted because they feared man more than God, then the “wisest” people in the country are the atheists and jokers who are willing to step up to the fight.

The fear of the LORD is the beginning of knowledge: but fools despise wisdom and instruction.

There is no fear of God before their eyes.

Proverbs 1:7 & Romans 3:18

Don’t believe me? Then check out a video that comedian JP Sears did a few months ago as just one example. He’s a new age-lifestyle coach who then transitioned into a fulltime comedian, and while he is not born-again, he too stood against this nonsense from the get-go and made a mockery of all the Covid nonsense. But there is one video where he is subtly making fun of Christians because they are living in fear. Perhaps it was not the intent, and there are some admittedly funny jokes in there, but the subtle jabs at Christians cannot be ignored. But as I said earlier, he blasphemes because the power the body of Christ once has diminished exponentially. Watch it for yourself if you do not believe me.

And again, he makes some funny points in there, but there a TON of verses about fearing the Lord. But since America and the world are so Bible illiterate, they view him as some sort of hero and savior. Don’t get me wrong: I appreciate some of the comical videos he’s posted, but I am trying to illustrate this basic point: Where are the Christians? I’ll tell you where: at the alter of Donald Trump, chugging down their six-pack watching porno.

The bottom line with this report demonstrates just how weak, anemic, and FAKE these pastors are, and the secular world has taken great note of this. Therefore, more truth, freedoms, and liberties shall be taken away because righteousness continues to diminish.

Righteousness exalteth a nation: but sin is a reproach to any people.

Proverbs 14:34

Furthermore, now that media is floating out more hit-pieces shedding light on the fact that many of these hirelings are dead silent, now more of them will be coerced and forced into to advocating the jabs. Mark my words. On top of that, when the mass-vax kill-off really kicks in this fall and winter, then these “churches” will be turned into makeshift FEMA camps, and the pastors and staff will be right there to help.

Indiana Governor Signs Law To Make Churches Essential Business

[1] But there were false prophets also among the people, even as there shall be false teachers among you, who privily shall bring in damnable heresies, even denying the Lord that bought them, and bring upon themselves swift destruction. [2] And many shall follow their pernicious ways; by reason of whom the way of truth shall be evil spoken of. [3] And through covetousness shall they with feigned words make merchandise of you: whose judgment now of a long time lingereth not, and their damnation slumbereth not.

2 Peter 2:1-3

[7] Who goeth a warfare any time at his own charges? who planteth a vineyard, and eateth not of the fruit thereof? or who feedeth a flock, and eateth not of the milk of the flock? [8] Say I these things as a man? or saith not the law the same also? [9] For it is written in the law of Moses, Thou shalt not muzzle the mouth of the ox that treadeth out the corn. Doth God take care for oxen? [10] Or saith he it altogether for our sakes? For our sakes, no doubt, this is written: that he that ploweth should plow in hope; and that he that thresheth in hope should be partaker of his hope. (1 Corinthians 9:7-10).

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  • For I have not shunned to declare unto you all the counsel of God.
    Acts 20:27 KJV

    “ALL the counsel of God”
    Just another Scriptural reason these hirelings don’t speak out against the vaccine, they don’t teach ALL of what the Scriptures say, instead they shun to declare it. If anybody here still listens to mainstream “Christian” pastors, I don’t care how good they sound, you would be wise to cut em’ off.

  • They would have to believe Jesus provided for physical healing at the Cross in order to speak against the medical establishment.

    Virtually ALL Christians have been taught the Lord did not promise healing because they engage in experiential theology where they base what they believe on their experiences or other people experiences

    So, virtually ALL Christians have been falsely taught that medical science came from the Lord and it’s His will for us to trust the doctor instead of trusting the Lord for physical health which is not biblical

    Jeremiah 17:5-7
    Thus saith the LORD; Cursed be the man that trusteth in man, and maketh flesh his arm, and whose heart departeth from the LORD.
    For he shall be like the heath in the desert, and shall not see when good cometh; but shall inhabit the parched places in the wilderness, in a salt land and not inhabited.
    Blessed is the man that trusteth in the LORD, and whose hope the LORD is.

  • I hope JP is moving closer to being saved. He’d be a good ally as a ton of people, myself included, appreciate his non-pansyness (if that’s a word). I don’t understand most Christians at all. Twenty years ago before I was saved, I understood the dangers and evil of vaccines. Anyone who condones using aborted fetal tissue, diseased money kidney tissue, and a host of other toxic nasty poisons to stay healthy??? deserves what they get. How those who profess pro-life can turn a blind eye is utterly beyond me. I’m disgusted that those I’ve told just shrug it off like it’s okay because it’s saving lives (not). Currently, my husband and I are working on claiming a religious exemption from the jab, tests, and masks for his employer. We’re using Peggy Hall’s website, to learn how the constitutional law apples. They can’t refuse to honor his exemption (which doesn’t mean they won’t refuse, of course, since breaking the law and violating civil and God given rights is the order of the day). But I have faith that we will prevail, whether that means he keeps his job, or the Lord finds him a better one. We will NEVER comply. Btw, much love, the winepress has become a comfort to me lately. I just received my first KJV bible and study bible.

  • God’s power has not waned. All of this is designed to embolden the wicked & to create division. I wouldn’t be surprised if Mr. Video Game doesn’t take checks from the FBI or some ‘NGO’. They don’t always disclose themselves & often work through fronts. From the time that Dole got the independent baptists to receive the State as head, & only Dixon and a handful really resisted at all….the rest rolling over to get their bellies scratched…..there was a definite uptick in infiltration & turning, a lot of good old boy community civic leaders coming into churches, & so forth.

    I do have to say it was very subtle & few in the pews had a clue until the State public service ‘charity’ inserts started showing up in their bulletins, & even then a lot didn’t see anything wrong with it. Most newly saved were trying to figure out why they came to church to learn the word but nobody was teaching it, & why all the ‘Bible’ studies were ‘well, I think this’ and ‘I think that’, and ‘we don’t even know if that was even IN the originals’ ….. Nonetheless, all are accountable & responsible before God. …..Most of those scattered when they ‘loved the pillars holding up progress’ out the doors a few years back. Well, I guess it’s been a decade now, or thereabouts, at least in small town Ohio.

    The big cities went first.

    I think there’s some scripture about belly and Balaam, as well as Herod’s leaven & bloody MYSTERY riding the Beast. The denominations, then even the independent, non-denominational churches went. The King James people were dumbed down & fed a diet of patriotism & conservatism which lends itself to these things, & most missionaries are vaxed to the max…even when their boys end up autistic & they have to leave the field : – (. Medical missions, chaplaincies, & prison ministries guidelines, & the wrong take on authority & the subtle thing that crept in with separation of science from scriptural proving because it’s not the leadership’s area of expertise are paralyzing & tempting many.

    But NOT all. That’s why I appreciate this ministry & a select handful who are speaking out. At the same time, I also feel for the older brethren leading these missionary trainings & boards. They weren’t ready for this, & now they’ve got folks out there in these dangerous places worldwide & needing to fly etc. There were warnings, but they weren’t focused on those fringes, & focused on ministry & really just didn’t think it could happen to America. Many of the ‘experts’ advising them really did mislead them, too, after the Dole coup, or deal, whatever you want to call it.

    The creeps behind these things surely did set themselves up pretty & stealthily. Nothing to trivialize, but it’s nothing new.

    I’m angry, but my heart is also broken. Day to day it’s like reading those hard passages of David’s trials after he sinned, and Jewish history: biblically and otherwise. To the Jew first…then to the Gentile. has much documentation of this shot & the work that preceded it, as well as claiming to have isolated the virus & spike protein from infected tissue samples. The guy behind it, Dr. Richard Fleming, is 52 year researcher with experience crossing pharma & costing them revenue & power….no Christian, probably a Mason & no one who does scientific research is without attachment to government money & politics. I think a lot of it is legit, but can see it being used & spun to political ends, too. Francis Boyle had brought some of it out early in 2020, the man who wrote America’s bioweapons limiting legislation, but the man is getting up there in age. Fleming is younger & stronger.

    There has been an explosion of dangerous science since they started working with stem cells, & then CRISPR and the chimera stuff. Received Mikic’s book on immunizing pet dogs without vaccination today, and I think I will find it useful; but she doesn’t address the latest things, which I was hopeful of in a book with a 2016 edition. It’s definitely useful for the back history, & corroborates with all the other reports & research with coronaviruses & attempted ‘vaccines’ which killed all the test animals.

    If you rule out all the electron microscopy, then you have to rule out a whole lot more than just coronaviruses and they’re definitely using viruses in their gmo’s & genetic manipulations to smuggle things into cells & replicate. Hard to figure how they could do those things if it’s not a legitimate science & no one’s ever seen or isolated a virus, let alone a coronavirus which has those spikes we hear so much about (what makes it look like a crown, or corona …like the sun). The spike protein is what connects to the ACE2, or other cell entry points.

    Also, they used the viruses in those gmo crops to get information into cells. God created those cells resistant to dna from unlike types & kinds for a reason. This is so Genesis 6, & its sorcery: deceitful, thieving, destructive. Remember how, unlike a normal hybrid which is sterile itself, but does no damage to other non-hybrid & open pollinated crops….the gmo’s when cross-pollinating were making the OTHER crops sterile as they took on the gmo genetic information. Monsanto actually responded to the complaints of neighboring farms with patent infringement lawsuits. In countries like India farmers were killing themselves when they realized what bondage to the seed companies they’d gotten themselves into….and that was just the ones who bought the gmo seed.

    Unless you were following what was going on internationally, you missed a lot of that, because they tweaked this stuff there first.

    Similarly when I bowed out of following medical bioethics ….probably around that 2014-2016 timeframe, too, because it just got too horrific where men were insisting upon going, and justifying ‘for the good we can do’, and because ‘if we don’t do it, somebody else will, usually China’….the organ transplant trade was already booming, & the Netherlands were euthanizing their elderly (& expanding their allowable bounds), forcing poor African & Eastern European immigrant women into the legalized prostitution because all those social benefits & all that ‘mercy’ is only for those who take whatever job there is an opening for, which will generate tax revenue. To the crude organ trade a lot of those poor north African people were subject to (like the Christians of Sudan when ISIS came in), selling to China & other surreptitious labs & ‘medical centers’…and aborted tissue, they were also harvesting human eggs from those women. There was a documentary called Eggsploitation about it that went quiet almost as soon as it came out.

    NOBODY wanted to hear about or talk about any of these things except in a select minority of Christian groups, & they got stomped. Many were praying, Lord, how far can these things go on? yet were powerless to do much in the visible. Psalm 73 is an anchor in such times, but in this wicked world our rejoicing is always in sorrow unless we buy into the world’s pretense. The false hope of evolution in the Christian form of the error, in Replacement Theology & eschatology traps many, & if they remain there & will not see…it’s a recipe for despair, & blaming God…missing the blessed hope.

    There was still a Christian resistance in science, since adult stem cells were actually performing superior to the aborted in legitimate prosthesis etc, & it was being pointed out that there was no need to go there.

    But it was like spitting into the wind, & so much more than just goofiness, wickedness, or the almighty dollar. The people behind a lot of this stuff are seeking ways to become immortal & to live forever without God…& they don’t care how many people they have to sacrifice or destroy in their experimentation to get there. They also have some perverse ideas about how ‘humanity’ should ‘evolve’, & just what a perfect, Utopian planet & universe looks like, as you know.

    I believe these injections & genetics, immune meddling ‘rewrites’ etc are part of their shot to achieve more than just one goal. And it is so in line with the scriptures….on the antichrist & latter days prophetic.

  • Jesus was about His Father’s business. Only. Always. To state otherwise is truly misleading. I pray for these people

  • I was waiting and waiting to see if Pastor Charles Lawson was going to come out and say something about the vaccines. For the longest time…..nothing……..Well finally he did, and I was pretty shocked when he said he won’t get the vaccine, but “he can’t tell you what to do.” Basically it’s a personal decision. Well, he should’ve came out and said the truth, that they are poison, and evil, and sinful. Isn’t a pastor SUPPOSED to care for his flock?????? That would be like me telling my parents, “I’m not getting the death shot, it’s poison, but you guys can go get it if that’s what you want to do.” NO! I told them the truth, I told them not to get it (which they did anyway) but he KNOWS what it is, he’s not dumb, he does do his research and knows full well it is A DEATH SHOT, and for him to not walk into his church building and not tell everyone the truth is pretty upsetting.

    • Lawson is another one of these bad-attitude Baptist FAKES. He, like all the rest of the IFB, are pompous and sanctimonious imps that pound the pulpit – giving themselves an adrenaline rush, but when push comes to shove, they are chickens. I would not be surprised if he gets the death shot anyways (or already has and is trying to act tough). Good riddance to them all.

      • That statement brought joy to my bones! Those IFB satanists are a pitfall and a trap! They as God’s word says: “Having a form of godliness but denying the power thereof from such turn away.” I hope I wrote that down correctly and I forgot which verse it is currently. I’ll have to look it up.
        Guaranteed, when those government goons decide to bust their way in and upon taking the death shot they start dying, those wannabe tough guy poser mammon-loving hireling pastors are going to suck their thumbs and cry for their mommies!

    • These church building [NOT] pastors are a bunch of fakes, and your comment just further proves it!

      Jimmy and Donnie swaggart: a couple of money grubbing charismatic charisMANIAC satanists who are proud of their assemblies of god heritage as well as proud, OH so proud, to be an American (refer to Proverbs 16:18 and Proverbs 16:5) and Jimmy who got caught in 1988/1989 for his zipper trouble.

      Charles Stanley: another mammon worshipping hireling who just drones and groans like some half drunk zombie and probably can’t make it passed the night without being pickled in Icy Hot and put on oxygen. His son Andy is worse than he is!

      John Hagee: a conservative hireling who treats his pulpit more like a political seat and is all about America and he grovels at the feet of Trump too.

      Kenneth Copeland: he’s just obsessed with getting a private jet because remember his, ahem, “prayer service” where he shouts “COVID 19, IM BLOW the wind of god on you!”

  • The more you expose and talk about these fake pastors and their Babel buildings, the more I love and appreciate it!
    These so-called pastors are a bunch of prissy and dainty little PANSIES! They worship God in vain and have a form of Godliness but deny the power thereof, they want to give people their fill of self righteousness fueling religion, tickle their ears, and give them their social club so they can get their money and laugh all the way to the bank while paying the mortgage to of the church building. They can also enjoy the benefits of fulfilling their gluttonous impulses at the potluck suppers, crawfish boils, steak plate sales, and bake sales as well as be exalted and put on a pedestal and providing entertainment to the public with their Christmas and Easter cantatas, perhaps get more wallets I MEAN people in their seats.
    They’ve never known a day of hard work in their lives. They’ve rarely to never picked up a shovel, or a broom, or an axe etc., in their lives, they have the hands of a teenage girl and most if not all are effeminate OR worse: FEMALE PASTORS!!! Truth half truth or not or otherwise, women being pastors is a sin!
    These church buildings are one of the top five reasons why God is finally gonna spew America out of His mouth!

  • I hope and pray for an increase in vaccinations among the “church building” people. They have no desire for true repentance, and refuse to give up their social club. I think the troops are being brought back from Afghanistan for the next phase of “Operation Warp Speed”, which will begin this fall. The hirelings are going to be clicking their heels together, and probably leading the troops to their church members homes!

    • Bryan, you’re a very smart man and you are the dictionary definition of a hero and a saint! You and Jacob and others like you yet to be discovered are heroes to me!
      I agree with you and more, and please pray that my mom who is a pastor in the assemblies of god cult be saved from it and she leaves it and repents.
      The cult building curse began with my grandma who was a lukewarm christian and only had religion and churchianity which couldn’t save or edify a sick cat! My grandma would faithfully attend two church cult buildings like a Catholic going to mass and then would sit in front of that stinking TV watching a bunch of dumb retarded shows turning grandma’s brain to mashed potatoes! It’s no wonder grandma got Alzheimer’s as well as a bevy of health problems and popping more pills than a rockstar. Grandma actually thought that witchcraft was a bunch of crap-further proof that grandma was lukewarm and didn’t read much of the Bible apparently. Grandma deteriorated and pined away and finally died of a cerebral hemorrhage, and I believe that my grandma went to hell, Bryan. And with all the turmoil and confusion caused by the cult building system, grandma’s damnation is just I believe.

    • Amen, Bryan!
      I’ve been in the assemblies of god cult building and it’s a bunch of religious pseudo christian fakes who bask in their pride, their pleasures, and their self righteousness. Those days are coming to a screeching halt! These stiff necked prideful prominent community and church building members are gonna find out their goofy little positions and accomplishments are worth NOTHING and God is going to knock them off of their pedestals just as he did with now dead and in hell Hireling Ken Robinson, they’re all going to wind up lifeless corpses piled up in gigantic dump trucks marked “BIOHAZARD!”

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