According to a report by CNBC, more than half of Americans will gamble on the Super Bowl, according to a study by LendingTree.

Even though there have been widespread job losses, Generation Xers and Millennials, the hardest hit by the government lockdowns, were the most likely to place large bets. The report also includes that at least 43% of Americans will bet at least $100 on the game.

The American Gaming Association reports that roughly $4.3 billion will be wagered on the game. This is a 37% decline from the previous year.

Most of these wagers will be between friends and family this year, rather than the gambling sites and sports books. But that is not to say the gambling websites have not made strong profits.

According to the report, online betting is getting a major boost from the Covid crisis, the American Gaming Association found, with a record 7.6 million Americans potentially placing wagers on Sunday’s big game through a website or mobile app — a 63% jump year over year.

This year’s Super Bowl is expected to generate the largest single-event legal handle in American sports betting history. With a robust legal market, Americans are abandoning illegal bookies and taking their action into the regulated marketplace in record numbers.

Bill Miller. CEO of American Gaming Association


Wealth gotten by vanity shall be diminished: but he that gathereth by labour shall increase.

Proverbs 13:11

I finally learned who was playing in the game tonight. Not that I cared, but that is how little I pay attention to this garbage.

Even though the gambling numbers are down in some areas, they are higher in others. This nation just cannot stop wasting its money. And then once the average household goes broke again, they starting crying for big daddy government for more checks.

I am sure that federally funded propaganda got a workout tonight, as the lost world tunes into the Stupor Bowl – to be propagandized with so many more Covid and social justice ads – it would make my head explode. So if everyone walks around more mind-controlled in the next few days, its because they watched the Stupor Bowl.

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  • The only way I even know the Super Bowl is coming around again is the promotion of certain junk foods in the grocery promotions!

  • Football is as entertaining as a brick! I’d rather watch paint dry! I’ve seen better entertainment in broom closets. How anybody with at least half a brain and enough common sense to not touch a hot stove can sit and watch that junk without getting restless or motion sickness is a mystery!
    It has become a major colossal idol. It’s the golden calf of America! What’s worse, church buildings use it as a “sermon” theme, having super bowl preaching or preaching bowl. You can thank Rick Warren and his purpose driven drivel for that!
    Thankfully, lots of fans are dropping their NFL idol seeing the criminals and their support for BLM and hate for law enforcement as well as the player’s crimes as well even. NFL is gonna go south!

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