This is actually what their doctrine teaches, which is unbeknownst to many.
“God is not a man. And while Jesus Christ was (and is) a man and invites us to call God the Father, that does not mean that God is male or that God is only masculine.” -Fr. James Martin S.J.

The famous Roman Catholic priest Fr. James Martin S.J., who is a consultant to the Vatican’s Secretariat for Communications and editor for the Jesuit magazine “America,” has come under fire recently for his Twitter post and article about God.

The controversy began when Martin wrote an article in the magazine for International’s Women’s Day, titled “God is not a man (or a woman).”

According to a report by the Christian Post, Martin began the piece by noting that he inadvertently caused controversy after he shared a reflection from the director of a campus ministry at a Catholic high school in Cleveland, Ohio, on social media on Feb. 28. In the reflection, Vickey McBride referred to God as “Her.”

When the backlash began, Martin stuck by his comments and considered leaving a comment stating “I was simply reposting the summary from Catholic Women Preach.” But he chose not to and said “that would imply that I had a problem calling God ‘Her.’ And I don’t.”

God is not a man. And while Jesus Christ was (and is) a man and invites us to call God the Father, that does not mean that God is male or that God is only masculine.

James Martin

Martin also stated “just as [it is] theologically correct to use feminine imagery about God as it is to use masculine imagery.” Martin gave resistance to the accusations made against him and said referring to God with feminine pronouns is not “contrary to our faith.”

He says it is “damaging [to] envision God as solely one gender.”

In predominantly patriarchal cultures, Christians have been conditioned to think of God as not only male, but exclusively male.

This has wide-ranging consequences for our theology, the way that we worship in common, how we pray on our own and the manner in which we lead our lives as Christians. It also has profound consequences for how we see women. ‘If God is male,’ as the saying goes, ‘then the male is God.’

Martin ascribes some of these views to a book called “She Who Is: The Mystery of God in Feminist Theological Discourse,” written by Sister Sister Elizabeth Johnson, a Catholic nun who now works as a Distinguished Professor Emerita of Theology at Fordham University.

The book deduces that “conceptions of God as an earthly monarch, to take just one image, gave rise to an ‘oppressive and idolatrous’ image of God as a literal patriarch.”

Inferring to Johnson’s work, the book references some scriptures where she reaches the conclusion that “God is our ‘Mother-Creator’ as much as ‘Our Father.’”

She considers the maternal image of ‘the God who gave you birth’ in Deuteronomy (32:18) which recurs in Isaiah, with God saying, ‘Now I will cry out like a woman in labor/I will gasp and pant’ (42:14).


Even though many have called Martin’s statements heretical and blasphemous, to which is without saying, many do not realize that this is what many Catholics and trinitarians alike teach about God.

[20] For the invisible things of him from the creation of the world are clearly seen, being understood by the things that are made, even his eternal power and Godhead; so that they are without excuse: [21] Because that, when they knew God, they glorified him not as God, neither were thankful; but became vain in their imaginations, and their foolish heart was darkened. [22] Professing themselves to be wise, they became fools, [23] And changed the glory of the uncorruptible God into an image made like to corruptible man, and to birds, and fourfooted beasts, and creeping things. [24] Wherefore God also gave them up to uncleanness through the lusts of their own hearts, to dishonour their own bodies between themselves: [25] Who changed the truth of God into a lie, and worshipped and served the creature more than the Creator, who is blessed for ever. Amen. [26] For this cause God gave them up unto vile affections: for even their women did change the natural use into that which is against nature: [27] And likewise also the men, leaving the natural use of the woman, burned in their lust one toward another; men with men working that which is unseemly, and receiving in themselves that recompence of their error which was meet.

Romans 1:20-27

In my book “The Lord of Glory: The Definitive Guide to Who God is,” I make a point near the latter end of the book, when directly dealing with quotes from Trinitarian and Modelist works, many of them also view God in a perverted manner. They will actually refer to him as transgender or how “feminine language” is used to describe him. I show varying quotes from Roman Catholic catechisms and authors, and Evangelical authors saying something similar. So if you are a trinitarian, whether Catholic or of the many other denominations, your leaders and authors believe and teach the same blasphemy as “Father” Martin.

If desexing isn’t attractive, then what about resexing? Describing God with feminine language and imagery is on firm ground in terms of both Scripture and Tradition. Both Jerome and Gregory refer to the fact that the Spirit is, grammatically speaking, transgender:

“The Lord of Glory.” Pg. 394 (PDF). Quoting a Catholic author referring to the catechism, church fathers, and Greek and Hebrew texts.

These Jesuits are absolutely disgusting and perverted, and they will all find a fiery place in hell if they do not get saved.

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  • Sick devil. But remember, “Be not deceived; God is not mocked: for whatsoever a man soweth, that shall he also reap.” – Galatians 6:7

  • Like their ‘Sophia’ argument from Proverbs & equating that with Christ to effeminize him.

    With regard to that, I was struck to learn about NASA’s flying infrared telescope, on the Monkey Werx sit-rep for March 12, 2021: they call it ‘Sofia’. It’s painted right on the side of the thing.

    He also brought up the Vatican’s infrared array in AZ which they are now calling VATT, and ‘debunking’ earlier Vatican website references to it by the acronym L.U.C.I.F.E.R. as fringe conspiracy theory and disinfo. What they are throwing out there now is, ‘What are they watching for?’…..and Rome is our mother: a ‘white hat’, and ‘It’s no big deal, we can & should trust them.’

    Like the cultist Mormon and ‘former Catholic’ Glen Beck said, ‘I guess we’re all Catholics now.’ But it’s all so obviously orchestrated to one watching it all circumspectly.

    They are uniting.

    In all honesty, they are such liars, & they plant so much disinfo to discredit & cause confusion & cover for what they’re actually up to that it’s hard to know what the actual & whole truth on anything is. With the layered Babylonian occult structure: it’s unlikely that even many of those involved know.

    Still, with what they’ve been putting out about ‘aliens’ & ‘angels’, genetics, the false gnostic books & kabala, space & science….and what we know of HAARP, weather manipulation & their DEW & space-based weapons systems, cyber & holograms….deep fakes, the legalization of domestic propaganda against the American people in the waning days of the Obama admin….we can sure see they’re up to something & providing ‘debunking explanations’ for the things foretold in the scriptures.

    They’re currently putting forth an idea for a program now to put bestial and men’s genetic material on the moon and/or Mars… a backup & to ‘start over’ if ‘something happens’. Meanwhile scientist whistleblowers have been writing & warning of DARPA research into a genetically sorting & targeting doomsday biological weapon since at least 2012. All this swabbing and testing, Covid, & monitoring is likely part of that program which has been openly shared in the international scientific community in the spirit of the assurance of mutual destruction from the nuclear cold war….still with us, too.

  • It’s very obvious that jesuit with his devil horn cornuto signs on his hands, he is saluting the true boss of the jesuits: Satan. He looks more satanic than Ozzy Osborne! The black pope is their temporal boss but satan is their spiritual boss.
    There’s a special place in Hell for them and fauci and reddfield will share space in the pit as well even!

      • And to be honest, him and the rest of the jesuit order is more satanic than Metallica. He’s basically saying to Metallica they’re amateurs they’re the true satanists.

      • i have to say that I have read your book “The Lord of Glory: The Definitive Guide to Who God is,” and would like to say that it is probably the best book.concerning spiritual truths, that I have ever read. I will be reading it again again and I just want to say thank you from N Ireland

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