French supermarket Carrefour has introduced a new biometric payment system that analyzes the unique vein patterns in customer’s hands to make a secure transaction, reportedly the first of its kind in Europe.
French paper The Connexion reported that Carrefour Market in Paris has partnered with fintech company Ingenico to introduce this new type of payment terminal. Trials will begin starting July 29th – a date that was chosen because Paris is the host city for the Olympics.
‘Before use, customers register their vein pattern on a dedicated terminal, and link it to their bank card,’ the French outlet explained. ‘The customer can make a purchase by simply holding the palm of their registered hand over a dedicated payment terminal.’
“This system ensures a high level of security for personal and banking data,” said Carrefour. “[It] will make the checkout experience smoother and improve the customer experience.”
Ingenico debuted its vein palm-reading terminals at the start of 2023. The company claims that “a common challenge persists in payments: verifying that the person using the payment method is the person authorized to use the payment method.”
The company explained in a press release that this method of payment is most secure, and customer’s interactions are then tokenized.
Merchants never quite know if the person dipping the payment card in the card reader is the account holder or if the person using the account at a kiosk is the person whose account is covering the transaction.
Palm vein identification, for example, is one of the most accurate forms of biometric identification. A payment system leveraging this form of authentication encrypts and tokenizes images of consumers’ palm vein patterns and their account information. It’s a less intrusive method than other options like facial or iris scans, and it’s easier to implement and operate.
The company wrote
Ingenico additionally argues that “consumers don’t have to fumble for a payment card, remember a PIN, or unlock a smartphone and open a mobile wallet.” They also say to “don’t discount the “cool factor,” which can entice consumers to try and adopt this payment method. Early adopters, in particular, will benefit from the novelty of this emerging technology.”
Yet another step closer to the eventual mark of the beast.
Revelation 13:16 And he causeth all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and bond, to receive a mark in their right hand, or in their foreheads: [17] And that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name. [18] Here is wisdom. Let him that hath understanding count the number of the beast: for it is the number of a man; and his number is Six hundred threescore and six.
There are plenty of other palm-reading payment terminals The WP has reported on, not even including the face and eye scanners:
JP Morgan To Launch Their Contactless And Facial Recognition Payment System In 2025
VISA Introduces ‘New Of Era Payments’ With Palm-Scanning Payment Terminals
Furthermore, this issue of tokenization rears its ugly head again. I will be doing a more detailed report on this soon, but for now you can read these reports I’ve done discussing tokenization.
[7] Who goeth a warfare any time at his own charges? who planteth a vineyard, and eateth not of the fruit thereof? or who feedeth a flock, and eateth not of the milk of the flock? [8] Say I these things as a man? or saith not the law the same also? [9] For it is written in the law of Moses, Thou shalt not muzzle the mouth of the ox that treadeth out the corn. Doth God take care for oxen? [10] Or saith he it altogether for our sakes? For our sakes, no doubt, this is written: that he that ploweth should plow in hope; and that he that thresheth in hope should be partaker of his hope. (1 Corinthians 9:7-10).
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. . . “consumers don’t have to fumble for a payment card, remember a PIN, or unlock a smartphone and open a mobile wallet.” <——Because that's SO inconvenient!
I know, right LOL?
Soon, it’s going to go from the palm to either the right hand or the forehead with digital state-of-the-art scanners that have all info on your bank accounts, savings, checking, general income, social security, birth certificate, and so much more…all you have to do is go to your nearest clinic, family physician, pharmacy, health department, or even hospital with all your personal info and data to the physician or nurse in charge and receive the mark I MEAN economy implant smart chip.
Even So, Come Lord Jesus!
You know, Andrew – that’s likely. Implant Smart Chip. (or something similar)
If i want someone to read my palm, i will go to a psychic. They don’t record it as biometric data to be stored in my “profile” and shared with other biometrics on me, if i was STUPID enough to give it up, until a complete profile is established. let’s see
1. palm veins
2. retina scan
3. Palm Print like Whole Foods now does
4. DNA, of course
Did I leave anything out? Can’t they get info from your skin?
5. yep, Skin, automobiles
6. Breathing pattern, automobiles
7 are you having sex in the car, that is sort of biometric in action, The car makers claim they can capture that too
8 Stay tuned, more to follow after a word from our sponsor, PAY BY SITTING DOWN biometric. haha…I shouldn’t laugh, right. giving them ideas. Bad move.
9. Fingerprints. Surprised this is not being recorded other than by cops, BUT, its all shared by all of these creatures in order to build one giant database on everyone. Remember they built that ZILLION square foot data facility in Utah. Did you guys forget that little zillion dollar TAXPAYER funded sewer. We pay for our own destruction as always.
Avoid psychics they consult devils or familiar spirits.
Boil the frog slow..
Soon this is standard, and no one cares.
Revelation 13:16-18: To buy/sell will need Mark of the Beast(666), or Name of Beast, or Number of Beast(666).
Mark and Number are both 666, so here “or” means different ways of saying the same thing. So Beast’s name is a way of saying Mark.
If nothing special about name, Revelation 13:17 would say Mark or Number to buy/sell.
Emmanuel(means “God with us”) Macron(“written or printed Mark”) matches Revelation 6:2 white horse conquerer(Anti-Christ):
“behold a white horse! Its rider had a bow and a crown was given him, and he came conquering and to conquer” (5th paragraph)
“he (Macron) had a vision. His destiny would be to saddle his own white horse and lead France back to glory”
Macron matching 30+ prophecies, winning with 66.06% of vote, walking on water like Jesus on magazine cover:
I’ve debunked some of these claims in a post. He is AN antichrist but not ‘the’ antichrist.
I still use cash or a check for the most part. Oh gosh it’s so inconvenient! #1 go to the bank, #2 withdraw cash, #3 go to whatever store, pick out what I want, #4 walk to the register.#5 take out my wallet, #6 remove cash and pay the clerk, #7 and usually count back the correct change from the clerk who no longer knows how to count back money! It’s such a drain! But I never get screwed, so it’s worth it!