I got on YouTube this morning and I saw a new uploaded video in my recommended videos by the channel Memeology 101 with a video titled “Biden Fakes Interview, Green Screen Fails.”
Before hitching a ride on the presidential helicopter, Biden was seen answering a few questions from the press. However, if you look closely some of the microphones look out of place and the frames seem a bit fuzzy in that area. Then when Biden motions his hands towards the mics, they overlap them.
Here is the original source from The Hill:
Now here is the video exposing the green screen or the poor video editing. He includes a separate angle for the Washington Post and that one has less noticeable manipulation, but still depicts clipping some of the microphones.
The content creator also made a made community post with a diagram explaining what is going on.

This just corroborates other claims The WinePress has made that the news media is absolutely fake, right or left, and cannot be trusted in the slightest. The Hill is another outlet that leans center-right, so “fake news” is definitely not limited to leftist media outlets only.
This content creator had also made a really good video exposing a Texas nurse who totally faked a Covid inoculation for a live press release.
Leave us your thoughts about this in the comments.
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That’s interesting. In the ongoing regular sit reps of DoD and agency airflights by MonkeyWerx, he is puzzled by fact that AirForce One has not flown once since Trump left office. Air Force Two is active. Since Delaware is only a hundred twenty-five mile or so hop, it makes sense to use a smaller plane with less fuss & overhead for that, but not otherwise.
Speculation among military & agency vets is that Biden may not be able to get the level of security clearance use of AirForce One demands due to the potential security risk & compromise of the Ukraine/China stuff….but no one really knows. Such legal considerations haven’t hindered them anywhere else….but we are talking military & internal power struggle.
There are also no fly zones over all current & ex-president residences, & provided security….but not for ex-President Trump. Either in NYC or FL, or personal. Oath Keepers & such groups as are urging their fellow officers & military to remember their oath to the Constitution through all of this have been providing that service to conservatives & for citizens at rallies (left &right) routinely, and now extend that to Trump.
There is a huge uptick in agency flights (investigations/arrests of Capital ‘insurrectionists’? many reports of that coming out, SWAT type raids, no bail, no phone calls or warning of pending investigation) and military transport between El Paso & the Charleston hub; and supply flights around the midwest likely signaling the transport of illegals.
Those who watch funding reported a large grant of funds to crony suppliers, contractors, private/government camps and facilities. And if it’s anything like the couple thousand ‘minors’ that Midland,TX reported receiving unannounced, we’re talking mostly boys aged 13-17. The implications of that should not be lost.
They hold the coasts, and certain areas selectively populated with certain immigrant groups under Obama. They need to create their wedges of activism and confusion now in ‘flyover’ land, & particularly in Texas and the South where the dying remains of the Bible belt remain, though fast going under to global corporate Romanism & syncretistic left/right politicization….and more & more easily co-opted to those ends. Like they did in Atlanta and Arizona, Austin & the large metropolitan areas they can use the race-card division cloak of occulted power & corruption in.
When they left the King James for the NIV and NKJV, it was all downhill from there. Masonic infiltration and public ed readied the soil of the hearts of men.
There is an continuing uptick of Atlantic-shoreline surveillance since Biden took the throne…usually indicating a foreign sub threat, and a seemingly permanent ‘sniffer’ (air quality, nuclear, chemical,biological) presence in the Potomac and Bay area. Some weird traffic. British and French military traffic into the midwest last week, which could just be routine NATO exercise, maybe not.
Denver area is considered to be Deep State central, with a large complex of black op/traitor garbage, & there has been an uptick in traffic there.
DutchSinse who does routine seismic/volcanic sit reps caught a DEW strike live early on in the admin exchange…I can’t remember just where. Seems like it was Eastern US, mid-coastal region. And MonkeyWerx caught one on his sit-rep, too. That one was in FL near an airbase in a field, & he seemed fairly certain it might be our own, routine testing & practice etc. Yikes.
Thank you. Both Trump and Biden were using green screens during the volatile final weeks of the election, and post-election to inauguration time. A couple of Trump’s Rose Garden speeches had unseasonable greenery on the shrubbery, & flora…and he wasn’t dressed for the temp at the time of supposed release. Not so noticeable as CNN’s clumsy fake palm tree and fake Gulf War stuff, but not yet perfected as some of the deep fake stuff is. Power corrupting commensurate with its measure & approaching absolute power corrupting absolutely.
Time for lots of prayer for all. We live in times not for the faint of heart, or the half-awake.
That’s some acting skills! So ridiculous it’s sad.
Here’s a link to monkeywerx youtube, the first part discusses issues with that film clip, some beyond the obvious microphone mistake. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Qt_hmNGQUYw&list=UUUmvAVqbS-_5feqZPHA99Lw&index=2