Who could have guessed this? (sarcasm).

Today it was announced that the recipients of Pfizer’s two-dose Covid vaccine will ‘likely’ have to get a third shot 6-12 months after being “fully vaccinated.” The company is also suggesting having vaccinations each year.

Pfizer’s CEO Albert Bourla spoke with Bertha Combs of CNBC at a CVS health event. He forecasts, based on the data he sees, a “likely scenario” will be that Covid-19 vaccines will have to be distributed annually.

Bourla said “it remans to be seen” how often these added vaccines would be distributed and administered.

A likely scenario is there will be likely a need for a third dose somewhere between six and 12 months and then from there there would be an annual revaccination.

But all of that needs to be confirmed and again the variants will play a key role. It is extremely important to suppress the pool of people that can be susceptible to the virus because they are vaccinated with high-efficacy vaccines.

Albert Bourla

It has been reported that both doses provide roughly 90% effectiveness for at least six months before that percentage begins to deteriorate.

Anthony Fauci told MSNBC this past Sunday saying that people “very well may need” a booster shot, according to a report by The Hill.

White House chief science officer David Kessler said to lawmakers during a Thursday hearing to expect getting booster shots, prefacing that officials “don’t know everything at this moment.”

Several days ago The Hill released another report titled “Alarming new study shows South African variant can ‘break through’ Pfizer vaccine.”

Based on patterns in the general population, we would have expected just one case of the South African variant, but we saw eight. Obviously, this result didn’t make me happy.

We can say it’s less effective, but more research is needed to establish exactly how much.

Prof. Adi Stern. Lead researcher apart of an Israeli research team


Are you surprised by this? I am not in the slightest.

We reported in January that the Moderna CEO said something similar, though he, and like the mainstream media has been subtly propagandizing for a while now, said that Covid could be an “endemic” disease. In other words, it’s here to stay and it will become like the yearly flu shot. Only this time around, because of all the media hysteria and superstition they have wrought, the media can simply declare that there is a new spike in cases, or a new variant from Antarctica that is killing penguins is spreading, so therefore it would ‘justify’ more lockdowns and “temporary restrictions” to “flatten the curve.”

Vaccinating Animals? Covid Here Forever? More Media Propaganda

We are in the new world order and it is here to stay. When the media has stated this is the “new normal,” they were not kidding. This is all apart of the “Great Reset.” As I have said in other reports, as you probably know by now, these lockdowns, variants, and vaccines have nothing to do with a virus.

The REAL Reason Sweden Did Not Lockdown

Additionally, we have noted that these vaccines are loaded with mRNA, an experimental ingredient that Moderna refers to as “software of life,” an “app,” and other computer terms. So now it will be, assuming Covid is officially declared “endemic” by the media, it will be annually “programming” people, like “updating” your computer.

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  • If they call it endemic, they will never have to lift the restrictions, lift the mask mandates or stop vaccinating. Great future for the lost world, praise the Lord we hopefully don’t have to put up much longer. Remember when all this was just until “the curve was flattened”? Yeah right.

  • Well, the pfizer CEO can go to Hell and that’s where he’s going as well as moderna, J&J, and all the rest of big pharma, the CDC, and the majority of the government and the WHO, they’ll bust Hell wide open!

  • End-emic is apt. No doubt this is in line to the Mark of the BEAST, directly linking with Genesis 6 and the corruption of all flesh. ‘Humanized’ mice (made by our corporate-sponsored, government paid abortionists selling fetal organs shipped express on dry ice ….on the government dime, military industrial complex, politicians, academia & Fauci etc all complicit) were not enough. Now they are ‘aping’ China who is using this technology to create ape/human ‘soldiers’, and creating monkey/mankind chimeras for ‘research purposes’.

    As I did research yesterday on health & nutrition interventions for my husband’s mildly elevated cholesterol, glucose & PSA levels…..I came across many recent nutrition studies that left me wondering. It was not outrightly stated, but I fear many of these ‘new’ international & US studies both are being worked with these ‘humanized’ cell lines. The reason they did early vaccine development work in Europe & Germany was due to the use of aborted fetal tissue & the lingering biblical Christian values in America. Those powers then pushed & manipulated for the finding of the ‘right’ to abortion in our Constitution to ‘catch us up’, while continuing their work ‘evolving’ the word of God & infiltrating & turning Christian upper education, then infiltrating and ‘trickling down’ into local churches, communities & families. The coup de grace was when they were able to get the lingering….but compromised….’evangelicals’ to receive the NIV, and the the ‘conservatives’ and ‘fundamentalists’, the NKJV. Spiritual & physical corruption go together, the Book containing the oracles of God, and the books of dna in our & the beast kingdom’s cells by fornication & by craft of men & devils. Romans 1, 2 Peter 2&3, Jude etc. No wonder judgment is coming. https://blogs.mercola.com/sites/vitalvotes/archive/2021/04/15/scientists-create-monkeyhuman-chimeric-embryos.aspx

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