“I do hope that with disease transmission coming down, community transmission coming down, one day we’ll be able to get rid of those masks.”

Even though the push and urgency for getting more people vaccinated, along with boosters, has been the hot topic, the issue of mask-wearing is recirculating again.

CNBC’s Shepard Smith interviewed CDC Director Rochelle Walensky on booster rollout, vaccines for young children, and masks.

As a final question for Walensky, Smith asked: “Are masks with us for a long, long time? Years? Forever?”

You know, I think the really important thing to emphasize here is that the best way you can protect people with underlying conditions, immunosuppression, and people who are unable to get unvaccinated, is to get vaccines yourself – to surround them with people that are vaccinated, which puts them at a much lower risk of disease.

What we do know right now from the Delta variant is for people who have had two doses of the vaccine, they still need to wear their masks, and there rare case that there might be a breakthrough infection.

We absolutely are having studies that are starting now that can access that after your booster shot – if you were to get a breakthrough infection, whether you can still transmit. Our hope is ‘no,’ and we’ll absolutely being doing those studies.

I do hope that with disease transmission coming down, community transmission coming down, one day we’ll be able to get rid of those masks.

The Push For Three Masks At Once

At one point in time wearing just a single mask was said to do nothing in the way of protection. This eventually evolved into masking becoming compulsory practically everywhere. Then in the beginning of this year the media began to push hard for double-masking, and even hints at three. One doctor even floated out the concept of four.

At one point time, as Spring was in gear, health groups such as the CDC told the masses they could take them off if they were fully vaccinated. That changed roughly a month later, the recommendations were reinstated, with the blame being placed on the unvaccinated inadvertently spreading the Delta variant.

Now they are making more of a resurgence, with the Mormon church mandating them for their congregations recently, is a prime example of this.

But now some scientists are making the case that three masks offer more protection.

Researchers from the University of California-San Diego and scientists from the Indian Institute of Science and the University of Toronto used a device that generates droplets – virus emulating particles (VEPs) – to see how they trapped or passed through the layers. Imagery was captured using a high-speed time-lapse camera.

We do droplet impact experiments a lot in our labs. For this study, a special generator was used to produce a relatively fast-moving droplet. The droplet was then allowed to land on a piece of mask material–that could be a single layer, double, or triple layer, depending on which we’re testing. Simultaneously, we use a high-speed camera to see what happens to the droplet.

Abhishek Saha. Study co-author, professor of mechanical and aerospace engineering at UC San Diego, stated in a university release.

This generator granted the researchers the ability to manipulate the size and speed of the droplets, and the team used this to study the effect on particle flow.

To make a long story short, the study found that a double-layered mask stopped 91% of the particle flow, and nearly 100% with three layers. Just one layer provided only about 30% particle restriction.

While it is expected that large solid particles in the 500-600-micron range should be stopped by a single-layer mask with an average pore size of 30 microns, we are showing that this is not the case for liquid droplets. If these larger respiratory droplets have enough velocity, which happens for coughs or sneezes when they land on a single-layer of this material, it gets dispersed and squeezed through the smaller pores in the mask.

Saha explained
Dynamic images of a droplet impacting on different-layered mask
The droplet impacting on the mask surface is recorded at 20,000 frames per second. These time sequence images of droplet impingement on a single-, double-, and triple-layer masks show the total number count of atomized droplets is significantly higher for the single-layer mask in comparison with the double-layer mask, while only a single droplet penetrates through the triple-layer mask. Courtesy: Basu et al, Science Advances, March 5, 2021

Because of their research, they expect more effective masks will be made in light of these results. They do note that wearing one mask is better than nothing.

The full study can be found in the journal Science Advances.

Even though this study was originally published in March of this year, an author on Study Finds is putting it into circulation now.

Since then, there have been all sorts of new mask designs. President Biden in April announced a contest for inventors to come up with a better and more effective mask. Not much longer later the World Economic Forum later promoted what they consider to be ‘the mask of the future.


[20] O Timothy, keep that which is committed to thy trust, avoiding profane and vain babblings, and oppositions of science falsely so called: [21] Which some professing have erred concerning the faith. Grace be with thee. Amen.

1 Timothy 6:20-21

Three layers of “protection” = three layers of suffocation. You thought one mask was bad, these goobers are prepping for more people to accept wearing more masks again. In Philadelphia, state workers are being mandated to wear double-masks; so, I would not be shocked if they, or California for example, promotes them next.

I already have reports on the damaging effects of mask-wearing, but I think many of you already know that.

Facts Are Facts: Learn The Data Surrounding Covid-19

I have not worn a mask since day one, nor will I be.

And again, the billionth time: the “virus” has never been isolated. I do not understand why this is such a hard concept for people to accept. Too much TV-watching I presume. Have you seen what people eat? How many drugs they are on and live by? Have you seen how they look? The Trends Journal had a cover of their magazine several of weeks ago that said it all:

[7] Who goeth a warfare any time at his own charges? who planteth a vineyard, and eateth not of the fruit thereof? or who feedeth a flock, and eateth not of the milk of the flock? [8] Say I these things as a man? or saith not the law the same also? [9] For it is written in the law of Moses, Thou shalt not muzzle the mouth of the ox that treadeth out the corn. Doth God take care for oxen? [10] Or saith he it altogether for our sakes? For our sakes, no doubt, this is written: that he that ploweth should plow in hope; and that he that thresheth in hope should be partaker of his hope. (1 Corinthians 9:7-10).

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  • “…the best way you can protect people with underlying conditions, immunosuppression, and people who are unable to get unvaccinated, is to get vaccines yourself – to surround them with people that are vaccinated…”

    HUH… “…surround them with people that are vaccinated…”

    Well I wonder why… surely there’s no connection here with Pfizer admitting that the vaccinated can shed and spread the vaccines ingredients… surely not… that would just be conspiracy theories right there…

    • They sure are in a big hurry to see the American citizenry dead and buried. I hope their rush to genocide leads them to make many, many, mistakes..

      • Oh it will, Liz. God isn’t going to save America however people will finally grow a backbone and fight back. There’ll also be a better chance of people truly getting saved and those social club businesses falsely called churches won’t do it they’re going to crumble into oblivion, it’ll be King James believers that do it and to God be the glory.

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