“Ukraine is a chance for a global digital revolution. A chance for every technology company and a chance for every visionary to show their value, skills, technologies and ambitions.”

Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky helped promote and showcase new hologram technology touted as being one of the future ways to communicate and disperse messages.

In mid-June of this year Zelensky made a speech about resisting and fighting Russia via a new form of 3-D hologram technology, but could only be viewed via smartphones that have the capability of viewing the message. Users could scan a QR code to access the transmission.

The technology comes via Evercoast – technology that was donated to the Ukraine to test out.

Evercoast had the extraordinary opportunity to produce and deliver a seminal moment in volumetric video with a holographic capture of President Zelensky from Kyiv. This is an incredibly important message from a leader whose country is under siege, and Evercoast is honored to have been a part of this.

Ben Nunez, co-founder and CEO of Evercoast, said in a statement.

No Film School reported,

Evercoast’s volumetric capture hardware used for the project is being donated to the Ukrainian government to enable communications in extended reality formats.

The platform, powered by real-time telepresence and recording 3D digital humans, provides capture, rendering, and streaming of 3D volumetric video for use in virtual production, mobile augmented reality, virtual reality, and the metaverse. 

As technology develops, we can watch more 3D addresses from influential figures on our smartphones. Speeches will be widely accessible to everyone with a smartphone, opening up the possibility of what can be distributed excitingly and innovatively.

It’s exciting to see how this technology will continue to innovate the way we capture and view media.

During his holographic address Zelensky remarked,

Ukraine is a chance for a global digital revolution. A chance for every technology company and a chance for every visionary to show their value, skills, technologies and ambitions.

The WinePress has previously reported that tech companies around the world are actively developing hologram technology for smartphones, and the coming 6G internet systems.

SEE: Samsung Unveils 6G Technology That Can Replicate People And Devices. Says They Are Ahead Of Schedule

But Ukraine was already making moves to promote this new wave of technology before Russia began launching operations in the country.

Just two weeks prior to Russia’s initial strikes in the Donbass region in late-February of this year, Zelensky and other executives were touting the country’s move to become a new digital hub for Europe, by the promoting the digitalization of nearly everything: digital identification networks, Covid vaccine passports, digital banking and payment systems, biometrics, the metaverse, and more.

Zelensky and the Ukrainian government launched what they call Diia City, which was a new tax regime for IT businesses that incentivized companies to invest within the country, along with 52 companies initially joining them in this venture, many of them being artificial intelligence developers and digital-only banking companies. These new regulations and tax brackets came into effect this past August.

At the time Zelensky called this city “a digital capital of the electronic state.”

It may bring massive changes into education, the evolution of the market of talents, and Ukraine’s position in the global IT arena.

Andriy Oksenyuk, chief financial officer at Ciklum, an IT giant of over 3,500 employees, with the core team working from Kyiv, he told the Kyiv Independent.

Zelensky explained these ambitions and so much more in a presentation he and other executives gave. The President, for example, touted an app that would regularly credit citizens with cash who got the Covid-19 vaccine, to which they could spend the money on whatever it is that they want to, via their smartphones – smartphones that Zelensky and the government also planned to purchase for every resident who did not already have one.

Leading off of that, Zelensky also touted what the United Kingdom, for example, was already working towards: a Covid track & trace app that really is a covert digital ID that grants users access to everything the country and companies have to offer.

Again, The WP noted how the Ukraine quietly rolled out stimulus to only the vaccinated in the country months after Russia began attacking, while also installing new AI facial recognition systems to snuff out Russian invaders.

SEE: Ukraine Quietly Rolls Out Wartime Payments Tied To Covid Vaccines. Installs Clearview Face-Scanning AI To Hunt Russians


[1] The transgression of the wicked saith within my heart, that there is no fear of God before his eyes. [2] For he flattereth himself in his own eyes, until his iniquity be found to be hateful. [3] The words of his mouth are iniquity and deceit: he hath left off to be wise, and to do good. [4] He deviseth mischief upon his bed; he setteth himself in a way that is not good; he abhorreth not evil.

Psalms 36:1-4

ACTING President Zelensky is just another puppet and proxy being used to usher in these new wicked devices that the world will eventually accept.

I am not defending any party here, but Ukraine was already a wicked, rebellious, and war-torn nation; and nothing more than a product of the United States and NATO corruption they create and leave in their wake. Of course, Russia is very much working towards these same goals as well. They all are.

Remember: all these nations locked down and propagandized this fake virus and enforced death shots on their people. They are ALL working in lockstep together. Putin, Zelensky, the European leaders, American presidents, etc., have all been in the backpocket of the Pope and the Vatican for a VERY long time…

[7] Who goeth a warfare any time at his own charges? who planteth a vineyard, and eateth not of the fruit thereof? or who feedeth a flock, and eateth not of the milk of the flock? [8] Say I these things as a man? or saith not the law the same also? [9] For it is written in the law of Moses, Thou shalt not muzzle the mouth of the ox that treadeth out the corn. Doth God take care for oxen? [10] Or saith he it altogether for our sakes? For our sakes, no doubt, this is written: that he that ploweth should plow in hope; and that he that thresheth in hope should be partaker of his hope. (1 Corinthians 9:7-10).

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  • and he had power to give life unto the image of the beast, that the image should both speak, and cause that as many as would not worship the image of the beast should be killed Rev 13:15

  • Jacob, is your book on the Godhead coming out this November? Also will it be exclusively only available for purchase through the Winepress website?

    • I certainly hope so. I wanted it out by the beginning of October, but other things got in the way that slowed me down. But when it is out I will be sure to make an announcement about it.

      • “Watch influential people on your smartphone” Umm no, if I wanted to watch these clowns I’d watch them on my TV. They’re literally trying to chain us to our smartphones. They keep this nonsense up I’m tossing my phone in Onondaga Lake here.

      • Jacob can you please make it available as a digital epub or pdf file drectly on your site? Shipping is expensive to my country. I also want your book the Lord of Glory. I know it’s on the Amazon website but I would rather buy it from you directly. I know that amazon will take about a 65% cut for your 20 dollars kindle book. The more direct you sell, the better.

  • Faux spiritual digital state & quantum…..the epitome & consequention outcome of pagan humanist idolatry by its spirit with all of its devices advancing toward destruction & death. The latest manifestation of the antichrist world order & spirituality….requiring a matching economy & whore church/religion given to change, conforming to the world and its spirit, sharing in its end.

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