The “fall guy” is at it again.

CEO of MyPillow Mike Lindell is set to launch his own social media account on April 20th as an avenue for free speech and protection of America’s first amendment rights.

The website is called Frank. The Voice of Free Speech.

Lindell describes the platform as a combination of Twitter and YouTube.

According to a report from Insider, the platform was originally set to be called Vocl, but was advised not to do so in fear of a lawsuit from another website called Vocal.

[Frank] will be the platform for Americans who want to defend life, liberty, and all the freedoms that have marked America as the longest running Constitutional Republic in the history of the world.

[Users will be able to] post videos, livestream television, distribute news and information, and find community and fellowship with likeminded Americans.

Mike Lindell

Lindell also noted that a few profanity words and taking the Lord’s name in vain, the third of the ten commandments given by the Lord, will be prohibited.

Lindell will be the site’s CEO, who says he has dumped millions into the platform and will be “the most secure platform ever,” and uses his own servers that others “will not be able to break into it,” he told Insider.

Additionally, it is reported that Lindell will be using to the new platform to discuss his claims of voter fraud with the 2020 election.

A video from the website


I noted in another report that Trump plans to release his own social media platform. I did not know if this is that same one, but it appears it is not.

Regardless, who The WinePress has deemed as the “fall guy” is at it again. I am not going to go through a giant explanation of why we call him that (you can read our other reports about him), but because of his associations with Qanon, Trump, and the election fraud stuff, and now a new platform: he will be used to help usher in even more censorship and to keep people on his platform, and others, propagandized and comatose to reality.

Perhaps The WinePress should start up its own account on there calling his bluff and see how long it takes before we are banned!

Operation “Trust:” The 100-Year-Old Psy-op Repackaged As Qanon

Must Read: ‘Christian Nationalism’ Is Hindering Broad Vaccination

Qanon Pusher Mike Lindell Says Trump Will Be President In August

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  • Well wine press I don’t pay any attention to all that Qanon stuff but one things for certain there definitely was election fraud and we all need to stay on top of that to make sure it doesn’t happen again

    • We’ve reported on that in other reports. I believe there was voter fraud, but they are all rigged. They are just Selections. And for sake of argument, whether they are or not, none of the candidates we have gotten has benefitted this country in a very long time.

  • I believe this nation was lost Constitutionally in 1913 with the establishment of the Fed & income tax, but that they worked by Craft & gradualism as Carroll Quigley & others described to take our system to the point where elections aren’t ‘dangerous’ at all to the powers that be or direction of their dialectic regardless of which ‘side’ wins. My husband & I were listening to a libertarian discussion from the late Bush/early Obama years with G. Edward Griffin (new age humanist….not a Christian but at least tolerant & not totally detached from truth) where the statement was made that electronic voting was already rigged, & with the events of 2020 & history of the companies involved from Diebold to Dominion….we could clearly see how accurate that assessment had been, though it seemed radical, and slightly crazy, at the time. They were designed to be hackable. As everything else online from intellectual property to banking to whatever, for the sake of centralized control….knowing tyrants and duped idealists both involved. ———————————————————————————————————————————————————————————- I don’t know about Lindell’s intent with Frank, but I know his doctrine is off & that the powers that be will only allow so much out of him or his supposedly free platform. We might have some fun & fruit with it in the meantime, though : – ). So long as our hope isn’t in it we can counter false teaching and point people to the King James Bible & freedom indeed of the Gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ according to the scriptures received with repentance & faith to the new birth of God’s power. That’s still where the power of salvation is found, and when it gets shut down for not being ecumenical, any-Bible-but-the-King-James, & antichrist ‘Christian’…..well, that gets folks’ attention, too, if they are not yet willfully disconnected & turned from truth. Such things woke me up to the fact that I needed to come ALL the way out of her to Christ outside the gate, after all, and to repent & get right with God regardless of what men thought, said or did! ———————————————————————————————————————————————————————————— I say, ‘Go for it, the Wine Press.’ : – )

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