The following report is by Becker’s Healthcare Review:
In a milestone moment in the Mile High City, on Nov. 27, Denver Health administered the first live Ebola vaccine for preventative measures to some patients, 9News reported.
In 2015, HHS designated Denver Health one of 13 Regional Emerging Special Pathogens Treatment Centers in the U.S. — serving as an infectious disease training and care hub for six states in its region.
It is one of the first health systems in the country to administer the vaccine, according to the news outlet.
The vaccine, Ervebo, was first approved by the FDA in 2019 for anyone older than 1.
While outbreaks have continued across the globe, Ebola is less frequently seen in the U.S. but nonetheless is extremely deadly with a mortality rate between 70% and 90% when left untreated, according to the CDC.
Importation of Ebola disease to the United States by an infected traveler from an outbreak area is a recognized risk with the potential for spread to other people. During the 2014-2016 Ebola disease outbreak in West Africa, 11 people were treated for [Ebola] in the U.S., and two of them died. Nine of these cases were imported into the U.S.
The CDC states.
The other two cases were contracted by healthcare workers treating the patients, according to the agency.
It is unclear how long the vaccines provide immunity, but at the moment the dosage is just one shot, Maria Frank, MD, a hospital medicine specialist with Denver Health, told 9News.
She was one of the first recipients of the vaccine, which at this time is only available to frontline workers at high risk of contracting the disease.
This is something we’ll have to put in the memory banks and see what comes of it. I could cynically think of plenty of crazy things that could come of this. It is indeed a bit strange the timing of this, in my view, as while this is not getting a lot of press attention, international media is on yet another media distraction and propaganda tour over “another pandemic,” a new “mystery illness” stemming from China; and, as a distraction from the failure in Ukraine and debacle in Israel right now, as the public has very much turned against those conflicts.
Last year The WinePress cited a report that claims that now Ebola can infect and hide away in your brain for many years undetected, and then triggered down the line.
[7] Who goeth a warfare any time at his own charges? who planteth a vineyard, and eateth not of the fruit thereof? or who feedeth a flock, and eateth not of the milk of the flock? [8] Say I these things as a man? or saith not the law the same also? [9] For it is written in the law of Moses, Thou shalt not muzzle the mouth of the ox that treadeth out the corn. Doth God take care for oxen? [10] Or saith he it altogether for our sakes? For our sakes, no doubt, this is written: that he that ploweth should plow in hope; and that he that thresheth in hope should be partaker of his hope. (1 Corinthians 9:7-10).
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more bioweaponry released upon the public.
More bioweaponry and more fear fuel to see who’s still a submissive little sheeple and who is at least trying hard to be a lion.
I somewhat recently saw a video on rumble about some stuff known as hydrogel nanoparticles that some have theorized have been used in the Covid vaccines in order plant “sleeper” illnesses in people. Apparently the material these particles are made of breakdown when exposed to a certain frequency of radio waves like 5g which would then release whatever was contained in them. This would essentially enable them to trigger a remote pandemic at any time within a matter of hours on a potentially global scale. One of the alleged illnesses was an Ebola strain which is why I am making this comment after seeing the report about Ebola apparently now being able to remain dormant.
Just what we need. Vaccine shedding ebola. In the nursing homes there are outbreaks with every round of vaccination, only the most seriously braindead, high or most stubbornly willfully ignorant can deny what’s before their eyes now. …..And outbreaks of pediatric pneumonia, and bird flu, and mad cow, and, and, and…. keep the pressure on them, build the fear etc. And it’s looking like the global alien threat & seduction unifier is about to be deployed, too, in addition to the hate & fear of carbon, the stuff of all living things with their ‘global warming’ worship and service of death. …..But meanwhile, our hope is more sure & evidenced by the fulfillment of the word & the incredible distinctiveness & power of the King James Bible that stands alone every day. Life and truth. Eye on the sky, ear listening, boots on the ground & armor full on & moving forward: warning whosoever will hear….admonitions & warnings of Jude in mind. Their phoenix triumph isn’t going to be as expected & the jubilation of the Assyrian tool of judgment short-lived. 1 Thessalonians 5 and Rev 6 onwards, the hour is late.
Yep. All part of the plan. Let 8+ million unvetted illegal aliens into thebU.S. (and into other countries) so leftistsbcan stay in power by buying votes with welfare, and they BRING THEIR FOREIGN DISEASES IN WITH THEM!