The WinePress reports on a wide variety of topics we feel are important to share with the body of Christ -to inform them on what is really happening in the world today. With each article, it is our goal to relate the report back to the scriptures as much as we can, though this is not a guarantee for each report The WinePress does. As for the general outline and format for our reports, we shall provide the information, along with other links and media; and then the author will give his or her commentary on the article. Depending on the category and specific subject matter, this layout may vary.

Political Stances

The WinePress is only interested in upholding truth and reality. The WinePress highly esteems discretion, equity, prudence, and truth. Therefore, The WinePress holds no political bias towards any political party. The WinePress is objective and impartial to any political party, group, or figure. The WinePress wishes to only stand for truth and knowledge. For example, if a Democratic politician says something truthful, and a Republican politician says something false; we will report it, and vice-versa (Psa 112:5; Pro 1:1-7; 5:1-2, 18:15, 23:23).

Economic Stances

Just as with our political stances, we are interested in only the facts. We wish to report insightful information to alert those of what is happening in the local and world economies. The WinePress authors are NOT professional financial advisers, however, its authors may so choose to give some advice or speculation on what the facts present. The reader is not obligated to take that advice, nor are WinePress contributors liable if the reader does not agree with the advice given.

Natural Health Stances

The WinePress is vehemently against the practices and actions of the modern medical institutions, and those heavily associated with them. The WinePress advocates the use of God’s creation to heal and strengthen one’s self. We absolutely do not endorse pharmaceuticals and any vaccinations of any kind. The Greek word for the English words ‘witchcraft’ and ‘sorcery’ is “pharmakeia” -which is where the word “pharmacy” finds its origins. The WinePress will report on ways to naturally heal one’s self from God’s creation, and debunking the rhetoric and propaganda of Big Pharma (Gen 1:29-30, 9:3; Psa 104:10-18; Eze 47:12; 1 Tim 5:23; Mar 5:25-27).

Survivalism and Off-Grid Stances

Because of our stances in regards to health, and of the times we are living in, it is all the more important to know how to protect one’s self and others. The WinePress will provide useful information to help keep the reader safe, and be more independent from mainstream society.

Science and Technology Stances

The WinePress will report information related to current technologies and sciences will be shared. We will report on legitimate science, and refute false scientific claims.

Bible Studies

The WinePress will provide Bible studies formed on the basis of the King James Bible. These studies are designed to help feed the body of Christ with sound biblical doctrine. The WinePress is not afraid to tackle any specific study, as we are not ashamed of what the word of God teaches.

The WinePress will also give prophetic updates that are being fulfilled from the pages of scripture.

The WinePress is also not afraid to speak out against false teachers and their teachings.