The Yuan, the Chinese currency, can now be converted digitally. This is a first.

The following report is from the Wall Street Journal:

A thousand years ago, when money meant coins, China invented paper currency. Now the Chinese government is minting cash digitally, in a re-imagination of money that could shake a pillar of American power.

It might seem money is already virtual, as credit cards and payment apps such as Apple Pay in the U.S. and WeChat in China eliminate the need for bills or coins. But those are just ways to move money electronically. China is turning legal tender itself into computer code.

Cryptocurrencies such as bitcoin have foreshadowed a potential digital future for money, though they exist outside the traditional global financial system and aren’t legal tender like cash issued by governments.

China’s version of a digital currency is controlled by its central bank, which will issue the new electronic money. It is expected to give China’s government vast new tools to monitor both its economy and its people. By design, the digital yuan will negate one of bitcoin’s major draws: anonymity for the user.

Beijing is also positioning the digital yuan for international use and designing it to be untethered to the global financial system, where the U.S. dollar has been king since World War II. China is embracing digitization in many forms, including money, in a bid to gain more centralized control while getting a head start on technologies of the future that it regards as up for grabs.

In order to protect our currency and sovereignty and legal status, we have to plan ahead.

Mu Changchun. Overseeing the project at the People’s Bank of China

Digitized money could reorder the fundamentals of finance the way of Inc. disrupted and Uber Technologies Inc. rattled taxi systems.

That an authoritarian state and U.S. rival has taken the lead to introduce a national digital currency is propelling what was once a wonky topic for cryptocurrency theorists into a point of anxiety in Washington.

Asked in recent weeks how digitized national currencies such as China’s might affect the dollar, Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen and Federal Reserve Chairman Jerome Powell have said the issue is being studied in earnest, including whether a digital dollar makes sense someday.

The dollar has faced challengers before—the euro, to name one—only to grow more important when rivals’ shortcomings became apparent. The dollar far outstrips all other currencies for use in international foreign-exchange trades, at 88% in the latest rankings from the Bank for International Settlements. The yuan was used in just 4%.

Digitization wouldn’t by itself make the yuan a rival for the dollar in bank-to-bank wire transfers, analysts and economists say. But in its new incarnation, the yuan, also known as the renminbi, could gain traction on the margins of the international financial system.

It would provide options for people in poor countries to transfer money internationally. Even limited international usage could soften the bite of U.S. sanctions, which increasingly are used against Chinese companies or individuals.

Anything that threatens the dollar is a national-security issue. This threatens the dollar over the long term.

Josh Lipsky. A former International Monetary Fund staffer now at the Atlantic Council think tank


We have been writing about the massive push for cryptos taking over the world, and now China has taken a massive leap into the next step of reaching the true goal: the mark of the beast.

[16] And he causeth all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and bond, to receive a mark in their right hand, or in their foreheads: [17] And that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name. [18] Here is wisdom. Let him that hath understanding count the number of the beast: for it is the number of a man; and his number is Six hundred threescore and six.

Revelation 13:16-18

We have also been repeatedly noting that central banks are in the process of creating their own digital dollars, that have largely gone unnoticed or at least has not gotten the same amount of press this is getting. This is why the Federal Reserve will continue to inflate the U.S. dollar, continue to kill off money velocity, and wreck the money supply – forcing the death of the dollar.

PayPal And Starbucks Allow Bitcoin Transactions. Chipotle Gives Some Away

The FED Warns Of More Inflation. Yellen Favors Digital Dollar Governed By The FED

JPMorgan Chase Working To Create A Digital Bank

The REAL Reason Sweden Did Not Lockdown

As we have been reporting: America sinks, China rises. The Bible makes mention of the kings of the east in the book of Revelation (16:12), and while it is important to also not neglect Russia as a dark horse that will be critical in the end times, China will be playing a major role as well.

China Ignores America And Are Doing What They Want At Will

U.S. Trade Deficit Expands Again

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  • Russia did something similar a year or more ago, but it’s not known as much. Russia has a type of digital coin, similar to bitcoin, but not that name – different for it’s mainly Russian based and created by a Russian teen.

      • It’s for Russians.
        “Ethereum’s Founder Struck a Deal with a Russian Bank to Create ‘Ethereum Russia’
        Putin described the digital economy as a “foundation for creating brand new business models.”

        “Ethereum founder Vitalek Buterin has struck a deal to create a completely new entity, called Ethereum Russia, with Russia’s state-owned Bank for Development and Foreign Economic Affairs, otherwise known as Vnesheconombank (VEB). Ethereum Russia was founded by Buterin and Vladislav Martynov, CEO of Yota Devices, a mobile communications and connectivity devices company based in Russia. It was created to enhance the country’s ability to implement blockchain technology.”

        “Russia has made no secret of its intention to stay one step ahead of the game when it comes to the blockchain. Speaking at the St. Petersburg Economic Forum in June, President Vladimir Putin described the digital economy as a “foundation for creating brand new business models,” following a meeting with Ethereum co-founder Vitalik Buterin.”

        “The blockchain is still a relatively new concept, and Russia wants to make sure that it gets in on the ground floor. However, time is of the essence, as we’re already seeing various nations commit to the technology in relation to digital currencies. China is testing out a national cryptocurrency supported by a blockchain, Estonia has plans for its own coin, and there have been reports that a cryptocurrency bill will soon pass through the U.S. Congress.”

        • Russia has produced lots of prominent figures in the crypto industry, including Vitalik Buterin and Igor Barinov. These days, it’s almost impossible to come across some ICO landing page without seeing at least one Russian name on the team.

          While projects like Ethereum and Blocknotary went global and are hardly related to Russia itself, the country seems to have more prominent projects and people it could contribute to the expanding blockchain universe. Even though the regulatory environment in Russia remains ambiguous with controversial statements issued by government officials almost every week, these projects managed to not only to emerge but to truly flourish.

          Truly, Russian Based in Creation-> Waves, Biocoin, Sibcoin, Golos & Kolionovo:

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