According to a report by the International Federation of Robotics (IFR), The Republic of Korea is the world´s number one adopter of industrial robots with 1,012 robots per 10,000 employees. Robot density has increased by 5% on average each year since 2018. With a world-renowned electronics industry and a strong automotive industry, the Korean economy relies on the two largest customers for industrial robots.
The United States ranks 10th.
Takayuki Ito, president of IFR, said robot density illustrates the level of automation adoption in global manufacturing. “China’s massive investment in automation technology has achieved this high robot density despite a huge manufacturing workforce of around 37 million people. Robot density serves as a useful barometer for comparing the level of automation in manufacturing between countries.”
Internationally, the average robot density vastly rose to 162 units in 2023, more than doubling from 74 seven years ago.
I mention this report because we know more and more jobs are going to be displaced and outright eliminated by robots and artificial intelligence, and this survey is proof of that, especially as wages cannot keep pace with rapidly rising inflation.
South Korea, like many other countries such as the United States, is a giant corporation. South Korea is basically run by four massive tech corporations, Samsung being the most recognizable.
Ecclesiastes 7:29 Lo, this only have I found, that God hath made man upright; but they have sought out many inventions.
[7] Who goeth a warfare any time at his own charges? who planteth a vineyard, and eateth not of the fruit thereof? or who feedeth a flock, and eateth not of the milk of the flock? [8] Say I these things as a man? or saith not the law the same also? [9] For it is written in the law of Moses, Thou shalt not muzzle the mouth of the ox that treadeth out the corn. Doth God take care for oxen? [10] Or saith he it altogether for our sakes? For our sakes, no doubt, this is written: that he that ploweth should plow in hope; and that he that thresheth in hope should be partaker of his hope. (1 Corinthians 9:7-10).
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I work with building/assemble robots, what do?
Hi Fredrick,
I’m sure you are wonderful at your job and that’s not an easy one. God has put you there for a reason and maybe a season. I would encourage you to pray and ask God your next steps. Time is running out and we all need to spread the Gospel to as many as we can. Maybe God will use you to help someone there!? Just seek Him am Trust Him. Even though these machines (robots) can help at times, they are NOT our savior, Jesus is. As long as you get that message out, you doing Gods will.
Thanks, im doing what i can and fails i my eyes. Iam know as being a christian at work, but no one wants to listen though. I’ll keep trying.
God bless you
What if I sell robots for a living? Its a product.