GOP Speaker of the House Mike Johnson introduced a 1,547-page continuing resolution (CR) spending package on December 17th, called the American Relief Act of 2024 – a bill that is worth hundreds of billions of dollars in funding. Today is the final day it must pass, lest there be a government shutdown.
Per usual, there are debates on all sides demanding that certain things be added in or taken out. Incoming President Donald Trump and soon-to-be Vice President JD Vance got involved to apparently get the ball rolling.
Eventually a deal was reached. On Truth Social, Trump described the package as “a very good deal for the American People,” and praised the debt ceiling being suspended once again until 2027.
Trump has even suggested that the debt ceiling should be scrapped entirely, allowing the federal government to borrow without any parameters.
In a phone interview with CBS, Trump told the network: “Number one, the debt ceiling should be thrown out entirely. Number two, a lot of the different things they thought they’d receive [in a recently proposed spending deal] are now going to be thrown out, 100%. And we’ll see what happens. We’ll see whether or not we have a closure during the Biden administration. But if it’s going to take place, it’s going to take place during Biden, not during Trump.”
According to Breitbart, ‘The new spending deal includes a three-month clean extension of current spending levels, a one-year farm bill extension, $110 billion in disaster aid, and – as Trump requested – a two-year suspension of the debt limit until January 2027.’
The conservative outlet added, however, ‘Most of the pork in the bill was stripped, much to the consternation of Washington’s lobbyists.’
But notwithstanding, an intriguing chunk of the new bill contains a large section titled, “PANDEMIC AND ALL-HAZARDS PREPAREDNESS AND RESPONSE.” The different subsections include:
Sec. 601. Short title.
Subtitle A—State and Local Readiness and Response
Sec. 611. Temporary reassignment of State and local personnel during a public
health emergency.
Sec. 612. Public Health Emergency Preparedness program.
Sec. 613. Hospital Preparedness Program.
Sec. 614. Facilities and capacities of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention to combat public health security threats.
Sec. 615. Pilot program to support State medical stockpiles.
Sec. 616. Enhancing domestic wastewater surveillance for pathogen detection.
Sec. 617. Reauthorization of Mosquito Abatement for Safety and Health program.
Subtitle B—Federal Planning and Coordination
Sec. 621. All-Hazards Emergency Preparedness and Response.
Sec. 622. National Health Security Strategy.
Sec. 623. Improving development and distribution of diagnostic tests.
Sec. 624. Combating antimicrobial resistance.
Sec. 625. Strategic National Stockpile and material threats.
Sec. 626. Medical countermeasures for viral threats with pandemic potential.
Sec. 627. Public Health Emergency Medical Countermeasures Enterprise.
Sec. 628. Fellowship and training programs.
Sec. 629. Regional biocontainment research laboratories.
Sec. 629A. Limitation related to countries of concern conducting certain research.
Subtitle C—Addressing the Needs of All Individuals
Sec. 631. Improving access to certain programs.
Sec. 632. Supporting at-risk individuals during emergency responses.
Sec. 633. National advisory committees.
Sec. 634. National Academies study on prizes.
Subtitle D—Additional Reauthorizations
Sec. 641. Medical countermeasure priority review voucher.
Sec. 642. Epidemic Intelligence Service.
Sec. 643. Monitoring and distribution of certain medical countermeasures.
Sec. 644. Regional health care emergency preparedness and response systems.
Sec. 645. Emergency system for advance registration of volunteer health professionals.
Sec. 646. Ensuring collaboration and coordination in medical countermeasure
Sec. 647. Military and civilian partnership for trauma readiness.
Sec. 648. National Disaster Medical System.
Sec. 649. Volunteer Medical Reserve Corps.
Sec. 649A. Epidemiology-laboratory capacity
Under Sec. 612. Public Health Emergency Preparedness program, the bill amends the definition of this preparedness plan to include community-based institutions and churches. The text says, “community-based organizations, including faith-based organizations, and other public and private entities’’ after ‘‘stakeholders.’’
The bill goes on to state:
(A) in paragraph (1), in the matter preceding subparagraph (A), by inserting ‘‘and the ability of each entity receiving an award under subsection (a) to respond to all-hazards threats’’ before the period at the end of the first sentence;
(B) in paragraph (2)—(i) in the paragraph heading, by striking ‘‘INFLUENZA’’ and inserting ‘‘RESPONSE’’; and (ii) in subparagraph (A)—(I) by striking ‘‘to pandemic influenza’’ and inserting ‘‘to a pathogen causing a pandemic, including pandemic influenza’’; and (II) by striking ‘‘such pandemic influenza’’ and inserting ‘‘such pandemic response’’;
(C) in paragraph (5)—(i) in the paragraph heading, by striking ‘‘INFLUENZA’’ and inserting ‘‘PANDEMIC RESPONSE’’;
The package goes on to cite the inclusion of an ill-defined ‘‘Director of the Office of Pandemic Preparedness and Response Policy.”
Under Sec.626 Medical countermeasures for viral threats with pandemic potential, this includes:
Research and development of medical countermeasures for priority virus families that have significant potential to cause a pandemic, including such counter measures that take either pathogen-specific or pathogen-agnostic approaches, and platform technologies to improve the development and manufacture of such medical
countermeasures; […]
Johnson’s package deal goes on to support biolabs for viral research, allowing “the Secretary to take into consideration the capacity and capabilities of the network of regional biocontainment laboratories in activities to prepare for and respond to biological agents, which may include leveraging such capacity and capabilities to support the Laboratory Response Network, as applicable and appropriate.”
However, the bill claims to put a ban on what would be considered by some as “gain-of-function” research, as has been reported by some on social media, though words do not constitute action.
But the package does list a few “countries of concern” that could lead to an outbreak, including Russia, China, Iran and North Korea.
Hey, Breitbart, don’t you consider this to be “pork?” -Of course they don’t: they love tyranny and oppression just as long as it isn’t “woke!” Oh, but Trump said it’s “great” for us – Yeah, I’m sure…
For years I have been documenting and warning that the “next pandemic” was in the wake: the first plandemic was just the warm-up; the real one with mass-casualties is coming…
Yesterday I wrote about how the bird flu nonsense has entered a new stage before this year is expired, with California declaring it a health emergency and the USDA mandating testing of raw dairy in select states. And the headlines about bird flu becoming the next pandemic continue to be churned out on the daily:
People forget that Trump and his administration fully knew about the Covid plandemic many months and years in advance; something I have thoroughly and indisputably proven:
Trump’s Creation Of CISA Covertly Included A “Pandemic Delivery System” In 2018
Furthermore, we saw how fast the churches complied with the government’s mandates the last time; watch them once again show their true colors for all to see once more, as they not only comply but help to enforce the mandates. They are owned by the government after all…
And so now, here we go again, as more groundwork is being laid for the latest plandemic; buried in a bill that no one has read and will get no real coverage of.
America: land of the slave, home of the sissy; a land that “is wholly oppression in the midst of her” (Jeremiah 6:6).
SEE: ‘None Saith, Restore’ – Politicians Deceive With Coded Language, And No One Really Wants Change
[7] Who goeth a warfare any time at his own charges? who planteth a vineyard, and eateth not of the fruit thereof? or who feedeth a flock, and eateth not of the milk of the flock? [8] Say I these things as a man? or saith not the law the same also? [9] For it is written in the law of Moses, Thou shalt not muzzle the mouth of the ox that treadeth out the corn. Doth God take care for oxen? [10] Or saith he it altogether for our sakes? For our sakes, no doubt, this is written: that he that ploweth should plow in hope; and that he that thresheth in hope should be partaker of his hope. (1 Corinthians 9:7-10).
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” . . . called the American Relief Act . . . “<—-Relief for the District of Criminals – just sayin'
Unfortunately Trump is NOT who most think he is… neither is Elon. 2025 will be very revealing. Trump DOES NOT know God… at least not the God of the Bible… regardless of how many Christians follow this man and cult.
Please stop, no one worships Trump he is a flawed man like one else. He could prove to be evil (he hasn’t yet). So not voting or voting for the party who openly supports satan’s agenda is Godly? Get a clue, by their works you shall know them and voting against the dems and satan’s agenda is the only choice for a Christian.
Perfectly said.
Well said.
Do you really think Christians are that dumb and that you have some unique knowledge of Trump and Elon? Trump and Elon are who we think they are. They probably will never be men of God. They are used by God, regardless of their beliefs. This has happened many times in the Bible. Would you have Christians vote for baby killers, or not vote and let the baby killers win?
Truth. Many Christians are unaware he converted to Judaism in 2022. But that’s what idolatry of a man does and those who continue to blindly follow are blinded themselves and even behave the same.
They that make them are like unto them: so is every one that trusteth in them.
-Psalm 135:18
21 Because that, when they knew God, they glorified him not as God, neither were thankful; but became vain in their imaginations, and their foolish heart was darkened.
22 Professing themselves to be wise, they became fools,
23 And changed the glory of the uncorruptible God into an image made like to corruptible man, and to birds, and fourfooted beasts, and creeping things.
-Romans 1:21-23
It looks there ccx are only a few who see this.
JFK tried to drain the swamp and he was assassinated quickly. Donald Trump is showing that he is not draining the swamp but he is making the swamp more muddy for everyone. He had the second opportunity to drain the swamp but he is showing clearly his real intentions. He is part of the swamp.
That’s right, Yaovi!
These wicked Godless Americans who make flesh their arm and most of them are false converts and fake christians as well as Roman Catholics who care more about being a thriving empire than they do about fleeing from the wrath to come think Trump is God’s man.
If Trump is God’s man, then I’m a vampire bat! Trump is just as evil as George Soros – George Soros is the very embodiment of evil, even witches shudder at his face!
5 Thus saith the LORD; Cursed be the man that trusteth in man, and maketh flesh his arm, and whose heart departeth from the LORD.
Jeremiah 17:5
Andrew would vote for the baby killers, or not vote for Trump, allowing the baby killers to win. Who is the fake Christian? We all know Trump is not our savior. God uses good and evil men alike to further his will. Try reading the Bible.
Americans didn’t vote enough, said somebody !!!! They voted twice for the same guy but it seems that the person is not seizing the opportunity to do want people were asking him. Americans didn’t vote enough !!!! Now they can vote for the coming of the Lord Jesus-Christ of Nazareth !!
But Americans have done all required to save the corporation. They voted for the right, and for the left, then for the right….. In YHWH sight, the saints have done the best they could. Before YHWH, YHWH will tell them that they have done enough !!! Saints of America, you have done your best you could. Be bold and prepare for the coming of your Lord Jesus-Christ of Nazareth !!! Do not put again your trust in men !!
No “vax” for HIV after 40 years of research.
No vax for Cancer after more than 100 years of research.
No vax for the common cold.
And yet a virus mysteriously appears & within 12 months a “vax” is found by FOUR Pharma companies all within 1 week,,,,and we are all mandated to take it…..
Give me liberty or give me a .02% chance of death
Anyone without the discernment of the Holy Spirit to have seen the above, has no legitimacy to lead God’s people. Period
Well said.
Mr. Thompson , is it possible for someone get saved after they’ve been vaxxed?
Romans 10:13 KJV
For WHOSOEVER shall call upon the name of the Lord shall be saved.
You must repent and admit to God that you took the mark of the beast unknowingly. Ask him to forgive you of this sin, to clean your body of this unholy DNA that has become a part of you, and God to restore your soul into him in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ. The only unforgivable sin is blasphemy of the Holy Spirit…so yes you can be saved, but you must repent…
The vaccines are not the mark of the beast, they’re a predecessor, but they are not THEE mark of the beast. Anybody who’s been jabbed can come to repentance, cry out to God and get saved.
The mark of the beast is totally different: once somebody takes the mark, which I believe will be an implantable microchip in the right hand or in the forehead, that’s it – it’s a one way ticket to the Lake of Fire no chance of repentance anymore at all, they’ll become like a cyborg, they’ll no longer be themselves and I believe will be totally taken over by devils body, mind, and soul.
Colossians 2:13 And you, being dead in your sins and the uncircumcision of your flesh, hath he quickened together with him, having forgiven you all trespasses; [14] Blotting out the handwriting of ordinances that was against us, which was contrary to us, and took it out of the way, nailing it to his cross;
It is very possible for someone to be saved, don’t listen to the other nonsense in the comments. The likelihood of that happening, if we are being honest, is pretty slim, but it is by all means possible. But that will not change what has been done to the flesh.
Colossians 3:25 But he that doeth wrong shall receive for the wrong which he hath done: and there is no respect of persons.
The best comment so far. Thank you.
To address a few things here; Even as more evidence is pointing to Trump being part of the beast system each and every day, I repeat what I said months ago that the denial is astounding. I’m not here to start any trouble or arguments but saying that people don’t worship Trump is completely false. At the very least, they overlook that he is part of it and so in the back of their mind what that really is saying is “we have hope that he will SAVE America.” Christians best wake up and realize we are in the last hour and the AC system is in full swing and soon to be revealed (it really already is) and Trump is using well-meaning Christians so as to pacify and get the agenda in place. Some speculate Mr. T is the actual AC…I am not ready to say that, but when you look at what he does vs what he says and who he aligns himself with and then delcares himself to be the chosen one and says he is going to be a man of peace, you certainly ought to be questioning if he is an AC figure. You don’t have to be the actual AC to carry a spirit of it. Do believers really believe the AC won’t come to power without doing it stealthly? If you think about 2 Thessalonians 2, the trojan horse method by placating the middle-class would make perfect sense if you have the eyes to see and ears to hear.
America has and is a nation under judgment. God gave this nation over to it’s apostacies & debauchery long ago and it was no coincidence who we had the last four years if you even believe Biden was running things. Ask yourself, if God wanted to bless America, why would things have gotten so bad? To that one might say to bring people to repentance. Maybe to some degree, I could see that argument, but the alt right has now become as hateful as the far left and the idol is helping to continue the division while lying through his teeth every day. The reality is, this nation is not repenting. Everyone looks out for themselves and for the most part, have become spectators. Most don’t even care. They just want to do what they want and have hope that happy days are going to return and if you refute it your bad. I’m sorry to say but I see it all the time.
So because of the arrogance (pride) which comes before a fall, this nation is being given over to it’s idol. People can wear the red hats all day long that say. ‘Trump is my president, Jesus is my savior.’ But when you have pastors, along with the NAR guilt tripping and/or shilling for someone who clearly is aligning himself with the ‘swamp’ and pushing the beast technology and is very much playing the role of the snake (a fable he loved to use in his campaigns in the beginning) how can anyone say he is the lesser of two evils? How about Christians waking up to the fact they have been used and not participating at all? Then you can say you didn’t take any side but the side of Jesus.
And it is idolatry and hope in an idol so it may as well be worship; they get the trump teddy bear, the trump bible, and are even okay with golden statues being erected of him. Some are even calling him a king! Many rabbi’s have even done it. Believers need to snap out of it, come away from the distractions. Like the poor woman above who took the shot, this stuff happens because of the corrupt church (which Jacob just posted on recently) helping to push it. Many pastors TOLD their congregations to get the shot -to submit under Romans 13 -that Jesus would have done it. Come again? Can you say apostacy? How about HERESY?
Like Andrew said and I can confirm as I know when I hear the Lord and I prayed on it at the time; It was an experiment (for the real thing). And as Americans are preoccupied with things that don’t matter such as drone gate -which is a psyop -there is more going on than meets the eye. I said when Covid began there were at least three things or more going on and that it was a distraction from the real agenda. Covid furthered the agenda yes, but everyone’s livelihoods and rights were being signed over carelessly the whole time…to keep you safe as is the usual M.O.
2025 is going to be a year of more of this and do not be fooled that a man is going to make it all better when he has not disavowed his part in it and continues to be all about ‘making deals.’ Deals with whom? Satan? Because it certainly looks that way and people swallow the lies while the devil disguises himself as an angel of light.
And to back to the ‘experiment’ and to the individual above’ Covid was a wake up call to the real thing; to pay attention because this is how they operate. And because the public never wakes up to reality and is lacking discernment, embracing AI, etc…they never come to the conclusion of what is really going on. To believers who mistakenly voted for Trump, it’s simple. Confess your idolatry to the Lord and repent. Put him first and establish a real relationship with him. Not this fallen world.
I conclude my points. Thank you Jacob for another excellent article. Not many are willing to tell the truth these days while you can because unfortunately I see a day coming soon when we won’t be able to like the 80’s song Silent Running spoke of.
Ray, you have stated many truths. God’s will is going to manifest regardless of who we vote for, it has been written. How can you not vote, or vote for baby killers? Even the elect would be deceived, if it were possible… So you have supported abortion in all states by not voting for Trump. How can any Christian not vote and feel good about it?
Tim, with all respect to you and Jacob (the owner of this site), please do not presume how I vote or why. I run a ministry and have a calling that is not ‘worldly’ and a servant of the Lord does not get caught up in civilian affairs (2 Tim 2:4) but what he does do is follow Ephesians 5:11. In short, I have never voted for ‘baby-killers.’ I support neither side because I did my research years ago as to who these people are and what they do when I got saved.
Yes I have stated many truths and so I did not vote.
Above you said and I quote; “Do you really think Christians are that dumb and that you have some unique knowledge of Trump and Elon?” While I wouldn’t call Christians dumb (as any man who calls another is a fool is in danger of the fires of hell and can quickly be humbled himself) there are many who are misinformed and the reality is even right now, while the modern-day watchmen are sounding the alarm and showing those who did participate in the left-right paradigm how much they have been deceived; instead of just admitting they were wrong, they are getting mad or defensive. But then I knew this would likely happen and why shouldn’t it when it is the carnal way? Anyone would be mad if they found they were lied to. But I knew ahead of time so I didn’t participate. I expressed my approval for neither by not voting. Like coke and pepsi, if you consume enough they both rot your gut eventually and that’s exactly what this country has; a sickness; An ailment; a blindness because they believe what sounds good without rarely looking below the surface.
And before you say that doesn’t go on; Yes it does because I have tried to talk to people and show them things like this article or even videos that lay it all out and they refuse because they consider it ‘negative.’ Well, all I can say about that is ignorance isn’t bliss.
So on that note; Yes many of the elect are being deceived. Where does the bible say the deception would be right out in the open or the left wing? Evil is done under the cover of darkness on both sides. The conservatives are just more stealth about it and try to package it nicely so the average working American never looks into it and even when they do. there are so many layers and curveballs taking place at once they just change it up a little bit to throw confusion knowing most will eventually give up because they find it mentally exhausting. The enemy loves confusion.
This country would be in total disarray if most people only knew neither side was for them. This has been a carefully curated production, all created to divide and conquer -what Satan likes to do and that is what is happening.
If you want to talk about voting for or against abortion; Why don’t you ask how Trump won the presidency by supposed conservatives but then abortion was then somehow expanded in seven states where Trump won. And aside from abortion, what about the many (including children and pregnant women) who were maimed by op warp speed and the RNA death shot? And here Jacob is presenting evidence that the agenda is continuing! So yes, many ARE deceived.
This nation has abandoned God and the behaviors by many indicate it as does the apathy and arguing when the lies are right out in the open. People need to reflect on what’s in their hearts, not how someone voted or whether they even voted or not because none of that will matter very soon.
Ray, very well put, and I agree with you. I am one who would prefer not to be governed at all by men. God’s word is enough for me. I understand the need for others to be governed, and maybe that’s why God cannot separate the wheat from the tares just yet. Seems like all those in government are tares. One thing I see all these politics are doing as we go on are deviding people, which is a good thing, getting closer to the harvest. More important issues than worldly politics are going on inside the church, which have always been there, but continue to get worse. Most ministers in my experience do not believe what the Word of God says, so neither do their congregations. What a mess the church has become. Many, many ministers will have a lot to answer for. God bless you.
Ray, I am with you on the RNA death shot. I lost my job of 20+ years over it. In Trump’s defense, he did not make me take it. I was however, not pleased with him supporting it. He may have changed his tune on that, but it doesn’t really matter.
I sometimes wonder why followers of Jesus participate in this system at all. We are not theirs. According to Scripture we are a holy nation (separate) (1 Peter 2:9), our citizenship is in heaven (Phill 3:20), not of the US, called to be ambassadors in a foreign land (2 Cor 5:20), called to bring light into the world (Phill 2:15), and that we are new creatures in Christ (2 Cor 5:17). Once saved, according to Gods Word, we are no longer theirs in any way, but are told to simply give them his Word.
If you can’t vote for devil worshippers, then you can’t shop at the grocery store, because the owners are devil worshippers, you can’t go to Walmart, because they are owned by devil worshippers. Who can you interact with that isn’t a devil worshipper? Voting is an American thing for people that like being free. This all started with wanting to be free to worship God. Waste your vote, and you truly are contributing to things like abortion and censorship. The rest is nonsense. The powers that be are ordained of God, Rom 13:1. There is nothing simple about giving people The Word. Most have it, know where to find it, and don’t want it. Bashing Trump or Biden is the same as bashing God. God always gives the people what they want, just like the judge Deborah. God has a sense of humor.
And I want to add; NO you cannot repent if you take the mark. That is pledging allegiance to the beast. Scripture is clear;
Revelation 14:11 And the smoke of their torment ascendeth up for ever and ever: and they have no rest day nor night, who worship the beast and his image, and whosoever receiveth the mark of his name.
Revelation 16:2 2 And the first went, and poured out his vial upon the earth; and there fell a noisome and grievous sore upon the men which had the mark of the beast, and upon them which worshipped his image.
Like I said above the V was not the mark but an experiment. If you took the shot, confess that and ask for forgiveness that you may be healed. I believe Abba is merciful to forgive you in that you were likely deceived. The true body of Christ has been under attack for a while now but this is why I plead with folks to pay attention because when the Word says the beast shall cause folks to take the mark, that goes to show that the only way out will not be a worldly one and we are told not to love the world. Part of the experiment was in fact to guage what people would do to hold on to normal which is why I say be extremely cautious if you believe Trump can do no wrong. Because in where I see this going currently many are going to find out too little too late.
The right hand and the forehead are Hebrew euphemisms for the will (forehead) and the doing (hand). We see this in the “writing” of the law on the forehead and on the hand in Deut 6:8 and in the New Testament: “it is God that works in you both to will and to do His good pleasure”. Also Jesus is himself identified as “the right hand of God”. So what is the mark?
The Mark of the Beast is taking the identity of the Beast and is a deception just as is all of Satan’s works. It will indeed be language based as everything is or has been spoken forth. Our genetics are an astonishingly efficient chemical language. Yes our identity is within that chemical language and the corruption of that language with the identity of the Beast is what is being talked about in Revelation 13:18 Here is wisdom….!
But ye are not in the flesh, but in the Spirit, if so be that the Spirit of God dwell in you. Now if any man have not the Spirit of Christ, he is none of his. -Romans 8:9
For as many as are led by the Spirit of God, THEY are the sons of God. -Romans 8:14
Are we led by clergy or politicians?
Examine yourself whether you be in the faith. No true prayer life, no true eternal life. NO conversation, NO relationship.
”IF” Trump even gets inaugurated, the next 4 years may even be crazier than the past 4
Although my belief is the next 4 years will be better, only God knows.