Yet another contactless payment system paving the way for the future.

The WinePress has been reporting on the massive growth and push for biometric and contactless payment services in the wake of the Covid pandemonium. You can check out some of those reports below:

The REAL Reason Sweden Did Not Lockdown

PopID: Facial Recognition Devices To Pay For Goods And Services

Fast Food Chains Updating Drive-Thrus To Use AI And Facial Recognition To Speed Up Orders

China’s New Surveillance System That Track Emotions And Linked With ‘Social Credit’

The mega international corporation Amazon is also throwing their hat in the ring for this new wave of contactless payments. In late September Amazon launched their new contactless payment service called Amazon One.

The product’s website described it as this:

Meet Amazon One, the fast, convenient, contactless identity service that uses your palm – just hover to enter, identify, and pay.

Simply by being you.

They state that once you are signed up after providing your phone number, credit card number, and palm readings, you are signed up and “you won’t have to touch anything to use it.”

After setting up your account, you can now pay with your palm. The user simply places their hand above an Amazon One palm scanner and the transaction is complete.

The company explains why they are using palms for transactions and ID.

Uniqueness: No two palms are alike and the features of your palm change little over time making it unique to you and you alone.

Ease Of Use: Amazon One is capable of recognizing your palm in seconds, and with no need to touch anything once you’ve enrolled, it really couldn’t be easier.

Private: Your palm is a personal part of you and you alone decide when to hover it, and when to keep it private.

The website displays their updated list of users. According to them, they are all in the Washington state area being used in Amazon facilities.

TWiT Tech Podcast Network additionally note that even though the Amazon One system will not store data on the user’s handprint, it will be uploaded to their web services.


[16] And he causeth all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and bond, to receive a mark in their right hand, or in their foreheads: [17] And that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name. [18] Here is wisdom. Let him that hath understanding count the number of the beast: for it is the number of a man; and his number is Six hundred threescore and six.

Revelation 13:16-18

As we have noted in other reports, this is most certainly not the mark the beast; but there is no question this is laying heavily laying the groundwork for that system in the future. The masses have to accept the idea of paying for things without physical cash before the real mark of the beast can be implemented.

In our report explaining the real reason Sweden did not lockdown, it was because their economy is the most cashless of all other nations prior to the Covid pandemonium from a year ago. We documented and reminded readers of the propaganda and psychological operation that was performed to scare people into thinking your money could carry Covid for about 3 weeks, and then a massive “coin shortage” in the early start to the summer. But in that report, some European news was taking it even further and applying the same fear tactics to credit cards; to which they then praised Sweden for leading the way in having biometrics as the wave of the future. Thousands of Swedes have already been chipped in their hands that allow them to complete transactions, medical records stored in the chip, and allows access to rooms and other functions.

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