“The population will be hit so badly by a full array of bubbles and ponzi schemes that the migration engine will start to work in reverse accelerating itself due to ripple effects thus leading to the demise of the States,” the authors warned.

Deagel.com, a military intelligence and weapons analytics website, once published a devastating prediction that forecast that by the year 2025 a number of nations around the world would face mass-depopulation, specifically in the United States, where the authors of this grim outlook projected a nearly 70% drop in the population. Their primary reason for this, they claimed, was because of great economic decline.

The WinePress noted some of these predictions in a March, 2021, article, at which time the website had changed its aesthetic; but it was not long thereafter that the website completely scrubbed its predictions after The WP published its report.

Fortunately, the page had been archived a number of times – including an explanation from the group why they forecast what they did, which was since removed in older versions on their website.

It is not perfectly known who started and runs Deagel. A number of authors and commentators throughout the years have said and rumored that it has close to U.S. military intelligence. One author wrote in 2021:

“The Deagel corporation is a minor branch of US military intelligence, one of the many secretive organizations which collects data for high-level decision-making purposes and prepares confidential briefing documents for agencies like the National Security Agency, the United Nations, and the World Bank.

It is known, for example, to have contributed to a Stratfor report on North Korea. With this kind of pedigree, Deagel should be seen as a legitimate player in the intelligence community and not merely a disinformation asset.

If so, then it must be assumed that its population predictions for 2025, as well as its industrial output predictions on a nation-by-nation basis, are based on strategic assumptions which are shared and well understood by other players in the intelligence community.”

Whether that is true or not is a bit up in the air. Deagel authors have said in times past that claims they work with the government are unfounded lies, and other sources online would say that Deagel is not associated with the U.S. intelligence departments. Other independent outlets have tried to link Dr. Edwin A. Deagle Jr, a former Assistant to the Secretary of Defense and the Deputy Secretary of Defense, and Director of International Relations for The Rockefeller Foundation, to being the founder of the website. However, the spelling of the two names challenges that theory.

Nevertheless, this forecast has received a greater amount of attention since 2020, on the back of continued pandemic fears, food shortages and famine, foreign and domestic war, immigration, societal breakdown, cyberattacks and so forth.

The original forecast can be viewed here.

In total, the group forecast that the world population would contract by 4.9% by 2025, with most of this depopulation occurring in Western nations.

Below is a recreated chart categorizing the countries with the largest projected drops in population. The U.K. takes the lead at 77%, followed by Ireland at 72.4% and the United States at almost 70%. Other countries such as Germany were projected to take a 65% hit, Israel a little above 48%, France 41.7%, Australia 34.6%, Ukraine 29%, Canada 26&% among others.

CountryPop. 2017Pop. 2025Pop. Change (%)GDP Change (%)ME Change (%)PPP Change (%)
United Kingdom63,390,00014,517,860-77.1-92.1-97.7-0.8
United States of America316,440,00099,553,100-68.5-85.4-95.6-0.7
Puerto Rico3,640,0001,165,780-68.0-77.6-0.3

Not all countries were forecast to see dramatic declines in population and economic activity. China’s population was projected to only fall by 1.6% by 2025, Russia 0.5%, Iran 0.1%, while others saw growth such as Brazil at 1.4%, Nigeria 7.9%, and Lebanon with the most population growth at 59.5%.

On October 26th, 2014, the authors of Deagel provided an explanation as to why populations such as the U.S. were projected to see such a colossal cut to its population and economic output. The authors stated (emphasis added):

There have been many questions about the countries forecast specially the one focusing on the United States of America (USA). They won’t be answered one by one but below you can find some explanation, thoughts and reflections. We are going to keep this as short as possible.

The majority of the economic and demographic data used in the making of the forecasts is widely available by institutions such as the CIA, IMF, UN, USG, etc. You can see the most relevant data at every single country’s page. There is a tiny part of data coming from a variety of shadow sources such as Internet gurus, unsigned reports and others. But all these sources are from the internet and are of public domain for at least a minority. For example, several years ago Dagong, the Chinese ratings agency, published a report analyzing the physical economy of the States comparing it with those of China, Germany and Japan. The conclusion was that the US GDP was something between $5 to $10 trillion instead of $15 trillion as officially reported by the USG. We assume that the official data, especially economic, released by governments is fake, cooked or distorted in some degree. Historically it is well known that the former Soviet Union was making up fake statistics years before its collapse. Western as well as other countries are making up their numbers today to conceal their real state of affairs. We are sure that many people out there can find government statistics in their own countries that by their own personal experience are hard to believe or are so optimistic that may belong to a different country.

Despite the numeric data “quantity” there is a “quality” model which has not a direct translation into numeric data. The 2014 strain of Ebola has a death rate of 50-60% but try to imagine what would happen if there is a pandemic of Ebola with hundreds of thousands or millions infected with the virus. So far the few cases of Ebola-infected people have “enjoyed” intensive healthcare with anti-viral and breathing assistance but above all with abundant human support by Physicians and nurses. In a pandemic scenario that kind of healthcare won’t be available for the overwhelming number of infected leading to a dramatic increase of the death rate due to the lack of proper healthcare. The “quality” factor is that the death rate could increase to 80-90% in a pandemic scenario from the stated 50-60% rate. The figure itself is not important what is relevant is the fact that the scenario can evolve beyond the initial conditions from a 50% death toll to more than 90%. By the way, no pandemic or nuclear war is included in the forecast.

The key element to understand the process that the USA will enter in the upcoming decade is migration. In the past, specially in the 20th century, the key factor that allowed the USA to rise to its colossus status was immigration with the benefits of a demographic expansion supporting the credit expansion and the brain drain from the rest of the world benefiting the States. The collapse of the Western financial system will wipe out the standard of living of its population while ending ponzi schemes such as the stock exchange and the pension funds. The population will be hit so badly by a full array of bubbles and ponzi schemes that the migration engine will start to work in reverse accelerating itself due to ripple effects thus leading to the demise of the States. This unseen situation for the States will develop itself in a cascade pattern with unprecedented and devastating effects for the economy. Jobs offshoring will surely end with many American Corporations relocating overseas thus becoming foreign Corporations!!!! We see a significant part of the American population migrating to Latin America and Asia while migration to Europe – suffering a similar illness – won’t be relevant. Nevertheless the death toll will be horrible. Take into account that the Soviet Union’s population was poorer than the Americans nowadays or even then. The ex-Soviets suffered during the following struggle in the 1990s with a significant death toll and the loss of national pride. Might we say “Twice the pride, double the fall”? Nope. The American standard of living is one of the highest, far more than double of the Soviets while having added a services economy that will be gone along with the financial system. When pensioners see their retirement disappear in front of their eyes and there are no servicing jobs you can imagine what is going to happen next. At least younger people can migrate. Never in human history were so many elders among the population. In past centuries people were lucky to get to their 30s or 40s. The American downfall is set to be far worse than the Soviet Union’s one. A confluence of crisis with a devastating result.

The Demographic crisis in the former Soviet Union countries has extended for over two decades, if we accept that it ended early in this decade (2010s). The demographic crisis will hit the World in the near future and is projected to last between three and eight decades more or less depending on technological breakthrough and environmental issues. The aftermath is more likely a frozen picture with the population numbers staying the same for a very, very long period of time. The countries forecast population numbers do reflect birth/deaths but also migratory movements. Many countries are going to increase their gross population due to immigration while their native population may shrink.

Over the past two thousand years we have witnessed the Western civilization built around the Mediterranean Sea shifting to Northern Europe and then by the mid 20th century shifting to an Atlantic axis to finally get centered into the States in the past 30 years. The next move will see the civilization being centered in Asia with Russia and China on top. Historically, a change in the economic paradigm has resulted in a death toll that is rarely highlighted by mainstream historians. When the transition from rural areas to large cities happened in Europe many people unable to accept the new paradigm killed themselves. They killed themselves by a psychological factor. This is not mainstream but it is true. A new crisis joins old, well known patterns with new ones.

Sorry to disappoint many of you with our forecast. It is getting worse and worse every year since the beginning of the pre-crisis in 2007. It is already said that this website is non-profit, built on spare time and we provide our information and services AS IS without further explanations and/or guarantees. We are not linked to any government in any way, shape or form. We are not a death or satanic cult or arms dealers as some BS is floating around the internet on this topic. Take into account that the forecast is nothing more than a model whether flawed or correct. It is not God’s word or a magic device that allows to foresee the future.


First things first, let me say this at the outset:

Ecclesiastes 11:2 Give a portion to seven, and also to eight; for thou knowest not what evil shall be upon the earth. [6] In the morning sow thy seed, and in the evening withhold not thine hand: for thou knowest not whether shall prosper, either this or that, or whether they both shall be alike good.

Lord only knows just how accurate this forecast is. It could be fairly on point, it could be a little off, a lot off or just dead wrong.

Now, having said that, I do not need this forecast to tell you that there is going to be a lot of death coming in the coming months and years, in my opinion. SEE: Foreshadowing: Congress Considers New Constitutional Amendment To Rapidly Replace Dead Congressmen After ‘Mass Casualty Event’

The authors claim their forecast was not made with a “pandemic” in mind, but I think we would be remiss and intellectually dishonest not to factor this in. We’ve seen what has happened already with those who have taken the Covid “vaccines:” an unprecedented number of people have died or been severely injured after taking at least one of these death shots, and the media and medical establishment of course refuses to acknowledge this. I have posited before that those who did take the shots and have not perished yet may have a dance with death in the times to come, mainly because, as I have theorized as much, an increased output of 5G and EMF radiation may cause the body to act erratically. We are all being greatly affected by EMF daily, but based on the ingredients in these shots it could be a massive wave of deaths when these towers and Internet of Things (IoT) devices really are cranked up.

Whether my theory holds true or not, former CDC Director Robert Redfield has said a number of times that at this point that the “next pandemic” will be that of bird flu, which will have a mortality of anywhere from 25-50%. The media has really been ratcheting up the fear and laying the groundwork for an upcoming bird flu plandemic, something I have been covering and warning about for years now. This will of course be used to exact more control on farmers and commercial business, and justifying the mass culling of livestock and ridiculous prices at the stores.

War is an obvious one as well. With the United States and NATO so desperate to gin-up war with China, Russia, Iran, North Korea and Venezuela, the idea of mass casualties from attacks and cyber attacks is by no means off the table. Proverbs 26:27: “Whoso diggeth a pit shall fall therein: and he that rolleth a stone, it will return upon him.” For as long as America has been raping, pillaging, murdering, stealing, and genociding the world, we are certainly due for a comeuppance.

But the big thing Deagel mentioned is the economic factor. Now, I am no expert in this field, but it is clearly observed throughout history that when a currency collapses and the bottom falls out, the population goes with it. The Soviet Union and the Roman Empire are just two common examples we can draw upon. When the purchasing power of the dollar is gone, then chaos ensues, just as the Deagel authors wrote.

President Donald Trump has on more than one occasion said outright that he likes a weaker dollar – and so too does the Fed and entities such as BlackRock. Lower interest rates and money printing, while cutting the corporate tax rate some more, while also levying very steep tariffs on foreign goods, especially those who are moving away from the dollar, while driving the purchasing power of the dollar down even further until it is no more; and we are not too far off from that.

Remember: BlackRock has openly said that they, in concert with central banks, explicitly want to create inflation and print helicopter money to move us and the world to adopt CBDCs and tokenized assets. SEE: Tokenization: The New World Order Monetary System To Digitize All Assets And Nature, Including You

SEE: What An Implosion In The Debt Market Would Look Like – And It Isn’t Pretty

On top of this, we will have serious issues in the short run with large, medium and small commercial banks due to them being insolvent from holding onto this debt that is now underwater, particularly that of commercial real estate which is also in a massive bind right now as buildings are being forced to sell for a whole lot less because staff are not returning to corporate office work. Many Americans and Westerners will lose their money due to bail-outs by the government (money printing and increased national debt) and bail-ins, as most banks will collapse or be consolidated over the next several years. SEE: Collapse: Accredited Weiss Research Warns 5,274 US Banks Have The Potential To Fail, As More Bank’s Ratings Are Downgraded

And these economic problems are not limited to the United States. The EU and other Western nations are of course crumbling too, and are forced to deal with the same issues the U.S. is facing, and in some cases even worse than the U.S. Germany, the largest economy in the E.U., is totally collapsing as the government is in disarray, energy costs are astronomical, and heavy industry is cutting and offshoring jobs elsewhere.

There are so many other factors we could get into as this is just a very broad overview of things going on that are contributing to this ‘max saturation’ event. If you recall my hard-hitting sermon I first published in 2022 called “Do You Loathe The Honeycomb?,” then you will recall the many scriptures where God warns of the very clear judgment that he can and will send. Waging war on U.S. shores is a very tall order as America has a very unique geographical location that will make it difficult to traverse and adequately conquer, but I would not say it’s impossible, though I am also not saying that it’s guaranteed. Time will tell.

I personally believe things such as economic disparity, coupled with another plandemic (which will induce famine), and things such as cyberattacks will be the real killers.

So, what are we to do?

Psalm 91:1 He that dwelleth in the secret place of the most High shall abide under the shadow of the Almighty. [2] I will say of the LORD, He is my refuge and my fortress: my God; in him will I trust. [3] Surely he shall deliver thee from the snare of the fowler, and from the noisome pestilence. [4] He shall cover thee with his feathers, and under his wings shalt thou trust: his truth shall be thy shield and buckler. [5] Thou shalt not be afraid for the terror by night; nor for the arrow that flieth by day; [6] Nor for the pestilence that walketh in darkness; nor for the destruction that wasteth at noonday. [7] A thousand shall fall at thy side, and ten thousand at thy right hand; but it shall not come nigh thee. [8] Only with thine eyes shalt thou behold and see the reward of the wicked. [9] Because thou hast made the LORD, which is my refuge, even the most High, thy habitation; [10] There shall no evil befall thee, neither shall any plague come nigh thy dwelling.

I don’t know what she befall us in the coming days, friends and beloved, but I know it will be a tumultuous and trying time for sure; but I also know that those who are sticking close to God’s word, the King James Bible, and are living it and walking in truth, fighting sin, I believe the good Lord above can and will provide for us. It won’t be easy and won’t be comfortable, but I do believe he will provide sufficiency as well. That does not give you an excuse to be lazy and complacent, as you should still “hedge your risk,” shall we say, and do what you can to help yourself the best that you can, and let Jesus Christ take it from there. SEE: Time And Chance Happeneth To Them All: Why Do Things Happen The Way That They Do?

Proverbs 21:31 The horse is prepared against the day of battle: but safety is of the LORD.

[7] Who goeth a warfare any time at his own charges? who planteth a vineyard, and eateth not of the fruit thereof? or who feedeth a flock, and eateth not of the milk of the flock? [8] Say I these things as a man? or saith not the law the same also? [9] For it is written in the law of Moses, Thou shalt not muzzle the mouth of the ox that treadeth out the corn. Doth God take care for oxen? [10] Or saith he it altogether for our sakes? For our sakes, no doubt, this is written: that he that ploweth should plow in hope; and that he that thresheth in hope should be partaker of his hope. (1 Corinthians 9:7-10).

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    • 17 Whose fan is in his hand, and he will throughly purge his floor, and will gather the wheat into his garner; but the chaff he will burn with fire unquenchable.
      Luke 3:17

      Don’t forget Sailor79, always use and stick to the King James Bible.

      Yes, there’s going to be death and genocide that’ll shatter world records like never before in history.
      The Lord Jesus is sick and tired of these workers of iniquity who have no desire to repent and get saved, their evil has polluted His planet for far too long, and now it’s time for the Lord to use the instruments of death on them.

      Recently, there was a volcanic eruption in Russia, and I believe there’ll be more coming soon in the months to come, because there’s going to be a lot of people entering Hell very soon and with ever volcano that erupts, Hell increases in size.

      14) Therefore hell hath enlarged herself, and opened her mouth without measure: and their glory, and their multitude, and their pomp, and he that rejoiceth, shall descend into it.
      Isaiah 5:14

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