"From this posture of awe can then come a posture of hope," Fox News wrote.
Category - Prophecy
Response: Geoffrey Grider Of Now The End Begins Threatens Litigation Against The WinePress, Shows No Remorse And Is Caught Lying Again
“It’s better to keep your mouth shut and appear stupid than open it and remove all doubt. -William...
Compromise And Condoning Sin – Why I No Longer Recommend Dr. Peter S. Ruckman
The man that wandereth out of the way of understanding shall remain in the congregation of the dead...
MLB Team Philadelphia Phillies To Introduce ‘Voluntary’ Facial Recognition To Enter Stadium
Major League Baseball (MLB) team the Philadelphia Phillies announced that they will be allowing...
End Of Empire: Mark Zuckerberg And Elon Musk To Fight In MMA Match In Roman Colosseum, As US Nears Collapse
"Rome is the mob. He will conjure magic for them and they will be distracted. He will take away...
Cashless Society: London Town Introduces Higher Fees Who Pay Parking With Cash
"In order to keep our prices low, we are encouraging all our residents and visitors to go cashless...
American’s Belief In God, Heaven, Hell, Angels, The Devil, Craters To New All-Time Lows
While most U.S. Americans still believe in each of the religious entities, they have all seen a...
Worldcoin Seeks To Implement A Mandatory Digital Global ID In Order To Participate In Society, Faces Backlash
"Something like World ID will eventually exist, meaning that you will need to verify [that you are...
Australia Going Completely Cashless: Banks Are Now Beginning To Ban And Limit Cash Withdrawals While Continuingly Increasing Digital ID Issuance
The total value of cash payments made in Australia comprised a miniscule 6% of all point-of-sale...
Amazon Announces Their Contactless Palm-Reading Payment Method Will Be Available At All Whole Foods
Amazon recently announced that their palm-reading payment terminals called "Amazon One" will now be...