Abby was 10 weeks into her pregnancy when the baby had stopped growing, though it was officially realized on the twelfth week that the child had died.

Political commentator Ben Shapiro’s sister, Abigail Shapiro, recently announced that she had suffered a miscarriage.

Abigail, who often goes by the name Abby, has a YouTube channel where she discusses women’s fashion, her Jewish faith, discusses her conservative view points, and other topics on her channel.

On March 26th, Abby posted short weekly wrap-up video titled, “Got Your Vaccination?? Head To Krispy Kreme! || The Scoop #26.” Near the end of the video Abby briefly discussed her views on the recent announcement of Krispy Kreme to give a free donut to anyone that could prove they were vaccinated.

Abby thought that the offer was funny and noted that one of the key factors of those that are or have been infected with Covid-19 were obese. However, she followed up with this:

But hey, if you have a vaccination you might as well get a free donut (hehe)!

Though she did not directly say that she personally was getting a donut or is vaccinated herself, many in the comments said that they felt it was a bad idea to get vaccinated while pregnant – implying that she is vaccinated or planned on doing so.

Pregnant Women Now Urged To Get The Covid Vaccine

Unfortunately, on May 3rd, roughly one month after making that video, Abby announced to her followers that she suffered a miscarriage.

It was revealed that Abby had lost the child not long after her ‘vaccine-donut’ video was published. According to her, she suffered a miscarriage after 12 weeks of pregnancy. At 10 weeks the baby stopped growing, but the death was made official on the twelfth week due to Abby not being able to have an ultrasound performed on her. She had seen the baby’s heartrate prior, and said she knew that the miscarriage rate drops when that is established.

According to her, the miscarriage had occurred during the Passover celebration (which began on sundown on March 27th (one day after Abby’s ‘vaccine-donut’ video) through nightfall on April 4th). Because of this, her entire family was there and was supportive of her loss.

Though obviously heartbroken over the experience, Abby said she knew that God was watching over her, the family, and the baby who is now in heaven.

She made no mention of the vaccine.

It should be noted, however, that when typing the ‘vaccine’ into the search engine for her channel, this video and other previously mentioned video are the first to appear.

Here are some of the comments left on her video:

Why take a Covid vaccine when your pregnant? Sorry for your loss!


As much as I don’t like her views on many things, no female should ever have to go through this. My heart goes out to you <3

“Marko Portuondo”

It made me so happy to see that there wasn’t any hate in the comments. No matter our political beliefs, we can come together to support someone going through a great deal of pain ❤️ I’m so sorry that you have to go through this, girl.

“Tooru Oikawa”

I wonder if this could be linked to getting injected with rushed and experimental big pharma gene therapy. Did the miscarriage happen before or after the injection?? May your child Rest In Peace and the Lord have mercy on him and your family

“GenZ Philosophy”

i’m sorry this happened to you. so no one has made the link with her vaccination?! ohkay…

“Nikos P.”

Although we disagree on just about every political issue, no one should have to go through this. I’m so sorry. Sending prayers to you and your family.



[22] And he [David] said, While the child was yet alive, I fasted and wept: for I said, Who can tell whether GOD will be gracious to me, that the child may live? [23] But now he is dead, wherefore should I fast? can I bring him back again? I shall go to him, but he shall not return to me.

2 Samuel 12:22-23

There is peace in knowing that the child is in heaven, so that is assuring to know.

I honestly do not know if her baby’s death is linked to the vaccine for certain, but based on the large number of comments on both videos, it appears that she was vaccinated or had planned on getting it. She certainly did not speak badly about the vaccines, that is for sure.

However, knowing who the Shapiros are and what they do for a living, I seriously doubt they did not know the obvious warnings signs that were posted everywhere for taking one of these vaccines.

Even as I have seen, they that plow iniquity, and sow wickedness, reap the same.

Job 4:8
[7] Be not deceived; God is not mocked: for whatsoever a man soweth, that shall he also reap. [8] For he that soweth to his flesh shall of the flesh reap corruption; but he that soweth to the Spirit shall of the Spirit reap life everlasting.

Galatians 6:7-8

Unfortunately, I have to say it for what it is: you reap what you sow. These vaccines have been proven time, and time, and time again, that they are extremely dangerous and toxic. Numerous cases of miscarriages, blots clots, death, and swaths of reactions have been reported: there is no excuse. Even Pfizer in their own official documents admit that the vaccines can have effects on both woman and male fertility.

Pfizer Says The Unvaccinated Can Be Exposed To The Vaccine. Affects Reproductive Systems

U.K. Miscarriages Rise 366% After Receiving Covid Vaccine

Pregnant Wisconsin Doctor Has Miscarriage Three Days After Receiving Covid Vaccine

This sad event proves the Bible true once again, that, “the wages of sin is death (Romans 6:23).

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  • The tradition of Passover when you look into it where the angel of death was to pass over the houses which had the blood of a Lamb to protect the firstborn males in each house. You would have to think in light of this tragedy that gods will was out of alignment with this person. Very sad because this happened during a tradition that should’ve been a blessing to this family.

  • And what about the link between unvaccinated woman and their miscarriages??
    There has been far more miscarriages with woman that have not been vaccinated…..

    Or are you just going to ignore that fact!!

    It’s a sad fact that woman have miscarriages all the time and there has NOT been any INCREASE in them with billions of people taking the Vaccine…
    But there has been an increase in miscarriages from woman who were unvaccinated and got COVID-19!!

    So as sad as this is, it is just another “normal” miscarriage….
    If you want to make the link put facts not your feelings!

    • I’ve seen two new studies on miscarriages, and those showing huge increases in the vaccinated. Let’s see the links to your claims…

    • Pieere Kory MD, is a Critical Care Specialist at an ICU… which means he is a respiratory expert. The good doctor gave testimony at the Senate Hearings on CVD19 on December 8 2020 CSPAN. Dr. Kory was fed up with the death rate on the vents, so, he decided to give his patients Ivermectin. The doctor explained that he never lost a patient thereafter. Rat Boy Mengele Fauci was apprised of the situation/cure by numerous Certified letters from many doctors who utilized Ivrmectin in their practice… I took Ivermectin , as did many of my clear thinking friends and colleagues. I’ll tell you what is sad, you are ill-informed. There are numerous OBGY’s who are on record stating that the miss- carriage rates have increased by 10 fold in their practice, with the only variable being the mRNA gene splicing/editing clot forming shot.

  • and now according to naomi wolf (can’t find the link right now), she says unvaxxed women being around vaxxed can also be effected.

  • newsflash to all you idiots who are getting vaccinated for a “free” krispy kreme donut:

    the donuts have always been free (even before covid).

    krispy kreme has always offered a complimentary donut, fresh out of the oven, for anyone who visits their stores.

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