“When the next pandemic arrives, the world will be better prepared to mount a more effective and more equitable response,” Dr. Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus said.

Yesterday the World Health Organization (WHO) announced a new partner program to produce mRNA vaccines to treat H5N1 bird flu, as health officials and mainstream outlets around the world continue to warn that this avian influenza outbreak could transform into a deadly pandemic very quickly.

The WHO announced that “Argentinian manufacturer Sinergium Biotech will lead this effort leveraging the World Health Organization (WHO) and the Medicines Patent Pool (MPP) mRNA Technology Transfer Programme.”

The WHO added: “The mRNA Technology Transfer Programme, jointly developed by WHO and MPP, was launched in July 2021 with the aim to build capacity in low- and middle-income countries (LMICs) for the development and production of mRNA-based vaccines.

“Sinergium Biotech, a partner in the mRNA Technology Transfer Programme, has developed candidate H5N1 vaccines and aims to establish proof-of-concept in preclinical models. Once the preclinical data package is concluded, the technology, materials, and expertise will be shared with other manufacturing partners, aiding the acceleration of the development of H5N1 vaccine candidates, and bolstering pandemic preparedness efforts.”

Avian influenza viruses are a significant public health risk due to their widespread circulation in animals and potential to cause a future pandemic.

This development supplements ongoing work under the Pandemic Influenza Preparedness Framework to improve and strengthen the sharing of influenza viruses with human pandemic potential and increasing LMIC access to vaccines.

The WHO wrote

WHO Director-General Dr. Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus lauded the action plan in a statement.

This initiative exemplifies why WHO established the mRNA Technology Transfer Programme – to foster greater research, development and production in low- and middle-income countries, so that when the next pandemic arrives, the world will be better prepared to mount a more effective and more equitable response.

Tedros said

According to a press release from Sinergium Biotech, apparently the WHO and the biotech firm were already in talks to produce an mRNA vaccine since late-April. The company, which includes 15 other members of the WHO’s mRNA Technology Transfer Program and the main multilateral development banks, met in Washington D.C. to discuss and “strengthen vaccine manufacturing capacity in low- and middle-income countries, as well as a key platform for stakeholders to explore investment opportunities.”

The company said: “The meeting contributed to promoting alliances and fostering bridges between financial and manufacturing institutions, to build a future in which developing countries are not only prepared for future crises but become leaders in innovative solutions for global public health.”

Claudia Nannei, WHO Senior Program Manager, said that the WHO MRNA Technology Transfer Program allows for participating partners to share information and knowledge to create and share mRNA technology, and guarantees that “facilities will have to produce both pandemic and non-pandemic products to ensure long-term sustainability.”

Dr Alejandro Gil, Chief Executive Officer of Sinergium, also praised the recent agreement to generate new mRNA vaccines.

Sinergium’s enhanced capacity and readiness to apply our expertise to H5N1 will play a vital role in this effort towards global pandemic preparedness. I would also like to thank PAHO who have also been instrumental through the strong support it offers to regional manufacturers in the Americas. We are excited to tackle this public health challenge and our R&D team will continue to work closely with the Programme Partners.

The specter of a deadly bird flu pandemic continues to be discussed by health officials and mainstream publications. Former CDC Director Robert Redfield has affirmatively warned at least five times publicly at this point that bird flu will be the “next pandemic,” which he says will be the cause of gain-of-function research escaping a lab, and thus will cause a mortality rate of 25-50%.

SEE: Former CDC Director Robert Redfield Adamantly Warns For 5th Time ‘We Will Have A Bird Flu Pandemic,’ Urges For Major Biosecurity Funding

Over a year ago, The WinePress reported that the WHO was warning that the world needed to pay special attention to a bird flu pandemic and create vaccines in preparation for what appears to be becoming a formality.

Dr. Tedros said at the time “we must prepare for any change in the status quo,” and that vaccines and antivirals will be ready and provided “for global use” if need be. At the time, pharmaceutical companies such as Merck were already working to create new avian flu shots.

This year, pharma giants are racing to make their own bird flu shots, including Pfizer and Moderna, who are in talks with the U.S. to produce mRNA vaccines to combat bird flu. The Biden administration announced a $176 million contract with Moderna to make these mRNA shots. Finland has already begun administering bird flu vaccines to select groups at risk of infection.

SEE: Two Bird Flu Summits Discussing Pandemic And Mitigation Risks Set To Take Place In October


To be clear: I think this is all propaganda and a smokescreen. There is no lab-leak, there is no virus (Covid or bird flu), the tests being used are garbage and not designed for acute respiratory disease (according to the inventor of the PCR, Nobel Prize winner Kary Mullis). ‘They’ need a cover story. They can’t just come out say, ‘We’re going to kill all your cattle, pigs, and chickens so we can starve you, and make you eat our cricket burgers, and make you anemic and impoverished so you’ll beg to receive digital IDs, CBDCs, and tokenization.’ No, they don’t just tell you their real goal; they need a cover story.

But, just as with the Covid scam, they simply have to speak it into existence and it is now so, and people obey it. The media is the “son” of this unholy trinity of the military industrial complex, where the “father” government says, “This is my beloved Son, in whom I am well pleased; hear ye him,” if you get my allegory there. I’m not trying to scare you, I’m trying to WARN you and help you see through the bull crap! But, alas, most will refuse to get it.

The media always does this; they always lay the groundwork and carefully layout the traps for the narrative they want to push, so when it shifts into high gear the masses will be primed to accept it. It’s called predictive programming.

I have been warning for years now that bird flu appeared to be the darling narrative these elites would go with for the next pandemic, and now it seems to be totally undeniable at this point and why: to justify mass-culling of livestock, wildlife and pets, vaccinate them all to death; overregulate and consolidate farms more than they already are; yank meat and dairy from the shelves, hike the prices, tax it like crazy, limit consumption; and claim plenty of human lives as well. Dr. Joseph Mercola has cited my opinion on this in a piece he wrote on this also a couple of years ago.

1 Timothy 4:1 Now the Spirit speaketh expressly, that in the latter times some shall depart from the faith, giving heed to seducing spirits, and doctrines of devils; [2] Speaking lies in hypocrisy; having their conscience seared with a hot iron; [3] Forbidding to marry, and commanding to abstain from meats, which God hath created to be received with thanksgiving of them which believe and know the truth.

The question is how much of this will come in before the U.S. [s]elections in 2024, or do ‘they’ decide to let the dogs out after it? As it stands, I personally see us getting through this year and then allowing all of this to transpire in 2025 in confluence with a host of other issues (economic collapse, world and domestic war, food shortages, etc.).

[7] Who goeth a warfare any time at his own charges? who planteth a vineyard, and eateth not of the fruit thereof? or who feedeth a flock, and eateth not of the milk of the flock? [8] Say I these things as a man? or saith not the law the same also? [9] For it is written in the law of Moses, Thou shalt not muzzle the mouth of the ox that treadeth out the corn. Doth God take care for oxen? [10] Or saith he it altogether for our sakes? For our sakes, no doubt, this is written: that he that ploweth should plow in hope; and that he that thresheth in hope should be partaker of his hope. (1 Corinthians 9:7-10).

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  • Ain’t feminism great! Ain’t it great to know that Women will always be in the majority and now that they have the right to vote AND hold public office, we can count on having a continuous supply of homosexuals, feminists, Communists and globalist politicians such as Trump, Biden, Harris, Obama, Clinton and Bush until the day the system dies, breaks up and sinks like Titanic.

    I heard one guy say that he wanted to get married, but he couldn’t find a woman that made enough money to pay him the alimony he thought he deserved.

  • Hmm…
    How do they know what the next pandemic is going to be?
    I smell a scamdemic…
    Or could big pharma actually stoop so low as to creat a man made bird flu virus using “gain of function” controls to modify the virus for the purpose of selling custom mRNA “vaccines”?

  • So the last Plandemic didn’t kill off enough of world population the last time. How many are going to fall for the same BS and seek hospital treatments and multiple Bird Flu bioweapon death shots? Are they going to use the seasonal flu again as the supposed deadly Bird Flu? All I can say is go with the fear porn little leftist Democrats and get all your shots. Believe the propaganda pushed by the Government, the medical system and believe the fear porn from the Mockingbird Media. I know the Globalists will be happy as they march us onward to the Globalist Socialist Police State. Let’s hope the good side win and we take back the country and the world.

  • So the last Plandemic didn’t kill off enough of world population the last time. How many are going to fall for the same BS and seek hospital treatments and multiple Bird Flu bioweapon death shots? Are they going to use the seasonal flu again as the supposed deadly Bird Flu? All I can say is go with the fear porn little leftist Democrats and get all your shots. Believe the propaganda pushed by the Government, the medical system and believe the fear porn from the Mockingbird Media. I know the Globalists will be happy as they march us onward to the Globalist Socialist Police State. Let’s hope the good side win and we take back the country and the world.

  • Eating insects is technically eating meat, because insects are animals. I guess that the globalist forgot about that part when they urged people to eat bugs to save the planet. I guess they want us to be insectivores (they are carnivores that eat insects).

  • Well, if people would stop being such scaredy cats about everything and just do a little research, the govts. wouldn’t get a way with any of these scams. But no, they’re glued to their MSM channels, so I’m sure we’ll have a nice little repeat of all this. Wonderful. I’m just thrilled. Ugh!!

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