The Isle of Man government explicitly admits, “the virus is not isolated.”

The WinePress has long noted of a pertinent and crucial detail surrounding Covid-19, that is practically never discussed of even thought about in mainstream circulation: the virus does not pass Nobel Prize winner Robert Koch’s Postulates and has never been isolated.

Firstly, to clarify, here is the dictionary definition of ‘isolate:’

To place in a detached situation; to place by itself; to insulate.

Webster’s 1828 Dictionary

To briefly explain to readers who are not familiar with this information, allow me to summarize some previously reported upon data.

According to a study published by the New England Journal of Medicine in February 2020, titled “A Novel Coronavirus from Patients with Pneumonia in China, 2019,” concluded in their report that, “Although our study does not fulfill Koch’s postulates, our analyses provide evidence implicating 2019- nCoV in the Wuhan outbreak.”

These postulates are the following:

  1. The microorganism must be identified in all individuals affected by the disease, but not in healthy individuals.
  2. The microorganism can be isolated from the diseased individual and grown in culture.
  3. When introduced into a healthy individual, the cultured microorganism must cause disease.
  4. The microorganism must then be re-isolated from the experimental host, and found to be identical to the original microorganism.
Picture of Robert Koch and renderings of a Covid-19 viral strain

According to this medical journal, Covid-19 has failed some of the basic standards of virology. From the reported data that has been made available to the public, the first and third postulates fail because there have been instances of many people unaware that they even had a disease or produced a single symptom. And as for postulates 2 and 4, the virus has never been isolated. Therefore, a variant or mutation cannot be properly identified because the original strain has never been isolated.

Medical Official Says Covid Will Become A ‘Forever Virus’, Warns Of ‘Super Variant,’ And Urges Boosters

But the New England Journal of Medicine is not the only organization to note the fact that Covid-19 has never been isolated.

The CDC wrote in an official document in July of 2020, discussing the use of the PCR test – that they recently alerted clinicians to transition away from that test because they admit they cannot differentiate a coronavirus from the flu properly – explained the virus was never isolated.

Since no quantified virus isolates of the 2019-nCoV are currently available, assays designed for detection of the 2019-nCoV RNA were tested with characterized stocks of in vitro transcribed full-length RNA (N gene; GenBank accession: MN908947.2) of known titer (RNA copies/μL) spiked into a diluent consisting of a suspension of human A549 cells and viral transport medium (VTM) to mimic clinical specimen.

So, the CDC admits that the virus was not isolated, but rather, something else is being used as the specimen. This admission by the CDC, and the New England Journal of Medicine, is comparable to taking a test that has no official answer key for it when it is graded.

The WinePress has emphasized this data a lot in our reports. But thanks to help provided by Cynthia Caron, a contributor for The WinePress who helped organize some of our reports, I am able to provide more data to further validate this information.

Dated on November 2nd, 2020, the CDC responded to an inquiry about the isolation of the coronavirus. The writer (whose name has been blotted out), asked a series of specific questions related to isolation, asked for “all records in the possession, custody or control of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) describing the isolation of SARS-COV-2 virus, directly taken from a sample taken from a diseased patient, where the patient sample was not first combined with any other source material (i.e. monkey kidney cells aka vero cells; lung cells from a lung cancer patient). […]”

The writer goes onto to specify what they are looking for, and the CDC responds with a one sentence answer:

A search of our records failed to reveal any documents pertaining to your request.

You can view and download the document for yourself to read:

But there are more. Others have reached out to the CDC for data concerning the isolation of Covid-19. Only this time, the CDC has changed their answers to skirt around the questions. Still, they can provide no data to show pure isolation.

This document below, dated by the CDC on March 1st, 2021, still does not provide documentation that the virus is isolated, but that it “may be isolated from a human clinical specimen by culturing in cell culture …”

The CDC wrote another response dated for March 3rd, and again, could not provide a straight answer to the questions, but rather responded identically to their response on the 1st. Their answers have greatly changed since the November 2020 response noted above.

But it is not just in the United States of America where one of it’s government agencies has no record of isolation: it can be documented all over the world.

Dated for June 23rd, 2021, the Public Health Agency of Canada responded to a similar line of questions about the virus isolation, and they too could not provide the necessary data:

Having completed a thorough search, we regret to inform you that we were unable to locate any records responsive to your request.

Your request has resulted in a “No Records Exist”, because of the way that you have
formulated your request. The isolation of the virus variant is not completed without the use of another medium, therefore we have no records that would show this process taking place.

Brazil has “Informação Inexistente” (Non-existent information) regarding requests of data proving isolation:

Dr. Michael Laue, Head of the Consultant Laboratory for Diagnostic Electron Microscopy of Infectious Pathogens at Germany’s Robert Koch Institut (RKI), wrote this an email to a correspondent:

I am not aware of a paper which [sic] purified isolated SARS-CoV-2.

The Republic of Colombia cannot provide any record of isolation:

Furthermore, New Zealand could not provide any documented proof that the virus has been properly isolated.

The Isle of Man’s government, on the other hand, when directly asked if the virus has been isolated and/or purified, explicitly answered with a ‘no.’

And the list keeps going, literally. For more documentation of nation’s health agencies being unable to provide adequate information, let alone a straight forward answer, can be viewed here.

But the bottom line is this: “Covid-19” and “SARS-CoV-2,” as they have been labeled, have yet to be isolated. This would seem to indicate that the virus does not actually exist in the first place.

Deficient And Dying

So what could be the causes for disease and symptoms, if it is not from a coronavirus?

As referenced earlier in this report, the CDC openly admitted that the PCR tests do not accurately differentiate between Covid and the flu. This admission corroborates with previously reported data that there has been a significant decrease in the flu in 2020 and in early 2021.

CDC Quietly Gets Rid Of PCR Testing Admitting They Can’t Tell The Difference Between Covid And The Flu

Furthermore, it is not a secret that the data concerning what is called a “case” and a death, have been exaggerated – something The WinePress has documented plenty of times, as have others. Even Dr. Deborah Birx publicly stated that the U.S. government was going to count deaths as a ‘Covid death,’ regardless if the patient actually died from it or not. In other words, if someone who supposedly was diagnosed with Covid-19 was hit by a bus and died on scene, the victim would officially be labeled as a Covid death.

Facts Are Facts: Learn The Data Surrounding Covid-19

It is also not a secret that age and diet are major factors surrounding Covid-19. Moreover, the United States in particular are the undisputed heavyweight champions of the world, with over 2 out 5 people being listed as obese, and over 70% of the American population considered overweight. It has been documented as well that the first wave of lockdowns in 2020 caused at least 5 pounds of weight to be gained on average.

It is clear that Americans are immensely unhealthy, as The WinePress has documented this many times, especially more recent data revealing that sales of Coca-Cola and McDonalds have gone through the roof in 2021 thus far.

UPDATE: Gluttony Pandemic In America. Too Fat To Fight And Survive

Study Shows That Small Amounts Of Junk Food Can Stunt Growth In Children And Weaken Their Bones

Gen Z And Millennials Are Fueling The Snack And Junk Food Boom

Unhealthy Eating Kills Just As Much As Covid

But yet many of these factors never get any airtime; or proper advice to curb weight gain, and healthy, sustainable diets and lifestyles, are ever told to the masses.

One of the many things that, admittedly, I have had reservations about, is what the media and mainstream health officials deem “Long Covid.”

Some people with COVID-19 continue to have lingering symptoms for weeks or months after they begin to recover. You might know this as “long COVID.” Experts have coined a new term for it: post-acute sequelae SARS-CoV-2 infection (PASC).

Experts don’t know why people get long COVID.

According to a WebMD article

Now, I had personally known about the non-isolation of Covid for a long time, and so, knowing the inflation of the data as well, I just assumed this so-called “long Covid” and lingering affects were just misdiagnoses; but I never had demonstrable proof in front of me.

This caused me to what to further research deficiencies among “Covid positive” patients, and see if this truly was related to health issues, such as poor diet and malnutrition. The evidence would confirm such.

Unrelated to Covid specifically, nearing almost the entirety of the United States populous has at least one vitamin deficiency. More precisely, The Biostation reports that 92% of citizens in the U.S. have at least one vitamin deficiency. Citing data from the CDC and USDA, here were some of the highlights that report noted:

  • 9 out of 10 Americans are deficient in potassium
  • 7 out of 10 are deficient in calcium
  • 8 out of 10 are deficient in vitamin E
  • 50 percent of Americans are deficient in vitamin A, vitamin C, and magnesium
  • More 50 percent of the general population is vitamin D deficient, regardless of age
  • 90 percent of Americans of color are vitamin D deficient
  • Approximately 70 percent of elderly Americans are vitamin D deficient

So, it goes without saying that just in the United States alone, there is a pandemic of malnutrition, though, this data is never brought to the broad masses attention.

In regards to Covid, deficiencies have been documented many times over. (We will be covering what symptoms these deficiencies cause later in this article).

The most glaring and reoccurring problem is a Vitamin D deficiency. Healthline reports that 80% of Covid patients had a Vitamin D deficiency. But there are plenty more that have been observed. And coinciding with Vitamin D, a lack of vitamin K has also been reported.

Another study discovered that a portion of admitted patients lacked in the trace mineral Selenium. Furthermore, another study found that many patients were lacking trace elements as whole (Selenium, Zinc, Copper, Manganese, Iron, Chromium, Molybdenum, Iodine, Boron, Vanadium, etc.)

A deficiency of micronutrients results in impaired immune responses leading to improper secretion of cytokines, alterations in secretory antibody response and antibody affinity which increases susceptibility to viral infection.

Says the abstract from the study.

On top of that, some reports have noted a Vitamin B12 deficiency.

In August 2020, the British Journal of Nutrition published a study titled, “Nutritional status of micronutrients as a possible and modifiable risk factor for COVID-19: a UK perspective.” The study, focusing on the British peoples, found similarities with previously noted deficiencies among Covid patients. Here is some of what that study found:

A varied and balanced diet with an abundance of fruits and vegetables and the essential nutrients like vitamin D, vitamin A, B vitamins (folate, vitamin B6 and vitamin B12), vitamin C and the minerals, [Iron] Fe, [Copper] Cu, [Selenium] Se and [Zinc] Zn are all known to contribute to the normal functions of the immune system.

Many of the risk factors identified so far that are related to viral infections and deaths from COVID-19 have underlying associations with nutritional status and specific essential nutrients that are known to contribute to the normal functions of the immune system. Important nutrients that support the immune function include vitamins A and D, the B vitamins (folate, vitamins B6 and B12) and vitamin C, and the minerals and trace elements Zn, Fe, Se and Cu.

Across the UK, thousands of care homes are experiencing COVID-19 infections and deaths among their residents, many of whom are suffering from dementia. These elderly residents of care homes are acutely vulnerable to COVID-19. Undernutrition and malnutrition have been reported over many decades among people in care and nursing homes and in hospital patients.

A significant proportion of hospitalised patients show evidence of impaired nutritional status on admission to hospital including low blood 25(OH)D concentrations and low levels of vitamins B1, B2, B6, folate and vitamin C.

Patient outcomes are quite likely to be affected by increased medical complications impacting on length of stay and convalescence, severity of the disease, decreased survival rates and ability to live at home.

Similarly to the U.S., that study also goes onto document that the British people are also facing nutrient deficiencies.

Is “Long Covid” Really Malnutrition?

So, now that we have that established – bearing in mind faulty testing measures, a non-isolated virus, malnutrition, age, and obesity – let us reexamine the listed symptoms of “Long Covid:” people that are said to have lingering affects after testing positive for the virus.

Here is what the Mayo Clinic list as symptoms of “Long Covid:”

  • Fatigue
  • Shortness of breath or difficulty breathing
  • Cough
  • Joint pain
  • Chest pain
  • Memory, concentration or sleep problems
  • Muscle pain or headache
  • Fast or pounding heartbeat
  • Loss of smell or taste
  • Depression or anxiety
  • Fever
  • Dizziness when you stand
  • Worsened symptoms after physical or mental activities

I will now provide a list of nutrients and their known deficiency-related side effects. I will not go through them LL (as there are too many to list), but I wish to demonstrate how many symptoms attributed to nutrient deficiencies correlate with symptoms of “Long Covid.”

AUTHOR’S NOTE: The following information can be found in a voluminous amount of sources: so feel free to look up this data if you question this information. For this report, I will be referencing “What You Must Know About Vitamins Minerals Herbs And So Much More,” by Pamela Wartian Smith, MD, MPH. I will only be listing *some* of the known side effects of these nutrients, and not the additional benefits and necessities they provide. Pay close attention to how many side effects correlate with the so-called symptoms of “Long Covid.” (I have provided a detailed list to prove a point).

Vitamin D:

  • Cognitive decline
  • Muscle spasms
  • Softening of bones
  • Weakened immunity (not mentioned in the book, but noted across many other sources)
  • Depression (not mentioned in the book, but noted across many other sources)

Vitamin C:

  • Anemia (lack of red blood cells; creating fatigue, shortness of breath, weakness)
  • Cardiovascular Disease
  • Fatigue
  • Frequent infections
  • Joint pain
  • Swollen and painful joints


  • Anemia
  • Confusion, depression, apathy,
  • Decreased sense of taste
  • Decreased sense of smell
  • Fatigue
  • Frontal headaches
  • Growth in retardation
  • Immune deficiencies
  • Impaired nerve conduction
  • Low sperm count
  • Memory impairment
  • Night blindness
  • Sleep disturbances


  • Inflammatory disease
  • Recurrent infections
  • Skeletal muscle problems
  • Weakness


  • Anemia
  • Broken blood vessels
  • Fatigue
  • Hypochromic microcytic anemia
  • Limb edema (hydropsy: fluid retention in skin and tissues)
  • Low white blood cell count


  • Decreased cognitive functioning
  • Decreased immune system
  • Decreased memory
  • Depression
  • Fatigue
  • Headaches
  • Increased body tension
  • Increased fearfulness
  • Rapid heart rate
  • Short attention span
  • Shortness of breath
  • Weakness

Vitamin B12 (Cobalamin):

  • Anemia
  • Confusion
  • Decreased levels of estrogen and progesterone in women
  • Depression
  • Dizziness
  • Drowsiness
  • Fatigue
  • Hallucinations
  • Increased levels of the [stress] hormone Cortisol
  • Insomnia
  • Memory loss
  • Weakness

Vitamin K:

  • Bleeding from the gums
  • Bruising easily
  • Excessive bleeding from wounds or surgical sites
  • Loss of bone density
  • Nosebleeds

Vitamin B6 (Pyridoxine):

  • Depression
  • Fatigue
  • Insomnia
  • Mental confusion
  • Nervousness
  • Numbness
  • Weakness

Vitamin B1 (Thiamine):

  • Confusion
  • Fatigue
  • Forgetfulness
  • General weakness
  • Headaches
  • Mild depression
  • Nervousness
  • Racing heart
  • Sleep disturbances


  • Anxiety
  • Back pain and spasms
  • Chest tightness
  • Cognitive decline
  • Confusion
  • Delirium
  • Depression
  • Fatigue
  • Hyperventilation
  • Insomnia
  • Irritability
  • Memory loss
  • Muscle cramps
  • Palpitations
  • Sensitivity to light
  • Sensitivity to noise
  • Tremors
  • Vertigo
  • Weakness

Omega-3 Fatty Acids:

  • Cognitive decline
  • Depression
  • Growth in retardation
  • Impaired immune response
  • Impaired motor coordination
  • Learning disorders
  • Mood swings
  • Thirst
  • Tingles in arms and legs


  • Arrhythmia (irregular heartbeat)
  • Cardiac weakness
  • Muscle weakness or pain
  • Slow heart rate

Vitamin A:

  • Fatigue
  • Increased susceptibility to infections, including vaginal yeast infections
  • Iron deficiency anemia – (many nutrients greatly effect one another’s functions)
  • Night blindness
  • Rough, scaly skin
  • Vision reduction due to retinal damage

Vitamin E:

  • Ataxia (loss of control over body movements)
  • Premature destruction of red blood cells
  • Immunological abnormalities
  • Platelet dysfunction
  • Skeletal myopathy (diseases of the muscles)


  • Disorientation
  • Headache
  • Irritability
  • Mental disturbances
  • Tachycardia (abnormally rapid heart rate


  • Anxiety
  • Atherosclerosis
  • Fatigue
  • Heart disease
  • Low blood sugar
  • Neuropathy


  • Impaired coordination
  • Skeletal problems
  • Skin rash


  • Decreased mental capabilities
  • Depression
  • Fatigue
  • Goiter (neck swelling)
  • Insomnia
  • Neurological defects
  • Tenderness of the sternum
  • Weight gain

Vitamin B2 (Riboflavin):

  • Depression
  • Exhaustion

Vitamin B3 (Niacin/Niacinamide):

  • Confusion
  • Depression
  • Fatigue
  • Headaches
  • Insomnia
  • Irritability
  • Muscle weakness

Vitamin B5 (Pantothenic Acid):

  • Adrenal exhaustion
  • Allergies
  • Decreased immunity
  • Depression
  • Fatigue
  • Gout
  • Headaches
  • Hypertension
  • Muscle cramps
  • Upper respiratory tract infections

Vitamin B7 (Biotin):

  • Cradle cap (infantile seborrheic dermatitis)
  • Depression
  • Fatigue
  • Numbness and tinglings
  • Muscle pain

Vitamin B9 (Folic Acid/Folate):

  • Decreased resistance to infections
  • Depression
  • Drowsiness
  • Impaired wound healing
  • Insomnia
  • Inflamed and sore tongue
  • Mental Illness
  • Weakened pulse
  • Toxemia (high blood pressure and excess protein in urine)

And there are plenty more vitamins I have not gotten into, along with other fatty acids and amino acids that are important for proper bodily function and health.

But I wanted to make a point with making that list so detailed: I wanted to demonstrate that all these nutrients – that 92% of Americans have some sort of a deficiency in something – all qualify on the list for “Long Covid” symptoms, corroborating with the already collected data and then some.

So it would seem the real issue at hand is not a non-isolated virus, but rather a serious lacking of vital nutrients needed for basic function, that is being left unaddressed and untreated.

And though there are many causes for these deficiencies, almost always a reoccurring theme was due to street drugs and over-the-counter pharmaceuticals. Moreover, increased ingestion of these nutrients are counteractive to the drugs, causing the body to “fritz” and go through all sorts of reactions. And if the person looks to get off these pharmaceuticals, the body and brain has created such a dependence to them, it takes time for the body to wean off of them.

But again, the bottom line is this: the evidence is clear the real problem is not a deadly and infectious virus that cannot be properly isolated, but malnutrition before and after testing positive. This is why some people have a loss of taste and smell for example: the are more than likely deficient in zinc, and many other nutrients that affect sensory activity in the body.

The real cure for “Covid” is not a vaccine, or even other pharmaceuticals like Hydroxychloroquine or Remdesivir; but rather, a nutrient-dense lifestyle, with plenty of sun, fresh air, adequate exercise, hygiene, hydration, and so forth.

Disingenuous Data

Even though many other medical studies documented nutrient deficiencies, some studies try to muddy the waters and make it sound like nutrition is not the answer.

Such is the case with a Harvard article titled, “Do vitamin D, zinc, and other supplements help prevent COVID-19 or hasten healing?” Here is some of what they state in that report:

A randomized controlled study of people with moderate to severe COVID-19 who received a high dose of vitamin D showed no benefit.

Similarly, a 2021 study of zinc and vitamin C demonstrated no benefit for people with mild COVID-19. In this study, people whose symptoms did not require hospital admission were randomly assigned to receive.

Based on the science, there is reason to be hopeful that supplements such as vitamin C or D, zinc, or melatonin might help in the fight against COVID-19. While there’s no proof yet that they do, additional research could show a benefit in certain situations, or with a different dose or formulation of the supplement. So it’s worth keeping an open mind.

In the meantime, we should not dismiss the findings of negative studies just because the results weren’t what we’d hoped. When it comes to preventing or treating COVID-19, I’d rely more on the recommendations from the CDC than on unproven supplements.

This is just one example, but demonstrates many clinicians and scientists downplaying the effectiveness of nutrition and natural health; BUT, more importantly, the studies listed are disingenuous, and frankly, not very good.

For example, one of the studies provided concerning Vitamin D says,

Patients were randomly assigned to receive a single oral dose of 200 000 IU of vitamin D3 (n = 120) or placebo (n = 120).

While 200,000 International Units (IU’s) is extreme for sure, a single dosage is not going to reverse a Vitamin D deficiency. Furthermore, D3 is eradiated for animal products, and while it is certainly good to get into your diet, it will never replace the sun.

The Harvard report claims that Vitamin C and Zinc supplementation was not very much effective. However, that study is also not very good either. Immediately, red flags begin to fly when you read the study linked, titled, “Effect of High-Dose Zinc and Ascorbic Acid Supplementation vs Usual Care on Symptom Length and Reduction Among Ambulatory Patients With SARS-CoV-2 Infection: The COVID A to Z Randomized Clinical Trial.”

Immediately there is a major problem: Ascorbic acid. Most people do not know this, but ascorbic acid is SYNTHETIC. You can learn about the brief history of ascorbic acid here. And according to other reports, high dosages of ascorbic acid (such as the dosages used in the study in question), can cause an increase in the incidence of arterial plaque buildup and the potential for gallstones. Supplements, foods, and other sports drinks that use this fake vitamin deceive people into thinking they are massive immune and energy boosts, when they are not – creating deficiencies in the very thing the person thinks they are getting!

And going back to the study in question, you read further into it and find that the test subjects were administered 50mg of Zinc Gluconate. Now, most people are not going to know the significance of this, but when minerals are often used in supplementation form or added into drinks and other foods, they are usually bound to other minerals or materials. Some are fine and some are fake, and can increase or decrease absorption of the mineral that you want.

In this case, gluconate is on the lower end of the spectrum when it comes to absorption.

Screenshot of the data showing absorption rates of Zinc when paired with these substances

So, in the case of the study referenced by Harvard, this amount of Zinc is, in my opinion, not high enough already (especially with someone who is already sick), and most of the Zinc was not absorbed because of the usage of gluconate.

These studies referenced by Harvard are disingenuous and give the perception that proper nutrition is not effective and promising.

It is evident that proper nutrition is necessary to avoid disease and infection, as demonstrated in this report.


Buy the truth, and sell it not; also wisdom, and instruction, and understanding.

Proverbs 23:23

I had for the longest time believed that “Covid-19” was not actually real, and all this is is mass misdiagnosis. After laying out this data, I can dogmatically remain steadfast and be assured that Covid-19 is not real, but is people that are malnourished and live pitiful lifestyles, combined with faulty testing, and media and political propaganda and fearmongering.

When you look up the symptoms of Covid-19, whether it’s “long” or initially when someone is said to test positive, it practically covers every symptom under the sun. But it is not because Covid-19 is so deadly it’s this “everything” bug that affects everyone differently: it is because of nutrient deficiencies.

Bryan Denlinger of King James Video Ministries documented in a report that the pharmaceutical drug Keytruda, manufactured by Merck, causes nearly all of the listed symptoms of Covid. So, it is not much of stretch to wonder if users of that drug, and many others, are what’s causing the known effects.

Keytruda Versus Covid

As I have said before on The WinePress: long gone are the days of, “Eat an apple a day, keep the doctor away;” it is now, “See the doctor daily, empty your wallet, and get sick from their pharmaceuticals and “vaccines,” and become their perpetual patient.”

Furthermore, as I have explained before other times, the evidence laid out in this report again validates why I say the lab-leak theory is hogwash. It was never isolated, so how do you know it came from a lab? Are you telling me that every single private clinician, doctor, university, laboratory, and so forth, have all been sworn to secrecy and all forced to habitually cloud the data that it came from a lab in Wuhan? If there WAS something there, someone would have found it by now.

The lab-leak theory still maintains that a virus is out there, that it’s deadly, and hence, why “the new normal” has taken over, and draconian overreach can be more easily justified. Bottom line: it still causes FEAR to be prevalent in the minds of the masses. And the fearful can be better manipulated and controlled.

For God hath not given us the spirit of fear; but of power, and of love, and of a sound mind.

2 Timothy 1:7

So all this bickering between Fauci and Rand Paul, for example, is just more of the ever-continuing dog and pony show, where the truth is hidden from the broad masses who are foolish enough to believe a word that comes out of the mouths of anyone on the left or rightwing of politics.

How’s about this “warrior for the people,” Rand Paul, stand up and bring forth this evidence? How’s about he, and many others, stop being lukewarm about the “vaccines” and expose them as the death shots that they are – the ones that are killing and injuring and millions all over the world?! But, for the same reason he and other “politicks” who will never call the Federal Reserve on the carpet for printing trillions of dollars out of thin air, artificially propping up the dead economy – is the same reason why he and others will never speak the full truth: they are paid liars all part of the charade. But the willfully ignorant will look for every excuse imaginable.

Senator Rand Paul: The Cryptic Vaccine Spokesman For “Patriots”

Is God Warning America With The Rapid Death Of Songbirds?

He, that being often reproved hardeneth his neck, shall suddenly be destroyed, and that without remedy.

Proverbs 29:1

But putting political hack jobs aside, the evidence is clear. And yet there is no remedy, a cure, for willful ignorance and denial of facts. Most people will ignore the truth, and will ‘pass on and be punished’ (Proverbs 22:3). But what more can I say? The evidence is crystal clear.

So the next time you run into someone (and they’re everywhere) and they are parroting fears of the “virus,” and the symptoms: send them this report. Most of them reject the truth, but perhaps someone just might actually learn something.

Share this report with those that still have ears to hear, and eyes to see.

[4] Ye are of God, little children, and have overcome them: because greater is he that is in you, than he that is in the world. [5] They are of the world: therefore speak they of the world, and the world heareth them. [6] We are of God: he that knoweth God heareth us; he that is not of God heareth not us. Hereby know we the spirit of truth, and the spirit of error.

1 John 4:4-6
[31] Then said Jesus to those Jews which believed on him, If ye continue in my word, then are ye my disciples indeed; [32] And ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free. [33] They answered him, We be Abraham’s seed, and were never in bondage to any man: how sayest thou, Ye shall be made free? [34] Jesus answered them, Verily, verily, I say unto you, Whosoever committeth sin is the servant of sin. [35] And the servant abideth not in the house for ever: but the Son abideth ever. [36] If the Son therefore shall make you free, ye shall be free indeed.

John 8:31-36

[7] Who goeth a warfare any time at his own charges? who planteth a vineyard, and eateth not of the fruit thereof? or who feedeth a flock, and eateth not of the milk of the flock? [8] Say I these things as a man? or saith not the law the same also? [9] For it is written in the law of Moses, Thou shalt not muzzle the mouth of the ox that treadeth out the corn. Doth God take care for oxen? [10] Or saith he it altogether for our sakes? For our sakes, no doubt, this is written: that he that ploweth should plow in hope; and that he that thresheth in hope should be partaker of his hope. (1 Corinthians 9:7-10).

The WinePress needs your support! If God has laid it on your heart to want to contribute, please prayerfully consider donating to this ministry. If you cannot gift a monetary donation, then please donate your fervent prayers to keep this ministry going! Thank you and may God bless you.



  • You need to stock up on quality vitamins, mineral, etc… Now while you can. They are going to shut them down ASAP. I am already having issues getting supplies. You should get what you need from your food, but folks like me need more for certain conditions, plus we are already see food shortages and major price hikes. It is not going to get better, so have sup laments become more important. I would consider buying bulk, if you have not done it. Make sure you have a scale or micro spoon set to measure as well.

    Stock the basics, and know how to cook them. And as always, READ YOUR BIBLE!

    .\\itch – Proverbs 24:21 My son, fear thou the LORD and the king: and meddle not with them that are given to change:

  • Thank you for your report! Praise the Lord for revealing the truth to us all! Nutrition and self-care are keys to health. Since I changed the way I eat many years ago, I never got the flu or the common cold since then. I’ve only had sinus infections a few times because I was so stupid to binge on easily accessible and addicting “combini” (Japanese convenience store) white bread that causes mucus formation. While some of my family members keep taking the flu shot every year and get sick every year. I feel good and relieved!

    • Same here, but I will add that since I eliminated all wheat products from my diet, I don’t have the food cravings I used to have. Wheat, as it has been hybridized from what it used to be before the 1970s, has a higher glycemic index than sugar (another poison I try to avoid). Additionally, somewhere along the way and for no apparent reason, bromine has replaced the essential iodine that wheat used to have. Lots of skullduggery that goes on in food industry, and the tampering of wheat is pretty much worldwide.

      • Correction: Bromine has replaced iodine in bread …..not in the wheat…..sorry for that slip. Still half asleep this morning, lol

      • That one puzzled me for years! I knew that God’s word promoted bread, so there had to be some man-caused issue that was making so many people gluten sensitive, & do so poorly on bread, while keto helped them.

        Other Christian nutritionists guided by the Bible were also puzzled, & more than one little cottage business home-publishing cookbooks, specializing in baking supplies, or nutrition helps & curriculum suffered because of it. Now about all that’s left with any public or easily accessible information is new age & Catholic biased & must be carefully navigated because of the spiritual techniques & views they intermingle with real science & sound information.

        There were contributing issues, but when gmo’s came on mainstream, that’s when the worst issues started showing themselves. They were denying how widespread gmo sugar & grains were in use for a long time, but the sudden explosion of gluten intolerance helped to ‘out’ it. Those with missionary or other international connections were also more aware of the gmo issues because they sprang it in India & third world nations first where people were less free & already brow-beaten into authoritarian submission: pagan, communist & Catholic dominant countries with hierarchies & despotic managing classes. Rather like they test drove their google high-tech surveillance & social grading economy in China before trying to implement it here. Off -shoring production, then even food production got them around a lot of that, where there was resistance in free nations related to how much education there was about it.

        HFC corn syrup is an issue, but gmo corn made it worse. The switch to omega 6 vegetable oils in all baked goods also made problems with inflammation, & when they brought on gmo soybeans & oil, THAT was made worse.

        Add to that glyphosate residue not just ON gmo crops, but IN gmo crops. This kills good gut bacteria & takes up the glycine receptors on cells, just like the bromines blocked iodine uptake. I suspect that’s why bone broth & a diet rich in sulfurous foods are helpful to a lot of people. Epsom salts baths can also help. Stephanie Seneff has done a lot of work on that.

        Fermented foods, too.

        My sister is severely gluten intolerant, while I do better on good clean proteins, pastured eggs, cheese, meat…but can tolerate grains better than she. Oldtimers were aware of the seed protective substances on seeds, nuts & grains, & always used to soak those things when preparing them in foods. They were also using whole grain that wasn’t denatured & without the germ. Modern practices of preparation for long-term keeping, long distance shipping, & reducing spoilage skipped the soaking step while otherwise lowering nutritional content in food.

        We found a number of contributing & potential causes looking into things. I’m in my 60’s, she in her 50’s…so we had vaccines as children, but nothing like the schedule has ramped up to now. Still, that contributed. She also had a childhood bout with mumps/meningitis from being around vaccinated children around the age of four & was hospitalized, given massive doses of antibiotics. That contributed to her gut problem, & when the nurse cousin whose vaccinated child we’d been exposed to told Mom it was because she’d neglected to have us vaccinated: Mom became a believer from that point forward, & we got them all.

        Otherwise we fared well: lived in the country, drank whole & unpasteurized fresh milk, fresh vegetables & fruits from garden & orchard, & raised beef. Before my grampa passed away, we had fresh pork, too. And we bought eggs from the Amish. When we had stomach complaints, our family doctor quizzed mom on how she made applesauce: with the seeds & skin, & cinnamon all run through the Foley. He told her to feed us that applesauce, bananas & toast; and gave her iodine drops to put in our morning OJ.

        My, how things have changed! We were blessed & didn’t know it. A few years back we saw an article on that guy: at the time he was the oldest practicing family MD in the country. The resistance & quiet influence of men like him probably hindered the agenda now rearing its corporate fascist, anti-life, anti-family, anti-private business head. But that generation is gone now.

        Our health issues really didn’t come up much until we were older & our diets changed. So, inflammation, tendency to allergic response from vax mediums, & for my sister, antibiotic caused gut biota imbalance.

        Add birth control which came in during those years & you explain my breast cancer. Most recently, my sister presented with breast cancer, and lyme disease, as well. : – ( Silver lining blessing may be the vermifuges used in that treatment will help in avoiding covid, whatever it is, & my own experience with breast cancer self-treatment & diet has been an aid to her. One of the first things alternative docs recommend to cancer patients is a full course vermifuge if the patient is strong enough to do so.

        I’m not sure when they replaced iodine in bread with bromine, the ’70’s I think. We both began supplementing with iodine when we learned about that, but she continued with her mystery gut issues until they figured out the gluten intolerance & adjusting her diet improved that while growing lax with her diet brought her symptoms back. Proof enough for us she was on to something.

        She & her husband always lived in the country, & she was first to get saved & to homeschool…but her husband’s love of sports & admired entrepreneurial friend influenced them to send their boys to public school, & stay connected to television media & pop culture, church that went NIV and contemporary music. There was a lot of parental undermining deceit that went on in the schools & behind the scenes which none of us really appreciated, even if we were suspicious & cautious. Not to mention the religious right & ‘conservatives’ both in politics & the churches, social issues & practical living.

        I got saved later, but my experience with Unitarian manipulations & social services made me more wary of media & such, as well as blindly following ‘official’ advice. We unplugged from television back in ’96, & I got serious about the themes promoted in what I was reading or using to research. Those things were protective blessings, though the internet as it developed brought new challenges that blindsided us, & trusting ‘conservative’ movie ratings & such, the newer video games also, brought problems into our family & lives.

        I share these things in hope of younger brethren avoiding similar issues. We are often more influenced & conditioned by the things surrounding us than we realize. A close walk with the Lord & minimizing all those worldly influences is crucial, & a diversity of knowledge does help to explain in those areas where experience seems to contradict the Bible… with grains & bread, & men’s corruptions & ‘improvements’. After awhile you see so many of the Bible disproving claims utterly debunked & how deceitful those arguing against it are…and you just know whenever you hear the claims that there is an answer if you just look for it, or trust & wait.

        What they’ve been doing in managed, chemical & centralized corporate farming practices, & to our food has been an ongoing frustration for a long time. Folks would find niches & work-arounds that would prove promising….then the corporate-government beast would respond to re-corner their market & control.

        The vaccine schedule just kept increasing, & the autism rate increasing. And medicine changed. I remember in the ’90’s that pediatricians were trying to get information out on the explosion of std’s with teens & children: they were viciously censored. Careers ruined. Same thing with those like Jewish Dr. Judith Reisman who exposed that the work of Alfred Kinsey which all the sex ed & LGBTQ curriculum depended upon as their basis & justification was not only fraudulent, but criminally implicated in pedophilic and incestuous child abuse, linked to criminals in prison & to nazis! It’s just easier to censor when all media is centralized & corporately controlled, while digital is the easiest of all to utterly ‘disappear’.

        Their work with gmo food was also paralleled by genetic stem cell research & denied merchandising & experimentation with aborted fetal tissue…from vaccine cultures to the nano-bioweaponry stuff covid sprung from to transhumanism & utterly controlling mankind’s biology with the goal of brain control genetically & internally, remotely….not just via information & temptation from the outside, or by means that can be refused.

        2020 just seemed to bring it all to a head & to the attention of folks who’d not been paying attention previously. Tipping point reached. The Bible is our best guide in all things, and when you see things that won’t be fully developed until the time of Jacob’s trouble, Daniel’s 70th week, coming to pass….then the catching away must also be very near. Leaves on the fig tree. The judgments & fulfillments are real & literal, so, too, can we count on the promises as we rely on the Lord, trust, keep praying & feeding on the word, endure and WATCH. Our hope is sure, and evidenced threefold. In the creation, in the scriptures & in experience with the new birth relationship & indwelling Spirit.

  • Brethren, I’ve been feeling demoralized lately with all of this C-Virus stuff. It seems like there’s no ending to this: my life is slowly whittling away. I pray, I Fight for the Lord, but I don’t know if I’m making a difference . I’m angry and full of grief. I’ve been having urges to wage war physically and send (Politicians, Gavin Newsom, City Hall, etc.) some “presents”; courtesies from the Body of Christ. I’m young, but this war is taking its toll on me; I’m alone, I have no job , and my family thinks I’m a loser, because I refuse to bow to Mammon. Are we winning this war? How much longer are we to suffer? I don’t want to have to spend another year secluded; I don’t know if I can handle it.

  • The advice on nutrition & lifestyle, & the truth that the virus isolate is non-available are received.
    But the nano-technology & coronavirus research preceding this were & are real, & documented.

    There was also a respiratory illness presenting in patients at doctors’ offices differently than influenza A&B (many doctors were ordering those tests early & before the lockdowns, & also afterwards, so soon as the labs were back running normally…I know one personally, & have family working with her professionally).

    She also suffered from the illness & debilitating lingering after-effects that manifested with unmanageable blood pressure issues, in her fifties & generally healthy otherwise. This is a doctor who refused the vaccine, though she works in close proximity with those who’ve taken it…..and who manages all of her diabetic patients, of which there are many, with life-style, diet & supplementation except for those totally recalcitrant & non-compliant. Such people are difficult to treat all around & while drugs are always non-optimal, those patients would kill themselves in short order otherwise, & live longer with them.

    It is not life-threatening except in the elderly or those with chronic illnesses & deficiencies as you noted, and treated early even the at-risk did well. It took her several months to find a way to get her blood pressure under control, & she is now suspecting that the pushing the vaccine was the reason for the ‘leak’ & that shedding keeps it in circulation, the spike protein and mRNA fragments genetically modifying the main issues & reasons, while the squalene & magnetizing aspects are also issues.

    Isolating & publishing the ‘virus’ sequence would reveal its engineered nature, & those doctors in India who isolated & attempted to publish were shut down in short order. There are multiple patents related to this illness & to the ‘vaccine’.

    I respectfully disagree with you on the existence of the thing, & that it is just the flu or nutritional deficiencies. What I suspect is that a significant faction of the panicking elites facing the imminent collapse of economies worldwide, & realizing the potential backlash, did what they always do: look for a way out that allows them to continue their lavish & elitist lifestyles regardless of the cost to the ‘littles’ and the ‘lessers’, of whom there are too many to their eugenicist way of thinking anyways. They needed something that would cull the populace & weaken what remains, a ‘backstory’ & a means of making them look like the ‘good guys’ while continuing to use socialized medicine to enrich themselves for as long as possible. They also use dialectics & division propaganda tactics, fostering confusion & frustration, friction & agitation…further weakening the populace.

    This also promotes their transhumanist & digital surveillance & control goals as practiced, honed & perfected in China; and allows them to forward a digital, controlled economy with 5G and 6G as planned, & ultimately the internet of things, including people….all connected. When they get together in those international planning sessions & run their tabletops, it’s not to no purpose & this ‘vaccine’ seems to conveniently promote all of the agendas while foreshadowing the mark of the Beast in Revelation 13.

    God knows, & it’s surely no mistake or coincidence that all their plans & planning has them fulfilling the scriptures to a ‘t’. The best things we can do to protect ourselves moving forward beside being right with the Lord Jesus Christ is what you’ve outlined & cautious, sober separation. God who is able to orchestrate all of this without violating free will can surely guide & protect us, or grant grace for whatever we may face. I’ve definitely no problem with that.

    I’ve recently been drawn back to Steve Van Nattan’s warnings on these things written back in 2012 & 2014, that general timeframe. The handwriting was on the wall then, but few were willing to acknowledge it as we sought to warn. It still shocks me that even with such forewarning our last church responded to the covid narrative as they have, but being reminded of the response to these earlier warnings, I shouldn’t have been, & through it all the Lord taught me to stand alone when need be & toughened me up some. Never thought it would come to the point where Granny would be packing….but the intervening years & events have shown me otherwise.
    Though I have some minor doctrinal differences with Van Nattan & disagree with his current take on authority, masks & so forth….he did help me connect dots that were still puzzling me, not making sense, & God used him to help me. I believe that his Great Tribulation and Strong Delusion series are useful to understanding how & why our current circumstances are as they are, as well as being an aide in evangelism…or strong medicine for a lagging, apathetic saint…. for those not given to kneejerk response or rushing on in utter delusion.

    Van Nattan’s African & international experience & connections, including firsthand experience of the Mau-Mau uprising, & being in country when the communist coup took Ethiopia, as well as his work resisting craft coming into ‘churches’ & amongst immigrants in this country & his dedication to the King James Bible as the word of God & our sole authority for doctrine & practice make his perspective valuable, while his earlier work gives some guidance on preparation & response to these things.

    • I don’t doubt the patenting and nanotech they have been working on. For all we know ‘they’ probably jammed these death jabs with these engineered “coronaviruses,” plus the nanoparticles. So I get what you are saying, and I am not going to argue with you, but it is hard to deny the fact that way too many people are nutrient deficient across the board. I also realize that “Long Covid” can also easily be blamed on the jabs (knowing what we know of all the reported adverse events). So maybe I did not clarify that as well as I could have, but if most people could lose their excess weight, get sufficient sunlight, and eat food and water with efficacious amounts of nutrients, “cases” would be next to none along with deaths.
      I have not finished this video, but Dr. Kaufman actually breaks down the science as to why the virus does not exist. And I linked his explanation of isolation in my report.

  • No doubt you’re right about diet, nutrition & health. I laid out a bit of the history of my wrestlings with that over decades & seeking truth in the confusion of corruption, the errors come of conscious knowing deceit, & plain old unintended consequences in my response to Liz. The tangled web of what they’d done to bread was something that took years to unravel…& no doubt there’s more! Finding a good organic bread takes time, & learning old methods of preparation & breadmaking even more: especially if you go back to finding a non-gmo grain etc. or growing your own! Beyond most of us.

    I’ve seen Dr. Kaufman’s explanation. It’s pretty convincing stand alone, but I don’t buy his exosome theory whole hog, or when comparing with other explanations.

    I’ll admit I can’t scientifically butt heads with the likes of Dr. Kaufman & prove it absolutely, but his methods of argumentation, the terms he uses, & the adamantly antichrist, communist-leaning crowd he’s associated with now…and has been over the years & before covid, troubles me at the same time I question some of his scientific claims. I don’t want to accept anything reactively because Qanon is involved in what is presented as ‘the other side’. Red flags. That’s what controlled opposition is all about.

    These guys are big on their dialectic either/or claims, & their allopathic & natural dialectic choice limiting is deceitful, as though you have to accept all of one system or the other absolutely & whole hog, and not take all of the facts and claims of both systems for proving individually.

    Pasteur was right with germ theory insofar as disproving spontaneous generation which is what Erasmus Darwin, Bechamp & the pagans, & anti-biblical creation evolutionary minded were banking on for their ‘missing link’, & kingpin supposedly disproving biblical creation & the Godhead, significance of mankind created in his image with the attending limitations to power, claims of ascending towards godhood either by knowledge & technology, or through spiritual techniques & contacts…or both.

    They don’t disclose that they’re attacking THAT when they do their allopathic versus natural spiel. They also use the same rationale for their West versus East medicine….& when they want to bring shamanism & ‘race’ into it because of the lsd & S.American ‘natural’ pharma aids used by those supposedly ‘discovering’ dna like Crick, or the link with Silicon Valley. There’s something there from Genesis 6 and 11 since the symbology is there in artifacts & archeology, as well as scripturally with corrupting seed and ‘knowledge’/science….and that’s the same source they’re tapping into now. It’s beyond troubling, & they are using it to merge ‘science’ and ‘religion’….even so-called Christianity.
    The context into which Kaufman fits his theory is sort of like saying Christianity is false because the false versions & fake churches are. Or making the leap that they can improve on the word with the ‘hidden knowledge’ & science like they supposedly did in genetics & digital computing.

    I would venture that this covid thing is not ‘novel’ nor a ‘leap from the animal kingdom’ any more than AIDS was…or Lyme, or the weaponized anthrax. More likely a cultivated, engineered mix, coupled with purposeful diversion & a purposeful mistreatment plan with some profit and power motives attached. Just like some ‘Christians’….Reconstructionists & Catholic types thought what Oliver North was doing was legitimate & justified: some thought dealing with the sodomites through a stealth freebie std vaccine, the hepatitis shot, was legitimate, too. Wicked and nothing ‘Christian’ about any of it the way they misused knowledge & abused power deceitfully & arrogantly. Christians confront & challenge head on & in the light, with free will involved & not violated.

    Judy Mikovits is Catholic New Age and has some baggage, too, but I find her science & inside knowledge of the politics of medicine, finance etc to be more compelling than Kaufman’s. Let’s just say that the various factions ‘persecuting’ them, and the differing reasons why….are also interesting to examine. They for some reason found it necessary to eliminate any authentically Christian or remotely biblical input before this whole ‘conversation’ and ‘dialogue’ came out into the open with just the Mikovits and Kaufman types in the ‘conversation’. That’s familiar to me dealing with both the Bible version & the creation issues.

    Put what can be proven from both of their claims together, discard the rest, & no doubt we’d have the whole truth of the matter. One day we’ll know the whole truth of it.

    In the meantime, we’re both in full agreement on the best response to avoiding disease & staying as healthy as possible while still in this corruptible and wrapped in these corruptible bodies, not yet glorified….and I still count you a brother in Christ, whether we’re in agreement over the source & nature…or existence…of covid.

    Ultimately we all have to make up our own minds on temporal life & death issues, & are personally responsible, just as with spiritual. Just iron sharpening iron.

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