Multibillionaire investor and philanthropist Bill Gates is heavily investing in genetically modified (GMO) grains to offset costs, reduce emissions, and guarantee a sustainable food supply whilst ending hunger, claiming that “every piece of bread” he’s ever eaten are from GMO wheat crops.
Gates made these claims during a special event hosted by the University of Nairobi in Kenya, on November 18th, 2022, which received very little press and acknowledgement.
In the lead-up to this conference Gates was already on a tour to speak with other leaders, educators, and investors in Kenya and other parts of Africa to essentially promote the 17 different aspects on the United Nations’ Sustainability Goals.
Several days before the collaboration with the University, Mr. Gates was exclusively interviewed by Kenya’s Nation media, where he said that Kenya has “improved dramatically” since his last visit to the country 12 years ago. Gates said he wants to examine the progress being made – after having already shelling out billions of dollars in funding to Kenyan services to innovate the country, to share these improvements to “other countries can learn from what’s happening here, especially in the areas of health and climate adaptation,” he said.
More specifically he said he would be visiting some of the Kenyan health centers and learn about their “cutting-edge” technologies that are being implemented, along with meeting with “smallholder farmers” and learn of their challenges they face and learn if the newer innovations are working, or “what they’re doing to adapt and generate new sources of income;” and to meet with government leaders and students to learn more about what is happening in their communities.
I’m also really looking forward to meeting with young people from across the continent and students at the University of Nairobi. Africa’s population is the youngest and fastest growing on the planet—that presents enormous opportunity. They’re already driving innovation in health and tech and climate. I can’t wait to meet some of Kenya’s young innovators!
[…] I’m hopeful that the new generation can drive progress even further and faster, creating conditions for more people to live healthy lives.The climate crisis has become a food and nutrition emergency, especially in sub-Saharan Africa. It is an injustice that Africans, who have done the least to create these challenges, are suffering the most severe consequences.
[…] We also need a massive infusion of resources into climate adaptation. That’s why last week, our foundation announced $1.4 billion to help ensure smallholder farmers have more options even as climate change intensifies. But even more is needed.At COP 27, African leaders called on rich nations to deliver on their pledge to double investments for climate adaptation by 2025. I agree with them. Meeting this moment requires investment in both proven and new ways of thinking, new technologies and strong collaborations.
Gates added during the interview
“Innovating For Food Security And Climate Change In Africa”
As referenced in his initial interview, one of the events on Gates’ itinerary was to speak at the University of Nairobi. The event was called “Innovating for Food Security and Climate Change in Africa,” where 500 students were allowed to attend in person, along with tons more across the continent watching and interacting via livestream. Teresa Clarke, Chair of, the board chair of the Legal Resources Centre of South Africa’s United States organization, was the in-person host.
That weekend after the event was complete the University of Nairobi revealed that over 10,000 more students tuned-in virtually from over 130 countries. The press release from the University did not disclose all that many details as to what he discussed, besides stressing that ‘agriculture is one of the ways for Climate Adaptation,’ the college said, along with questions about ‘inclusivity, technology, funding opportunities for women and climate justice.’
The Vice Chancellor of the University of Nairobi Professor Stephen Kiama was ‘elated,’ the University said, stating:
To say that we happy is an understatement! We are indeed very privileged and blessed to host Mr. Gates, a man whose innovation story continue to inspire all of us.
The University of Nairobi is distinctly honoured and most grateful for the partnership with the Gates Foundation –through Centre for Epidemiological Modelling and Analysis(CEMA) that has strengthened and positively impacted on our national response to epidemics and emergency situations and The Women Hub or Wee hub –a research hub with focus on inclusion and empowerment of women is another hallmark of our strong partnership.
The continent is full of young and brilliant minds, that given the right environment and support, can bring solutions to the persistent food insecurity in the continent.
And indeed, Mr. Kiama and attendees were ecstatic for Gates to walk amongst their presence: for a literal choir was also in attendance, and sang three anthems as Bill stood half-smiling on the stage, and concluded by singing the national anthem again at the conclusion of the event, right after Gates took some selfies with the hosts.

In his opening address, Gates said that while vast improvements are being made around the world and in Kenya, he said that “we’re still creating trouble, we’re still pumping carbon into the atmosphere at record levels,” though noting that Kenya is producing very little but other nations are not holding up their end of the bargain, thus are inadvertently affecting them.
Gates then referenced a farmer named Mary who has had to deal with drought throughout the years, but has ultimately adapted new crops and new processes, to wit, GMO seeds and modified livestock as well, as Gates went on to reveal.
She took me out to her field and she showed me the innovations [she’s made.] She’s planting in a different way, and she has very innovative livestock, both chickens and cows that are giving a uniquely high productivity to her.
Innovations like herd-drought-tolerate seeds and improved indigenous chickens are a product of years of research and development.
[…] We are capable as humans of having the ingenuity to solve these problems.

After Gates’ opening remarks the host further inquired about these GMO seeds and livestock. Gates revealed that this Mary is actual a “village-based advisor” where she takes what she sees and learns and then spreads it to a small pod of other farmers.
But Gates said that during his stay in Kenya the farm visit was “the most valuable” to him because he was able to “see the progress, to see the better seeds,” and added that “we’re just at the beginning of that, to see those hybrid chickens, to see the cows,” he said.
Later in the discussion Bill was asked a question from a virtual attendant about the future of innovation and agricultural, and what should the youth really focus in on. In short, he said to invest and study agriculture, and any and all advancements in the field.
Bill then went on a tangent stating that “we need a second Green Revolution,” where he noted how the first one introduced higher yielding crops through GMO processes but also used pesticides which Gates admitted were harmful. Be that as it may, Gates still said that:
We know that overwhelmingly that was a good thing, but what we need is a second Green Revolution, this time one that is much more environmentally friendly, and that addresses far more crops particularly for the ecosystems throughout Africa.
We’re very lucky that plant biology is the same as human biology, so all these tools to do sequencing and understand genetics apply equally well to plants, and so being able how to understand how do they resist disease, how do they grow more, even the basic mechanism of photosynthesis and how we might be able to make that more efficient.
You know we have at hand the science to improve agricultural output even in the face of tough weather.
The Gates Foundation does supports [sic] this by funding what we call the CG system: that’s the global set of institutions that improve seeds. […] And because of getting more resources to the CG system we have new seeds coming along.
Now we need to do even more. You know if you really want to help people avoid climate adaptation agriculture is the biggest part of that, and what we should see is a dramatic increase in all agricultural innovation.
Nearly three-quarters of the way through Gates suggested what he wishes richer and more developed nations would do to help tackle the climate crisis:
My view is that the rich countries really have three things that they owe to the rest of the world:
The first is pretty simple, they need to rapidly set an example by driving their emissions to zero. The sooner they can do that the better. Unfortunately it’s not likely that they’ll get there before 2050 – a few of them probably won’t meet that goal, but that you know is a very serious goal … that needs to be done.
The second thing is that they need to innovate in such a way that for the rest of the countries that they invent ways of doing all of the climate emitting activities – that includes driving cars, flying planes, making cement, making steel – all these things, they need to use their innovation power to give us a way of doing, so that it doesn’t cost extra to do it without emissions; and I term that having the “Green Premium:” the extra costs for green to be zero.
[…] So once you get those green premiums down, so then you can go to the middle income countries […], and say, ‘Okay, please adopt these innovative practices. We’re not asking you to slowdown your development because there’d be no possible way to justify that.The third thing is both innovating and funding climate adaption. We use mitigation, for the idea of reducing emissions to zero, and we use adaption to talk about minimizing the damage.
It’s very complicated how you attribute things to climate change. For example the Sahel drying out is a cyclical thing: that would be happening without climate change. But you know some other events are caused by climate change, and you know weather is immensely complicated.
[…] So yes, there is in the name of justice some level of resources should be sent – which is basically increasing age generosity. There’s an ever stronger moral case for that before. I think there’s always been a moral case for it. You know if you can save lives for a thousand dollars per life saved by getting vaccines out – it’s a crime that that isn’t done.
Following this answer the host further asked how the mega rich such as himself should charitably give back. Gates said that he makes sure that his emissions are down, though he said that he flies a plane which is a “bit extravagant” but that he “makes sure those emissions are eliminated.”
“These Are Proven Products”
But Mr. Gates was not quite finished speaking at the University of Nairobi.
In a separate speech he gave at the University he praised the benefits of GMO crops and how all he eats are GMOs, whilst blasting organic agriculture for being too niche and expensive – even though he confessed to the students that the first Green Revolution involved using fertilizers that he admitted were harmful.
Nevertheless Gate said this:
Organic food is a small part of the market that’s very expensive. But every piece of bread I’ve ever eaten is high-productivity wheat, GMO wheat. Every piece of corn I’ve eaten is GMO corn.
These are things that billions of years of using these products have been done.
[…] These are proven, proven products – nobody’s trying to take something that hundreds of millions of people haven’t already been eating with the perfect safety record.
In June of last year The WinePress reported in a detailed piece on how many ‘experts’ in the big international agricultural space all calling for the rapid implementation of gene-edited grains – crops that are weather resistant and non-disease forming, for example; using the Ukraine conflict as a proxy to do so; and just like Gates, the media in tow has blasted organic farming and demands that it be scrapped in order to sustain equitable food levels, blaming Russia for being heavy promotors and exporters of organic food. When gates refers to the implementation of “herd-drought-tolerate seeds” and “the better seeds,” these are the types of crops he is alluding to.
Bill Gates has been purchasing large swaths of farmland, becoming the largest farmland owner in the United States in 2021. This has of course caused many in the industry to become concerned and curious why he is purchasing so much land.
Not Everyone’s Impressed
But there are still plenty of Kenyans that are not buying what Gates is pushing.
For example, in the comment section of the video where Gates professes his love for GMOs, many Africans called him a liar and did not want GMOs in the country, and others mocking his “billions of years” assertion. Some of the comments include:
What you may feel or think is right for you may not be right for anyone else. And using wealth to force through such a controversial agenda is immoral.
“Noel Okello” said
This man is not okay in his head.
“Teek” wrote
Go eat your own bread, and leave us alone!
“Jillo Bila” posted
In Europe the rich buy organic some call it Bio. Why should the poor eat gmos poor Food, While God made organic. If GOD did not make gmo let us eat what he made for us read Leviticus 19:19. Or whole of it. God is against gmos. Kenya u will see wonders.
You will see chickens with fat like pigs or ducks, you will wonder how comes this chicken is that fat. Get me this one that is well fatted.
“b” said
Billions of years of using these products have been done?? 🤔 So we have been modifying products for billions of years yet we haven’t been around for billions of years. Here are the time traveler’s you read about. Wachawi (Witches). 😂
“Ra” posted
He failed in India now he his here in Kenya. And the leader literally accepted him.
“David Ndara” added
Yeh, but look at your Wheat Belly with Insulin Resistance.
“Sean Griffiths” said

Moreover, a student from the University of Nairobi is not buying it either. Benard Aloo, MA International Studies student at the University of Nairobi, wrote a short piece about Gates’ visit to Kenya, which was then published by Business Daily Africa, urging his fellow Kenyans to “Take Bill Gates’ word on GMOs with a pinch of salt.”
He had this to say:
“Every piece of bread I’ve ever eaten is…GMO wheat…”
This statement made by Bill Gates at the University of Nairobi last week is probably the clearest hint yet that his trip to Kenya was to exploit the opportunity of positioning himself for a huge business opportunity.
The Kenyan government recently lifted a 10-year ban on cultivation and importation of genetically modified crops to address food insecurity and it is not a coincidence that the Microsoft co-founder decided to drop by.
On his first trip to Africa since the Covid-19 pandemic began, Gates met local leaders, including President William Ruto. He also spent time visiting primary healthcare centres, medical and agricultural research institutes, and smallholder farms to find ways of partnering in areas of mutual interest and in addressing hunger, disease, gender inequality, and poverty.
Gates has been involved in several good initiatives through the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation around the world. In fact, on his last visit, he announced $ 7 billion in investments in agriculture, health, gender equality and other critical areas in Africa. Kenya has been a such beneficiary.
This is why when the American philanthropist gathers a group of young African scholars at a public university, they listen.
There are a lot of assertions made by Gates in his speech at the University of Nairobi that would fail a fact-checker scale but I will restrict this to the GMO gaffe.
The United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) ranks wheat as the third among US field crops in planted acreage, production, and gross farm receipts, behind corn and soybeans.
What ought to raise the antenna of any Kenyan who was inspired by Bill’s assertion is that USDA reports that “wheat sowings lost ground to coarse grains and oil seeds due to technological innovations that improved production prospects for corn and soybeans.”
Farmers in the US grow wheat mainly for human food use and this is where it gets interesting.
No GMO wheat is commercially grown in the US because, apparently, food processors in Europe and US are very much aware of the consumers’ reactions to products containing genetically modified wheat.
In fact, it wasn’t until October 2020 that Argentina approved the world’s first genetically engineered wheat for cultivation and consumption.
Of course, they have increased production massively since then, with other nations like Nigeria having approved the importation of wheat from Argentina.
Either Bill has been growing his own genetically modified wheat since childhood or he lied to the men and women in Kenya who showed up or logged online to listen to his speech. To what end would Gates, one of the world’s wealthiest, lie brazenly in the public?
Gates has been a great partner to Africa in addressing challenges, but it is important to remember that he may get a thing or two wrong, like his prophecy on the effects Covid-19 would have on Africa.
“You Will Burn In Hell” For Opposing GMOs
But some of the Kenyan politicians do not share the sentiment and are all-in on Gates’ GMO seeds.
On November 18th, the day after Gates gave his talk at the University, Trade Cabinet Secretary Moses Kuria announced that 10 million GMO maize seeds will be imported to begin growing. However, Kuria turned some heads when he compared eating GMOs to be a cause of death.
We have so many things that can kill us in the country. Being in this country, you are a candidate for death.
And because so many things compete for death, there is nothing wrong with adding GMOs to that list. That is why we have deliberately allowed GMO until we are satisfied that we have enough maize, the staple food.

Mr. Kuria and other peddlers of the GMO seeds have faced heavy backlash for this investment. Kuria then took to social media two days after his initial announcement, telling his critics to “burn in hell.”
It is completely callous for rich idlers and Twitterati with a bowl of pizza and fishfingers to continue attacking our GMO policy while Hustlers are dying of hunger and poisoned donkey meat. You will burn in hell.
He said
Other politicians have been outspoken against the implementation of GMO crops. Roots party leader Professor George Wajackoyah asserted that GMO grains will women to grow beards and men to grow breasts. Speaking in Swahili he said:
These days you are being told about GMOs…Mexico has rejected GMOs because they did research, nearly five hundred men in Mexico grew breasts by eating GMOs and women grew beards.
We have also rejected the GMO stuff, but if you eat that GMO, women will grow beards and men will grow breasts.
He said

Last week Kenyan President William Ruto pushed back against these claims. He said:
As the leader of the country, I cannot endanger the lives of the people who elected me. Myself, I’m a scientist. Every scientist in Kenya agrees that GMO does not have any problems. South Africa, the United States is 100 percent GMO.
I hear others saying that I don’t know why mothers grow beards… That is the propaganda of people who don’t want us to be able to produce enough food. I myself have eaten GMO food, I have grown breasts?
All the food that we have been importing all these years, already contains GMOs. The KEBS say it must be less than 1 percent. And that we pay 30/40 per cent more.

Interestingly enough, professing atheists apart of The Atheists In Kenya Society have praised the move to import GMO seeds, claiming that there are no apparent issues.
There is no credible evidence of harm from GMOs. On the contrary, GMO crops have been shown to have more impact in countries like India and Brazil.
In a country such as ours, where farm inputs, like fertilizers, farm equipment, and pesticides are becoming harder to afford for our farmers, we believe that [genetically modified] crops have more to offer.
GMOs are not poison. The perceived ills of genetically modified foods are illusory and far smaller than believed.
President Harrison Mumia of the society said in a statement
But The Council of Governors (CoG) have condemned the move to lift the ban on GMOs, calling the move “premature.”
The Council therefore proposes that the national and county governments form a joint technical committee to oversee the execution of the GMO ban lift.
It also goes against our legal and policy stand to conserve biological diversity, promote sustainable use of its components and the equitable sharing of the benefits arising out of the utilization of genetic resources.
In light of the above, the Council of Governors has held consultations with the County Government of Kilifi and wishes to inform members of the public that the following corrective measures have been initiated; No further felling of Baobab trees will be undertaken since a stop order was issued.
CoG’s Agriculture Committee Chairperson Governor Ken Lusaka said
[9] Gather not my soul with sinners, nor my life with bloody men: [10] In whose hands is mischief, and their right hand is full of bribes. [11] But as for me, I will walk in mine integrity: redeem me, and be merciful unto me. Psalms 26:9-11
Well, it’s easy to see where Gates’ $7 billion investment went: straight into the wallets of these politicians who sold their people and farmers out for a pretty penny. The idolatry for that man is just mindboggling, seeing these people coddle up to him like he is a god, singing songs in his presence. Such a shame to see that some of the Kenyans are allowing this psychokiller the liberty to even walk upon their grounds.
All you Kenyans should have seen what Americans look like (Gates included), and you should notice that they are rotund and waddle like bloated penguins; as they eat themselves to death with their GMOs and highly-processed “foods,” laced with pesticides, heavy metals, and microplastics. But hey, don’t take my word for it: Gates says GMOs have been “proven” over the course of “millions” of years, so we know he can’t be wrong…
Furthermore, Gates have very much been interested in cultivating cell-cultured, lab-grown meats and plant-based slop; and so that’s what he’ll be pushing next on you Africans.
SEE: Bill Gates Pushes Even Harder For Nations To Adopt Artificial Beef
As much as I am for going organic and ridding of these toxic pesticides, and all these processed foods, and poor conventional livestock practices; the organic movement, unfortunately, is being used to destabilize Western agricultural sectors. I have reported that since more states and farms are starting to move towards going organic and regenerative, it means that these farms are being decommissioned for years before they can be certified as “organic.” This means that for most Americans who eat all this toxic garbage, massive famine is on the horizon because the food sector is being systemically destroyed on purpose. Good, clean, organic foods like these eco-warriors say they want is just a ruse: it is only designed to destabilize the current framework.
Bill Gates and all the rest will have their day…
And the nations were angry, and thy wrath is come, and the time of the dead, that they should be judged, and that thou shouldest give reward unto thy servants the prophets, and to the saints, and them that fear thy name, small and great; and shouldest destroy them which destroy the earth.
Revelation 11:18
[7] Who goeth a warfare any time at his own charges? who planteth a vineyard, and eateth not of the fruit thereof? or who feedeth a flock, and eateth not of the milk of the flock? [8] Say I these things as a man? or saith not the law the same also? [9] For it is written in the law of Moses, Thou shalt not muzzle the mouth of the ox that treadeth out the corn. Doth God take care for oxen? [10] Or saith he it altogether for our sakes? For our sakes, no doubt, this is written: that he that ploweth should plow in hope; and that he that thresheth in hope should be partaker of his hope. (1 Corinthians 9:7-10).
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I can’t stand that bloodthirsty dork!
That poindexter is going to burn in hell!
1) He’s a liar. GMO’s weren’t developed when he was young. 2) We may now know what happened to the hardware of his mindsoul as he coarsened his conscience (even early with the initiation of his death-worshipping parents) & further poisoned his body & soul in mid-life.
The hub & the head of this antichrist, anti-life, anti-truth, & yes, anti-science agenda.
In the Mammon temptation, supposing that gain is godliness chapter of 1 Timothy 6: 1 Timothy 6:20 O Timothy, keep that which is committed to thy trust, avoiding profane and vain babblings, and oppositions of science falsely so called:
The Assyrian & crowning city face of the spirit of antichrist, with many intervening layers, covers & cloaks; infiltrators, transformers & propagandist ‘influencers’; cronies & foot-soldiers, crusaders, bought & paid for, & extorted governments of the world….& bringing the wrath & judgment of God as they spread their darkness & filth over the simple, the poor, the youngest & most pure, corrupting them. Revelation 11:18, Revelation 18 KJB. Isaiah 23 & Joel 3, and yet,
Matthew 11:21 Woe unto thee, Chorazin! woe unto thee, Bethsaida! for if the mighty works, which were done in you, had been done in Tyre and Sidon, they would have repented long ago in sackcloth and ashes. Matthew 11:22 But I say unto you, It shall be more tolerable for Tyre and Sidon at the day of judgment, than for you.
1 Peter 4:17 For the time is come that judgment must begin at the house of God: and if it first begin at us, what shall the end be of them that obey not the gospel of God?
Ro 1:16 For I am not ashamed of the gospel of Christ: for it is the power of God unto salvation to every one that believeth; to the Jew first, and also to the Greek.
Ro 2:9 Tribulation and anguish, upon every soul of man that doeth evil, of the Jew first, and also of the Gentile;
Ro 2:10 But glory, honour, and peace, to every man that worketh good, to the Jew first, and also to the Gentile:
Romans 9-11 KJB
The head & the hub of the thing:
The Assyrian & the crowning city face of the spirit of antichrist. Isaiah 23 & Joel 3. Revelation 11:18 & Revelation 18 KJB. Bringing the wrath & judgment of God with their idolatries & usurpations as the image of jealousy: idolatrous humanism culminating in that man of sin & judgment. Thou shalt have no gods before me. For the Lord thy God is a jealous god. Jealous and god 10x in the King James Bible.
Ex 20:5 Thou shalt not bow down thyself to them, nor serve them: for I the LORD thy God am a jealous God, visiting the iniquity of the fathers upon the children unto the third and fourth generation of them that hate me;
Ex 34:14 For thou shalt worship no other god: for the LORD, whose name is Jealous, is a jealous God:
De 4:24 For the LORD thy God is a consuming fire, even a jealous God.
De 5:9 Thou shalt not bow down thyself unto them, nor serve them: for I the LORD thy God am a jealous God, visiting the iniquity of the fathers upon the children unto the third and fourth generation of them that hate me,
De 6:15 (For the LORD thy God is a jealous God among you) lest the anger of the LORD thy God be kindled against thee, and destroy thee from off the face of the earth.
Jos 24:19 And Joshua said unto the people, Ye cannot serve the LORD: for he is an holy God; he is a jealous God; he will not forgive your transgressions nor your sins.
1Ki 19:10 And he said, I have been very jealous for the LORD God of hosts: for the children of Israel have forsaken thy covenant, thrown down thine altars, and slain thy prophets with the sword; and I, even I only, am left; and they seek my life, to take it away.
1Ki 19:14 And he said, I have been very jealous for the LORD God of hosts: because the children of Israel have forsaken thy covenant, thrown down thine altars, and slain thy prophets with the sword; and I, even I only, am left; and they seek my life, to take it away.
Eze 39:25 Therefore thus saith the Lord GOD; Now will I bring again the captivity of Jacob, and have mercy upon the whole house of Israel, and will be jealous for my holy name;
Na 1:2 God is jealous, and the LORD revengeth; the LORD revengeth, and is furious; the LORD will take vengeance on his adversaries, and he reserveth wrath for his enemies.
Stop quoting this idiocy because it just proves you have no personal authority and would supplicate yourself to an entity you have no idea of who or what they are. Wake up and get your head out of the bible and face reality. The Gods you pray to are not your friends because it was they who kept their genetically modified Salves (Homo Sapiens) to mine gold in Africa.
You apparently are suffering from what is called, “The Stockholm Syndrome”. After looking it up, reply as to whom you think is your jailer.
The wheat crop was changed worldwide around 1970, but it was not called a GMO product. They just developed a hybrid crop that was shorter than the wheat that was consumed by the WW2 generation. Africa may have been the exception. The book “Wheatbelly” is all about how this hybrid crop produced wheat that has led to insulin resistance for the boomer generation. In addition, bromide was substituted in the bread-baking process where iodine had been used before, and no one really knows who made that “executive decision”. Gates was born in 1955, so yes, he is deliberately lying or doesn’t know what he is talking about. He did eat wheat that was untampered with until about age 15, unless his mother only fed him straw and oats, which would not surprise me one bit.Maybe that’s why he is such an odious geekazoid……he was denied a good ‘ol peanut butter and jelly sandwich from his equally odious, zero-population-growth parents in his very young days.
I’d just about imagine MR. Billy goats is ‘Genetically Modified” (ModiFRIED)
Gates of hell will be in Davos with Schwab and the gang in a few days to discuss their Evil-Plans.
Kenya, your leaders are literally going to kill you by backing Gates. That man who backed the poisonous jab & GMOs now have thousands of Americans a day dying from them, my mom, sister in law & aunts included. I’m not religious but if there is an anti-Christ Bill Gates is it. In addition, he literally fells Africans are way below him in intellect & worthiness & has been using Guineans & others with their experimental bioweapons, AIDS, included. You must learn from your history of the Europeans invading Africa. Now, they want to kill as many as possible to take the natural resources.
Bill Gates is full of baloney, because they did not have genetically modified wheat back when he was a boy. And it was not introduced until the mid 1990s with corn and soy introduced in 1996 before wheat was introduced.
When someone lies so blatantly you can be assured they are hiding their real agenda. Bill Gates is a proven psychopath for his antics in Africa using African children as Lab Rats. I can only hope that Black Africans run a spear through Gates heart, if they can find it.
Perhaps that explains his Spongiform Encephalopathy (brain is ate up).