According to a number of media reports and health authorities, an avian flu outbreak (H5N1) has reportedly contained a number of pasteurized milk samples sold at stores, prompting concern that the reported virus is mutating and spreading in the food supply, along with reports that allege the virus can now jump from cow-to-cow.
Now the USDA is beginning to test beef supplies. The tests will utilize a PCR test, the same ones used during the Covid-19 pandemonium, in states that have reportedly confirmed positives in tainted milk samples, according to Bloomberg, citing an email from the USDA. They will use those tests to determine “whether any viral particles are present.”
The outlet reported:
The department is also collecting beef muscle samples at government-approved slaughter facilities on cattle that have been condemned. In addition, it’s conducting a cooking test to log the presence of the virus when meat is prepared at different temperatures.
The USDA said it’s confident the meat supply is safe. The department said its “rigorous” process makes sure animals pass inspection before entering the food supply. Meanwhile, pasteurizing milk and cooking beef kills the virus.
“While we have multiple safeguards in place to protect consumers, we recommend consumers properly handle raw meats and cook to a safe internal temperature,” the USDA said in the statement.
Sarah Little, spokesperson for the Meat Institute, an industry group representing meat processors, said, “USDA’s additional testing is appropriate to ensure public health is protected and to stop the spread of animal disease.”
Reuters also reported: ‘In another safety study, USDA will cook ground beef containing a “virus surrogate” at different temperatures to assess how it inactivates the virus, according to the statement. It said cooking meat to a safe internal temperature kills bacteria and viruses.’
Colombia has since moved to ban imports of U.S. beef supply in order to prevent a spread. The U.S. Meat Export Federation took issue with the move.
The United States is Colombia’s largest supplier of imported beef, and Colombia’s attempt to suspend beef imports from specific U.S. states is unworkable and misguided. It has created uncertainty for Colombian importers and their customers as well as their suppliers, and will greatly disrupt trade.
The U.S. exported about $40 million in beef and beef products to Colombia last year, so it is certainly an active market but represents a relatively small percentage of total exports (which were valued at nearly $10 billion in 2023).
The group said
Though there are still questions if conventional, pasteurized milk can act as carriers for the disease, the World Health Organization (WHO) has formally said recommended populations abstain from consuming raw milk and dairy products, but stick with pasteurized products.
Longtime readers will know that I have said for years now that a propagandized zoonotic threat, specifically bird flu to be exact, would be used to justify pulling meat off of the shelves, vaccinate and slaughter livestock and wildlife, and pets, and impose all sorts of restrictions on meat and dairy. We are now inching very close to that. It’ll only be a short amount of time before the government goonies say that the meat is contaminated, and start pulling it off the shelves en masse.
And, of course, the garbage PCR test is being used – the same PCR test that was NEVER designed to be tested for this type of stuff whatsoever, and was proven to be a joke when testing for Covid; another “virus” that was never once proven to exist, be isolated, and proven to cause disease. Same thing with this “bird flu.” But we know why they are doing it…
1 Timothy 4:1 Now the Spirit speaketh expressly, that in the latter times some shall depart from the faith, giving heed to seducing spirits, and doctrines of devils; [2] Speaking lies in hypocrisy; having their conscience seared with a hot iron; [3] Forbidding to marry, and commanding to abstain from meats, which God hath created to be received with thanksgiving of them which believe and know the truth.
[7] Who goeth a warfare any time at his own charges? who planteth a vineyard, and eateth not of the fruit thereof? or who feedeth a flock, and eateth not of the milk of the flock? [8] Say I these things as a man? or saith not the law the same also? [9] For it is written in the law of Moses, Thou shalt not muzzle the mouth of the ox that treadeth out the corn. Doth God take care for oxen? [10] Or saith he it altogether for our sakes? For our sakes, no doubt, this is written: that he that ploweth should plow in hope; and that he that thresheth in hope should be partaker of his hope. (1 Corinthians 9:7-10).
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Just another ploy to scare people into abstaining from meat as the Bible says.
In fact I’ll just eat more meat and chicken and pork, YUM YUM YUM Praise the Lord for Meat!!!
Yup. “Just another ploy” is correct.
Colossians 2:16-17
Let no man therefore judge you in meat, or in drink, or in respect of an holyday, or of the new moon, or of the sabbath days:
Which are a shadow of things to come; but the body is of Christ.
Amen David Aarons!
I’m eating more meat as well even because God provided it so I’ll receive it with thanksgiving!
So the WORST possible method of testing will be employed to further bar the sale of beef?
“PCR tests” yield both (+) FALSE POSITIVES & FALSE NEGATIVES (-) when testing CORONA, H5N1,
acute respiratory syndrome (SARS) coronavirus. How convenient. Well they wrapped that up in a neat little bow, didn’t they? I wonder how many will fall for this B.S. this time?
About as ‘scientific’ as global warming & the last excuse for slowly sickening, weakening, killing off select segments of the population, then taking over the U.S. Somewhere, someone will be raising real beef for the elites who aren’t about to reduce themselves to serf-slop & barely keep them alive breadfruit slave food.
How they do hate that King James Bible & constitutional law, with anyone remotely standing for it, standing in their way. That’s the ‘disease’ & the ‘pestilence’ they want to ‘cleanse’ the land & world of! Don’t allow them to erect new Iron & Bamboo ‘Curtains’: poke holes in them with the sword of the word, shine the light of the word in.
Not to mention the God of all true science & by whom all things consist. They are greedy, lying, thieving, willfully ignorant, antichrist cowards…a parasite class with no legitimacy, true or good purpose, & that goes for every craft educated traitor working for the ‘schools’, those agencies, & in the related industries.
Remember, that means they fear accountability, true charity, truth, justice, real knowledge & science, and Christ in you, the hope of glory. Pray for courage & openings: pile it on. Look behind them & through the layers of foundation & NGO, ‘church’ & denominational obfuscation, hiring & steering….& point out the real culprits. Call them out for being blind followers of the blind, children who refuse to grow up, parasites, patsies, effeminate, unnatural, serfs & slaves serving their own destruction.
Look at 1 Thessalonians 4&5 KJB. Pray without ceasing. Let until taken out of the way.
Feed on the word, hide it in your heart to strengthen, guide, encourage & protect you: the Spirit testifying with your spirit. Gird up the loins of your mind-soul. Refuse to receive or to use their pagan soul-science sin-excusing, -embracing, -encouraging terminology or philosophy. Know the difference. Expose it. Separate from it & be ye separate.
Learn about the spurious nature, history & corruption of the Catholic ecumenical religious complex, its false texts & per-ver$ion$ bringing confusion, weakness, impotence & judgment to the people of God: its long war against the Lord Jesus Christ of the Godhead, the living word, the only true religion, not denying the power: Jesus the Word whose promise was to preserve it for us, to quicken it to new birth, new man salvation by his Spirit testifying with ours.
Call out bad doctrine. Call out blanket ‘Christian’ terminology, asking for particulars & calling out liars. Don’t suffer it in your assemblies. Come out of the antichrist catholic state system w/ their Babel building liabilities& chains of bondage.
And, never let a lie stand on those issues without addressing them from evident & conscientious truth & that same powerful, authoritative word. If there’s a ‘comment section’, use it…and not as post-modern twitter-brains pitting self-righteousness & unfounded opinion against the same.
Steer clear of their empty, childish, impotent, non-convicting & non-convicted humanist insult exchanges that avail nothing.
Don’t mistake volume & meanness & sophist cleverness, smart-donkey quips etc for mature biblical masculinity. Women back ’em up: helps meet to the cause, keepers at home, raising children in the nurture & admonition of the word. Backing up the men & legit ministries with prayer.
The older generation had cultivated blind spots made worse by over-trust of ‘experts’, also Romish Babylonian in origin & structure: the doctrine of the nicolaitan, the sorcery of craft: beware the blind spots & sins of this generation being likewise cultivated & exploited.
These things are frustrating & we know at some point the antichrist beast system will prevail: but we also know the promises & can read of the provision of God for his people in such times of apostasy, transition & change. Living by faith is never easy, & always a choice day by day.
They want us to fear, & to devour one another. They want occasion to blame. They seek to infiltrate: make them uncomfortable there by the word of God & preaching which they cannot long endure. Don’t let them hide in anonymity.
If we suffer: make sure it’s not for wrongdoing. Remember patience. The power of forgiveness where appropriate by the word. We’re pilgrims, not Jews, Catholics, Muslims: pagan or pagan-corrupted kingdom builders. Steady on. Serving, working, praying, watching: looking up.
First, they need a sample of the alleged virus in order to calibrate the PCR test developed by Dr. Kary Mullis who received a Nobel Prize for inventing it. Second, the test “cycle threshold” or how many times they run the test on one sample, can be adjusted to get false positives or false negatives at the discretion of those employing this fake test.
PCR is used to multiply given samples of DNA. it revolutionized DNA studies as evidence for crimes. Formerly, it a DNA sample from a crime scene was too small to analyze, law enforcement was SOL. With PCR, they can replicate small samples by cycling the test around 12 times plus or minus a few cycles. Above that level things get cloudy as they are making copies of copies that came from prior cycle copies
The analogy is a digital photo that pixelates if it is enlarged too much. You get false positives from the degraded DNA copies of 30 or so prior copies. the test is NOT a diagnostic tool
Here is a video from Dr. Mullis who mysteriously died in late 2019 just prior to the covid tyranny being launched. You can hear it from the inventor:
here is a better video describing PCR problems
Here is more, From a CDC document from 2020 and a subsequent report from 2021, here is the comment about PCR effectiveness for diagnosing Covid
Document is entitled: Catalog # 2019-nCoVEUA-01
1000 reactions
For In-vitro Diagnostic (IVD) Use
“Results are for the identification of 2019-nCoV RNA. The 2019-nCoV RNA is generally detectable in upper and lower respiratory specimens during infection. Positive results are indicative of active infection with 2019-nCoV but do not rule out bacterial infection or co-infection with other viruses. The agent detected may not be the definite cause of disease. Laboratories within the United States and its territories are required to report all positive results to the appropriate public health authorities.
Negative results do not preclude 2019-nCoV infection and should not be used as the sole basis for treatment or other patient management decisions. Negative results must be combined with clinical observations, patient history, and epidemiological information.”
PROSECUTION RESTS! HERE IS A LINK TO THE 2023 VERSION OF THE SAME DOCUMENT. SAME STATEMENT AS ABOVE IS ON PAGE 3 There is more info that states the CDC never had a sample of the virus and cooked one up from the GenBank database run by NIH. See page 40
I have an article on this too. It’s right in everyone’s face. Truth is always hidden in plain sight.