On March 5th, 2024, World Bank Group President, Ajay Banga, and Hans Vestberg, Chairman and CEO of Verizon, were guest panelists at the Global Digital Summit in Washington D.C., discussing “the power of digital technologies to accelerate poverty reduction on a livable planet and how the public and private sectors can collaborate to accelerate this mission.”
The World Bank added that the summit ‘highlighted forward-thinking perspectives, cutting-edge technologies, and new insights centered on three pillars: (1) Connect, (2) Innovate, and (3) Transform.”
Banga began by explaining in a long introduction what the World Bank is all about, and the investments they make; a big one and great point of emphasis in recent years being investing in “digital.” With the digital landscape transforming so rapidly, Banga believes that these new investments in the digital space is needed for “governance.” He said, “I think that if governments embrace digital, they create transparency, they create clean governance, they create citizen engagement, and I think that is a very important part of digital that we are keen to be a part of.”
Later in the conversation Banga was asked how they should go pitching their emphasis on governments making deeper and long term investments to build a sustainable digital framework. One of these things includes “a sense of crisis,” he claims.
A sense of crisis is your best friend. Never let a crisis go waste. A sense of crisis is your best friend in getting people to agree to tackle this triangle, along with the enabling tool of technology and the biggest headroom is geopolitics and fractionizing of the global order. That’s why I believe in digital for us.
He said
Vestberg would later follow-up by saying, “we have the common goal that it shouldn’t matter where you’re born or where you come from or who you are, that you should be part of our digital society and all the benefits that some of us had when we were born.”
In response to that Banga replied, “I think providing infrastructure is a core element. But on top of that, creating a digital identity platform for citizenry is kind of foundational. I believe your government should be the owner of your digital ID.” Vestberg agreed: “Absolutely, 100%,” he remarked.
Following those remarks, Banga went to explain how the digital ID should be connected with their citizens, and the government’s role to play in them.
Private companies should not own that. It is the social contract of a citizen with their country to have an identity, a currency and safety. You should not take that away from them. They should have the digital identity. That digital identity should guarantee the privacy of that citizen. It should help them with their security, but the government should give the identity.
Once you do that, then connecting them to the infrastructure that a private company, whether Ericsson or Verizon or combinations of them, in fact, mostly it’s a combination, can build.
Then the question is, what do you do with it that requires that digital ID so you can start connecting with that citizen? Now the question is, when you connect with that citizen, you must ensure that governments guarantee the privacy of that citizen, because if you don’t do that, you will run into trouble with the acceptance of the idea. If you want this to be embraced around the world, yes, get the infrastructure, get a digital ID. That’s what we used to talk about even earlier. Get that going and then move from there.
Banga explained
In the closing minutes of the discussion, Vestberg did want to emphasize that this digital inclusivity is just optional for those who want to be apart of it, which they hope to have ready by 2030.
He said: “There’s still going to be, I think, a portion of our population that’s going to be outside the grid because they choose to be outside. They don’t want to be in part of it, and that’s fine. But for anybody who wants to be part of the digital inclusion, digital society, we should provide for that.
“And hopefully, when we sit there, 2030, everyone that wants to be part of our digital society, they should be part of it and have access to the most fundamental services that a citizen, a person on this planet, should have. And that’s my goal, way above my daily work at Verizon,” he noted.
Countries such as Australia are at the forefront of implementing national digital IDs. Last month the country’s Senate passed a bill to amend and proceed with the digital ID rollout. Australia has also been greatly leading the pack in transforming into a completely digital and cashless society, with hardly anyone using physical tender anymore.
And yet this digital ID thing, not surprisingly, has already shown major flaws. In November I reported how India’s national digital ID system called Aadhaar got hacked, and roughly 815 million Indian’s very personal and unique data was uploaded to the dark web for tens of thousands at ransom.
In order for CBDCs to be implemented, the digital IDs need to be in place. SEE: Must Read: Top Economist And Professor Reveals That Central Banks Want To Microchip People So They Can Administer CBDCs
1 Samuel 23:22 Go, I pray you, prepare yet, and know and see his place where his haunt is, and who hath seen him there: for it is told me that he dealeth very subtilly.
These elites keep trying to gaslight us with all these hues and cries that it’ll be optional – yeah, maybe initially; but how long before it’s mandated, like we know they will eventually?
[7] Who goeth a warfare any time at his own charges? who planteth a vineyard, and eateth not of the fruit thereof? or who feedeth a flock, and eateth not of the milk of the flock? [8] Say I these things as a man? or saith not the law the same also? [9] For it is written in the law of Moses, Thou shalt not muzzle the mouth of the ox that treadeth out the corn. Doth God take care for oxen? [10] Or saith he it altogether for our sakes? For our sakes, no doubt, this is written: that he that ploweth should plow in hope; and that he that thresheth in hope should be partaker of his hope. (1 Corinthians 9:7-10).
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We just had two storms here in Maine over the last couple of weeks causing us to loose electricity. Our power company, Central Maine Power is owned by a foreign corporation out of Spain. During the first of these storms, when we lost power at 9pm, I called to report it and got an automated system requesting either my acct number or phone number associated with the acct. The next morning I called to see where they were at with fixing the problem and there was a new automated system in place that offered not only acct number or phone number, but also social security number. I entered my phone number and instead of going to the next menu, I was told to enter my social security number. I ignored it, but it kept asking until eventually transferring me to a Customer Service agent. This was when everything was covered in half an inch of ice and most of the State covered by CMP were without power with temps in the 30s.
In this last storm a couple days ago, we lost power again and there was a new menu still asking for Social Security numbers, but it did allow me to just put in my phone number and move on.
Most people don’t know they do not have to give a Social Security number to these corporations as they are not to be used as identifying numbers. It is illegal for these corporations to demand this information, but out of ignorance of their rights, people just hand this information over when asked.
All you have to say is that its private information and its illegal for them to expect you to comply and they move on to some other form of identification, even at the bank. I’ve even said, its against my religion to have one and that works too.
Wondering if these mass murderer’s hangings will be covered by main sewage media?
Anyone still a customer after reading this gets what they deserve.
I just switched to Verizon because TMobile was going to fine people thousands of dollars what they deem as racist in people’s texts. I thought our communication was private?
No digital id. It leads to the mark of the beast.
All these telecommunication companies are filthy and evil.
Hello Jacob,
Please see this attached video. Please asked GOD to show you his truth and not man’s teachings and to humble yourself to hear HIS truth. Do no let your pride get in the way of God’s truth!
Take Care
The church does not go through “The Tribulation,” which is more accurately the called the time of JACOB’s trouble. I’m not budging on that, it’s a nonnegotiable.
Sorry Jacob I am not asking your pride to budge but to have your eyes truly opened to the lies you believe. You will see when you realize you are still here, when you are still here living in your denial. BE VERY CAREFUL! I hope you really watched the video…….
Forgot the attachment
“That digital identity should guarantee the privacy of that citizen. It should help them with their security, but the government should give the identity.” He’s either naive or stupid if he believes that. How many millions of people today are practically slaves in their own countries due to the World Bank?
Um noooo…..
Part of my social contract is if you become tyrannical you get hanged!
They’re called 3/8″ hard trunklines, and EVERY cell tower/5g array/unmanaged switch node has one…..
Imagine 40million+, JUST like me…..”well organized”.
They sure have a lousy security system if they got hacked that quickly. You can’t trust any business, any doctor, most pastors, or people these days. What’s left? I vote for the Rapture. That will be the solution for ALL our problems for eternity. Woohoo Hope to see you all soon.
Part of the problem is the ideology against regulations for global corporations. The time is past for that kind of regulation to control them, but it once would have been valid. With no regulations, they are free to become as power hungry, amoral, and sociopathic as they wish. Conservatives constantly harp “I don’t want communism,” “I don’t want communism,” I don’t want communism,” but I don’t want control-based, technocratic governance by global corporations either!
Very true!
Digital ID creates government-citizen compact?
NO! I do not want to be contracted to a bunch of criminal parasites (government and banks).
You take care of mending roads and organise the garbage collection and facilitate the movement of cash i the background while everyone else go about their lives, building the world and family life, inventing and manufacturing, buying and selling what we want. YOU work for us, you are employees.