“We have a responsibility as a dictionary. We know how words are entering the dictionary, how they’re defined — especially those words that concern our social identities, our racial identities, other marginalized identities — we know that this has real effects on real people in the real world. The dictionary can feel abstract, but how words, and how people, are reflected in the dictionary does have real effects.”

The following report is from Yahoo Life:

As part of its ongoing efforts to feature language that is more inclusive and reflective of modern-day society, Dictionary.com will no longer include the word “slave” as a noun identifying a person, instead using the adjective “enslaved” or referencing the institution of slavery. The change is one of 7,600 updates the online resource has announced, which also include the addition of terms relevant to race, social justice and identity, such as “BIPOC” (Black, Indigenous and People of Color) and “Critical Race Theory.”

The latest updates — which also include capitalizing “Indigenous” when referring to people, and adding entries for “racialization,” “disenfranchisement” and “overpolice” — follow those announced last September. That round of revisions saw the capitalization of the word Black in reference to people, and the addition of terms relevant to mental health (specifically, suicide and addiction) and LGBTQ identity. John Kelly, managing editor of Dictionary.com, tells Yahoo Life that the changes are an important part of respecting the power of language and its ability to offer representation and dignity.

We have a responsibility as a dictionary. We know how words are entering the dictionary, how they’re defined — especially those words that concern our social identities, our racial identities, other marginalized identities — we know that this has real effects on real people in the real world. The dictionary can feel abstract, but how words, and how people, are reflected in the dictionary does have real effects.

Kelly cites Dictionary.com’s entry on Harriet Tubman as a “powerful example of this change.”

Our old, very outdated definition described her as “U.S. abolitionist, escaped slave and leader of the Underground Railroad”… but what is the effect of calling Tubman an escaped slave? It’s dehumanizing. It’s dehumanizing to her, it’s dehumanizing to all of those people who were subjected to chattel slavery, It takes away her agency and does not hold enslavers accountable.

Tubman is now identified as having “escaped slavery,” an edit which Kelly calls “subtle” but “profound.” He adds that the new policy regarding “slave” has involved revisions to entries such as “mistress,” “master,” “Juneeteenth,” “plantation” and “Black Code,” as well as biographical entries.

With these changes, we’re striving to show respect and dignity to people and how they’re represented in our dictionary. And it’s a responsibility we take seriously. It’s a privilege. We’re proud to get to put people first in all their humanity. That’s our thinking behind this change.

Kelly acknowledges that, given the uproar over recent actions taking on racism, such as the Dr. Seuss Enterprises decision to cease publishing six of the author’s problematic books, Dictionary.com’s revisions may get some backlash. It’s a chance he’s willing to take.

I know that there has been some chatter in certain media outlets that have criticized or raised their eyebrows at these changes as a way of fanning the flames of culture wars. We’ll take that backlash because we’re making the right choice here. We’re striving to put people first and to give them the respect and the dignity they deserve. So if people want to criticize it as cancel culture or wokeness or being too progressive, we’ll take that heat because we’re making a choice to put people first. That’s non-negotiable for us as a dictionary.

Not all of the updates are tied to race. The latest round of updates also include a rundown of dog breeds (see: “goldendoodle”) and terms relevant to the coronavirus pandemic and lockdown life (“superspreader,” “telework” and “flatten the curve”).


[15] The simple believeth every word: but the prudent man looketh well to his going. [18] The simple inherit folly: but the prudent are crowned with knowledge.

Proverbs 14:15, 18

The Webster’s 1828 Dictionary, a real dictionary, has many definitions for the word ‘simple;’ here are two of them:

Artless; unaffected; unconstrained; inartificial; plain. In simple manners all the secret lies.

Weak in intellect; not wise or sagacious; silly.

You can a tell a society and nation is decaying and dying when you are constantly changing the definitions of words. Redefining words, of course, is not a new trend as it has vastly accelerated these past decades as sin is glorified and righteousness is taught as an abomination.

The effects of this are subtle and will be felt years later as this primarily targets children, who are taught in the child enslavement centers better known as public school, where the teacher tells them to look up the meaning of words for book studies and essays. It dumbs down the following generations and erases history.

The King James Bible uses the word ‘slave’ twice. I guess we can add that word, and others, to the list of “archaic words” – which no doubtably the “bible” publishers who make money off of rewriting God’s word can say, “See why that old dusty KJV is too hard to understand?”

This is why you cannot use dictionaries as the source of truth, including the Webster’s 1828 which I recommend. They are works of men that are fallible and can easily be changed with ease.

I am not a cheerleader for IQ tests as the science falsely so called “psychology” has definite issues; but they say that a higher vocabulary leads to a higher IQ score. And then people question why America’s IQ keeps dropping a few points each year when things like the dictionaries are constantly rewritten to be appease social justice warriors.

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  • Can’t have the true etymology of THAT word getting out: the Slavs caught between Rome and the Mohammedans, and before that the Moguls and Mongols….were so often enslaved that their nationality became synonymous with the situation of slavery.

    The dumbing down continues so that they can rebuild their ‘dream’ lie in its place. Better a ‘slav’ of the true Master freely & with gratefulness forever, than what they are under the heavy yoke of their lying seducing fornicating spirit that uses then destroys.

    This is a link to the very erudite, sadly not saved, Thomas Sowell with the chapter from ‘Black Rednecks & White Liberals’, Chapter Three: The Real History of Slavery.

    And speaking of not dumbed down or deceived: Dr. John Asquith on the real history of our English Bible. The seminaries are teaching nothing but lies, conforming to their mother & father, & there is slippage even in what were once the staunchest of churches with the arrogance of some of those candidating for service. They’ve been rejected thus far….but there’s only so much a State-recognized organization can reject before they are scattered. I’m a woman and was on none of the boards, but I’ve heard these lies on proud young men’s lips when questioned which Dr. Asquith dispatches with ruthless, documented truth. Our faith is not blind & it is firmly planted on the Rock not as their rock, even by the testimony of their own judges.

    Enjoy. https://www.purecambridgetext.com/post/the-bible?postId=604a43b4082b2c001585a4ba

  • This kinda reminds me of this ad I saw on YouTube back in 2018, it’s a video called “#EvolveTheDefinition” by Bonobos, and it was made by a bunch of sodomites who want to change the meaning of the word “masculine”.

    I’m glad I got a hard copy of Webster’s 1828 Dictionary, I feel like they will try to ban that book sometime in the future.

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