Monopolized food corporations are under fire once again after a new study reveals their products are loaded full of a toxic pesticide that greatly affects growth and development in babies and children.

The study, conducted by the Journal of Exposure Science & Environmental Epidemiology, and published by the Environmental Working Group (EWG), highlighted the effects of a pesticide called chlormequat chloride, which is heavily sprayed on grains and is heavily contaminated in the subsequent products.

In the opening abstract of the study – “A pilot study of chlormequat in food and urine from adults in the United States from 2017 to 2023” – says:

Chlormequat chloride is a plant growth regulator whose use on grain crops is on the rise in North America. Toxicological studies suggest that exposure to chlormequat can reduce fertility and harm the developing fetus at doses lower than those used by regulatory agencies to set allowable daily intake levels.

Here we report, the presence of chlormequat in urine samples collected from people in the U.S., with detection frequencies of 69%, 74%, and 90% for samples collected in 2017, 2018–2022, and 2023, respectively. Chlormequat was detected at low concentrations in samples from 2017 through 2022, with a significant increase in concentrations for samples from 2023. We also observed high detection frequencies of chlormequat in oat-based foods.

Chlormequat was detected in 77 of 96, or 80% of all urine samples.

These findings and chlormequat toxicity data raise concerns about current exposure levels, and warrant more expansive toxicity testing, food monitoring, and epidemiological studies to assess health effects of chlormequat exposures in humans.

This work highlights the need for more expansive monitoring of chlormequat in U.S. foods and in human specimens, as well as toxicological and epidemiological study on chlormequat, as this chemical is an emerging contaminant with documented evidence of low-dose adverse health effects in animal studies.

In their press release, EWG explained that exposure to this chemical, which was found to be heavily concentrated in General Mills products Cheerios and Quaker Oats, said: ‘The fact that so many people are exposed raises concerns about its potential impact on public health, since animal studies link chlormequat to reduced fertilityharm to the reproductive system and altered fetal growth.’

EWG went on to explain how this chemical got into American food systems:

Environmental Protection Agency regulations allow the chemical to be used on ornamental plants only – not food crops – grown in the U.S. But its use is permitted on imported oats and other foods sold here. Many oats and oat products consumed in the U.S. come from Canada. 

Chlormequat was not allowed on oats sold in the U.S. before 2018, when the Trump EPA gave first-time approval for some amount of the chemical on imported oats. The same administration in 2020 increased the allowable level. These regulatory changes might help explain why we’re seeing more frequent, higher detections of the chemical in Americans tested. 

In April 2023, in response to a 2019 application submitted by chlormequat manufacturer Taminco, the Biden EPA proposed allowing the first-ever use of chlormequat on barley, oat, triticale and wheat grown in the U.S. EWG opposes the plan

SEE: EPA Finally Bans A Known Brain-Damaging Pesticide Sprayed On Our Food: Chlorpyrifos

In 2022 President Joe Biden and a bipartisan crew of Senators launched the “Conference on Hunger, Nutrition and Health,” in an effort to reform the failing and outdated health principles in the U.S. The anointed head of it, Dariush Mozaffarian, the Dean of the Tufts Friedman School of Nutrition Science and Policy at Tufts University, helped to create the “Food Compass;” an arbitrary scoring system that ranks a plethora of foods from 0-100.

This list, however, has received plenty of criticism, as foods such as Frosted Mini Wheats, Honey Nut Cheerios, Lucky Charms, Almond M&Ms, and much more, ranked fairly high and were to be “encouraged” to be eaten more of, but things such as ground beef, eggs fried in butter, and cheddar cheese ranked very long and advises consumers to minimize their consumption of these foods.


Keep in mind that this is just one chemical they examined: this does not cover the whole host of other ones; plus the vegetable seed oils, plus the ultra-processed and bleached sugars, the ultra-processed grains and fibers themselves, the fake flavors and colors, the preservatives, and the junk plastic packaging they are stored in. All of this combined creates some of the worst of the worst foods to ever dare to consume; and it shows, for cereal is an American staple, and the rapidly deteriorating and grotesque state of America is simply just depressing.

For all tables are full of vomit and filthiness, so that there is no place clean.

Isaiah 28:8

Furthermore, PLOT TWIST: nearly all of the products on the grocery store shelves are loaded with a myriad of toxic chemicals and ingredients. The media loves to do this: they love to only single a few random things or fast foods, but they never disclose the truth that almost of all the food most Americans consume daily, if not entirely, is unfit to be deemed as ‘food.’

SEE: Did You Know That Coke And Pepsi Are Used As Pesticides In India?

Toxic Antibiotics And Contraceptives Found In Popular Fast Food And School Meals

But hey, according to our government and the white coats, we need to eat more of this for longevity, but stay away from that ‘accursed’ beef and eggs, right?

And again, as I often point out, Biden or Trump makes no difference, as they both are responsible for the abysmal and ever-worsening food in this country, and the consolidation of big business and crushing the rights of small farmers. But what we would expect from a senile old coot who can’t stop eating ice cream and inhaling children, and glutton Trump and his love for fast food?

I often hear this ruse Trumpers love to tell themselves: ‘oh, maybe he didn’t know, maybe he got deceived and got some bad information.’ Then that just it makes it worse and just proves that he, like Biden, is a foolish and oppressive leader, according to the proverbial wisdom preserved in the King James Bible.

Better is a poor and a wise child than an old and foolish king, who will no more be admonished.

The prince that wanteth understanding is also a great oppressor: but he that hateth covetousness shall prolong his days.

Ecclesiastes 4:13; Proverbs 28:16

[7] Who goeth a warfare any time at his own charges? who planteth a vineyard, and eateth not of the fruit thereof? or who feedeth a flock, and eateth not of the milk of the flock? [8] Say I these things as a man? or saith not the law the same also? [9] For it is written in the law of Moses, Thou shalt not muzzle the mouth of the ox that treadeth out the corn. Doth God take care for oxen? [10] Or saith he it altogether for our sakes? For our sakes, no doubt, this is written: that he that ploweth should plow in hope; and that he that thresheth in hope should be partaker of his hope. (1 Corinthians 9:7-10).

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  • The “accursed” beef and eggs. Too bad, you so-called scientists only compel me and many others to only load up on steak and eggs! My favorite food is Chinese or any type of Asian cuisine and I ALWAYS make sure it’s meat and not vegetarian although there’s also vegetables.

    4) For every creature of God is good, and nothing to be refused, if it be received with thanksgiving:
    1 Timothy 4:4

    Kellogg’s made a commercial recommending having Frosted Flakes for dinner instead of chicken. In your dreams that’s gross, or as Tony the tiger would say they’re G R-R-R- OSS!

    • The description reads: “If you’re tired of cooking chicken over and over (and the kids are bored of eating it) we’ve got something you’ll want to try. Scratch that – NEED to try. Turn off the stove, pop open the pantry and pour your favorite Kellogg’s® cereal for dinner!”
      No comment.

      • Propaganda at its finest and using Tony the Tiger and Toucan Sam – cartoon characters, to entice them to want to eat that poison called cereal.
        Cereal for dinner, sugary cereal no less, that’s senseless!

      • hey Jacob here’s a nice insights on israel, the rissian community controls/runs all security in israel.
        I personally thought it was israel alone. ties in to the heavy vaxx forcing on people and explaines sooooo many other things why there are so many different kind of problems. the guy in the video is an idf soldier matan peretz who actually lives in israel and knows all the ins and outs about life there.

        but what in the world is the russian community doing running all security in a democratic country ?

        russia is a communist country so maybe these in israel are the ones who fled russia coz russia sides with hamas and iran and ither communist imperial countries.

        can you make sense of all this.

        oh and careful faul language i had a hard time listening to it.

  • I hope you’re making your own Asian cuisine, Andrew. One of the first food additives we learned of was an excitotoxin called msg that restaurant Asian food was laden with. Derivative of soy, if I’m not mistaken. Dr. Blaylock wrote several books warning people about it.

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