He subtly revealed the next step of the larger plan in place.

Several days ago we did a report on a high-level vaccine developer that has worked for a large number of organizations and companies that is deeply involved in vaccine development. His name is Geert Vanden Bossche and he recently dropped some papers on LinkedIn and did an interview warning that we need to stop the Covid vaccines immediately.

If you have not seen that report, I ask that you please check that one out before reading this one.

High-Level Vaccine Developer Speaks Out Against Covid Vaccines

I noted in that report some suspicions I had. For example, why has this man come out now? Just as we pointed out with Mike Lindell and his “Absolute Proof” of election fraud, Lindell claimed to have known these facts but only made a major splash about it two weeks after the election. With this, why did he not speak out sooner?

But beyond just that, we noted some other interesting things that are crucial to not ignore. Qanon had picked up on it very quickly and that was a major red flag for us as we have definitely proven what Qanon is all about.

Operation “Trust:” The 100-Year-Old Psy-op Repackaged As Qanon

Today a WinePress reader sent us a video that further confirmed our claims that this Bossche interview and paper is indeed a psy-op just like Q.

Content creator known as “Ice Age Farmer” notes a few key things in Bosshe’s report, something The WinePress failed to further investigate.

Here is Bossche’s official paper to download:

As noted in our initial report, Bossche was certainly not an “anti-vaxxer.” He still believes whole heartedly in vaccines, but it was the Covid ones he took issue with. In this paper, pointed out in the video linked down below, Bossche still praises these vaccine scientists – even though he is condemning the vaccine’s usage.

The letter goes on to note that Bossche is still pushing plenty of Covid hype and affirms the only way to get out of this “pandemic” is to keep rolling out vaccines; which is another red flag.

But the main objection brought up in this video is the claim that coronaviruses spread and mutate more easily through livestock. ‘Ice Age Farmer’ elaborates on this and confirms what The WinePress has been continually noting is this push to get the masses off of meat. This is why people like Bill Gates and so many others are working tirelessly to make lab-grown and artificial meats. This is why there has been this massive campaign to say, for example, we need to kill the cows because they ‘fart too much and release all this CO2 into the air adding to the carbon emissions.’

We have covered in other reports as well that the World Economic Forum has made it very clear that normal meat will become a new luxury item and the masses will be eating a much more veggie diet – which of course will be just as equally modified as the meats that are being developed and grown in labs.

[1] Now the Spirit speaketh expressly, that in the latter times some shall depart from the faith, giving heed to seducing spirits, and doctrines of devils; [2] Speaking lies in hypocrisy; having their conscience seared with a hot iron; [3] Forbidding to marry, and commanding to abstain from meats, which God hath created to be received with thanksgiving of them which believe and know the truth. [4] For every creature of God is good, and nothing to be refused, if it be received with thanksgiving: [5] For it is sanctified by the word of God and prayer.

1 Timothy 4:1-5

This is major prophecy playing out right before our own very eyes! And what is so ironic, but not so much to myself and WinePress readers, the other prophecy watching outlets have been silent on these developments. They are more interested in talking about how silly Liberal is, or something like that.

The video done by Ice Age Farmer really connects some dots on why Bossche has come out now and said what he has said. As I said in the initial report and many others and will continue to keep saying it, Covid-19 has nothing to do with a virus. It is all these other major “power plays” that are being done, but a smokescreen had to be established and reset the current structure. Hence why the World Economic Forum has called this pandemonium “The Great Reset.”

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