I take the time to answer Tim Connon of Authorized Version Bible Thumper Ministries and his indirect attacks against The WinePress. He asserts that reporting on the news is not a ministry, I am in sin, and you should not support this ministry. I refute his argument with many scriptures showing that he is VERY wrong.

[17] Now I beseech you, brethren, mark them which cause divisions and offences contrary to the doctrine which ye have learned; and avoid them. [18] For they that are such serve not our Lord Jesus Christ, but their own belly; and by good words and fair speeches deceive the hearts of the simple.

Romans 16:17-18
[3] Beloved, when I gave all diligence to write unto you of the common salvation, it was needful for me to write unto you, and exhort you that ye should earnestly contend for the faith which was once delivered unto the saints. [4] For there are certain men crept in unawares, who were before of old ordained to this condemnation, ungodly men, turning the grace of our God into lasciviousness, and denying the only Lord God, and our Lord Jesus Christ.

Jude 3-4

Recently a man by the name of Timothy Connon of Authorized Version Bible Thumper Ministries (AVBTM) made an indirect attack against The WinePress. He did not name myself or the site directly but it is quite apparent that he’s talking about me based on what he says in his YouTube video.

In this report, I will be responding to his claims that reporting on the news is not a real ministry. He attempts to give some scriptures for this, but they are either misapplied, condemn himself in the process, and/or give affirmation to The WinePress.

Frankly, petty attacks like this I would just ignore, but I felt it needful to respond to this guy and make a study out of it.

Additionally, I also address a couple of other things he says. I refute his blatant wickedness on his defense of pride. Connon actually believes that there are two types of pride: one type is taking pride in your work and claims that is good, versus the “bad pride.” I refute that nonsense and prove that he is an absolute false teacher and heretic.

Thirdly, I also prove that Connon does in fact teach a works-based salvation. He would claim to be against it, but analyzing his salvation message, his testimony, and other statements, he does in fact teach a false plan of salvation.

Tim Connon is unstable heretic that needs to be avoided at all costs.

The WinePress needs your support! If God has laid it on your heart to want to contribute, please prayerfully consider donating to this ministry. If you cannot gift a monetary donation, then please donate your fervent prayers to keep this ministry going! Thank you and may God bless you.



  • Just now saw this post. Will have to watch the videos when I have more time.
    Side note, it’s good to see you again. Are you wearing Swanwick glasses? I use those when on the computer to help prevent migraines.

  • The state of endtime Christianity is sad indeed, & confusing. Laodicea corrupting & morphing into MYSTERY, Babylon the Great, the Mother of Harlots and Abominations of the Earth. The awfullest & saddest & most vexing part of the whole thing is that they think they are rich & that they live & see & are clothed & in their right minds & know Christ….when they are far from him & have received a counterfeit, & my, don’t the 2 Corinthians 11 ministers work at their seducing evangelism, building their kingdoms of men & devils! seeking to unite them all & to destroy the divissssssive and the NEGative hereticsssss with the hiss of the serpent & the one-eyed sight of the idol shepherd? Thinking they slay dragons while serving the Dragon & his beast system all the while. ——————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————I’m not saying that’s Tim, I don’t know him, but there is so much devilish & purposeful Jesuit-styled infiltration & influencing, so much subterfuge & lying, and so much temptation to the flesh & sensuality to a self-centered, self-styled, self-serving ‘ministry’ that we witness shipwrecks & near ones every day all around us & in our own paths, & betrayals, so that we are constantly reminded of the need for wisdom, & how unwise it is to trust in flesh & man. There is a fine line sometimes between standing & noting necessary every-word doctrinal distinctions for the flock & those approaching the strait gate; & railing, biting & devouring. ——————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————Calling oneself a Bible Thumper doesn’t seem wise or sober. The baptists didn’t name themselves in history: their enemies, the Inquisitors, did. Noting the distinction just trying to describe & demonize them! and they had that hatred of Cain against Abel, Dominic Guzman & those following him angered at being bested & exposed by God’s word in the hands of ‘mere peasants’ and ‘laity’ when they were taken, like Balaam, with running for the world’s reward, and the spirit of Core’s rebellion. Come to think of it, the Christians at Antioch didn’t label themselves such either, the people did as they sought to understand & define these people who seemed to be Jews, yet spoke of the Law fulfilled in Christ & the Messiah come….and gone, yet living in the hearts & minds of these people promoting the scriptures & apostolic writings. ————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————-Reminds me of a recent blog by Dr. John Asquith at purecambridgetext.com that gave me pause for thought & meditation in the word & prayer: Good Reasons for Using the King James Bible. The straight forward approach like Bryan’s ministry simply stating King James in the title of his ministry is wiser. ———————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————-I know that when I became serious about finding which in the confusion, impurity, & suffocating, powerless flattery & manipulation (so like the secular psych-craft & ‘liberal’ fakes I’d fled from to Christ for salvation) was the sure & preserved word of God, that finding serious & simple, straight-forward men like Will Kinney, Bryan, Greg Miller, Jason Cooley, & John Asquith was an encouraging, edifying blessing. —————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————Inevitably those sensationalistic, rather carnal ‘Bible thumpers’ and such, the Hyle’s of the world, some of Ruckman’s men, etc….and the ‘heresy hunters’, turned out to be unstable & vain & prone to falling or to using the sort of psych-craft manipulating the world uses….nicolaitans & those of the ‘techniques’ & ‘disciplines’, tricks & short-cuts. I have enough of that to contend with around & tempting within to fight already! Greg Miller recently preached a message from Luke 11 & Romans 14 that convicted even himself on the importance of humility & prayer, which tends to be lacking in such men, that was also helpful. Along with some clarifications on James, clearing up some remaining error I still held with Luther as he came out from under Rome & her impure spirit’s influence by the word, & some reinforcement prophetically from the minor prophets recently preached & taught on as they evidence & apply to us today. What a wonderful balance when there is the promotion of men like Steve Quayle and loosey-goosey Geoffrey Grider out there, making a mock, causing the way of Christ to be despised & blasphemed, and drawing followers to themselves & the forming Harlot, needing the balance & correction of God’s word carefully & accurately applied for those with ears to hear & eyes to see. ————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————I can also say that witnessing such men withstand all manner of attack & betrayal, even from afar, & seeing God bringing them through with a certain amount of diversity, yet all of them having that bound of scriptural gold & foundation of Christ doctrinal soundness in common & testified to, has also been edifying, & helpful & encouraging in my own struggles against both sin, & sharing in the sufferings of Christ through persecutions & trials of all sorts. Those psalms of David sure do come to life, as he struggles through betrayal; and the aged Paul’s plaintive note in the letters to young Timothy, a warrior wearing down, yet with the peace of God that comes of fighting a good warfare which is greatly to be desired. Quit you like men, it says, & yet he knows our frame, that we are yet wrapped in flesh with blood. ——————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————-2 Timothy 4:11-15 KJB Only Luke is with me. Take Mark, & bring him with thee: for he is profitable to me for the ministry. 12) And Tychicus have I sent to Ephesus. 13) The cloke that I left at Troas with Carpus, when thou comest, bring with thee, and the books, but especially the parchments. 14) Alexander the coppersmith did me much evil: the Lord reward him according to his works: 15) Of whom be thou ware also; for he hath greatly withstood our words. ————————————————————————————————————————————————————————-A lot of meat to chew there, & with hope, having Mark restored, though Alexander the coppersmith….idolatrous craftsman and merchandizer, withstood the words & did God’s men & the cause of Christ much evil. We are back to the pagan, and apostasized Jewish mess, that the word went out to in the beginning. With many craftsmen & merchandizers withstanding the words. John 8 freedom rejected for 2 Peter 2 vomit & wallows, the book of Jude fulfilling itself before our eyes! That makes me think of Lisa Miller’s recent letter from prison, too. And of mill stones cast down with violence, for God will not suffer such things for long. How she celebrated having a New Testament in her cell for a time. How she is counted with the evil doers, the righteous making themselves a prey, the fat eyes of the wicked gloating as they overlook sin & gross sin & offenders that even many in the lost world would judge thus, to do her wrong & to withstand the words. ———————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————I am not a pacifist. But I do understand that in such circumstances, in those nights when no man can work foreshadowing that final coming, certain of the Mennonite & martyrs have things to teach us alongside the prison letters of Paul. I was humbled by Lisa’s simplicity & humility, even knowing ‘and such were some of you’, understanding firsthand the consequential chastening of real sin, even past & covered by the blood, & while not sharing her view of the kingdom, the error driving so many into partnership with the very system of the world that is persecuting her & her daughter for seeking purity & protection when corrupting fornication is the aim & glue of the false, crafted Beast & Harlot unity re-forming. ….Not quite what the original Protesters and Reformers had in mind, I don’t think: but a little leaven leavens the lump, and being ‘off’ even a fraction of a degree in navigation can take one far afield in the end.——————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————–It is good as a Christian to be in the word, preaching & teaching men all things whatsoever Christ has commanded….and how to live circumspectly, in, but not of, the world is part of that ministry. I have appreciated & am indebted to all the men of God named above, & note they have differing ways of approaching the work you now share in with them. There were Ruckman & Dave Hunt early on. Greg Miller & Cooley touch on much through expository preaching through God’s word, with special set-aside’s and topical preaching as God leads them; while Bryan doesn’t do expository so much as he does addressing issues of concern such as the slide from the King James & particular doctrines under attack. John Asquith keeps his church preaching more private & personally tailored to the needs of his flock, with his blog addressing & passing on dying wisdom & knowledge concerning the King James & the passing & preservation of God’s word through time. Kinney came to the King James through much confusion in the experiential leaning into spiritism & mysticism (and now we know with some intel agency meddling w/Rome, Crowley’s crowd and Paperclip!) in the Jesus Movement, & has compiled an amazing & exhaustive database of biblical texts in & out of the King James line of preservation allowing proving comparison.

    Many men spring from the insobriety & circus atmosphere of pentacostalism, mysticism, & psych-marketing, flesh-and-sensuality manipulating approaches to the opposite extreme of the austere, Puritanical Reformed, falling into the other arm, or ditch, of Catholicism/unionism/corporatism/ Unitarianism/idolatrous humanism to varying degrees. And Jesuit, Alexander-the-coppersmith types inhabit both ditches, even traveling for short distances on the narrow way illegitimately, trying to draw men away toward the ditches tending to the same Hell. God alone can sort all of that out, but we must ware as Paul said in the meantime. ——————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————I am convinced from the scriptures of the folly of Calvinism resting on Augustinianism & their eschatology which is in agreement with Rome’s & the forming MYSTERY fornicating union, & which makes nonsense & confusion of the scriptures in its mishandling & wrong division of the word: which some of these men embrace to varying reactionary degrees. And, I am indebted to Bryan & Greg Miller for helping me to sort that out from the scriptures, until it became mine, even as I am to Bryan & to you on the distinctives of the Godhead. ———————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————– I know the glory goes to God as you submit to truth & to him by the Spirit of Truth, Christ in you, & the scriptures. Knowing now that I am responsible before God for what I receive, and am to beware being taken captive by philosophy & traditions not on that sure foundation of Christ according to the word: I am especially grateful for those faithful men who point me there, and not to themselves as little popes, or some hierarchy of men on the Babylonian order, the nicolaitans & their impure unions driven by lust & ambitions. None of the men who are such are wealthy men wielding much power as the world respects, yet they are not vain, falsely humble ascetics either. ——————————————————————————————————————————————————–I believe also that there is great danger in ministries such as yours, even as there is a need; and much care & prayer & time in God’s word is necessary to maintain balance. The whole of Romans 13-15 seems geared to that end of keeping that balance in humility & submitted obedience, not in bits and pieces as many churchmen have wrest it to get men submitted to THEM & their hierarchies, philosophies and traditions, but the entirety of those chapters. That entirety then considered in the context of all of Romans, and the full counsel of God’s word rightly divided. —————————————————————————————————————————————————— That requires more self-denial and work than many are willing to go to these days, & I believe it will sadly be reflected not only in the train wrecks we see here, but in the 1 Corinthians 3 bonfire of the vanities at the judgment seat of Christ to come. I know that I have my own, though I strive not to add to the combustibles nor to fall to the Romans 6 error. ————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————–Praying for you & all of the above mentioned, willing a good end even to those I find myself in disagreement with & hence not fully joined to in the spirit of 2 Peter 3, & the limits of the word, God knowing my heart & conscience, the real me. Truly coveting prayer from the saints, because of what is written, including James 3:1-2 KJB My brethren, be not many masters, knowing that we shall receive the greater condemnation. 2) For in many things we offend all. If any man offend not in word, the same is a perfect man, and able also to bridle the whole body. ——————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————-Higher Ground. ——————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————-Another reason it’s important is in helping folks navigate true & honest science & maintaining health by God’s design, order & provision biblically, and without falling whole hog into big tent Creationism or the mystical, cosmic spiritist, pagan libertarian camp with their own corrupting tendencies to corporatism, socialism, unification with MYSTERY, Babylon the Great, Mother of Harlots and Abominations of the earth through consensus & common ground, the subtle dialectic. —————————————————————————————————————————————————–As the pots seethe, & the birthpangs quicken, even those tolerating in the world & seeking to maintain a certain neutrality without utterly abandoning truth are giving way & joining themselves to the tyranny of MYSTERY, Babylon the Great left or right. Sorting themselves in accordance to how they justify their own preferred sins, and assign blame, vain though that is; and only fulfilling the prophetic foresight & will of God even as they think they are evading, transcending or avoiding it. Such vanity. In the end all of it will be merged in the subtle, pre-planned, Purpose Driven Jesuit/Druckerian sin-thesis, convergence, ascension (as they term these things): their great leap forward into transformation, transhumanism, monistic oneness, even godhood, with their communitarianism & social justice, post-modernist irrationality & relativism. Confusion. —————————————————————————————————————————————————————–Mercola who has held fairly firmly with truth-based science is taking a hard leap into mystical monism, promoting ‘solutions’ to the world’s crisis with farming & specialized city-states modeled much like the old Jesuit reducciones promoted by Rome, the UN, & nations like Mexico………or with Vandana Shiva’s mystical & monistic pagan Hindu-Buddhist hierarchical merging of mankind. Funny how they don’t talk about the little farming tribes like the Tuscarora, certain of the Cherokee, and many baptists, promoted these same sorts of solutions without the pagan trappings & as Christians…..and not only philosophizing re-generative, well-stewarded farming & health maintenance, but demonstrating them in action harmonizing with the word & Gospel. Or even folks like the Pearl’s….she with Cherokee blood, & he with Jewish on his maternal side, forced to withdraw from such endeavors by ruinous lawsuits suffered, & often brought by, these so-called tolerant Eastern monistic types & kabalist craft, Talmudic Jews with their pagan shamanism, collectivism, caste, merciless & hopeless karmic predestination & slow grinding, their Babylonian humanism with its Law, self-justification, pride cloaking itself with humility, intolerance called tolerance, & bloody survival of the fittest & sacrifice-somebody-else bloody Mother goddess. ———————————————————————————————————————————————————-They are even sorting out the Weston Price ‘traditional’ diet sorts as they are too European and Christian Bible truth influenced. Their common ground with all craft increasing as more truth is abandoned & guarded against that it not ‘infect’ others with Christian liberty destroying their ‘union’ and ‘army’. Please, keep it up. The road is narrowing and legitimate fellowship dwindling, dwindling…. ———————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————And, even as it was prophesied & foreseen, as God was merciful to open my eyes as the pot boiled, directing me to the preaching of faithful men & the word: it’s still emotionally trying to navigate the spiritual sifting, and we are but flesh. I was able to get some testimony of Christ & the word in to the few believers hanging on with that mixed crowd, evading ‘friend requests’ from Seventh Day Adventists & Unitarians & other assorted ‘enlightened’ ‘Christian’ cultists wanting to ‘give me a word’ & ‘handle’ me to their ends, even by wresting the King James Bible…..but I am now being ‘edited’ out with pc rules and clever censorship requested by their commentary administrators & sudden, new ‘community’ rules which I note antichrist commentators are not required to abide by. And I receive email newsletter notifications on the days strictly scientific arguments are being presented, with product sale notifications, while I did NOT receive the newsletter notification this morning after noting the hypocrisy requested by the editorial admin solely with regard to my own commenting, and as the work and global organization of Vandana Shiva was the topic of the newsletter. Just the regular merchandizing notification. ————————————————————————————————————————————————————————– So be it. They’re now on my long list of ‘checking the world’s temperature’ news-sites to be occasionally checked in with, and a source for specific herbal & nutritive, research etc. And no longer on a preferred purchase basis with me for the supplementation I do use for myself & my husband, & can’t grow myself or acquire locally. In the same class as Jesuits, witches, Laodiceans, and Alexander-the-coppersmith’s to be dealt with circumspectly as necessity requires in the temporal, and to beware of, as they’ve proven to withstand the words, marking them as prone to evil & likely to direct it towards those with the testimony of Christ. —————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————Another one bites the dust.

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