It is reported there is a nationwide shortage of ketchup and restaurants are searching for ways to get some more.

According to a recent report from the Wall Street Journal, ketchup packets are especially in short supply. They attribute this to many restaurants having to rely on carry-out orders in order to cope with Covid sanctions placed on them by their respective states.

It is also noted that health officials are one of the causes for the demand in the shortage of packets, as many of these officials have discouraged the use of shared squeeze bottles or other containers, but to make the switch to packets or single-use containers.

Since January of 2020, the price of America’s favorite condiment has spiked 13% due to increased demand. The largest producer of the condiment, Heinz, reported it has not been able to keep up with the demand.

The WSJ also reports that Heinz is urging customers and restaurants to have patience as they are trying to expand their manufacturing capacity by 25% in an attempt to create over 12 billion “sachets” a year.

We’re busy doing everything we can.

Steve Cornell. An executive at Heinz parent Kraft Heinz

Chris Fuselier, owner of Denver, Colorado’s Blake Street Tavern, had to switch brands of ketchup last month because their last supply order arrived with no Heinz ketchup.

How can we serve french fries without Heinz ketchup?

Chris Fuselier

Larger restaurants have been forced to find alternative methods of obtaining more ketchup.

Because of the high demand and low supply, prices for the packets have driven the ketchup bill at fast-food chain Long John Silver’s by $500,000, which was forced to buy their ketchup stock from secondary suppliers amidst the surge.

Other managers at some Texas Roadhouse locations – which used 55 million ounces of ketchup last year – was forced to shop at Costco and other wholesalers to get their ketchup supply restocked.

We feel like the bottom of the barrel.

Travis Doster. Texas Roadhouse spokesperson


Welcome to America: a nation that is so economically screwed because useless and draconian politicians and “health” tyrants got everyone freaked out about using squeeze bottles, now this nation can’t even keep up with making a condiment!

That is how messed up this country is: we are now going to see inflation prices rise even more on condiments. How sad is that?

But I mention this report as is it demonstrates how supply chains across the map are getting hammered as the real economy continues to fall head over heals, all because wicked politicians and unhealthy officials told us to take logic and throw that away.

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    • Puns. However, Overall, Heins is bad and has High Corn Fructose. I don’t like Ketchup much anymore, and if I do have it, it’s an organic brand. If I want tomatoes, I’ll get the actual fruit. I tend to like my french fries plain, with cheese, or with hot sauce, so I’m good.

      • Ketchup is too sickly sweet. Sriracha is my go-to condiment. But still, this is a call to arms. Show the government their true place, they are supposed to serve us and the country, NOT rule over anybody or anything except their properties.

  • lol….you made me laugh! That’s worth something these days : – ). I think the issue was their using the cheap plastic with effeminizing chemical qualities, that’s why there are all those non-BPA labels. If they’d just do it right the first time, sigh…..but then, that requires a moral & educated workforce & management who give a flip & who aren’t ruled by the sin of 1 Timothy 6:10!

    My first thought (after the initial face slap & laugh at the headline) was, ‘Well, that’s one way to get rid of some of that excess gmo corn syrup: maybe it will help some folks on the way to becoming diabetic.’ Real ferments like ketchup used to be is what nourishes a body. Those things are suited to home kitchens & family, small communities, being artisanal foods & not institutional. The corporatists just don’t like the comparison which puts them in a bad light, & are proud & covetous, not wanting to admit their error & that scientific truth shows the superiority of God’s ways & order for serving & preserving to the end of life, not death, (his blessings bringing no curse with them) unlike theirs & the spirit they serve. They cling to their superiority & self-righteousness, seeking glory, awe & worship as elites & sorcerers, not wanting anyone free of their controls & merchandizing.

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