Many all over the country have experienced freezing temperatures and large amounts of snowfall. The west coast and states like Texas have been pelted by the blizzard, resulting in, as the mainstream media reports, large clusters of power outages and wind turbines failures. Even nuclear plants and hospitals have shutdown.

Because of these conditions, Texans specifically have felt the worst of it.

It is reported that the National Guard is currently helping residents get to “warming centers.” The Guard has even been reported going to door-to-door to perform wellness checks on residents. “Panic buyers” have also been spotted waiting in long snaking lines outside supermarkets. The Texas governor Greg Abbott is calling for an investigation into these power outages.

(Mute the audio)

This is why The WinePress has reminded readers in some of our reports to continually be preparing. Detach yourself from the system. Learn to be independent. All it takes is a simple power outage and you can see what can happen. Now military forces have to get involved again to round up those that are homeless or so dependent on the grid and government.

This is especially important considering the fact that the Biden administration has handed America’s power grid access to China and other foreign nations. This leads to the next point concerning the vaccines.

CNBC ran a short video discussing how hospitals were “forced” to shutdown, due to “failure” of the backup generators. Because of this, fear set in as what to do with the Covid vaccines. The vaccines have to be kept at a certain temperature or they will become useless. Because of the panic, the vaccines were handed out for free to anyone that wanted one. Many students and staff of nearby Rice University all hopped in line to get the shot.

A similar situation is potentially brewing in Oregon.


More and more Americans are becoming seriously sick and tired of the Covid theatrics. The economy is continually getting worse and worse, and even many progressives are feeling some serious “buyers remorse” with supporting Biden and his insanity. Hitler warned that if propaganda has too many sides to it, and includes facts and truth, it will begin to piddle away and become ineffective. We have been documenting how the media’s propaganda and deceit has been all over the map nothing even remotely makes sense anymore.

I certainly do not know how all this is going to play out, but I suspect the government and health officials realize the plans are seriously backfiring so now they are doing everything to get the vaccines distributed and gotten rid of. Events like this are a good way of doing that.

But beyond that, the fact that the National Guard is bringing hoards of people into these shelters – what a perfect opportunity to say “Get your Covid vaccine.” This could be one of the many tactics used to ensnare the masses into getting a vaccine. Be on the lookout for this in your area.

I also need to remind readers about the potential here for an official “dark winter.” If you have not read our report on that, we encourage you to give it a read. Essentially it is a government collapse in the midst of a pandemic. Well if there are (convenient) massive power outages, then it will not take very long for a winterized Mad Max movie to start rolling.


The thoughts of the diligent tend only to plenteousness; but of every one that is hasty only to want.

Proverbs 21:5
[23] Be thou diligent to know the state of thy flocks, and look well to thy herds. [24] For riches are not for ever: and doth the crown endure to every generation? [25] The hay appeareth, and the tender grass sheweth itself, and herbs of the mountains are gathered. [26] The lambs are for thy clothing, and the goats are the price of the field. [27] And thou shalt have goats’ milk enough for thy food, for the food of thy household, and for the maintenance for thy maidens.

Proverbs 27:23-27

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  • I live here in Texas. The city has been shutting our power on and off all day. We only get power for an hour to an hour and a half, and they only turn it on every 6 or so hours. It’s 18 degrees outside with snow everywhere, it gets down to 40 something degrees in the house, it’s quite miserable. But even before I saw this post I knew that the power shutdowns like these were going to have something to do with the COVID vaccine, and I truly believe it does. There is a news article I read earlier that reported on how a 90-year-old woman “braved the storm” and walked 6 miles just to get a COVID vaccine. The tyrany is getting pretty hardcore. Thank you for reporting on this brother.

  • I surely do not want to add to panic, and I find your advice wise. I’m sure others have input, but for those who cannot relocate offgrid, & have the means, or who aren’t in the worst, most dangerous areas, there are the back-up generators, some of which are solar/wind option which may become part of our way of life as in many third world countries. They are not supercheap, but not uber-expensive either, and so long as there isn’t total collapse would add to home value when & if you would be ready to take such a step. Speak with missionaries who routinely deal with such things if you can. Lehman’s, an Amish specialty chain, can be expensive, but has mail order & kerosene lamps, refrigerators etc that the Amish use which folks might consider or find helpful, as well as the big camping suppliers, and the Mennonite are already using a lot of solar, battery bikes, gravity water filters, etc….and, of course wind mills & turbines, so you may find supplies & how-to in such communities: for a price. Try to find where they purchase to avoid middlemen, but that can be difficult as they group buy & often their church backs large purchases with cash for discounts. They’re hard-working folks, but gullible & gung-ho about social justice & nicolaitan corporate communism/fascism with the Augustinian doctrine & eschatology, & mysticism …so folks should be aware. It’s strange how they are reuniting with the Catholic & Unitarian through that & mysticism, but very true. I guess like the grey silk Quakers of another century?

    With regard to dark winter. It is troubling that they are militarizing DC and maintaining the National Guard presence there. As border & whistleblowers have been warning to watch for, cartel vehicles with dark tinted windows & no plates or tags, or marked CDG (Cartel Del Golfo) are something people should be aware of as they are out & about.

    J. Prather personally reported spotting black F-150’s like this in Tucson this week. The man has his doctrinal issues (Catholic, native spirituality), but he broke Fast & Furious as a decorated career DEA/DIA officer & broke the narrative that American guns just happened to be ending up in cartel hands….proving that it was black op & agency run, & took it on the chin. Destroyed his career a year out from retirement & tried to destroy him. He was also warning about the Q-anon stuff & not hopeful of a last minute rescue situation for the nation, & warns strongly against passivity & being unprepared for what is going on. The long & short of it is that I trust him on these matters, though not his chaplaincy/martial arts stuff, & he’s the kind of guy you’d like to see saved. When he personally reports to those he teaches evasive driving, weaponry & such in police & special ops he saw this: I tend to believe him.

    Other subscribers reported spotting them in Albuquerque for several years now, & currently are seeing them in the DC area, commenting that they drive menacingly & aggressively. Do not be tempted to respond in kind. They want false flag to blame for more militarization, and to provoke hot civil war, & won’t hesitate to use paid third party as they did the blmantifa folks in maga gear etc. Remove yourself from any area you see them in, stay public with plenty of witnesses if they seem to engage or tail you, report to Sheriff’s Dept or State Patrol, & perhaps drive to their station if you’re not in someplace like Seattle…..but remember they have friends in federal agencies, prosecutors offices & many police departments, especially in large liberal metropolitan areas. AZ is obviously bad. Nevada, Michigan, Minnesota etc. Dash cams may be wise for documentation & reporting.

  • About the rolling black-out’s. I’ve been giving this a lot of thought with the big picture context & historical background & precedent. The pipeline shut-downs are also affecting rural & conservative area electric supply. This is the concept of ‘total war’ which the corporatist internationalists are waging against the people. Behind the frontline men & women working to keep power up, & to route it around outages avoiding surges etc in good faith for their fellow Americans are the internationalists & the ‘planners’ who hinder, throw up roadblocks & create weak links wherever they can causing trouble without obviously appearing to, & passing the blame on to local political & business decisions, then ‘riding to the rescue’ to fix it with a federal/internationalist ‘solution’. Dialectic ‘synthesis’. I call it sin-thesis.

    Their weather control isn’t advanced enough to cause the polar vortex, but they sure can create ‘weak links’ with plans to exploit a ‘crisis’ when it comes. Just like they ‘predicted’ the bioweapons leak by a different name & passed all that legislation, creating emergency power clauses for setting aside the Constitution, & building up Homeland Security, FEMA, etc infrastructure….and still didn’t have enough PPE etc, though they ‘just happened’ to have a vaccine in a year (never happened, usually 10 to 20 years in safe development…if you believe any are truly safe), and through emergency order & money transfers, transferred huge amounts of power to international corporatists, Rome & crony ecumenical humanist idolators.

    There are lots of examples that could be given for how the corporate hit-men work, but I remember studying the events of the massacre in Rwanda & how the U.N. purposely slow-walked help, even though they were there under a Canadian commander who was horrified to find his hands tied while people were being slaughtered. They had gotten gun control in Rwanda, and as you read the accounts, there were Catholic nuns who offered people asylum in churches, then turned them over. And though they made it look tribal, the tribe that was targeted was the Bible Christian types versus the Catholic-pagan communist corrupt “Christian” one. The communists sent in containers full of machetes (look into the Chinese container scandal & Mitch McConnel’s wife’s family) & let their organizers & paid third party gangsters (think blmantifa/cartel/gang members) know where they were, & gave them access.

    Then a Catholic bishop comes to the fore in leadership, calling for ‘forgiveness’ and ‘reconciliation’ after the back of the free Christian tribe was broken. I was figuring things out as I went along & getting frustrated with the World Mag and Marvin Olaskey type ‘Christians’ & their skewed ‘Christian’ history insisting that Rome preserved the word & was our root (theirs maybe). And horrified at the coverage. Then you could see that all the ancient Christian communities were being wiped out in the Middle East in the Bush-Clinton-Obama endless war machine….& I put 2-and-2 together : – (. Cancelled subscriptions to any & all of those ‘Christian’ publications & tried warning & talking to people, but the social justice/mysticism delusion is strong. Q-anon was purposely targeting those blind people, ‘evangelicals’, & they don’t even realize that they are next.

    Just like the feminists that helped destroy family & were given special privilege. Now the trans and male sodomites are overriding them, going into girls sports, business & politics ….breaking skulls, winning races etc and given preference by the powerful over the feminists as the ‘new’ cutting edge & bludgeon for further destroying God’s order & attacking truth, causing confusion.

    It’s a pattern they follow. Satanic. But Psalm 2 and Revelation 19 praise the Lord.

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