Bird flu could soon be labeled as “cow flu,” according to the latest rhetoric amidst this wave of H5N1 avian influenza scare that’s sweeping the United States.

Within the last 30 days or so, the government has claimed that a number of conventional store-shelf milks contain traces of bird flu in them, prompting worries that the reported virus is mutating. The United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) recently announced they would begin testing samples of beef sold at stores in states where bird flu in cattle has been reported. At this point, officials have claimed that the virus can now transfer from cow-to-cow. SEE: Bird Flu Frenzy: FDA, USDA, CDC Issue New Warnings On Outbreak, Latest Reports Of Spread In Pasteurized Milk And Cows, Mandates PCR Testing, Continued New Pandemic Fears

The World Health Organization (WHO) has also weighed in, urging the world to refrain from consuming raw milk and dairy products.

Since then more studies and articles have been published disparaging drinking raw milk.

Published on April 29th, a study published in the journal of Emerging Infectious Diseases on the CDC’s website, purports that bird flu tested positive in raw colostrum, a nutrient dense form of mother’s milk after the baby has been born, which led to the death of some cats who drank the contaminated milk.

The abstract of the study says: “Infected cattle experienced nonspecific illness, reduced feed intake and rumination, and an abrupt drop in milk production, but fatal systemic influenza infection developed in domestic cats fed raw (unpasteurized) colostrum and milk from affected cows.

“Cow-to-cow transmission appears to have occurred because infections were observed in cattle on Michigan, Idaho, and Ohio farms where avian influenza virus–infected cows were transported.

“Although the US Food and Drug Administration has indicated the commercial milk supply remains safe, the detection of influenza virus in unpasteurized bovine milk is a concern because of potential cross-species transmission. Continued surveillance of highly pathogenic avian influenza viruses in domestic production animals is needed to prevent cross-species and mammal-to-mammal transmission.”

Our findings suggest cross-species mammal-to-mammal transmission of HPAI H5N1 virus and raise new concerns regarding the potential for virus spread within mammal populations.

The authors wrote

In light of this study and other worry about transmission of the virus in cattle, Katelyn Jetelina, an epidemiologist and author of the newsletter Your Local Epidemiologist, told Salon in a phone interview, in regards to recent developments, said, “I think we’re slowly inching towards getting some sort of answers for some of our questions. But I am a bit disappointed in the lack of transparency and urgency, particularly with USDA, and it just doesn’t seem that there is an appetite to get ahead in this.”

Salon went on to report on the notion of now perhaps calling this “cow flu.” The paper wrote:

Jetelina emphasized to Salon that H5N1 isn’t new, and it’s important to communicate that to the public. While some people might be inclined to call it “cow flu,” now that cattle are arguably more prominent than birds in the situation, she said it hasn’t mutated into a novel virus that warrants a name change.

“We have to make it very clear that this is not a new virus. It’s not like COVID-19 in October of 2019. It’s existed for over 20 years,” Jetelina said. “And it’s not just among cows, it’s still very much in other livestock as well as wild birds — we’re just paying very close attention to cows right now because this is a new mode of transmission that has really unfolded in the past couple of months.”

Dr. Rajendram Rajnarayanan of the New York Institute of Technology campus in Jonesboro, Ark., told Salon calling H5N1 the “cow flu” is “misleading.” If it is only circulating around cows, then it can be called a “cow flu,” he said. 

It has not adapted enough. So what we have to see is whether it’s adapted to cattle species, and if it’s circulating only in that species. Then we would call it cow flu.

Rajnarayanan said.

Rajnarayanan said it’s also important to emphasize that it’s not a definitive conclusion that the cats from the CDC report died from drinking raw colostrum. It’s possible that the cats got sick from eating infected wild birds, too. Jetelina said the report on the cats emphasizes that raw milk shouldn’t be consumed right now. An estimated 4.4 percent of American adults consume raw milk.

This is not a virus we want to play around with. It really confirmed that raw milk is just something we don’t want people consuming and we really need to get the public health message out there that that’s never safe, but particularly right now.

Jetelina said

Jetelina said scientists don’t know what happens if someone consumes infected raw milk at the moment, but it’s a good sign that there haven’t been any fatal cases linked to raw milk and H5N1. While experts believe there have been more than one human case from cows, they say it’s a good sign that hospitalizations aren’t rising.

“If it’s going to be a problematic virus circulating, you will see a hospitalization increase,” Rajnarayanan said. “And that, we don’t see.”

Still, more surveillance is needed, he said. 

It’s not going to become a problem immediately. But we have to prevent it from becoming a big deal in the next year.

He said

Jetelina agreed. 

“I think one good sign is that even if there are more human cases, they seem to be mild, or asymptomatic, given that they haven’t kind of gone on the radar yet,” Jetelina said. “We just really need to stay ahead of this thing and see how it’s evolving so we can be prepared in case this does jump to humans, for human-to-human transmission.”

Culling Cattle?

Separately, a report by Barron’s published the same day – “Dairy Farmers Are Still Reluctant to Report Suspected Avian Flu” – implicated that the spread may be worse than is being reported because farmers are nervous to invite this possibility. One expert insinuated that regulation could soon be changed to force farmers to slaughter their entire cattle herds if just one cow tests positive, similar to what the USDA mandates farmers do when the flu is detected in poultry flocks.

Dr. Joe Armstrong, a cattle production expert at the University of Minnesota Extension, in an interview with the paper explained his thoughts:

Barron’s: What would keep farmers from wanting to tell authorities that they think their cows are sick?

Armstrong: The major reluctance when you talk to farmers is, there’s still too much connection to highly pathogenic avian influenza. So farmers are looking at what UDSA requires of poultry flocks when they test positive.

Barron’s: You mean that the USDA requires farmers to kill their entire poultry flock if they get a positive test. You think that farmers worry they will be ordered to kill their cows? (In its latest guidance document, the USDA said it doesn’t “anticipate the need to depopulate dairy herds” that test positive for H5N1.)

Armstrong: Correct. Because we refuse to name it something else, even though it is something else, there’s still too much connection. That’s probably the major [reason] that’s burning in the back of everyone’s mind at all times. After that it’s just the economics of having the USDA on your farm, and trying to manage that.

Barron’s: In addition to mandating that positive tests be reported to the USDA, the new federal order also required testing all lactating cattle before they are moved between states. Does that go far enough?

Armstrong: It’s a step in the right direction. And I think it kind of is a wake up call to the industry to say, unless you want USDA dictating what happens, you need to come up with your own plan to control this. USDA has made it pretty clear that they really just want tests. They want information more than they really, in my opinion, are interested in true control.

Barron’s: What’s the difference?

Armstrong: The guidance document that came out on Friday has no comments about intrastate movements. So if you test positive, all the cattle on that premise where the cattle tested positive are not eligible for interstate movements. But they can move around intrastate, inside the state, as much as they want. So if we’re talking control, and we’re not allowing for a plan that also controls intrastate movements, we’re not really controlling it. We’re just looking for information.


It’s interesting that both of these articles used the same thumbnail picture:

Courtesy: Getty Images

I’m not sure if this is just a coincidence but I did find it noteworthy.

I’m one of those 4.4% of Americans who drink raw milk, and that’s not going to be changing, so these people can go pound sand. I just visited one of my local farmers this past weekend and I have been drinking some colostrum I purchased from them

But you see, what these articles are saying is what I have been warning about for years now: this ploy is designed to justify increasing regulations on the agriculture sector; mass cullings of livestock, wildlife, and pets; vaccination and “treatments,” new taxes, and pulling meat and dairy from the store shelves under the pretense of preventing the spread of bird flu. Read my articles chronicling this; I’ve been warning about this exact thing for a while now.

1 Timothy 4:1 Now the Spirit speaketh expressly, that in the latter times some shall depart from the faith, giving heed to seducing spirits, and doctrines of devils; [2] Speaking lies in hypocrisy; having their conscience seared with a hot iron; [3] Forbidding to marry, and commanding to abstain from meats, which God hath created to be received with thanksgiving of them which believe and know the truth.

It’s interesting that the one said, “But we have to prevent it from becoming a big deal next year.” Does this mean this will become the “next pandemic” in 2025, or will it be implemented much sooner? Time will tell…

[7] Who goeth a warfare any time at his own charges? who planteth a vineyard, and eateth not of the fruit thereof? or who feedeth a flock, and eateth not of the milk of the flock? [8] Say I these things as a man? or saith not the law the same also? [9] For it is written in the law of Moses, Thou shalt not muzzle the mouth of the ox that treadeth out the corn. Doth God take care for oxen? [10] Or saith he it altogether for our sakes? For our sakes, no doubt, this is written: that he that ploweth should plow in hope; and that he that thresheth in hope should be partaker of his hope. (1 Corinthians 9:7-10).

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  • I slow down, take a breath, and see the following coming together ( Ditigal – BRICS getting stronger- AI Growth – and now Bird Flu …. Which does not exist of course ), and realize that people need to ramp up on purchasing Stock – Dry Goods – whatever else you need). Those items will be worth more than gold n silver. Cost of everything is going to go up, sooner than we think you may not be able to even go to a store to buy anything. Pray and Lean on God for direction, stay close to your KJV and study it daily, and purchase goods etc as much as possible

  • God says that meat is good, eaten with thankfulness; SOOOOOOOOOOOOO I will not abstain from meat, chicken or pork!!!
    I’m sure that the “bird flu” that they found in store milk is such a minuscule amount that it wouldn’t bother an ant, their testing is set to go off on anything close and I’m sure it’s “VERY Reliable”

    Let’s all eat steak and laugh at their stupidity (we are such rebels)
    KJV in one hand and firearm in the other and ALWAYS PUT GOD FIRST!!!!!!!

  • It’s about control & killing alright: but not birds & cows primarily, which is a means to the wicked’s end (& corrupting, sickening & destroying, killing, is what they do best). War is coming to America.

    I live in rural Ohio (they call us ‘upper Appalachia now’…lol! cuz we so ‘need’ their gubmint socialist helps & ‘wisdom’, see), & many people won’t put up with this. All over the place people have been coming to the realization that our leaders have sold us out, & to the conclusion that they must fend for & protect their own. Back yard chickens all over the place, & gardens. Lots that have laid fallow or vacant for years now have bovine cattle or goats pasturing in them.

    It may come to pass, but I believe many are still seriously afraid of the price of even attempting it. They learned a lot about who would go along & who not with medical & first responder types in first run 2020 ‘manifestation’ of their ‘sons of God’ fornicating prosperity march-of-progress dominionist garbage.

    And there were more than a few who left the professions rather than going along with pure evil rationalized & justified by nonsensical nonsense, & totally against conscience in any who still had one even moderately functional & unseared.

    Some went back when concessions were made, pay hikes with them, resulting from the dearth of workers to ‘service’ their compliants, etc….risking waking them up or turning them to ‘non-compliants’: but even most of them see the handwriting on the wall, & began building ‘exit plans’.

    I believe they’re running scared because they don’t have enough power yet to pull this off…& are agitating the ‘educated/brainwashed’ against the plain people & lingering King James Bible influence & knowledge of God that can tell Christ from antichrist for all they are worth.

    The antichrist Luciferians are like puffer fish when it comes right down to it: they rightfully fear the power of the true Christ & word, & bluff for all they’re worth, financing gangsters to let blood & do their dirty work….staying well clear of it themselves. That’s what we need to target& expose them to: the cost that they will NOT be exempt from.

    Full armor & ‘loins girt about with truth’ is the first mentioned item in our armor: it preserves us, & exposes them. That’s why I love ministries like this outside of the dialectic Catholic nicolaitan & corrupted bible$ manipulation machine. I trust far fewer than ever before, & even amongst those when I see them falling into dialectic lines & camps under pressure: I’m trusting them less.

    Not necessarily counting them unsaved: but definitely carnal, double-minded & untrustworthy. Not worthy of the support of God’s people on the part of those who can.

    I believe that even if they succeeded with the ammo thing, & they begin Islamic terror attacks, military interventions or whatever: they’ll still have to contend with hundreds of hunters with bows& camouflage in places & terrain like ours. Not to mention scores of working class people like mechanics & such who know how their high–tech stuff works, & all the weak spots & required perfect conditions for it to work.

    Many of whom are veterans…or former old school policemen, realizing how deceived &used they really were by the deceitful antichrist underground progressive herding & steering, demoralizing & dumbing down. Which is why there’s such a push to demonize, replace, classify them as mentally unfit, get them on drugs & so forth. As well as such propaganda pushes & stealth war on the American people as we’re currently seeing in order to either paralyze people with fear, or with confusion over who the ‘good guys’ even are! To herd them into opposite killing camps so that they kill one another rather than realizing & recognizing who their true enemies really are: including self & sin which can easily be so used by the devil’s sorcerers & witches, mighty men & craft: popery by whatever name.

    Now, if we could just see a move of God rooted in that King James Bible & Rock, with many faithful men & preachers rising up in the place of, or at least in contest to, all of these antichrist fakes, sorcerers & witches. Many responding to salvation & the righteousness of Christ. Patient in affliction, standing in the truth & not subject to that game of evil pitting blind self-righteousness against blind self-righteousness. I pray to that end so far as it’s the will of God.

    Saved people—born again, new life people: John 3&2 Corinthians 5 KJB— who pray, read & function on a higher soulish intellectual & spiritual level than those who merely watch videos & mindlessly consume ‘textbook assertions’ are required here. Not those who merely have forms of godliness but deny the power: who should be marked & avoided save for warning & evangelism whether they ‘identify’ as ‘Christian’ or not!! Last epistle: Jude KJB well-advising on that, & 2 Peter, the letters of John as that age approaches.

    People who know & walk with the Lord Jesus Christ of the Godhead guided by his word & Spirit. People who know & remember, & who encourage one another, that even in the worst & in a world & nation rushing into judgment, we are still sealed & indwelt by the same, & are called to holy, separate living & testimony, having all the eternal promises of God come what may.

  • Yawn … this bird flu junk’s just another scam … like the PlannedDemic and our walking dead fraudulent president claiming the economy’s great and Ukraine’s winning the war. Last year, it was “burn food factories” to the ground and halt fertilizer. This year, it’s “torch untold thousands of Texas cattle” and claim everything but bugs contain some kinda’ disease.

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