[1] Finally, brethren, pray for us, that the word of the Lord may have free course, and be glorified, even as it is with you: [2] And that we may be delivered from unreasonable and wicked men: for all men have not faith. [3] But the Lord is faithful, who shall stablish you, and keep you from evil. (2 Thessalonians 3:1-3).

Just wanted to give a quick thank you to all WinePress readers. Your support has made this job very rewarding. It can get very depressing reading a lot of what is going on in the world today, and as much as it frustrates me at times, it is equally refreshing to know many are thankful for the support.

We are almost at two months from when The WinePress officially went public, and time has serious just flown by. We have already grown faster than I thought we would, so I do greatly thank you for reading and sharing our reports.

I do not say this to brag or to be facetious, but it is honoring to know that the Lord has bestowed this ministry upon me to help bring out very informative news. Other Christian websites and ministries simply just do not dare cover the things we cover, and we have only been public for almost two months!

I have been contacted by many thanking me for the dedication myself and other contributors put into our reports. There is such a massive dearth of truth out there today, especially among the professing Christians. In many cases, a lot of these ministries and news outlets are more corrupt and dishonest than the secular ones that are without Jesus Christ! It is truly an honor to know that this has been a benefit to those in the body of Christ looking for news that is willing to cover anything and not cower down in fear or peer pressure. Even secular outlets have thanked us for our efforts, and that has been a welcome surprise.

Through your very generous and charitable donations and prayers, The WinePress has been able to thrive and keep the work continuing; and we hope to grow and expand even further.

We have been reporting that times are getting very rough (and that is putting it extremely mild), and things are only get worse as the Bible teaches. But we humbly ask that if you like what you read, we ask you to please prayfully consider donating to us. And if you can not, all we ask for are your fervent prayers as we know the Lord will provide one way or another.

Once again, thank you to all WinePress readers. It is very hard to keep up with all the news that goes on. I have an inbox full of reports and videos to watch, and other reports that I come across. As one man who writes all the articles, it can get very difficult trying to determine what is important at that time, keeping a balanced approach to all our reports as not to be too lopsided, and deciding on what to print or pass on.

More reports will come out soon. Thank you and may God bless you.

The WinePress needs your support! If God has laid it on your heart to want to contribute, please prayerfully consider donating to this ministry. If you cannot gift a monetary donation, then please donate your fervent prayers to keep this ministry going! Thank you and may God bless you.



  • You really have done a wonderful job at this website brother. I’ll be praying for this ministry and I really do hope that it gets spread around more so that more people can hear some real truth instead of the garbage the main stream media spews out. Thank you very much for The WinePress brother, may the Lord bless you.

  • TheWinePress: REAL news with a REAL backbone! 🙂

    Although I don’t comment on EVERY story, Jacob (far from it), I DO try to read all of your stories as they come out! I do appreciate your insights and I can tell your website is very well done!

  • You are very welcome! You are real news as well as true devotionals. Unlike the pentecostal cult their addemblies of “god” magazines called Pentecostal evangels, those worthless magazines are lukewarm fluffed junk, I wouldn’t use a Pentecostal Evangel for toilet paper much less for reading material!
    You sir, are the real deal! Kee it up!

    • Spellcheck: Assembies of “god” I meant to write. Their magazines called pentecostal evangels are worthless, lukewarm piles of nonsense. Winepress: 100
      Pentecostal evangels: negative infinity!

  • Do want to post a thank you. And a link to pushing the trinity as THE mark of orthodoxy from ReformationCharlotte. https://reformationcharlotte.org/2021/03/04/southern-baptist-president-says-the-father-suffered-in-our-place/

    We know that God isn’t mocked, and that even the most sophisticated of these schemers and men of craft are just the deceiving and being deceived. Watching these things over the years, I’ve come to believe that guys like Steven Anderson, J.D. Greer, Richard Land and such are cultivated controlled opposition ….or that they are suffered & then ‘dealt with’ to ‘make examples’ and to show that ‘radical believers’ are ‘dangerous’ and potential terrorists, or ‘heretics’, while also taking the temperature of the American public to see what they will put up with & how far they can push before they get significant push-back. Ruby Ridge. Waco. Jim Jones.

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